Analysis of Fishbein's Multi-Attribute on Property at PT Graha Wisma Sentosa Jaya

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                             Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Research Paper                                                                     E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

  Analysis of Fishbein’s Multi-Attribute on Property
          at PT Graha Wisma Sentosa Jaya
   Rodearto Prayuda Damanik1, Rulianda Purnomo Wibowo2, Isfenti Sadalia2
              Master of Management Study Program, Postgraduate School of University of Sumatera Utara
                                      Corresponding Author: Rodearto Prayuda Damanik

ABSTRACT                                                       compatibility are positive. Meanwhile the
                                                               location is negative.
This research is conducted with the aim of
analyzing the level of consumer belief in the                  Keywords: Fishbein’s Multi-Attribute, Trust
attributes, analyzing the importance level of                  Score (bi), Evalution Score (ei), Consumer
Sehaty Residence residential product attributes                Attitude (Ao)
and analyzing consumer attitudes towards the
attributes of Sehaty Residence residential                     BACKGROUND
products. This research used Fishbein’s Multi-                         The growth of the property business
Attribute analysis. The population in this                     in Indonesia, especially in big cities, is
research is all individuals residing in the Sei                currently experiencing a significant
Mencirim Sub-District, Sunggal District,
                                                               increase. The Property Index notes that the
Regency of Deli Serdang that acknowledge the
Sehati Resident residential, amounted to 84                    national residential property supply in 2018
people, and all of them are sampled in the study.              has increased by 8.1% when compared to
The result shows that, in general, the assessment              2017. PT Graha Wisma Sentosa Jaya is
on the strength of consumer belief in Sehaty                   doing its business and is optimistic about
Residence residential products, it can be                      seeing the property market stretching in
concluded that, the attributes that are likely to be           Sunggal District, especially in line with the
related to Sehaty Residence residential products               economic growth in Deli Serdang, before
are: Nice and Attractive Type and Residential                  PT Graha Wisma Sentosa Jaya wants to
Design,      Compatible       and       Convenient             build a residential area in the Sei Mencirim
Environment for Potential Customers or                         area. However, the managing director of PT
Potential Buyers, Appropriate Residential Price
                                                               Graha Wisma Sentosa Jaya stated that in the
That Can Affect Potential Buyers, Compatible
Facilities Offered By The Developer Company                    last 3 years, the residential sales target was
and Incompatible and Inconvenient Residential                  not in accordance with the target set by the
Locations. The analysis of Attitude of all units               company, namely at least 1 house must be
price, type, facilities and environmental                      sold per month.

                               Figure 1: Housing Sales Data of PT Graha Wisma Sentosa Jaya

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                                            Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Rodearto Prayuda Damanik Analysis of Fishbein’s multi-attribute on property at PT Graha Wisma
Sentosa Jaya.

