Page created by Kenneth Cross
CFFK      2                                                                                                                                             UNSUNG HEROES 2022

       The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys is shining the spotlight on our community’s
       tireless volunteers who are the stars of our nonprofit organizations. Volunteers help supply food
       to children and families in need, perform in and staff theatrical productions, act as tour guides
       and docents, foster animals, mentor students, assist at homeless shelters, and so much more
       throughout the Keys.

       This year’s 22nd Annual Unsung Heroes celebration is sponsored by the Lower Keys Medical
       Center and promotes community service.

       David Clay, CEO of Lower Keys Medical Center, said, “The not-for-profit organizations and their
                                                                                                                                                         LIZ BONNESS
       volunteers being recognized are so vital to the health and well-being of our communities,                                                         HISTORY OF DIVING MUSEUM
       providing food, shelter, financial assistance and health and human services to our residents in                                                   An active volunteer, member and
       need. The Unsung Heroes event is our chance to celebrate the giving nature of the Keys and the              ANNE BARNETT                          supporter of the History of Diving
       people who work tirelessly to help their neighbors.”                                                        LOWER KEYS LEAGUE                     Museum for eight years, Liz Bon-
                                                                                                                   OF WOMEN VOTERS                       ness brings spirited enthusiasm
       Charitable organizations based in and serving the Florida Keys nominated their Volunteers of                Anne Barnett is a vital member        to projects and events. Using her
       the Year to be recognized. Congratulations to our 2022 Unsung Heroes.                                       of the Lower Keys League of           creative energy, Liz customizes
                                                                                                                   Women Voters board of directors       clever products to donate to the
       Your smiling face could be on these pages                                                                   where she serves as Communica-        Museum Store and sponsors sev-
       next year. To learn about our local charities                                                               tions Chair. Anne led the devel-      eral programs. We are extremely
       and find one or more that interest you, visit                                                               opment of the League’s Women’s        grateful for all she does.
       cffk.org/nonprofits                                                                                         Voters Centennial webpage that
                                                                                                                   celebrates exemplary women
                                                                                                                   past, present and future.

DANIELLE ALBURY                                                                                                                                          SHAYNE BRINDISI
DOLPHINS TO STOP                                                                                                                                         SAMUEL’S HOUSE
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (LIVING                                                   MS. JERILYN BARACK                     ERIKA BIDDLE                          Shayne Brindisi is a gifted
SPRINGS COUNSELING)                                                         ZONTA CLUB OF KEY WEST                 THE STUDIOS OF KEY WEST               elementary school teacher and
Danielle is so enthusiastic and                                             Jerilyn has enthusiastically led our   During the pandemic, we would         recently launched her own orga-
energetic. Her warm personal-          MRS. NANCY AMLING,                   organization with dedication and       not have been able to keep on         nization business SOS (Shayne’s
ity draws people to get to know        KEY WEST IMPROMPTU                   heart. She has kept our spirits        top of everything without Erika’s     Organization Solutions). This
her and things like Living Springs     CLASSICAL CONCERTS                   high in the face of obstacles          hard work and dedication. She         incredible board member has
Counseling that she truly cares        Nancy has been a continuing          brought on by the continued            was always willing to show up         given countless hours donating
about. Not only is she an ambas-       supporter of our concert series      threat of COVID, that have sig-        at a moment’s notice and jump         her time and skills to support our
sador for our nonprofit, she has       and has given generous financial     nificantly reduced our ability to      in. She is such a treasure to The     mission. Shayne is always willing
joined our Board and helps with        support over many years. Always      fundraise and gather together in       Studios of Key West.                  to help, no matter how daunting
every activity from grunt work         modest, her participation comes      fellowship. The best part about                                              the task. She goes above and
to helping to plan a memorial          from the heart with no thought       Jerilyn’s leadership is that she is                                          beyond to make our community a
service.                               of recognition. Nancy has been a     always the first to thank you for                                            better place.
                                       true friend to Impromptu and we      your efforts and give you a warm
                                       thank her with this honor.           big hug of affection.

