Page created by Rene Mack
                                    MILAN 2015

                                    Series of awareness rising events on
                                    city region food systems potential
                                    and local food celebration in Europe
CALENDAR                            From the 1st of May to the 31st of October 2015, next World Expo –
The CRFS Caravan Milan              Feeding the planet, energy for life – will take place in Milan (Italy).
2015 will set off in March          This global event will gather for six months policy makers as well as
2015 and will end in                the general public on the issue of sustainable food systems.
October 2015.
                                    In this perspective, IUFN – International Urban Food Network – offers
                                    to organise in a selection of European cities a series of festive and
ITINARY                             solutions-oriented one-day events, aiming at raising awareness of
The CRFS Caravan Milan 2015         the positive potential of city region food systems (CRFS) approach
will go through a selection of      among policy makers and the local population - the CRFS Caravan
European cities, starting in        Milan 2015.
Milan, then crossing France,
England and ending up               All citizens of the cities/urban regions welcoming the CRFS Caravan
                                    Milan 2015 (general public of any age, professionals from the food
again in Italy, for the final
                                    industry, producers, elected representatives, experts, scholars,
meeting during the 2015
                                    researchers, etc.) will be called up and invited to join the event.
World Expo – Feeding the
planet, energy for life in Milan.

                                                                                  TO ACT

        In    its   current    organization   Make the most of the               Innovative initiatives are
        (intensive,     globalized     and    local/regional            food     growing worldwide. They
        standardized scheme), our food
        system is at a dead end - it
                                              production           potential,
                                              becomes more and more a
                                                                                 represent the strength of a
                                                                                 positive transition we need.
        generates negative impacts that       viable option. The conditions      More transparency, more
        threaten both the balance of the      of a certain re-regionalisation    common sense, a real re-
        planet and the health of the          of our food system deserve         appropriation by the citizens
        populations.                          to be exploited as a possible      of their food.
                                              alternative, responding both
        The global world trend seems to       to the urgency of the              Today,    these   initiatives
        be the progressive urbanization of    situation and to the citizens’     challenge local, national
        the territories. According to the     demand.                            and international decision
        FAO, in 2050, over 80% of the                                            makers on the future of our
        world population is expected to       The     local    authorities -     food system.
        live in urban areas.                  'catalysts' and 'connectors'
                                              of a whole set of local
        In the perspective of the             policies play a fundamental
        increasing population, identify a     role in this endeavour.
        sustainable food system to feed
        the cities and territories in a
        balanced     urban-rural  nexus,
        becomes an emergency.

                                 LOCAL CITIZENS’ PARTICIPATION
                                    CITY REGION FOOD SYSTEMS
                                             AWARENESS RISING
                                       LOCAL PRODUCTS’ FIESTA

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FORUM OUVERT - L’équipe d’IUFN invite les citoyens à une séance de Forum ouvert sur les défis du
        système alimentaire actuel et sur le potentiel des systèmes alimentaires territoriaux. L’équipe d’IUFN
        présente les enjeux et anime un débat avec toutes les parties prenantes locales présentes, afin de
        recueillir les premières informations sur l’intérêt de la population à sa volonté de voir l’administration
        locale investir ce champ de la politique locale.

    WHAT / HOW
    The precise program of the CRFS Caravan is designed in cooperation with the local authority in
    order to match its current needs related to this topic. Local partners working on sustainable food
    issues, recognising the positive potential of city region food system are invited to join. Nevertheless, a
    methodological approach in 3 steps was designed based on the idea of co-design:

    1                                     2                                    3
      OPEN FORUM                             FESTIVAL OF LOCAL FOOD                RAW FOOD FOR THOUGHT

      IUFN team invites the citizens of      An open-air rustic table is set       IUFN collects and
      the cities / regions hosting the       up (if possible) outside at the       summarises the results of
      CRFS Caravan 2015 to a                 end of the day, celebrating           the Open forum as a first
      dedicated Open forum on the            local food production. The            assessment of the local
      stakes of the current food system      meal is shared among local            people's voice.
      and on the potential of a certain      elected representatives,
      re-regionalisation.                    producers and citizens of all         This ‘raw material’ provides
                                             ages, in a festive and friendly       a first opportunity to
                                             atmosphere.                           engage a dialogue
      IUFN introduces the issue and
      facilitates the discussions among                                            between de decision-
      all local stakeholders present. The    The awareness rising goes on,         makers and the civil
      goal - gather basic information on     in a very informal spirit. The        society, to identify citizens'
      the interest of the local              producers are proud to                concerns and to open a
      population in this issue and their     showcase and share the fruit          more in depth public
      eventual will to see the topic         of their work as well as their        debate focusing on the
      invested by local decision makers.     ideas for a transitioning             local food policy design
                                             towards more sustainable              within a participatory
                                             practices.                            governance mechanism.

