Page created by Frances Harmon
VA N C O U V E R C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E J U N E 2, 2 015

                                                                                           12                             14                                26
                                                                                           Keynote                         Bios                              Partners
                                                                                                                           A big thank you                   Thank you to
                                                                                           Generations                     to all our speakers               our generous
                                                                                           are not a box,                  for taking the time               partners for their
                                                                                           but powerful                    to share their                    contributions to
                                                                                           clues that drive                knowledge                         today’s event
                                                                                           measurable results

                                                                                                      WIFI is in all of our meeting rooms and in adjacent foyer space.
                                                                                                      To Connect
                                                                                                      • Enable the WIFI on your device and search for open networks

              04                               06                      08
                                                                                                      • Connect to the network called Skilled Trades Forum
                                                                                                      • Open a web browser and you will be redirect to login
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                                                                                                      Connecting Event, June 2 4:30 – 6pm
              Welcome                          Chair                   Agenda                         See page 27 for more information
              Message                          Welcome
                                                                       Check out times
              More than                        B.C. Workers and        and locations for              Poll Everywhere APP
              one million job                  Young People            our speakers                   We want to hear from you! Join today’s live poll.
              opportunities                    have the right skills                                  See page 22 for more information
              are projected                    to be first in line
              in B.C. by 2022                  for new jobs                                           Social Media
                                                                                                      Share your experience by using #TRADESFORUM2015

2 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                              2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM CONTENTS I 3

                                                                 We are co-hosting this event with the Industry
                                                                 Training Authority (ITA) to connect with public and
                                                                 private training providers, First Nations and industry
                                                                 stakeholders so we can target training to meet
                                                                 diverse industry needs.

                                                                 More than one million job opportunities are projected
                                                                 in B.C. by 2022, driven by retirements and a growing
                                       Honourable                economy, 44 per cent of which are expected to be
                                       Shirley                   trades or technical occupations.

                                       Bond                      Almost half of all Aboriginal people in B.C. are under
                                                                 the age of 25 years. Aboriginal youth represent one
                                       Minister of Jobs,
                                                                 of the fastest-growing demographics in the province
                                       Tourism and Skills
                                                                 and their participation in our apprenticeship program
                                       Training and Minister
                                                                 is critical to the success of B.C.’s economy.
                                       Responsible for
                                       Labour                    Growing numbers of women are taking up the
                                                                 challenge of the trades and the benefits it brings –
                                                                 job satisfaction and great pay. There are currently
                                                                 3,900 registered women apprentices in B.C., representing
    On behalf of Premier Christy                                 10.5% of all apprentices. While that’s up from 8.5% in
    Clark and the B.C. government,                               2009, helping women get the skills they need to access
                                                                 well-paying jobs in the trades and other sectors will
    I’d like to welcome everyone                                 continue to be a priority.
    to the inaugural Skilled Trades
                                                                 Today’s forum can help us strengthen our apprenticeship
    Innovation Forum.                                            system through innovation, so British Columbians are
                                                                 first in line for jobs, allowing the province to meet the
                                                                 needs of a rapidly-changing labour market.

    The world of training and learning is constantly evolving.   It’s an opportunity to share ideas and learn from each
    We need to embrace emerging technology and                   other. Together, we can train a qualified workforce to
    explore new ideas, like mobile training facilities and       build B.C.’s diverse, strong and growing economy.
    in-camp training, so B.C.’s skilled trades students,         We are starting the discussions today, however the
    apprentices and employers remain at the top of               work will continue long after today’s Forum is over.
    their class.

    When we released B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint a year
    ago, government committed to developing innovative           Sincerely,
    ways to make trades training work better.                    Shirley Bond

4 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                 2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM WELCOME MESSAGE I 5

                                                           Last April, the government presented B.C.’s Skills for Jobs
                                                           Blueprint: Re-engineering Education and Training, as
                                                           well as the Industry Training Authority and Trades
                                                           Training in B.C.: Recalibrating for High Performance
                                                           (McDonald Report). The goal has been to re-engineer
                                                           our provinces’ education and training system to
                                                           better meet our significant labour force needs, and
                                                           ensure B.C. workers and young people have the right
                                                           skills to be first in line for new jobs.
                                       Gwyn                Over the past year, ITA has focused on transforming
                                       Morgan              into a high-performance, customer-focused organization
                                                           that is responsive and supportive of industry and
                                       Board Chair,
                                                           apprentices. Many of you have been active collaborators
                                       Industry Training
                                                           in the process.
                                                           One of the recommendations stemming from this
                                                           plan was to hold an annual innovation forum uniting
                                                           as many stakeholders as possible from our trades
                                                           training system. Today marks the first of what we
    Welcome to the First Annual                            hope will become a “must attend” annual occasion.

    Skilled Trades Innovation Forum.                       This will be no ordinary forum. We need your active
                                                           input, and we ask you to share your expertise, your
    The Industry Training Authority                        most effective programs, and your visionary thinking.
    (ITA) is excited to bring together                     Together we will create a new culture of innovation
                                                           within our province’s trades training and apprenticeship
    partners in B.C.’s skilled trades
                                                           system, ensuring that B.C. has the right people in the
    training system as we explore                          right place at the right time.
    and share new ideas and best
    practices to develop innovative
    ways to strengthen our trades                          Sincerely,
    training system.                                       Gwyn Morgan, C.M.

6 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                             2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM CHAIRMAN’S LETTER I 7

