Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN

Page created by Louise Berry
Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
South East VET
Cluster VET
Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN

P.O Box 7050
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Dandenong VICTORIA 3175

T (03) 9794 6921
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Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Table of

           WHAT IS THE SOUTH EAST LLEN?                          5

           WHAT ARE VET COURSES?                                 6

           ARTS AND MEDIA                                        8
           Certificate II Applied Fashion Design & Technology    9
           Pathways for Applied Fashion Design & Technology

           Certificate III in Screen and Media                   10
           Pathways for Screen and Media

           Certificate II in Dance with units from Cert III      11
           Pathways for Dance

           Certificate III in Music (Sound Production Stream)
           (Performance Stream)                                  12
           Pathways for Music

           Certificate III in Visual Arts                        13
           Pathways in Visual Arts

Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Table of

              HEALTH & EDUCATION                                                                                          22
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation   15
Pathways for Automotive Studies                             Certificate III in Health Services Assistance                 23
                                                            Pathways for Health Services Assistance (Partial Completion)

BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION                               16   Certificate II in Community Services                          24

                                                            Certificate III in Community Services (Partial Completion)    24
Certificate II in Building & Construction
                                                            Pathways for Community Services
(Carpentry) (Pre Vocational)                          17
Pathways for Building & Construction (Carpentry)
                                                            Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care           25
                                                            Pathways for Early Childhood Education & Care
Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
with selected units from Certificate III              18
Pathways for Furniture Making
                                                            ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICAL                                      26
Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre- Apprenticeship)      19
Pathways for Plumbing                                       Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)            27
                                                            Pathways for Electrotechnology (Career Start)

                                                            Certificate II in Integrated Technologies                     28
BUSINESS20                                                 Pathways for Integrated Technologies

Certificate II in Business with selected units
from Certificate III                                  21
Pathways for Business Administration                        ENGINEERING29
                                                            Certificate II in Engineering Studies                         30
                                                            Pathways for Engineering Studies

Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Certificate II in Kitchen Operations                          32   Certificate III in Beauty Services                     40
                                                                    Pathways for Beauty Services
Certificate II in Hospitality                                 32
                                                                    Certificate II in Salon Assistant with selected units
Certificate III in Patisserie                                 33
                                                                    in SHB30115 Certificate III in Beauty Services         41
Pathways for Hospitality
                                                                    VCE VET Hair and Beauty Program

                                                                    Certificate II in Salon Assistant                      42
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                        34   Pathways for Salon Assistant

Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology   35   Certificate II in Retail Services                      43
Pathways for Information, Digital Media and Technology
                                                                    Pathways for Retail

Certificate III in Information, Digital Media
and Technology (Partial Completion)                           35
Pathways for Information, Digital Media and Technology              SPORTS & RECREATION                                    44
                                                                    Certificate III in Sport & Recreation                  45
                                                                    Pathways for Sport & Recreation
PRIMARY INDUSTRIES                                            36
Certificate II in Equine Studies                              37
Pathways for Equine Studies

Certificate II in Animal Studies                              38
Pathways for Animal Studies

Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
South East LLEN
The South East Local Learning and Employment Network                   WHAT IS THE LLEN?
(South East LLEN) is a community managed regional
                                                                       Established in 2001 as a result of a recommendation from the Kirby
network made up of local organisations in Melbourne’s                  Report, the South East Local Learning and Employment Network
South East, interested in working to give young people a               (South East LLEN) was developed to bring together educators,
better go at successfully moving through the education                 employers, industry, welfare agencies, local government and non-
system to employment.                                                  government organisations.

Our network membership includes approximately 250 members,             Under the current funding agreement South East LLEN is funded by
including organisations such as schools, TAFEs, local businesses and   the Victorian Government.
youth welfare agencies, as well as individuals.                        The core objective of a LLEN is to improve participation, engagement,
We DO NOT charge young people or our members any fees to be a          attainment and transition outcomes for young people within its
member or try to sell them anything.                                   geographic boundaries.

We DO work with our network members to develop sustainable             A LLEN also has a particular focus on those young people who are at
partnerships between education providers, business and industry,       risk of disengaging or who have already disengaged from education
community groups and parents and families that will benefit student    and training and are not in meaningful employment.
participation, retention, attainment and transition.


Researching within the local region (City of Casey, Cardinia Shire
and the City of Greater Dandenong) to identify systemic gaps in
education and services to young people and developing sustainable
partnerships between our members to address participation,
attainment, retention and transition issues.
The South East LLEN is governed by a Board of Directors elected by
the membership of the network. The Board of Directors is made up
of 10-12 people representing a range of education, community and
industry providers. Half of the elected Board positions are renewed
at the Annual General Meeting of the Association (usually held in
May each year).

Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
What are VET courses?
Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VET)                           VET PROGRAMS OFFER:
programs are designed to expand opportunities and
                                                                             • a nationally recognised vocational certificate with credits built in
pathways for senior secondary students, and improve                            just like other subjects
post compulsory educational outcomes as well as address
                                                                             • counts towards the VCE & VCAL Certificates
the employment needs of industry in Victoria.
                                                                             • contributes to the ATAR or study score
Introduced in 1994, VET programs are comprised of nationally                 • training in a specific industry area
recognised VET certificates undertaken by senior secondary students
                                                                             • an opportunity to put knowledge and skills into practice in a
as part of their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian
                                                                               simulated or actual workplace environment known as Structured
Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). They provide a vocationally
                                                                               Workplace Learning (SWL)
oriented program of studies leading to a secondary school certificate.
                                                                             • a qualification which will provide access to further training
                                                                             • improved chances of getting work when finishing school
                                                                             • offer a pathway into apprenticeships and traineeships


The Home-Host School Model of VET delivered across the South East            The HOST school is the school or provider who opens their VET
is a single organisational unit that ensures that young people have          enrolments to any student in the region thereby ‘hosting’ the student
access to a broad range of affordable and local VET programs within          who is enrolled at another school or agency. The HOME school is the
their community.                                                             school or agency at which the student is enrolled for the bulk of their
                                                                             secondary studies.
The Home-Host School Model was set up in response to high
demand which was hampered by the local cost of undertaking a                 Enrolments in these ‘Home-Host’ School VET programs are
VET course. The model has enabled every student in the South East            coordinated through the South East LLEN as an ‘honest broker
region to access over 50 different VET certificates, including those         intermediary’ with courses taking place on agreed days of the week.
courses available through TAFEs and private Registered Training              Over the past six years the South East LLEN , working in partnership
Organisations (RTOs).                                                        with local schools and RTOs, has been able to facilitate agreements
                                                                             between schools on amounts of program deposits, timing of
The Home-Host School Model relies on VET programs being offered
                                                                             enrolments and enrolment cut off dates.
by providers (mostly schools who are either RTOs in their own right,
or are auspiced by local RTOs to deliver VET programs) to be open and        The Home-Host School Model ensures that smaller schools in the City
available to any student in the region who wishes to enrol. These Host       of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey and Cardinia Shire can access
Schools VET programs are delivered in a separate way to ‘internal’ VET       high quality VET courses even though they may have only one or two
courses which schools offer only to their enrolled students.                 students who are interested in vocational programs.

Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Host school/non-school
provider locations

The South East LLEN Web                         Alkira Secondary College       Hillcrest Christian College    Officer Secondary College
                                                15 Nuture Street               500 Soldiers Road,             1 Parker Street
Portal is an innovative,
                                                Cranbourne North 3977          Clyde North VIC 3978           Officer 3809
dynamic and paperless
system which supports
the growth for increased                        Berwick College                Kambrya College                illinvest Ltd.
                                                Manuka Road,                   68 Bemersyde Drive             89 Cheltenham Road,
participation of young
                                                Berwick VIC 4687               Berwick VIC 3806               Dandenong VIC 3175
people in VET courses.
The South East LLEN                             Cranbourne Secondary College   Keysborough Secondary          St.John’s Regional College
Web Portal streamlines                          Stawell Street                 College                        Caroline Street,
                                                                               Banksia Campus, Janine Rd,
all VET application and                         Cranbourne 3977                                               Dandenong VIC 3175
                                                                               Springvale South VIC 3172
administration procedures
and is available for                            Dandenong High School                                         St. Peter’s College
VET Coordinators in                             Princes Highway,               Lyndhurst Secondary College    Clyde North Campus
                                                                               950 South Gippsland Highway,   55 Mackillop Way,
member schools.                                 Dandenong VIC 3175
                                                                               Cranbourne VIC 3977            Clyde North VIC 3978
Disclaimer                                      Foundation Learning Centre
All course details and delivery arrangements    (formerly Narre Community      Narre Warren South             St. Peter’s College
contained in this Handbook are correct at       Learning Centre)               P12 College                    Cranbourne Campus
the time of printing.
                                                1 Malcolm Court                Amberley Park Drive            1005 Cranbourne-Frankston Rd.
Programs are subject to change. Revision to
some Training Packages may see a changed        Narre Warren VIC 3805          Narre Warren South VIC 3805    Cranbourne West VIC 3977
VCEVET program structure for some courses
from 2020. All updates to the programs
will be included in the future edition of the
VCAA Bulletin. Final arrangements will be
                                                Hallam Senior College          Nazareth College
confirmed in February 2021.                     Frawley Road,                  Manning Drive
Units may change from year to year              Hallam VIC 3803                Noble Park North VIC 3174
subject to instructions from VCAA
(Victorian Curriculum Assessment
Authority). Students should refer to
individual school’s course brochures.

Cluster VET Handbook 2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Arts and Media


Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design & Technology

AIM                                                                        UNITS OF STUDY MAY INCLUDE:

Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology                    • Work in the TCF industry             • Work Safely
is a two year qualification that provides participants with                • Identify design process for          • Apply quality standards
the knowledge and skills to achieve units of competency                      fashion designs                      • Participate in environmentally
that will enhance their employment prospects in fashion                    • Identify fibres, fabric and            sustainable work practices
or fashion related industries. This qualification will enable                textiles used in the TCF             • Draw and interpret a basic
participants to gain a recognised credential and make                        industry                               sketch
a more informed choice of vocation and career path as                      • Produce a simple garment             • Design and produce a simple
well as expose them to skills, such as design, sewing and                  • Use steaming and pressing              Garment
pattern making.                                                              equipment in TFC production          • Use a sewing machine for
                                                                           • Prepare and produce a                  fashion design
                                                                             complex whole garment from
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY                                                                                               • Modify patterns to create basic
                                                                             specifications                         styles
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                 DAY & TIME
                                                                           STRUCTURED WORKPLACE LEARNING
Berwick College                    Wednesday 8.30am – 12.30pm
RTO: Box Hill Institute            (Units 1 & 2)                           A minimum of 80 hours is strongly recommended.

                                    Wednesday 1.00pm – 5.00pm
                                   (Units 3 & 4)


VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Strand and/
or Work Related Strand.
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for six units:
four Units at 1 & 2 and a Units 3 & 4 sequence.
ATAR: Students who receive a Units 3 and 4 sequence may be eligible
for a 10% increment.

PATHWAYS FOR APPLIED FASHION                      WHERE NEXT                                         POSSIBLE FUTURE CAREER PATHS
                                                  On achievement of the Certificate II in            • Fashion Designer
Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design &        Applied Fashion Design & Technology,               • Interior Designer
Technology will provide students with an          students may undertake further training and
award that articulates directly into higher                                                          • Tailor
                                                  assessment including:
level qualification in clothing production.                                                          • Dress Maker
                                                  • Certificate III in Applied Fashion and
Students who successfully complete this                                                              • Milliner
program will gain:                                                                                   • Costume Designer
                                                  • Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design
• A Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design &      and Technology                                   • Patternmaker
  Technology                                      • Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and
• Opportunities for self-employment and             Technology
  career pathways into textiles, clothing &       • Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion
  footwear industries.                              Design and Technology


Certificate III in Screen and Media

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                     PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE                        SCREEN AND MEDIA
This qualification forms part of the Film,
TV, Radio and Multimedia Training Package. It is designed               Some units of 1st Year             Students who successfully
                                                                                                           complete this program
to reflect the role of people working in the multimedia                 • Develop and extend critical
                                                                                                           will gain:
industry as assistants who perform basic duties such                      and creative thinking skills
as assisting in updating a web page, assisting with a                   • Work effectively in the screen   • Basic entry level skills and
design brief, assisting with animation, capturing and                     and media industries               knowledge for work in the
                                                                                                             media industry
manipulating images and assisting with video production.                • Follow occupational health
                                                                          and safety procedures            • Certificate III in Screen and
CERTIFICATE III IN SCREEN AND MEDIA                                     • Produce and prepare photo
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                DAY & TIME                                                              WHERE NEXT
                                                                        • Follow a design process
Hallam Senior College              Thursday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC         • Maintain interactive content     On completion students may
RTO: COLLARTS                      (Units 1 & 2)                                                           undertake further training
                                                                                                           and assessment including:
                                   Tuesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC          Some units of 2nd Year
                                   (Units 3 & 4)                                                           • Certificate IV in Interactive
                                                                        • Create 2D digital animations
                                                                                                             Digital Media
                                                                        • Write content for a range of
CONTRIBUTION TO                                                                                            • Bachelor of Multimedia and
                                                                                                             Digital Arts
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand   • Explore and apply the creative
                                                                                                           • Bachelor of Design (Digital
and/or the Work Related Skills Strand.                                    design process to 2D form
                                                                                                             Media Design)
                                                                        • Author interactive sequences
For students undertaking the VCE VET program:                                                              • Advanced Diploma of
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for up to four units of    • Create visual design               Screen and Media
credit at Units 1 & 2 level and a Units 3 and 4 sequence.                 components
                                                                                                           • Bachelor of Arts (Games
ATAR: Scored assessment is available for this program.                                                       and Interactivity)
                                                                        WORKPLACE LEARNING
                                                                                                           POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                        80 hours is highly recommended.    CAREER PATHS

                                                                                                           • Graphic Designer
                                                                                                           • Publisher
                                                                                                           • Media Producer
                                                                                                           • Editor
                                                                                                           • Photographer
                                                                                                           • Screen Printer
                                                                                                           • Webpage Designer


