Carbon Report - Mindful Chef

Page created by Ted Cannon
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
Carbon Report
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
A note from us
                                                  Unless the world faces up to this global
When we started Mindful                           problem the results will be disastrous.
Chef five years ago we                            Mindful Chef has always tried to challenge
did so with the intention                         the norm and lead from the front. We are
                                                  by no means perfect but we are always
of creating a sustainable                         willing to listen and understand more in the
business that we could                            pursuit of trying to do better and be better.
be proud of.                                      As a B Corp we are transparent and
                                                  open in everything we do. In this report
                                                  we share the total carbon impact of
One which not only helps people to live
                                                  Mindful Chef and how we’re going to do
healthier lives but also has a positive impact
                                                  more to reduce our effects on the planet.
on the world around them. We thought by
                                                  We’re committed to fighting against
sourcing from fantastic British farms, removing
                                                  climate change so everyone can enjoy
food waste and joining up with movements
                                                  Mindful Chef for years to come.
like B Corp we were doing a really good job.
However, it’s clear to us that climate
change is a battle we must all fight
against, and businesses need to take
more responsibility for their actions.            and everyone else at Mindful Chef
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
Climate Emergency
                             As the impacts of climate change worsen and
We know that human           the timeframe we have shortens, it is vital we
activities are changing      take action immediately.
the natural environment      The scale of the crisis means we can’t simply wait
in unprecedented and         for others to fix it for us. At Mindful Chef we know
                             there’s a long road ahead, but we’ve started our
potentially irreversible     journey by assessing our carbon footprint.
ways. Tackling the climate   We commit to taking meaningful action today and
emergency requires action    to drive the change that is so urgently needed.
                             We will be transparent and hold ourselves
at every level; from         accountable for our own impact. In doing so,
individuals, businesses      we hope to show others that you can create a
                             sustainable company that can give back to the
and policymakers alike.      planet and protect it for future generations.

Carbon Report - Mindful Chef

Climate Neutral today,
                                                                                            DOES THIS
                                                                                            ACTUALLY         Climate Neutral
                                                                                             MEAN?       Neutral across carbon and
                                                               Carbon Neutral
Net Zero tomorrow                                                 Balancing out the
                                                           emissions you release into the
                                                                                                           all other greenhouse gas
                                                                                                          (GHG) emissions. Carbon
                                                                                                         Neutral usually refers to all
                                                           atmosphere with the ones you                  GHG emissions but doesn’t
As a business, we constantly                                remove. This can be done by                    always, Climate Neutral
challenge ourselves to do better                            finding an equivalent amount                       leaves nothing out.
                                                             of carbon savings elsewhere
and be better.                                                       in the world.
                                                                                             Net Zero
As you read this report, we’re proud to say we’re now
Climate Neutral. However, we need to go further than                                An extension of Climate
this! That’s why we set ourselves the challenge, as part                           Neutrality that requires you
of a B Corp movement, to get to Net Zero by 2030.                                  to bring your emissions as
This is 20 years ahead of the 2050 target set out at the                            close to zero as possible
Paris Agreement - which we believe will be too late.                                   across your entire
                                                                                          supply chain.

                 NET ZERO                                                                                20
                                                                                                         30                              4
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
Our Carbon
Footprint                                                   3.6kg
                                                                             =            3.8
                                                            CO2e                         cycles

                                                        When you divide our total emissions by the
When assessing our carbon                               number of meals we delivered, each meal was
footprint we covered the                                responsible for 3.6kg CO2e, that’s equivalent
                                                        to 3.8 wash cycles (at 60°).
entire value chain of
                                                        This includes everything from our employees
Mindful Chef (Scopes                                    commutes to work, to the transportation
1, 2 & 3, more on that later).                          involved in getting the meals to our customers.

From the impact of all the individual
ingredients we put in our recipes, the
packaging we use, how we get each box

from our warehouse to our customers, the
amount of electricity we use in our London
HQ and so on - we included it all.                          5.2kg                        4.1kg
                                                            CO2e                         CO2e

                                                        In the UK, the average daily carbon footprint is
                                                        35.6kg CO2e per person, 5.2kg CO2e of this is made
                                                        up of food related emissions. The WWF have stated
                                                        this needs to reduce to 4.1kg CO2e by 2030.
*CO2e: Carbon dioxide equivalent is a way to express
  all the different GHGs as one number                                                                       5
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
Our Carbon Footprint                                                                                                                                  70% Food
                                                                                                                                                        16% Packaging
                                                                                                                                                        6% Upstream Freight

  Food production, particularly animal                                                                                                                  4% Frozen Meals

  agriculture, is a leading cause of                                                                                                                    2% Print

  environmental degradation globally.                                                                                                                   1% Employee Commuting
                                                                                                                                                        1% Electricity
  It not only contributes to GHG emissions, but also other issues
  like deforestation, biodiversity loss, land degradation and so                                                                                        0.2% Frozen Smoothies
  on. In a world in which we depend upon the environment for                                                                                            0.02% Fuel
  food, it is crucial we find ways to mitigate the impacts of food
  production. We’re committed to working with our suppliers to                                                                                          0.008% Waste
  ensure the food we’re putting in our boxes has been produced
                                                                                                                                                        0.003% Water
  in the most sustainable way.

