CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG

CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
Buying from St John
helps our professional
ambulance teams here.
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
Making health care possible for people

About St John
St John Papua New Guinea is a charitable, non-profit, humanitarian organisation operating in accordance with the
St John Council Incorporation Act.

Our purpose is to serve humanity and build resilient communities through the relief and prevention of sickness and
distress, suffering and danger by:

        1. Making first aid a part of everyone s life; and
        2. Delivering high-quality, cost-effective ambulance services to Papua New Guinea
        3. Providing easy and equitable access into the health system.

St John s integrated model of delivering care makes us unique in our ability to provide people with comprehensive
essential, emergency and critical care by:

        • Helping the sick and injured in times of emergency by providing reliable and cost-effective ambulance for
          the PNG Government.
        • Ensuring people can access critical medical services in PNG and abroad by providing an emergency air
          evacuation services with our leading critical care medical teams.
        • Teaching various levels of first aid training to the community, school students, office workers, emergency
        • Providing advanced emergency life training to hospital nurses and doctors.
        • Delivering bespoke and scalable on-site medical services for industry, business and government.
        • Supplying businesses, industry and hospitals with quality medical supplies and equipment

  Our Mission
  We are committed to making sure that people have trusted, reliable and quality emergency care when it is
  needed, wherever it is needed, whatever the circumstance. We will pursue excellence in health education
  and the provision of medical services to prevent and relieve sickness and injury and improve people s health.

             We have been a part of
             Papua New Guinea since 1957.

Our Promise.
 Where no one else can. Where no one else will.
 St John has been a bastion for accessible, universal health care
 for nine centuries. In performing their duties, the men and
 woman of today uphold the work of their forbearers.

 St John will always stand firm in it s mission to make health
 care universally accessible to people, because people need
 care and humanity deserves protection.

We raise money to fill the gap in government funding for emergency ambulance services.

Only a portion of the public ambulance service we provide is government funded. We need to raise millions of kina
each year to keep the services free to those who need them most.
When organisations choose our trusted commercial medical services and world-renowned first aid training they
help us generate funds to sustain, improve and expand our public emergency health work. That s another great
reason to choose St John for every project.
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG

  That illness, injury and suffering are preventer or eased because
  first aid is a part of everyone’s lives.

  To provide responsive and resilient emergency and primary
  health care to communities in major populated areas so that
  people are healthier.

  To reach the remotest corners of our country to bring aid when
  maternal, neonatal or trauma emergency arises in any

  That we are the local medical provider of choice working
  families, business and industries.

  That the people of Papua New Guinea value St John as a trusted
  dedicated and inimitable organisation because we are reliable in
  protecting people and a bastion for humanity in all that we do.
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
Your First Aid Needs
Every home and workplace needs to be
first aid ready. The range of first aid
training and kits we sell are suitable for
house and home, workplace and
industry. We can also help develop
bespoke solutions for specific projects,
adventures or activities. We
recommend a workplace has at least
one professionally trained first aider for
every 20 employees, and a first aid kit
on every floor, vehicle and site.

  1 in ever 20 emplo ees
 should be first aid trained.

Medical Supplies Catalogue
We sell the same brands and products
that our ambulance officers use. As
part of our commitment to making
health care more accessible, we also
have a comprehensive catalogue of
emergency medical supplies for
government and private health
providers at affordable prices. You can
download this on our website or contact
us for a copy.

To find out more go to
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
CATALOGUE - St John Ambulance PNG
Our First Aid Courses
 St John s commercial first aid package ensure your workforce is equipped with the first aid training to assist
 a sick or injured person.

 As a student choosing St John, you have confidence that our 200 years of global experience designing and
 teaching first aid means you get quality at every corner.

 Since 1957, St John has been delivering first aid services to the Papua New Guinea community. We are the
 nation s largest first aid training provider and offer a range of nationally accredited and non-accredited
 courses to meet industry and individual needs.

 We provide training in Port Moresby, as well as at worksites anywhere in Papua New Guinea, which makes
 it easy for workers to gain or maintain their first aid qualifications. Our trainers come from a variety of
 backgrounds, enabling them to contribute real life experiences to the training environment.

 Our courses go through rigorous appraisal to get the approval of our leading paramedics and doctors
 meaning that what you are taught is backed by medical professionals.