Certificate II in Dance with partial
completion of Certificate III

AIM                                                                      UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                         MAY INCLUDE                         DANCE
Certificate II in Dance with partial completion of
Certificate III enables the learner to develop the                       Some units of Cert II               Students who successfully
                                                                                                             complete this program
knowledge and skills to participate in a variety of                      • Develop basic level of
                                                                                                             will gain:
dance routine roles. It provides the fundamental skills                    physical condition for dance
in a number of specialised dance disciplines. It also                      performance                       • Basic entry level skills and
aims to provide young people with the technical and                      • Develop basic dance                 knowledge for work in the
                                                                                                               dance or entertainment
performance skills, knowledge and attitude to begin the                    techniques
process of establishing a career in the entertainment                    • Follow basic safe dance
industry.                                                                  practices                         • Certificate II in Dance
                                                                         • Work effectively with others
                                                                                                             WHERE NEXT
CERTIFICATE II IN DANCE WITH PARTIAL                                     • Perform basic jazz dance
COMPLETION OF CERTIFICATE III                                              technique                         On completion of Certificate
                                                                         • Perform basic contemporary        II in Dance students may
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                 DAY & TIME                                                               undertake further training
Cranbourne Secondary College        Tuesday 12.30pm – 5.00pm                                                 and assessment including:
                                                                         • Perform basic street dance
RTO: Ausdance                       (Units 1 & 2). 2nd Year in 2022        technique                         • Certificate III in Dance
Dandenong High School               Wednesday 9.00am – 3.20pm                                                • Various Diplomas &
                                                                         Some units of Cert III
RTO: Ausdance                       (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)                                                       Advanced Diplomas
                                                                         • Prepare self for performance      • Various University Degrees
Narre Warren South p12 College      Friday 11.15am – 3.30pm
RTO: Ausdance                       (Units 1 & 2)                        • Incorporate artistic expression
                                                                           into basic dance performance      POSSIBLE FUTURE
Nazareth College                    Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.30pm
                                                                         • Develop and apply creative art    CAREER PATHS
RTO: Ausdance                       (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)
                                                                           s industry knowledge
                                                                                                             • Community Dance Worker
                                                                         • Develop audition techniques
                                                                                                             • Dance Teacher
CONTRIBUTION TO                                                          • Increase depth of jazz dance
                                                                                                             • Dance Therapist
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand                                        • Dancer
and/or the Work Related Skills Strand.                                   • Increase depth of street dance
                                                                           technique                         • Choreographer
For students undertaking the VCE/VET program:                                                                • Professional dancer
                                                                         • Increase depth of
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for up to six units of        contemporary dance
credit towards their VCE Up to four units at 1 & 2 level and a Units 3     techniques
and 4 sequence.
ATAR: Scored assessment is available for this program.
                                                                         WORKPLACE LEARNING

                                                                         40 hours is highly recommended.


Certificate III in Music Industry (Performance Stream)
(Sound Production)

AIM                                                                       UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR THE
                                                                          MAY INCLUDE                         MUSIC INDUSTRY
Performance Stream aims to provide students with a
broad based knowledge and skills required to work in the                  Some units of Certificate           Students who successfully
                                                                          III Music Industry                  complete this program
music industry in a range of areas like performance and
                                                                          (Performance)Implement              will gain:
composition if they take up Certificate III in Music.                     copyright arrangements              • Basic entry level skills and
Sound Production aims to provide students with broad                      • Develop technical skills in         knowledge for work in the
based knowledge and skills required to work in the music                    performance                         music industry
industry in a range of areas such as recording and mixing                 • Contribute to health and
                                                                            safety of self and others         WHERE NEXT
and editing sound sources.
                                                                          • Develop ensemble skills for       On completion students may
                                                                            singing & playing music           undertake further training
                                                                          • Perform music as part of a        and assessment including:
                                                                            group or soloist
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                 DAY & TIME                                                                • Certificate IV in Music
                                                                          • Apply knowledge of genre to         Industry
Hallam Senior College               Performance                             music making
                                                                                                              • Diploma of Music Industry
RTO: COLLARTS                       TBC (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)              • Develop improvisation skills
                                                                                                              • Advanced Diploma of Music
                                    Sound Production                      • Prepare for performances            Industry
                                    TBC (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)
                                                                                                              • Various University Degrees
Narre Warren South P12 College      Performance                           Some units of Certificate
RTO: COSAMP                         Wednesday 1.15pm – 5.30pm             III Music Industry (Sound           POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                    (Units 1 & 2)                         Production)Work effectively         CAREER PATHS
                                                                          with others
                                    Friday 11.15am – 3.30pm                                                   • Music Technician
                                                                          • Manage own work and learning
                                    (Units 3 & 4)                                                             • Studio teacher
                                                                          • Source and apply entertainment
                                    Sound Production                        industry knowledge                • Sound and Lighting
                                    Wednesday 11.15am – 3.45pm                                                  Technician
                                                                          • Assist with sound recordings
                                    (Units 1 & 2)                                                             • Stage Manager
                                                                          • Perform basic sound editing
Nazareth College                    Performance                                                               • Digital Audio Technician
                                                                          • Record and mix basic music demo
RTO: COLLARTS                       Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.30pm                                                 • Sound Engineer
                                    (Units 1 & 2, 3 &4)                   • Select and manage microphone
                                                                            and other audio input sources     • Music Management
St. Peter’s College                 Performance                                                               • Band Member
                                                                          • Set up and disassemble audio
Clyde North Campus                  Wednesday 9.00am – 3.20pm
RTO: COSAMP                         (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)
                                                                          • Operate sound reinforcement
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                            systems
                                                                          • Install and disassemble audio
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand       equipment
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.
                                                                          • Mix music in a studio
For students undertaking the VCE/VET program:                               environment
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for up to five units of      • Manage audio input sources
credit towards their VCE. Up to three units at Unit 1 & 2 and a Units 3
and 4 sequence.                                                           STRUCTURED
                                                                          WORKPLACE LEARNING
ATAR: Scored assessment is available for this program.
                                                                          40 hours is strongly


Certificate III in Visual Arts

AIM                                                                        UNITS OF STUDY
                                                                           MAY INCLUDE
Certificate III in Visual Arts aims to provide students
with the skills and knowledge required to enhance their                    • Participate in OHS processes
employment prospects in a visual arts environment                          • Develop drawing skills to
or related industry. The focus is on painting, sculpture,                    communicate ideas
digital photography, design and drawing.                                   • Produce creative work
                                                                           • Produce digital images
                                                                           • Apply knowledge of history
                                                                             and theory to own work
                                                                           • Document the work progress
Hallam Senior College              Tuesday 1.50pm – 5.10pm TBC             • Produce drawings
RTO: Chisholm Institute            (Units 1 & 2)
                                                                           • Produce paintings
                                   Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC
                                   (Units 3 & 4)


VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.
VCE: Partial or full completion of this program may contribute via
Block Credit recognition to completion of the VCE.
ATAR: Where a Units 3 & 4 sequence is achieved towards the VCE
it may provide a 10% increment towards the ATAR, subject to
VTAC policies.

