Page created by Jennifer Lyons
Financial Statements
Etats financiers


December 31,2019
au d6cembre 31 2019

Table of contents to the Financial Statements                          Table des matiires aux 6tats financiers

December 31. 2019                                                      au dEcembre 31 2019


lndependent Auditor's RePort                                    1      Rapport du v6riflcateur ind6pendent

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position                    3      Etat consolid6 de la situation financidre

Consolidated Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in             Etat consolid6 des revenus, d6penses et 6volution du solde des
Fund Balances                                                   4      fonds

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                            5      Etat consolid6 des flux de tr6sorerie

Statement of Financial Position Restricted Funds                6      Etat de la sltuation financidre des fonds affect6s

Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances,           Etat des revenus, d6penses et 6volution du solde des fonds, Fonds
Restricted Funds                                                 7     affect6s

Notes to Financial Statements                                   8-14   Notes compl6mentaires

               UMCTIS CPA

  INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT                                                      RAPPORT DU VERFICATEUR INDEPENDANT

  To the Members of                                                                 Aux membres du
  CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY                                                     SOCIETE MATHEMATIQUE DU CANADA

  Report on the Audit ofthe Financial Statements                                    Rapport sur le v6rification des 6tats financiers

  Opinion                                                                       0pinion
  I have audited the financial statements of Canadian Mathematical              J'ai effectu6 l"audit des 6tats              financiers   de la       Soci6t6
  Society, which comprise the statement of financial position as at             Mathematique du Canada, qui comprennent I'etat de la situation
  December 31, 2019 and 2018 and the statements of changes in net               financidre au 31 d6cembre 2019 et 2018 et les 6tats de l'dvolution de
 assets, operations and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to        I'actif net, des r6sultats et des flux de tr6sorerie pour I'exercice termin6 d
 the flnancial statements, including a summary of significant accounting        cefte date, ainsi que les notes annexes, y compris le r6sum6 des
 policies,                                                                      principales m6lhodes comptables

 ln my opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly,     in    A   mon avis, les 6tats financiers ci-joints donnent, dans tous leurs
 all material respects, the financial position of the organization as     at    aspects significatifs, une image fiddle de la situation financidre de
 December 31, 2019 and 2018 and of its results of operations and its            l'organization au 31 d6cembre 2019 et 2018 ainsi que de sa
 cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian                 performance financidre et de ses flux de tr6sorerie consolid6s pour les
 accounting standards for notfor-profi t organizations.                         exercices clos d ces dates, conform6ment aux aux normes comptables
                                                                                pour les organismes sans but lucratif canadiens.

 Basis for Opinion                                                              Fondement de l'opinion
 I conducted my audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted            J'ai effectu6 mon audit conform6ment aux normes d'audit g6n6ralement
auditing standards. My responsibilities under those standards are further       reconnues du Canada. Les responsabilit6s qui m'incombent en vertu de
described in the Audriorb Responsrbl/ltres for the Audit of the Financial       ces normes sont plus            amplement d6crites        dans   la   section
Statements section of my report. I am independent of the organization in       Responsab/lf6s de l'auditeur d l'6gard de I'audit des 6tats financiers du
accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to my audit of      pr6sent rapport. Je suis ind6pendant de l'entit6 conform6ment aux
the flnancial statements in Canada, and I have fulfilled my other ethical      rdgles de ddontologie qui s'appliquent d I'audit des 6tats financiers au
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. I believe that the     Canada,       et je me suis     acquitt6   des autres responsabilites         qui
audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a      m'incombent selon ces rdgles. J'estime que les 6l6ments probants que
basis for my opinion.                                                          j'ai obtenu sont suffisants et appropri6s pourfonder mon opinion d'audit.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with                          Responsabilit6 de la direction et des responsables de la
Governance for the Financial Statements                                        gouvernance  i l'6gard des 6tats financiers
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of         La direction est responsable de la pr6paration et de la pr6sentation fiddle
the financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounling                des 6tats flnanciers conform6ment aux normes comptables pour les
standards for notfor-profit organizations, and for such internal control as    organismes sans but lucratif canadiens, ainsi que du contrdle interne
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of                qu'elle considdre c0mme n6cessaire pour permettre la pr6paration
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether         d'6tats financiers exempts d'anomalies significatives, que celles-ci
due to fraud or enor.                                                          r6sultent de fraudes ou d'erreurs.

