Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG

Page created by Rose Rogers
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
The Martin Braun-Gruppe produces and distributes a complete assortment of
convenience products with a focus on sweet and savoury bakery products, bread/rolls,
 desserts and ice cream for professional applications in over 70 countries around the
  world. The Group is integrated into the Oetker-Gruppe and focused on high quality
ingredients, processing technology, service and consulting and customer satisfaction.

                          Cresco Italia
                                 AN ITALIAN STORY

“Cresco Italia” is our brand dedicated to ice-cream. Everything started in 1999, when
     two young business men, after a 20 years of experience in the pastry field,
                    faced a new adventure into the world of Gelato.

         Today Cresco Italia offers a wide range of high quality ingredients:
  Ice-cream bases, Improvers, Ready Lines, Cream Pastes, Fruit pastes, Flavourings,
    exciting Variegati & Gelatella, Toppings and decorations for endless varieties
                                  in the application.

Every year we go on new sensory journeys of discovery. This year, we have developed
the “la passione per il gelato” together with three food specialists. Become inspired
         and let yourself be enchanted by an unforgettable taste experience.
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
Quality and Sustainability                                                                                                                                Content

                                                                                   IFS Food
Cresco Italia supports cultural heritage                     IFS Food (International Featured Standards Food) is an

        N O C C I O L A P I E M O N T E I . G . P.
                                                             internationally accepted audit standard with the aim of
                                                             guaranteeing absolutely safe food production and eliminating
                                                                                                                             SAPORI DAL MONDO                                                                                             6
                                                             risks for consumers. The standard is based on the basic         On the trail of superior taste.
Hazelnuts from Piemont - The Nocciola Piemonte I.G.P. is     requirements for hygiene (GMP) and safety (HACCP) set
grown in Piemont. The designation “I.G.P.” guarantees you
high quality and exquisite taste of the first-class-nut.
                                                             by the Codex Alimentarius worldwide and goes far beyond
                                                             these requirements. The annual controls and monitoring
                                                                                                                             CONCEPTS 2022                                                                                                8
                                                             by the standard holder ensures independent monitoring of        Experience unforgettable Italian taste. Easy to use, but fully customizable thanks to our extensive
                                                             compliance. The legal requirements for a HACCP concept          product variety and recipe ideas.
                  CACAO CARAIBI                              (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and Hygiene GMP
Cocoa from the Caribbean - The cocoa is grown in Santo
Domingo. The name “Cacao Caraibi” guarantees you aromatic
                                                             (Good Manufacturing Practice) are carefully observed as the
                                                             basis for certification. The Martin Braun KG is IFS certified
                                                                                                                             BASI                                                                                                         12
and finest cocoa from the Caribbean.                         since 2007.                                                     The Base is always the starting point for making an ice cream. Over the years Cresco has developed
                                                                                                                             a complete range of milk, universal and fruit bases to satisfy every requirement.
              P I S TAC C H I O K E R M A N                                       ISO 9001
Pistachios from Kerman - The pistachio is grown in the       The Martin Braun KG is ISO certified since 1994, being one
                                                                                                                             PASTE CREMA                                                                                                  14
Kerman region. The name “Pistacchio Kerman” guarantees you   of the first companies in Germany with this certification       Cream Pastes are made of high quality raw materials and provide a very special and delightful taste and
pistachios of the highest quality from Iran.                 in the food industry. The ISO regulations are primarily an      texture. The numerous choices of different, rich flavours can be used not only for gelato, but are also
                                                             instrument for continuously increasing customer satisfaction    perfectly suitable to flavour all kinds of parfaits, pastries and cakes.
