Become a supporter help us, help them Meals & More

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Become a supporter help us, help them Meals & More
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                                , Healthier Children
Become a supporter help us, help them Meals & More
dear meals & more


    The first year since becoming a charity has been an incredible one for Meals & More, allowing
    us to serve more than 110,000 meals in 2019 to some of the nation’s most vulnerable children
    throughout the summer holidays.
    But the success of the charity we started together in 2015 saddens me greatly as, quite simply, it
    shouldn’t be necessary. The fact that a quarter of our great nation’s children live in poverty, and
    particularly over the summer, may not know where their next healthy meal is coming from, is a
    national disgrace.
    As well as directly funding Meals & More clubs, we need to continue to raise awareness of holiday
    hunger and the social isolation it causes, ensuring that our government and the general public
    understand that this is a real and growing issue.
    Our mission to increase understanding of the consequences of holiday hunger took a huge step
    forward this year, as we welcomed Peter McGrath as our first operations director. Peter has
    already launched a PR campaign which created headlines in several national newspapers. We’ve
    also welcomed several new corporate supporters who have joined the fight against holiday
    hunger. But we need to, and we must, do more.
    With your help, we can make a huge difference to children’s lives. We know that not having
    access to a healthy diet not only affects children’s physical wellbeing, but also their mental
    development. It can be a barrier to achieving their full potential in life, with social isolation and
    under-performing academic achievements being among some of the consequences of holiday
    We have the power to change this, through your support and encouraging others to join us, we
    can make a real difference. Together we can create a better world for thousands of children
    Thank you for your continued support.

    Kate Woodhouse
    Chair - Meals & More

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what is child                                                                                                        research into

                                                                                                                          holiday hunger

                                                                                                                          The research undertaken by University of Northumbria at Newcastle, funded by Meals & More
                                                                                                                          is now complete. The study: An Investigation of Holiday Club Provision: Impact on Children’s
    According to the Children’s Society, a child is said to be living in poverty                                          Educational Attainment, Nutritional Intake and Wider Family Benefits was written by Jackie Shinwell
    when they are living in a family with an income below 60% of the UK’s                                                 PhD and will help educate people on some of the issues associated with holiday hunger and the
                                                                                                                          benefits of holiday provision.
    average, after adjusting for family size.
    Throughout the UK, 4 million children are living in poverty, which is
    around 9 in the average classroom. That’s almost 1/3 of children who live                                                 The aim of the thesis was to investigate the potential benefits, uses, and impact of holiday club
    in the UK, living in poverty.                                                                                             provision with food on disadvantaged children’s nutritional intake, educational attainment and
                                                                                                                              the social well-being of attendees and their parents and carers. A sequential mixed methods
    The situation is getting worse, with the number set to rise to 5 million
                                                                                                                              research design was adopted for this thesis. An initial qualitative study informed the development
    by 2020. Shockingly, 2/3 of children living in poverty have at least one                                                  of hypothesis and variables to be used in two subsequent quantitative phases of data collection.
    parent in work.
                                                                                                                              Study found that organisations were motivated by concerns that children may be at risk of
                                                                                                                              holiday hunger due to changes in UK Government policy relating to welfare and benefit reform.
                                                                                                                              However, Study found that the benefits of holiday club provision extended beyond just providing
                                                                                                                              access to food.
    Why is child poverty on
                                                                                                                              Benefits were demonstrated at an organisational, community, interpersonal and individual level
    the rise in the UK?                                                                                                       in multiple ways, including positive aspects of food choice.
                                                                                                                              The research will be beneficial as we move forward in addressing the key issues relating to Holiday
                                                                                                                              Provision with influencers and decision makers, with the aim of making a positive contribution
                                   Living costs
                                                                                                                              and difference to the lives of children and young people in local communities that need support.
                                   Many families are struggling to cope with the rising cost of living. The prices
                                   of essentials like food and fuel are rising and this hits Britain’s poorest families
                                   hardest. We know that parents are skipping meals so that they can afford

                                                                                                                                                  43%                                      71%
                                   to feed their children, and in winter many families are forced to make the
                                   impossible choice of either feeding their children or heating their homes.

