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Sona Global Management Review
Vol 12, Issue 1, January - June 2018

                        CASE STUDY
                                       A. A. Abhyankar
       Senior Associate Professor, National Institute of Construction Management and Research
                                (NICMAR), Pune, Maharashtra, India

            S. Sinha, A. Kulkarni, L. Pothen, A. Shirodkar, U. Lonare
                   Post Graduate Students of Advanced Construction Management,
        National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India

        A country’s economic performance has direct repercussions on the
        dynamics of various markets, especially real estate. Over the last few
        years, various economic issues have declined the overall demand,
        specifically in the residential sector. Absorption rates have stagnated,
        causing high levels of overhang across all major cities, with Mumbai being
        the worst hit. Customers are waiting for a more profitable scenario, whereas
        developers largely     remain in “wait and watch” mode without lowering
        prices. Interestingly, this decrease in demand has not lead to decrease in
        prices, which is otherwise suggested by the micro economic theory of price
        demand and supply.

        Keywords: Indian Real Estate, Demand-Supply Curve, Indian Metro City;
        Mumbai, Microeconomics, Prices.

INTRODUCTION                                            Mahesh is a 50 year old business head
                                                     of a successful construction company.
   It’s a warm Sunday afternoon, and
                                                     In his long spanning career the pace of
Mr. Goel is enjoying a nice cup of tea,
                                                     development of real estate in India has
in his plush South Bombay Villa. A
                                                     jumped leaps and bounds, successfully
real estate regulator by profession,
                                                     luring the foreign investors on top
it is not very often that he has such
                                                     of the domestic investors, reasons
free time in hand. Skimming through
                                                     being the large population base, rising
today’s Economic times, an article on
                                                     income level and rapid urbanization.
current real estate scenario catches his
                                                     He has witnessed the metamorphosis
attention which reminds him of one
                                                     of real estate from being unorganized
of his most challenging and unique
                                                     to a charismatic, industrious and
ongoing case that rejected a well-
                                                     systematic sector.      The regulatory
established theory. This peculiar case
                                                     policies have been contributory in
was presented to him by Mr. Mahesh,
                                                     envisioning the need for infrastructure
head of M&M Developers, Mumbai. He
                                                     development to establish better
remembers Mr. Mahesh being a strong
                                                     standards of living for the people [1].
hold person who came seeking advice
for a business problem.
January - June                       Sona Global Management Review                      2018

  He is optimistic that the sector would          the fastest growing economy in the
grow further in near future due to huge           world, and was estimated to maintain
number of Non-Resident Indian (NRI)               the momentum with 7% plus GDP
investments. In his recent reads of an            growth rates over the next five years .
industrial survey conducted, a 35%                The real estate market was about 126
increase in enquiries related to NRI              billion USD annually in the year 2014-
investments with property dealers                 2015, and was estimated to be about
was noted. Also, attractive valuations            180 billion USD by 2019-2020. Share
have led to the advancement in Private            of housing real estate sector in India’s
Equity funding. The survey concluded              GDP being 5-6%.
that the real estate sector in India has
reaped sufficient growth over the                    He also came across the reforms
years, thanks to the induction of new             introduced by the government of
Government policies that support                  India in this sector that bought about
investment in this sector . This positive         transparency,     stimulating     foreign
scenario encouraged him to expand his             direct investments (FDI) and hence
business.                                         reducing the gap between supply and
                                                  demand. Reasons for high demand
THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR IN INDIA                   for housing real estate is attributed
                                                  to    robust     demand,      increasing
   It was primitive for him to study              investments, policy supports and
the real estate sector in India for               attractive opportunities. Some of the
business expansion. After reading                 major issues prevailing the sector for a
numerous articles and journals he                 slump in demand are unsold inventory,
understood that real estate is one the            higher interest rates and credit growth,
most acknowledged sectors of all the              weakening of Indian rupee, lack of
global sectors. After agriculture, it is          credit, lack of transparency in the
the second largest employer in India.             sector, land acquisition, lack of focus
He read that the real estate sector is            on enhanced transit systems and green
subdivided into housing, commercial,              construction practices etc.
retail and hospitality. The key drivers
for demand in housing real estate
                                                      The development in the sector has
include emergence of nuclear families,
                                                  been encouraged by the Government
rapid urbanization, rising household
                                                  of India by introduction of schemes,
incomes, government schemes, policy
                                                  policies and regulatory reforms. Some
initiatives and regulatory reforms.
                                                  of the schemes were affordable housing
                                                  (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana),
   He found that the Indian economy               Smart city mission, AMRUT (Atal
slowed down during 2012-2014 and                  Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
the GDP growth rate stagnated, and                Transformation), HRIDAY (Heritage
gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)              City Development and Augmentation
and industrial production slowed                  Yojana). The various policies included
down. This downturn contributed to                REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust),
inventory “overhang,” in which supply             its    implementation     drew    more
exceeds demand but prices remain                  investments in the sector, relaxation
high . Post 2014 it recovered to become
Volume 12, Issue 1           Abhyankar, Sinha, Kulkarni, Pothen, Shirodkar, Lonare          2018

