Page created by Roland Fleming
                                                                                         J o efo rd L ee
                                                                                         CIM , CFP®, FCSI

                                                                                         Portfolio Manager, Investment Advisor
                                                                                         HollisWealth, a division of Industrial
    WINTER 2020                                                                          Alliance Securities Inc.

                                                              A WINNING STATEGY
                                                                       Although you are primarily concerned with
                                                              planning and enjoying your retirement years,
                                                              considering estate plans and other issues is also an
                                                              important part of a comprehensive financial plan.
                                                              Making a charitable donation can be a very satisfying
                                                              way to share your good financial fortunes with deserving
                                                              causes and those less fortunate. Donating can also
                                                              provide tax advantages to you and your family, either
                                                              while you are alive or in your estate plans. The federal
                                                              and provincial governments appreciate that it is good
                                                              social policy to provide tax advantage to those willing to
                                                              make donations to worthy causes, so they have a number
MARKET COMMENTARY                                             of policies in place that encourage charitable giving.
         It only seems fitting that we ended 2019 with a
                                                              Eligible Charities
bang and closed out the year on a high note. If you recall
in Q3’19 there were a flurry of geopolitical events that              While saving money on tax may not be the
had ramped up volatility in the markets. We closed the        primary incentive to contribute to a particular cause, you
Q3 Market Commentary by stating that despite the              want to be confident that the intended recipients of your
newfound volatility, “we are not seeing signs of broad        donation will actually benefit. Unfortunately, various
market weakness” and that “the noise may be loud, but         schemes have been created that appear to represent
we remain focused on our process and investment               legitimate charities but are in fact fraudulent. Canada
discipline. The threats of the last quarter may be another    Revenue Agency (CRA) has information that helps you
opportunity for long term investors while we close out a      determine the status of a charity of interest: The CRA
prosperous 2019”.                                             Charities Listing
          When it was all said and done, U.S. markets         The Charitable Donation Tax Credit
surged another ~8.5% in the final quarter to finish the                The charitable donation tax credit has two levels
year up nearly 29%; this was the best performing year for     as well as maximums allowed in a particular tax year.
the S&P 500 since 2013. North of the border the               The first $200 of eligible donations will reduce tax
S&P/TSX Composite tacked on another ~2.5% in Q4               payable at a rate of 15% of the donation amount. Any
to finish the year up over ~19%; the best performing year     amount donated over the first $200 per year reduces tax
for the Canadian index since the post-recession rally of      payable at a rate of 33%. The amount of credits claimed
2009. This was undoubtedly the kind of bounce-back            can generally not exceed 75% of net income in the year
year market participants were hoping for but never            the credit is being claimed. It is possible that by claiming
expected after a disappointing 2018.                          all donations on one tax return, the donations may not
        Interestingly, 2019’s robust year in the U.S. stock   be completely utilized. The credits cannot be carried
market was not led by corporate earnings growth, which        forward but the donation itself can be spread out over up
is estimated to be roughly flat year-over-year when           to five years.
companies report their Q4’19 numbers in January and
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MARKET COMMENTARY                                                                          CAPITALCARE WINTER 2020