                                                             in all business processes. Through its quality management,
Coffee from Colombia - The coffee is grown in Colombia.
                                                             Martin Braun is able to re-align all activities to the needs
                                                             of its customers. The success of these measures is regularly
                                                                                                                             PASTE FRUTTA                                                                                                 18
The name “Caffè Arabica Colombia” guarantees you gourmet     reviewed and is part of a continuous improvement process        From traditional flavours to the most special and original ones – the range of Fruit Pastes offers a wide
coffee of first-class quality.                               in all aspects, from development to production and sales to     choice of different varieties. The Fruit Pastes contain the highest possible percentage of fruit and fruit
                                                             administrative procedures.                                      juice, guaranteeing a high quality and an artisan flavour.
Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar - The vanilla is grown
                                                                                      HACCP                                  READY LINE                                                                                                   20
in Madagascar. The name “Vaniglia Bourbon Madagascar”        HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a         Ready Line products have a high convenience level. Only by adding milk or water you achieve delicious
guarantees you high quality Bourbon Vanilla.                 systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and      gelato, soft ice-cream and shakes.
                                                             control of food safety hazards. Complying with the HACCP
                  COCCO      DI   SULÙ                       regulations allows Martin Braun to have a better control
                                                             throughout the processes in its production and therefore
                                                                                                                             VARIEGATI & GELATELLA                                                                                        22
Coconuts from Sulù - The coconuts are grown in Sulù. The     enabling it to guarantee continuously safe products.            A huge range of trendy and traditional Variegati and Gelatellas, ready for covering, layering, marbling
name “Cocco di Sulù Philippines” guarantees you aromatic                                                                     or decorating gelato, semifreddi, mousses or desserts. Available with crunchy pieces for a trendy mix of
coconuts of the highest quality from the Philippines.                                                                        textures, this range adds a special finish to all sorts of ice cream and pastries.
                                                                  E N V I R O N M E N TA L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
                  YUZU GIAPPONE                              The protection of the environment is part of the
                                                             Martin Braun KG philosophy. The company sees it as its
                                                                                                                             TOPPING                                                                                                      26
Yuzu from Japan - Yuzu belongs to the citrus family and is   duty to motivate and instruct its employees to be more          The range of Toppings adds the perfect finish to your creation. With a large selection of flavours
grown in Japan. The name “Yuzu Giappone” guarantees you      environmentally conscious and requests this also from           this range adds exciting shades to gelato, frozen yogurt, mousses and desserts.
aromatic and intense Yuzu from Far Eastern Asia.             partners and providers of raw materials, packaging and
                                                                                                                             CRESCO MEETS PASTRY                                                                                          28
                                                                                       HALAL                                 Did you know, Cresco products are not only suitable for ice cream applications, but are also perfectly
                                                                                                                             applicable for high quality pastry results? Be inspired by our concept “Cresco meets Pastry”.
                                                             The Martin Braun KG is halal certified since 2009. Several
                                                             Cresco Italia products are Halal-certified to follow Islamic
                                                             food manufacturing and ingredient standards.
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
          On a Pleasure Trip                         A selection of high-quality raw materials, which have
                                                     been carefully selected in their countries of origin in

