CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -

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CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
CASS Audits 2021
Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty

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CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
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CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -

                            Shermeen Kazmi             John Mongelard      Mduduzi Mswabuki          Sam Worsley
   Rob Anderson
                        Director, Financial Services   Risk & Regulation    Partner, Financial   Client Assets and Client
Stakeholder Assurance
                                    Audit              ICAEW Financial          Services               Money SME
                             Grant Thornton               Services                 EY                    KPMG

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CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
CASS and Regulatory
1 MARCH 2021
CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
The importance of CASS – overview

•   In simple terms, ‘client assets’ include both financial instruments held for clients, such as
    shares, bonds, or fund units (custody assets) and money held for clients in connection
    with investment business (client money)
•   The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) maintains the Handbook, including the Client
    Assets Sourcebook (CASS), which sets out rules for protecting client assets

The protection of client assets is central           FCA Principle 10
to confidence in markets and to
                                                     •   A firm must arrange adequate
consumers’ rights and the trust they
                                                         protection for clients’ assets when it is
place with firms.
                                                         responsible for them
The FCA aim to do this by:
                                                     •   This requires firms to hold client assets
•   Intensive supervision of firms holding               separately from the firm’s own assets.
    client money and custody assets. When                This minimises the risk of loss to
    appropriate enforced with directed                   clients if the firm becomes insolvent
    regulatory intervention and disciplinary
                                                     •   An essential part of protection is the
                                                         proper accounting and treatment of
•   Continued review of the client assets                client assets
    regulations for investment business
•   Publishing of new rules to strengthen
    existing protection to clients
CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
The importance of CASS – timeline
“We have a very low tolerance for CASS failings, because of the significant
customer detriment these can cause, and we expect auditors to identify
CASS failings when they report to us.”
                                   ꟷ Charles Randall, FCA Chair, September 2018
                                                                                                                                         Reyker & SVS Insolvencies
                                                                                                                 Beaufort Insolvency
                                                                                                                                         Client money £57mn/£25mn
                                                                                                                Client money £37mn
                                                                                                                                                Custody assets
                                                                                                               Custody assets £664mn

                                                                             Towergate Underwriting       One Call Insurance
                          Bank of New York        Aviva Pension Fund                                                                                     Charles Schwab fined
Barclays fined £38mn                                                          and its former director    Services Limited fined
                         Mellon fined £126mn         fined £8.2mn                                                                                                £9mn
                                                                                  fined £2.7mn          £684k; CEO fined £469k

                                                                                                                2018                    2019                    2020                   2021

       2014                    2015                      2016                        2017

      PS 14/9                                                                                                                                            Revised FRC standard
                                                FRC Standard Providing                                                                                                                 CASS 14
Review of Client Asset                                                                                     PS 17/14 MiFID II       CASS 13 Claims             Audit periods
                                               Assurance on Client Assets                                                                                                       Temporary Permissions
Regime for Investment                                                                                       implementation          Management                commencing
                                                      to the FCA                                                                                                                  for EEA-branches
      business                                                                                                                                                 1 Jan 2020

                                                        SM&CR                                                                                            Depositaries custody
                                                   Banking and PRA-                                                                                        record keeping
                                                                                                                                  Solo-regulated firms
                                               designated investment firms                                                                                   1 Apr 2020
CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
Charles Schwab FCA fine and breaches
Model pre-2017                                                                 Model post-2017

                                CSUK                                            Direct custody
                                                                                                                  CSUK            Outsourcing arrangement (including
                                                                                                                                  custody services) without SLA
                              (the firm)                                        agreement with client           (the firm)
   Introduced                                        Referral fee paid
   clients to CS&C                                   for introduction
                                                                                                                             Custody                                Third
                                                                                               Custody assets                assets /
                                                                                               (securities) /                client money
                                                                                               client money
                      Cash / Securities (not CASS)
                                                          CS&C                                                                              CS&C
  Client                                                                         Client                                                                      Money pooled
                           Direct brokerage                (US)                                                                              (US)            Assets sub-