PATHWAYS FOR VISUAL ARTS                         WHERE NEXT                                        POSSIBLE FUTURE CAREER PATHS

Students who successfully complete this          On completion of the Certificate III in Visual    • Creative arts
program will gain:                               Arts students may undertake further training      • Public art
                                                 and assessment including:
• Basic entry level skills and knowledge for                                                       • Any art administration role
  working the visual arts industry               • Certificate IV in Visual Arts (Folio            • Visual artist
• Certificate III in Visual Arts                   Development)
                                                                                                   • Illustrator
                                                 • Diploma in Visual Arts (Fins Arts)
                                                                                                   • Concept artist
                                                 • Diploma in Visual Arts (Illustration)
                                                                                                   • Set painter
                                                                                                   • Art therapist



Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation

AIM                                                                         UNITS OF STUDY                   PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                            MAY INCLUDE                      AUTOMOTIVE STUDIES
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation is
designed to                                                                 1st Year                         The Certificate II in
                                                                                                             Automotive Vocational
• P
   rovide students with theoretical and practical skills required in the   • Apply safe work practices
                                                                                                             Preparation will provide
  automotive industry                                                       • Job seeking skills             students with “work ready”
• P
   rovide opportunities for students to make a more informed choice        • Use and maintain workplace     knowledge and skills
  regarding career paths in the automotive industry                           tools and equipment            applicable to a variety
• E nhance employment prospects for students interested in the             • Carry out industry research    of career paths in the
   automotive industry and provide a pathway into an automotive                                              automotive and allied
                                                                            • Participate in basic vehicle
   apprenticeship                                                                                            industries.
                                                                              servicing operations
                                                                            • Dismantle & assemble engine,   Students who successfully
CERTIFICATE II IN AUTOMOTIVE                                                  four stroke multi-cylinder     complete this program
VOCATIONAL PREPARATION                                                      • Remove & replace wheel and
                                                                                                             will gain:
HOST SCHOOL                         DAY & TIME                                tyre assemblies                • A Certificate II in
/NON SCHOOL PROVIDER                                                                                           Automotive Vocational
                                                                            • Remove and refit steering
Hallam Senior College               Tuesday 1.30pm – 5.00pm TBC               assembly                         Preparation
RTO: Hallam Senior College          (Units 1 & 2)                                                            • Enhanced entry into an
                                                                            2nd Year                           Automotive Apprenticeship
                                    Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.00pm TBC
                                    (Units 3 & 4)                           • Dismantle and assemble         • Credit for a number of
                                                                              carburettor                      automotive modules
Lyndhurst Secondary College         Tuesday 1.00pm – 5.00pm
                                                                            • Dismantle and assemble fuel
RTO: Chisholm TAFE                  (Units 1 & 2)                                                            WHERE NEXT
                                    Tuesday 8.00am – 12.00pm                • Dismantle and assemble         On achievement of the
                                    (Units 3 & 4)                             engine, four stroke multi-     Certificate II in Automotive
                                    Wednesday 8.00am – 12.00pm                cylinder (petrol)              Vocational Preparation
                                    (Units 1 & 2)                           • Remove and replace clutch      students may undertake
                                                                              assembly                       further training and
                                    Wednesday 1.00pm – 5.00pm
                                    (Units 3 & 4)                           • Remove and replace brake       assessment including:
                                                                              assembly                       • First year apprenticeship
                                    Friday 8.00am – 12.00pm
                                                                            • Remove and refit batteries     • Certificate III in Automotive
                                    (Units 1 & 2)
                                                                            • Use and maintain measuring       Administration
Skillinvest                         Wednesday 9.00am – 3.30pm                 equipment                      • Certificate III in Automotive
RTO: Skillinvest                    (Units 1 & 2)
                                                                            • Remove and replace cylinder      Electrical Technology
                                    Wednesday 9.00am – 3.30pm                 head                           • Certificate III in Automotive
                                    (Units 3 & 4)                           • Set up and use oxy-acetylene     Sales
                                                                              equipment                      • Certificate III in Automotive
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                                                               Body Repair Technology
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand       WORKPLACE LEARNING
                                                                                                             POSSIBLE FUTURE
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                                                           CAREER PATHS
                                                                            A minimum of 160 hours is
For students undertaking the VCE VET program:                               strongly recommended.            • Mechanic
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for four units of credit
towards their VCE: Two units at Units 1 & 2 and a Units 3 and 4                                              • Auto Electrician
sequence.                                                                                                    • Panel Beater
ATAR: Students who receive a Unit 3&4 sequence will be eligible                                              • Spray Painter
for a 10% increment towards ATAR.                                                                            • Spare Parts Manager
                                                                                                             • Automotive Engineer
                                                                                                             • Parts Interpreter

Building and


Certificate II in Building and Construction (Carpentry)
Pre-apprenticeship (Partial Completion)

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE                         BUILDING AND
Certificate II in Building and Construction (Carpentry)                                                     CONSTRUCTION
                                                                        1st Year
• P
   rovides students with the knowledge and skills that will enhance                                        Students who successfully
  their employment prospects in the building and construction           • Workplace safety and site         complete this program
  industry.                                                               induction                         will gain:
• Provides
  	       a pathway into a building and construction                   • Work safely in the construction
                                                                                                            • Basic entry level skills and
  apprenticeship.                                                         industry
                                                                                                              knowledge for work in the
                                                                        • Communications skills for the       building & construction
CERTIFICATE II IN BUILDING AND                                            construction industry               industry
CONSTRUCTION (CARPENTRY)                                                • Quality principles for the        • Certificate II in Building
HOST SCHOOL                        DAY & TIME                             construction industry               and Construction
/NON SCHOOL PROVIDER                                                    • Calculations for the                (Pre-apprenticeship)
Cranbourne Secondary College       Wednesday 12.30pm – 4.30pm             construction industry               (partial completion)
RTO: Skillinvest                   (Units 1 & 2)                        • Building structures
                                                                        • Carpentry hand tools              WHERE NEXT
Hallam Senior College              Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC
RTO: Hallam Senior College         (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)                 • Workplace documents and           • Further training and
                                                                          plans                               assessment pathways can
Kambrya College                    (Full Completion)
                                                                        • Basic setting out                   include:
                                   Wednesday 9.00am – 3.30pm            • Levelling                         • Enhanced entry into a
                                   (Units 1 & 2)                                                              Building & Construction
                                                                        • Sub-floor framing
                                   Friday 9.00am – 3.20pm                                                     apprenticeship
                                                                        • Provide basic first aid
                                   (Units 3 & 4)                                                            • Certificate III in General
                                                                        2nd Year                              Construction (Carpentry
Skillinvest (Full Completion)      Wednesday 9.00am – 3.30pm
                                                                                                              Framework, Form work,
RTO: Skillinvest                   (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)                 • Roof framing
                                                                                                            • Finishing) (Painting &
St.Peter’s College                 Wednesday 9.00am – 3.20pm            • Wall framing
                                                                                                              Decorating) (Bricklaying)
Cranbourne Campus                  (Units 1 & 2)                        • Basic environmental
RTO: AIET                                                                 sustainability in carpentry       POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                   Friday 9.00am – 3.20pm
                                   (Units 3 & 4)                        • External cladding                 CAREER PATHS
                                                                        • Installation of window and        • Building Site Administration
                                                                          door frames
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                                                            • Building Services
                                                                        • Interior fixing
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand                                       • Foremanship
                                                                        • Formwork for concreting
and/or Work Related Strand.                                                                                 • Building Inspection
                                                                        • Introduction to demolition
For students undertaking the VCE VET program                                                                • Contract Administration
                                                                        • Carpentry power tools
VCE: Five units at Units 1 & 2 and a Units 3 & 4 sequence.
                                                                        • Safe handling and use of plant
ATAR: Where a Unit 3 & 4 sequence is achieved towards the VCE it may      and selected portable power
provide a 10% increment towards the ATAR subject to VTAC policies.        tools
                                                                        • Introduction to scaffolding and
                                                                          working platforms

                                                                        WORKPLACE LEARNING

                                                                        A minimum of 80 hours is
                                                                        strongly recommended.


Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways with selected
units from Certificate III

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE                         FURNITURE MAKING
Certificate II in Furniture Making with units from
                                                                        1st Year                            Students who successfully
Certificate III aims to provide participants with the
                                                                                                            complete this program
knowledge and skills that will enhance their employment                 • Communicate in the workplace
                                                                                                            will gain:
prospects in the furnishing industry. The program covers                • Work in a team
broad based and core skills in Cabinet Making.                                                              • Basic entry level skills and
                                                                        • Work Safely
                                                                                                              knowledge for work in
                                                                        • Hand make timber joints             the cabinet making and
MSF20516 CERTIFICATE II FURNITURE                                       • Prepare surfaces for finishing      furnishing industry
MAKING PATHWAYS                                                         • Construct a basic timber          • Certificate II with units from
HOST SCHOOL                        DAY & TIME                             furnishing product                  Cert III in Furniture Making
Cranbourne Secondary College       Time / Day TBC                       • Join solid timber
                                                                                                            WHERE NEXT
RTO: TBC                           (Units 1 & 2)                        • Make measurements

Hallam Senior College              Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC        • Provide basic emergency life      On completion of two years
RTO: AIET                          (Units 1 & 2)                          support                           most units will give students
                                                                        • Hand make timber joints           some credit towards a
                                   Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC                                            Certificate III Furniture Making
                                   (Units 3 & 4)                        2nd Year                            (apprenticeship) courses
                                                                                                            in cabinet making, wood
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                        • Construct furniture using leg
                                                                                                            machining, upholstery and
                                                                          and rail method
                                                                                                            furniture finishing (polishing)
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand   • Read and interpret work
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                        documents                         • Certificate III in Furniture
For students undertaking the VCE VET program                            • Prepare cutting list from plans
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for up to five units         and job specifications            • Certificate IV in Furniture
towards their VCE: Three units at Units 1 & 2 and a Units 3 and 4                                             Design and Technology
                                                                        • Participate in environmentally
sequence.                                                                 sustainable work practices        • Diploma of Furniture
                                                                                                              Design and Technology
ATAR: Scored Assessment is available for this program.                  • Use furniture making hand and
                                                                          power tools                       • Bachelor of Design
                                                                        • Assemble furnishing
                                                                                                            POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                                                            CAREER PATHS
                                                                        • Undertake a basic furniture
                                                                          making project                    • Cabinet Maker
                                                                        • Make measurements and             • Upholsterer
                                                                          calculations                      • Furniture Designer and
                                                                        STRUCTURED                          • Furniture Restorer
                                                                        WORKPLACE LEARNING
                                                                                                            • Wood Machinist
                                                                        A minimum of 80 hours is            • Leather Worker
                                                                        strongly recommended
                                                                                                            • Soft Furnishing Maker
                                                                                                            • French Polisher


Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship)

AIM                                                                       UNITS OF STUDY MAY INCLUDE

Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship)                           1st Year                            2nd Year
provides students with pre-vocational training in the                     • Use pipes, fittings and           • Write simple documents
Plumbing Industry.                                                          fixtures to simulate plumbing     • Read and interpret plans and
                                                                            installations                       specifications
CERTIFICATE II IN PLUMBING                                                • Use basic plumbing hand tools     • Apply basic levelling
                                                                            and power tools                     procedures
HOST SCHOOLS                      DAY & TIME
                                                                          • Use basic electrical welding      • Produce technical drawings
Hallam Senior College             Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC             equipment and techniques
                                                                                                              • Provide basic emergency life
RTO: AGA                          (Units 1 & 2)                           • Perform basic oxy-acetylene         support
                                  Thursday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC              welding and cutting
                                                                                                              • Use basic plumbing hand tools
                                  (Units 3 & 4)                           • Fabricate simple plumbing
                                                                                                              • Use plumbing pipes, fittings
                                                                            pipe systems
Kambrya College                   Friday 9.00am – 3.30pm                                                        and fixtures to simulate
RTO: Chisholm TAFE                (Unit 1 & 2)                            • Apply basic sheet metal             plumbing installations
                                  Wednesday 9.00am – 2.30pm                                                   • Cut and penetrate building
                                                                          • Work safely in the construction     materials and structures
                                  (Units 3 & 4)
                                                                          • Read and interpret plans and
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                        STRUCTURED WORKPLACE LEARNING

VCE & ATAR: This is a VCE VET program. Students who recieve a             A minimum of 80 hours is strongly recommended.
Unit 3 & 4 sequence for any VCE VET plumbing will be eligible for an
increment towards their ATAR (10% of the lowest study score of the
primary four studies).

PATHWAYS FOR PLUMBING                            is provided through Registered Training          POSSIBLE FUTURE CAREER
                                                 Organisations, including TAFE. In Victoria,      PATHWAYS
Students who successfully complete this          plumbers must be registered with the
program will gain:                                                                                • Technical and sales representatives
                                                 Victorian Building Association Authority
                                                 (VBAA).                                          • Building supervisors
• Certificate II in Plumbing
  (Pre-apprenticeship)                                                                            • Building and construction managers
                                                 Post trade studies may be required to
                                                 fulfil registration requirements for more        • Plumbing inspectors
WHERE NEXT                                       specialised areas of work such as gasfitting,    • Hydraulic consultants
                                                 draining, hydraulics and fire protection.        • Technical teachers
To become a Plumber, you usually have to
complete an apprenticeship in Plumbing.          Post trade studies may include:                  • Estimators
Employers generally require students who                                                          • Building contract administrators
                                                 • Certificate III in Plumbing
have completed Year 10. Training is usually
                                                 • Certificate IV in Plumbing                     • Purchasing officers
on and off the job. Off the job training



