Ajax Minor Hockey Association Safe Return to Play 2020-2021 - Ajax Minor Hockey ...
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AMHA Return to Play Below is the Ajax Minor Hockey Association’s (“AMHA”) Safe Return to Play Plan. This plan is intended to see all players and coaching staff return to the ice with the upmost safety protocols in place in keeping all participants and spectators safe and minimizing the spread of COVID-19. This plan’s intention is to start the season (mid-October) but given the fluidity of the COVID-19 situation, things may change quickly so the AMHA’s website will be updated regularly for any changes. Contact List for AMHA COVID-19 Should you have any questions about any aspects of the Safe Return to Play protocols or other policies and procedures related to COVID-19, please contact one of the individuals below. The AMHA will have their Director of Trainers monitor all updates for the Association AMHA COVID -19 contact: Kristy Taylor (Director of Trainers) 416-558-8503 kristy.taylor2@gmail.com Carrie Reynolds (OMHA Director) 416-716-0169 creynolds9202@gmail.com Colleen Ruber (AMHA President) 905-626-1410 mruber0902@rogers.com Meetings with the Town of Ajax Facilities Personnel The OMHA Director and President have met with Town Personnel via Zoom meetings (3-4 meetings) on what the opening of the community centres would look like and the expectations of the ice users operating in a safe manner. The Town of Ajax has provided the AMHA with guidelines for traffic flow within the arenas, expectations and responsibilities of the AMHA as well as the responsibilities of the Town personnel. A copy of Town of Ajax’s Re-Opening Plan is attached. AMHA Return to Play Safety and Hygiene protocols: All Players, coaches, volunteers and parents/guardians must follow all federal, provincial and municipal laws, regulations, by-laws and orders as they may exist at the current time while participating in all AMHA programs. These protocols are in conjunction with Durham Public Health Department, Hockey Canada, OHF and OMHA. All participants and coaches will be expected to maintain a high level of hygiene while inside the Facility Hygiene Protocols Use of Personal Protection Equipment: Following Durham Region Public Health guidelines, all coaches, players, spectators and volunteers must properly wear a face covering or non-medical face mask (covering the nose, mouth and chin) while inside the ice pad facility. (As per current public health guidelines) Coaches: Must wear a non-medical face mask while coaching on the bench No mask is required while on the ice Players: Must wear a mask at all times while in the Facility Not required to wear a non-medical face mask while on ice Page 2
Spectators: Must wear a mask at all times while in the Facility Hand Hygiene: - All coaches, trainers, players and volunteers must wash/hand sanitize their hands upon entry in to the facility (20 second hand wash). There will be sanitizer stations upon entry into the facilities - Washing hands after using the restrooms - There will be no pre-game or post-game handshakes - Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands No Sharing of Items: - Players must bring their own water bottles and there will be no sharing of water bottles - There will be no sharing of food or drinks Physical distancing: - Following Government approved guidelines; current guidelines are that all coaches, players, volunteers must keep a 2m or 6 foot distance between themselves both on and off the ice - There will be a socially distant area set up for participants to put their skates and helmet on both before and after the skating session - There will be no dressing or undressing of participants—participants must come to the arena completely dressed Respiratory etiquette: - Practice coughing or sneezing into your arm or Kleenex—ALWAYS COVER YOUR COUGH - Participants must blow their nose using a Kleenex - There will zero tolerance for spitting Washrooms, Dressing Rooms and Shower: - Washrooms provided by the Facility will be for ice users only - At the present time, the dressing rooms and showers are not available Physical Distancing During Ice Sessions All participants are expected to follow all physical distancing rules as provided by the Town of Ajax and the OMHA. The COVID representative for each ice slot (Team Manager) will be monitoring physical distancing along with the coaching staff. Coaches will be requested to report any issues with respect to non-compliance to the Association. It is the responsibility of the players to maintain social distance on the ice at all times during practices and/or games. This can be found in the Hockey Canada entitled Return to Hockey Safety Guidelines. The AMHA and the Town of Ajax will have “Zero Tolerance” of any participant, parent/guardian, volunteer or coaching staff that does not adhere to the rules and regulations. Page 3
Physical Distancing During Practices - Coaches are to wear masks at all times unless they are on the ice (NO EXCEPTIONS) - There is to always be a COVID representative (Team Manager) present at all ice times. This will be an individual who does not go on the ice - Coaches will bring their own equipment and sanitize same regularly as required - Coaches are responsible to have a social distancing practice plan - Coaches are required to keep all players socially distanced on the ice - Coaches need to be aware of signs if a participant becomes sick while on the ice - Coaches are required to have the players off the ice at the end of their designated time to allow for sanitization and leaving the facility before the next ice user is to enter the facility Arrival at the Facility - Arrival for each assigned time slot is 10 minutes prior to slot. The Coach/COVID representative will be responsible for meeting the group at their Town designated entrance and enter together. - The Coach/COVID representative will verbally ask the participants and then fill in the Health screening questionnaire (attached) - The Coach/COVID representative