Breaches and findings

Breach 1a: Organisational arrangements (CASS 6.2.2.R, 7.12.2R)                 Breach 1b: Records and reconciliations (CASS 6.6.2R, 6.6.34R, 7.15.12R, 7.15.20R)
The firm failed to:                                                            CSUK’s books and records were one and the same as CS&C’s and so the firm failed to:
• Ensure that client money was segregated at all times                         • Maintain its own custody assets books and records
• Have a committee that dealt specifically with CASS issues                    • Distinguish between firm and client holdings and between individual client holdings
• Have suitable monitoring and oversight of its outsourced activities          • Conduct reconciliations for client money and custody assets held by CS&C
• Prepare a CASS risk assessment
• Have a CASS resolution pack (CASS 10.1.3R)

Breach 2: CSUK undertook safeguarding and administration of assets without permission (FSMA s.20)

Breach 3: CSUK made a false statement to the FCA that auditors had confirmed adequate systems and controls for CASS (Principle 11)
CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
FCA communications: Dear CEO Letters
Issue and date         Addressed to               Regulator Concerns                                                      Actions for firms
Inappropriate use of   Brokers in wholesale       Inappropriate use of TTCAs (‘excess collateral’), in particular:        ►   Review use of TTCAs
title transfer         financial markets          ► Holding collateral without considering client obligations,            ►   Confirm to FCA they have considered all issues and
collateral             holding clients’ cash or   ► Holding inappropriate amounts of collateral when compared with            notify of any breaches
agreements             securities as collateral      client obligations
(TTCAs)                (or which may do so in     ► Increased movement of collateral from segregation to TTCA
                       future)                       without considering connection with client obligation.
24 July 2020                                      ► No arrangements to promptly return or segregate collateral

Increased client       Non-discretionary          Increase in client money balances in the first half of 2020. FCA will   ►   Consider need to hold client money which is unlikely to
money balances         investment managers        continue to review CMARs and follow up with firms that report               be reinvested, and client’s best interests (better with a
                       (excludes tax              significantly increased balances.                                           bank?)
12 August 2020         wrappers and                                                                                       ►   Communicate with clients with high balances (further
                       margined collateral)                                                                                   investment planned?)
                                                                                                                          ►   Return money unlikely to be reinvested in the short
Adequacy of client     All firms holding client   “The impact of Covid-19 is being felt widely and is affecting all the   ► Review attention areas; be prepared to explain
assets                 assets through             entities we regulate in ways that may not have been predicted”            response to regulator;
arrangements           investment business,       Maintaining adequate arrangements that safeguard client assets is       ► Senior management to have appropriate oversight
                       debt management or         “imperative”. FCA will continue to assess these arrangements and          (discuss letter with Board)
30 September 2020      claims management          review audit reports.                                                   Additional considerations:
                                                  Areas for attention:                                                    ► Ensure client assets will not be subject to increased risk
                                                  ► Governance and oversight                                                from end of Brexit transition
                                                  ► Oversight of third parties, including due diligence                   ► Ensure no excess client money held in third party

                                                  ► Adequate records and reconciliations                                    transaction accounts.
                                                  ► Acknowledgement letters for all client money accounts (when
                                                     holding client money)
                                                  ► Accurate and up to date CASS Resolution Pack
CASS Audits 2021 Brought to you by the Financial Services Faculty -
FCA communications: CASS compliance
issues resulting from COVID-19
                                            Physical asset          Depositing client                                 Delays to process
Handling cheques                                                                             Notification to FCA                             CASS audit reports
                                            reconciliations         money                                             improvements

•   Cheques delivered to unmanned           •   Take any            •   Increase in client   •   Continue to notify   •   Consider           •   The FCA does
    offices and remaining unbanked,             mitigating steps        money holdings           FCA of CASS              informing FCA of       not expect
•   Consider potential harm caused by not       possible                leading to               breaches under           delays to CASS         significant
    being able to cash the cheque on a      •   Notify the FCA if       challenges in            Principle 11 and         compliance             additional audit
    case-by-case basis                          unable to conduct       meeting                  SUP 15 (CASS             improvement            costs
                                                a reconciliation        segregation and          6.6.57R and              programmes         •   Multiple
•   To meet 1-day banking requirement,
                                                                        diversification          CASS 7.15.33R)                                  occurrences of
    firms advised to:
                                                                        requirement          •   No need to notify                               the same breach
    • Pay own money into client bank
                                                                    •   Assess all options       FCA of                                          can be grouped in
                                                                        available before         categorisation                                  the audit report
    • Look to receive money by electronic                               contacting the           outside the usual
        transfer                                                        FCA                      January reporting
    • Return or destroy duplicate cheque                                                         window
Governance and IT
1 MARCH 2021
Common CASS Governance Issues


