Canal Winchester - Meeting Minutes - FINAL City Council Mike Walker - President 7:00 PM

Page created by Milton Beck
Canal Winchester

            Town Hall
       10 North High Street
    Canal Winchester, OH 43110

Meeting Minutes - FINAL
         March 1, 2021
            7:00 PM

       City Council
     Mike Walker - President
   Mike Coolman - Vice President
             Jill Amos
           Will Bennett
            Bob Clark
           Patrick Lynch
          Chuck Milliken
City Council                          Meeting Minutes - FINAL                         March 1, 2021

A. Call To Order               Walker called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m.
B. Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. Coolman
C. Roll Call                   Present 7 – Amos, Bennett, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Milliken, Walker
D. Approval of Minutes
               MIN-21-006      February 16, 2021 Work Session Minutes
                               A motion was made by Coolman to approve MIN-21-006, seconded by
                               Amos. The motion carried by the following vote:

                               Yes 7 – Coolman, Amos, Bennett, Clark, Lynch, Milliken, Walker
               MIN-21-007      February 16, 2021 City Council Minutes
                               A motion was made by Amos to approve MIN-21-007, seconded by
                               Coolman. The motion carried by the following vote:

                               Yes 7 – Amos, Coolman, Bennett, Clark, Lynch, Milliken, Walker
E. Communications & Petitions - NONE
F. Public Comments
               21-027          J. Donahue Public Comment
               21-028          A. DeLuca Public Comment
               21-029          R. Carlson Public Comment
               21-030          P. Allred Public Comment
G. Resolutions
                                     - Adoption
                               A motion was made by Amos to amend the agenda removing RES-20-012,
                               seconded by Bennett. The motion carried with the following vote:
                               Yes 7 – Amos, Bennett, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Milliken, Walker

H. Ordinances
   Third Reading
                               THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CANAL WINCEHSTER, REZONING 2.581
   Sponsor: Milliken           OWNED BY ESTATE 108, LLC., AND LOCATED AT 108 NORTH HIGH STREET
                               (PID 184-000490, 184-000247,184-000324, 184-001003, and 184-000467).
                                     - Adoption
                               A motion was made by Milliken to adopt ORD-21-003, seconded by
                               Bennett. The motion carried by the following vote:

City Council                            Meeting Minutes - FINAL                         March 1, 2021
                                  Yes 7 – Milliken, Bennett, Amos, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Walker
    Development                  WINCHESTER RIDGE THREE, LLC
    Sponsor: Clark                     - Adoption
                                 A motion was made by Clark to adopt ORD-21-004, seconded by Milliken.
                                 The motion carried by the following vote:

                                  Yes 7 – Clark, Milliken, Amos, Bennett, Coolman, Lynch, Walker
                                 CALENDAR YEAR 2021
                                        - Adoption
                                  A motion was made by Bennett to adopt ORD-21-005, seconded by
                                  Coolman. The motion carried by the following vote:

                                  Yes 7 – Bennett, Coolman, Amos, Clark, Lynch, Milliken, Walker
    Second Reading
    Development                  EXECUTE THE PLAT FOR TURNING STONE, PHASE 2
    Sponsor: Milliken                  - Second Reading Only
    ORD-21-009                   AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 351.14 OF THE CODIFIED
    Development                  ORDINANCES, PARKING LIMITATIONS
    Sponsor: Lynch                     - Second Reading Only
    First Reading
    Construction Services
                                        - Request waiver of second and third reading and adoption
                                  A motion was made by Bennett to waive the second and third reading of
                                  ORD-21-011, seconded by Amos. The motion carried by the following vote:

Bennett: The reason for the emergency I’m going to assume is the awarding of a contract and the timing
parameters within.
Peoples: Very good. You’ve done this a time or two.
                                  Yes 7 – Bennett, Amos, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Milliken, Walker

                                  A motion was made by Bennett to adopt ORD-21-011, seconded by Amos.
                                  The motion carried by the following vote:

                                 Yes 7 – Bennett, Amos, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Milliken, Walker

City Council                                  Meeting Minutes - FINAL                                March 1, 2021
I. Reports of City Officials and Staff
             21-021              Mayor's Report
Mayor: I don’t have anything to add to my report but happy to answer questions about it.

               21-022                 Finance Director
Jackson: I don’t have anything in addition to my written report this evening.

Amos: On the video arraignments that you are doing, I know this is probably a COVID thing, but to save on costs for
transport, is that something they would look at doing long term.

Jackson: It’s something that we would like to do long term, it was talked about pre-COVID and would have bene done in
this building and we had the challenge of this being an old building. And the cost. It was very, very expensive. Much more
expensive than we thought. So the plan was to build that into the new municipal building. Now we gone the more fiscally
friendly route during COVID. I don’t know what they are using. They have different programs for different courts so we
are still working through all of that but the goal is to get it up and running because at any given point – the most we have
had there recently is 7 defendants at one time that have to be brought up for court. It would definitely save a lot of time
and effort.