 CPR                                            Provide Senior                                   Advanced First
 All ages 14+
                                                First Aid                                        Aid
                                                Suitability                                      Suitability
                                                Workplace first aider                            Occupational first aider
 4 hours
                                                Sports coaches and trainers                      Duration
                                                Travellers                                       16 hours
 12 Months
                                                Tour guides                                      Prerequisite
 Accrediting body
                                                Hotels                                           Provide First Aid
                                                Duration                                         Validity
                                                16 hours                                         3 years
                                                Validity                                         Accrediting body
                                                3 Years                                          NTC
                                                Accrediting body                                 Standard
                                                NTC                                              Australian

 Advanced                                       Low Voltage                                      Fire Safety
 Resuscitation & Pain                           Rescue                                           Suitability
 Management                                                                                      Office & Industry
 Suitability                                                                                     Duration
                                                Electrical workers
 Occupational first aider                                                                        4 hours
 Health workers                                                                                  Validity
                                                4 hours
 Nurse                                                                                           1 Year
 Duration                                                                                        Standard
                                                3 Years
 8 hours                                                                                         Australian
                                                Accrediting body
 Prerequisite                                   NTC
 Advanced First Aid                             Standard
 Validity                                       Australian
 1 Year
 Accrediting body

                For more information please call 303 1000 or visit our website at
First Aid Training Fact Sheet

Basic First Aid
Formerly Emergency First Aid
HLTAID002 Provide Basic Emergency First Aid

AT A GLANCE                              Management of:
                                         » Hazard assessment to       » Shock
Duration: 1 day                          minimise risk                » Cardiac Arrest
                                         » Checking for normal
                                         breathing and recognising    - Four minutes of uninterrupted
Prerequisites: None                                                   Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
                                         abnormal breathing
                                                                      on an adult resuscitation manikin
                                         » Chest pain
Recertification: St John                                              placed on the floor.
Ambulance recommends that you            » Allergic reactions
undertake this                           » Choking and airway         - Four minutes of uninterrupted
course every three years. The            obstruction                  Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
                                         Airway obstruction due to    on an infant manikin placed on a
Australian Resuscitation Council
                                         body positioning             firm surface
recommends that
CPR skills are refreshed every 12        » Severe bleeding
                                         This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to
Content:                                 recognise and respond to life threatening emergencies in a
                                         range of situations.
» DRSABCD action plan
» Principles of first aid and chain of   As well as learning how to respond to an unconscious
survival                                 casualty, this course will outline the chain of survival and
» Legal issues and infection control     DRSABCD action plan, and will deliver the skills required to
                                         use an Automated External Defibrillator.
» Basic anatomy and physiology
considerations in provision of first     With training covering severe allergic and anaphylactic
aid                                      reactions, along with asthma and injury emergencies,
» Choking and airway obstruction         anyone who requires or desires a statement of attainment in
» Asthma                                 basic first aid should attend.
» Chest pain                             A statement of attainment is issued to successful
» Use of Automated External              participants.
» Stress management awareness
» Legal, workplace and community

St John Ambulance Papua New Guinea
(657) 303 1000 |
PNG First Aid Kit
677502                                      Features:
                                            -   Waterproof canvas case
                                            -   Reflective strip
                                            -   Heavy duty stitching and zippers
                                            -   Multi storage sleeves
                                            -   Rigid base non-slip

                                            Perfect for:
                                            -   Work
                                            -   Home
                                            -   Office
                                            -   Vehicle
                                            -   Outdoor Adventures
                                            -   Marine

                                        This kit compliments the Emergency First
                                        Aid Course.

Baby First Aid Kit
Dimensions: 265mm x 185mm x 90mm

An essential easy-to-carry kit for
parents and carers of babies and
toddlers, which contains useful
contents to monitor temperatures,

treat minor scratches and to
manage unexpected accidents on
the go.

Perfect for:
- Mothers and Babies
- Parents
- Families

Our Tiny-Tots First Aid program is
perfect for new parents. The course
covers the essentials for keeping bub
Work Place Modular Wall-mount 640060
Size: 38 x 32.5 x 20 cm

- 6 modules (which can be
  purchased individually)
- Strong metal wall mount
  with lockable key
- Can be mounted

Perfect for:
- Office
- Work
- Industrial

This kit is most useful with
the Advanced First Aid or
Provide First Aid course.

             Work Place National First Aid Kit 677502
                                  Size: 400 x 220 x 200mm

                                   - Durable and portable case
                                     can be transported
                                     anywhere that accidents

                                   Perfect for:
                                   - Office
                                   - Work
                                   - Industrial

                                   This kit is most useful with the
                                   Advanced First Aid or Provide
                                   First Aid course.
Modular Trauma
FIRST RESPONSE KIT           Features:
                             The Modular Trauma Pack
640070                       has been developed for high
                             risk environments and
                             remote locations including
                             mining and construction

                             This kit is most useful with
                             the Advanced First Aid or
                             Provide First Aid course.