     EMBEDDED RISK                                                                    TPA’s OUTSOURCE
                                               CASS TRAINING
     FRAMEWORK                                                                        PROVIDERS
     CASS controls document only               Staff not adequately trained on CASS   Lack of visibility and oversight over
     updated in time for audits                risks and compliance issues            the processes and controls to
                                                                                      facilitate CASS compliance
     Frameworks are continuing to evolve       Issues around completeness
                                               of coverage                            Governance forums need
     Firms are looking to develop more                                                strengthening
     robust repositories of the information,
     improved attestations and monitoring                                             Insufficient awareness of CASS
     programmes                                                                       processes
CASS IT focus areas
           CASS awareness within technology support and development divisions
           CASS considerations and oversight for system changes and development

           CASS SYSTEMS AND FLOWS                                      CASS IT RISKS AND CONTROLS
           Defined technology framework and                            Identifying and designing adequate
           systems supporting CASS operations                          automated controls
           Clarity on technology dependent CASS                        Periodic review of CASS risks and
           risk points and data flows                                  associated automated controls
                                                                       Regular evaluation of TPA and/or off-
                                                                       shoring data handover points and controls

           Key CASS FOCUS AREAS
           Reconciliation                 Key automated CASS reports         TPA Oversight
           Evaluating and monitoring      Clarity on completeness and        Defined data hand-over points
           upstream and downstream        accuracy of supporting reports     between TPA and firm
           data feeds to reconciliation   and automated calculation
                                                                             Clarity on data ownership of data
                                          outcomes                           processed by TPA
Common CASS IT issues

      Utilising external   Inconsistent and      Misinterpretation      Key CASS              Data feeds        IT controls not
       reconciliation         insufficient           of ISEM         reconciliation and      between key      tailored to identify
          outputs to        change control        requirements         MI reports not     systems and data      and flag CASS
      perform internal      prior to system                            complete and         transfer batch          failures
       reconciliation          releases/                                 accurate         jobs not complete
                                updates                                                      and accurate

                     Key CASS instructions are        Information provided by TPA         Inadequate design of
                    not retained in line with data   is not complete and accurate          control environment
                      retention requirements                                                over the overall IT
Client Asset
1 MARCH 2021

Rob Anderson
CASS 6 reconciliations

Types of custody reconciliations
Objective: To ensure that the firm’s books                        Physical                Custodian                      Fund
                                                                   vault                   Account                      Operator
and records correspond to the assets
actually held.
                                                    1                                                      Depository

                                             Physical Asset
 1. Physical asset reconciliation            (no less than                              External Custody
 2. External custody reconciliations         every six months)                          Reconciliation
                                                                                        (no less than          2
                                                                                        every month)

Objective: To ensure that custody asset
records are complete and accurate at a
client level
                                                  3a                         Internal System
                                             Internal Custody
                                                                             (no less than
  3. Internal custody record checks
                                             (no less than                   every month)
                                             every month)
CASS 6 – Internal custody reconciliation
•     In order use this method (as opposed to the ISEM) a firm
      needs to have two ‘separately maintained’ and
      ‘comparable’ records                                                            Aggregate
•     Must be the comparison of positions not transactions
                                                                 Internal Custody
•     It must be theoretically possible to have discrepancies    Reconciliation
      so what types of discrepancies can arise and what should   (no less than
      we do with them?                                           every month)

                                                                                    Client Specific
    IT/processing/      Timing              Erroneous
    journal errors      differences         entries

                 1                    2                      3
CASS 6 reconciliations – ISEM

• Not actually a reconciliation – although can include
  looking at an internal reconciliation that does not have two
  distinct sources.                                                       Erroneous
                                                                         items: 'test'
• As the name suggests, it involved an ‘evaluation’ and                  entries and                Negative
  includes three key steps:                                               'balancing'               balances
  1. Establish a process that evaluates the completeness
     and accuracy of the firm's custody asset
     internal records                                                               ISEM errors
                                                                                     to capture
  2. Run the evaluation process established under (1)            IT errors                                Processing
     on the date of each internal custody record check; and                                                 errors
  3. Promptly investigate and resolve any causes of
     discrepancies that the evaluation process reveals.
• Some risks that firms (at a minimum) should consider are                             Journal
  included in the wheel to the right.                                                entry errors
Other reconciliation reminders