Amos: That was one of the things that the sheriffs had mentioned all through the years was if they had to transport then
they have one or two out so that would make a huge difference. If you need support, let me know. Totally behind you if
you need anything.
              21-023                Development Director
Haire: Few items I’d like to highlight from my written report. Posted the Planning and Zoning agenda today
online on the Agenda Center so if you get any questions on a rezoning for 79.5 acres for PUD by Pulte Homes,
there’s an application on the agenda for that at Lithopolis Rd, Hayes Rd, and Oregon Rd. The whole
presentation is on there. Also, the updated variance application for Winchester Blvd for tree removal on that.
Some of you have received questions or comments about that. It’s on there as well with the updated tree
survey. A couple new businesses opened in the Waterloo Crossing shopping center. Eyeglass Parties, a new
business, have optometrists and opticians and so selling glasses and things like that. The pet store that was
there, Pet Valu, closed. The whole chained closed so they have a new pet retailer in there, Pet Supplies Plus,
that’s open now.

               21-024                 Construction Services
               21-027                 Public Service Director
Peoples: As reported at Work Session, we did receive a draft of the thoroughfare plan from EMH&T. We are going
through the review on that now. Our intent is to have at least one public meeting to unveil the plans to council and the
public for comment. Last week received a draft of ODOT’s US Route 33 study that is happening from just this side of 104
down to Pickerington Rd. Looking at access, all the interchanges, intersections, a little bit more work up at 270 and 33
and Hamilton Rd and 33 as well.

Amos: Did you remind them we want a Bixby Rd interchange?
Peoples: That is in the study. Those comments will be covered.
Sgt. Cassel, Fairfield County Sheriff: I am temporarily reassigned to Canal Winchester until probably April. Sgt.
Hendershot went to Upper Arlington unfortunately, so I’m taking his place but they will have a full-time

City Council                             Meeting Minutes - FINAL                             March 1, 2021
replacement the end of March or beginning of April. Some personnel changes to make you aware of. Like I said,
I am taking Sgt. Hendershot’s place until you get a replacement. Dep. Vaughn was in the relief position. He
went to the Pickerington police department about three days before Jesse left. We are going to get a
replacement for him, Dep. Myers. Will be pulled out of the jail. Once Dep. Greathouse trained which will be in
about 2 weeks, he will take Dep. Myers’ place to cover for Vaughn. Will have another deputy come out who is
being trained. Be in about three weeks. Eric Russell. We are filling the holes. Any time there isn’t a deputy
there, there is actually a deputy there. We are mandating those open positions and the sheriff’s office is paying
for that overtime. Even though the deputies aren’t there, you are still getting the coverage.
On video arraignments, I don’t know the companies but I can find out. I think that’s a good idea. Don’t know if
you remember when we had our escape. Video arraignment eliminates that aspect of it and cuts down on the
manpower. On court days instead of me picking up the van and 7 or 8 inmates up here, I can go to the facility
on Lincoln and bring each one in front of the judge. I don’t know if it’s going to be cost effect but I think it will
be good once it’s in place.

J.   Council Reports
     Work Session/Council - Monday, March 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
     Committee of the Whole - Monday, March 29, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
     CW Human Services - Mr. Milliken
Milliken: I mentioned last time about the SOUPer Bowl figures, bringing in $13,000, would like to add one note
that $9,000 is what they brought in last year when they had the event there. So to bring in an additional
$4,000 when you couldn’t have your traditional event is a pretty big deal. I talked to Aletha about do we keep
it this way. But you want to bring people in to see the facility and have the event hopefully be a more normal
SOUPer Bowl. Information on the gardens will be coming out soon. Look on the website or Facebook. In the
month of February, 205 people served, a little of 3,000 meals, 5 new households. Market Day group is starting
to come back now that vaccines are starting to be distributed. Looking to hopefully start some senior trips

    CWICC - Mr. Clark
Clark: Had a meeting on February 24th. Next meeting is March 31st at 11:30 at the Interurban Building. Had a
McDorman meeting since we met last Council last Tuesday. Have two meetings tomorrow – one with Ferguson
Construction and one with the Library.