will also take attendance for tracking using the OHF session participation tracking form (attached) - The COVID representative will collect the names and contact phone # for each spectator (following provincial government protocols of the max 50 protocols) - Currently, the Town of Ajax is allowing 1 parent/spectator per player (no siblings) in any specific rink who will sit in the stands marked for social distancing - Ice permits will need to be presented by the Coach/COVID representative to Town staff by each ice user group along with ID, each time, to confirm that they are the assigned user (no ice swapping, trading, selling etc.). This will keep aligned with OHF policies for tracking and tracing - Masks must be worn by everyone who enters the Facility and be left on until the participant goes on the ice - Masks must be provided by the participants and parents/guardians/spectators - Sanitize your hands at the sanitizing station - Players must come dressed with the exception of skates and hockey helmet Departure from the Facility - All participants and parents/guardians/spectators must depart the arena within 10 minutes after the contracted ice time - All participants and parents/guardians/spectators will exit the rink by following the arrows on the floor that lead the doors marked “Exit” - Players will not be allowed to completely undress in the arena Requirements for Parents/Guardians at the Facility - Currently each player will be allowed only one parent/guardian - There will be no in/out privileges - The parent/guardian must wear a mask at all times within the arena - The parent/guardian must provide their contact information to the COVID representative (Team Manager) to allow for contact tracing Page 4
If a Participant Becomes Sick On the Ice - The player must advise the Coach and COVID representative immediately - The player must leave the ice surface immediately and put on their mask - Anyone assisting the player must also wear a mask - The player will immediately leave the Facility - The player will follow local isolation requirements as mandated by the Durham Public Health Unit - The AMHA will inform the Town of Ajax Director of Recreation and the Facility Manager - A member from the committee will keep in contact with the player and/or the player’s parent/guardian and provide any communication as required to the appropriate individuals If a Participant/Spectator is Tested for COVID for being Symptomatic - The participant must stop all hockey activities and communicate the results of the test to the AMHA and follow all Durham Public Health guidelines - The AMHA will immediately notify all applicable participants (coaches, players, etc.) that were on the ice at the same time - Any participant that was in close contact with the individual (who will remain anonymous) should not participate in any hockey activities for 14 days and should follow all Durham Health Public guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing - The AMHA will inform the Town of Ajax Director of Recreation and the Facility Manager regarding the situation - The participant and/or parent/guardian will not be allowed to return to hockey activities until such time as: o A negative COVID-19 test result is received and have been symptom free for 24 hours; or o Self-isolated for 14 days if no test was conducted; or o If a positive test has been received, have self-isolated for 14 days since the onset of the symptoms and have been cleared by Durham Public Health If a Participant/Spectator Tests Positive for COVID-19 - In the event that a participant and/or parent/guardian tests positive for COVID-19, the first contact will be with the Durham Public Health unit, then to the Town of Ajax Director of Recreation - The AMHA will follow the directions of the Durham Public Health Unit and follow proper communication protocols. With direction from the Durham Public Health Unit, the AMHA will assist with contact tracing - The AMHA on the advice of the Durham Public Health Unit may assist with contact tracing using our pre-screening attendance checklist. On the advice of the Durham Public Health Unit, the AMHA may have to stop all hockey activities - With guidance from Durham Public Health Unit and maintaining the Privacy Act, the AMHA will communicate through mass distribution email to all its members about the positive result while maintaining privacy of the individual(s) in question - The participant and/or parent/guardian will not be allowed to participate in any hockey activities for at least 14 days and will not be allowed to return to hockey activities until cleared by Durham Public Health Page 5
Screening and Tracing Documents - All participants should do the Self-Assessment for COVID-19 on the Ontario Ministry of Health website and if the participant does not pass the assessment, they should not attend until the assessment is passed and the participant does not have signs of COVID- 19 - If a participant or a parent/guardian is not feeling well or showing signs of COVID-19 they must advise the Coach or COVID representative that they will not be attending and immediately following the steps as outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Health - All participants will be required to complete a screening questionnaire before they enter the Facility EVERY time they attend - All participants must provide attendance EVERY time they attend the Facility. This will occur before they enter the Facility - Any participant that may be on the ice multiple times in the same day, MUST have their name appear on all attendance lists that they participate in for tracing purposes Coaches/COVID Representative Meeting - The AMHA intends to hold a meeting for all coaches and their COVID representative (Team Manager) within the first month of hockey operations resuming; preferably before the hockey season starts (time permitting) - Email communication will be provided to all Coaches before the season starts to provide detailed information of responsibilities and expectations Parents