CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF

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CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
CAR NK cell therapy
                                                 Ulrike Koehl


                                Fraunhofer Institute for Cellular Therapeutics and Immunology (IZI),
© Fraunhofer IZI                  Institute of Clinical Immunology, University of Leipzig (UL/UKL),
                          Institute of Cellular Therapeutics, Hannover Medical School (MHH), Germany
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF

   In relation to this presentation, I declare that there are no conflicts of interest.*

   ➢ “CD20CAR-TIME“ is a joint research project partly funded by the German ministry
     of education and research (ref. 01EK1507A-C) within the research programme
     “Innovations in Personalised Medicine“.


   ➢ CTL019 European study trial                                                                                     Kymriah®

   ➢ Consulting: AstraZeneca, Affimed, Glycostem

     * A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, and those may cause a conflict with the current presentation.
       Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk, but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (e.g. owning stocks of a related
       company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organisational interests and gifts.

      © Fraunhofer IZI
Köhl 2.3.2017
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
The era of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
                                                                                                         Kymriah® (EMA)
                                                                                                         Yescarta® (EMA)
                                                               Strimvelis®        Yescarta® (FDA)
                                                                                  Kymriah® (FDA)
                                                Imlygic®                                                    Luxturna®

2009 2010               2011    2012           2013     2014          2015     2016      2017        2018        2019

                                                                                        USA         Europe
(withdrawn in 2017)            Glybera®                    Provenge®
                           (expired in 2017)          (withdrawn in 2015)

                                                       (expired in 2018)            CAR
                                                                                   T cells

 Tissue Engineered Product                                                   CTL019 trial / Kymriah Europe       CAR T Melanoma trial
 Somatic Cell Therapy Medicinal Product                                      Press conference NOVARTIS           Coop.; Miltenyi Biotec,
 Gene Therapy Medicinal Product                                                 and Fraunhofer IZI 8/2018        H. Abken (Regensburg),
                                                                                                                 U. Köhl (MHH)
     © Fraunhofer IZI
     CAR = chimeric antigen receptor                                   Koehl U … Abken H. HGT 2018         Priesner C … Koehl U. HGT 2016
                                                                       Aleksandrova K … Koehl U. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 2019
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
Clinical CAR T cell studies
Number of Clinical studies

                                    Ongoing CAR T cell studies
                                    Started CAR T cell studies


                                                  Hartman J, et al. EMBO Mol Med, 8 2017
                                                                                           Paediatric r/r ALL – ELIANA
                                                                                                                   75 patients
                             ◼ > 450 clinical trials (2/2019)
                             ◼ 10% of the studies in Europe, only
                             ◼ To date, 2 products on the market
                             ◼ To date, successful results in
                               hematological disorders
                               (most experience in CD19+ diseases)
                             ◼ But very limited efficacy in solid tumors
                             © Fraunhofer IZI
                                            CAR = chimeric antigen receptor                   Maude SL et al. New Engl J Med 2018
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
Overview – CAR NK cells
                                             ➢ Autologous CAR T cells – other limitations:
                                                - manufacturing time consuming, expensive
     NK cells
     T cells                                    - in some cases failure in manufacturing
                                                - relapse due to contaminating leukemic cells
                                                  in the product (Ruella M, Nature Medicine 2018)

                          cell           ➢ CAR NK cells for advanced strategies
                                               - Allogeneic donor NK cells as an „off the shelf“
                                   CAR   ➢

                                               - CAR NK cells for improved killing functionality
                         NK cell               - Possibility to overcome tumour immune

      © Fraunhofer IZI                          CAR = chimeric antigen receptor
Köhl 2.3.2018                                   NK = natural killer cells
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
Natural Killer (NK) cells
                                                                                      •   CD56+CD3- NK cells comprise 2-18%
                  Tumour or leukaemic cell
                                                                                          of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood
                                                                                          CD56brightCD16negative (immunregulatory)
                                                                                          CD56dim CD16positive (cytotoxic)