Certificate II in Business with selected units from Certificate III

AIM                                                                            UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                               MAY INCLUDE                         BUSINESS
Certificate II in Business with units from Certificate III aims
to provide participants with the knowledge and skills                          1st Year                            The Certificate II in Business
                                                                                                                   will provide students with
to enhance their employment prospects within a broad                           • Contribute to health and safety
                                                                                                                   a certificate that articulates
range of business and industry settings. It will enable                          off self and others
                                                                                                                   directly into higher level
participants to gain a recognised credential and make a                        • Deliver a service to customers    qualifications in business
more informed choice of vocational and career paths.                           • Work effectively in a business    services.
                                                                                                                   Students who successfully
CERTIFICATE II IN BUSINESS                                                     • Process and maintain              complete this program
                                                                                 workplace information             will gain:
HOSTS/ NON SCHOOL                    DAY & TIME
PROVIDER AND RTO                                                               • Handle mail
                                                                                                                   • A Certificate II in Business
                                                                               • Communicate in the workplace        Administratiovn
Hallam Senior College                Day/Time TBC
RTO: IVET                            (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)                      • Produce simple word               • Credit for a number of
                                     with selected Units from Cert III           processed documents                 Business Administration
                                                                               • Create and use spreadsheets         modules
Foundation Learning Centre-          Wednesday 9.30am – 2.30pm
RTO: Foundation Learning             (Units 1 & 2)                             • Work effectively with others
Centre                               One year program (Cert II Units                                               WHERE NEXT
                                                                               2nd Year
                                     only) – No scored assessment                                                  On achievement of the
                                                                               • Participate in environmentally    Certificate II in Business,
                                                                                 sustainable work practices
CONTRIBUTION TO                                                                                                    students may undertake
                                                                               • Use business technology           further training and
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand          • Deliver and monitor a service     assessment in various
and/or the Work Related Skills Strand.                                           to customers                      business services areas
For students undertaking the VCE/VET program:                                  • Organise workplace                including:
VCE: Students who complete Certificate II in Business will be eligible           information                       • Business Administration
for up to four VCE units at Units 1 & 2. Students who complete                 • Design and produce business         Services
additional units from Certificate III in Business will be eligible for up to     documents                         • Business Information
five units towards their VCE. Three units at Units 1 & 2 and two units
                                                                               • Recommend products and              Services
at Units 3 & 4.
                                                                                 services                          • Business Management
ATAR: Scored assessment is available for this program.                         • Organise personal work              Services
                                                                                 priorities and development        • Human Resource
                                                                               STRUCTURED                          • Business Development
                                                                               WORKPLACE LEARNING

                                                                               A minimum of 80 hours is            POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                               strongly recommended.               CAREER PATHS

                                                                                                                   • Administration/Office
                                                                                                                   • Customer Service Officer
                                                                                                                   • Receptionist
                                                                                                                   • Information Officer
                                                                                                                   • Office Team Leader
                                                                                                                   • Roster Clerk

     Health and


Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
(Full Completion)

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE                         HEALTH SERVICES
These programs provides the skills and knowledge                                                            ASSISTANCE
required to provide assistance to health professionals.                 1st Year
                                                                                                            Students who successfully
                                                                        • Comply with infection control     complete this program
                                                                          policies and procedures
HLT33115 CERTIFICATE III IN HEALTH                                                                          will gain:
SERVICES ASSISTANCE (FULL COMPLETION)                                   • Communicate and work
                                                                                                            • Basic entry level skills and
                                                                          effectively in health
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO               DAY & TIME                                                                  knowledge for work in the
                                                                        • Interpret and apply medical         health services assistance
Hallam Senior College             Friday 1.50pm – 5.30pm                  terminology                         industry
RTO: IVET                         (Units 1 & 2)                         • Provide first aid                 • Certificate III in Health
                                  Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm             • Recognise healthy body              Services Assistance (Partial
                                  (Units 3 & 4)                           systems in a health care            Completion)
                                                                        • Assist with client movement       WHERE NEXT
                                                                        • Assist nursing team in an acute
                                                                                                            On completion students may
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand     care environment
                                                                                                            undertake further training
and the Work Related Skills Strand.
                                                                        • Transport clients                 and assessment including:
VCE: On successful completion students will be eligible for
                                                                                                            • Various Diplomas and
recognition of up to two Units 3 & 4 sequences.                         STRUCTURED
                                                                        WORKPLACE LEARNING                    Advanced Diplomas
ATAR: Contribution is 10% increment.                                                                        • Various University Degrees
Scored Assessment is available for this program.                        A minimum of 40 hours is
                                                                                                            • Diploma of Nursing
                                                                        strongly recommended.
                                                                                                            • Bachelor of Nursing

                                                                                                            POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                                                            CAREER PATHS

                                                                                                            • Assistant in nursing
                                                                                                            • Patient service attendant
                                                                                                            • Ward assistant
                                                                                                            • Pathology Collector
                                                                                                            • Medical Receptionist
                                                                                                            • Health Technician
                                                                                                            • Enrolled Nurse
                                                                                                            • Registered nurse

CHC22015                                                                CHC32015

Certificate II in                                                       Certificate III in Community
Community Services                                                      Services (Full Completion)

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                       PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE                          COMMUNITY
Certificate II/III in Community Services aims to provide                                                     SERVICES
participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve                   1st Year
                                                                                                             • Students who successfully
competencies that will enhance their employment                         • Prepare for work in the              complete this program
prospects in the community services or community                          community services industry          will gain:
services related industries.                                            • Communication with people
                                                                                                             • Basic entry level skills and
                                                                          assessing the services of the
                                                                                                               knowledge for work in the
CERTIFICATE II IN COMMUNITY SERVICES                                    • Follow the organisation’s
                                                                                                               community services or
                                                                                                             • children’s services
HOST/NON SCHOOL                    DAY & TIME                             policies, procedures and
PROVIDER AND RTO                                                                                               industries
                                                                        • Work with others                   • Certificate II or III in
Foundation Learning Centre      Wednesday 9.30am – 2.30pm
                                                                                                               Community Services
RTO: Foundation Learning Centre (Units 1 & 2)                           • Participate in WHS process
                                One year program                          Electives:
                                                                                                             WHERE NEXT
                                                                        • Work effectively with people
                                                                          with a disability                  • On completion students
CHC32015 CERTIFICATE III IN COMMUNITY                                   • Prepare for disability work          may undertake further
                                                                        • Ensure children’s health and         training and assessment
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                Day & Time                             safety                               including:
Hallam Senior College              Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC        • Work effectively in the            • Certificate III/IV in
RTO: Connect’n’Grow                (Units 1 & 2)                          community sector                     Community Services
                                                                        • Communicate with children          • Various Diplomas and
                                   Tuesday 1.50pm – 5.10pm TBC
                                                                        • Facilitate responsible               Advanced Diplomas
                                   (Units 3 & 4)
                                                                          behaviour                          • Various University Degrees
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                        2nd Year
                                                                                                             AREAS OF
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand   • Participate in OH&S processes      SPECIALISATION CAN
and/or the Work Related Skills Strand.                                  • Advocate for clients               INCLUDE:
VCE: On completion students may be eligible for up to five units of     • Work effectively with young        • Aged Care
credit towards their VCE. Up to three units at Units 1 & 2 (depending     people
                                                                                                             • Disability Work
on units chosen).                                                       • Undertake community sector
                                                                          work within own community          • Children’s Services
ATAR: Scored assessment available only for Certificate III in                                                • Child Protection
                                                                        • Work effectively in the leisure
Community Services.
                                                                          and health industry
                                                                        • Operate under a case work          POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                                                             CAREER PATHS
                                                                          frame work
                                                                                                             • Social Worker
                                                                                                             • Aged Care Attendant
                                                                        • Respond effectively to difficult
                                                                                                             • Childcare Assistant
                                                                          or challenging behaviour
                                                                                                             • Welfare Worker
                                                                        • Support group activities
                                                                        • Support community resources        • Youth Worker


Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
(Full Completion)

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                      PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE:                        EARLY CHILDHOOD
This qualification covers workers who use organisational                                                    EDUCATION AND
policies, procedures and individual children’s profiles to              • Participate in work, health &     CARE
plan activities and provide care to children, facilitating                                                  Students who successfully
their leisure and play and enabling them to achieve their               • Support the holistic
                                                                                                            complete this program
                                                                          development of children in
developmental outcomes.                                                                                     will gain:
                                                                          early childhood
                                                                        • Provide care for children         • Basic entry level skills
CERTIFICATE III IN EARLY CHILDHOOD                                      • Ensure the health and safety of
                                                                                                              and knowledge for work
EDUCATION & CARE                                                          children
                                                                                                              with children

HOST/NON SCHOOL PROVIDER DAY & TIME                                                                         • Certificate III in Early
                                                                        • Work within a legal and ethical
                                                                                                              Childhood Education
Foundation Learning Centre         Wednesday 9.00am – 3.00pm              framework
                                                                                                              and Care
RTO: Foundation Learning           First Year                           • Use an approved learning
Centre                                                                    framework to guide practice       WHERE NEXT
                                   Wednesday 9.00am – 3.00pm
                                   Second Year                          • Support the behaviour of
                                                                          children and young people         On achievement of the
                                   Two year program                                                         Certificate III in Early
                                                                        • Identify & respond to children
                                                                                                            Childhood Education and
                                                                          and young people at risk
                                                                                                            Care, students may undertake
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                        • Provide emergency first aid       further training and
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand     response in an education and      assessment including:
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                        care setting
                                                                                                            • Diploma of Early Childhood
VCE: Students may be eligible for up to two units at Unit 1 & 2 level   STRUCTURED                            Education and Care
and two Units 3 & 4 sequences.                                          WORKPLACE LEARNING
                                                                                                            POSSIBLE FUTURE
ATAR: Where a Unit 3 & 4 sequence is achieved towards the VCE           Compulsory 120 hours.               CAREER PATHS
it may provide a 10% increment towards the ATAR subject to
VTAC policies.                                                                                              • Childcare Assistant
                                                                                                            • Out of School Hours
                                                                                                            • Kindergarten Assistant
                                                                                                            • Family Day Carer
                                                                                                            • Nanny

     and Electrical


Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                     PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE:                       ELECTROTECHNOLOGY
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) aims to:                                                (CAREER START)
                                                                        1st Year                           Students who successfully
Provide participants with the knowledge and skills to
achieve units of competence that will:                                  • Apply OHS regulations, codes     complete this program
                                                                          and practices in the workplace   will gain:
• E nhance their employments prospects in the Electrotechnology        • Use of routine equipment/        • Basic skills and knowledge
   related industries                                                     plant/technologies in an           to enhance their entry level
• E nable participants to gain a recognised credential and make a        energy sector environment          employment prospects in
   more informed choice of vocation and career paths                    • Carry out routine equipment/       related industries
The Electrotechnology program reflects the new trends                     plant/technologies in an         • Certificate II in
emerging as a result of the convergence of information                    energy environment                 Electrotechnology (Career
and communications technology and electronics                           • Identify and select                Start)
technologies and their applications in industry.                          components, accessories and
                                                                          materials for energy sector      WHERE NEXT
                                                                          work activities
CERTIFICATE II IN ELECTROTECHNOLOGY                                     • Fabricate, assemble and
                                                                                                           On achievement of this
(CAREER START)                                                            dismantle utilities industry
                                                                                                           Certificate students may
                                                                                                           undertake further training and
HOST SCHOOLS AND RTO               DAY & TIME                             components
                                                                                                           assessment including:
Berwick College                    Wednesday 8.00am – 12.00pm           • Use computer applications
                                                                                                           • Certificate III in Electrical
RTO: AGA                           (Units 1 & 2)                          relevant to a workplace
                                                                                                             Machine Repair
                                   Wednesday 12.30pm – 4.30pm
                                                                        2nd Year                           • Certificate III in
                                   (Units 3 & 4)
                                                                        • Solve problems in multiple         Electrotechnology
St.Peter’s College                 Friday 8.00am – 12.00pm                                                   Electrician
                                                                          path d.c. circuits
Cranbourne Campus                  (Units 1 & 2)
                                                                        • Produce products for carrying    • Certificate III in
RTO: AGA                           Friday 12.30pm – 4.30pm
                                                                          out energy sector work             Electrotechnology Systems
                                   (Units 3 & 4)
                                                                          activities                         Electrician

                                                                        • Fix and secure                   • Certificate III in Engineering
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                                                             (Electrical Stream)
                                                                          electrotechnology equipment
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand   • Apply environmental and          • Certificate III in Renewable
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                        sustainable energy procedures      Energy ELV

                                                                        • Attach cords and plugs to        • Certificate IV in
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for up to five units
                                                                          electrical equipment               Electrotechnology
towards their VCE: Three units at Units 1 & 2 and two at Units 3 & 4.
                                                                                                             Renewable Energy
ATAR: Students who receive a Unit 3&4 sequence will be eligible for a
10% increment towards ATAR.                                             WORKPLACE LEARNING                 POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                                                           CAREER PATHS
                                                                        A minimum of 80 hours is
                                                                        strongly recommended.              • Electrical tradesperson
                                                                                                           • Electrician
                                                                                                           • Electrical Fitter
                                                                                                           • Refrigeration and Air-
                                                                                                           • Electrical Line worker
                                                                                                           • Electrical Cable Jointer
                                                                                                           • Electrotechnology
                                                                                                             Communications Technician
                                                                                                           • Electrotechnology Systems


Certificate II in Integrated Technologies

AIM                                                                      UNITS OF STUDY                    PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                         MAY INCLUDE:                      INTEGRATED
Certificate II in Integrated Technologies aims to:                                                         TECHNOLOGIES
                                                                         1st Year                          Students who successfully
• P
   rovide participants with the skills required by industries which
  broadly encompass: electrotechnology, information technology           • Carry out a shared              complete this program
  and security systems.                                                    technology project              will gain:
• P
   rovide participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve units   • Carry out routine               • Basic skills and knowledge
  of competence that will enhance their entry level employments            work activities in an             to enhance their entry level
  prospects in the Integrated Technology related industries.               electrotechnology                 employment prospects in
• E nable participants to gain a recognised credential and make a         environment                       related industries
   more informed choice of vocation and career paths.                    • Perform basic network/          • Certificate II in Integrated
                                                                           computer assembly                 Technologies.
CERTIFICATE II IN INTEGRATED                                             • Construct and configure a
TECHNOLOGIES                                                               basic robotic system            WHERE NEXT
HOST SCHOOLS AND RTO               DAY & TIME                            • Assemble and connect extra
                                                                                                           On achievement of the
                                                                           low voltage battery source.
Hallam Senior College              Thursday 1.25pm – 5.05pm                                                Certificate II in Integrated
RTO: Hallam Senior College         (Units 1 & 2)                         2nd Year                          Technologies students may
                                                                                                           undertake further training
                                   Tuesday 1.15pm – 4.55pm               • Identify and select             and assessment including:
                                   (Units 3 & 4)                           components,
                                                                           accessories, materials for      • First year apprenticeship
                                                                           electrotechnology work            in areas such as assembly
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                                                             and servicing or systems
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand    • Apply technologies and
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                         concepts to electrotechnology   • Certificate IV in Integrated
                                                                           work activities                   Technologies.
For students undertaking the VCE VET Program:
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for four units of credit    • Operate a small power supply
                                                                                                           POSSIBLE FUTURE
towards their VCE: Two units at Units 1 & 2 and two at Units 3 & 4.        system                          CAREER PATHS
                                                                         • Program a basic robotic
ATAR: Scored assessment is available for this program.                                                     • Electronics Engineer
                                                                                                           • Electrical Design Engineer
                                                                         STRUCTURED                        • Drafting Officer
                                                                         WORKPLACE LEARNING
                                                                                                           • Trades person
                                                                         A minimum of 80 hours is          • Digital Controls Technical
                                                                         strongly recommended.               Officer