Meeting - A parents’ meeting will be held before the first on ice session in a socially distant environment (parking lot) to discuss: o Welcome Back to Hockey o What to expect moving forward o Advise/remind parents of the valuable information that will be posted on the AMHA’s website o This Plan was put together with the assistance and direction of the Provincial Government, Durham Public Health Unit and AMHA’s governing bodies in order to return to hockey in a safe manner o Given the fluidity of the COVID situation, it is important to be patient and flexible o Expectations of the Parents: Parents will not bring their players to hockey if they show any signs of illness Parents must make sure the pre-screening questionnaire is completed before each scheduled ice time Parents will have completed the Medical Questionnaire form (before first ice time only) Parents must understand that if they do not provide all necessary information complete all forms as required, their player will not be allowed to participate until such time as it has been completed Be familiar with the Facility’s guidelines Talk with your player and explain hygiene, not sharing items, no contact and no horseplay Masks must be properly worn unless the player is on the ice Page 6
Ajax Minor Hockey Association Return to Play start Oct 13, 2020 - AMHA will run a tiered in-house (HL) program with no physical contact. In the event that there are insufficient numbers in any one division, then that division will become a blended in-house (HL) program. - Rosters will consist of 9 players and 1 dedicated goalie (10 players per team) and will play in a bubble which will be limited to 50 (5 teams). Players will not cross bubbles once they have been assigned. - Each bench will have a certified Coach and a certified Trainer only on the bench; both will be required to wear a face mask - With the exception of Midget and Juvenile divisions (1 game), all teams will have 1 practice and 1 game per week. - Game format will be 3-on-3 or 4-on-4 non-contact (will follow 3x3 and/or 4x4 rules as set out in the OHF Return to Play) - Each game will have only 1 referee - There will be no face-offs after a goal is scored Page 7
ONTARIO HOCKEY FEDERATION Health Screening Questionnaire This questionnaire must be completed by each individual prior to participation in each on-ice or off-ice activity. This questionnaire may be completed verbally. Are you currently experiencing any of these issues? Call 911 if you are. 1. Severe difficulty breathing (struggling for each breath, can only speak in single words) 2. Severe chest pain (constant tightness or crushing sensation) 3. Feeling confused or unsure of where you are 4. Losing consciousness If you are in any of the following at risk groups, we ask that you speak with your physician prior to participating. 1. 70 years old or older 2. Getting treatment that compromises (weakens) your immune system (for example, chemotherapy, medication for transplants, corticosteroids, TNF inhibitors) 3. Having a condition that compromises (weakens) your immune system (for example, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, heart condition) 4. Regularly going to a hospital or health care setting for a treatment (for example, dialysis, surgery, cancer treatment) The answer to all questions must be “No” in order to participate in any and all activity. 1. Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? Do you have a fever? (Feeling hot to the touch, a temperature of 37.8C or higher) Yes No Chills Yes No Cough that’s new or worsening (continuous, more than usual) Yes No Barking cough, making a whistling noise when breathing (croup) Yes No Shortness of breath (out of breath, unable to breathe deeply) Yes No
ONTARIO HOCKEY FEDERATION Health Screening Questionnaire Sore throat Yes No Difficulty swallowing Yes No Runny nose, sneezing or nasal congestion (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes or conditions) Yes No Lost sense of taste or smell Yes No Pink eye (conjunctivitis) Yes No Headache that’s unusual or long lasting Yes No Digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain) Yes No Muscle aches Yes No Extreme tiredness that is unusual (fatigue, lack of energy) Yes No Falling down often Yes No For young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite Yes No
ONTARIO HOCKEY FEDERATION Health Screening Questionnaire For the remaining questions, close physical contact means: Being less than 2 metres away in the same room, workspace, or area for over 15 minutes Living in the same home 2. In the last 14 days, have you been in close physical contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19? Close physical contact means: Yes No 3. In the last 14 days, have you been in close physical contact with a person who either: Is currently sick with a new cough, fever, or difficulty breathing; OR Returned from outside of Canada in the last 2 weeks? Yes No 4. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days? Yes No If an individual has answered “Yes” to any of these questions, they are not permitted to participate in any on-ice or off-ice activities. Please note: This Health Screening questionnaire has been developed based on the Ontario Ministry of Health Self-Assessment Tool (June 17, 2020).
ONTARIO HOCKEY FEDERATION Session Participation Tracking All participants/coaches/instructors are expected to complete Health Screening prior to each participation in on-ice activity. The Health Screening may be completed verbally. By indicating YES in the chart below, you confirm that this Health Screening was passed. The expectation is that a tracking sheet must exist for each on-ice session to facilitate contact tracing in the event of a COVID-19 exposure. Session Location Ice Pad Date Time Name of each individual included in this Contact Phone Number Health Screening Pass session Please list all coaches, (Yes or No) instructors and participants 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
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