Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...

Page created by Ryan Wright
Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
Welcome To Town
 We Are Here To Help

Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
      INFORMATION                   CONTENTS
         Address                    Welcome From Mayor and Council................. 2
  3 - 5 Pineridge Gate
Gravenhurst ON P1P 1Z3              Meet Your Council............................................. 3

       1.855.687.3412               Have Your Say..................................................... 4
                                    About The Town................................................. 5
        705.687.7016                Who To Call........................................................ 6

           Email                    Important Information....................................... 7

         Website                    Shop Till You Drop............................................. 8
                                    Local Hot Spots.................................................. 9

                                    Living in Gravenhurst......................................... 11

                                    Community Facilities......................................... 12
                                    Get Involved....................................................... 13
 Municipal Office Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00am to 4:00pm
May Long Weekend to Thanksgiving.   Emergency Preparedness.................................. 14

 8:30am - 4:30pm Mon - Fri
     Thanksgiving to May Long

                        See You

Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
To our newest resident,

On behalf of Council and myself, we are truly honorred
and proud you chose to make Gravenhurst your home.

We understand change and moving can be exciting but
also has its challenges, so to make your transition easier
we created a guide to help you learn many of the new
things that you need to know about getting settled in.
This guide can help you find your way around and feel
at home in your new community.

Our wonderful town has many cultural and recreational activities to discover. We
encourage our residents to be a Tourist for a day and enjoy the many events and
attractions happening throughout the year. Residents and business owners are friendly
and helpful and the community continues to grow through its strong connections and
partnerships, which also includes encouraging our youth to take part. A great way to
learn more about Gravenhurst, build new relationships and put your unique mix of skills
and experience to use is by joining one of the many community boards and committees
or by volunteering with local organizations. There is something for everyone!

This guide is intended to be a helpful resource, but please don’t let it stop you from
reaching out and asking questions as Town staff and councilors are always happy to
assist you. Give us a call at 705-687-2230 or email us at info@gravenhurst.ca and visit
the website at www.gravenhurst.ca for additional information and resources.

The Gateway to Muskoka has been the back drop to my life when my father built our
family cottage, and like you, my wife Sue and I finally made our Muskoka dream come
true when we settled permanently in the community, and we are excited to now share
it with you.

On behalf of all of Council, Welcome Home,

Mayor Paul Kelly

Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...

                                             COUNCIL MEMBERS 2018 - 2022

        Paul Kelly, Mayor                      Penny Varney, Ward 1 Councillor
        Office Phone: 705.687.3412 ext 222     Phone: 705.331.8331

        Sandy Cairns, District Councillor      Joe Morphy, Ward 2 Councillor
        Phone: 705.330.7273                    Phone: 905.479.8927

        John Godon, District Councillor        Steven Klinck, Ward 3 Councillor
        Phone: 705.687.0649                    Phone: 705.305.9282

        Heidi Lorenz, District Councillor      Terry Pilger, Ward 4 Councillor
        Phone: 705.687.2944                    Phone: 705.687.4575

                                               Graeme Murray, Ward 5 Councillor
                                               Phone: 705.205.2479

                                                                        OUR VISION
                                                                       Make Gravenhurst a
                                                                   major Muskoka destination,
                                                                   and the most innovative and
                                                                    sustainable community in

                                                  OUR MISSION
                                                Preserving and enhancing
                                                    the quality of life in
                                                   Gravenhurst through
                                                      exceptional and
                                                  responsible municipal
                                                      service delivery.
Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
HAVE YOUR SAY                                                                    DISTRICT GOVERNMENT