                              Perfect for:
                              - Office
                              - Work
                              - Industrial

               E Scale Marine First
               Aid Kit Non-Medicated
               Packaged in easy access waterproof containers
               including detachable bracket for installation.

               This kit conforms to Marine Board Survey
               Equipment Scale E Regulations. Medical items
               are required but not included in this kit.

                Suitable for:
                • Restricted passenger vessels (within 30
                  nautical miles of the coast)
                • Fishing vessels within 200 nautical miles
                  of the coast
                • Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods
Pet Kit
240mm x 180mm x 90mm

         A first aid kit especially for
         your four-legged furry
         family members! Designed
         for pre and post vet care,
         the kit has a range of
         dressings inside to help you
         care for your injured pet.

                       FIRST AID KIT REFILL         WORK PLACE ESSENTIALS
                       (refill pack) 677505
                       The Workplace essentials refill pack comprises of a range of
                       comprehensive first aid components. Its suitable for medium to large
                       working environments (Office warehouse, factory etc.) It is used to
                       replenish all national first aid workplace kits from large national
                       workplace (wall-mount / portable) to small national workplace kits.

Bandages for wounds

Conforming Bandage         Conforming Bandage            Crepe Bandage   Crepe Bandage
   2.5cm x 1.5m                5cm x 1.5m                 7.5cm x 1.5m    10cm x 1.5m
       1000                       1070                        1080           1085

 Crepe Bandage               Crepe Bandage
  15cm x 1.5m                  5cm x 1.5m
     1087                         1070

Bandages for sprains and strains

  Crepe Heavy                Crepe Heavy              Triangular
    Bandage                    Bandage                 Bandage
  7.5cm x 1.5m               10cm x 1.5m            110cm x 110cm
      1051                      1060                     1181


 Tape Hypoallergenic          Tape Zinc Oxide Adhesive
    2.5cm x 9.1m                    2.5cm x 5cm
        1128                            1120

  Swabs Gauze Sterile    Non-adherent            Non-adherent       Island Dressing
        5pack              Dressing                Dressing             8.3 x 6cm
    7.5cm x 7.5cm           5x5cm                 7.5x7.5cm              223501
        2025                 2130                    2139

    Non-adherent         Non-adherent           Non-adherent         Eye Pad LRG
      Dressing             Dressing               Dressing               2170
      7.5x10cm             7.5x20cm               10x10cm
        2140                 2150                   2152


  Combine Dressing Pad          Universal Dressing LRG           Combine Dressing Pad
       20x20cm                         20x91 cm                       10x20cm
         2070                            2010                           2060

 Wound Dressing No.15                                           CAT TOURNIQUET
        2091                                                       10-1650001

                  Burn Dressing                              Burn Dressing
                  SML                                        LRG
                  70x75cm                                    70x220cm
                  2100                                       2110


                       Resuscitation Face
                       Shield with Valve


Strips/Plaster Adhesive

                                 Strips Adhesive   Strips Fabric             Strips skin closure
    Strips Adhesive
                                      50pack          50pack                   6x7.5cm 3pack
                                        2230          2257                         2251

                      Fabric Adhesive              Blue Metal Detect          Catering staff
                      Dressing                     waterproof
                                                                             and chefs must
                      6cm x 1m
                      2190                         226450                    wear this type of
                                                                               Band-Aid at
Cleansing Wipes & Cold Packs

                    CLEANSING WIPES          Cold Pack Instant
                       BOX OF 100                  Mini
                        505415                      121004

Snakebite Supplies
                                      Standard                   Premium
                                      Compression                Compression
                                      Bandage Extra              Bandage
                                      Firm Support               (Snakebite)
                                      (Snakebite)                10cm x 2cm
                                      10cm x 1.5m                106401
Major Bleeding & Snake Bite

                                  Major Bleeding and
                                  Snakebite Module
                                   If ou could onl carr one small
                                  module to save your life in a severe
                                  bleeding situation, THIS WOULD BE
                                  IT!   CEO, St John PNG