ln preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for           Lors de la pr6paration des 6tats financiers, c'est d la direction qu'il
assessing the organization's ability to continue as a going concern,           incombe d'6valuer la capacit6 de l'entit6 d poursuivre son exploitation,
disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the      de communiquer, le cas 6ch6ant, les questions relatives d la continuit6
going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to          de I'exploitation et d'appliquer le principe comptable de continuit6
liquidate the organization or to cease operations, or has no realistic         d'exploitation, sauf si la direction a I'intention de liquider I'entit6 ou de
alternative but to do so.                                                      cesser son activit6 ou si aucune autre solution r6aliste ne s'offre d elle.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the               ll    incombe aux responsables       de la   gouvernance   de surveiller      le
organizalion's financial reporting process.                                    processus d'information flnancidre de I'entit6.
Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements               Responsabilit6s     de I'auditeur i l'€gard de l'audit des               6tats
My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the                 Mes objectifs sont d'obtenir l'assurance raisonnable que les 6tats
financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,               financiers pris dans leur ensemble sont exempts d'anomalies
whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audito/s report that                significatives, que celles-ci r6sultent de fraudes ou d'eneurs, et de
includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,            d6livrer un rapport de l'auditeur contenant mon opinion. L'assurance
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with                  raisonnable conespond d un niveau 6lev6 d'assurance, qui ne garantit
Canadian generally accepted auditing standards will always detect a                toutefois pas qu'un audit r6alis6 conform6ment aux normes d'audit
material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud           g6n6ralement reconnues du Canada permettra toujours de d6tecter
or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate'         toute anomalie significative qui pounait exister. Les anomalies peuvent
they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions              r6sulter de fraudes ou d'eneurs et elles sont consid6r6es comme
of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an           significatives lorsqu'il est raisonnable de s'attendre    ce que,i
audit in   accordance    with Canadian generally accepted     auditing             individuellement ou collectivement, elles puissent influer sur les
standards, I exercise professional judgment and maintain professional              d6cisions 6conomiques que les utilisateurs des 6tats financiers prennent
skepticism throughoutthe audit. I also:                                                                                         le
                                                                                   en se fondant sur ceux-ci. Dans cadre d'un audit r6alis6
                                                                                   conform6ment aux normes d'audit g6n6ralement reconnues du Canada,
                                                                                   ,i'exerge mon
                                                                                                 jugement professionnel et fait preuve d'esprit critique lout
                                                                                   au long de cet audit. En outre   :

    ldentify and assess the risks          of material   misstatement   of   the       J'identifie et 6value les risques que les 6tats financiers comportent
    financial statements, whether due        to fraud or error, design       and       des anomalies significatives, que celles-ci r6sultent de fraudes ou
    perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit               d'erreurs, conqois et mets en oeuvre des proc6dures d'audit en
    evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my              r6ponse d ces risques, et rdunis des 6l6ments probants suffisants et
    opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting               appropri6s pour fonder mon opinion. Le risque de non-d6tection
    from fraud is higher than for one resulting from enor, as fraud may                d'une anomalie significative r6sultant d'une fraude est plus 6lev6
    involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations,             que celui d'une anomalie significative r6sultant d'une eneur, car la
    or the override of internal control,                                               fraude peut impliquer la collusion, la falsification, les omissions
                                                                                       volontaires, les fausses d6clarations ou le contournement du
                                                                                       contr6le interne.

    Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in               J'acqu6re une compr6hension des 6l6ments du contrOle interne
    order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the                       pertinents pour I'audit afin de concevoir des proc6dures d'audit
    circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on                 appropri6es aux circonstances, et non dans le but d'exprimer une
    the effectiveness of the organization's internal control.                           opinion sur I'efficacit6 du contrOle interne de I'entit6.

     Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the                   J'appr6cie   le    caractdre appropri6       des m6thodes       comptables

     reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures                     retenues et le caractdre raisonnable des estimations comptables
     made by management.                                                                faites par la direction, de m6me que des informations y affdrentes
                                                                                        fournies par cette dernidre.

     Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going                   Je tire une conclusion quant au caractdre appropri6 de I'utilisation
     concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence                       par la direction du principe comptable de continuit6 d'exploitation et,
     obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or               selon les 6l6ments probants obtenus, quant          i
                                                                                                                                          I'existence ou non
     conditions that may cast significant doubt on the organization's                   d'une incertitude significative li6e d des 6v6nements ou situations
     ability to continue as a going concern. lf I conclude that a material              susceptibles de jeter un doute important sur la capacit6 de I'entit6 d
     uncertainty exists, I am required to draw attention in my audito/s                 poursuivre son exploitation. Si je conclus d l'existence d'une
     repor( to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if               incertitude signiflcative, je suis tenu d'attirer I'attention des lecteurs
     such disclosures are inadequate, to modify my opinion. My                          de mon rapport sur les informations fournies dans les 6tats
     conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date                financiers au sujet de cette incertitude ou, si ces informations ne
     of my auditois report. However, future events or conditions may                    sont pas ad6quates, d'exprimer une opinion modifi6e. Mes
     cause the organization to cease to continue as a going concern.                    conclusions s'appuient sur les 6l6ments probants obtenus iusqu'd la
                                                                                        date de mon rapport. Des 6v6nements ou situations futurs
                                                                                        pounaient par ailleurs amener I'entitd d cesser son exploitation.

     Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the                    J'6value la pr6sentation d'ensemble, la structure et le contenu des
     flnancial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the                   6tats financiers, y compris les informations fournies dans les notes,
     financial statements represent        the underlying transactions and              et appr6cie si les 6tats flnanciers reprdsentent les op6rations et
     events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.                                6v6nements sous-.jacents d'une manidre propre d donner une image

 I communicate with those charged with governance regarding,            among       Je communique aux responsables de la gouvernance notamment
 other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant           l'6tendue et le calendrier prdvus des travaux d'audit et mes
 audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control         constatations importantes, y compris toute d6ficience importante du
 that I identifo during my audit.                                                   contr0le interne que j'aurais relev6e au cours de mon audit.

                                                                                     rft#asl,{p           {&4
 Ottawa, Ontario                                                                    Numeris CPA Professional Corporation
 April2,2020                                                                        Licensed Public Accountant
 Le 2 avril 2020                                                                    Comptable sous license publique
Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                              Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada
  Consolidated Statement of Financial Position                                                                        Etat consolid6 de la situation financidre
  as at December 31,2019                                                                                                                       au d6cembre 31 2019

                                                                                      Funds /
                                             Operalions Fund Legacy Fund      / Soldes des
                                                      /   Fonds     Fonds   de         Fond
                                                d'adminstration     l'h6ritaoe        Affect6s         Total      Total

                                                                                                       2019       2018
  ASSETS                                                                                                                   ACTIF
  CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                                           ACTIF A COURT TERME
  Cash                                      $    713,593      $                  $                  $ 713,s93 $ 148,905    Encaisse
  Short{erm investments (note 4)                 140,402                                              140,402 62,012       Placements ir court terme (notes 4)
 Accounts receivable                             308,588                                              308,588    276,650   D6biteurs
 Due to (from) specified fund                                                                                              Soldes interfonds
 Prepaid expenses                                    87,265                                            87,265     79,939   Frais pav6s d'avance
                                             1,249,848                                       -      1,249,848    567,506
 lnvestments (note 3)                            1   04,679       1,202,400          1,207   ,619   2,514,698   2,143,410 Placements (note     3)
 Caoital assets (note 8)                             79,303                              -             79.303     92.490   lmmobillsations (note 8)

