Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...

Page created by Eleanor Anderson
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
C elebrat ing 95 Years of Su cces s
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
AADC Board of Directors Leadership Updates
Newly-elected Officers and Members will begin two-year terms commencing July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020, on the AADC Board of Directors. An Alumnae
Engagement Chair has been appointed. Thank you to officers and members completing terms. They are: Jeanne M. Fox ’75, President; Helen Galt ’69, Vice
President for Administration; and Kathi Love ’75, Treasurer; and members Jennifer C. Bender ’93, Mary Zimmerman Chyb ‘71, Lisa Mizrahi-Kaado ‘03.

Newly-Elected Officers                                                          Members Elected at Alumnae Council
Lisa Mizrahi-Kaado ’03                                                                                   Alanna Chan ’04 | Member
President                                                                                               Alanna became involved with the AADC as a member of
Currently a member of the Board, Lisa Mizrahi-                                                          the Awards Committee and as a Mentee in the AADC
Kaado has served for the last three years as                                                            Mabel’s Alumnae Mentoring Program. She recently
Chair of the AADC’s Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt                                                          spoke at An Evening to Honor AADC Benefactors. Alanna
‘42 Workplace and Professional Development                                                              brings her experience as Human Resources Coordinator
Symposium Committee, which drew more                                                                    in Benefits & Compensation at Princeton University. She
than 250 alumnae its first year. She has led                                                            was an Institute for Women’s Leadership Scholar. She
the committee to develop other career-enriching programs, such as               earned a Master of Tourism Administration, Event and Meeting Management in
Networking Gatherings, a special Mock Interviewing Workshop and a               2010 from the George Washington University and completed Middlesex County
True Colors Workshop. Lisa is the owner of Brilliantli, a consulting firm for   College’s Human Resources Certificate Program in 2014.
professional and personal development providing services for nonprofit
organizations. In addition to producing civic education and leadership                                   Yesenia M. Perez ’12 | Member
programs, campaign trainings and campaign consulting for female                                           Yesenia Perez has served as President of her class
candidates, Lisa has been an adjunct professor at Rutgers University since                                since her graduation and on various AADC Committees,
2004, teaching in the Political Science and ELL departments. She serves                                   including the Nominating, Awards Selection, Reunion and
as the Chair of the Education and Training Fund of the Women’s Political                                  Founders Day Committee. As Secretary of AADC Young
                                                                                                          Alumnae Network (YAN) she has added to the success
Caucus of New Jersey and the Programming Chair for the Middlesex
                                                                                                          of YAN’s annual Cabin Fever and Sweet Treat Challenge
County Women’s Political Caucus.
                                                                                                          and to the creation of new activities, like Paint ‘N Pour
                                                                                and YAN-O-Ween. In May, she received the Young Alumna Mabel Award. She
                         Kathi Love ’75                                         is currently Compliance Counsel at Innovative Benefit Planning, LLC, Employee
                         Vice President for Administration                      Benefits Consulting firm in Moorestown, NJ. She earned a Juris Doctor & LL.M in
                          Kathi Love currently serves as Treasurer of the       Health Law in 2015 from DePaul University, College of Law.
                          AADC Board of Directors. She was instrumental in
                          launching the AADC Mabel’s Alumnae Mentoring          Heather E. Tedesco ’12 | Member
                          Program in 2016. The number of Mentors and            Heather Tedesco has engaged alumnae as Chair of the
                          Mentees in the program doubled in its second          AADC Young Alumnae Network (YAN) through various
                          year and continues to grow. She is Chair of the       events such as YAN’s Annual Cabin Fever and Sweet
AADC Strategic Planning Committee, providing leadership and vision              Treat Competition, the Sisterhood Book Club and Paint
as we move Forward Together. Kathi is President & CEO of Motherwell             ‘N Pour. She serves on the AADC Strategic Planning
Resources LLC, providing C-suite executive coaching and media and               Committee and is a Mentee in the Mabel’s Alumnae
marketing research consulting. Prior to founding Motherwell Resources,          Mentoring Program. For the last three years, she has
Kathi spent 13 years as the CEO of Mediamark Research and Intelligence,         served as an integral member of the AADC PR Team, where she shares her
an information services and research company serving the media and              expertise in marketing, event planning and social media. She served as Secretary
advertising industries. That company was acquired by GfK, a German              of the AADC 95th Anniversary Planning Committee and Co-Chair of PR for the
market research firm. Kathi has also served as an executive at The New          Forward Together Gala. Heather received the AADC’s Young Alumnae Mabel
York Times, EMAP Publishing, Magazine Publishers of America, Family             Award in 2017. She is the New Jersey Regional Executive Director of the
Circle Magazine and Project of Public Spaces.                                   Jefferson Awards Foundation, where she connects businesses and nonprofit
                                                                                organizations who prioritize youth leadership development with students as
Jennifer C. Bender ’93                                                          sponsors and mentors; while also working to grow and strengthen volunteer
Treasurer                                                                       programs and recognition.
Jennifer C. Bender currently serves as a member
of the AADC Board of Directors. As a member                                     New Appointment
of the AADC Mediation and Negotiation Team
that worked on the July 2016 Agreement with                                     Karen Lynch ’79
the Rutgers Parties, Jennifer devoted countless                                 Alumnae Engagement Chair
hours to help determine the best course of                                      The AADC Board of Directors is pleased to announce
action on the issues the Team considered on behalf of the AADC, and she         Karen Lynch has been appointed as Alumnae
received the AADC Medal in 2017 in recognition of her work. Jennifer has        Engagement Chair on the Board. In support of the AADC
graciously hosted gatherings in her home for the AADC Northern New              Strategic Planning process, this volunteer position was
Jersey Regional Connection Group and has served as a class officer every        created to enhance engagement of alumnae through involvement in our AADC
year since graduation. She graduated with highest honors in 1993 and was        Regional Connection Groups and Affinity Networks. Karen is an active alumna
Valedictorian of her class. She received her J.D. from Yale Law School          who has served on various AADC committees and has volunteered at Alumnae
is 1996, and is currently Vice President, Corporate Counsel at Prudential       Reunion Weekend and other events and programs. She brings enthusiasm and
Financial, managing a team that supports the Pension Risk Transfer Group.       experience as a former business marketing manager.