There are many ways to be actively involved in shaping                           Local government in Muskoka
our community. From getting involved on an Advisory                              is organized and performed
Committee to answering an online poll, your input                                through a two-tier system.
matters and is heard. The Town of Gravenhurst proactively                        The District Municipality of
seeks community input on a variety of topics. Watch our                          Muskoka forms the upper-tier,
website, social media or the local newspapers for specific                       working closely with the six
opportunities.                                                                   area municipalities who make
                                                                                 up the lower-tier. Both levels
                    COUNCIL MEETINGS                                             collaborate      and     align
                                                                                 services to achieve cost
Members of Council meet at regularly scheduled Council                           efficiencies and best serve
and Committee meetings throughout the year, or at Special                        residents and visitors to
Council meetings as needed. All meetings of Council are                          Muskoka.
open to the public. Agendas for each meeting are posted
on the Town’s website in advance and may be reviewed by                          The following the six area
the public before the meeting.                                                   municipalities comprise the
                                                                                 lower-tier in Muskoka:
A person or organization wishing to appear
                                                                                 Town of Gravenhurst
before Council must complete a Deputation
                                                                                 Town of Bracebridge
Request Form. Forms must be submitted                          MEETING           Township of Georgian Bay
to the Municipal Clerk no later than 12:00                     SCHEDULE          Town of Huntsville
p.m. on the Friday of the week prior to the
                                                                                 Township of Lake of Bays
                                                                                 Township of Muskoka Lakes

                 ADVISORY COMMITTEES
Advisory Committees of Council were created to                                      DISTRICT SERVICES
provide advice and recommendations to Council in order
to address a specific topic of community area of interest.                              Water and Sewer
                                                                                      705.645.6764 ext 368
Do you have experience, knowledge, or skills that could
help make The Town of Gravenhurst a great place to live,                               Garbage/Recycling
work and play?                                                                        705.645.2100 ext 216
Your expertise can help the Town identify and respond to
the needs of our citizens.                                                               Social Services
                                                                                      705.645.2412 ext 343
Recommendations from Advisory Committies are taken
into consideration when formulating policies, procedures
and key directions and decisions that are aimed at improving
the quality of life for all residents in our community.
                                                                                       Sign up for email
                                                                                       updates from the
    Information             Commissioner of              Civil Marriage              District Municiplaity of
      Requests                 Oaths                      Information                       Muskoka.
 Public records include; Certain individuals in the    Marriage licenses may
         By-laws             Legislative Services      be obtained through
   Agendas /Minutes           Department may          the Legislative Services
Financial Statements for        commission                 Department.
    the Corporation      affidavits & declarations.                                                          4
Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
Located in the south end of Ontario’s cottage country, less than two hours north of Toronto and
situated on the edge of Lake Muskoka, Gravenhurst offers incomparable natural landscape
with all the amenities of a larger centre. Gravenhurst is the permanent home of approximately
13,000 residents with another 14,000, who live here through the late spring and summer months.

Gravenhurst is a vibrant community of arts, culture and heritage while
incorporating a modern lifestyle. Whether you want to take in a show at the          READ MORE
Opera House in Historic Downtown Gravenhurst, work from the cottage
                                                                                     Visit us online to
connected to high speed internet, enjoy the Bethune Memorial House or use              view the full
the outstanding recreational facilities paired with our multitude of outdoor            community
activities, Gravenhurst is a great place to live and pursue your passions!


                                      CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER

                     LEGISLATIVE   COMMUNICATIONS                                      FIRE &
    INFRASTRUCTURE                                      CORPORATE     DEVELOPMENT
                      SERVICES        CULTURE &                                      EMERGENCY
        SERVICES                                         SERVICES       SERVICES
                                     RECREATION                                       SERVICES

     PUBLIC           RECORDS                                          BUILDING /    FIRE
                                      ARTS/CULTURE       FINANCE
     FACILITIES                                                        BY-LAW        DEPARTMENT

                                                         TAXATION &    ECONOMIC      FIRE

                      MUNICIPAL      MARKETING &         HUMAN                       EMERGENCY
     ROADS                           COMMUNICATIONS      RESOURCES     PLANNING
                      ELECTION                                                       PREPAREDNESS

Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...