                                                                                                                   SALLY BINARD
ROBERTO ALONZO                                                                                                     BAHAMA VILLAGE                        BRUCE BUSH
GOOD HEALTH CLINIC                                                                                                 MUSIC PROGRAM                         KEY WEST ART &
Roberto has served as a tire-                                                                                      Sally is a true treasure to BVMP!     HISTORICAL SOCIETY
less board member for Good                                                                                         She is always ready and willing to    Bruce donates his time as a
Health Clinic for 3 years, 2 years                                                                                 help and contribute in any way        docent at the Key West Museum
as Chairman. He gives of his                                                                                       she can with no questions asked.      of Art & History, Custom House
knowledge, time, and praise end-       PHIL & NANCY AMSTERDAM                                                      She has been a tremendous force       every Monday and Friday like
lessly. He inspires a productive       WESLEY HOUSE FAMILY SERVICES                                                on our board and keeps a fresh        clockwork! His love of Florida
and cohesive board and encour-         Nancy has been a long-time Board member for Wesley House. Both              pair of eyes to all situations. We    Keys history enhances our visitor
ages all the organization’s staff at   she and Phil have worked tirelessly for Wesley House. They have             are blessed to have someone like      experience exponentially and his
every interaction. He is a positive    hosted the Valentine’s Gala for 40 years and continue to volunteer their    her working with us and for the       weekly time spent at the museum
force for Good Health Clinic and       time, sponsor, and donate various items throughout each year. “No” is       children of the Bahama Village        is a great asset to the Key West
causes he puts effort into.            not in their vocabulary and we appreciate them so much!                     Music Program!                        Art & Historical Society.
UNSUNG HEROES 2022                                                                      COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                               3   CFFK

Kendall Cameron took up the
mantel of Light Designer for
Fringe Theater with no experi-
ence but lots of enthusiasm.          JOHN JOHNSON AND TAMMY COLLINS
In the last two years, she has        HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF THE MIDDLE KEYS
learned the principles of design,     John Johnson and Tammy Collins have been instrumental in our suc-
the mechanics of a light plot,        cesses and leading us as Board President and Board Secretary, respec-
and the programming of a very         tively, throughout the pandemic years. Their leadership and dedication
complicated light board. Fringe       to our mission have been such a Blessing as we embark on our largest
would literally be in the dark        build to date. As they come to the end of their tenure as a Board
were not for this unsung and very     Directors, we want to thank them for a wonderful 7 years.
talented Hero!

                                                                                                                                                       DENISE DOWNING
                                                                                                                                                       JUST OLDER YOUTH
                                                                                                                                                       Denise is one of the founders
                                                                                                                                                       of Just Older Youth. Denise first
                                                                                                                                                       connected Keys To Peace with
                                                                                                                                                       the founders of JOY, and has
                                                                                                                                                       since served as the Vice President
                                                                                                                                                       of JOY, and a board member at
                                                                                                                  ROBERTA DEPIERO                      large. She is gifted at seeing the
                                      JAMES CORDELL                        MARYLOU DESMARAIS                      SISTER SEASON FUND                   threads that bind and strengthen
ROBERT H. CARDENAS                    KEYS AHEC HEALTH CENTER              KEY WEST TROPICAL FOREST               Roberta DePiero is a photogra-       the people of the Keys, and she is
REEF RELIEF                           James Cordell from Baptist           & BOTANICAL GARDEN                     pher at heart and during the pan-    a master at weaving us together
Bob Cardenas has served Reef          Health has served as the Keys        Marylou Desmarais came to the          demic shut down she was seen         to support the things that make
Relief for 10 years as a Board        AHEC Board Chair for the past        Garden as part of its Docent           about town taking shots of Key       us great as a community.
Member and past President. Due        3 years. During this time, he has    Training program in 2015. In the       West. She teamed up with other
to his 43 years in the real estate    encouraged staff in their work to    last 6 years she has led visitors on   photographers in town to create
business, and his formal educa-       expand medical services, open        guided tours sharing her knowl-        a coffee table photography book
tion as a Marine Biologist, he is     new sites and supported efforts      edge of the Garden’s native en-        entitled: Isolated Island: The Key
well qualified to see and under-      to build a brand new children’s      dangered plants and ecosystem.         West Covid-19 Spring of 2020.
stand all of the factors, economic    dental program. His leadership       As a volunteer Garden Guardian,        The profits were donated to
and environmental, that are af-       with the Board and staff has         she works to help trim, weed and       Sister Season Fund to assist their
fecting our Coral Reef system.        guided AHEC to better serve          care for the many plants.              mission here in Key West during
                                      medically needy children in the                                             this hardship time.
                                      Florida Keys.
                                                                                                                  RED BARN ACTORS STUDIO
                                                                                                                  Roberta DePiero is a highly
                                                                                                                  motivated person that has used       DONALD DOTZAUER
                                                                                                                  her powers for good! Since she       A.H. OF MONROE COUNTY
                                                                                                                  knows this island’s businesses       Donald is a man who never took
                                                                                                                  like the back of her hand, she       no for an answer as the 2021
                                                                                                                  has pulled together our program      team leader of the Key West Mile
                                                                                                                  sales and has matched sales from     Markers for The SMART Ride,
                                                                                                                  years ago before the pandemic.       which benefits HIV/AIDS Agen-
                                                                                                                  She goes above and beyond by         cies in Florida. Without a single
                                                                                                                  securing sponsorships and trades,    public fundraiser, his passion and
TOM CLEMENTS                                                               DR. GERALDINE DIETHELM                 because she cares about the Barn     compassion inspired his team-
FRIENDS OF THE                        MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM                   MARATHON WILD BIRD                     and everyone else she works for.     mates and community to rally
KEY WEST LIBRARY                      GUIDANCE/CARE CENTER                 CENTER                                                                      and gather over $240,000.
Up until his retirement last year,    Michael Cunningham has been a        Since the day she landed in the
Tom Clements volunteered on           volunteer for years on our Com-      Florida Keys in 1997, Dr. Geral-                                            FRIENDS OF THE
the Friends of the Key West           munity Action Council. This past     dine Diethelm has been a board              JOIN US IN BUILDING             AIDS MEMORIAL
Library board, serving as treasurer   year has been exceptional as he      member and the veterinarian for             A BRIGHTER FUTURE               Donald served as a board mem-
for 27 years. He was responsible      has provided COVID testing to        the Marathon Wild Bird Center.            FOR THE FLORIDA KEYS…             ber and treasurer for FOAM for 3
for initially computerizing the       our clients & employees which        Dr. Diethelm has provided medi-           IN PARADISE FOR GOOD.             years. In that short period of time
organization’s financial and mem-     included test kits and staff to      cal advice for thousands of wild            FIND OUT HOW AT                 Donald worked tirelessly to man-
bership records. Tom established      administer on site. He facilitated   birds, from bald eagles to baby             CFFK.ORG OR CALL                age the finances of the board,
and shepherded an investment          connections to organizations with    birds. Having recently retired, Dr.           305.292.1502.                 and to seek out and acquire
account which allows the Friends      the goal to increase access to       Diethelm now shares her love of                                             grants to enable the Key West
to make a generous annual dona-       and funding for behavioral health    gardening and painting with the                                             AIDS Memorial to function and
tion to support the library.          care.                                bird center.                                                                make improvements.
CFFK      4     COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                                                                UNSUNG HEROES 2022