                                   Low pay
                                                                                                                                              OF CHILDREN LIVING IN                     OF CHILDREN IN
                                   Low wages make it difficult for families to escape poverty. And it’s even harder
                                                                                                                                             HOUSEHOLDS WITH THREE                     FAMILIES WITH NO
                                   when, at the same time, the prices of everyday essentials like food and fuel are                           OR MORE CHILDREN ARE                    WORKING ADULTS ARE
                                   rising. Almost two thirds of children living in poverty have at least one parent in
                                   work. This shows that, for many, work simply isn’t paying enough for parents to
                                                                                                                                                   IN POVERTY                             IN POVERTY
                                   provide for their children.

                                   Benefit cuts

                                   Cuts are being made to benefits and to public services that children from
                                   disadvantaged backgrounds rely on most. This is having a massive impact
                                                                                                                             OF CHILDREN IN LONE-
                                                                                                                                                                   OF CHILDREN LIVING
                                                                                                                                                                                                          OF POOR CHILDREN
                                   on families and children in poverty and is likely to significantly increase the
                                   number of children in poverty.
                                                                                                                             PARENT FAMILIES ARE                   IN MINORITY ETHNIC                      ARE IN WORKING
                                                                                                                                 IN POVERTY                      FAMILIES ARE IN POVERTY                      FAMILIES


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Holiday Hunger,                                                                                         the meals & more

    a Growing Problem

    “It has been the busiest summer yet for holiday provision in the UK. Food is without a doubt the
      catalyst for bringing communities together and alleviating the many issues faced by struggling
      families during current austere times. We at Meals & More know that it is poverty that is the
      underlying cause that makes programmes like ours essential. While policy is lacking, civil society
      and human kindness has stepped in and we are lucky that the generosity of our corporate
      supporters, along with the fundraising efforts of individuals have supported the work we are
      doing. One example is the magnificent effort of Brakes staff who collectively raised £10,000 to
      help us grow to where we are today                                                                                                          Founded by Brakes in 2015, Meals & More is an
                                                                                                                 founded in 2015
                                                                                                                                                  independent registered charity, and contributes to
    It is positive that in the last three years £16.5 million has come from Government investment.
                                                                                                                                                  Brakes’ and many other companies’ Corporate Social
    This does not take into account investment from local authorities, charitable organisations public
    health, business sector, philanthropists or the value of volunteer hours and food donations/                                                  Responsibility goals.
                                                                                                            we are an official
    surplus reuse, which equates to millions more. However it is still not enough and without a                                                   Meals & More has, and will continue to, be active in
                                                                                                            registered charity
    proper national framework, decent policy and adequate funding we will continue to rely heavily                                                championing the causes of children living in poverty with
    on the goodwill of groups of community spirited human beings, like those involved in Meals                                                    the national Government, politicians across England
    & More, to keep children well-nourished and supported in the 13 weeks that our schools are                                                    and the devolved administrations, industry and local
    closed.                                                                                                       providing 110,000

                                                                                                              school meals in 2019
                                                                                                                                                  communities. We do this through lobbying, providing
     ecent holiday provision that supports more than just food and activities should be a
    D                                                                                                                                             evidence-based research and working in partnership to
    cornerstone of poverty alleviation policy in the UK. It is trailblazing work, such as that of our                                             mitigate the effects of poverty, child hunger and isolation.
    programme, that will inform and shape future policy, research and funding in this area.
                                                                                                               reaching 11,000                    Meals & More funds academic research for Northumbria
     e know that holiday provision programmes support families who are struggling with debt,
    W                                                                                                       children in 149 clubs
                                                                                                                                                  University, which provides robust evidence to the
    child care, activities, food costs, skills development, social isolation, housing and integration. In
    the last five years these problem areas have become much more public and awareness of child                                                   government on the impact of holiday hunger on education
    hunger in the UK is at its highest level in decades. Research in this area is underway in twelve                                              and learning.
                                                                                                                 achieving 5 csr
    UK Universities, the Meals & More programme was one of the first in the UK to contribute to                                                   Most importantly, we were able to support the most
                                                                                                                award accolades
    groundbreaking research about the benefits that holiday clubs can bring to our children and                                                   vulnerable children in society by providing more than
    their communities.                                                                                                                            110,000 meals in 2019.
    What we already know is that the programmes keep children, safe, engaged, included, valued
    and nourished. Community partnerships have been strengthened and hundreds of thousands
    of children, possibly even millions, are getting access to support in their own communities from
    projects and programmes like ours. That is something we should all be both sad and glad of.
    As we await more research and government announcements about future policy and funding,
    let’s keep the Meals & More momentum up, into 2020 and beyond.”