     Time              MAIN ROOM                                  BREAKOUT ROOM A                        BREAKOUT ROOM B                        BREAKOUT ROOM C                   BREAKOUT ROOM D                       Time             MAIN ROOM   BREAKOUT ROOM A                           BREAKOUT ROOM B                           BREAKOUT ROOM C                          BREAKOUT ROOM D
     7:45 – 8:30am     Registration,                                                                                                                                                                                    12:00 – 1:15pm                                                                              Lunch
                       Networking and Breakfast                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jas Johal, Director Communications, BC LNG Alliance Interviews Apprentices about Innovation in Action
     8:30 – 8:40am     Opening Remarks with the                                                                                                                                                                         1:15 – 1:30pm                                                                       Connecting Break
                       Honourable Minister Bond
                       Jobs Tourism and Skills Training and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1:30 – 2:30pm                Breakout                                  Breakout                                  Breakout                                 Breakout
                       Responsible for Labour                                                                                                                                                                                                        Blending Old and New:                     Mobility of Apprentices                   Regional Access:                         Trades Training Partnerships
                       Aboriginal Welcome                                                                                                                                                                                                            Creative Approaches to Training           and Skilled Workers                       Taking Training To Apprentices
                       Eagle Song Dancers                                                                                                                                                                                                            Moderator:                                Speaker:                                  Moderator:                               Malcolm Hunter
     8:40 – 9:00am     Overview Remarks                                                                                                                                                                                                              Larry Richardson                          Jeff Ritter                               Tim Woods                                President & Chief Operating Officer,
                       Gwyn Morgan, C.M.                                                                                                                                                                                                             BC Director of Training,                  CEO, Saskatchewan Apprenticeship          Partner, Deliberation Network            Deeley Harley-Davidson® Canada
                       Board Chair, Industry Training Authority                                                                                                                                                                                      Christian Labour Association              and Trade Certification Commission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Speakers:                                Speakers:
                       Gary Herman                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Canada (CLAC)                          (SATCC), & Chair, Canadian Council of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         John Chenoweth                           Russell Workun
                       CEO, Industry Training Authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Speakers:                                                                           Dean, Nicola Valley Institute            Dean of Instruction,
     9:00 – 10:00am    Keynote Speaker: Jason Dorsey                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dean Cadieux                              Moderator for Q&A:                        of Technology                            College of the Rockies
                       Recruiting and Retaining Young Workers                                                                                                                                                                                        Instructor & Chair,                       Jeff Lekstrom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dr. Lindsay Langill                      Grant Stevens
                       (Millennials)                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Automotive Technician Program,            Industry Training Authority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dean School of Trades & Technology,      Director of Human Resources,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vancouver Island University               Consultant for the Pan Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Thompson Rivers University               KF Aerospace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Harmonization Initiative
     10:00 – 10:20am                                                                                               Connecting Break                                                                                                                  Martin Barnett
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Al Phillips                              Steve Moores
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Chair & Instructor
     10:20 – 10:50am                                                                                Plenary Session: Creating a Culture of Innovation                                                                                                                                                                                    Executive Director, UA Piping Industry   Dean Trades and Apprenticeship,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Professional Baking and
                                                                                  Facilitators: Tim Woods, Deliberation Network & Jane Worton, Queenswood Consulting                                                                                                                                                                     College of British Columbia (UAPIC)      Okanagan College
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pastry Arts program,
     10:50 – 11:00am                                                                                                Transition Time                                                                                                                  Vancouver Island University
     11:00 – 12:00pm                                              Breakout                               Breakout                               Breakout                          Breakout
                                                                  Essential Skills & Employability       Trades Training Partnerships           Cultural Diversity in the         Mentorship & Succession Planning      2:30 – 2:45pm                                                                       Connecting Break
                                                                                                                                                Workplace: Overcoming Barriers                                          2:45 – 3:45pm                Breakout                                  Breakout                                  Breakout                                 Breakout
                                                                  Moderator:                             Moderator:                                                               Moderator:
                                                                                                                                                and Seizing Opportunities                                                                            Blending Old and New:                     Leveraging Technology to Improve          Mobility of Apprentices and              Building Successful
                                                                  Jane Worton                            Jim Pelton                                                               Tim Woods
                                                                  Partner, Queenswood Consulting         Executive Director,                    Moderator:                        Partner, Deliberation Network                                      Creative Approaches to Training           Apprenticeship Experience                 Skilled Workers                          Apprenticeships: Three Models
                                                                                                         Continuing & Professional Studies,     Tamara Pongracz                                                                                      Moderator:                                Speakers:                                 Speaker:                                 Moderator:
                                                                  Speakers:                                                                                                       Speakers:
                                                                                                         Kwantlen Polytechnic University        Chief Instructor Trades Access                                                                       Dennis Green                              Jeff Nugent                               Jeff Ritter                              Rick Gibbs
                                                                  Faye Halls (Yeltsilewet)                                                                                        Andy Cleven
                                                                                                                                                Department, BCIT                                                                                     Director, Industry Workforce              COO,                                      CEO, Saskatchewan Apprenticeship         Co-founder & President,
                                                                  Department Head,                       Speakers:                                                                Training Director, Electrical Joint
                                                                  Employment & Training,                 Panel 1:                               Speakers:                         Training Committee (EJTC)                                          Development, go2HR                        Industry Training Authority               and Trade Certification Commission       Neutron Factory Works
                                                                  Squamish Nation                        John Webster                           Jerry Pedneault                                                                                                                                                                          (SATCC), & Chair, Canadian Council of
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tim Muldoon                                                        Speakers:                                 Alan Wrong                                                                         Speakers:
                                                                                                         CEO and President, Aboriginal          Operations Manager,                                                                                                                                                                      Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA)
                                                                  Sue Grecki                                                                                                      Operations Manager,                                                Gilbert Noussitou                         Director of IT,                                                                    Helen Boyce
                                                                                                         Community Career Employment            Meridian Marine Industries Inc.                                                                      Chair Culinary Arts Program,              Industry Training Authority               Moderator for Q&A:                       Director, Trades Training & Apprenticeship,
                                                                  Manager Training and                                                                                            Two Rivers Specialty Meats
                                                                                                         Services Society (ACCESS)                                                                                                                   Camosun College                                                                     Jeff Lekstrom                            Aboriginal Community Career Employment
                                                                  Development, SkillPlan                                                        Rob Trampuh                                                                                                                                    Facilitators:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Victor Carreira
                                                                                                         Merike Kolga                           Founder & President,                                                                                                                                                                     Industry Training Authority              Services Society (ACCESS)
                                                                  Steve Perry                                                                                                     Director Fleet Maintenance,                                        James Kennedy                             Edelman
                                                                                                         Training Specialist,                   Timber Peak Construction Ltd.                                                                                                                                                            Consultant for the Pan Canadian
                                                                  Associate Dean,                                                                                                 Coast Mountain Bus                                                 Corporate Training Chef,                                                                                                     Philip Hochstein
                                                                                                         Seaspan ULC                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Harmonization Initiative
                                                                  Motive Power, BCIT                                                            Michael Lam                                                                                          White Spot Restaurants                                                                                                       President and CEO,
                                                                                                         Stephen Sallaway                       Program Director,                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Independent Contractors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lawrence Parisotto
                                                                                                         Associate Dean,                        Employment Services, SUCCESS                                                                                                                                                                                                      Businesses Association (ICBA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Director, Collaborative Services,
                                                                                                         School of Construction                                                                                                                      BCcampus                                                                                                                     Jeff Gorham
                                                                                                         and the Environment, BCIT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Training Coordinator, International Union
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of Operating Engineers (IUOE)
                                                                                                         Panel 2:
                                                                                                         Regina Saimoto
                                                                                                         Eastern Regional Director,                                                                                     3:45 – 4:15pm                                                     Group Discussions I Closing Remarks I Next Steps
                                                                                                         Northwest Community College (NWCC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4:30 – 6:00pm                                                            Connecting Event at Pan Pacific Hotel
                                                                                                         Brian Badge
                                                                                                         Director of College Advancement
                                                                                                         and Business Development,
                                                                                                         North West Community College (NWCC)
                                                                                                         Chris van der Mark
                                                                                                         Superintendent of Schools
                                                                                                         in SD#54 (Bulkley Valley)