                                                                                JOIN US IN BUILDING
                                                                                A BRIGHTER FUTURE
                                                                              FOR THE FLORIDA KEYS…
                                                                              IN PARADISE FOR GOOD.
                                                                                FIND OUT HOW AT
                                                                                CFFK.ORG OR CALL

SOUTHERNMOST HOMELESS                  LINDA FALK                                                                 ERIKA GOODMAN AND KRISTINA HELMS
ASSISTANCE LEAGUE                      FLORIDA KEYS CHILDREN’S                                                    PRESENTS IN PARADISE
Peter Dswonyk, a formerly              SHELTER                                                                    Together they manage to enter over 500 children onto Santa’s list.,
homeless Marine Corps veteran          Linda has provided continuous                                              helping to provide educational toys, musical instruments, sports
and passionate voice for the           support and advocacy as one                                                equipment, clothing and shoes to families in need during the holidays.
rights of unhoused people in our       of our most involved Board of                                              They provide tireless hours making sure each individual wish list is met.
community, was instrumental in         Directors for the Florida Keys
facilitating the transfer of shelter   Children’s Shelter over the last
management responsibilities to         several years. Linda Falk is such
Key West’s new operator, and           a tireless worker on our behalf,
contributes to SHAL’s evolving         whether it is resourcing for a
mission of advocacy for improved       current need, or just being there
quality of life for all members of     to hold a hand, Linda is our most
our community.                         treasured resource!                 NAJA GIRARD AND
                                                                           ARNAUD D’ALBISSIN
                                                                           LAST STAND
                                                                           Thank you to Naja Girard and
                                                                           Arnaud d’Albissin for their con-
                                                                           tinued support and advocacy to
                                                                           protect the fragile Keys environ-
                                                                           ment and the quality of life for
                                                                           all of our residents. Their tireless                                          STEPHANIE HELLSTROM
                                                                           advocacy to promote, preserve          KRIS GRIFFIN                           ANNE MCKEE ARTISTS FUND
                                                                           and protect the Florida Keys is        KEY WEST GARDEN CLUB                   OF THE FLORIDA KEYS
                                                                           the embodiment of Last Stand’s         Kris Griffin is truly the Energizer    Stephanie Hellstrom is a past
                                                                           mission statement and consonant        Bunny with a fun personality           President, perennial auction vol-
                                                                           with the day-to-day goals of our       that keeps everyone happy and          unteer and loyal Fund supporter.
ELLEN EISCH                            CHRISTOPHER & RYAN (NOT             board of directors.                    a work ethic that just keeps on        In addition to her duties as Presi-
FLORIDA KEYS HISTORY                   PICTURED) ELWELL                                                           going. In the propagation area         dent, she was responsible for the
& DISCOVERY CENTER                     FLORIDA KEYS COUNCIL                                                       of Key West Garden Club, her           publicity and press releases for
Ellen Eisch has been a volunteer       OF THE ARTS                                                                energy is focused on making new        the call to artists, auction and the
since 2014 at Keys History &           Christopher & Ryan Elwell con-                                             plants and keeping them weed           grant submissions and awards.
Discovery Center, serving as a         tinue to promote the Arts com-                                             free and beautiful for the public.     She has been a loyal volunteer
docent and greeter. A part-time        munity throughout the Florida                                              She is one of the gems of Key          at the annual auction for many,
resident of Islamorada, she makes      Keys with both their time and                                              West Garden Club.                      many years - always with a smile
volunteering at the museum a           generous financial support. We                                                                                    and positive attitude.
top priority whenever in town.         honor and celebrate the Elwell
She serves with great enthusiasm       Family for 10 years of ongoing
and happily helps educate visitors     sponsorship of the Arts Council’s
about the vast and unique history      Connections Project: A Mosaic of
and ecology of the Keys.               the Keys.