of FDI policy etc. Implementation of                   would work well for both the buyers
such schemes and policies lead to an                   and the sellers. Factors that determine
improvement of customer perception                     the supply in real estate are supply of
about the sector and thus lead to an                   real estate property, price of property,
increase in demand.                                    availability of land, efficient builders,
                                                       easy accessibility of credit and skilled
   In his opinion, real estate is a                    labourers. Changes in the supply are
complex and an opaque market, which                    caused by cost of production, new
depends on several price factors                       technology, new construction and
like interest rates, rental yield and                  demolition.
transaction volumes etc.      Demand
in general is one of the key factors in                   According to the studies, in the year
increase or decrease of the prices of                  2014, a sharp decline of about 30% was
any commodity. The property demand                     observed in demand in the seven major
depends on positive economic growth,                   cities in India. This is mainly attributed
job and income prospects and lower                     to high prices, higher interest rates
property prices. The demand is high                    and cautious buyer sentiments. The
due to strong population growth,                       developers responded to the decrease
rise in nuclear families, continuing                   in demand by reducing the supply
urbanization trends and improved                       whereby there was a 25% decline on
regulatory framework. Over the years,                  a year on year basis. The decline was
economic growth has improved but the                   reported in the premium and high
property prices have remained high                     end/mid end business segments, was
and unaffordable to end customers,                     observed across all the major cities,
hence postponing purchase decisions,                   steepest in the NCR.
reason being increase in cost and
time incurred in land acquisition and                     A hustle on the street brought
increased construction cost. Hence a                   Mr. Goel’s attention back from his
decrease in demand was noted in this                   thoughts.    Disturbed by the noise
sector. A decreased demand for Real                    around, he moves to his study room
Estate, will cause rents and prices                    upstairs. Dressed in a crisp white
to decline, move people into more                      kurta-pyjama, he comforts himself
spacious     accommodations,     cause                 on his favourite leather recliner and
market segments that cannot compete                    remembers the day when Mr. Mahesh
to abandon or demolish improvements,                   called him regarding his business
and will remain in this state until                    problem. He sounded worried for his
demand once again increases.                           business expansion venture. In their
                                                       meeting scheduled next week, Mr.
   In housing real estate, demand for a                Mahesh presented him with his study
particular area is inversely proportional              of demand-supply and prices of real
to its supply.       Limited supply in                 estate sector and observed unusual
housing real estate causes the prices                  behaviour wherein despite slumping
to increase. Conversely an oversupply                  demand, there was still a rise in the
leads to a decrease in the prices. A                   price of real estate housing sector in
balanced market, i.e. at equilibrium                   regions of Mumbai. This study came
                                                       as a surprise to Mr. Goel and promised
January - June                         Sona Global Management Review                     2018