8 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM AGENDA I 9

                                                ROOM NAME          LOCATION

                                                BREAKOUT A         202 – 204

                                                BREAKOUT B         208 – 209

                                                SPEAKER’S LOUNGE   210

                                                MAIN               211 – 214

                                                BREAKOUT C         215 – 216

                                                BREAKOUT D         217 – 219


                                                        Acclaimed Speaker
                                                        Jason has received over 1,000 standing ovations from
                                                        audiences as large as 16,000–all without PowerPoint.
                                                        He delivers a new take on generations based on his
                                                        cutting edge research and ready-to-use actions. He’s
                                                        funny, too. A key takeaway: Generations are not a box,
                                                        but powerful clues that drive measurable results.
                                                        More sales. Better leaders. Faster innovation.
                                       Jason            Bestselling Author
                                       Dorsey           Jason wrote his first bestselling book at age 18 (slight
                                       Chief Strategy   overachiever). His newest bestseller is Y-Size Your
                                       Officer ,        Business. He also recorded the acclaimed training
                                       Center for       programs Managing Across Generations and Insider
                                       Generational     Secrets for Selling to Millennials.
                                                        Millennials Researcher
                                                        Jason is Chief Strategy Officer at The Center for
                                                        Generational Kinetics. In this role, he goes behind the
    Jason Dorsey is The Gen Y Guy®.                     scenes with companies–and their data–around the
                                                        world. These insights enable him to identify emerging
    He has been featured on 60                          trends early, so you can too.
    Minutes, 20/20, The Today Show
                                                        Proven Results
    and dozens more. His gift is                        Jason won the Austin Under 40 Entrepreneur of the
    solving tough generational                          Year Award at age 25–one of the youngest winners ever.
                                                        He now serves as a board member for venture-backed
    challenges for companies                            and emerging technology companies.
    and leaders.
                                                        And, yes, he text messages his mom every day.

12 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                      2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM KEYNOTE SPEAKER I 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MORE THAN READY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BCIT provides British Columbians with quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       trades training options that meet the province’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       labour force needs.

     ▨ BRIAN BADGE                                                                                                                                                                                                     Our grads have contributed to British Columbia’s
                                                                       model for Aboriginal Trades Training. Helen credits her ACCESS                                                                                  success for the past 50 years and will continue
    Director of College Advancement and Business                       team and industry partners for the success that Aboriginal                                                                                      to support the province’s growth in the years
                                                                       trainees have achieved. Helen’s past experience includes                                                                                        to come.
    Development at North West Community College
                                                                       working as a welder and project coordinator in structural steel
    Brian has been the Director of College Advancement and
    Business Development at North West Community College
                                                                       for almost ten years. During this time she became a Canadian                                                                          
                                                                       Welding Bureau certified welding supervisor.
    (NWCC) since 2014. He began at NWCC as a carpentry student
    in 1988 earning his Red Seal in 1992. Brian’s approach to           ▨ DEAN CADIEUX
    institutional development is based on developing meaningful
    and mutually-beneficial relationships with NWCC’s industry
    partners and community stakeholders in the best interest of        Instructor & Chair, Automotive Technician Program,
    the college’s students. In 2008 he was hired as the Trades         Vancouver Island University
    Chair where he initiated community based trades training in        Dean has been an Instructor at Vancouver Island University
    the 34 communities served by NWCC, including First Nations         since 2000 and is the Automotive Department Chair. He holds
    communities and School Districts.                                  a BC Instructor’s Diploma and has been a Red Seal Automotive
                                                                       Service Technician since 1990. He is also Red Seal Certified as
     ▨ MARTIN BARNETT                                                  a Commercial Transport Technician, Motorcycle Technician,                                           1 Ad Name: Brand                       support electrical trades training. He served on the Heavy
                                                                       and Automotive Parts/Warehousing person. Dean was                                                   2 Media: ITA Agenda/Forum
                                                                                                                                              ▨ JOHN CHENOWETH                                                    Industry Training Advisory Steering Committee (HITAC) in
                                                                       instrumental in the implementation of a blended learning
    Chair & Instructor, Professional Baking and
                                                                       model into the Apprenticeship Program at Vancouver Island                                           3 PO#: A2015-0017                      developing a program for the red-seal trade of Industrial
    Pastry Arts Program, Vancouver Island University                                                                                         Dean, Nicola Valley Institute4ofSize: 1/2 pg, 7.25 x 4.625
                                                                                                                                                                               Technology                         Electrician based on a Competency Based Modularized
                                                                       University. Since its inception two years ago, using this model
                                                                                                                                                                           5 Colour:                              Training and Assessment system.
    Martin has been the Program Chair and Baking Instructor at         has seen apprentice’s marks and completion rates soar above           John is the Dean for the Nicola   Valley CMYK
                                                                                                                                                                                      Institute of Technology
    Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo since 2002. He previously   Provincial averages.                                                                                6 Comments:
                                                                                                                                             (NVIT) in Merritt, BC. He is responsible  for all academic and
    enjoyed a 20-year-career with his own Rising Star Wholefoods                                                                             applied programs at NVIT. John     has been   with NVIT               ▨ RICK GIBBS
    Bakeries in Victoria, and is a Red Seal Baker and a Certified
                                                                                                                                                                           7 Artwork Deadline:    Mayfor14eight
                                                                                                                                             years, working previously within the K-12 education system as
    Bakery Specialist. He is involved in the BC Chapter of the          ▨ VICTOR CARREIRA                                                                                                                         Co-founder & President, Neutron Factory Works
                                                                                                                                             a school Principal and Educator. He has an extensive back-
    Baking Association of Canada, and currently sits on the National                                                                         ground in developing and delivering programs in BC within            Rick is the co-founder and President of Neutron Factory Works
    Board of Directors. Martin is a fierce defender of traditional     Director, Fleet Maintenance                                           Aboriginal communities. John is a member of the Upper                based out of Delta, BC. Launched in 1999 as an electrical
    baking and methods, and enjoys pushing his students to             Coast Mountain Bus Company                                            Nicola Indian Band in the Nicola Valley, and has been involved       contracting company, today, Neutron provides Refrigeration,
    maximize their potential. He has worked extensively on             Victor has been the Director of Fleet Maintenance for Coast           in Aboriginal education at both the K-12 and Post-Secondary          Mechanical, Electrical, Programming, Welding and Fabricating
    curriculum and program development with the ITA and                Mountain Bus Company since 2011 and leads the maintenance             levels during his entire career.                                     services and equipment to over 300 customers in BC, Alberta,
    other industry stakeholders.                                       of revenue and non-revenue fleet. He oversees a workforce of                                                                               Alaska, California, Japan, Shanghai and beyond. Rick took over
                                                                       over 600 employees and an operating budget of $150 million.            ▨ ANDY CLEVEN                                                       as President in 2009. Some of his recognitions include BCFPA’s
     ▨ HELEN BOYCE                                                     Victor’s primary objective is to provide a sufficient quantity of                                                                          Leadership Award in 2013, E&Y’s Entrepreneur of the Year finalist
                                                                       safe reliable clean vehicles in a timely and cost effective manner.                                                                        in the B2B category in 2014 and Small Business BC’s top 5
                                                                                                                                             Training Director, Electrical Joint Training Committee
                                                                       His Fleet Maintenance team is responsible for ongoing                                                                                      employers award in 2014.
    Director, Trades Training & Apprenticeship, Aboriginal
                                                                       maintenance of a revenue fleet of over 1500 buses that travel         After a successful career as an electrician spanning over
    Community Career Employment Services Society (ACCESS)              a distance of 90 million kilometers per year, generating over         30 years, Andy Cleven was appointed as Training Director to
    Helen has worked with ACCESS since 2003 when she was               15,000 preventative maintenance inspections. An additional            the Electrical Joint Training Committee (EJTC) in September
    hired to coordinate a BladeRunners Women in Trades research        320 non-revenue support vehicles are also maintained.                 2004. The EJTC is a longstanding partnership between the
    project. In 2005, Helen changed positions within ACCESS to                                                                               IBEW Local 213 and the ECA of BC, and is the largest single
    establish the Trades Training and Apprenticeship Program.                                                                                sponsor of electrical apprentices in BC. Andy has become a
    Ten years later, ACCESS Trades is widely known as a successful                                                                           leader in regional, provincial and national initiatives that