                                                                                      •   Major role in killing of tumour cells
                                                                                          best in case of MHC negative targets
                  MICA                                           BAG6
                                                                                      •   Inhibitory and activating receptors:
                                                                                           - KIRs
         NKG2D                                                     NKp30
                                                                                            - NCRs (NKp30, NKp46, NKp44)
                                                                                            - NKG2D
                                                                                                                                - NK

                                                                                                                                ++- IL-2
                                     NK cell                                                         -C, -E
                                                                                             KIR (inhibitory and activating)
                                                                       CD16                                       NKG2D
       KIRs                                                                                  NCRs and NKG2D (activating      only)

      © Fraunhofer IZI                                                                       KIR (killer immunglobulin like receptors)
IgV       IgC      ITAM immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs)                     NCR (natural cytotoxicty receptors)
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
Mechanisms of immune escape in the tumor

 Induction of Treg and MDSC        Reduced Expression                           However:
 Inhibition of CD8+ and NK Cells     of MHC class I                             Improved
                                                                                NK cell

      Inhibition of DC
                                           Disrupted expression
                                          of immune checkpoint

                                             Induction of Immune
                                                Cell Apoptosis
                                             Chabanon et al (2016) Clin Cancer Res; 22, 4310
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
Signaling and CARs in primary human NK cells

 © Fraunhofer IZI

                    Oberschmidt O, Kloess S, Koehl U. Front Immunol 2017
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
NK cell immunotherapy                                                                      NK-DLI = NK donor lymphocyte infusion

                  Allogeneic NK-DLI post haplo-SCT (Clin Gov No NCT 01386619)
                       Patients with high risk leukaemia and malignant tumours

                      Leukapheresis                    GMP                           GMP

  Donor /
  Parents                      NK cell purification             IL-2 expansion                     NK cell application
                              (CD3 depl./ CD56 sel.)         (1000 U/ml, 10 days)                       patient

➢ No severe adverse events in patients
➢ Primary   aim >10x10     6 CD56+CD3-/kgBW: 41/49
                        1st NK  cell                2nd NK cell                          3rd NK cell
           CD34 sel./   application                 application                          application
➢ No graft  versus
        CD3/CD19  disease  if T cells < 25x10  3/kg

➢ IL-2 stimulation → improved NK cell cytotoxicity

          0                           (+3)                     +40                          +100       [days post SCT]
➢ Tumor immune escape mechanism (TIEMs)
   Kloess et al. Eur J Immunol 2010; Kloess et al. Oncoimmunol 2015
   © Fraunhofer IZI

Koehl U et al. Blood Cell Mol Dis 2004; Koehl U et al. Klin Päd 2005;   Koehl U et al. Front Oncol 2013, Stern M et al. BMT 2013
CAR NK cell therapy Ulrike Koehl - CDDF
solMICA  dependent tumor immune escape inhibits NK
 cells in patients with Neuroblastoma
tumor cell                  MICA
Impaired NK cell cytotoxicity in patients                                                                                                        results
      with head and neck cancer (HNSCC)
                          n=67 patients with HNSCC
                          peripheral blood screening                                    NKG2D PE             CD45FITC/NKG2DPE       NKG2D PE     CD45FITC/NKG2DPE

                              autologous NK cells
                                                                             healthy control soluble MICA low                         HNSCC soluble MICA high
                      significant p
Clinical trials with CAR expressing NK cells

                         NCT03579927   CD19        Lymphoma            Cord blood   I/II     not yet      MD Anderson C.       CD19-CD28-zeta-
CCCR: Chimeric                                     and leukaemia       NK cells            recruiting     Houston, USA          2A-iCasp9-IL15
Costimulatory                                                                                                                  (K. Rezvani)
      © Fraunhofer
Converting ReceptorIZI   NCT03656705   CCCR      Non-small Cell Lung     NK92        I     recruiting   Hospital of Xinxiang
                                                                                                          Henan, China
                              Kloess S … Koehl U. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 2019
Redirected “CAR” NK-92 cell line                                                                   results

                                                                                                               R. Esser

 anti-GD2                      Neuroblastoma                                Neuroblastoma
                                                                 UKF-NB-3     (NB) tumor

