Captivating Color COMBINATIONS - vaughn's view - Greenhouse Product News

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Captivating Color COMBINATIONS - vaughn's view - Greenhouse Product News
vaughn’s view
                          BY VAUGHN FLETCHER

  Captivating Color
  COMBINATIONS                                                                                                                                               1

   These designer baskets provided superior visual impact at the Costa Farms trial garden this year.

                                     visited the Costa Farms spring     impatiens. These components are in            as components for fillers and spillers.
                                     trial in Florida during week 11    many of the Proven Winners shaded             ‘Indian Mint’ is fragrant and offers a small
                                     to evaluate the development        patio recipes. Every combination that         white flower as it matures and weaves
                                  and progression of annuals,           the Proven Winners team selects for the       its way through the combination and
                                  perennials, and combination           Bundled Kit program has been trialed and      eventually cascades. The calibrachoa
                                  baskets from planting to maturity.    tested in regional trials. This recipe will   Chameleons in this recipe are top sellers
                                  In preceding articles I highlighted   be in the Bundled Kit program for 2021.       in the collection. Enchantmint is part of
                                  2021 annual introductions; in                                                       the Westhoff Passion Combo collection
                                  this article, I describe the most     2. BEACHSIDE DRIVE                            consisting of 18 classic and 20 new
                                  outstanding and colorful designer     Proven Winners                                combinations for 2021.
                                  combinations in the basket trial        My first thought when I saw this recipe
                                  that resulted in the greatest         was, “Wow!” This combination is a
                                  visual impact.
                                    The current and new trial basket
                                                                        carnival of color, and it evokes warmth
                                                                        and energy. It is a combination of three
Vaughn Fletcher          recipes were planted week 50, moved            components: calibrachoa ‘Superbells
is president of          to the full sun exposure area week 7,          Tropical Sunrise’, petunia ‘Supertunia
Fletcher Consulting.     and by week 11 the characteristics and         Honey’ and scaevola ‘Whirlwind Pink’. The
He has been in the       attributes of each recipe were clearly         varieties are well matched in timing, vigor
horticulture industry    demonstrated, including compatibility,         and balance. This is a National Recipe for
since 1971, working in   component balance and timing, vigor,           2021 and will receive a focused program
many areas including     floriferousness and heat tolerance.            of marketing and promotion.
landscaping, garden
center and greenhouse    1. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN                          3. ENCHANTMINT
production, greenhouse   Proven Winners                                 Westhoff
and nursery sales and       This is a combination of impatiens             There are numerous adjectives to
sales management.        ‘Rockapulco Orange Improved’, ipomoea          describe the calibrachoa Chameleon
He can be reached at     ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime’ and           series, including polychromatic,

                                                                                                                          3    coleus ‘Colorblaze Chocolate Drop’. This       iridescent and vivacious. There are
                         is an interesting and unconventional           now over 16 varieties in the collection
                         mixture of textures, mass, foliage shapes      and four new introductions for 2021.
                         and colors. It was trialed in a full sun       Enchantmint is composed of ‘Chameleon
                         exposure but is adaptable for partial to       Lavender Sorbet’, ‘Chameleon Pink
                         full shade. The growth habits of the three     Diamond’ and Fancifiller satureja ‘Indian
                         components were similar, the basket had        Mint’. The Fancifiller program began in
                         bulk and size, and the transitional green      2016 with the award-winning helichrysum
                         coloration of the coleus and ipomoea           ‘Silverstar’, and Westhoff has added
                         contrasted beautifully with the orange         many new and unique foliage varieties

   36 JULY 2020 GPNMAG.COM
Captivating Color COMBINATIONS - vaughn's view - Greenhouse Product News

Selecta One
  This Duo Trixi monoculture
combination of calibrachoas
‘MiniFamous Uno PlumTastic’ and

‘MiniFamous Uno Dark Blue’ was
new for 2020 and received a two-
page spread in the 2020 Selecta
One catalog. Both calibrachoa
varieties were new for 2020 and
provided striking contrast in
the trial. The deep blue color of
Uno Dark Blue combined with
the bicolor pink and white Uno
PlumTastic created an exceptional
striking combination. Last year
I wrote about the outstanding
performance of Uno Double

PinkTastic and OrangeTastic
in summer trials. ‘MiniFamous
Neo Double PlumTastic’ will be
introduced for 2021. The Tastic
group of calibrachoas has excellent
color retention, double flower
stability and are components in
many of the Trixi recipes.