        According to Taufik (2017), there              product brand, product packaging, service
are various variables that a consumer takes            levels, warranties, product size and returns.
into account when buying a residence.
These variables include residential design,            2. Price
price, location, housing infrastructure,                       The price of a product is often used
supporting     facilities  and    promotion            as a reference by consumers in assessing the
strategies from the developer. A consumer              quality of a product. Consumers perceive a
who has a high income will certainly have a            high quality product as if they have the right
high purchasing power and will not pay too             to be given a high price. On the other hand,
much attention to the price of a house.                a product is of poor quality, difficult to sell
However, in reality, the purchasing power              at a high price. Thus, price is a sacrifice that
of each consumer is different so that it will          must be made by consumers to get the
influence decisions in buying residential              quality that consumers perceive. (Kertajaya,
types. Variables such as residential design,           2006). According to Kotler and Keller
price, and location are a small number of              (2009) states that the price dimensions
decision variables considered by a consumer            consist of: price lists, rebates / discounts,
who will buy a house. These variables must             special discounts, payment periods and
be known by every company management,                  credit terms.
especially companies engaged in the
property industry, such as PT Graha Wisma              3. Distribution Channels
Sentosa Jaya, because they can be used as                      With regard to products, companies
the basis for company policy to sell their             need to identify alternative ways to get their
property products.                                     products into the hands of consumers or to
                                                       target markets. Products mean little to
Marketing Mix                                          consumers if they are not available at the
        According to Kotler (2002) states              time and place they want. Therefore a
that the Marketing Mix (marketing mix) is              distribution channel is needed as an effort
variables that can be controlled by a                  made by producers to make a product
company which consists of product, price,              available and available to consumers at any
distribution, and promotion.                           time and place wherever the consumer is
1. Products                                            (Angipora, 2007).
        The product itself has various
definitions, one of which is stated by                 4. Promotion
Lupiyoadi (2006) that the product is the                       Promotion is also a means of
whole concept of an object or process that             communicating products to consumers.
provides a number of benefits to consumers.            Kertajaya (2004) states that promotion is an
Meanwhile, according to Kotler and                     explanation of a product that must be
Armstrong (2003) a product is anything that            communicated to the target market with the
is offered to the market to get attention, buy,        aim of forming or encouraging someone to
use or consume that can satisfy a desire or            act about a product and at the same time
need. From the two definitions above, it can           increasing purchase desire. According to
be concluded that a product is anything that           Kotler     and     Armstrong      (Business
can be offered to the market to get the                Communication 2008), explains the
attention it owns and uses, which includes             dimensions     of     promotion,    namely:
physical goods, personality, organization              Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public
and ideas. Product dimensions According to             Relations, and Direct Marketing
Kotler and Armstrong (2008), the product
mix consists of: product diversity, product            Consumer behavior
quality, product design, product features,                     There are two strengths of the
                                                       factors that influence consumer behavior,

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                                       Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Rodearto Prayuda Damanik Analysis of Fishbein’s multi-attribute on property at PT Graha Wisma
Sentosa Jaya

namely socio-cultural and psychological                lower - middle class, upper - lower class,
forces. This is in accordance with the                 and lower - lower class. The upper class
opinion of William J. Stanton (1981: 105)              social class tends to buy expensive goods,
who states: "sociocultural and psychological           buy at quality and complete shops
force which influences consumers' buying               (convenience stores, supermarkets), are
behavior". Socio-cultural forces consist of            conservative in their consumption, the items
cultural factors, social level, small-                 purchased tend to be inherited by their
preference groups, and families. .                     families. The middle class social class tends
Meanwhile, psychological strength consists             to buy goods to reveal their wealth, buying
of learning experiences, personality,                  goods in large quantities and of sufficient
attitudes and beliefs, self-concept.                   quality. They want to buy expensive items
                                                       with a credit system, for example buying
Socio-Cultural Strengths                               vehicles, luxury homes, household furniture.
         Cultural factors can be defined as the        Lower social classes tend to buy goods with
result of human creativity from one                    an emphasis on quantity over quality. In
generation to the next which greatly                   general, they return to buying goods for
determines the form of behavior in their               their daily needs, taking advantage of
lives as members of society. Culture                   selling items on sale or selling at
influences consumer behavior both in terms             promotional prices.
of:                                                             The role model; defined as a group
1. Psychological, where consumers feel                 of people who influence the attitudes,
    they have an adequate supply of all their          opinions, norms and behavior of consumers.
    needs. For example, being physically               This role model is a collection of a
    strong will use excessive time to earn             particular family, group or organization. For
    enough money. The tendency to show a               example, artists' associations, athletes, youth
    new and different lifestyle from other             groups, mosque groups and other small
    people, even shows a new tendency                  organizations. The influence of role models
    towards materialism.                               on consumer behavior, among others, is in
2. Consumer anti-functionalism shows a                 determining the products and brands they
    tendency towards a new romantic flow,              use that match the aspirations of the group.
    modern life, beautiful surroundings, a                      Family factors; defined as the
    tendency towards pleasure, spirituality,           smallest society whose behavior greatly
    and introspection.                                 influences and determines buying decisions.
3. Reaction against consumer complexity                Within the family, there are roles as
    which shows a tendency towards simple              initiative makers, influencers, decision
    life, returning to nature, namely                  makers, purchasing actors, and users.
    rejecting artificial ones, adopting more
    natural ones, increasing community                 The Power of Psychological Factors
    involvement,        namely       increasing                Learning factor can be defined as a
    affiliation with local communities,                change in behavior due to previous
    existing     activities   in    neighbors,         experiences. Consumer behavior can be
    increasing trust in technology rather              learned because it is greatly influenced by
    than tradition and tendencies manifest             the learning experience. The consumer's
    respect for big brands and big stores.             learning experience will determine the
         Factors Social class; defined as a            buying decision and action. These theorists
group consisting of a number who have an               were Pavlov, Skinner, and Hull. Based on
equal position in society. Wener (Flemming             their research, it is concluded that learning
Hansen, 1972) argues that social class can             is a response or reaction to several stimuli.
be categorized into upper - upper class,               If the response is pleasant, there will be
lower - upper class, upper - middle class,             satisfaction; and vice versa, if it is