Certificate II in Engineering Studies

AIM                                                                     UNITS OF STUDY                     PATHWAYS FOR
                                                                        MAY INCLUDE                        ENGINEERING STUDIES
Certificate II in Engineering Studies aims to provide:
                                                                        • Apply principles of O,H & S in   The Certificate II in
• P
   articipants with the knowledge and skills to achieve competencies     a work environment               Engineering Studies provides
  that will enhance their employment prospects in the Engineering       • Perform basic fabrication        pre employment training for
  or Engineering related industries.                                      techniques                       pathways into mechanical,
• P
   articipants with a recognised credential to make a more informed                                       fabrication, Automotive or
                                                                        • Perform basic computational
  choice of vocation and career paths.                                                                     electrical apprenticeships.
                                                                          principles in engineering
                                                                          work activities                  Students who successfully
CERTIFICATE II IN ENGINEERING STUDIES                                   • Produce basic engineering        complete this program
HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                DAY & TIME                             components and products          will gain:
                                                                          using fabrication and            • A Certificate II in
St.Peter’s College                 Monday 8.00am – 12.00pm
                                                                          machining                          Engineering Studies
Cranbourne Campus                  (Units 1 & 2)
RTO: Educational Living            Monday 12.30pm – 4.30pm              • Produce basic engineering
                                   (Units 3 & 4)                          sketches and drawings            WHERE NEXT
                                                                        • Using CAD and hand drawing
Cranbourne Secondary College       Tuesday 12.30pm – 5.00pm                                                On achievement of the
RTO: Skillinvest                   (Units 1 & 2) (3 & 4)                                                   Certificate II in Engineering
                                                                        • Report on a range of sectors     Studies students may
Officer Secondary College          Wednesday 9.25am – 2.30pm              in the manufacturing,            undertake further training
RTO: AIET                          (Units 1&2). No scored Assessment.     engineering and related          and assessment including:
                                                                                                           • Certificate III in Engineering
CONTRIBUTION TO:                                                        • Undertake a basic
                                                                                                             – Mechanical and
                                                                          engineering project
                                                                                                             Fabrication Trade
VCAL: This program contributes to the Industry Specific Skills Strand
and/or Work Related Skills Strand.                                      STRUCTURED                         • Certificate IV in Engineering
                                                                        WORKPLACE LEARNING                 • Diploma of Engineering
For students undertaking the VCE VET Program:
VCE: On completion students will be eligible for four units of credit   A minimum of 80 hours is           • Advanced Diploma of
towards their VCE: Two units at Units 1 & 2 and two at Units 3 & 4.     strongly recommended.                Engineering
                                                                                                           • Various University Degrees
ATAR: Scored assessment is available for this program.

                                                                                                           POSSIBLE FUTURE
                                                                                                           CAREER PATHS

                                                                                                           • Electrical Engineering
                                                                                                           • Fitter and Turner
                                                                                                           • Manufacturing Engineering
                                                                                                           • Boiler Maker
                                                                                                           • Metallurgical Engineer
                                                                                                           • Toolmaker
                                                                                                           • Mechanical Engineering
                                                                                                           • Automotive Engineering


SIT20416                                                              SIT20316

Certificate II in                                                     Certificate II in Hospitality
Kitchen Operations

AIM                                                                   CERTIFICATE II IN HOSPITALITY
Certificate II Kitchen Operations, Certificate II and                 HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                  DAY & TIME
Certificate III in Hospitality and Certificate III in Patisserie      St. John’s Regional College          Wednesday 11.00am – 3.30pm
aim to provide a general overview of the industry and                 RTO: AST                             (Units 1 & 2)
develop specific competencies in hospitality operational                                                   Note: May include some evening
skills, food preparation and presentation.                                                                 service periods on Thursday.
                                                                                                           Thursday 4.00pm – 9.30pm
                                                                                                           (Units 3 & 4) Scored Assessment
                                                                      St. Peter’s College                  Wednesday 9.00am – 3.20pm
Alkira Secondary College        TBC                                   Clyde North Campus                   (Units 1 & 2)
Hallam Senior College           Thursday 1.30pm – 5.10pm TBC          RTO: TBC                             2nd Year in 2022
RTO: Hallam Senior College      (Units 1 & 2)                         Foundation Learning Centre      Wednesday 9.30am – 2.30pm
                                Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm             RTO: Foundation Learning Centre (Units 1 & 2, 3 & 4)
                                (Units 1 & 2)                                                         Two year program
                                                                                                      No scored assessment
                                Wednesday 1.30pm – 5.10pm
                                (Units 3 & 4)

Kambrya College                 Wednesday 8.00am – 1.00pm             CERTIFICATE III IN PATISSERIE SIT31016
RTO: AIET                       (Units 1 & 2)                         PARTIAL COMPLETION
                                Wednesday 12.30pm – 5.30pm            HOST SCHOOL AND RTO                  DAY & TIME
                                (Units 3 & 4)                         St. John’s Regional College          Thursday 4.00pm – 9.30pm
St. John’s Regional College     Wednesday 11.00am – 3.30pm            RTO: AIET                            (Units 3 & 4)
RTO: AST                        (Units 1 & 2)                                                              Two year program
                                Note: May include some evening
                                service periods on Thursday. Finish   CONTRIBUTION TO :
                                times may vary depending on
                                                                      VCAL: These programs contribute to the Industry Specific Skills
                                restaurant bookings
                                                                      Strand and/or Work Related Skills Strand.
                                Thursday 4.00pm – 9.30pm
                                                                      For students undertaking the VCE VET program:
                                (Units 3 & 4)
                                                                      VCE: Partial or full completion of this program may contribute via
Keysborough College             Friday 9.00am – 12.00pm               Block Credit recognition to completion of the VCE.
Banksia Campus                  (Units 1 & 2)
                                                                      Certificate III in Patisserie – Partial or full completion of this program
                                Friday 12.30pm – 4.00pm               may contribute via Block Credit recognition to completion of the VCE.
                                (Units 3 & 4)
                                                                      ATAR: There is no scored assessment in CIII Hospitality. Scored
                                                                      assessment is only available in: Certificate II in Hospitality and
                                                                      Certificate II in Kitchen Operations .
                                                                      Certificate III in Patisserie – Block credit arrangements are available for
                                                                      this program.

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