And don’t forget some other important points relating to custody asset reconciliations

Frequency                                 Discrepancy investigation               Shortfalls
                                          and resolution
• Firms should determine the                                                      • If a reconciliation discrepancy gives
  frequency at which reconciliations      • Any discrepancy identified by           rise to a shortfall, the firm should
  are performed (considering specific       custody asset reconciliations           (in most cases) fund this with its
  factors) and review this annually –       (or outside of the reconciliation       own money or assets while it is
  CASS 6.6.44R & CASS 6.6.46R               process) should be investigated and     being investigated.
                                            resolved ‘without undue delay’.
• Internal custody record checks and
  external asset reconciliations should
  be performed at least monthly –
  CASS 6.6.11R & CASS 6.6.37R
• Physical asset reconciliations
  should be performed at least every
  6 months – CASS 6.6.22R.

Rob Anderson
Client money reconciliation overview

                                                            Cash Book:
                                                       Client money resource                                        Bank Statement

                                                       Client bank account                                    Client bank account

  Client money

                                                       Client bank account                                    Client bank account

                       Internal Reconciliation                                   External Reconciliation
                 Checks that the firm’s record of what it                Checks that the amount of client money a
                 thinks it holds is the same as what it                  firm actually holds corresponds to what
                           should be holding                                         it thinks it holds
Client money reconciliations – External

• Compares the firm’s cash book to                                        Investigate
  the bank statement … the same as
  any other bank reconciliation.
                                           Client bank account                                 Client bank account
• Should be carried out on a bank
  account by bank account basis.
• Reconciliation discrepancies should
  be followed up and resolved              Client bank account                                 Client bank account

                                                Cash Book:                                       Bank Statement
                                           Client money resource

Timing differences             Unexpected receipts            Unknown payments           Record keeping errors

                       1                             2                            3                              4
Client money reconciliations – Internal

• Reconciliation is a bit of a misnomer … it is really                                                     Cash Book:
  a calculation.                                                                                           Client money
• The internal client money reconciliation is designed to
  ensure that a firm doesn’t have too much or too little
  money segregated in its client money accounts.                                                            Client bank
• When comparing the client money requirement
                                                              Client money
  (what should be held) to the client money resource
  (what is held), any differences should either be funded
                                                                                                            Client bank
  as a shortfall or removed as an excess.                                                                    account
• Both sides should be based on the records as at the
  close of business the previous day.
• There are two different methods to calculating the client
                                                                              Internal Reconciliation
  money requirement: the net negative add-back method
                                                                        Checks that the firm’s record of what
  and the individual client balance method.                           it thinks it holds is the same as what it
                                                                                 should be holding
Client money reconciliations – NNAB

• Client money requirement                                                       Internal Reconciliation NNAB
  (for each bank account) =

  The amount that the firm’s records
  show as held on the account                             Add: Any negative

  (e.g. cashbook)                                        element of individual                                  Surplus/deficit
  Any client balances where the client                   Client bank account                                    Client bank account

  is in a net negative position.
• Can only be used by a certain firms
• Firms should be able to readily use                    Client bank account                                    Client bank account
  the figures previously recorded in its
  internal records and ledgers at COB
  prior day.                                                Client Money                                             Cash Book:
                                                         requirement: NNAB                                      Client money resource
Client money reconciliations – ICB

• Client money requirement =                                                            Internal Reconciliation A+B Method

  The sum of each individual client’s
                                                            Individual client balance
  entitlement (excluding those                                     – Client A
  which are negative)
                                                            Individual client balance                                        Surplus/deficit

                                           Client ledger
                                                                   – Client B
                                                            Individual client balance
  Any other balances which cannot be                               – Client C                                                 Client bank account
  attributed to a client,
                                                            Individual client balance
  e.g. unallocated monies.                                         – Client D
• The result of this is that any clients
                                                              Other requirement
  which have a negative client             Other
                                                            Shortfall, Prudent Seg,                                           Client bank account
  entitlement should lead to a funding                         Unidentified CM,
  requirement.                                                (CASS 7. 16.25R)