14 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                  2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM BIOGRAPHIES I 15
Diploma Programs), the Income Assistance Department and
                                                                                                                                       the Squamish Nation Trades Centre. Faye has continued to                         ▨ PHILIP HOCHSTEIN
                                                                                                                                       build partnerships, and develop and implement new and
                                                                                                                                       innovative Foundation Trades Programs. This last term there                    President of the Independent Contractors
                                                                                                                                       were four programs running from the SN Trades Centre                           and Businesses Association of BC
                                                                                                                                       including Foundations to Piping, Foundations to Craft Worker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Philip Hochstein is President of the Independent Contractors
                                                                                                                                       (two classes) and Environmental Monitoring. She continues to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA). ICBA services and
                                                                                                                                       be an advocate for all First Nations in literacy, training and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      represents BC’s open shop construction sector that is responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for the vast majority of construction work in the province.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Philip currently serves on the Government of BC’s Roundtable
                                                                                                                                        ▨ GARY HERMAN                                                                 on the Economy and the Environment. Previously, he served
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      as Chair of the Coalition of BC Businesses that represents over
                                                                                                                                       Chief Executive Officer, Industry Training Authority                           50,000 small and medium sized businesses on labour and
                                                                                                                                       Gary is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Industry                      employment policy issues. Philip earned a Master’s Degree in
                                                                                                                                       Training Authority (ITA), responsible for the governance,                      Public Administration from the University of Victoria and an
                                                                                                                                       expansion and improvement of BC’s industry training system.                    Honours Degree in History from McGill University in Montreal.
                                                                                                                                       He was appointed interim CEO in August 2013 after joining
                                                                                                                                       the organization as Chief Operating Officer in January 2013.                     ▨ MALCOLM HUNTER
                                                                                                                                       For the past twenty years, Gary has served in senior operations
                                                                                                                                       management positions including ThyssenKrupp Fabco, VAE
                                                                                                                                       Nortrak and Ebco Industries. Gary began his career by                          President & COO,
                                                                                                                                       apprenticing for seven years in three trades and is certified                  Deely Harley-Davidson® Canada
                                                                                                                                       as a Tool & Die Maker and as a Die Sinker (forging). He is also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Malcolm Hunter is President and Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                                                                       a certified Manufacturing Engineer and has a Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of Deeley Harley-Davidson® Canada. Under his guidance,
                                                                                                                                       Administration Diploma and an Executive MBA.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the company has earned the 50 Best-Managed Companies in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Canada designation for the last 20 years. Other recent awards

                                                                     Development with SkillPlan where she focuses on developing
     ▨ JEFF GORHAM                                                   strategies to improve the Essential Skills of people working in
                                                                     the construction, mining and other industries.
    Training Coordinator,
    International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE)                 ▨ DENNIS GREEN
    Jeff is a Red Sealed Carpenter and has been employed by the
    Operating Engineers local 115 Training Association as a Senior   Director, Industry Workforce Development, go2HR
    Training Coordinator since 2006. He manages the progress of      Dennis is the Director of Industry Workforce Development for
    their sponsored apprentices, and the delivery of the Heavy       go2HR where he has worked since 2007. He is responsible for
    Equipment Operator, Asphalt Laydown Technician and Mobile        go2HR’s industry training projects, including, ongoing
    Crane Programs, as an ITA Designated Trainer. Jeff currently     collaboration with the ITA and other government agencies.
    serves as the Technical Chair for the Hydraulic Mobile Crane     He brings more than 20 years’ experience as a Red Seal Cook,
    Operator Competition for Skills BC. In 2001 Jeff started         most recently as Executive Chef at Bishop’s Restaurant in
    working as an Apprenticeship Counselor for the Industry          Vancouver. Dennis has co-authored two cookbooks, traveled
    Training and Apprenticeship Commission and in 2004 he            internationally as a guest chef, and has been featured in
    worked as an Assessment Officer for the ITA.                     television and print media. He also volunteers his time as
                                                                     co-chair of the Potluck Café Society and is the 2nd Vice
     ▨ SUE GRECKI                                                    President of the BC Chefs Association.