2 AADC Newsletter for Alumnae & Friends         • DouglassAlumnae on
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
Strong, Proud &Vibrant
                                      Message from Valerie Anderson ‘81, MBA | AADC Executive Director

I am privileged to lead the AADC as we build on                                        for an amazing            Alumnae of Douglass College, we can see each
our successful history and ensure our future.                                          celebration               were strategic and each intentional. Intentional
     It was an honor to welcome alumnae and                                            become reality.           to break the barriers prohibiting women from
friends back to campus for celebrations during the                                     Reunion events            receiving a college education. Intentional in
AADC’s 95th Anniversary Weekend, April 19-21. It                                       such as the Jazz          understanding the importance of and need for
was a truly memorable time. At Alumnae Reunion                                         Brunch were               connecting, engaging and empowering Douglass
Weekend, we celebrated many milestones                                                 sold out. The             alumnae. Intentional in inspiring alumnae to a
since graduating from NJC, Douglass College                                            95th Anniversary          higher calling of service and to the responsibility of
and Douglass Residential College. We especially                                        Forward Together          paying it forward.
saluted the Class of 1968 on its 50th Reunion and                                      Gala sold out after            The celebration of the AADC’s 95th
induction into the elite Vanguard Fifty Society.      only a few weeks. We are also forever grateful             anniversary has renewed the spirit of our alumnae
     I would like to thank some alumnae who           to the founders of the New Jersey College for              sisterhood and our resilience and resolve to move
played leadership roles in making the celebrations    Women, the New Jersey State Federation of                  Forward Together. Our courage and endurance
special. To the President of the Vanguard Class       Women’s Clubs of GFWC, whom we honored at                  has, and always will, enable us to forge ahead.
of 1968, Lyn Geller Stein, thank you for your         the Gala, for its advocacy of issues important to          Our journey has not always been a crystal
leadership, dedication and commitment to serving      women and in creating a women’s college.                   staircase, but yet we climb. We continue to step
your class. More than 80 classmates gathered               It is an honor to represent our great alumnae         up and step out. For 95 years we have kept the
on the steps of Voorhees Chapel for the class         organization. The AADC is a strong, proud, vibrant         fire in us greater than those around us.
photo and procession into Convocation. Thank you      and relevant alumnae association. We represent                  As we move into our future we are celebrating
to the one and only Elena Anastasiou Rossi ’78,       more than 95 years of service, commitment and              so much. Celebrating you. Celebrating the AADC.
Chair of Alumnae Reunion Weekend, who kept            dedication to serving our mission.                         We are moving Forward Together because we
our vibrant Committee at the ready. We could not           Over the years, our organization has                  are Better Together and we are In It together. Our
do it without you! Thank you to the tireless Linda    experienced challenges and changes. Sometimes              future is vibrant and strong because of you. The
Caldwell Epps ’73, Chair of the 95th Anniversary      one must ask, “What should we do differently?”             AADC is committed to serving its alumnae with
Planning Committee. Thank you to Isabel Goll          This has taught us that we are better together             programs and services that meet the needs of our
Drzewiecki ‘61, Chair of the Alumnae Awards           and that there is power in “us.” We are women              diverse alumnae. We are women of worth who
Committee, through whose efforts we honor             of worth and it is a season of celebration. There          dare to be different. Thank you for being engaged
alumnae for service and dedication. And thank         is a time and season for everything. Our season is         in your alumnae organization.
you to all alumnae who volunteered your time,         now, From Our Founding Into Our Future. From the
talents and treasurers to help make our vision        founding of NJC to the founding of the Associate

                                              AADC Board of Directors                             Kathi Love ’75                      Lauren Nathan-LaRusso ’03
                                                                                                     Treasurer                          Dianne Mills McKay ’69
                                                  Valerie Anderson ’81, MBA                                                             Evangelia Repousis ’00
                                                                                         Elizabeth Middleton Rizzotti ’89
                                                       Executive Director
                                                                                             AADC Annual Appeal Chair                    Marissa Rodriguez ’11
                                                      Jeanne M. Fox ’75                                                                Karen McLane Torian ’73
                                                                                                 Karen Lynch ’79
                                                                                             Alumnae Engagment Chair
                                                     Helen Jordan Galt ’69
                                                                                           Mary Kelleher DiMartino ’85                      AADC Staff
                                                Vice President for Administration                                                           Eileen M. Cotter
                                                                                            Douglass Alumna Serving as
                                                 Carol Hansmann Hamlin ’61                       Rutgers University                        Cathleen Fitzgerald
               Spring 2018                      Vice President for Development           Board of Trustees Representative                Natalie Harrington ’87
   Associate Alumnae of Douglass College                Debra Lynch ’79                                                                   Lizethe Martinez ’13
                                                       Vice President for                     Other Members                                Egypt Pringley ‘16
    181 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ
                08901-8557                             Alumnae Relations                    Jennifer C. Bender ’93                         Anne Marie Russo
                                                      Tina B. Gordon ’72                  Dolores Ijames Bryant ’84                           Susan Sturgill
         Telephone: 732-246-1600
                                                  Vice President for Marketing               Denise K. Busby ’76                       Valerie Hughes Zieniuk ‘05
            FAX: 732-932-2883
                                                       & Communications                   Mary Zimmerman Chyb ’71                      Design: Patricia Downes,
        www.douglassalumnae.org                    Gwen Taylor Marshall ’76                Amanda Hugelmeyer ’04                            Dutch Hill Design
  douglassalumnae@douglassalumnae.org                      Secretary                        Lisa Mizrahi-Kaado ’03

                                                                                                                                      Spring 2018                    3
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
AADC Alumnae Fellowship Fund
          Misaal Patel ’15
                                             Alumnae Fellowships                                                          NJSFWC Political Science