     … continued from page 1                                   the other five G7 countries. Fear not a recession on the
February. This is a mirror image of 2018 when Trump’s          horizon when U.S. GDP is estimated to expand roughly
corporate tax-cut fueled robust earnings growth to the         1.8%; this compares to 1.6% (BNN Bloomberg) for Canada.
tune of roughly 20% despite the stock market ending that       Whereas the United States has done a better job of
year in the red. Additionally, it’s important to keep          tapping its domestic workforce and generating
things in perspective regarding 2019’s extraordinary           productivity gains, Canada has turned to robust
gains. We must recall the large painful correction in the      immigration to grow output (BNN Bloomberg). Canada
U.S. markets in the fourth quarter of 2018. Thus, when         added 437,000 people from abroad last year, helping to
we calculate the trailing 16-month return on the S&P 500       drive its fastest population increase in 30 years, despite a
from September 2018 to the end of 2019, you get a              drop in fertility. Under the Trump administration, the
return of roughly 11%, or an annualized figure of just         U.S. limited immigration to just 595,000 people. This
over 8%.                                                       trend has led some economists to predict that Canada’s
                                                               headline growth could easily top the U.S. this year,
         This is a reminder that investing is a marathon.      especially if there’s added clarity to a new NAFTA deal
Like runners, there will be pain during the race, but          (Trump’s USMCA). The China, U.S. trade negotiations
having focus and discipline will ultimately lead them          saw progress with phase one in the books barring any
across the finish line. Turning back to corporate              last-minute cold feet. We are optimistic that Trump will
fundamentals, it isn’t a surprise to find the current market   do his part to keep trade resolutions top of mind and be
valuations more expensive than they were twelve months         more Presidential leading up to the U.S. elections in
ago. Nevertheless, we view 2020 to be another positive         November.
year for corporate earnings, and a view from Credit
Suisse also estimates growth of 5% this year.                           The market performance of 2019 was much
Additionally, the current low bond-yield environment           better than investors had hoped. The message is clear:
reduces the risk of debt default on corporate balance          making knee jerk reactions after poor performance in
sheets and also points to good relative value of investing     2018 would have been costly for long term investors.
in equities vs. bonds.                                         That being said, it is a tall order to see a repeat in 2020
                                                               so we have to temper our enthusiasm. The underlying
         Aside from the equity markets, 2019 was also          economic fundamentals are stable and holding well,
friendly to a few other asset classes. The price of gold (in   which we believe will help to keep this expansion going
USD) went up another 3% in Q4, making for an                   into 2021. We will remain selective with the companies
exceptional 18% gain for the year (Yahoo Finance).             we continue to hold in our portfolios, as an asset
Geopolitical tensions that we’ve frequently cited in this      allocation skewed toward equities is still favored verses a
space previously surely played a role in the resurgence.       fixed income-heavy mix. While the waters in 2020 are
If you recall from a piece we wrote about in Spring 2019,      likely to get choppier, we still feel like we are travelling
there was also the dreaded yield curve inversion that          downstream, with new highs on this adventure to come.
created a lot of headlines and fear in the markets at the
time. Funnily enough the yield curve closed the year in
very healthy shape after all, contrary to what many
market bears promoted in March.
         The U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates three
times during 2019 which helped bond investors net
positive returns for the year as well: bond prices go up as
interest rates fall. The Bank of Canada went against the
tide and held interest rates steady all year, helping to
drive the loonie almost 5% higher (Yahoo Finance).
       Economic fundamentals in North America
remain positive and GDP growth estimates for 2020 lead

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A WINNING STRATEGY                                                                           CAPITALCARE WINTER 2020

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Making a Charitable Donation
        There are different ways to make charitable
donations which will have different tax/financial effects.
For example, you can donate to an eligible charity or to
the government. You can donate cash, life insurance, or
property. Property can include gifts of eligible securities.
If you donate securities (such as stocks or bonds) you will
receive a tax credit for the fair market value of the
donation and you do not have to pay capital gains tax on
any increase in value from when you bought the security
to when you donate it. This is clearly preferable to selling
the security and donating the cash since capital gains
taxes would have to be paid.