   This Suntory Mixer combines
petunia ‘Surfinia Heartbeat
Improved’ and the new ‘Surfinia
Purple Heart’ for 2021. These two
novelty Surfinia varieties offer
                                          5                                                     8
the heat tolerance of the Surfinia
petunia series but with bicolor       calibrachoa component in many         floriferousness. There are over 20
flowers and a more compact and        of the Confetti Garden recipes.       colors in the mid-sized Headliner
                                      The Konas are a major player          petunia series, including the new

mounded habit. Petunia ‘Surfinia
Heartbeat’ has improved color         in the calibrachoa market with        Crystal Sky and Electric Purple Sky.           im
                                                                                                                           T RELIABLE

stability and pattern retention for   many attributes, including: day

                                                                                                                          VENTILATION EQUIPMENT

2021. The new petunia ‘Surfinia       length neutrality, uniformity,        8. TRIXI DOUBLE THE HEAT                                      Family-Owned
                                      flower size, semi-upright habit,      Selecta One                                                    Since 1937
Purple Heart’ has a striking and
                                      production versatility and a wide       This is a unique and striking                           Quietaire’s Angle Flow:
defined purple and white bicolor                                                                                                      Aluminum or Galvanized.
flower. These two varieties were      range of colors. In the trial,        Duo Trixi introduction for 2020                           Designed to maximize
well matched in the basket trial      this combination provided vivid       that combines calibrachoa
with a tight, controlled habit.       contrasting colors, a controlled      ‘MiniFamous Neo OrangeTastic’               Quietaire’s Stainless Steel Evaporative
                                                                                                                        Cooling System:
Suntory offers 16 Mixers that         and mounded habit, and matched        and ‘MiniFamous Uno Double                  No sump required.
                                      flower timing.                        Red’. This is a combination of              Replacement
incorporate petunia Surfinia,                                                                                           cooling pads
calibrachoa Million Bells, scaevola                                         two different series that differ            also available.
Surdiva, bidens Beedance and          7. TRIXI SKY’S THE LIMIT              in vigor but blend perfectly for
                                                                                                                         Quietaire’s HAF18: Affordable option
catharanthus Soiree Kawaii.           Selecta One                           timing, balance and flower count.            to move air through your greenhouse.
                                        Sky’s the Limit combines the        The saturated flower color of                               Serving the greenhouse
6. CONFETTI GARDEN                    popular petunia ‘Headliner Night      Uno Double Red accentuates the                                   industry for over 75
                                                                                                                                               years with prompt
HAWAIIAN FRUIT BOWL                   Sky’ with ‘Headliner Sky Blue’ and    ruffled orange petals and red
                                                                                                                                            service and durable,
Dümmen Orange                         ‘Headliner White’. This is new for    centers of Double OrangeTastic. I                              low maintenance and
  This is one of the most popular     2021 and is the first Trixi with a    have highlighted the outstanding                        quality ventilation products.

Confetti Trio mixes, combining        petunia Sky component. This was       heat tolerance and double flower
the calibrachoa Aloha Kona            one of my favorite recipes in the     stability of the Tastic collection
varieties: Mango, Cherry Red          trial. The Headliner colors created   in earlier articles. This is a
                                                                                                                            866-228-9421 Fax 713-228-9425
and Royal White. The Aloha            a versatile and harmonious pattern    compelling and stunning Trixi                505 North Hutcheson Houston, TX 77003
Kona series is used as the            with balance, uniformity and          that was in spring programs this