     Ruth M. Adams Fellowship *                   Awarded                                                                 Wislande Guillaume ’13 and
                                                                                                                              Julissa Soriano ‘12
    Misaal Patel ’15, Ruth Quiles ’09,
           Minna Sabbahi ‘14                      Each year, the Associate Alumnae of Douglass College awards             Ruth E. Salny Fellowship *
                                               fellowships to current year graduates and/or alumnae for pursuit of            Blessing Ajayi ‘18
   Julia Baxter Bates Fellowship *           graduate work in a field in which the graduate has achieved academic
           Gwen Baxley ‘13                    excellence and has identified sound career objectives. Below are the     Joyce Kotler Schwartz Memorial
                                            names of the fellowships and their recipients for 2018. Fellowships that    Graduate Science Fellowship *
    Jason David Cayne Fellowship                                                                                                 Renna Yi ‘18
                                                 do not have recipients did not have eligible applicants for 2018.
          Minna Sabbahi ‘14
                                                                                                                        C. Maxene Vaughters Summey
    Joseph and Florence Voorhees                                                                                             Service Fellowship
         Cejka Fellowship *                                                                                                Jasmine Jones-Bynes ’18
                                         Bertha Garber Modell Fellowship *           NJSFWC Fine Arts Fellowship
   Honorable Rosalie B. Cooper ’52             Elizabeth Nand ’18 and                      Dori Miller ‘17
                                                                                                                          Hedwig Hass Turkenkopf
           Fellowship *                            Nainika Paul ‘18
                                                                                        NJSFWC Cecilia Gaines                   Fellowship *
                                          Agnes McDede Murray Fellowship *                  Holland Fund                 Jasmine Jones-Bynes ’18 and
      Edith Newsom Estarabadi                                                                                                Danielle Etienne ’18
            Fellowship *                 Joyce Lam ’18, Lucy Blevins ’18, Katy            Janina Pescinski ‘11
            Kai Durant ‘18                 Chen ’18, Amanda Gyan ’18, Yiwei
                                                                                   NJSFWC International Exchange           Margaret Denton Wagner
                                              Wang ’18, Nazish Zara ‘18
                                                                                            Fellowship                            Fellowship *
       Evangeline Mundy Galas                                                                                          Janna Aladdin ’16, Efua Bolouvi ’16,
            Fellowship *                     James Neilson Fellowship *                  Ariana Simon ‘17
                                                  Amy Palacios ‘18                                                      Myra Khawar ’15, Hannah Delos
                                                                                   NJSFWC Journalism Fellowship          Reyes ’17, Aliyeh Mousavi ’12,
  Maurice DuPont Lee Jr. Fellowship
                                           New Jersey State Federation of                 Raka Chaki ‘17               Misaal Patel ’15, Jo-Ana Rivera ’17,
             in History
                                                  Women’s Clubs                                                                  Devin Ward ‘14
         Catherine Lydon ‘18
                                               (NJSFWC) Fellowship                   NJSFWC Natural and Applied
   Laurie Ann McDade Fellowship *                 Myra Khawar ‘15                        Science Fellowship             Kelly Ann Wilson Fellowship *
          Janina Pescinski ‘11                                                          Katherine Fullerton ‘16              Marina Shimarova ‘18
                                           NJSFWC Continuing Education
      Professor Micaela Miseigo                    Fellowship                          NJSFWC Performing Arts              Adelaide Marcus Zagoren
             Fellowship                          Yolanda Solis ‘17                            Fellowship                     Science Fellowship *
         Michelle Siegling ‘92                                                             Leilani Bishop ‘17                Sara Wengrowski ‘17

                                                                                                                                 * = deceased

                                                        Create a Lasting Legacy
  The Joseph B. and Florence Voorhees Cejka Graduate Fellowship
Florence Voorhees, outstanding Phi Beta Kappa senior in                                        and Mary, University of Mass, University of Penn,
the class of 1940, was the recipient of the Mabel Smith                                        Rutgers, University of Natalin (South Africa), University
Douglass Fellowship for 1940-41. She went on to earn                                           of Bristol (England), University College (London),
her master's degree in English from Yale University.                                           Graduate Institute of Geneva, and Sagiellonian
The Fellowship she received was created in 1928 by the                                         University (Poland) – to name but a few. Truly,
members of the classes then in NJC to honor their Dean.                                        Douglass alumnae are everywhere.
  Later, Florence, in gratitude for this needed support,                                          Florence Voorhees Cejka was a visionary. Few women
"paid back" by endowing the Joseph B. and Florence                                             studied for advanced degrees in her time and for many
Voorhees Cejka Graduate Fellowship for graduate study.                                         years afterward. However, today graduate degrees
Since her initial gift in 1995, with future additions by                                       are needed for many professions, but not enough
the Cejka Foundation, her generosity and that of her family have                 fellowships are available. Through her thoughtful planning in
funded forty-one Douglass alumnae for advanced studies and                       establishing an endowed fellowship, Florence is helping to meet this
Masters in many different fields. The recipients were able to study at           need today and will continue to assist future generations of Douglass
Yale, Cornell, NYU, Bowling Green, Williams, UCLA, CUNY, William                 Alumnae to pursue advanced study around the globe.
     If you are grateful for the difference your education and your alumnae connections have made in your life, you may consider establishing a fellowship
  in your name, with your family, or with classmates. This appeal is not on behalf of NJC, DRC, or Rutgers. For more information on creating your legacy,
contact Eileen Cotter, Director of Development, at 732-246-1600 or ecotter@douglassalumnae.org. All inquiries are confidential and without obligation.