                                   6                      11                                       12

                                               15                             2

                    4                                                     14


                         7                                         9                         13

1. Animals                                 7. Outdoor Fires                       13. Recreation Programs
gravenhurst.ca/bylaw                       gravenhurst.ca/bylaw                   gravenhurst.ca/recreation
705.687.3412 ext 241                       705.687.3412 ext 241                   705.687.6774

2. Building Permits                        8. Parking                             14. Road Concerns
gravenhurst.ca/permitguide                 gravenhurst.ca/bylaw                   gravenhurst.ca/report
705.687.3412 ext 240                       705.687.3412 ext 256                   Town - 705.687.3412 ext 256
                                                                                  District - 705.645.2100
3. Fire Hydrants                           9. Parks and Trees
muskoka.on.ca                              gravenhurst.ca/report                  15. Snow Removal
District of Muskoka 705.645.6764           705.687.3412 ext 145                   Gravenhurst.ca/snow
                                                                                  705-687-3412 ext 256
4. Garbage                                 10. Police
muskoka.on.ca                              Emergencies - 911
705.645.6764 ext 294                       1.888.310.1122

5. Mail Boxes                              11. Power Outage
canadapost.ca                              Urban - Veridian 1.866.579.6819
Canada Post 1.866.607.6301                 Rural - Hydro One 1.888.664.9376

6. Noise                                   12. Property Taxes
gravenhurst.ca/bylaw                       taxdepartment@gravenhurst.ca
705.687.3412 ext 241                       705.687.3412 ext 227                                                 6
Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
As a resident, it is important to be aware of the Town of Gravenhurst’s By-Laws and                                      BY-LAWS
safety regulations, in addition to other legislative requirements.                                                   For more By-Law
If you have any questions, please contact us at 705.687.3412 ext 241 or 266.                                           information,
                                                                                                                          visit our
    1. Animal Control By-Law                                          6. 3-Hour Parking By-Law
 Dogs must be leashed at all times when in public or on trails        Three hour parking by-law is in effect and enforced in the
 and have to have valid dog tags. Please keep in mind, there          Downtown core on the daily basis. If there is a possibility that
 is a large, fenced in, off leash dog park located at the end of      a vehicle will be parked for longer than three hours, please
 John street south, where dogs are permitted to run at large and      make use of municipal parking lots that are available in the
 socialize. If a lost dog is found, phone 705.687.3412 ext 241.       Downtown core. Winter parking by-law is in effect from
 After hours, drop the dog off at Orillia OSPCA (705.325.1304).       November 1st to April 30th each year. No vehicles
 In emergencies, phone OPP (1.888.310.1122).                          are to be parked on any road between the hours of
                                                                      12am and 7am due to snow removal. Vehicles found in
                                                                      contravention will be subjected to penalties and may be towed.

    2. Burning/Fire By-Law                                            7. Noise By-Law
 Daytime burning is not permitted between April 1st and               To ensure noise is kept to a minimum and acceptable for
 October 31st. Fire has to be attended at all time with sufficient    residents. You should be aware of what’s acceptable and what
 means to control the fire readily available. Do not burn within 15   is not. Noise by-law is in effect at all times. Please refer to the
 meters of structures, 2 meters of flammable materials, 5 meters      by-law for “prohibited times”.
 of any forest, and in Ward 1.

    3. Community Standards                                            8. Snow Removal By-Law
 Community standards speaks to a standard that residential and        Within the jurisdiction of the Town of Gravenhurst,
 commercial yards should abide to. Please make sure that yards        street parking is not permitted during the months of
 are free of industrial and household waste, storage is arranged      November 1st to April 30th from 12:00am to 7:00am.
 appropriately, grass is kept no more than 6 inches in height.

    4. Littering By-Law                                               9. Building Permits & Planning Applications
 Littering is prohibited on municipal and private property. Please    If you are planning on doing building or renovations, please
 refer to “garbage and recycling collection” section for details      refer to the Muskoka Web Map and Building By-Law for details
 on garbage disposal.                                                 on construction, demolition, change of use, permits, systems
                                                                      and inspections.