                                                                                                                       GREENHOUSE PRODUCT NEWS                     37
Captivating Color COMBINATIONS - vaughn's view - Greenhouse Product News
                              season and is definitely a Trixi             monoculture combination basket       in 2015 and now comprises 10
                              recipe for consideration in future           is a recent development in the       varieties, including Cajun Spice,
                              programs.                                    marketplace. This has emerged        for 2021. I have written about the
                                                                           with the breeding of coleus that     summer performance of multiple
                              9. MIXMASTER PICO DE                         are uniform, low maintenance, late   FlameThrower varieties in previous
                              GALLO                                        flowering, compact and manifest      articles, and many of them are now
                              Ball FloraPlant                              striking foliage, both solid and     components in the five MixMaster
                                The idea of combining a                    multicolored. The FlameThower        mono Sun & Shade combos. This
                              series  or specific
                                 Hiring_Jr         coleus in a 1
                                           page RIGHT.qxp_Layout   5/21/20 coleus
                                                                            11:33 AMseries
                                                                                      Page 2was introduced      series has characteristics that




                                                     Vested in Your Success

Captivating Color COMBINATIONS - vaughn's view - Greenhouse Product News
          set it apart including lanceolate              and baskets. These Sun & Shade         but this mono combination of         series comprises 19 colors
          and serrated foliage, multicolored             combinations offer an alternative      calibrachoas ‘Cruze Control Grape    for 2021 including four new
          color retention, bold textures                 to ferns and other foliage varieties   Delicious’, ‘Cruze Control Orange’   varieties. The attributes of
          and versatility. The benefits of               in basket production.                  and ‘Cruze Control Yellow’ was       this series include day length
          the FlameThrowers include later                                                       a top performer and summer           neutrality, a controlled and
          flowering, sun and shade tolerance,            10. CRUZE CONTROL PIÑATA               survivor in the southern trials      mounded growth habit, dark
          and adaptability in different                  Green Fuse Botanicals                  last summer, and it replicated       centers, and a consistently
          production programs including                    I try not to repeat designer         that performance in the Costa        colorful canopy. We have a
Hiring_Jr quarts,  gallons, mixed
          page RIGHT.qxp_Layout    containers
                                1 5/21/20 12:09 PM       recipes
                                                        Page 1    from previous articles,       trial this year. The Cruze Control   plethora of calibrachoa series
                                                                                                                                     for various spring programs
                                                                                                                                     and the Cruze Controls, based
                                                                                                                                     on the tidy growth habit, heat
                                                                                                                                     tolerance and floriferousness,
                                                                                                                                     offer a manageable and
                                                                                                                                     uniform option. This series is a
                                                                                                                                     component in many of the Green
                                                                                                                                     Fuse Botanicals collection of
                   We’re looking                                                                                                     Compatible designer recipes.

      for great teammates to join Vaughan’s                                                                                          11. CALIBRACHOA
                                                                                                                                     CALIPETITE COMBINATION
                 and McHutchison.                                                                                                    Sakata
                                                                                                                                        The calibrachoa Calipetites
                                                                                                                                     are comprised of six colors,
                                                                                                                                     including Yellow Improved
                                                                                                                                     for 2021. It is an extremely
                                                                                                                                     versatile, day length neutral, and
                                                                                                                                     naturally compact series. The
                     During these uncertain times when many companies are                                                            short internodes and mounded
                                                                                                                                     habit creates applicability in a
       unsure of what lies ahead, we are confident in the upward path we are on.                                                     multitude of spring programs
                                                                                                                                     including quarts, color bowls,
             Innovative programs, out-of-the-box thinking and sound leadership
                                                                                                                                     mixed containers and baskets.
                                                  are launching us into the future.                                                  One of the most impressive
                                                                                                                                     and important attributes is the
                                                                                                                                     floriferous canopy that produces
                                                                                                                                     a bouquet form, maintains its
                       We are looking for talented people to join our teams.                                                         tight center, is non stretching,
                                                        Are you interested?                                                          and provides extended shelf
                                                                                                                                     life and successful retail
                                                                                                                                     sell through. The series is
                                                                                                                                     interspecific and manifests
                                                                                                                                     outstanding durability and
                                                                                                                                     resilience, resulting in excellent
                                                                                                                                     summer performance. The
                                                                                                                                     Calipetite components in the
                                                                                                                                     trial baskets are Pink, White and
                                                                                                                                     Yellow Improved.
                                                        REACH OUT TODAY.
                                                                                                                                     12. MISTY SEAS
                                                                                             Proven Winners
                                                                                                  This is a new recipe for 2021
                                                                                                                                     and is part of the Bundled
                                                                                                                                     Combination program. Proven
                                                                                                                                     Winners — as well as many
                                                                                                                                     other breeders — enter, trial
                                                                                                                                     and evaluate each potential
                           FEEL SECURE KNOWING THAT WE HAVE YOUR BACK.
                                                                                                                                     combination in private and public
                                                                                                                                     trials before adding to future
                                                                                                                                     programs.This stringent trialing
                                                                                                                                     has led to the introduction of