                                                             GD2 Expression

            fluorescence                                    Esser R et al. J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2011
                                                      coop. U. Köhl (MHH), W. Wels (FFM), T. Tonn (Dresden)


 © Fraunhofer IZI
Schönfeld et al. Molecular Therapy 2014                      CAR Expression
Chimeric Antigen Receptor Vector Design
for primary human NK cells                                                     A. Schambach

▪ Endodomain: FMC63 → CD19
▪       Endodomain: CD28 + 4-1BB(CD137) +CD3 
▪       Codon-optimization: removal of cryptic splice sites, polyadenlyation
        signals and other inhibitory sequences

→ CD19 binding leads to signal transduction
→ Enhanced cytotoxicity

    © Fraunhofer IZI
                                                 coop.: A. Schambach, MHH
CAR expressing NK cells redirected against CD19                                                          results


                  Alpha SIN vector                      dNK cells      CD19-CAR-dNK cells   CD19-CAR-dNK cells
                                                        vs. BV173          vs. BV173        vs. BV173+CD19mAB
                Transduction of mature
           primary human dNK cells feasible                                                             blocking
                     Mock              alpha

EGFP [%]

                                                  dNK cells : CD19+ BV173 incubation time [h]; E:T ratio: 5:1

            © Fraunhofer IZI

                                               Suerth J et al. J Mol Med August 2015
Secretions of cytokines and pro-apoptotic                     results
   molecules by CAR NK cells

  (immune regulatory)

                   E/T                                     E/T
         1:1             5:1   anti-inflammatory:    1:1           5:1
          ++             0                            +            +
          +              +                            +            +
         ++              +            IL-6            +            +
         ++              +          IL-17A            +            -
          +              +           IFNg             -            -
         ++              ++          TNFa             +            +
           +             0           GrA              ++          +
           0             0           GrB              ++         ++
           -             -         Perforin           +           +
           0 IZI
       © Fraunhofer      +        Granulysin          0          ++
Köhl 27.03. 2017
Primary CAR expressing NK cells

                         redirected against AML cell lines and

                                patients own leukemic cells

                                            123+ AML

© Fraunhofer IZI   Coop.: M. Morgan, A. Schambach, M. Heuser, M. Sauer
CAR expressing NK cells redirected against CD123+                                                                                                         results

                                                               IL-2 activated NK cells CD123-CAR-NK cells    CD123-CAR-NK cells
                                                                    against KG1a          against KG1a    against KG1a + CD123 mAB
                                                                CD34 PC7

                                                                                            CD34 PC7

                                                                                                                        CD34 PC7
                le u k e m ia b la s ts [c e lls /µ l]

                                                                           CD56 APC                    CD56 APC                    CD56 APC



                C D123


                                                               0 .1        5   18     24   0 .1        5   18     24   0 .1        5    18    24

  © Fraunhofer IZI                                             NK cells : CD123+ KG1a incubation time [h]; E:T ratio: 10:1
                                                                               Kloess et al. Human Gene Therapy 2017                   Coop.: A. Schambach, MHH
CAR NK cells against patient´s CD123+AML                                                                                                                      results
                                                                                                                                                                          S. Kloess

Cytotoxicity                                                                   Mock               EGFP             CD123 CAR/           CD123 CAR/
                                                                                                                     EGFP              EGFP + anti-
                     C y to to x ic ity [% ]                                   CD123
                                                                                                                                                            CAR-NK cells
                                                50                                                                                                                vs.
                                                                                                                                                            patient´s AML
                                                                                                                                                              (E/T: 1:1)
                                                                               5        24       5      24                 5      24     5        24

                                                                                                         tim e [ h ]

Side effects
                                                                                             CAR-NK cells vs. HLMVEC (E/T: 1:1)

                                                                                   75         Mock              EGFP              CD123CAR/EGFP
                                                     C y to to x ic ity [% ]





                                                                                    0                                                                  Coop.:
                                                                                        5        24      5             24          5     24
                                                                                                                                                       M. Heuser,
                                                                                                             tim e [ h ]
                                                                                                                                                       A. Schambach MHH
  © Fraunhofer IZI