to revert back after his analysis.                  There is a huge reduction in the new
                                                    project launches to overcome the
                                                    slowdown in demand. In second half
   The report stated: The study is                  of 2015, 23% less or 20,776 houses
carried out by formulating data for year            were launched, compared to the same
2012 to 2015 for the Central Suburb                 period last year, demand shrunk by
and South Mumbai region of Mumbai.                  6% to 34,135 houses in this half.
The demand supply quantities are                    Developers in the peripheral markets
obtained from Knight Frank report [8],              are the most concerned. Many new
which specifies year wise launches                  project plans were stalled in second
and absorption in the market. The                   half of 2015. The Peripheral Central
prices of these demands are obtained                Suburbs and Navi Mumbai are thev
from trends observed by 99 acres.                   worst hit, seeing launches lower by
com [9]. This when plotted with the                 44% and 59% respectively, as shown
respective demand and supply leads to               in Figure 1 and Figure 2 [8; 13].
the depicted plots.
                                                       South and Central Mumbai markets
   The financial capital of India has a             are critical for the industry because of
population of 12 million that is growing            their value. Even though they represent
exponentially by +1.13% since 2011                  just 3% of the Mumbai’s unsold
[10]. It is one of the top ranked cities in         inventory volume, they contribute
the world for residential investments.              a massive 29% to its value. Mumbai
Starting in 2012, India entered a period            has an unsold inventory worth Rs.
of more anemic economic growth, with                2020 billion, of which Rs. 595 billion
growth slowing down to 5.6%, and this               is in the Central and South Mumbai
eventually affected the demand supply               markets and is shown in Table 1, Table
relations of the residential property               2 and Figure 1, Figure 2 [8; 13].
                                                       New infrastructure projects such as
   Between the years 2012 and 2015                  roads and metro networks that were
the demand in the city decreased                    announced in 2015, couldn’t quite
by 27%. This decrease in demand,                    boost the residential market, due to
subsequently affected the supply of the             weight of rising construction costs,
market, wherein supply exceeded the                 demand-supply mismatch and slowly
demand leading to a rise in inventory.              paced infrastructure growth.       The
The unsold inventory increased to                   festive season in India that includes
31% for 2015-16 wherein around                      September, October and November
85,000 flats remain unsold. The prices              sees better sales as compared to the
increased by 27% between 2012 and                   rest of the year as they are considered
2015, with a decrease in demand from                auspicious for property transactions.
85,978 units to 62,581 units [8; 9;                 2015 was the third year in a row that
13]. This downward shift of demand                  the number of homes on sale fell
from the equilibrium, has incidentally              [14]. A sluggish economy and fear
observed an increase in prices.                     of job losses resulted in uncertainty
                                                    and weak sentiment. New launches
                                                    depend on what kind of customer
Volume 12, Issue 1                 Abhyankar, Sinha, Kulkarni, Pothen, Shirodkar, Lonare         2018

response developers expect. Since
the sentiment remained weak for
more than two years, the numbers of
launches were fewer [14]. The city has
been witnessing an overall slowdown.
Mixed market sentiments, anticipation
of change in government and general
national     economic       slowdown
altogether affected the demand and                             Figure 2: South Mumbai Region Demand
supply in market.                                                Supply Diagram 2012-2015 [8; 9; 13]

  Table 1: Central Suburb Region: Demand                     SUMMATION
     Supply Price 2012-2015 [8; 9; 13]
                                                                Mr. Goel identifies that Mumbai’s
    Years        Demand   Supply       Price                 real estate housing sector does not
    2012          7738    12160        11135                 follow the Demand-supply curve. He
    2013          6668     7646        12450                 educated Mr. Mahesh that according
                                                             to the demand-supply curve, the price
    2014          6136     6858        13430
                                                             of a commodity whose demand is
    2015          5784     4363        14520
                                                             decreasing should also decrease, but
                                                             the case studies depict the opposite
                                                             trend.    The prices for residential
                                                             sector have escalated over the years
                                                             despite a decrease in the demand. The
                                                             price of the housing unit cannot be
                                                             determined using this micro-economic
                                                             theory. The price of a housing unit
                                                             depends on multiple attributes such
                                                             as geographic location of the city, local
                                                             land prices, resources and differing
  Figure 1: Central Suburb Region Demand                     local government policies. Every city
    Supply Diagram 2012-2015 [8; 9; 13]                      based on its geographical location,
                                                             has its own reasons to not follow
   Table 2: South Mumbai Region Demand                       the price corresponding to a shift in
      Supply Price 2012-2015 [8; 9; 13]                      demand. Proposing a unified theory
                                                             that would be applicable for all cities
     Years       Demand   Supply      Price                  encompassing the varying attributes is
     2012          688     973        38590                  challenging.
     2013          593     874        41990                     Deviation from the Demand-price
     2014          542     498        44500                  curve is questionable for affordable
     2015          445     317        48110                  housings, tier two cities, various income
                                                             groups or even all the metros. With
                                                             the memories of the case refreshed,
                                                             Mr. Goel sat on his chair wondering
                                                             if he would ever find answers to his
January - June                      Sona Global Management Review                     2018