     Food               Packaging               Upstream           Frozen meals             Print              Employee                      Fuel                   Electricity,
All food purchased   The emissions from all      Freight          and smoothies                               commuting                From vehicles like          water, waste
                                                                                          Printed copy
   from suppliers    the types of packaging     Transport from     The associated      used for marketing   Emissions per mode of    the forklifts we use in   Electricity consumption,
                             we use            suppliers to our   emissions with the     and packaging       transport to and from       the warehouse          water consumption and
                                              warehouse and our    raw ingredients                                 our office                                  waste for our London HQ    6
                                              warehouse to you                                                                                                      and warehouse
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
The numbers
                                                                                                        Process map of emissions
                                                        of companies beginning to take climate
As a company, your emissions                            action are starting with.
are broken down into 3                                  However, for us, the majority of our
scopes, this is to help define                          emissions sit in scope 3. Therefore, only
                                                        addressing our scope 1 & 2 emissions is
different areas of emissions.                           not enough. Mindful Chef is committed to
Currently, it is only required that you address         reducing our impact across all areas of our     Suppliers
your scope 1 & 2 (“operational”) emissions to           business. Our total carbon footprint for
achieve carbon neutrality; which is what a lot          2019 was 3,900.76 tonnes CO2e.

       SCOPE 1:                  SCOPE 2:                  SCOPE 3:
                               Indirect emissions            All indirect             We’re committed                        Warehouse
      Direct emissions
       from owned or          from the generation          emissions that             to reducing our
          controlled              of purchased              occur in the               scope 1, 2 & 3
           sources               electricity, heat          supply chain                 emissions
                                    or steam

               Tonnes of CO2 equivalent
                                                                            In the UK, the average

  Scope 1       Scope 2      Scope 3           Total                                                                         Returns
                                                                            person is responsible
    0.66          30.60      3,869.50        3,900.76                       for around 9 tonnes
                                                                            of CO2 per year.                                             7
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
Some of the things
we’re doing to
reduce our impact

Suppliers                               Packaging                               Recipes                                  By the beginning of 2021,

•    ork with our farmers to
    W                                   •    e’re continuing to work with
                                            W                                   •   Keep increasing our plant
                                                                                                                          our vegan recipes
    understand the farming                  our suppliers to find better            based range                           will make up

    processes being used and
    encourage the uptake of low
                                            packaging solutions, from
                                            recyclable egg pots to fish         •   Plant based products are
    carbon farming methods                  trays made of ocean plastics            responsible for between 10-50
                                                                                    times less emissions than animal
•    e’ll continue to work with
    W                                   •   We’re also always reviewing the         products, if 50% of the meals we      of the main & family menus,
    small, family run British farmers       necessity for different types of        deliver next year are plant based,    as well as our frozen meals too
                                            packaging, for instance this year       we could avoid over 4,000 tonnes
                                            we completely removed our               of CO2e emissions, that’s more
                                            tin sleeves                             than our entire footprint for 2019!
                                                                                •   Develop a weekly low carbon meal
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef

Between December 19 – May 20       Waste                             Booklets                         Deliveries
we donated
                                   •                                 •                                •
33,591kg of food                        ontinue to donate surplus
                                       food to The Felix Project
                                                                          ur magazines are now
                                                                         carbon neutral
                                                                                                          Work with DPD to get more
                                                                                                          of our boxes delivered on
equivalent to 79,982 meals                                           •    he paper is carbon
                                                                                                          their electric fleet
                                                                         balanced through the World   •    e’re reducing the supplier
                                                                         Land Trust scheme and the        to warehouse stage of the
                                                                         production is powered by         supply chain by collecting
saving                                                                   solar energy produced on         some our supplies ourselves
                                                                         site - how cool is that?!
21,060kg CO2e
from being generated
if it had been sent to landfill.                                                                                                         9
Carbon Report - Mindful Chef
                                                             solar panels
                                                           installed, saving
Warehouse                                                  over 145,000kg      Close the loop                           In 2019, 31,720 boxes were
                                                               of CO2e                                                  returned, helping us avoid
All of our boxes are packed in a warehouse
which is set to become carbon neutral by mid 2021.
                                                                                   Through our returns scheme our
                                                                                   customers are able to send back      6 tonnes
Some actions taking place at the site include:                                     their insulation free of charge.     of emissions
•   New energy efficiency equipment such as fast action                        •   We’re currently working on
    doors to reduce the loss of cold air through fridges                           strategies to improve this
•    n electric company pool car and an electric
                                                                                   process and increase uptake to
                                                                                   ensure nothing ends up in landfill   We could save up to
    bike rental scheme for employees
                                                                                                                        85 tonnes
                                                                                   that shouldn’t.
•   An onsite reed bed sewage system which
    produces environmentally safe sewage water
                                                                                                                        CO2e in 2022
                                                                                                                        if 50% of boxes are returned   10
Beyond just carbon
While our focus is on developing                      Climate change is a global problem; however,
                                                      its consequences are disproportionately spread.
                                                                                                          It was really important for us to
                                                                                                          find the right projects, that’s why we
a robust reduction strategy and                       People in developing countries are among those      decided to bring in the expertise of
tackling the emissions within                         most vulnerable to its impact, and it is their
                                                      communities which are already being hit the
                                                                                                          ClimatePartner who have over a
                                                                                                          decade of experience and whose
our supply chain, we know                             hardest. This is despite often having contributed   mission - to help improve people’s
it’s important that we take                           far less to the problem than those in the UK and
                                                      across the Global North.
                                                                                                          lives while protecting the world around
                                                                                                          them - aligns well with our own.
responsibility for our impact today.
                                                      As a result, progress on the sustainable
We also need to take responsibility for any           development goals is likely to be slower in these                    Scan this code
emissions that we won’t be able to completely         countries as they also battle the effects of                         for more info
eliminate. For us to do this, offsetting will be an   climate change. The Clean Cookstoves project
essential part of our journey and will enable us to   in Ghana and the Forest Protection project in
support projects that not only reduce emissions in    Brazil allow us to support members of these
the atmosphere but also bring wider societal and      communities who may otherwise struggle to
development opportunities too.                        receive the necessary help for real change.

Wider Sustainable
Development Goals                                                    NO POVERTY
                                                                                        FOR THE
In 2015, the UN announced 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
that we must strive towards globally.
The purpose of these goals is to ensure no one is left behind   CLIMATE       LIFE BELOW         GENDER        GOOD HEALTH
while we meet human development needs alongside protecting      ACTION           WATER          EQUALITY       & WELLBEING
the natural environment. We’re proud that the projects we’re
supporting contribute towards achieving these goals.

The projects   Forest Protection
               in Portel, Brazil
we’re          (VCS, CCBS Gold Level certified)
               Deforestation is a leading cause of climate change,
               and it’s increasing at an alarming rate.
               Currently, in Brazil any unused land can be turned into
               farmland. As a result, more and more land is being
               acquired and turned into soy plantations and pasture.
               The goal of this project is to protect forests by helping
               local people acquire official ownership of the land,
               preventing it being occupied and deforested by loggers.

Clean Cookstoves in Kumasi,
Ghana (Gold Standard VER certified)
Communities in developing countries    Man and Man is a social
often rely on inefficient cooking      enterprise set up in Kumasi,
methods such as charcoal and wood.     Ghana to manufacture and
                                       distribute clean cooking stoves.
This way of cooking:
                                       The project has reduced fuel
• Contributes to around 3%             consumption and consequent
  of global emissions                  smoke production and emissions,
• Causes 4 million premature           which has in turn improved air quality
  deaths a year (WHO)                  and people’s health. It has also
                                       created jobs, providing economic
• Is one of the main drivers           opportunities for low-income
  of deforestation in Africa           households.
• Disproportionately affects           Moreover, by reducing deforestation
  women and girls due to them being    it has supported biodiversity and
  among those most exposed to the      reduced the pressure on local forests.
  emissions and therefore at greater
  risk of the health implications.     For us, a project that encourages
                                       human health through cooking,
                                       with some amazing environmental
                                       and development benefits as well,
                                       felt pretty close to our hearts.

Life Cycle Assessment
          As part of measuring our carbon footprint,
          we did a full Life Cycle Assessment of
          six of our most popular recipes.
          This assessed the impact of the ingredients, transportation
          (from the supplier, to our warehouse, to you), processing,
          packaging, the end use (refrigeration and cooking) and the waste.



kg CO2e




                                                                               Based on meals
           0.00                                                                for two people
                    Vegan    Chicken     Fish      Pork      Lamb       Beef

            We believe helping people eat
            less but higher quality meat is
            one of the best steps we can take
            to reducing our environmental
            impact, not just as a company,
            but also as individuals.
            That’s why, alongside increasing and improving
            our plant-based recipes, we’re also committed
            to sourcing our meat from the best suppliers.