4 AADC Newsletter for Alumnae & Friends      • DouglassAlumnae on
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
FORWARD TOGETHER: F rom O ur F ounding I nto O ur F uture

             AADC 95th Anniversary
         Weekend Celebrations Successful Because of You

       hank you to the hundreds of alumnae and guests                   Convocation was followed by the sold-out Champagne Jazz
       who participated in the highly-successful AADC 95th              Brunch, Milestone Class Photos, individual milestone class
       Anniversary Weekend celebrations. Both Alumnae                   gatherings, afternoon tours and activities, including a “Women
Reunion Weekend and the AADC Forward Together Gala: From                Changing the World” panel, a talk by Michele Hudgins Ozumba
Our Founding Into Our Future were sold-out events. Oberlin              ‘73, President of the Women’s College Coalition, and a
College President and Former Dean of Douglass Carmen Twillie            performance by musicians, dancers and actors session from the
Ambar delivered an empowering keynote address at the Gala.              George Street Playhouse, Crossroads Theater, State Theater
    Our celebration began on                                                                          New Jersey and American
Thursday evening, April 19,                                                                           Repertory Ballet at the “Can’t
with the invitation-only event,                “Go forward                                            Have Smarts Without the Arts”
“An Evening to Honor AADC                                                                             session. Crossroads Theater
Benefactors.” Alumnae spoke                  together and do                                          also performed an informative
about the impact of support
and the value of supporting our              your work well.”                                         and entertaining skit at the
                                                                                                      Champagne Jazz Brunch.
alumnae sisterhood, and all                                                                              Congratulations to this year’s
enjoyed an evening of connecting                                                                      AADC Alumnae Award Recipients,
and sisterhood. Reunion                                                                               who were honored during the
celebrations began with the                                                                           weekend celebrations. They were
Vanguard Luncheon on Friday                                                                           Margaret T. Corwin Award: Karen
morning, welcoming more than                                                                          McLane Torian ‘73; Vanguard
80 members of the Class of 1968                                                                       Service Award: Gail Phillips
into the Vanguard Fifty Society.                                                                      Houlihan ‘58; Alumnae Recognition
Anita Hahn Wolfson, Class of                                                                          Awards: Janet Tepper Riemer
1943, attended in celebration                                                                         ‘56, Lauren Nathan-LaRusso ‘03,
of her 75th Reunion. That was                                                                         and Elizabeth Middleton Rizzotti
followed by an afternoon bus tour,                 Carmen Twillie Ambar, Gala Keynote                 ‘89; Young Alumna Mabel Award:
a presentation about the history of                   Oberlin College President and                   Yesenia Perez ‘12; AADC Medal:
                                                        Former Dean of Douglass
the AADC, a health and wellness                                                                       New Jersey State Federation of
presentation, and the evening’s                                                                       Women’s Clubs of GFWC.
wine and cheese reception hosted by the AADC Black Alumnae                  Our gala was held at New Brunswick’s Heldrich Hotel and
Network at the Ruth Schilling Hennessy Alumnae Center.                  was attended by some 350 alumnae and guests. Gala honorees
    Reunion Convocation in Voorhees Chapel on Saturday                  the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of GFWC
morning featured the Vanguard Class of 1968, Milestone                  were featured. In addition to Carmen Twillie Ambar, former Dean
Classes Parade, Alumnae Awards, Reunion class gift                      of Douglass Barbara Shailor, and Michele Hudgins Ozumba ‘73,
presentations and keynote by former Dean Dr. Mary Hartman.              President of the Women’s College Coalition, gave remarks.
Among the milestone classes, we heralded two classmates                 The sold-out evening included dinner, music and dancing,
from the Class of 1948, Betty Reeve Inglis and Marie Di                 a photo booth, a candy dessert bar and the opportunity to
Francesco Leppert, who were celebrating their 70th Reunion.             participate in a wine pull.

                                                                                                             Spring 2018             5
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
FORWARD TOGETHER: F rom O ur F ounding I nto O ur F uture

                                    An Evening to Honor AADC Benefactors
                                                                  Thursday, April 19, 2018

Top row, from left: Maureen Strazdon ’70 shared remarks; Carole Sampson-Landers ’69, AADC Executive Director Valerie Anderson ’81 and Maddie Brooks, Manager of Financial
Services at Prudential Financial; AADC Director of Development Eileen Cotter with Marilyn Marolda Steiner ‘65, sponsor of the cocktail reception; Gail Phillips Houlihan ’58, left,
presents the Ivy Society pin to classmate Pat Ameling.
Second row, from left: AADC President Jeanne Fox ’75 welcomed guests; Wislande Guillaume ’13; Helen Strang Stapley ’50 celebrated her 90th birthday; Carol Hansmann Hamlin
’61, AADC Board of Directors Vice President for Development, shared remarks.

                                                               AADC Forward Together Gala:
                                                                   Saturday, April 21, 2018

Top row from left: Gala honorees, the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of GFWC, represented by President Jean Revis, center, with AADC President Jeanne M.
Fox ’75, left and Executive Director Valerie Anderson ’81; 1973 classmates Michele Hudgins Ozumba, President of the Women’s College Coalition, left, with Gala Chair Linda
Caldwell Epps; Reunion Chair Elena Anastasiou Rossi ’78, left, with husband, Lou Rossi, and daughter Gabrielle Rossi ’14; Gala emcee Tina B. Gordon ’72.
Second row from left: Members of the Class of 1989, Elaine Sarlo Edge, Debbie Crouch ‘94, Kristen Decker Panagiotou, Julie Stern-Delfiner, Elizabeth Middleton Rizzotti, Stephanie
Cayne Meiskin, Regina Malloy Lindner, Sheryl Krongold, Nancy Koch Nilles; Rosa Hanco ’99 takes a Gala selfie; Helen Galt ’69 with husband Chris Galt, left, Isabel Goll Drzewiecki
’61, and Dianne Mills McKay ’69 and husband Thomas.