     CWJRD - Mr. Bennett/Mrs. Amos
Amos: Just had a next meeting last Thursday. Next meeting will be March 18th at 7 p.m. They are still virtual.
Had the awesome thing that we got a little more gym space this past month. Were able to open up some
different basketball programs. Not all were full fledge programs. Had some coaches step up where we lost
some who weren’t ready to go back into gymnasiums yet. Had a couple step up and took the lead and did
several programs. Very thankful for that. On soccer, last count over 200 registrations for spring soccer. Very
exciting but still down from where normally would be but to have that many kids ready to get out and take the
fields is super exciting. Did get another donation this past week. Want to thank Mr. Lynch, the Lynch family
donated to the program which we are very thankful for. Just helps keep our doors open as we try to get kids on

City Council                             Meeting Minutes - FINAL                           March 1, 2021
the field.
Bennett: Believe we secured another volunteer to commission boys travel basketball next year.
Amos: We did have a boys travel basketball, he’s doing both girls and boys right now.
Bennett: Haven’t had a boys travel basketball program for two seasons, been without a commissioner. The
gentleman running the girls program agreed to commission the boys next year too.
Amos: Have football registration opening soon. Working out the details. Have a new coach at the high school
for football. Rec department is working out details with him on how they can intermingle the high school kids
and the rec kids.
Coolman: Hope you can connect the middle school coaches as well because that’s the next step for the JRD
Amos: We have a good partnership with the middle school already but yeah we try to impress that all these
JRD players are your next school athletes so we try to inspire them.
Bennett: The head football coach at the high school has generally had a very large fingerprint on the middle
school and other programs.

    Destination: Canal Winchester - Mr. Walker
Walker: Have a virtual meeting on March 23rd at 6:30. Still working on the Art Stroll and awaiting comments
from Governor DeWine to consider the larger events.

K. Old/New Business
Milliken:: I’d like to address Mr. Donahue’s public comment regarding the speeding on Washington and Dietz.
Mr. Peoples, can you maybe speak to that. Is there any remedy being looked at there.
Peoples: I talked to Mr. Donahue back in January. We are looking through there but the concern that I have
that we are looking into is that is in the middle of a school zone. I don’t want a 25 mph in the middle of the
school zone. Trying to work through that. From where he was talking about in there, maybe I got a little bit
more understanding so we will look into that.
Bennett: I would piggyback on that. I myself driving Tuesday to pick up my daughter from work, we were doing
25 in a 25, I was getting honked at, lights flashed. We got to the 35 mph line, driver was agitated, by the time
we got to the Woods, they were flying around me and accelerating. To the public, take your time, be patient.
We all want to get to where we are going. But we all want to get there safely. That’s the most important thing.
I’m going to piggyback my public safety comment with a public health/take pride in your community comment.
I’ve also been walking around, walk the dogs. There has been an influx of dog poo on sidewalks lately in the
community. I know we have an ordinance that says you can be fined. I would just ask that you take some pride
in your community. Pick up your dog poop please. Don’t leave it for someone else. Feel free to put it in the
Mayor’s newsletter. It was a topic at Community Coffee. People are noticing it. Take dog bags with you.
Bennett: For the Mayor, the 25% capacity for sporting events, how does that guidance affect anything we
might or might not do at the community center. There are separately guidelines but as the public sees people
returning to sporting events, there are questions about other activities and when those will return. Do you have
City Council                               Meeting Minutes - FINAL                             March 1, 2021
any guidance.
Mayor: Right now for the Community Center, it’s similar to this room. 10 people is the maximum right now.
Could change tomorrow or next week. We’re talking about seniors who could have 30, 40, 50 people there for
a luncheon. Right now it’s still not going to work. I was hoping we could get it open this month but I find it
doubtful. I’m hoping maybe April. There’s a lot of restrictions, even if you let 10 people in there. You all have to
walk the same direction. Unless there’s someone there to direct that, it’s pretty difficult to get people to follow
directions. If they don’t and they happen to be checked on by the Board of Health, we’re the one’s responsible
for it. I think we’re better off. I know it’s aggravating for all of us.
Bennett: The guidance they are giving for sporting events is a completely separate guidance and is not
necessarily been given for all events. Think they also talked about senior proms and other events, dances. I
didn’t know when other events are going to be given a 25% capacity. Seems like we haven’t seen that for a
community center yet. Maybe that will be coming soon.
Mayor: Community centers and banquet centers fall under a different guide.
Bennett: Just an important distinction for the community to understand, that they are different guidelines. As
through the joint rec going through all the different guidelines, there are a lot of different ones and they are
very specific.
Mayor: There are a bunch. There are guidelines that were written middle of last year that are still in effect and
community centers are one of them.
Coolman: Those guidelines differ between indoor and outdoor events. Stadiums and arenas have different
percentages that you can have in a strictly indoor banquet center so it’s difficult.

L. Adjourn to Executive Session @ 7:42 p.m.
                                A motion was made by Bennett to adjourn to executive session, seconded
                                by Coolman to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal,
                                promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official in
                                accordance with ORC Section 121.22(G)(1). The motion carried by the
                                following vote:
                                    Yes 7 – Bennett, Coolman, Amos, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Milliken, Walker

                                   Council returned from Executive Session at 8:50 p.m.
M. Adjournment @ 8:51 p.m.
                                   A motion was made by Bennett to adjourn, seconded by Amos. The motion
                                   carried by the following vote:

                                   Yes 7 – Bennett, Amos, Clark, Coolman, Lynch, Milliken, Walker

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