5 WAYS TO REDUCE DISRUPTIONS TO YOUR ESTATE                                                 CAPITALCARE Q2 2012(REPRINT)

Are legal vulnerabilities putting your estate at
                                                                 individuals, including Ballard’s long-time companion,
risk? Take these steps to help preserve your
                                                                 Yolanda Ballard.
assets and intentions after your passing.
                                                                         Given the horrors estate litigation represents,
          Estate planning centres on one main goal:              what can a high-net-worth planner do? No strategy can
preserving estate assets. While advisors offer planning          guarantee litigation-free estates, but we recommend five
advice and employ various strategies to reduce the tax           things you can do to reduce the likelihood of litigation:
liability of the deceased’s estate, even the best efforts can
be fruitless if the estate faces claims that wind up in court.   Make a Will
Family dynamics – which can include sibling rivalry,
perceived favouritism, second marriages or blended               Studies show up to 50% of Canadians don’t have a Will.
families – all tend to spark estate litigation. Often, estate    A Will documents how you wish to distribute your estate
litigation stems from friends or family not named in a           upon your death. Clients without a Will open up the risk
Will who believe they’re entitled to some of an estate or        of claims against the estate, because without one, there is
named beneficiaries who believe they didn’t receive their        no evidence of testamentary intentions. A Will drafted in
fair share.                                                      your own handwriting is legal in Ontario. It is also
          The dangers of estate litigation go far beyond the     possible to use a Will kit. However, litigation can arise
threat of legal fees that can deplete estate assets. Estate      from problems with homemade or handwritten Wills. A
litigation also strains relationships to the point where         properly drafted Will requires specific legal language.
family members can end up estranged – all amidst great           Homemade Wills are fertile breeding grounds for estate
emotional stress and grief. At a time when family                litigation.
members need each other’s support the most, loss and
estate litigation often separates them further.                  Include an in terrorem clause
                                                                 An in terrorem clause states that any beneficiary who
High net worth = high risk estate                                contests the will automatically forfeits their gift. This can
                                                                 be an effective deterrent to litigation, because the
          Every estate is susceptible to claims, but high-       beneficiary challenging the will automatically loses their
net-worth estates are at particular risk, since there is         gift or inheritance. Keep in mind, for an in terrorem
literally a lot more to fight over. Former Maple Leaf’s          clause to be effective, the beneficiary’s gift must be
owner Harold Ballard’s estate, reportedly valued at $50
million, was subject to litigation in the 1980s by various       … continues on page 4

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5 WAYS TO REDUCE DISRUPTIONS TO YOUR ESTATE                                                                                  CAPITALCARE WINTER 2020

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    valuable enough to merit serious consideration about                                    Appoint an experienced executor
    pursuing litigation.
                                                                                            If your estate is particularly complex or if you lack a suitable
    Communicate with your heirs and beneficiaries                                           executor, you may wish to consider a Trust Company.
                                                                                            There are numerous pros and cons associated with
    Often, family members proceed with litigation because                                   appointing a corporate executor. On the positive side, a
    they don’t believe the will reflects the true intentions of                             corporate executor has years of experience and has
    the testator. It’s essential the testator communicate with                              efficiently settled many estates as well Estate Departments
    heirs and beneficiaries about intentions for distribution                               offer services beyond our lifetimes. The cost is between 3%
    of the estate. This will clear up any misunderstanding or
                                                                                            to 5% of the final estate value which is often a small price to
    misinformation, and in the process, can help the
                                                                                            pay for the ultimate peace of mind.
    individual find out what preferences beneficiaries and
    heirs may have.

    Have a professionally mediated family meeting
    A professionally mediated meeting between the testator,
    his beneficiaries, and other estate planning professionals
    is one way to keep everyone informed. The meeting
    advises the beneficiaries of the testator’s intentions and
    seeks input in developing the estate plan. At the end of
    the family conference, the beneficiaries and the testator
    are invited to sign an agreement not to contest the Will.
    While the family conference may not work for all
    families, it can be very beneficial for some, especially if
    the testator is aware of litigious family members or
    strained family relationships.

   A quick reminder that the TFSA limit for 2020 is $6,000. RSP Contribution deadline is March 2nd, 2020. It is
   always prudent to get your contributions in well before the deadline.

   Your tax information will be adhering to the following guidelines: If you have indicated the preference of receiving
   these ‘on-line’, please remember to check your Portfolio Plus website.

    Contribution Receipts Registered Savings Plans 2019:                                    Expected Mailing Date: January 9, 2020
    Contributions between January 1 – March 2, 2020                                         Weekly as contributions are received

    Realized Gain and Losses Report:                                                        February 26th, 2020

    Non-Registered T-slips:                                                                 Most by February 29th, 2020

    Statement of Partnership Income and Trust Income:                                       March 31, 2020

This information has been prepared by Joeford Lee who is an Investment Advisor for HollisWealth® and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of HollisWealth. The
information contained in this newsletter comes from sources we believe reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. The opinions expressed are based
     on an analysis and interpretation dating from the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or
solicitation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. The information contained herein may not apply to all types of investors. The Investment Advisor can open
                                                        accounts only in the provinces in which they are registered.
    HollisWealth® is a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc., a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory
                                                                          Organization of Canada.

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