    5. Sign By-Law                                                    10. Dark Sky By-Law
 In an effort to reduce sign clutter and increase the safety of       To ensure Gravenhurst protects it’s night sky and the Torrance
 our town, Gravenhurst has implemented a sign By-Law. If you          Barrens Dark-Sky Preserve all outside lights must direct all light
 are thinking of erecting a sign on your property, contact our        downwards. For examples of such light refer to the display
 building department today at 705.687.3412 ext 240 or review          located at the town office or review the By-Law on our website.
 the By-Law on our website.

The District of Muskoka provides garbage and recycling collection services for                                    SCHEDULES
the Town of Gravenhurst. Muskoka residents are required to sort recyclables                                        Find out when
into two separate Blue Boxes or clear bags; one for paper products (fibres) and                                    your garbage
                                                                                                                       day is.
the other for containers.
Homeowners are welcome to use any open-top container such as a cardboard box, laundry
basket, Rubbermaid container or similar. A Blue Box is not required to ensure collection.

Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
SHOP TILL YOU DROP                                           GRAVENHURST DOLLARS


                     Browse our online                       WHAT - Gravenhurst Dollars
                                                             are a gift certificate program
                   business directory and
                                                             that promotes shopping in the
                     discover new local                      Downtown business community.
                         businesses                          Gravenhurst Dollars have
                                                             all the same benefits as any
                                                             gift certificate people might
                                                             purchase from a national
                                                             retail   chain,    but    using
                                                             them will directly support
                                                             the businesses that are so
                                                             important for the continued
                                                             growth of our downtown.

                                                             WHERE        -     Gravenhurst
                                                             Dollars are available for
                                                             purchase at the Gravenhurst
                                                             Town office Treasury Counter or
                                                             Gravenhurst Opera House Box

                                                             WHY - They’re a great way
                                                             for you to invest in your
                                                             community      and     support
                                                             local businesses. You can give
                                                             the gift of shopping, dining,
                                                             music, theatre or services with
                                                             Gravenhurst Dollars, making
                                                             them a great choice for:
                                                               • birthdays,
                                                               • anniversaries,
                                                               • employee recognition,
                                                               • thank-you gifts,
                                                               • promotional items,
           MAKE SURE YOU CHECK OUT                             • prizes, or
                                                               • the holiday season.

   Downtown              Chamber of          Gravenhurst
 Gravenhurst BIA         Commerce            Wharf Shops
   Businesses             Members           and Businesses

Welcome To Town We Are Here To Help - GRAVENHURST.CA - Economic Developers Association of ...
The Town of Gravenhurst is a
great place to live, work and
                                  LOCAL HOT SPOTS                      “   New in town and
                                                                              just love the
                                                                          downtown and wh
                                                                            area businesses.
                                                                           What a great mix
                                                                                - Irene J.
play. There are many areas
to discover and enjoy from
local businesses and shops to
events and attractions.

                                                                    PLACES TO VISIT
       LOCAL EVENTS                                                 • Gravenhurst Opera H
                                                                    • Muskoka Steamships
Visit the Town of Gravenhurst’s                                     • Heritage Walking Tou
website to find out about
upcoming local events and                                           • Bethune Memorial H

Visit Muskoka Tourism and
Explorers’ Edge’ websites
to find out about upcoming
regional events and festivals.



       @Gateway2Muskoka           Best little town in the
                                   North and proud to
                                  live here. Known for

       @Gateway2Muskoka              it’s beauty and
                                          - Pat S.

                                  5                                   PLACES TO JO
                                                                      • Centennial Centre
                                                                      • YMCA, 101 Centen
                                                                      • Gravenhurst Public
           FREE WIFI                                                  • Local Festivals & E
          In Downtown                                                 • Service and Comm

 .                      PLACES TO EAT & DRINK

         Gravenhurst offers many local restaurants options.
         If you want to enjoy breakfast at the Muskoka
         Wharf, a coffee at one of the local coffee shops or
         have a fine dining experience, Gravenhurst has it.