                     around the world                order to ensure authentic taste.

                                                                                                 Kerman pistachios
Caribbean cocoa                                                                                  from Iran
from the Caribbean

                                        from Italy                                                             Yuzu
                                                                                                               from Japan

             Arabica coffee
             from Columbia

                                                                                                     Cocco di Sulù
                                                     Bourbon vanilla                                 from the Philippines
                                                     from Madagascar
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
On a joint voyage of discovery

                                                                                                                CONCEPTS 2022
                    Every year, we embarks on a sensory journey of discovery to uncover high-quality raw
                    materials for an authentic taste. This year, we have developed the “la passione per il
                      gelato” together with three food specialists. Become inspired and let yourself be
                                      enchanted by an unforgettable taste experience.

                                                       from Germany

La passione     Anais

per il gelato
                Pastry Chef
                from France

                                                                 Food Content Creator               Scan ntow
                                                                 from Italy
                                                                                                    and ge d!
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
Milkshakes                                                                             Gelato                                        Pastry

                                                                                                                                                                                               CONCEPTS 2022
       Creamy ice cream meeetsxcitming ingredients!                                                                       Tempting treats meet cream
                      and                                                                                                         creamy ice

                                      Everyone knows them, everyone loves them, and          The wonderful smell alone puts a smile on people’s
                                        everyone is awed when milkshakes are served           faces: classic waffles, Belgian waffles, oven-fresh
                                      with delicious sauces, toppings and decorations.         waffles and French profiteroles are indispensable
                                  Milkshakes fascinate old and young alike, and these           in today’s world of flavours. But we are taking
                                      days can be found on virtually every menu - as a           creativity one step further. Our trendy treats
                                      drink, as a dessert on the spot or as a takeaway        elevate these baked goods with creamy ice cream,
                                        while you are on the go. The well-known and             delicious toppings and colourful decoration to
                                       popular flavours from chocolate to fruity offer          another level. Because we go with the motto:
                                      various options for biscuit pieces, crunchy nuts                  “You also eat with your eyes.”
                                                 or flavourful fruit pieces.
                                                                                            Whether as a dessert on the spot, offered from a stall
                                      Inspire your customers with a delicious diversity     in an amusement park or as a takeaway when you are
                                         of creamy, milky, and fruity sweet shakes!         on the go, these treats are suitable for each occasion
                                                                                                   and offer infinite creative possibilities.

                                                                                                 Inspire your customers with infinite creative
                                                                                             possibilities. Sweet, creamy and simply irresistible!

                            Advantages                                                                                       Advantages

Flavours that are currently popular with       Suitable as a drink, a dessert on the spot   Flavours that are currently          Easy, on-site production                Takeaway versions
    a large target group worldwide             or as a takeaway version while on the go.    popular with a large target      according to your requirements           encourage impulse buys
                                                                                                 group worldwide

  Every flavour can be created easily                     Additional turnover
    with the versatile Cresco range                     with popular variations                     Every flavour can be easily created              Infinite creative possibilities put
                                                                                                      with the versatile Cresco range               you a step ahead of your competitors
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
        ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                        UNIT        DOSAGE      USAGE

        3305055    NOVARCON 50                                                     1 kg        50 g
                   To obtain a particular smooth and warm structure

                   PERFETTA 50
        3306140    Premium base made with cocoa butter. Warm and delicious         1 kg        50 g

                                                                                                                  BASES & IMPROVERS
                   at the palate with a smooth structure and an excellent shop
                   window life

                   TUCANA 10
        3304867    Mix of stabilizers and emulsifiers to personalize the white     1 kg        10 g
                   base recipe. Perfect for industrial applications

        ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                        UNIT        DOSAGE     USAGE
                   BASE UNICA 100
        3304866    Base with a neutral flavour and a creamy, compact structure.   1 kg         100 g
                   Excellent for making milk and fruit gelato

                   BASE UNICA ZERO
        3306375    Ice cream base with sweetener, for creations without           1 kg         1 kg
                   added sugar

        ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                        UNIT        DOSAGE     USAGE
                   LYRA 50
        3306104    Ideal base for making fruit ice-cream without any milk          1 kg        50 g
                   derivatives and with a creamy, aerated structure

        ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                           UNIT              USAGE

        3306036    SMUTER                                                            1.2 kg
                   To make the ice-cream smoother and to avoid crystallization
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
         ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                UNIT   DOSAGE

                    COOKIE/ BISCOTTO1                                      3 kg    40–60 g
                    For a typical cookie flavour

                    CAFFÉ ARABICA COLOMBIA1                                3 kg   70–100 g
          3306022   With aromatic Colombian Arabica coffee

          3100046   CHOC’OR                                                3 kg   100–130 g
                    Chocolate paste for a typical praline flavour

          1334903   CIOCCOLATO BIANCO               Improved Recipe
                                                                           3 kg   80-100 g
                    For a white chocolate flavour

          3100054   CIOCCOLATO/CHOCOLATE                                   3 kg   70–100 g

                                                                                              CREAM PASTES
                    For a rich chocolate flavour

                    DULCE DE LECHE2
          3300310   For a typical Dulce de Leche flavour of cooked milk    3 kg   70–100 g
                    combined with caramelized sugar

          3306032   MASCARPONE                                             3 kg   80–100 g
                    Made with 50 % mascarpone

          3302673   GREEN MINT/MENTA VERDE1                                3 kg   70–100 g
                    For a fresh mint flavour

          3100063   WALNUT/NOCE                                            3 kg   70–100 g
                    For a creamy walnut flavour

                    ITALIAN HAZELNUT MTA
          3100060   NOCCIOLA ITALIA MTA                                    3 kg    70-90 g

                    Made with Italian hazelnuts

        P U LV E R I Z E D PA S T E S
         ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                UNIT   DOSAGE