                                  The Major Bleeding & Snakebite Module
                                  is suitable for helping to treat serious
                                  wounds with major bleeding, particularly
                                  those caused by violence, knife or
                                  gunshot. At the same time, the two (2)
                                  snakebite bandages can be used to treat
                                  envenomation. The Module can be used
                                  on its own or as an add-on to our other
   •   Module kit                          •   Nitrile glove - Large (x2)
   •   1064 Compression bandage extra      •   1126 Tape hypoallergenic
       firm (snakebite ready) (x2)             1.25cm wide
   •   2091 Wound dressing No.15 (x2)      •   3030 Shears, universal
Personal Protection

                                                                            ULTRA FEEL Cobalt
                                                                            Blue Nitrile Powder free
                                                                            Exam Gloves
                            Eye & Skin Wash                                 Powder free - 100 pack
                            Wall Station Set                                (S,M,L,XL)
                            300205                                          468490

                                                                           TITAN Disposable
                                                                           Respirators Flat Fold

                                                                           20 Pack/Carton of 400
                                                                           - Titan P2/N95 Flat Fold
                                                                           Disposable Respirator (Code:
                 Safety Clear Glasses
                 Various Styles                                            12pack/Carton of 240
                                                                           - Titan P2/N95 Valved Flat Fold
                                                                           Respirator (Code: 606021)

                          TITAN P2 Valved
                          Disposable Respirator
                          with Carbon
                          10 PACK

                                                       Glove Nitrile LRG           Glove Nitrile MED
                                                            2pack                       2pack
                                                             402L                       402M

 P2/N95 masks are designed to give
 you protection from inhalation
 airborne viruses & bacteria such
 as TB or influenza.
                                                    Eye Wash Station refills

                                                  DID YOU KNOW?
                                                  A surgical mask is intended to be worn by
                                                  health professionals during surgery and
                                                  during nursing to catch the bacteria shed
                                                  in liquid droplets and aerosols from the
                                                  wearer s mouth and nose.
                                                  A surgical mask can also be worn by
                                                  someone who has a respiratory infection to
                                                  prevent other people from catching their
         Surgical Masks Disposable
                   50 pack
Cleaning & Sanitation

  Bag Biohazard Specimen          Antibacterial Hand Gel           Emesis Vomit Bag           Sharp waste disposal
             4057                         100ml                           4058                       150ml
                                            501515                                                     343002

  Bag Plastic Resealable           Towels Disposable             Saline Steritube 15Ml          Chlorhexidine 30ml
       230x300mm                        6 pack                           5111                         5031
            4090                            3109

 WIPE OUT Detergent Wipes        WIPE OUT    Alcohol Wipes             WIPE OUT
 225 wipes/carton of 4 buckets   75wipes/Carton 12 tubes          Dispenser Holder For
            200022                         200021                  200021 - 5 PACK

Instruments & Miscellaneous

            Splinter Probes            Scissors SS                    Forceps SS            Universal Shears
                set of 5            12.5 cm Sharp/Blunt                 12.5cm                   3030
                309105                      3010                         3070

        Assorted Safety Pins
              12 pack             Note Pad and Pencil        Torch with Batteries        Pillow case Disposable
                3130                    3140                      321002                         75x50cm

                                  Bed sheet Disposable                                        Blanket
                                  220x100cm                                                   215x120cm
                                  357911                                                      357914

                                    Immediate (Tactical) First Aid Kit

                                        - Arterial Tourniquet/ Rescue Orange
                                        - Chest Seal twin pack
                                        - Trauma Shears 15cm
                                        - 2 pairs Nitrile Gloves
                                        - Casualty Card
                                        - Sharpie permanent marker
                                        - Velcro Medic Cross Patch

              10-1650001                      10-5100005                       PACK - TRAINER

        TACMED WALLET                    Tactical Medical Solutions               S-rolled Gauze
       REFERENCE CARDS                         Control Wrap                         10-5000001
           52-1000002                            15-5100001

        Leash - Trauma Shear             TACMED MEDIC + PATCH              TACMED CASUALTY CARD
             55-5000002                 GREY/BLACK 50MM X 50MM                  52-1000002

Training Equipment

                               HYFIN CHEST SEAL TWIN PACK
                               TRAINER X1- PACK

  Splint Universal Flat Pack       Splint Universal Roll Pack             Collar Cervical Adjustable
          11x91cm                           11x91cm                                357001
            1240                            124001

                                                                                      Spencer Rock
                                                                                      Straps Universal
                                                                                      System for Spinal
      Head Immobiliser

   Stretcher Wheeled                                                        Stretcher Dual Fold Orange
   Folding with Backrest                                                    335600