    Manager of Training and Development, SkillPlan                    ▨ YELTSILEWET (FAYE R. HALLS)
    Working nationally and provincially, Sue Grecki has 20 years
    of experience in Essential Skills instruction, profiling and     Department Head, Employment and Training,
                                                                                                                                                            To the over 9,800 employer sponsors who support apprenticeship
    benchmarking, developing work-related learning materials         Squamish Nation                                                                       in our province, thank you for helping build the trades that build BC.
    and skills assessments. She also has experience designing
    courses that address specific skill needs of workers, and        Faye is a member of the Squamish Nation and is currently                                    Download our “Proud Sponsor” sticker:
    mentoring instructors on integrating Essential Skills into       Department Head of Employment and Training. Her department
    training. Sue is currently the Manager of Training and           oversees; Eslha7an Learning Centre (literacy and Dogwood

16 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                                   File: 198468-08 STIF Program Ad-Thanks   Project: 1/2 page Magazine Ad   2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM BIOGRAPHIES I 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Project Manager: Michelle Hazlett
                                                                                                                                                                Size: 7.25" x 4.625"
include being named to the roster of the Top 40 Employers in
    B.C. and Canada’s Top 100 Employers for the past four years.
    Malcolm’s education includes graduating from the Simon
    Fraser University Economics and Commerce Department and
    the Queen’s University Executive MBA Program. He achieved
    his Institute of Corporate Directors ICD Designation last year.
    This designation is the only professional designation for
    Canadian directors recognized both nationally and internationally.

     ▨ JAS JOHAL

    Director of Communications, BC LNG Alliance
    Jas Johal is the Director of Communications for the British
    Columbia Liquefied Natural Gas Alliance. The BC LNG Alliance
    came together to serve as the common voice for the province’s
    leading LNG project proponents. Jas was a veteran journalist
    who joined the organization after a 23-year reporting career.
    He worked as Global Television’s Asia Bureau Chief in Beijing,
    and previously in New Delhi. Jas has reported extensively on
    Asia’s rise, focusing on economic, foreign policy and energy
    issues. In 2013 he became a media fellow at the Asia Pacific
    Foundation, where he produced a documentary on Asia’s
    energy security need.


    Corporate Training Chef, White Spot Restaurants
    James is a Certified Chef de Cuisine and has been the Corporate
    Training Chef for White Spot Restaurants for 8 years. He is                                                                               Lindsay left the Ministry in 2005 to join the newly forming         manufacturing industry as an Apprentice Tool and Diemaker,
    responsible for developing and implementing all of their              ▨ MICHAEL LAM                                                       Industry Training Authority as Director of Red Seal programs        Journeyperson Machinist and Supervisor, Steve has been
    training programs including Red Seal Levels 1 and 2, and                                                                                  and further, Senior Director of Program Standards. He has a         employed in the secondary and postsecondary education
    In-Store Training and Restaurant Opening packages. James is          Director of Employment Services, S.U.C.C.E.S.S                       Bachelor of Education, Master of Arts and Doctor of Education.      systems for over 25 years. During this time he has been
    also the Operational Liaison for 64 full-service White Spots                                                                                                                                                  involved in the design, delivery and administration of
    restaurants as well as BC Ferries and Triple O’s China operations.   Michael is currently the Director of Employment Services at           ▨ JEFF LEKSTROM                                                    Apprenticeship and Vocational programs in Canada and
    His past experience includes being an Executive Chef for the         S.U.C.C.E.S.S. He works closely with the federal and provincial                                                                          overseas. Additionally Steve has worked as a Project Manager
    Harbour House Revolving Restaurant and the Lonsdale Quay             governments to address labour market demand and supply                                                                                   responsible for projects funded by ACCC and CIDA in excess
                                                                         issues. Having worked in the field of employment services            ITA Consultant for the Pan Canadian                                 of $10million.
    Hotel in Vancouver. James is currently a member of the
    Tourism and Hospitality Steering Committee.                          and training since 1990, Michael has initiated partnerships          Harmonization Initiative
                                                                         with various industry employers and associations, and                                                                                     ▨ GWYN MORGAN
                                                                                                                                              Jeff is the owner of his own consulting firm and is currently
                                                                         piloted pre-apprenticeship and bridging programs for skilled
     ▨ MERIKE KOLGA                                                      immigrants. In recent years, he has launched two major
                                                                                                                                              working on the Pan Canadian Harmonization initiative with
                                                                                                                                              the ITA. He has been involved in Trades, Apprenticeship and         Board Chair, Industry Training Authority
                                                                         FCR pilots to assist internationally-trained professionals
    Training Specialist, Seaspan ULC                                                                                                          Education for over 35 years and holds an Inter-provincial
                                                                         to pursue their licensing and careers in their original and                                                                              Gwyn was appointed Chair of the Industry Training Authority’s
                                                                                                                                              Red Seal. With over 25 years experience in Trades and
    Merike is a Training Specialist with Seaspan ULC where she           alternate profession. Michael sits in different local and                                                                                (ITA) Board of Directors in May 2014. Until the end of 2005,
                                                                                                                                              Apprenticeship Education in the BC Post-Secondary system
    works as an internal learning consultant to the Seaspan              national committees on FCR issues.                                                                                                       he was the founding CEO of EnCana Corporation, Canada’s
                                                                                                                                              and internationally, he has worked in the instructional field,
    Shipyards and Corporate business units. She started her                                                                                                                                                       largest energy company. He has served on the Board of
                                                                                                                                              administration and 10 years as Dean of Trades and Apprenticeship.
    career providing administrative and research support for                                                                                                                                                      Directors of five global corporations and is a Trustee of the
                                                                          ▨ LINDSAY LANGILL                                                   Jeff has also served on various committees related to Trades
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fraser Institute, the Manning Centre for Building Democracy
    leadership development. Merike continues to expand her                                                                                    Education and has been involved in Aboriginal education
    portfolio and education within Adult Education, providing                                                                                                                                                     and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education. Gwyn has
                                                                         Dean, School of Trades Technology,                                   both in BC and Internationally.
    creative solutions for leadership training, eLearning development,                                                                                                                                            been recognized as Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year, as
    and workshop facilitation, as well as program and learning           Thompson River University                                                                                                                Canada’s Most Respected CEO, and as a Member of the Order
    strategy development. Currently her projects are related
                                                                                                                                               ▨ STEVE MOORES                                                     of Canada in 2010 by Governor General the Right Honourable
                                                                         Lindsay holds a 4th Class Power Engineer Certificate along
    to the Apprenticeship Program and skills development in              with Red Seal trade Certifications of Qualification in Millwright,                                                                       David Johnston.
    the Shipyards.                                                       Welder, and Pipefitting. He has been an award winning                Dean Trades and Apprenticeship, Okanagan College
                                                                         teacher and administrator in the K-12 system prior to joining        Steven is currently the Dean Trades and Apprenticeship
                                                                         the Ministry of Education to work on the development of the          at Okanagan College. After an extensive career in the
                                                                         Secondary School Apprenticeship and ACE-IT programs.