          3306109   CACAO NOBLESSE                                         1 kg    50–80 g
                    Pulverized paste for vegan chocolate ice cream

                    COCCO DI SULÙ
                                                                           1 kg   80–100 g
          3306096   Pulverized premium paste with Philippine coconut

          3304826   YOGURT 50                                              1 kg    40-50 g
                    Pulverized paste with yogurt flavour

          3306092   YOGURT TIPO GRECO 100                                  1 kg   80–100 g
                    Pulverized paste with a typical Greek Yogurt flavour

                    YUZU GIAPPONE                                          1 kg   80-100 g
          3306489   Pulverized premium paste with Japanese Yuzu
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
 ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                        UNIT   DOSAGE

            NOCCIOLA PIEMONTE IGP                                          3 kg   80-100 g
  3100062   Made from 100 % Italian hazelnuts

            NUBE                                                           3 kg   40-50 g
            Blue paste with chewing gum flavour

  3305487   PEANUT                                                         3 kg   80-100 g
            Made from 100 % roasted peanuts, packed in a metal tin

  3100065   PISTACHIO/PISTACCHIO                                           3 kg   70-100 g
            Pistachio paste containing 30 % pistachios


                                                                                             CREAM PASTES
                                                                           3 kg   80-100 g
  3100066   Premium pistachio paste containing 99 % Iranian pistachios

  1333803   PISTACCHIO KERMAN NATURA                                       3 kg   80-100 g
            Made with 100 % Iranian pistachios without colouring

  3100131   PISTACCHIO ORIGINARIO STB1                                     3 kg   80-100 g
            Stabilized pistachio paste containing 70 % pistachios

  3306033   TIRAMISU CON MASCARPONE                                        3 kg   80-100 g
            Tiramisu paste with mascarpone

  3304816   CLASSIC VANILLA/VANIGLIA CLASSICA1                             3 kg   30–50 g
            For a typical vanilla flavour

            VANIGLIA MADAGASCAR                                            3 kg   40-50 g
  3306040   Premium vanilla paste with Bourbon Vanilla pod

  3306035   ZABAIONE1                                                      3 kg   80-100 g
            Made with marsala wine and egg yolk

  3306490   Honey Curcuma                                                  3 kg   80-100 g
            Made with 25% honey and curcuma flavour

DUE 2 IN 1
 ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                        UNIT   DOSAGE
            COFFEE CRUNCH DUE/2IN1
  1336903   With coffee and crunchy cocoa nibs. For flavouring ice cream   3 kg   80-100 g
            and perfect for marbling and decorating as Variegato
Catalogue Gelateria - Martin Braun KG
          ART. NO.   PRODUCT                               UNIT   DOSAGE

           3300930   ALBICOCCA/APRICOT                     3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical apricot flavour

           3300920   AMARENA                               3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical Amarena cherry flavour

           3302680   ANANAS/PINEAPPLE                      3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical pineapple flavour

           3300950   ARANCIA/ORANGE                        3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical orange flavour

           3300960   BANANA3                               3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical banana flavour

           3300970   FRAGOLA/STRAWBERRY                    3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical strawberry flavour

           3300980   FRUTTI DI BOSCO/WILD BERRIES5         3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical wild berry flavour

           3300990   KIWI1                                 3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical kiwi flavour


                                                                             FRUIT PASTES
           3301000   LAMPONE/RASPBERRY1                    3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical raspberry flavour

           3302668   MANGO1                                3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical mango flavour

           3301080   MARACUJA/PASSION FRUIT4               3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical passion fruit flavour

           3301250   MELA VERDE/GREEN APPLE1               3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical green apple flavour

           3301050   MELONE/MELON1                         3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical melon flavour

           3301060   MIRTILLO/BLUEBERRY5                   3 kg   70–100 g
                     With typical blueberry flavour
WI TH MI LK         ( 1 BAG + 2 , 5 / 3 L IT ER )
         ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                      UNIT      DOSAGE

                    ARCOYOG                                                       1 kg      250 g
                    Perfect for the creation of Frozen Yogurt