House, 295 Muskoka Road S
 s & Discovery Centre, 185 Cherokee Lane

 ur, 26 various heritage sites
House, 297 John St N

                                                                   I love Gravenhurst because
                                                                    we have a special sense of
                                                                   community. Everyone rallied
                                                                   when times were tough and
       PLACES TO EXPLORE                                            are now enjoying a diverse

                                                                      and blossoming town!
       • Local parks and playgrounds                                         -Terry M.
       • Hiking trails
       • Local beaches
       • Ryde Barn Quilt Trail

                                  4                                 PLACES TO SHOP
                                                                    • The Muskoka Wharf
                                                                    • Gravenhurst South End
                                                                    • Gravenhurst Farmers’ Market
                                                                    • Historic Downtown Gravenhurst

e, 101 Centennial Drive

 nnial Drive
 c Library, 180 Sharpe St W
                                                                       I’ve lived in five
Events                                                             different towns, and I
munity Organizations                                               have never felt more

                                                                    at HOME in my life.
                                                                           - Emily A.
                                     HOME AND PROPERTY TAXES

      PROPERTY TAX DUE            NEW HOMES AND              PRE-AUTHORIZATION           HOW TO MAKE A
              DATES                 ASSESSMENTS                 PAYMENT PLANS                PAYMENT
         The Taxation and           Owners of newly            Never worry about       We accept payment
         Revenue Division       constructed homes will       missing a tax due date!        through the
       issues tax bills twice   receive a tax bill for the   The easiest way to pay     following methods;
      per year that are due      value of the vacant lot      your property taxes is   by mail, bank, online
     the last business day of    only until the home is          to sign up for a       banking, in person,
        March and August.           assessed by the              pre-authorized        office drop box (after
                                   Municipal Property        payment plan occuring     hours). Credit Cards
                                      Assessment             monthly, or on the due    are not accepted to
                                  Corporation (MPAC).                  date.                 pay taxes.

                                      EDUCATION AND SCHOOLS

                            Gravenhurst is part of the Trillium Lakelands District School Board and
                            is home to three elementary schools, one secondary school and an
                            Alternative Education and Training Centre.

                            The Simcoe Muskoka District Catholic School Board provides access to St.
                            Dominic Catholic Secondary School in Bracebridge and Patrick Fogarty
                            Secondary School in Orillia.

                                                                                            WORK WITH
                                                                                            THE TOWN
                                                                                           Check out current
                                                                                           job opportunities
                                                                                             with the town.
                                  WORKING IN GRAVENHURST

          Assists individuals and           The District’s Community             Bridges the gap between
       businesses with employment            Services department is            employers seeking the right
      development through employee        committed to helping people         candidate and the job seeker
         /employer connections.                find employment.                 looking for an opportunity.

       EMPLOYMENTNORTH.COM                      MUSKOKA.ON.CA                     JOBCENTRALSM.CA

COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                      ACTIVITY
                                                                                       Pick up the latest
                                                                                      activity guide at our
                                    SPORTS AND RECREATION                             office. Also avalible

Sports and Recreation provide members of our community a chance to get moving and experience
a variety of activities including dance, swimming, theatre, hockey, baseball, soccer, yoga and more.

Programs and activities are designed for people of all ages and take place throughout
Gravenhurst’s modern facilities including:

  CENTENNIAL CENTRE                 YMCA                  PUBLIC LIBRARY            SENIORS CENTRE

  Home to the best ice        Offering swimming/         Offering more then      Gravenhurst has a local
 in Muskoka! In the off      fitness programs, day       just books! You will    senior centre but as the
   season, the arena            camps, childcare,       find everything from      upper-tier the District
  surface hosts events      youth programs as well       programs/training,         of Muskoka offers
   and tradeshows i           as employment and           computers & wifi,       many senior programs
 ncluding indoor sport         newcomer services      photocopier & printing           and services.
    events and even           and international aid    services, as well as an
 concerts. Sign up here      partnerships. Open to    extensive collection of
       for classes.              all participants.         books & movies.