        §   Rise awareness on the positive potential of city region food systems through a friendly
             event designed for local people
        §   Initiate new spaces of dialogue, in order to foster territorial innovation and involve
             citizens in the topic of city region/local food systems
        §   Provide a unique opportunity for the hosting local authority to seize the interest of its
             people for the food issue

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    6 Months’ itinerary, 3 European countries, 3 Cultures, 6 CRFS dedicated one-day events

       §   Italy – Milan – March 2015
       §   France – City of Nantes / Pays de la Loire Region – March 28th 2015
       §   France – City of Lille/ Nord-Pas de Calais Region – April 10th 2015
       §   France – City of Bordeaux / Aquitaine Region – June 2015
       §   England – City of Bristol – September 2015
       §   Italy – Milan – October 2nd 2015 – CRFS Caravan final event

                              UK - Bristol

                                    France - Lille

               France - Nantes

              France - Bordeaux
                                                                      Italy - Milan
                                                                      START + FINAL

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Local PROMOTION/ international VISIBILITY
    The CRFS Caravan receives the support of the French Pavilion 2015 Milan World Expo, and in this
    respect it is officially part of the programm promoted by the French Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and
    Fisheries for this global event.

    A dedicated communication campaign broadcasted by IUFN and its partners on social networks will
    support the launch od the CRFS Caravan and the calendar of events during the 6 months. At the
    local level, in each hosting city / region, all communication channels available will be mobilized in
    order to ensure the visibility and the promotion of the event with all kind of publics.

    The exact program of each CRFS Caravan stop is co-developed in partnership with the hosting city /
    region and according to its possibilities. Following an initial exchange and an assessment of the
    situation in the concerned territory, IUFN suggests a suitable form of the event. This proposal is then
    discussed with the hosting city / region and the final version is adopted.

    IUFN’s team ensures the project management in its globality, the organisation on the D-day, and the
    restitution of the ‘Raw food for thought’ material synthesis to local elected representatives. This
    restitution can also be an occasion of an internal workshop co-organised with and for the local

    IUFN provide the hosting city / region with a communication kit CRFS Caravan Milan 2015. The
    elements of this kit are designed to be adapted by the communication services of the local authority
    (logo, date, place, links update). The goal is to ensure image consistency between the different
    events that make up the route of the CRFS Caravan Milan in 2015.

    Through its network of international contacts and in its institutional communication, IUFN will strive to
    maximize the promotion of projects / initiatives on the sustainable food systems theme carried by the
    hosting city / region.

    IUFN will invite all cities / regions having hosted CRFS Caravan Milan 2015 to the final conference of in
    2015 in Italy, a priori Citexpo congress space in the heart of historic Milan in early October 2015. This
    final meeting should have a strong political dimension, in the presence partners like Oru-FOGAR or
    FAO Food for cities.

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     The city / region hosting the CRFS Caravan Milan 2015 commits to facilitate by all means the smooth
     run of the event during the provisional contacts and on the D-Day. Depending on the final program,
     it assists IUFN Team in the definition and the reservation of the place where the CRFS Caravan will
     take place. It assists IUFN in the identification of local food products and their producers. The hosting
     city/region may also be willing to involve its staff members.

     The hosting city / region commits to promote the event via all communication channels available to
     ensure the visibility and a large participation.

     A participation of the hosting city / region in the event budget is requested. Depending on the
     proposed program, the organization of the CRFS Caravan Milan 2015 Day is scheduled within a
     provisional budget of 25 000 - 35 000 euros.

                 BECOME A SPONSOR
    OF THE CRFS CARAVAN MILAN 2015                                  CONTACT

    To become a sponsor of this international series of events      IUFN International Urban Food Network
     or to support an event taking place in your country/your
                      territory, please contact the IUFN Team.

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