6 AADC Newsletter for Alumnae & Friends            • DouglassAlumnae on
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
FORWARD TOGETHER: F rom O ur F ounding I nto O ur F uture

                                           AADC Alumnae Reunion Weekend
                                                Friday, April 20 - Saturday, April 21, 2018

 Top row, from left: Betty Inglis ‘48 celebrates her 70th Reunion; AADC Chair of Awards Committee Isabel Goll Drzewiecki ‘61, left, with Yesenia Perez ‘12, Young Alumna Mabel
 Award recipient; Reunion Convocation keynote speaker Former Dean Mary Hartman with AADC Executive Director Valerie Anderson ‘81, Reunion Chair Elena Anastasiou Rossi ‘78
 and President Jeanne Fox ‘75; “Women Changing the World” panelists Meg Schoen Armstrong ‘64, MaryBeth Musumeci ‘96 and Cheri Beasley ‘88.
 Second row, from left: 2018 Alumnae Award Recipients Elizabeth Middleton Rizzotti ‘89, Lauren Nathan-LaRusso ‘03; Yesenia Perez ‘12; Karen McLane Torian ‘73; Janet Tepper
 Riemer ‘56, Marybeth Hugelmeyer and Jean Revis of NJSFWC, and (not pictured) Gail Phillips Houlihan ‘58; Class of 1958 members Olive Huguenin Klein, Daina Chalkis Riveiro,
 Lyn Geller Stein, Elizabeth Latshaw Trundle; 1993 classmates Jennifer L. Ansbach and Dawn Dantzler-Parreott.

From Our Founding Into Our Future
                                                                 Saturday, April 21, 2018

 Top row from left: Mary Borghi Luther ’65, far right, and husband Raymond, far left, and with Joyce Kovatch Albers-Schonberg 65 and husband Georg Albers-Schonberg; Inez
 Phillips Durham ‘57 and Cheryl Wall; Former Dean Barbara Shailor; Members of the Class of 1983, former AADC Executive Director Rachel Ingber, Rosemarie Truglio, Nancy
 Hubner Mitchko and Diane T. Gomes.
 Second row from left: R. Toni Howell Armstead ‘74 with husband Gene Armstead RC ‘73; Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt ’42, who celebrated her 97th birthday at the Gala, with
 Heather Tedesco ’12; Members of the Class of 1998, Katie Lynch, Jean Cook, Joanne Murad, Sara Hymowitz (kneeling), Mary Ellen Cook Sarno ‘00, Teri Sciacchetano Langley and
 Lisa Mizrahi-Kaado ‘03; Amanda Hugelmeyer ’04 with husband, Paul Nelson.

                                                                                                                                             Spring 2018                       7
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...

AADC Women’s Life-Long                                                       Save the date for the Third Annual AADC Victoria Dabrowski
                                                                             Schmidt ’42 Workplace and Professional Development
Learning Initiative                                                          Symposium on September 8, 2018 at the Douglass Student Center.

AADC Smart Talks Launched as Part of the                                     AADC Mabel’s Alumnae Mentoring Program
AADC Women’s Life-Long Learning Initiative                                   Builds on Success
                                                       AADC Smart            The well-received program is finishing its second year. In addition to
                                                       Talks, a series       Facebook group pages for Mentors and for Mentees where messages
                                                       of diverse            and issues can be shared, conference calls are held every other month
                                                       educational and       to discuss issues relating to mentoring relationships, career and life.
                                                       inspirational, free   The program’s digital news editor, Linda Parry ’75, compiled the latest
                                                       talks for alumnae,    issue of the Mabel’s Alumnae Networking Program Newsletter, which
                                                       are an exciting       includes highlights from Mentors and Mentees in addition to program
                                                       component of          reminders and other items. In the February issue, the topic of caregiving
the AADC Women’s Life-Long Learning Initiative. Our first talk, “Find        was discussed about taking on the responsibility for the care of a
Your Roots,” was presented on February 24, by Gene Armstead,                 spouse, parent or friend who needs help with daily living tasks. “This is a
President of the African American History & Genealogical Society of          silent part of many women’s lives,” she writes. The number of Mentors
New Jersey, a 1973 alumnus of Rutgers College. He shared tips to use         and Mentees in the program doubled in its second year and continues
when researching your ancestry and demonstrated how he researched            to grow, says Chair Kathi Love ’75. The second year of the program
his family genealogy and that of his wife, R. Toni Howell Armstead ‘74.      wraps up with the June 10 Closing Celebration and Brunch at the
Our second talk, “How to Pay Off College Debt & More,” was held              Alumnae Center. To read the newsletter or program details, visit www.
on May 5, by Maddie Brooks, Manager, Financial Services, at Prudential       douglassalumnae.org/mabels-mentoring-program. Online Mentor and
Financial, who shared an informative talk with tips on way to consolidate    Mentee application deadline for the third year of the program is June 29.
loans and get out of debt. Alumnae who were not able to attend the
talks, both held at the Ruth Schilling Hennessy Alumnae Center, were
able to tune in via Facebook Live on the Douglass Alumnae page. Special              Zagoren Lecture, “Searching for
thanks to AADC Smart Talks Committee Co-chairs are Denise K. Busby                  Scientific Womanpower,” Featured
‘76, Amanda Hugelmeyer ‘04 and Karen McLane Torian ‘73. Future talks
may include topics such as how to negotiate a raise and protecting
                                                                                     Dr. Laura Micheletti Puaca ’99,
yourself from identity theft.                                                    Brought Alumnae to Campus and Online

AADC Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt ’42
Workplace and Professional Development
Symposium Committee Hosts Innovative
Programs Throughout the Year
Alumnae who participated in last year’s Symposium have had
additional opportunities to reconnect following the annual day of
inspiring presentations and workshops. The Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt
’42 Workplace and Professional Development Symposium Committee
held a Potluck Networking Reception and free Mock Interview
Workshop on January 23 at the Ruth Schilling Hennessy Alumnae                   The AADC welcomed Dr. Laura Micheletti Puaca ‘99 as the
Center. Special thanks to Career Coach Beena Kavalam ‘98, MBA,                  2018 Zagoren Lecturer at the Kathleen W. Ludwig Global Village
CPCC, who presented tips and strategies to the group before the Mock            Living Learning Center on March 6. Alumnae attended the
Interviews. Alumnae volunteers provided their time and talents as “mock         lecture on campus and others tuned in on Facebook Live via our
interviewers” for the session. They also gathered at a Networking               Douglass Alumnae group. An associate professor in the History
Happy Hour at the On the Border Restaurant in New Brunswick on                  Department at Christopher Newport University, Laura shared her
March 16. “It was great to network with the fabulous women of this very         work about the history of efforts to encourage women and girls
special sisterhood and share                                                    in STEM fields. She also signed copies of her book, “Searching
updates about AADC programs,”                                                   for Scientific Womanpower: Technocratic Feminism and the
says Chair Lisa Mizrahi-Kaado                                                   Politics of National Security, 1940-1980.” The lecture honors the
’03. On June 5, the Committee                                                   late Adelaide Marcus Zagoren ‘40, beloved Douglass alumnae
hosts Dianne Mills McKay ’69                                                    leader and philanthropist. To view the Zagoren Lecture video,
for a True Colors Workshop at                                                   please like us on Facebook/Douglass Alumnae.
the Alumnae Center.