18 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                  2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM BIOGRAPHIES I 19
includes owning a restaurant, a catering company and                                                                                    employees. Currently Jerry is the Operations Manager for
         ▨ TIM MULDOON                                                               winning many national and international awards. Gilbert               ▨ LAWRENCE PARISOTTO                                              Meridian Marine. His focus is on creating real, tangible and
                                                                                     joined Camosun College in 1987. He is Red Seal certified                                                                                effective growth strategies for increasing the profitability of
       Operations Manager, Two Rivers Specialty Meats                                Instructor and has attained the Certified Chef de Cuisine            Director of Collaborative Services, BCcampus                       the company. Jerry’s credentials include a Bachelor of Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in Business Management, along with an Honourary Masters
       Tim is an Operations Manager with Two Rivers Specialty                        designation. As well as chairing the culinary arts programs,         Lawrence is the Director of Collaborative Services at BCcampus.    Degree in Business Administration, and Sales and Marketing.
       Meats in North Vancouver. Two Rivers supplies healthy happy                   he is a key player in the development and delivery of the            BCcampus collaborates with and offers consultation services
       proteins to restaurants and retailers throughout BC. Tim is                   award winning online cook e-prenticeship program.                    to post-secondary institutions and stakeholders in BC to develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ▨ STEVE PERRY
       responsible for the production, shipping and delivery of all                                                                                       innovative solutions to institutional and systemic needs.
       products created within the creative walls of their production                  ▨ JEFF NUGENT                                                      BCcampus Collaborative Services includes educational
       facility. He is passionate about his work environment and                                                                                          technology adoption and operations, online collaborative           Dean, Motive Power,
       treats all of his peers as part of the family. The driving force                                                                                   program coordination, and collaborative innovation projects.       British Columbia Institute of Technology
       about Tim’s philosophy is “retain don’t retrain.” He is a strong              Chief Operating Officer, Industry Training Authority                 Lawrence previously led the E-PPRENTICE (Flexible Learning         As the Associate Dean of Motive Power Programming at
       supporter of the ITA and specifically the Meat Cutting program                Jeff is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Industry Training   for Trades Training) Initiative sponsored by BC’s Industry         BCIT for the past 4 years, Steve Perry has managed all of
       offered at Thompson River University. Tim currently sits on                                                                                        Training Authority (ITA) which was managed by BCcampus             the ground transportation technical training programs.
                                                                                     Authority (ITA), responsible for ITA’s program standards,
       the Sector Advisory Committee representing Hospitality                                                                                             as the host organization.                                          He currently manages the educational delivery of heavy
       and Tourism.                                                                  training delivery, labour supply and customer service activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             equipment, commercial transport, diesel engine, and railway
                                                                                     Jeff joined ITA in August 2004 after serving three years as
                                                                                                                                                           ▨ JERRY PEDNEAULT                                                 and marine mechanical training programs at the new Annacis
         ▨ GILBERT NOUSSITOU                                                         a senior policy analyst with the Canadian Federation of                                                                                 Island Campus. Throughout his career, Steve has been an
                                                                                     Independent Business. Prior to that, he worked for two years                                                                            Automotive Technician, Truck and Bus Technician and Inspector,
                                                                                                                                                          Operations Manager, Meridian Marine, Industries Inc.
                                                                                     with the Alberta government in the area of business planning                                                                            Service Advisor, Automotive Instructor, Chief Instructor and
       Chair, Culinary Arts Program, Camosun College                                                                                                      Jerry has acquired a vast knowledge of matters related to
                                                                                     and performance measurement. Jeff is also involved in a                                                                                 Manager. He is a Red Seal Certified Technician, and holds a
       A graduate of L’École Hôtelière Des Pyrénées in Toulouse                                                                                           business and finance over the past 40 years. Utilizing his         Master’s Degree in Education.
       France, Gilbert Noussitou has been practicing his trade for                   number of pan-Canadian level strategic initiatives, and in           exceptional organizational skills, Jerry has owned and
       over 40 years in some of the finest establishments of France,                 September 2014, was recognized in Business in Vancouver’s            operated a variety of businesses in various industries.
       England and Canada. His extensive and varied experience                       prestigious list, Forty Under 40, for his many accomplishments.      He also has international experience through over 9 years
                                                                                                                                                          of direct management exposure in companies with 100+

                                                TO SECURING YOUR WORKFORCE.


                      About 50% of the population are women,                                      but only 10% of apprentices are women.

                             Qualified tradeswomen will play an important role in BC’s skilled labour pool

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About                                                                                                         Only               of
he population are women
                              File: 198468-08  2015Program Ad-Workforce   Project: 1/2 page Magazine Ad       apprentices are women                                                                                                       2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM BIOGRAPHIES I 21
                                                                          Project Manager: Michelle Hazlett
                                   Size: 7.25" x 4.625"
Al is also the President of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union,
 ▨ JIM PELTON                                                      Local 170, representing over 4,000 members across BC; a
                                                                   position he has held for the past six years. Most recently, he
                                                                   was appointed to the Premier’s LNG Working Group Subcom-
Executive Director of Continuing & Professional Studies,
                                                                   mittees for Foreign Workers and Integration Implementation.
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Jim is the Executive Director of Continuing & Professional          ▨ TAMARA PONGRACZ
Studies at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, where he is
responsible for developing and delivering training that meets      Chief Instructor Trades Access Department,
the needs of mature students, working professionals, industry,     British Columbia Institute of Technology
governments and not-for-profit organizations. Previously, he
was the Director of Training Delivery at the Industry Training     Tamara is an Inter-Provincial certified Plumber with a Master of
Authority (ITA) where he worked with institutions to support       Education Degree from Simon Fraser University. For over 15 years,
                                                                   she has been the Chief Instructor of the Trades Access Department
the delivery of trades training across BC. Jim has also worked
                                                                   at BCIT. Because of Tamara’s passion and effort, the BCIT Trades
at SAIT Polytechnic where he held several roles related to
                                                                   Discovery Programs has helped hundreds of men and women
meeting industry training needs. He holds masters degrees
                                                                   find their trade career match. She has over 25 years experience
in environmental management and business administration.
                                                                   working, teaching and counseling in the construction industry.
                                                                   She was awarded Outstanding Woman in Construction 2007
 ▨ AL PHILLIPS                                                     by the Vancouver Regional Construction Association and
                                                                   received a BCIT Teaching Excellence Award in 2005.
Executive Director, UA Piping Industry College of BC
Al is the Executive Director of the UA Piping Industry
                                                                    ▨ LARRY RICHARDSON
College of BC, a leading training provider in the piping trades.
Al assumed the role of Executive Director in 2006, and has         BC Training Director,
since expanded UAPICBC from a small private welding test           Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC)
centre to an advanced training institution; with four campuses     Larry is the BC Training Director for CLAC, a national, multi-trade
located throughout the province.                                   union. Innovation, responsive change, problem-solving, and
                                                                   working with people have been the common links throughout
                                                                   all his career choices. After working at BC Tel for 7 years in the
                                                                   craft sector he began his post–graduate career with a Bachelor
                                                                   of Commerce. Following graduation Larry was an Excavator
                                                                   Operator and Maintenance Welder for 10 years. His welding
                                                                   experiences lead him to industrial sales and technical welding
                                                                   support followed by a superintendent position of a galvanizing
                                                                   plant. Larry has also worked as a Program Manager in the ITA
                                                                   apprenticeship system for 4years.