QUESTIONS                                               sandhiyasingh35/demand-and-
a) What factors influence demand
                                                        in (last assessed on 31st March,
   and supply of Real Estate housing?
b) Whether all cities in India indicate
                                                    Grant Thorton (2015), “Indian real
   the same deflection from the                         estate sector handbook” (last
   Demand-Supply curve?                                 assessed on 31st March, 2017).
c) If yes, can the same factors be                  Government of India (2013), GDP
   attributed for the deviation in each                 of India and major sectors of
   city?                                                economy (last assessed on 31st
d) Is there any theory that can be                      March, 2017).
   applied to such trends or is there a             Indian Brand Equity Foundation
   need for a new theory?                               (IBEF) (March 2017), “A Brief
e) Which of these commodities and                       report on Indian Real estate
   consumer goods will follow the                       industry” (last assessed on 31st
   Microeconomic theory and which                       March, 2017).
   will not?     Mangoes, salt, cars,               Knight Frank (2015), “India Real
   soap, phones, cosmetics, sugar,                      Estate Residential and Office”,
   electronics,    furnishing    items,                 July-December 2015 Research
   cooking oil.                                         Report (last assessed on 31st
f) What are the factors that lead to                    March, 2017).
   the deviation from the traditional               Knight Frank (2014), “India Real
   Microeconomic theory in Mumbai’s                     Estate    Outlook     Residential
   real estate housing?                                 and Office”, January-June 2014
                                                        Research Report (last assessed
                                                        on 31st March, 2017).
REFERENCES                                          Property rates and price trends
  ASA and Associates, (January 2015),                   in mumbai available at http://
      “A brief report on Real Sector           2017.
      in India” (last assessed on 31st              Price Water Cooper (PWC) journal,
      March, 2017).                                     “A brief report on Building the
  Bain and Company, “A brief report                     economy block by block Real
      on Residential real estate in                     estate and infrastructure” (last
      India, a new paradigm for                         assessed on 31st March, 2017).
      success” (last assessed on 31st               Survey by Urban Land Institute with
      March, 2017).                                     input from Price Water House
  Census Date 2011. Available at                        Coopers LLP (last assessed on                       31st March, 2017).
      in/2011, last accessed on 31st.
  Essentials of Real Estate Economics,
      Chapter 5, “Important Economic
      Features of Real Estate” (last
      assessed on 31st March, 2017).

Volume 12, Issue 1                Abhyankar, Sinha, Kulkarni, Pothen, Shirodkar, Lonare                  2018

                         A.A. Abhyankar, Senior Associate Professor, NICMAR, Pune.
                         Email id:

        S. Sinha, Post Graduate student in Advance Construction Management,
        NICMAR, Pune.

                     A. Kulkarni, Post Graduate student                        in Advance Construction
                     Management, NICMAR, Pune.

         L. Pothen, Post Graduate student in Advance Construction Management,
         NICMAR, Pune.

                       A. Shirodkar, Post Graduate student in Advance Construction
                       Management, NICMAR, Pune.

       U. Lonare, Post Graduate student in Advance Construction Management,
       NICMAR, Pune.

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