8 AADC Newsletter for Alumnae & Friends     • DouglassAlumnae on
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...

The Associate Alumnae of Douglass College has Affinity Networks and                                                      Regional Connection Groups
Regional Connection Groups across the country that are a great way to
                                                                                                             AADC New York City Regional Connection Group Forward
connect with sister alumnae and with the AADC. Learn more at www.
                                                                                                         Together Gathering was hosted by Barbara Little Britt ’65 at
douglassalumnae.org/alumnae/connections. To get involved, please
                                                                                                         her New York City home on February 15. It featured updates from
contact Valerie Hughes Zieniuk ’05 or Egypt Pringley ’16 at (732) 246-1600.
                                                                                                         AADC President Jeanne Fox ’75 and Board Member Mary Kelleher
                              Affinity Networks                                                          DiMartino ’85. Special thanks to Barbara.
     The AADC Black Alumnae Network (BAN) hosted “An Open                                                     On May 20, the AADC New York City Regional Connection Group
Dialogue with Emma Andrews Warren ‘49, Oldest Known Living                                               gathered for a private guided tour of New York’s Neue Galerie,
African-American Alumna,” on March 31. Emma shared her experiences                                       followed by a luncheon at Café Fledermaus.
both as an alumna and as one of the first African-American undergraduates                                    AADC Central New Jersey Regional Connection Group
to live on Douglass Campus. She was also one of the first recipients of                                  Gathering was hosted by Debbie Lynch ‘79, Board Vice President
the New Jersey Heritage Award, now the Margery Somers Foster Senior                                      for Alumnae Relations, at her Flemington, NJ, home on January 28.
Service Award.                                                                                           The gathering included a presentation, “Voices from the Suffragist
     Earlier this year, BAN held a General Meeting followed by the Evelyn                                Movement,” by actress and storyteller Laurie MacDonnell-Gaulke.
Sermons Field ‘49 Literary Society book discussion about “Yesterday                                      An overview of the AADC’s new strategic initiatives was also
I Cried,” by Iyanla Vanzant. BAN will meet on June 16, followed by a                                     shared. Special thanks to Debbie.
discussion about “Purple Hibiscus,” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.                                             AADC Northern New Jersey Regional Connection Group
    Save the date for BAN’s Jewel Plummer Cobb Sisters Conference,                                       Afternoon Tea was hosted by Lois Rabinowitz Steinberg ’59 in her
for an empowering day on Saturday, October 13.                                                           Livingston, NJ, home on May 20. AADC Strategic Initiatives were
                                                                                                         shared by AADC President Jeanne Fox ’75, Board Member Lisa
   AADC Young Alumnae Network (YAN) hosted its Sisterhood Book
                                                                                                         Mizrahi-Kaado ’03 and Karen Lynch ’79, Alumnae Engagement Chair.
Club and Book Swap on June 2, with the new addition of exchanging
                                                                                                         Special thanks to Lois.
books. The group discussed “The Power,” by Naomi Alderman.
                                                                                                            AADC North Carolina Regional Connection Groups will be
    YAN also hosted its popular Cabin Fever & Sweet Treat Challenge
                                                                                                         gathering again soon. It connects alumnae in both the Wilmington
on February 3. Alumnae shared time knitting and crafting, as well as
                                                                                                         and the Research Triangle areas. To get involved, contact Chair
enjoying a wonderful selection of treats. This year’s Sweet Treat Challenge
                                                                                                         Donna Coulson ’77 at coulsondonna@gmail.com.
top honors went to Dori Miller ‘17 for her chocolate-cherry loaf.

           Forward Together into our Next Era of Success:
                         Fund the Future
For 95 years our alumnae association has remained                                                                         groups through expanded program and the integration of
an independent organization that is alumnae-created,                                                                      new technology that will allow virtual connections world-
alumnae-led, alumnae-driven and alumnae-supported. It                                                                     wide.
is the involvement and support of each alumna and friend                                                                  n As well as Fellowship support for graduating seniors
that created our proud history. Now I invite you to join in                                                                   (who will be alumnae when they receive their award)
creating new programs and initiatives that will mark our                                                                      and current alumnae who seek to continue their formal
next era of success.                                                                                                          education beyond the undergraduate degree level.
     Please consider a gift of to the AADC Annual Appeal to fund the future of                          For 95 years Douglass alumnae have been stronger when we join together.
the AADC. The AADC Annual Appeal is not on behalf of NJC, DRC, Douglass or                          We are better together. Join me in giving a 96th birthday gift to the AADC.
Rutgers. Your support will benefit the AADC. It will help to develop vibrant new                    Together we can fund the future of our alumnae sisterhood. Together we
programs and continue to foster alumnae connections.                                                can assure that the class of 2022 will inherit the legacy of a strong alumnae
n Programs like the Women’s Life-Long Learning Initiative: a series of                              association, as the class of 1922 envisioned, and as we together have
     conferences, mentoring, workshops, programs, and lectures designed to                          advanced.
     meet the continuing educational needs of alumnae at every stage of life.                               Sincerely,
n Connections like extending the reach of the AADC’s regional and affinity                                  Carol Hansmann Hamlin ‘61, Vice President for Development

   The AADC is a self-supporting, independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions are fully tax deductible. Unrestricted gifts provide support to our mission. All gifts will be
  assessed an administrative fee of five (5) or ten (10) percent, depending on the size of the gift, to be used for operational purposes. Your commitment will allow the AADC the flexibility to
        direct support to alumnae initiatives that are of the greatest priority and to support the general operations which allow the AADC to be a best in class alumnae organization.