            Our beef and lamb are grass-fed, a farming method
            which is better for both us (it’s leaner and has more
            nutrients than grain-fed), but also the environment,
            by supporting a more biodiverse ecology.

            In 2019, the Planetary Health Diet was devised by
            scientists to promote a nutritious way of eating that
            also addresses the contribution of agriculture,
            particularly livestock production, to climate change.
            It recommends championing plants, with whole
            grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes making
            up the majority of foods consumed and animal
            products making up a small part of the diet.

Emissions                                                     Waste                                   Raw materials
A 2019 study revealed recipe                                  Our Life Cycle Assessment               Farming and growing food uses a lot
box meals were responsible                                    highlights the real difference we       of energy and as a result raw materials
for 33% less emissions than                                   can make with food waste. Currently     (food) and food production are
purchasing the ingredients                                    around 30% of the food produced         responsible for the majority of
from a supermarket.              recipe box meals             globally is wasted, contributing to     emissions attributed to each meal.
                                                              around 11% of global emissions
Why? Pre-portioned ingredients     33% less                                                           To tackle this problem we’re working
and a streamlined supply chain
mean less waste and lower
                                  emissions                   Yet our recipe boxes almost
                                                              completely eliminate this,
                                                                                                      with our farmers to further understand
                                                                                                      the impact of their businesses.
transportation emissions.                                     anything that is leftover like potato
                                                              or carrot skins is compostable!         By taking this approach we can combat
This chart shows the                                                                                  the problem at source which will result
breakdown of emissions                                                                                in real and meaningful change.
of a Mindful Chef meal.           77% Raw Materials
                                  3% Transportation
                                    - Supplier to Warehouse
                                  2% Processing
                                  8% Packaging
                                   % Transportation
                                  7                                                                          “Agriculture is uniquely
                                                                                                              placed to be part of the
                                  - Warehouse to Customer
                                                                      30% of food                              solution, as both an
                                   % End Use
                                  3                                  produced globally                       emissions source and a
                                  - Cooking/refrigeration                is wasted                              sink.” (NFU, 2019)
                                  0% Waste

What next?
In this report we have showed you some of the ways
we are planning to minimise our impact on the world
around us. While we’re proud of the work we already
do and the plans we’re putting in place, we know
we are far from having it all figured out. But we are
committed to taking action, to holding ourselves
accountable and to ensuring our business is a real
force for good for years to come.

We know climate change is a multifaceted problem
that requires engagement at every level. That’s why
our focus will be to open up the conversation, drive
change within our supply chain, build meaningful
partnerships with our suppliers and create viable
solutions that currently may not exist.

Look out for our sustainability report for our full
2020 to show how we’re progressing in all other
aspects of the company. We want to say thank you
to our community, without your support, feedback
and engagement we wouldn’t be where we are today
or have the opportunity we do to make a real change.

So here’s to you, for always
inspiring us to do better.

What is a carbon                          Why is it important                 What is a carbon                     Why did we choose to
footprint?                                to calculate your                   offsetting?                          offset...shouldn’t the
A carbon footprint is a measure
                                          carbon footprint?                   Carbon offsetting is when people
                                                                                                                   focus be on reducing
of the total amount of greenhouse
                                          Calculating your carbon footprint
                                                                              or companies invest in projects      your emissions?
gas emissions released into the                                               that help society avoid emissions
                                          allows you to understand your
atmosphere by a person, company,                                              being generated or directly remove   Our focus will be on bringing our
                                          contribution to climate change,
service, product or event. A carbon                                           emissions from the atmosphere.       emissions as close to zero as
                                          to see where you’re creating the
footprint will consider as many factors                                       Independent organisations assess     possible. But we recognise that
                                          most emissions and identify the
as possible, for a company it will                                            the amount of carbon savings         ultimately, not all of our emissions
                                          areas you need to focus on.
look at the entire operations and                                             and these are then sold as           can be eliminated. Offsetting will
                                          Knowing your footprint enables
supply chain. Although it is called                                           carbon credits.                      enable us to take responsibility
                                          you to take the first steps to
a carbon footprint it also includes                                                                                for those emissions that cannot
                                          reducing your overall impact.
other greenhouse gases such as                                                                                     be completed removed. It is a
nitrous oxide, methane etc. which are                                                                              way for us to take responsible and
converted into carbon equivalents.                                                                                 meaningful action right now.

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