                               SKED Rescue
                                                                       Spine Board

                                                                Ferno Carbon Fibre Spineboard

                                                                Mantis Tri-Fold Evacuation Board

      Ferno Faststrap Restraint System
Ferno                             Ferno Patient Lifting
                  Hardpoint Full                    Sling
                  Body Harness                      VRES PAT LIFT+
                  VHI HP (standard)
                  VHI HP ASC

                  Paediatric Rescue Carrier

                                                       Vertical Rescue
                                                       Triangular Harness
                         Ferno Rescue                  VRES TRI HARN
                         Personal Lanyard
                         VAS DAISY ADJ


  Vacuum                                      Ferno Frac Cardboard Splint
  Splint Set                                  SVCB-FF

                                            Sam Splint Original
                                            SVPS-S36, SVPS-S36XL,
     Cardboard Splint                       SVPS-S18, SVPS-S9 and
     SVCB-S and SVCB-L
Manuals & Reference

       Australian First Aid   Emergency First
       Manual                 Aid Reference
       3126                   3118
AEDs are recommended at workplaces,
hotels and airports. Many businesses
are choosing to be ‘heart safe by having
a defibrillator (AED) available at their

If a person is in cardiac arrest, collapsed
and not breathing their heart may need
a controlled electrical shock to try make
it beat properly again.

An automated external defibrillator
(AED) is a fully automated medical
device that detects if a person is in
cardiac arrest by analysing the heart s
activity. The AED gives instructions too.
If the AED determines a person needs a
shock to save their life, the machine will
talk to you and then deliver the shock. If
no shock is needed, the AED will give
you instructions which you should

AEDs are very safe and easy to use. A
person can be taught to use an AED
during one of our first aid courses. To
have most life-saving effect, AEDs
should be easy to reach, accessible at
all times and ideally be within two
minutes walking distance from wherever
people work or play.

For each minute, that a person is left
untreated in cardiac arrest, the chance
of survival drops by about ten percent.
Even if they are alerted immediately,
emergency teams take some time to
arrive. For this reason, automated
external defibrillators have been placed
in locations where they are easily
accessible, such as airports, gyms and
Battery, electrodes and operating instructions

                                     Zoll AED 3+ Full Automatic
                                     - ZOLL AED 3 Battery Pack
                                     Disposable lithium Ion
                                     (up to 5 years standby time)
                                     - CPR Uni-padz® Universal
                                     (Adult/Paediatric) electrodes (5-year shelf
                                     - Also includes Rescue Accessory Pack
                                     containing scissors, nonlatex gloves,
                                     barrier face shield, medi-swab and

                            CPR Uni-Padz Universal
                                                                                 Carrying Case
                                                                         Large Rigid Plastic Case - holds
                                                                          AED3, spare CPR pads, spare

          Training CPR Uni-Padz            Zoll AED 3 Battery Pack                 Demo CPR Uni-Padz
              (adult/paediatric)         (Lithium Manganese Dioxide)                 (adult/paediatric)
                8900-000260                      8000-000696                           8900-000260
Battery, electrodes and operating instructions

 Replacement Kit for CHARGE-                                  LIFEPAK CR AED
 PAK Batter Charger                                           Lithium Battery
 Includes 2 sets electrodes and 1                             Includes 1 battery and
 battery charger, replacement                                 replacement instructions.
 instructions, and discharger for safe                        11141-000165
 disposal of used CHARGE-PAK

AED Signage, Stretchers & Cabinets

  AED Poly Sign 90 degree          AED Poly Sign          First Aid Poly Sign 90          First Aid Poly Sign
         20x20x25                    30x20 cm                     degree                       30x20 cm
          434860                       434862                    20x20x25                      434866

   First Aid Poly Sign Right   First Aid Poly Sign Left
           30x20 cm                    30x20 cm
           434864                     434865

        Out Door Key Pad                 AED Cabinet
       Defibrillator Cabinet             44x44x22 cm
         46 X 36 X 26 cm                   353816
             353830                                       AED Standing Cabinet
                                                              3 compartments                 AED Cabinet
                                                           Alarmed and Strobed              Free-Standing
                                                                  353823                       353862
For more information please call 303        1000 or visit our website at

To order, fill the form below, scan and email to or order online

 Name:                                  . Da e:                                     .
 C m an :                               . Add e :                                  .
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 Email:                              ....                               .............

  PRODUCT CODE       PRODUCT                                                                    QUANTITY

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