                                                                                                                                                             Spring 2018                            9
Celebrating 95 Years of Success - Associate Alumnae of ...
Gifts To Honor
                                                      December 1, 2017 - May 3, 2018

   Valerie Anderson ’81, from            Belle Pretter Liss ’75, from        Lois Rabinowitz Steinberg ’59,       50th Anniversary of the Class
       Marianne Ficarra ’88                    Lois Gregory ’69               from Ellen Sue Spicer-Jacobson        of 1968, from Gay Gale ’68,
                                                                            ’59, Irene Figarotta Pearse ’59 and    Radine Fernandez Hamilton’68,
Andrea Lucibello Atno ’73, from           Jo Ann Lucibello ’69, from            Flora Buchbinder Cowen ’59          Jane McCarthy ’68 and Carol
       Lois Gregory ’69                        Lois Gregory ’69                                                          Gottlieb Noble ’68
                                                                            Karen McLane Torian ’73, from
     Rachel Castellon, from               Diane Menditto ’70, from             Sheila Kelly Hampton ’70           Class of ’68 - Those Who Are
       Diane Chierchie ’86                    Lois Gregory ’69                                                    Here and Those Who Are No
                                                                               Erika Simmons Toth, from            Longer With Us, from Nancy
 Flora Buchbinder Cowen ’59,               Yesenia Perez ’12, from             Marilyn Marolda Steiner ’65            Sheinblatt Trapido ’68
      from Arlene Kusmick                    Marianne Ficarra ’88
                                                                             Emma Andrews Warren ’49,             The 30th Reunion of the Class
Diane Roberts Easton ’70, from           Dean Nancy Richards, from             from Marianne Ficarra ’88              of 1988, from Marianne
       Lois Gregory ’69                   Brenda McNeil Ruetschi ’96
                                                                                                                            Ficarra ’88
                                                                            Shulamith Berlin Weisman ’49,
  Jeanne Fox ’75, from Maurice         Janet Tepper Riemer ’56, from            from, Lois Weisman ’74            Class of 1993, from Jennifer L.
Lee and Lauren Nathan-LaRusso ’03           Marianne Ficarra ’88
                                                                                                                           Ansbach ’93
                                                                             70th Reunion of the Class of
Sam and Irene Dale Goldfarb ‘50,         Elizabeth Middleton Rizzotti       1948, from Betty Reeve Inglis ’48        Class of 2003, from Lisa
      from Harold Borkan               ’89, from Marianne Ficarra ’88 and
                                                                                                                        Mizrahi-Kaado ’03
                                             Sheila Kelly Hampton ’70        65th Reunion of the Class of
Sheila Kelly Hampton ’70, from                                              1953, from June Rosener Wessel        95th Anniversary of the AADC,
          W. Murphy                     Rica Romero, from Genevieve         ’53 and Claire Lehmann Stang ’53        from Marianne Ficarra ’88 and
                                                Sison ’95
Travis Henry, from Alicia Alston ’91                                                                                  Nancy Hubner Mitchko ’83
                                                                             Class of 1958, from Elizabeth
                                       Harvey M. Schwartz, from Linda              Mathis Duke ’58
Gail Phillips Houlihan ’58, from                                                                                     All Awesome Douglass
                                            Hammer Lindroth ’68
 Marianne Ficarra ’88 and Sheila                                                                                   Alumnae, from Janet Pegg ’78
                                                                              Class of 1960, from Dolores
       Kelly Hampton ’70                Myra Dimetrosky Slachetka                 Dooley Newman ’60               Bunting Alumnae Sisters, from
                                         ’69, from Lois Gregory ’69
  Harriet Plews Ingeman ’61,                                                                                           Marianne Ficarra ’88
                                                                             55th Reunion of the Class of
  from Patricia Smith Marks ’65            Marion G. Stanton, from              1963, from Sheila Levin           New Jersey State Federation
                                           Margaret Cunningham ’85                   Kremer ’63
 Lauren Nathan-LaRusso ’03,                                                                                       of Women’s Clubs of GFWC,
 from Marianne Ficarra ’88 and                                                                                       from Marianne Ficarra ’88
    Sheila Kelly Hampton ’70

                                                      Memorial Gifts
                                                      December 1, 2017 - May 3, 2018

  Isabelle Miller Alexander,              Joseph and Eda Polacco             Barbara Murray Gordon ’53,            Sylvia Laskowsky James ‘59,
  from Lenora Miller Green ’78            Borghi, from Mary Borghi           from Sheila Kelly Hampton ‘70          from Irene Figarotta Pearse ‘59
                                                 Luther ‘65                  and Claire Lehmann Stang ’53
 Clara J. Anderson, mother of                                                                                       Donna Addicott Molnar ‘57,
    AADC Executive Director                  May E. Carty, from             Elizabeth Sullivan Hughes ‘44,        from Elizabeth Muffett Craven ‘57
   Valerie Anderson ‘81, from                 Patricia Carty ‘64                    from W. Murphy
Janet Pegg ’78, Debra Lynch ‘79,                                                                                    Edna Hirsch Nash ‘66, from
  Susan Goldfine ‘63, Kathleen          Phyllis C. Eisenberg ‘40, from       Elaine Inselman, from Marlene          Natalie Salzberg Mauskopf ‘66
   Whitehead Ludwig ‘75 and              Flora Buchbinder Cowen ‘59                 Varga Carlson ‘61,
                                                                               Mary Zimmerman Chyb ‘71,           Harriet Liftman Needleman ‘70,
      Marianne Ficarra ‘88              Carrol Kemp Florkiewicz ‘56,         and Flora Buchbinder Cowen ‘59        from Ellen Schwartz Fitzig ‘70
 Elizabeth Bohannon ‘57, from           from Roberta Cain Zakarian ‘56
                                                                             Miriam Tindell Irwin ‘28, from          Christine Oliger ‘88, from
       Richard Bohannon
                                                                                  Phyllis Irwin Eden ‘59                   George Oliger