                    CACAO CARAIBI
                    Premium powdered product for the convenient application of   1,25 kg    500 g
                    chocolate ice cream, made with finest Caribbean cocoa

                    COCCO DI SULÙ
                    Premium powdered product for the convenient application
                                                                                 1,25 kg    400 g
         3306116    of coconut ice cream, made with finest coconut from the

                    CIOCCOLATO BIANCO/
         3306118    WHITE CHOCOLATE                                              1,2 kg     400 g
                    Powdered product with white chocolate flavour for the
                    convenient application

                    CIOCCOLATO NERO FONDENTE/
         3306115    DARK CHOCOLATE                                               1,2 kg     500 g
                    Powdered product with dark chocolate flavour for the
                    convenient application

                    CREMA VANIGLIA/CREAM & VANILLA1
         3306136    Powdered product with vanilla flavour for the                1,2 kg     400 g
                    convenient application

         3306100    Powdered product with cream flavour for the                  1,2 kg     400 g
                    convenient application

         3306099    Powdered product with yogurt flavour for the                 1,2 kg     400 g
                    convenient application


                                                                                                    READY LINE
        WI TH WATER            ( 1 BAG + 2 , 5 L IT ER )
         ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                      UNIT      DOSAGE
                    ARANCIA ROSSA/RED ORANGE
         3306138    Powdered product with red orange flavour for the             1,25 kg    500 g
                    convenient application

         3306093    Powdered product with lemon flavour for the                  1,25 kg    500 g
                    convenient application

         3306121    Powdered product with typical limoncello flavour             1,25 kg    500 g
                    for the convenient application

         3306133    Powdered product with melon flavour for the                  1,25 kg    500 g
                    convenient application

         3306132    Powdered product with tropical flavour for the               1,25 kg    500 g
                    convenient application

         3306139    Powdered product with watermelon flavour for the             1,25 kg    500 g
                    convenient application
                                             ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                                UNIT
                                                        CHOC’OR                                                                3 kg
                                                        With waffle pieces and hazelnuts

                                                        CHOCO FRIZZY                                                           3 kg
                                                        With popping grains for an exciting crackling effect

                                                        CHOCOMILKY & CEREALS                                                   3 kg
                                                        With puffed cereals

                                              3100082   COOKIES                                                                3 kg
                                                        With cookie pieces

                                              1335503   CROCCHOC                                                               3 kg
                                                        With biscuit pieces and hazelnuts

                                              3100181   MILLEVELI                                                              3kg
                                                        With roasted hazelnuts and biscuit pieces

                                                        PISTACHIO1                                                             3 kg
                                                        With pistachio pieces

                                              1336503   SPECULOFF                                                              3 kg
                                                        With caramel cookie pieces and a typical Belgium speculoos flavour

                                              1334703   STRAWBERRY & MILK                                                      3 kg
                                                        With freeze-dried strawberries and skimmed milk powder

                                                        COOKIE & MILK

                                              1337003                                                                          3 kg
                                                        With dark cookie pieces in a white cream

                                                        COFFEE CRUNCH DUE/2IN1
                                              1336903   With coffee and crunchy cocoa nibs. Perfect for marbling, decorating   3 kg
                                                        and flavouring all kinds of ice creams

                                                        CHOCO PEANUT            NEW

                                              1341503                                                                          3 kg
                                                        With peanut caramel chocolate flavor.

                                                        MACAO DARK CHOCOLATE/

                                              3100077   MACAO FONDENTE                                                         3 kg
                                                        For marbling and decorating, perfect for stracciatella applications

                                                                                                                                      & GELATELLA
  Indulge your customers with new flavour
  compositions and textures.
  Just scan & get creative
 ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                 UNIT
  3306041   AMARENA6                                                3 kg
            With typical Amarena cherry flavour

            ARANCIA/ORANGE6                                         3 kg
            With typical orange flavour

  3301313   FRAGOLA/STRAWBERRY7                                     3 kg
            With typical strawberry flavour

            FRUTTI DI BOSCO/WILD BERRIES7                           3 kg
            With typical wild berry flavour

            GINGER1 8                                               3 kg
            With typical ginger flavour and candied ginger pieces