                                                           Client Money requirement:                                               Cash Book:
                                                              A+B method (Individual                                          Client money resource
                                                             Client Balance Method)
Other reconciliation reminders

And don’t forget some other important points relating to client money reconciliations

Frequency                                 Discrepancy investigation                 Shortfalls
                                          and resolution
• Firms should determine the                                                        • Any shortfall/excess identified by
  frequency at which reconciliations      • Any discrepancy identified by             the internal client money
  are performed (considering specific       external client money reconciliations     reconciliation must be actioned on
  factors) and review this annually –       (or outside of the reconciliation         the day that the reconciliation
  CASS 7.15.23R & CASS 7.15.26R             process) should be investigated and       is completed.
                                            resolved ‘without undue delay’.
• External client money                                                             • If an external client money
  reconciliations should be performed                                                 reconciliation discrepancy gives rise
  at least monthly – CASS 7.15.22R                                                    to a shortfall, the firm should fund
                                                                                      this with its own money.
• Internal client money reconciliations
  should be performed daily –

Shermeen Kazmi
Grant Thornton UK LLP
The client money calculation (CMC) and
  Step 1   Perform CMC                               Step 3 Perform bank reconciliations

           Compare:                                             Within 10 days of carrying out a CMC,
           Client money Resource                                reconcile the client money bank
           to                                                   accounts to bank statements.
           Client money Requirement                             Repeat Step 2 if differences arise.

  Step 2 Make any deficit good or transfer surplus out
           If Resource > Requirement pay the surplus out of the client money account
           If Resource < Requirement make deficit good from corporate account
           on the same business day of performing the CMC

                A key process to monitor that the trust status is not compromised ('no
                                    pollution' by non-client monies)
The client money calculation - two allowed
       (A) accruals method                         (B) client balance method

    must be able to match by reference to individual clients
    - within a reasonable period
    - for the majority of clients

    Note: A firm must choose one method, keep a record of the choice, and
    apply consistently throughout the financial year.
Accruals method
   (A) accruals method: Client money resource =

   Aggregate of               ST:   insurance debtors (no prefunded items)
   the balances on
   the firm's client
   money bank                 NST: insurance debtors
   accounts                        (including pre-funded items)
                                    due from: insurance companies, clients and third
                              parties, valued on a prudent and consistent basis

   Note: Ledger balances to be used for the calculation on day ‘’n’ are as at the previous
         business day (i.e., as at day ‘n-1’)
Accruals method (continued)
   (A) accruals method: Client money requirement =

   All insurance creditors shown in                  Unearned commission (accrued, but
   the firm’s ledgers                                not due and payable) as at the date
   (due to insurance companies,                      of the calculation*
   clients and third parties)

   * if the firm can not provide an exact figure for this they can use a prudent estimate instead

   Note: Ledger balances to be used for the calculation on day ‘’n’ are
         as at the previous business day (i.e., as at day ‘n-1’)
Client balance method
  (B) client balance method: Client money resource =
   The aggregate of the balances on the firm's client money bank accounts

  (B) client balance method: Client money requirement =

   The amount          The amount due to         Any interest    Amount paid to the
   paid by a           the client (claims &      or investment   insurer for the benefit
   client to the       return premiums)          return owed     of the client
   firm                                          to the client

         money paid by the firm to its clients
Common breaches to watch out for
    Client money calculations and                            Client money calculations
➢   CMCs not performed min every 25 business             ➢   General ledger balances not reconciled to
    days;                                                    the broking ledger
                                                         ➢   Aged unallocated cash, no monitoring of
➢   Bank recs not completed within 10 days of CMCs
                                                             unallocated cash – consider when should
➢   Any deficit / surplus not made good / withdrawn          be treated as client money
    by the close of the day the calculation was made     ➢   Premium finance or consultancy fee
➢   No written record of the firm’s election of method       debtors included in the CMC ( i.e. other
    for performing the CMC                                   than unearned brokerage)
                                                         ➢   Bad debt, or unreconciled items not
➢   No evidence that the firm, if using accruals             included in the CMC
    method, can match its client money resource to
    its requirement by reference to individual clients   ➢   Adjustments made to bad debt provisions
                                                             in the CMC (i.e not per TB)
➢   Use of incorrect ledger balances (i.e. not from
    close of prior business day)
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