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unpleasant, will be punishment. The same               determining a product, brand and service.
response if repeated will form a habit.                The attitudes and beliefs of consumers
Likewise, if the stimulus is repeated, it will         towards a product or brand can be changed
be a strong response.                                  through persuasive communication and the
        Consumer personality factors will              provision of effective information to
influence perceptions and decision making              consumers. Thus consumers can buy new
in buying. Therefore, the role of shop                 products or brands, or products that are in
assistants is important in providing good              the store itself.
service to consumers. The service displayed                    Self-concept factors In relation to
by the shop assistant is very much                     consumer behavior, we need to create
influenced by his personality. Therefore, it           situations that are in line with what
is better if the shop clerk is a salesperson           consumers expect. Likewise, providing and
with an adult personality.                             serving consumers with branded products
        Attitude and belief factors in relation        that are what consumers expect.
to consumer behavior are very influential in

Conceptual framework

                                      Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Hypothesis                                             Regency who know the Sehati Residence
                                                       housing. The sampling technique in this
H0: Attitude Consumer behavior towards                 study was purposive sampling, which is a
the product is not positive                            non-probability sampling method that uses
H1: Attitudes. Consumer behavior towards               specific people (specific target groups) as a
positive products                                      source of data or information with a total of
                                                       84 respondents. The data analysis method
RESEARCH METHODS                                       used descriptive statistical analysis and the
       The type of research used is survey             Fishbein multi-attribute analysis model.
research, which is an investigation carried
out to obtain facts from the existing                  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
symptoms and seek factual information to               Evaluation of the level of confidence (bi)
get the truth (Sukaria Sinulingga, 2014).              on the product attributes of Sehaty
The data collection technique used is a                Residence housing (Ao)
questionnaire. In this study the population is                 Measurement of the strength of trust
all individuals residing in Sei Mencirim               variable (bi) is carried out on the housing
Village, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang                product Sehaty Residence separately. The

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Rodearto Prayuda Damanik Analysis of Fishbein’s multi-attribute on property at PT Graha Wisma
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results of the evaluation (scoring) of the                           Residence housing products are shown in
strength of trust (bi) of each respondent                            Table 1.
(consumer) on the attributes of Sehaty
                           Table 1: Evaluation of Trust Level (bi) Attributes of Sehaty Residence Housing
Attributes              Strongly          Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly                   Average      Confidence             Level
                        Disagree                                            agree           (bi)         Interpretation
                        -2                -1          0            1        2
Price                   0                 10          13           38       23              1.06         The right price
Type                    0                 2           17           40       25              1.26         Nice and interesting
Location                24                23          20           7        10              -0.63        Strategic
Facility                6                 10          11           32       11              0.46         Already fit
Environmental           4                 2           19           32       27              1.09         Fit and Suitable