                                                                    ▨ JEFF RITTER

                                                                   CEO, Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification
                                                                   Commission, & Chair, Canadian Council of Directors
                                                                   of Apprenticeship
                                                                   Jeff has led the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade
                                                                   Certification Commission (SATCC) as CEO since September
                                                                   of 2012. He is guiding the SATCC in building a more efficient,
                                                                   effective and adaptable organization that continues to deliver
                                                                   outstanding service to a growing number of apprentices and
                                                                   stakeholders. He is also the Chair of the Canadian Council of
                                                                   Directors of Apprenticeship, and leads the Harmonization Task
                                                                   Force. Jeff has extensive experience in strategy development,
                                                                   finance and organizational performance management in
                                                                   Saskatchewan’s public service, and has led major renewal
                                                                   projects. He holds a Masters of Business Administration,

                                                                                                                                         2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM BIOGRAPHIES I 23
training by moving towards a more blended format, aligning                                                                                  customized training programs throughout Canada and
                                                                              technology with the modern learning styles of today. Stephen
                                                                              holds a Bachelor of Education from UBC, and is a journeyperson
                                                                                                                                                        Fraser Valley’s #1 provider of job-                               abroad. Russell sees the growing importance of innovation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          technology, and flexibility in his delivery models as an
                                                                              Electrician and Heavy Duty Mechanic with an Inter-provincial              focused technical and applied training                            opportunity to reduce dependence on government funding
                                                                              Red Seal in both.                                                                                                                           and create a seamless transition from training to employment.

                $378 MILLION
                           in Revenues for Governments in 2013
                                                                               ▨ GRANT STEVENS
                                                                                                                                                                                        We offer both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ▨ TIM WOODS
                                                                                                                                                                                        apprenticeship and
                                                                              Director of Human Resources, KF Aerospace
                                                                                                                                                                                        entry-level trades                Partner, Deliberation Network
            400 new                                                           Grant is the Director of Human Resources at KF Aerospace in                                               training options on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tim Woods has worked in political and public process
            transit buses                                                     Kelowna. He brings extensive Human Resources and Labour                                                   state-of-the-art campus
            $100,000 per bus                                                  Relations experience, working in forestry and aviation for over                                           in Chilliwack, B.C.               communications for over 25 years and is currently a Partner
                                                                              25 years. During his career, Grant has been involved in the                                                                                 at Deliberation Network. He has taken senior communications
                                                  Seven new                   selection, hiring, promotion, and training of hundreds of                                                 A Bachelor of Business            positions with trade associations and an Ottawa-based research
                                                  high schools                                                                                                                          Administration in Trades
         EXCITING CAREERS$50,000,000
                           in the per                                         apprentices; and involved in over 20 different trade qualifications.                                      Management is also available
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          institute. Tim formed his own communication consultancy in

                         high school
                                                                              A strong industry proponent, he has recently served as Chairman                                           through UFV School of Business.   the 1990’s, working for trade associations, unions, companies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          not-for-profit organizations and government agencies. More
                                                                              of the Board of Directors with transCDA, an Industry Training
         TODAY’S AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY is a DYNAMIC sector                      Organization representing the Rail, Road, Marine and Aviation                                                                               recently, he played a leadership role in dialogue and deliberation
         thatOne    new evolving
              is constantly regionalto meet the needs of a HIGH-TECH
         SOCIETY.               hospital
                    For those who  are looking for an INTERESTING,            sectors in BC; and sits on ITA’s Sector Advisory Group for Aerospace.                                                                       initiatives sponsored by the Industry Training Authority and
         rewarding   CAREER, +
            $400,000,000      BC’s NEW CAR DEALERS offer a wide variety        Grant was finalist in the 2015 Human Resources Management                                                                                   Immigrant Employment Council of British Columbia. In 2006,
         of challenging, WELL-PAYING jobs for qualified, MOTIVATED
         PEOPLE. We’re looking to fill up to 16,000 JOBS in the next decade.   Association annual awards for Top HR Professional in BC.                                                                                    Tim became a founding Director in the Canadian Community
         Driving The Economy                                                                                                                             Trades & Technology Centre                                       for Dialogue and Deliberation.
        FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT                                             ▨ ROB TRAMPUH                                                             5579 Tyson Rd
                                                                                                                                                         Chilliwack, BC V2R 0H9
        WWW.NEWCARDEALERS.CA                                                                                                                                                                        ▨ JANE WORTON
                                  Follow on Twitter @NCDA_BC | #CarCareer     Founder and President, Timber Peak Construction Ltd.                       1-888-504-7441, local 5448