                                     WEDDINGS & EVENTS
                       The Town of Gravenhurst is home to some of Muskoka’s most popular cultural
     VENUE             and recreation complexes, resorts and beautiful and unique scenic locations.
   Find your perfect   Residents are encouraged to access the facilities which are available for more
    venue for your     than recreational programs. The facilities can be used for individuals and
      next event.
                       organizations looking to host meetings, receptions, tournaments, fundraising,
                       weddings and other events.

                                VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
 Gravenhurst Opera House           Gravenhurst Public Library       Gravenhurst Centennial Centre
 Muskoka Heritage Museum          Gravenhurst Women’s Centre              Gravenhurst YMCA
 Bethune Memorial House           Emergency & Fire Operations            Local Public Schools
  Gravenhurst Supper Club           Chamber of Commerce              Gravenhurst Seniors Centre
     Festivals & Events             Ryde Community Coop             Severn Bridge Community Hall
      Barn Quilt Trail                 Crime Stoppers                    Local Sports Groups

              =                                Simcoe Muskoka

If you have questions about town, community or emergency
services please visit us online, we have an extensive resource of
information one mouse click away.

Our website is fully mobile capable, so you can access the
information from anywhere on any device.


EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS                                                    BE PREPARED TIPS
                                                                      Emergencies can happen at
                                                                      any time and anywhere. There
                                                                      are ways to reduce the risk
FIRE PREVENTION                                                       and impact to your family and
We have a strong and active Fire                                      property.
Prevention division. We encourage you in           FIRE SAFETY
reaching out if you have any questions about                          Become better prepared to
smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms,             Visit our website   deal with emergencies by
                                                   for additional     completing the following
home escape planning, extinguishers,                     help
propane safety or any safety issue.                                   steps:

                                                                      1. ASSESS - KNOW THE RISKS
             For any emergency, dial 9-1-1 to access all              Many hazards may occur
             emergency services (police, paramedics). If you use      across the entire province but
             a cell phone or VOIP instead of a landline, ensure       the impact and affects from
             that your service provider connects you to the right     community to community may
             9-1-1 centre.
                                                                      be very different.
                                                                      Knowing what risks are
             If you have children that are old enough to
             understand, we encourage you to talk to them             specific to Gravenhurst and the
             about home and safety. They also need to                 surrounding area can help you
             understand what it means to be properly                  be prepared.
             prepared, and not scared!
                                                                      2. PREPARE - MAKE A PLAN
             You should have flashlights in hour home and             Every household should have
             consider the installation of an emergency                an emergency plan. Include a
             power supply. Your family should be prepared to          list of contact numbers, a safe
             sustain itself for 72 hours without power or             meeting place outside your
             outside assistance.                                      neighbourhood and plans for
                                                                      your pets in an emergency.
             Open air burning is strictly controlled
             here    in    Gravenhurst;   essentially it    is        3. GET AN EMERGENCY KIT
             prohibited during daylight hours during the fire         You will need some basic
             season (April through October).                          supplies to get by for 72 hours
                                                                      without power or tap water.
                                                                      Know what supplies you should
             Any sizeable building construction, addition or
             alteration to an existing building (such as the          include in your emergency kit.
             addition of a deck or wood stove installation) must
             be authorized by a building permit.                      4. STAY INFORMED
                                                                      Sign up to receive weather
                                                                      alerts through Environment
                                                                      and Climate Change Canada.
                                                                      During an emergency, watch
EMERGENCY SERVICES                                                    for bulletins on the Town’s
                                                                      website for updates or listen
Our Emergency Operations Division is staffed mostly by                to the local radio.
volunteer firefighters who are on call 24/7 and respond to
incidents when and if available. This means that
staffing varies from day to day. We are always recruiting able           REMINDER
bodied women and men to become part of our team, so
if you’re interested, please check out our website for more               Change the
                                                                         batteries in fire
information about this opportunity to help serve our                    alarms and CO2
community. Will you answer the call?                                        detectors          14
You can also read