    Peter McGrath,
    Operations Director, Meals & More

                                                                                                              the Meals & More mission

                                                                                                              Meals & More aims to provide support to children who live with poverty and social isolation, who
                                                                                                              have limited access to adequate food provision and activities, throughout the school holidays.

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How do we fund?

                                                                                                           Industry Partners                Funds & Resources                     Holiday Clubs
                                                                                                         We partner with some            These partners supply vital         These funds are used to
                                                                                                        wonderful suppliers that       funds and resources that help          help run holiday clubs
                                                                                                        help us make a difference      our delivery partners succeed              across the UK

                                                                                                           With help from our partners we can achieve our goal on supporting a million meals over
                                                                                                              the next 5 years – in 2019 Meals & More supported 110,000 meals in 202 Clubs.

    our purpose

    With a sustainable approach, Meals & More is focused on developing working partnerships that
    underpin our aims and makes a difference to each child we reach.
    Meals & More is a catalyst for positive change, bringing like-minded people together, creating
    opportunities to improve lives, contributing to happier, healthier children and families. Through
    provision of nutritious food and enriching educational activities, Meals & More partnerships
    contribute to supportive environments, boosting health, self-belief and aspirations.
    Every child matters and deserves to have a good start in life, not just at school but throughout
    the entire year. Our partners have a clear understanding of the Meals & More aims and
    collective challenges. We embrace all opportunities to work with organisations and businesses
    that have similar goals and want to make a difference.

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Benefield School                                                                                                            Upper Stratton

     holiday club                                                                                                                holiday club

     Benefield School holiday club (known as Chomp), is managed by                                                               Make Lunch, Upper Stratton, first opened in February 2018 and is
     One Church Brighton and is open for nine days during the summer.                                                            located on the edge of Swindon. The economy and residential areas
     It serves approximately 30 children and 17 adults every single day.                                                         are mixed; it has three local schools and a secondary school, the
                                                                                                                                 children’s poverty rate in some parts is 37%.
     The club first opened in 2012 and is located 3 miles from the centre
     of Brighton. One Church’s policy is to invite not just children, but                                                        The leader of Make Lunch is Lynda Mitchell, an experienced caterer
     also families to attend, helping the community as a whole. Daily                                                            who is passionate about feeding children well, not just through
     activities include reading, games, playdoh, colouring, cut and paste                                                        school term-time but also school holidays.
     projects, smoothie making and outdoor activities after lunch.
                                                                                                                                 Lynda’s extremely pleased that Make Lunch can help a community
     The leader of the Chomp project is Vanessa O’Shea, experienced in                                                           in need:
     culture & leadership, she has been involved with Chomp since June
                                                                                                                                 “It’s an ongoing challenge, to reach families most in need, but now that
     2019. Vanessa is extremely pleased that Chomp and Meals & More
                                                                                                                                   Make Lunch is established it makes it easier to reach out to relevant
     can make a difference to the children and families in the community.
                                                                                                                                   agencies as a resource for them to signpost families to us.
     She believes providing nutritious lunches and activities to children                       “Without the support of Meals
     will help them to concentrate and focus when returning to school,                          & More we would struggle to      I truly value the Meals & More contribution as it enables us to provide
     enabling them to become independent, responsible young people,                             meet the cost of food”           food, as a church we can access the church resources for activity,
     and ease the pressure on youth homelessness in the future.                                 Vanessa O’Shea, Chomp Project,
                                                                                                                                 making this a whole package”
                                                                                                Benefield School Holiday Club

     “We’ve been coming to Chomp for about 2 years, my children love it! It really
      takes the pressure off when you can go out for the day with Chomp; otherwise
      going out for the day can be lots of money, even at the park if there is a fun fair,
      it’s just money money money. It’s difficult.”