                                                                              Beginning his construction and contract career in 1999, has                                                                                 Partner, Queenswood Consulting Group
                                                                              extensive experience within all aspects of the industry. He                                                                                 Jane Worton, a partner at Queenswood Consulting Group,
     ▨ isREGINA
    and            SAIMOTO
         proud to call Regina home.                                           was the founder and director of Timber Peak Homes in 2005,                                                                                  works as a management consultant, facilitator and researcher.
                                                                                                                                                       ▨ JOHN WEBSTER                                                     She is a trusted resource for a number of government and
                                                                              which later evolved to Timber Peak Construction in 2012,
    Eastern Regional Director,                                                where he is the Founder and President, as the scope of the                                                                                  non-profit organizations, providing strategic advice, research
                                                                                                                                                      President and CEO, Aboriginal Community Career                      and analytical services, and business and thinking tools. A
    Northwest Community College (NWCC)                                        business grew from residential and commercial construction              Employment Services Society (ACCESS)                                skilled facilitator, Jane uses dynamic and interactive tools to
    Regina (BSc, MSc, RPBio) is the Eastern Regional Director for             and renovations to include a landscaping division. With a
                                                                                                                                                      John is the President and CEO of Aboriginal Community               engage participants and reach desired outcomes. She has
    Northwest Community College (NWCC). She obtained a                        focus on environmental impact and green building, Rob also                                                                                  had the pleasure of working with the Industry Training
    Bachelor’s degree (Biology) from the University of Winnipeg                                                                                       Career Employment Services Society (ACCESS), the Urban AHRDA
                                                                              has experience with NetZero homebuilding. He is actively                                                                                    Authority on a number of projects.
    in 1989, and a Masters degree (Zoology) from UBC in 1993.                                                                                         in Vancouver. He has been involved in the employment and
                                                                              involved with the Industry Training Authority and is committed
    Regina has worked as a Consultant, Educator, and Manager in                                                                                       training industry for over 20 years. As Executive Director for
                                                                              to the training and development of youth in trades.                                                                                          ▨ ALAN WRONG
    the Bulkley Valley since, and has been in management with                                                                                         the Southwest Aboriginal Training and Employment Society
    NWCC since 2009. With over 25 years of experience she has                                                                                         (SATES) from 1992 to 1997, John was instrumental in empowering
                                                                               ▨ CHRIS VAN DER MARK                                                                                                                       Director, Information Technology, Industry Training Authority
    fostered partnerships and innovation in Northwest BC. Regina                                                                                      the Aboriginal peoples of BC in managing their own employment
    has worked on the development and implementation of                                                                                               and training funding and programming. During this time,             Alan Wrong is the Director of Information Technology for the
    various training programs, incorporating hands on learning                                                                                        John was also appointed to serve as Co-Chair of the National        Industry Training Authority (ITA), responsible for applying
                                                                              Superintendent of Schools, SD#54 The Buckley Valley
    and ensuring relevance to industry.                                                                                                               One Agreement Model Committee, which undertook a                    information technologies within ITA to support operational
                                                                              For the past four years Chris van der Mark has been the                 nation-wide review of the Aboriginal Employment strategy.           and business process excellence, empower information workers,
     ▨ STEPHEN SALLAWAY                                                       Superintendent of Schools in SD#54 (The Bulkley Valley),                                                                                    and enable evidence-based decision-making. He has over 25
                                                                              having previously been Assistant Superintendent for three                ▨ RUSSELL WORKUN                                                   years of technology and business process experience in a
    Associate Dean, School of Construction and the Environment,                                                                                                                                                           diverse range of business environments, including manufacturing,
                                                                              years. SD#54 is a small district with 2100 students, located
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          commercial real estate, and architectural design. Alan joined
    British Columbia Institute of Technology                                  in the Northwest corridor where industry plays a vital role             Dean of Instruction at College of the Rockies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ITA in 2012 as the organization’s first IT Director, and works
    Stephen is the Associate Dean of the School of Construction               in their communities. A significant focus of Chris’s team in            Russell Workun is the Dean of Instruction at College of the         closely with many stakeholders inside ITA and across the
    and the Environment, and has overseen the Carpentry,                      SD#54 has been their work in dramatically increasing skills and         Rockies, in Cranbrook. He is responsible for Trades and             province to put technology in place to help apprentices reach
    Joinery, Piping, and Sheet Metal trades programs at BCIT since            trades training, and other opportunities for personalization            Apprenticeships, Timber Frame, Adult Basic Education, Office        their goals and become certified.
    2009. Prior to this, Stephen was Chief Instructor in Electrical           and flexibility in the K-12 education system by engaging                Administration, Hair Dressing, Culinary Arts, and Fire Training
    Apprenticeship at BCIT where he taught for 22 years. As                   community, industry and post secondary.                                 programs. He has been with College of the Rockies for two
    Associate Dean, he works to improve the delivery of trades                                                                                        years, working previously with colleges in Alberta. Russell has
                                                                                                                                                      an extensive background in developing and delivering

24 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                          2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM BIOGRAPHIES I 25
                                                                                                                                                                             ▨ BRONZE PARTNERS

                                                                                                                                                                               The BC Federation of Labour represents over     About CGI: CGI is Canada’s largest independent          Improved safety and better performance
    Thank you to our generous Partners, who have contributed greatly to                                                                                                        500,000 members from affiliated unions
                                                                                                                                                                               across the province, working in every aspect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IT Services firm with 68,000 professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in more than 40 countries, providing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for the High Voltage industry is what EITI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Global is all about. EITI Global delivers
    the success of today’s event. Find out more about these organizations                                                                                                      of BC’s economy. It has a proud history of      full spectrum of information technology                 real-world, apprenticeship training in
                                                                                                                                                                               fighting for the rights of all working people   services to government and industry.                    both the classroom and in the field.
    below and by visiting their company website                                                                                                                                to a safe workplace and fair wages.                                       


                                                                                                                                                                               Seaspan ULC is an association of Canadian       Founded in 1928, White Spot operates 64 casual/
                                                                                                                                                                               companies primarily involved in coastal and     family-style restaurants throughout BC (60) and
                                                                                                                                                                               deepsea transportation, bunkering, ship         Alberta (4). White Spot enthusiastically supports
                                                                                                                                                                               repair and shipbuilding services in Western     Red Seal training, with many employees currently
                                                                                                                                                                               North America.                                  working towards their Red Seal certification.

          As one of the largest providers of trades training                                   UA Piping Industry College of BC, with four campuses located
          programs in Western Canada, BCIT has trained                                         throughout BC, provides pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship
          the next generation of skilled tradespeople for                                      training, as well as journeyperson upgrading in Plumbing,
          more than 50 years.                                                                  Sprinklerfitting, Steamfitting and Welding.
                                                                                                                                             You're Invited to the Connecting Event
                                                                                                                                                                                   Right after the Skilled Trades Innovation Forum concludes.


                                                                                                                                                                                   It’s a great opportunity to network with your
                                                                                                                                                                                   peers while enjoying canapés and BC wine tasting.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Only a three minute walk away.

         go2HR, BC’s tourism and hospitality human             The NCDA represents 360+ New Car Dealers                    UFV’s Faculty of Applied and Technical Studies.
         resource association, coordinates BC’s Tourism        throughout BC, who generate close to $11 billion in         We are the #1 provider of job-focused
                                                                                                                                                                                   WHEN: Tuesday, June 2nd 4:30 – 6:00pm
         Labour Market Strategy and offers resources           economic activity, pump $1.8 billion net GDP directly       technical and applied training in the Fraser
                                                                                                                                                                                   WHERE: Pan Pacific Hotel
                                                               into BC’s economy, and employ 36,000+ high paying           Valley and offer both apprenticeship and
         on recruitment, retention and training.                                                                                                                                          Ocean View Suite 5-8, Level R
                                                               jobs in 55 communities they serve.                          entry-level options.                                           300-999 Canada Place                                                                      

26 I VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE JUNE 2, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2015 SKILLED TRADES INNOVATION FORUM PARTNERS I 27
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