            MANGO-MARACUYA (WITH SEEDS)7                            3 kg
            With typical mango-maracuya flavour

 ART. NO.   PRODUCT                                                 UNIT
  1333403   CHOCOMILKY                                              3 kg
            With milk chocolate flavour

  1333603   CRISPYNUT                                               3 kg
            With roasted hazelnuts

  1335203   FROLLINA                                                3 kg
            With biscuit pieces and a unique pastry flavour

            PRALINWHITE                                             3 kg
            With caramelized almonds and white chocolate powder

                                                                           & GELATELLA
           ART. NO.   PRODUCT                    UNIT

           3305947    AMARENA                    1 kg

           3305950    CARAMELLO/CARAMEL1         1 kg

           3305939    CIOCCOLATO/CHOCOLATE8      1 kg

           3305946    FRAGOLA/STRAWBERRY1        1 kg

           3305952    FRUTTI ROSSI/RED FRUITS1   1 kg

           3305945    LAMPONE/RASPBERRY          1 kg

           3305943    MANGO                      1 kg

           3305949    VANIGLIA / VANILLA1        1 kg


Cresco meets Pastry
             The Cresco product assortment, consisting of high quality Cream Pastes, exciting
         Variegati and premium Sapori dal Mondo products, adds exciting shades and flavours to
         all sorts of chocolates and pastries. Every Cresco product offers endless varieties in the
                               application, for more than ice cream results.

            The Cream Pastes are particularly suitable as high quality ingredients for premium
           specialities. Finest raw materials of designated origins can be found in the premium
          offer of the Sapori dal Mondo range. The versatile concept of Variegati perfectly adds
         exciting crunchy shades, for a modern mix of textures. This concept combines the pure
          indulgence of Cresco products with modern ideas for premium selections, suitable for
                        all occasions. Ask us for more ideas and the entire concept!

                                            Your beNefits

                     Versatile usage of the Cresco product assortment

                     Suitable for ice cream and pastry applications
                     High quality raw materials for premium specialities
                     Optical highlights and modern ideas offering additional potentials


                                                                                                      CRESCO MEETS
Legend                                                                          Legend
                                Vegetarian**                                                                    Vegetarian**

                                Vegan***                                                                        Vegan***

                                Only natural flavouring                                                         Only natural flavouring

                                Without Hydrogenated Fats                                                       Without Hydrogenated Fats

                                Without Flavouring                                                              Without Flavouring

                                Without lactose according to the recipe*                                        Without lactose according to the recipe*

                                without gluten-containing ingredients according to the                          without gluten-containing ingredients according to the
                                recipe* (according to regulation (EU) No 1169/2011)                             recipe* (according to regulation (EU) No 1169/2011)

                                Ice Cream                                                                       Ice Cream

                                Soft Ice Cream                                                                  Soft Ice Cream

                                Sorbet                                                                          Sorbet

                                Perfect for the application in pastry                                           Perfect for the application in pastry

              *      Despite the greatest care during production, unintentional cross         *      Despite the greatest care during production, unintentional cross
                     contamination cannot be safely excluded                                         contamination cannot be safely excluded
              ** Articles are produced without ingredients of animal origin                   ** Articles are produced without ingredients of animal origin
                     with the exception of egg, milk and honey products.                             with the exception of egg, milk and honey products.
              *** Articles are produced without ingredients of animal origin                  *** Articles are produced without ingredients of animal origin

                  The information relates exclusively to the ice cream ingredients, not to        The information relates exclusively to the ice cream ingredients, not to
                  the final ice cream according to the basic recipe. Changes after printing       the final ice cream according to the basic recipe. Changes after printing
                  date cannot be ruled out.                                                       date cannot be ruled out.

              1 with colouring                                                                1 with colouring
              2 with colouring and preservative, when used according to the                   2 with colouring and preservative, when used according to the
                basic recipe, sulphur content
CRESCO SPA               Martin Braun KG
Via Faustinella n. 24    Tillystrasse 17
25015 Desenzano          30459 Hannover
del Garda – Italia       – Germany

Tel. +39 030 26 85 611   Tel. +49 (0)511 41 07 70  
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