     “On one occasion Chomp provided the opportunity to go to the lido, it was a                                                “The club provides excellent support through the holidays including activities
      brilliant day. They also arranged a visit to ‘Into the Trees’, an adventure place.                                          for all ages. For me and many parents, the cost of providing activities for the
      The tickets were free, which really helps when you are on low income. We also                                               children during holidays can be expensive. The club certainly relives the pressure
      had a visit from the fire brigade; the kids thought it was brilliant. It’s great to see                                     you are under at this time of year, and what is good is that it is in a safe and
      smoothie making and hands-on activities. The reading corner is also great.”                                                 supportive environment. Personally, I have also learnt about healthy cooking,
                                                                                                                                  new recipes, healthy choices, and it’s great when the kids can have a go.”
     “Chomp gives the chance to talk with other parents, it’s a release and it’s great
      that the kids get a meal, it can be difficult to balance the money people have                                             Quote from Kirsty, a parent of children who attend Make Lunch
      and it really helps. The food is good and gives the opportunity for children to try
      different foods.”

     “Chomp is great, it’s the only group that runs in the school holidays, the toddler
      group stops in the holidays. There’s loads of space and lots to do. It is a positive
      social environment - kids need something more than sitting at home”

     Quotes by Natalie and Heather, parents of children who attend Chomp

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club locations                                                                the future

                                                                                      Child Poverty Action Group reported 4.1 million children living in poverty in the UK
                                                                                      in 2017-2018, that’s 30% of children. It is widely reported that the impact of austerity
                                   Scotland                                           across communities in the UK is growing, with more people accessing food banks.
                                      14                                              The Institute of Fiscal Studies is forecasting that children poverty rates (AHC) will
                                                                                      reach 37% by 2021/2022.

                                                                                      The recent Children’s Food Inquiry Report (April 2019) references many cases of
                                           East                                       food insecurity and its devastating consequences. Meals & More and our partners
        Northern                            74                                        clearly understand the challenges and are looking to reach more communities and
         Ireland                                                                      children over the coming years.

                                                   & Humber
                                                                 East                 Through our dedicated network, Meals & More
                                                               Midlands               aim to support communities, families & children by
                                                                  18                  serving a million meals over the next 5 years.


                                                                                      A clear vision, along with the support of
                                                                                      our partners, helps us achieve our aims.

                                   South                    East
                                   West                      36

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help us make a


     why choose meals & More?

                                                                                                                             our supporters
     We work with a number of corporate partners who share our passion for putting an end to holiday
     hunger. Working with Meals & More, you will be providing the vital support we need to raise
     awareness of the issues surrounding holiday hunger. As well as helping with our important work,
     you will also create an industry-leading campaign that will engage and motivate your colleagues.
     •      A team dedicated to ensuring the partnership works for both sides, including amplifying your
            PR and social media
     •      Opportunities to get involved with local clubs
     •      Around a third of children and their families suffer from holiday hunger. There will probably
            be a need in your local community or region
     •      We can help you deliver your Corporate Social Responsibility needs

     how can you help us?

            contribute                                Join us                            fundraising

         Contribute funds and resources to    Become an ambassador for Meals       Help raise the profile of Meals & More
         Meals & More to help fund holiday   & More, linking with and supporting   by fundraising for us. We want to work
               clubs and provisions.             clubs in your community.          with partners who share our passion for
                                                                                      putting an end to holiday hunger.

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Registered charity number: 1179092

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