                                                                           DR. WILLIAM AND                                                               MATTHEW HELMERICH
                                                                           DR. BEVERLY GOLDNER                                                           PERFORMING ARTS CENTERS
                                                                           MONROE COUNTY                          EVAN HASKELL                           OF KEY WEST TENNESSEE
                                                                           EDUCATION FOUNDATION                   MONTESSORI CHILDREN’S                  WILLIAMS THEATRE
                                                                           Dr. Bill and Beverly have men-         SCHOOL OF KEY WEST                     Matthew Helmerich epitomizes
                                                                           tored collectively five Take Stock     Evan Haskell has served on             the phrase “unsung hero”. As a
                                                                           in Children scholars since 2007.       our board of directors for 8           long time supporter of the arts
JILL FRIEARY AND MELINDA SAMPLE                                            Dr. Goldner also devotes his time      years. During this time he has         and Tennessee Williams Theatre,
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF KEY WEST AND THE LOWER KEYS                        to serving on the Monroe County        worked tirelessly as President         Matthew and his family steadfast-
Jill Frieary and Melinda Sample came to us one day intending to            Education Foundation board of          and Treasurer. Evan’s leadership       ly stood ready to help us grow, to
donate items and stayed to donate their time in so many ways. From         directors, further contributing his    and involvement have carried           help us to sustain, and to help us
fund raising events like the Habitat Photo Safari and Trivia Trek to the   support and passion of education       us through hurricanes, program         reimagine our important role in
organizing and set up of the Habitat Warehouse Store, their efforts        and scholarship opportunities for      growth, COVID constraints, prop-       the arts and culture world of Key
have been dedicated to extending Habitat’s outreach into the local         under-represented youth in our         erty expansion, SBA loans and all      West. His caring, generosity, and
community.                                                                 community.                             things big and small.                  commitment are without equal.
UNSUNG HEROES 2022                                                                     COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                 5   CFFK

FLORIDA KEYS                         HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF                                                                                            SUSAN MITCHELL
Since 2007 Janett has volun-         THE UPPER KEYS                                                                                                     CORNERSTONE RESOURCE
teered, organized, worked            Robin is our dedicated ReStore                                                                                     ALLIANCE
fundraisers, was chair secretary     volunteer - and she’s been with us                                                                                 Susan Mitchell was one of the
for 3 years, and Christmas cannot    for over a year now. She’s at the                                                                                  original volunteers to run food
be completed without her. She        store twice a week, and always       LOUIE LARSON AND PETER O’CONNELL                                              to the homeless shelter back in
keeps track of who receives what     brings a smile and a laugh.          METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH                                                 2014! Since then, she has faithfully
gifts and where to deliver. My       Her dedication to the ReStore,       (COOKING WITH LOVE PROGRAM)                                                   and cheerfully delivered meals to
best volunteer, my sister, my best   Habitat for Humanity of the Up-      When Pete and Louie not only cook most every week but they find ex-           the Key West Homeless Shelter.
friend & the best boss of any job    per Keys organization and the        tra volunteers every week to help with various kitchen jobs. They show        Susan also coordinates and trains
ever.                                team is outstanding and deserves     up to work in a hot kitchen during a hot Key West day armed with their        other volunteers to do the food
                                     recognition.                         own cooking equipment and a whole repertoire of jokes!                        delivery. Everyone is happy when
                                                                                                                                                        they see Susan pull up!