                             Vested in Your Success                                                                                   GREENHOUSE PRODUCT NEWS      39
Captivating Color COMBINATIONS - vaughn's view - Greenhouse Product News

                                                                            many significant designer mixes that        demonstrates those attributes. The
                                                                            are used throughout the industry. I         varieties are densely branched, possess
                                                                            am excited about Misty Seas, which          uniform timing, and are non stretching,
                                                                            incorporates the Supertunia petunias        early flowering, and versatile in a range
                                                                            Mini Vista Indigo, Mini Vista Violet        of container programs including quarts,

                                                                            Star and Mini Vista White. Mini Vista       mixed containers, and baskets. This
                                                                            White reflects the most light, and this     combination will continue to flower
                                                                            brightness accents the Purple and           throughout the summer season and
                                                                            Violet creating a harmonious blend.         maintain its tight habit and durability.
                                                                            In previous articles I have described
                                                                            the incredible summer performance           14. BAHAMA BEACH
                                                                            of the Mini Vista series. These varieties   Proven Winners
                                                                            stand the test of time in the gardens          This recipe is one of the best sellers
                                                                            and provide durability, flower stability,   in the Bundled Combination program.
                                                                            heat tolerance and incredible               It combines petunia ‘Supertunia
                                                                            floriferousness. Spring programs            Bordeaux’, calibrachoa ‘Superbells
                                                                            include quarts, mixed containers            Lemon Slice’ and lobelia ‘Sky Blue
                                                                            and baskets.                                Improved’. These components were
                                                                                                                        well balanced, demonstrated consistent
                                                                      13    13. DISCO DIVA
                                                                                                                        timing and were floriferous. This
                                                                                                                        basket was grown in full sun exposure,
                                                                              This Suntory Mixer was added to           and I was impressed by the heat
                                                                            the program in 2018 and has been in         tolerance and vigor of lobelia ‘Sky
                                                                            many regional basket trials the past        Blue Improved’. This variety has larger
                                                                            two years for good reason. This Mixer       flowers with improved flower stability
                                                                            includes scaevolas ‘Surdiva Blue Violet’,   and heat tolerance, and it manifested
                                                                            ‘Surdiva Fashion Pink’ and ‘Surdiva         those attributes in the trial. Petunia
                                                                            White Improved’. The classic Surdivas       ‘Supertunia Bordeaux’ is one of the
                                                                            were introduced in 2010 followed by         best sellers in the petunia portfolio with
                                                                            the compact Surdiva series in 2016          deep purple venation and light purple
                                                                            and the new scaevola ‘Surdiva Purple’       petals. Calibrachoa ‘Superbells Lemon
                                                                            for 2021. This unquestionably is the        Slice’ is incomparable for its unique

                                                                      14    most uniform and compact scaevola
                                                                            series in the market, and this Mixer
                                                                                                                        pattern and possesses outstanding
                                                                                                                        garden performance.

     20_1160_Greenhouse Product News_JUL Mod: May 15, 2020 11:45 AM
                  Print: 06/02/20 3:54:52 PM page 1 v7

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