         Kloess et al. Human Gene Therapy 2017                                                                                 Kloess et al. Human Gene Therapy 2019
CD123CAR expressing NK cells and EGFP+ mock NK cells
                aginst CD123 positive KG1a targets

                  anti-CD123-CAR NK cells EGFP+             anti-CD16-APC, EGFP+ NK cells

                   CD123+KG1a cell proliferation dye: eFluor®450, anti-CD34-PE
                                        NK:KG1 E:T ratio: 5:1; MOI1
Klöß 27.06.2017
Clinical scale – CAR expressing NK cells                                                                                                                                                        results

                                                                Upscaling                                                                           Development
                                                                                                                                                   Quality control
                                                                                                                                                  Release of product

                                      GMP-compliant protocol

                                                 d N K c e ll e x p a n s io n
                              100                cell expansion

 x - fo ld e x p a n s io n



                              1 .5

                              1 .0                                               IL -2
                                                                                 fe e d e r c e lls + IL -2
                              0 .5
                                                                                 fe e d e r c e lls + IL -2 1 /-2

                              0 .0
                                      0      2     4        6        8       10          12         14
                                                    D a y s in c u ltu r e

                              © Fraunhofer IZI                                                                „Off the shelf product“ Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product
                                                           SOP=standard operation protocol                          CMC=chemical manufacturing and control   IMPD=investigational medicinal product dossier
CAR expressing effector cells                                                conclusion

CAR T cells:
➢ Successful clinical CAR T cells studies (~ 450 documented world wide)
➢ Manufacturing failure of autologous CAR T cells needs complementary concepts

Primary human CAR NK cells:
➢ Patients can receive allogeneic haploidentical or „third party NK cells“ without
  severe side effects → good candidates for „off the shelf CAR products“

➢ CAR NK cells (alpha retroviral SIN vectors) reached a nearly complete
  elimination of CD19+ and CD123+ leukemic cells after 48 h

Improvement in future studies:
➢ CAR expressing cells and checkpoint
  inhibitors → combination
                                                                              Gay F et al.
➢ CAR effector cells with                                                     Clin Lymph.,
                                                                              Myeloma and
 © Fraunhofer IZI cytokine secretion                                          Leukemia,
                                                                              review 2017                                    Kantons-Spital Basel, CH                     J. Passweg        M. Stern         C. Kalberer
                                                                   Experimental Haematology, MHH, D
                     Fraunhofer IZI, Leipzig, D
                                                                A. Schambach       M. Morgan     H. Büning T. Moritz
  G. Schmiedeknecht                     S. Ulbert
  K. Kebbel                             F. Horn
  J. Lehmann                            T. Grunwald
                                                                    Tumorimmunology, Regensburg, D
  S. Mitzner                            U. Demuth                                    H. Abken
  S. Fricke                             S. Klöss
  T. Tradler                            A. Schäfer                  University Cancer Center Leipzig, D
                                                                  U. Platzbecker        F. Lordick        U. Hacker
 Clinical Immunology, University Leipzig, D
  U. Sack                               A. Boldt                      Transfusion Medicine, Leipzig, D
                                                                                   R. Henschler
Inst. Cellular Therapeutics, MHH Hannover, D
 R. Esser                               L. Arseniev
                                        K. Aleksandrova
                                                                     BSD Hessen/BW und BSD Ost, D
 W. Glienke
 O. Oberschmidt                         C. Priesner              E. Seifried         C. Seidl             T. Tonn
                                        J. Leise
                                                                     Pediatric Hematol/ Oncol., MHH, D
       Georg Speyer House Frankfurt, D                            C. Kratz         M Sauer        B Maecker-Kolhoff
                              W. Wels
                                                                       Transfusion Medicine, MHH, D
   Pediatric Hematol/ Oncol., Frankfurt, D                        R. Blasczyk
                                                                                   L. Goudeva        B. Eiz-Vesper
 T. Klingebiel          D. Schwabe      P. Bader   S. Hünecke
                                                                      Haematol. /Oncol./ SCT, MHH, D
  © Fraunhofer IZI
                                                                A. Ganser      M. Heuser        M. Eder    C. Könecke
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