LEADERSHIP MONROE                                                         MARY ANN MATTER
COUNTY                                                                    HISTORIC FLORIDA KEYS
Ginette is CEO of Marine             GIDGET JOHNS                         FOUNDATION                             SHELLEY MCINNIS                        NICOLE NAVARRO
Resources Development Foun-          NAVY LEAGUE KEY WEST                 Mary Ann Matter has initiated          LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF                 PAWSITIVE BEGINNINGS
dation/MarineLab and LMC             COUNCIL                              the Save A Grave program at the        AMERICA MONROE COUNTY                  Nicole founded this organiza-
Class XIII graduate. Since 2006,     Gidget organizes and operates all    Historic Key West Cemetery. This       When LVA asks Shelley to help,         tion in March 2020, which has no
MarineLab has been integral for      information technology and au-       program was met with generous          she never says no! Shelley can         employees, after volunteering at
the LMC Environment Session          dio and video for Navy League,       public support and resulted in the     be seen every day supporting lit-      the MCSO Sheriff’s Animal Farm
as participants gain exposure to     including meetings, zoom and         restoration and stewardship of         eracy in our community. Whether        in Key West for years and being
our Keys’ coastal ecology and        guest speakers. She also sets up     numerous abandoned gravesites.         organizing the silent auction for      introduced to two foxes that
the MRDF staff interacts and         and maintains the Navy League        In addition, she is instrumental in    our annual Benihana celebrity          reside there. After doing much
educates community leaders.          web page and Facebook ac-            the Cemetery Strolls, which raise      chef cook-off, or helping build        research, she realized the need
The generosity and leadership        count, organizes and maintains       funds for restoration and publica-     little conch house libraries for our   for experienced sanctuaries to be
she exemplifies inspires the next    the League e-mail account, and       tion of a self-guided tour brochure.   CFFK Project Synergy program,          able to take in foxes being saved
generation of scientists.            maintains the volunteer program.                                            Shelley is dedicated, depend-          from the fur trade.
                                                                                                                 able, and always has a smile on
                                                                                                                 her face.

                                                                          KIMBERLY MATTHEWS
                                                                          COMMUNITY FOUNDATION                                                          MARIONICA NOEL
                                                                          OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                           WOMANKIND
ADRIAN HUNT                          JORDAN LOMBARD                       Kimberly Matthews has vol-                                                    A current Biological Sciences
KEYS TO BE THE CHANGE                SPECIAL OLYMPICS FLORIDA             unteered with the Community                                                   student at FAU, Marionica volun-
Adrian has been a mentor with        MONROE COUNTY                        Foundation for over two years.                                                teers at Womankind as a medi-
the Kids Win program sponsored       Jordan has worked tirelessly         She facilitated our board retreat      SHAYNE MESSINA                         cal assistant and interpreter for
by Keys to Be the Change for         for the past 7 years to grow our     and helped create and monitor          AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY                Haitian Creole speaking patients,
over 5 years. Since his retirement   programs in all the schools in       success of our amazing 2021-           During COVID-19 the American           gently guiding them through their
from the US Coast Guard in 2020,     the Upper Keys. Jordan is also a     2025 Strategic Plan. Kimberly          Cancer Society had to let go its       intake and examinations. With
Adrian has recruited 18 JIATF        Unified Flag Football and Soccer     also teaches nonprofit strategic       only employee in the Florida           goals of earning an MD and be-
personnel to volunteer their time    Coach for Key Largo School,          planning at the Community              Keys and Shayne started doing          coming an OB-GYN, Womankind
to mentor high-risk youth at both    taking his team to state games at    Foundation’s Leadership Success        most of the responsibilities as a      hopes volunteering is just the first
HOB Middle School and Key            ESPN Wide World of Sports for        Academy, receiving the highest         volunteer including managing a         step of a long relationship with
West High School.                    the past 5 years.                    rating of all 2021 instructors.        major event.                           Marionica.
CFFK      6    COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                                                                   UNSUNG HEROES 2022