                                                                                                                          ••• Continued on page 11

10 AADC Newsletter for Alumnae & Friends    • DouglassAlumnae on
••• “Memorial Gifts” continued from page 10

Beverly Dolan O’Shea ‘56, from               Carole Taylor Reynolds ‘55,             Cynthia Sass ‘78, from Catherine            Eileen Yita Steiner ‘67, from
  Flora Buchbinder Cowen ‘59                from Beverly Williams Odon ‘65                     Bodnar ‘78                        Sharon Matlofsky Karmazin ’67

 Deborah Plick, from Catherine            Christine DiMarino Roberts ‘56,              Madeleine Schetty ‘27, from             Irene Haydock Wallen ‘60, from
        M. Bodnar ‘78                           from Rosemarie Leroy                    Flora Buchbinder Cowen ‘59                 Irene Figarotta Pearse ‘59

Gloria Grossman Preminger ‘49,               Giuseppe Saglimbeni, from              Joyce Kotler Schwartz ‘63, from             Catherine Reiser Watson ‘62,
 from Flora Buchbinder Cowen ‘59                  Maria Scarcella                          Leonard Schwartz                         from Joseph Messina

   Francine Quaglio ‘67, from              Catherine Law Salas ’38, from               Luigi and Philomena Siano,                 Mark Zieniuk, from Marilyn
           Lois Poule                              Steven Buckley                        from Mary Lou Siano ‘59                     Marolda Steiner ‘65

  Dorothy Hinz Ransom, from                Elizabeth Skrod Salfelder ‘70,             Sally Slobodien ‘72, from Flora
       Stanley Ransom                          from Amelia Paparozzi ‘70                   Buchbinder Cowen ‘59

                                                                In Memoriam
                                                           December 1, 2017 - May 3, 2018

   Daisy Kinstein Aberlin ’34                     Manuela DeAguiar                                                                       Nola Safro ’64
       January 14, 2018                             Cardiellos ’46                       Eleanor Fain Lowell ’52                          March 2018
                                                  September 21, 2017                          April 6, 2018
  Catherine Toolan Owen ’42                                                                                                        Eileen Loeb Rosfjord ’66
      December 23, 2017                            Margret Haertel                          Claire Stringfellow                         March 13, 2018
                                                   Kolbjornsen ‘46                             Goodwin ’53
   Ruth Davids Blaustein ’43                       February 2, 2018                            April 14, 2018                      Karen Kircher Grieco ’67
      December 20, 2017                                                                                                                 April 23, 2018
                                              Lavinia Burns Jenkins ’47                Barbara Murray Gordon ’53
   Carol Hamilton Krieger ’43                      January 10, 2018                          March 25, 2018                          Sally Klein Hindes ’71
       November 14, 2017                                                                                                              December 22, 2017
                                                Kathrine “Kaye” Clark                  Lilian Carncross Marsh ’53
Margaret Matthews Morris ‘43                         Wollney ’47                              February 4, 2018                        Sally Slobodien ’72
        April 19, 2018                              April 15, 2018                                                                      March 2, 2018
                                                                                      Cecelia Sondey Freimark ’54
 Josephine Orlando Muller ’43                  Inez Sarao Bonanno ’48                       February 20, 2018                    Barbara Lapinski Tangel ’72
       January 14, 2018                             April 13, 2018                                                                    January 21, 2018
                                                                                    Marcia Rosenblum Stillman ’54
  Carol Jackman Schmidt ’43                 Evelyn Clements Pearce ’48                    December 23, 2017                              Julie Baker ’76
        January 22, 2018                          March 22, 2018                                                                        February 13, 2018
                                                                                         Doris Seufert Rowe ‘55
   Mary Moore Shannon ’43                    Irene Povenski Busher ’50                        April 11, 2018                     Ruth Zuckerman Barrack ’77
        May 1, 2017                                 April 20, 2018                                                                    November 16, 2017
                                                                                         Elizabeth “Betty” Walsh
 Beatrice Smoliga Huston ’44                  Judith Kraut Feltman ’51                         Sowney ’56                      Sandra Westerberg Martin ’78
        March 4, 2018                               April 24, 2018                             April 11, 2018                         March 30, 2018

     Betty Oxley Lipman ‘45                   Jane Maier Andlinger ’52                       Carolyn Dittus ’60                   Mary Elizabeth Horsley ’86
          March 8, 2018                            January 2, 2018                              April 9, 2018                         February 26, 2017

                                            Rosemary DeWitt Dailey ’52                 Francine Merlo Malone ’61                 Melanie Fraiman Siegel ’96
                                                 February 1, 2018                            March 29, 2018                          January 25, 2018

Cover Photos: Back cover, from left: AADC Executive Director Valerie Anderson ‘81 and Allie Kroeper ‘14; Elizabeth Latshaw Trundle ‘68 and Lyn Geller Stein ‘68;
Elizabeth Davis ‘15, Megan Corlis ’15, Kelly Gugger ’14 and Leslie Holt ’14; Bertha Aiken ’81; Maureen Strazdon ‘70.
Front cover, from left: Linda Caldwell Epps ‘73; Arthur Rubenstein and Alice Herman ‘70, Laura Zagoren Baron ‘70, David Greene, Ellen Koponen Wilson ‘67, Sharon
Matlofsky Karmazin ‘67, Kathleen Whithead Ludwig ‘75 and Edward Ludwig; Elena Anastasiou Rossi ’78; Sheree Morrison (guest), Gloria Spann Seigler ‘76, Debra
Womack Hill ‘76, Gwen Taylor Marshall ‘76, Renee Robinson ‘76.

                                                                                                                                      Spring 2018                  11
                                                                                            U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                            BELLMAWR, NJ
                                                                                            PERMIT #1940

AADC Newsletter for Alumnae & Friends
181 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557

                The successful AADC 95th Anniversary week is now part of our proud history –
                and a dynamic future is ahead. Enjoy photos from our AADC 95th Anniversary
                 Forward Together Gala and join in supporting the AADC’s next era of success.

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