        From Table 1, it can be seen that the                        2. The environment is suitable and suitable
average score for the variable strength of                              for potential customers or prospective
trust (bi) of consumers on each attribute of                            buyers.
Sehaty Residence housing products that is                            3. Appropriate occupancy prices so as to
on expressing confidence in each attribute                              influence potential buyers.
that is owned by the Healthy Residence                               4. Facilities in accordance with those
housing product. The average scoring result                             offered by the developer company.
shows that Sehaty Residence housing                                  5. Unsuitable and strategic residential
products prioritize the attributes:                                     location.
1. Type (1.26)
2. Environmental compatibility (1.09)                                Evaluation of the level of importance (ei)
3. Price (1.06)                                                      of the attributes of Sehaty Residence (Ao)
4. Facilities (0.46)                                                 housing products
5. Location (-0.63)                                                          Parameters, statements and scores
        In general, an assessment of the                             for measuring the level of importance and
strength of consumer confidence in Sehaty                            strength of consumer confidence. The
Residence housing products, it can be                                results of the evaluation of each respondent
concluded that, the attributes that are                              (consumer) on the level of importance of the
believed to be related to Sehaty Residence                           Sehaty Residence product attributes are
housing products are:                                                shown in Table 2.
1. Type and design of a nice and attractive
                          Table 2: Evaluation of Interest Level (ei) Attributes of Healthy Residence Housing
Attributes                   Strongly      Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly                   Average      Confidence            Level
                             Disagree                                        agree           (bi)         Interpretation
                             -2            -1           0           1        2
Price                        0             0            6           39       39              1.67         most important
Type                         0             0            10          40       34              1.54         most important
Location                     0             0            18          22       44              1.57         most important
Facility                     0             0            19          39       26              1.30         most important
Environmental Suitability    0             0            9           43       32              1.53         most important

       From Table 2 is a table of the level                          the product attributes of Sehaty Residence
of importance or the value of the evaluation                         housing to be considered.
of the importance of the results of the                                      Based on the type of attribute, the
respondent's   assessment      of Healthy                            price obtains an interest value of 1.67, the
Residence Housing. Table 5.6 shows that                              type obtains an interest value of 1.54, the
the average for all the attributes of Sehaty                         location obtains an interest value of 1.57,
Residence Housing gets a positive value.                             the facility obtains an interest value of 1.30
This shows that the respondents consider all                         and environmental compatibility obtains an
                                                                     interest value of 1.53. When viewed based

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Rodearto Prayuda Damanik Analysis of Fishbein’s multi-attribute on property at PT Graha Wisma
Sentosa Jaya

on the results of the product attributes of                    consumers in determining the choice to buy
Sehaty Residence housing, namely the price                     housing.
gets the highest importance value. This can
be due to the fact that price is the most                      Analysis of Consumer Attitudes towards
important attribute to consider in attracting                  Sehaty Residence housing products
consumers to visit and see Perumahan                                   The results of the analysis of the
Sehaty Residence. In addition, the selling                     attitude concept with a multi attribute model
price at Perumahan Sehaty Residence is also                    of Fishbein's attitude towards Sehaty
an important thing that becomes a                              Residence housing products which is the
consumer's     concern    in    determining                    result of the multiplication between the
purchases.                                                     score of the consumer's interest evaluation
        This shows that respondents will                       variable (ei) and the consumer's trust power
consider the price attribute as a very                         (bi) variable. Table 2 below shows the
important attribute in deciding what is                        results of the analysis of the attitudes and
important according to consumers. Price is                     behavior of each consumer towards the
one of the most important attributes                           attributes of Sehaty Residence housing
evaluated by consumers to be considered by                     products.
                                                 Table 2: Attitude Analysis
           Attributes                  Interest Evaluation Score (ei) bi Max   bi Min Max Min
           Price                       1.67                            2       -2       3.34        -3.34
           Type                        1.54                            2       -2       3.09        -3.09
           Location                    1.57                            2       -2       3.14        -3.14
           Facility                    1.30                            2       -2       2.60        -2.60
           Environmental Suitability   1.53                            2       -2       3.06        -3.06
           Total Value of Attitude                                                      15.23       -15.23

CONCLUSION                                                        interest value of 1.30 and environmental
       From research on consumer attitudes                        compatibility obtained an interest value
towards the attributes of Sehaty Residence                        of 1.53.
housing, the following conclusions can be                      3. Attitude analysis of all price units, types,
drawn:                                                            facilities and environmental suitability is
1. In general, the assessment of the                              positive. Meanwhile the location is
   strength of consumer confidence in                             negative.
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