KERI O’BRIEN                          ARIEL POHOLEK                          KENIE RODRIGUEZ
ONE ISLAND FAMILY SOUTH-              BOYS SCOUTS OF AMERICA                 MARRVELOUS PET RESCUE                 CHARLES AND DENISE                      JUDY SHAW
ERNMOST UNITARIAN UNIVER-             Ariel Poholek was a Boy Scout          AND ADOPTIONS                         ROSENBALM                               MARATHON GARDEN CLUB
SALIST CONGREGATION                   growing up and has since been          Kenie Rodriguez has been work-        FLORIDA KEYS HEALTHY                    Judy Shaw coordinates com-
Keri O’Brien has served as            a unit leader in the Keys for the      ing tirelessly on many different      START COALITION                         munity plant clinics every 3rd
Vice President of our board           last nine years. During this time      MPR projects. She is the Chair        Pastor Charles Rosenbalm and his        Saturday of the month. She also
for 2 years, always preparing         he has continued to help youth         for our signature fundraising         wife Denise Rosenbalm at First          chairs the White Heron Award,
in advance and contributing           build character and empower            event, the Spayghetti & No Balls      Baptist Church of Key Largo have        and co-chairs the Grounds
thoughtful proposals at our meet-     each individual with lifelong skills   Gala which was more successful        been huge supporters and help-          Committee that maintains the
ings. She also initiated a special    through the Scouting program.          than ever this year! She has also     ers to the Florida Keys Healthy         Marathon Garden Club. Judy also
collection when our Director of       Ariel actively engages youth in        been the point person for our         Start Coalition over the years. This    led the effort to clean up and
Religious Education moved out of      local food bank efforts, coastal       new Rescue House. Kenie sits on       past year they hosted a diaper          restore gardens after Hurricane
the area and our members could        clean ups, and other various           our Volunteer Rescue Board as         donation box and helped contrib-        Irma, bringing them back to their
not meet in person due to the         environmental conservation             Vice President, and she puts her      ute to us exceeding our goal of         previous splendor!
pandemic.                             programs.                              whole heart into the Rescue and       10,000 diapers! We are incredibly
                                                                             helping the pets.                     grateful for their support.

JAMIE PEARSON                         SUE ANN PUSKEDRA
MAY SANDS MONTESSORI                  THE SALVATION ARMY                     PABLO RODRIGUEZ                       PAT RUSSO
SCHOOL                                Sue is on the Advisory Board Of        KEY WEST POLICE ATHLETIC              UPPER KEYS HUMANE                       JANET SMITH
Jamie Pearson is the parent           The Salvation Army and volun-          LEAGUE                                SOCIETY                                 UNITY OF THE KEYS
volunteer every school hopes          teers hundreds of hours each           Sergeant Rodriguez is always one      For the last seven years Pat Russo      SPIRITUAL CENTER
for. Her dedication to our school     year sorting, pricing and display-     phone call away when something        has been coming three times a           Janet Smith is a tireless, creative,
goes above and beyond. Jamie          ing merchandise at the Key West        is needed for the PAL organiza-       week to the Upper Keys Humane           imaginative, and brave behind-
always finds the time to create       Thrift store. She also donates the     tion. He has dedicated endless        Society to walk our dogs. She has       the-scenes volunteer in our be-
and support a sense of com-           balance of her estate sales each       hours to making sure the new          also fostered dogs for us. Pat is       loved community. She is always
munity at the school. Her honest      week to the Salvation Army Thrift      PAL gym behind City Hall is taken     a huge asset to our organization,       the first to volunteer of her time
enthusiasm and authentic energy       Stores throughout the Florida          care of and has devoted his time      she gives our animals socializa-        and her talents to any event, pro-
make her the perfect ambassador       Keys.                                  to making sure the youth pro-         tion and leash skills that they         gram, ceremony, or service. Janet
for our tuition-free Montessori                                              grams with the Key West Police        wouldn’t normally get.                  loves to learn and even when
school.                                                                      Athletic League succeed.                                                      faced with tasks that intimidate
                                                                                                                                                           the best of us, she perseveres.

                                      ANNETTE ROBERTSON-CURRY                                                      WAYNE RUSSANO
                                      THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                             SOUTHERNMOST
                                      EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION                                                       VFW POST 3911
DESIREE PEREZ                         (THE COLLEGE OF THE                                                          Wayne Russano, a retired 37yr.
LOWER KEYS ROTARY                     FLORIDA KEYS)                          KIM AND BOB RONEY                     Air Force veteran, is now serving
Desiree (Desi) Perez has served       Annette began her association          MOTE MARINE LABORATORY                his 3rd year as Quartermaster for
on the board for the Lower Keys       with The College of the Florida        Kim & Bob Roney are champions         VFW Post 3911. Wayne consis-            JEAN SHANNON
Rotary for years and is the current   Keys more than 11 years ago. Her       of our local ecosystem. They          tently rises above and beyond           OLD ISLAND RESTORATION
Public Information officer. Desi      fundraising expertise has guided       take pride in their stewardship       his Officer duties by continuously      FOUNDATION
is there at every event, pitching     numerous fundraising events            of our local reef ecosystem by        and enthusiastically volunteer-         Jean has volunteered for over a
in and helping where needed.          from Shark Expo to the Founda-         providing free or low-cost options    ing to contribute his time, and         decade in various positions as-
She is literally our boots on the     tion’s annual Seaside Soiree. Each     for local divers and non-profit or-   effective business and organiza-        sociated with Old Island. Most re-
ground in the community to find       effort has generated substantial       ganizations to do invaluable work     tional skills to all Post endeavors     cently she has served multi terms
out where our Rotary club can         support for CFK students and           underwater to protect, conserve       in helping veterans and causes in       on their Board and Co-chairs
best serve others in our area.        programs.                              and rebuild our reef.                 our Key West community.                 OIRF’s Annual Home Tour Event.
UNSUNG HEROES 2022                                                                           COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                7   CFFK

                                                                                                                      RUSS VICKERS
                                      RICHARD TAMBORRINO                        ROCKY (NORMAN) TINGLE                 KEY WEST COMMUNITY
LOIS SONGER                           UNITED WAY OF COLLIER                     ANCHORS AWEIGH CLUB                   SAILING CENTER
KEY WEST ART CENTER                   AND THE KEYS                              Dr. Rocky has been a long time        Russ Vickers has volunteered
Lois Songer has been an invalu-       Richard has been a hard-working           supporter of Anchors Aweigh           thousands of hours of his time,         ROSI WARE
able member of the Key West           asset to our local United Way             Club offering care, kindness, and     resulting in a new level of partici-    AMERICAN RED CROSS
Art Center for many years. She        since joining the board seven             concern to individuals in recovery    pation (surpassing 200 members).        The spirited volunteer and philan-
served as Gallery Director and        years ago. He helped immensely            and to the community at large.        Under Russ’s leadership, the            thropist Rosi Ware might well be
has also held multiple positions      during the merger creating Unit-          For that we are very grateful.        Center’s administration and board       the Unsung Hero for any one of
on the Board of Directors, includ-    ed Way of Collier and the Keys,                                                 of directors have been strength-        a dozen Keys not-for-profits. Rosi
ing President, Secretary, and Trea-   and was tireless in his efforts as                                              ened, full-time professional staff      was the Florence Spottswood
surer. Lois organized and ran the     UWCK served the Keys commu-                                                     has been hired, the organization        Humanitarian of the Year for the
Craft and Old Island Days street      nity through Hurricane Irma and                                                 is financially sound, the facility is   Red Cross in 2013. Her continued
shows for more than ten years.        the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                          improved, and the fleet of boats        work for arts and human welfare
                                                                                                                      is growing.                             organizations in the Keys personi-
                                                                                                                                                              fies the values of the Red Cross.

RYAN STIMERS                          PETRENA TAYLOR
KEY WEST CULTURAL                     FLORIDA KEYS SPCA                                                               JAY VILLAVICENCIO                       MAGGIE WHITCOMB
PRESERVATION SOCIETY                  Since joining the Florida Keys            MIKE AND JERRY TINNELL                CONCH REPUBLIC MARINE                   FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY
We are proud to honor Ryan            SPCA in March of 2019, Petrena            FRIENDS OF THE LOWER KEYS             ARMY                                    LAND TRUST
Stimers for his unfaltering dedica-   has been an invaluable asset              This husband and wife team or-        Jay has been an integral part of        In addition to $2 million of
tion and devoted support. A           to our volunteer team. Petrena            ganizes their community to stop       the community after Hurricane           start-up funding, she founded
full-time wire sculptor, Ryan still   shows up twice every week to              shallow sewage wells at Cudjoe        Irma decimated the area. Jay            the Community Land Trust after
finds the time to do a lot of the     clean and disinfect the cat rooms,        Key and elsewhere around the          and his Winn Dixie staff have fed       Hurricane Irma and spent count-
work behind the scenes that is        do laundry, scrape litter boxes,          Keys to help improve and protect      over 1,000 of the Conch Republic        less hours with her organization,
rarely glamorous nor creative.        and feed and care for all of our          water quality.                        Marine Army volunteers over the         Conch Republic Housing Alliance,
But as any true artist Ryan keeps     adoptable cats. Through Petre-                                                  past few years helping the CRMA         to purchase land for additional
coming up with innovative ideas       na’s tireless efforts, all of our cats’                                         remove 188 tons of marine debris        workforce housing.
to make Sunset Celebration the        lives are improved as they await                                                from shorelines. Jay plays a major
best event it can be.                 their furever homes.                                                            role in the future of the CRMA
                                                                                                                      and our community.

                                                                                                                                                              MICHELE WHITE
                                      DORTHE THURE                                                                    BRUCE WARD                              FIRMKEYS
                                      SAVE OUR PINES                            MARY TURNER                           MONROE ASSOCIATION FOR                  Michele has served on the FIRM-
                                      Dorthe was instrumental in keep-          RURAL HEALTH NETWORK                  REMARCABLE CITIZENS                     Keys Board since 2014, serving
JOHN SWANN                            ing Save Our Pines organized for          OF MONROE                             Bruce Ward is a Special Educa-          as Treasurer since 2020. She was
OLD ISLAND RESTORATION                a number of years. An excellent           Rural Health Network is proud         tion teacher with 20 years experi-      instrumental in transitioning the
FOUNDATION                            graphic and web designer, she             to have Ms. Turner as one of our      ence and the creator of Grow            organization’s donation collect-
John Swann is one of the most         lent her considerable skills to           Medical Providers for the past        Brains Games. He volunteered in         ing and technology to a more
humble, dedicated and selfless        enhance the representation of the         three years as she goes above         MARC’s Special Needs classroom          streamlined system. Michele
people we have on the Board of        Australian Pines at Fort Zachary          and beyond to ensure patients         several days a week for two years       shepherded FIRMKeys through
OIRF. He currently serves as our      Taylor State Park. Dorthe went            get the care that they need. She      during the Covid-19 crisis. He          the First Horizon Foundation
Treasurer and bookkeeper among        above and beyond to keep our              is such an asset to the health care   worked with each client encour-         grant program, resulting in three
other things. He is the first to      organization running and her              community with her stellar leader-    aging them to play games, learn         years of successful grant funding
raise his hand to volunteer for       managerial mindset was a huge             ship and commitment to serve          new skills as well as socializing       for our work with the flood map
whatever task needs to get done.      asset to our team.                        the community.                        with each other.                        appeal and Risk Rating 2.0.
CFFK       8     COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS                                                                                                                     UNSUNG HEROES 2022

    The Community Foundation of the Florida
    Keys is celebrating a milestone – 25 years
    of connecting people, resources, and needs
    through philanthropy.

    Working together with generous donors,
    we’re meeting community needs, including:
    • providing food and housing assistance;
    • assisting in times of disaster, including
      relief from the economic effects of the
      COVID-19 pandemic and recovery
      following disasters like Hurricane Irma;
                                                                               $32 million                                            156
                                                                                                                                       Manages                                         $3.5
    • supporting health care services for
      those in need;
                                                                                in community grants
                                                                                and program services                           charitable funds                                       million+
                                                                                                                                                                                       in disaster relief
    • protecting the environment;                                                    since 1996                                                                                             funding
    • preserving the unique cultural heritage;
    • promoting educational opportunities                                                 Nationally accredited
                                                                                                                                             Trained500+ nonprofit
      through scholarships and programs,
      and so much more.                                                                  since 2006                                              leaders through Leadership
    Want to help provide food for the hungry?                                                                                                      Success Academy board training
    Interested in preserving our coral reefs?                                     25 years
    Whatever your interest, you can join our
    efforts! We have funds that serve the Upper,                               of experience                                                        Recognized
    Middle and Lower Keys exclusively.                                            Your trusted resource for
                                                                                                                                                 1,400 volunteers
    This way your charitable donations serve
    the communities in your neighborhood.                                         philanthropy                                                             through Unsung Heroes
    Learn more at cffk.org/donate

    You can also create your own personalized
    fund and start making grants to your favorite
    nonprofits. If you don’t want to write a check
    now, name your fund in your will or make
    a gift from your IRA or life insurance.
    All donations to CFFK are tax deductible
    as allowed by law.


          Check the Keys Weekly every Thursday
       to see which Unsung Hero is featured as our
                 Volunteer of the Week.


                                                                                                                                                                                              UNSUNG HEROES
                                                                                                                                                                                                is sponsored by

                                       300 SOUTHARD ST., SUITE 201 | KEY WEST, FL 33040
                                       305-292-1502 | CFFK.ORG
                                       Published by the Keys Weekly Newspapers | 305.743.0844 | keysweekly.com
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