                                            $1,433,830 $1,202,400 $1,207,619                      $3,843,849 $2,803,406

 LIABILITIES                                                                                                               PASSIF
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                                       PASSIF A COURT TERME
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   $   436,960       $               $                   $ 436,960 $    278,456 Cr6diteursetchargesdpayer
 Defened revenue (note 9)                       744,624                                              744.624     484.4 70 Revenus reoort6s (note 9)

                                             1.181.584                                              1,181.584    762.926
 FUND BALANCES                                  252.246           1.202.400                  .619 2.662.265     2.040.480 SOLDES DES FONDS
                                            $1,433,830 $1,202.400             $1.207.619 $3.843.849 $2.803.406

ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD:                                                                                               AU NOM DU CONSEIL:

                  President                                                                                           P16sident

                 Treasurer                                                                                           Trdsorier

See accompanying notes / Voir les notes compl6mentaires                                                                                                          3
Ganadian Mathematical SocietY                                                                                                              Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada

Gonsolidated Statement of Revenue, Expenses                                                                                           Etat consolid6 des revenus, d6penses

and Changes in Fund Balances                                                                                                                 et 6volution du solde des fonds

for the year ended December 31, 2019                                                                                     pour I'exercice termin6 le 31 d6cembre 2019

                                                                                       Funds /
                                        Operations Fund Legacy Fund              / Soldes des
                                            /Fonds        Fonds           de            Fond
                                        d'adminstration              I'h6ritaqe        Affect6s        Total              Total

                                                                                                        2019              2018

REVENUE                                                                                                                                   REVENUS

Donations                               $            35,54e      $                 $         $ 135,699 $
                                                                                        100,150                            35,393 Dons

Dividend, interest and other income                   3,673            29,098            27,170 59,941                     73,064 Dividendes, int6rdts et autres revenus

Gain on sale of investments                               896          27J53             26,456 54,505                     22,717 Gain sur la vente de placements
                                                                                                                                          Gain (perte) non r6alis6 sur les
                                                                                                                                          placements caus6 par les fluctuations du
Unrealized gain (loss) on investments
due to change in market value                            7,645         87,81   1         80,890        1   76,346         (94,473) marche

Grants                                           273,251                                               273,251            430,627 Subventions

Membership fees                                  '163,703                                              163,703            155,830 Cotisations des membres

Registration fees and other sales                437,808                                               437,808            476,675 lnscriptions et autres ventes

Subscriptions and publications                   484,950                                               484,950            690,758 Abonnements et publications

Foreign exchange                                          480                                                 480             (2,306) Devises 6trangdres

Services, advertising and sales                      15,998                                                15,998             26,458 Publicite et ventes promotionnelles

Other                                            128,810                                               128,810                    -       Autre

                                             1   ,552,763 144,062                       234,666    1   ,931   ,491    I ,814,7 43

EXPENSES                                                                                                                                  DEPENSES

National projects                                1   95,682                              16,008        211,690            264,114 Projets nationaux

Service fees                                             1,569          7,470              6,975           16,014             43,397      Frais de courtage

Speakers and prizes                                  42,614                                                42,614         154,450         Conf6renciers et prix

Production                                           1   1,903                                             11,903             95,51 3     Production

Promotional materials                                11,181                                                11,781             32,650      Mat6riel promotionnel

Salaries and benefits                            654,581                                               654,581            774,094 Salaires et avantages sociaux

Boards and committees                                58,333                                                58,333         1   1   5,528   Conseil d'administration et comit6s

Legal and audit                                      15,810                                                15,810             18,392      Honoraires 169aux et de v6rification

General administration                           247,858                                               247,858            449,921         Frais g6n6raux d'administration

Amortization of          assets                      39,122                                                39,122             33 254 Amortissemment des immobi llisations

                                             1.279.253                   7,470           22.983 1 .309.706            1   .981 .313

NET REVENUE         (EXPENSES)          $        273,510         $     136,592     $    211,683    $    621,785      $    (166,570) REVENUNET(DEPENSES)

Fund balances, beqinning of vear                     (21,264\        1,065,808          995,936 2,040,480 2,207,050                       Solde des           au d6but

FUND                    END oF    YEAR $         252.246 $            .202.400 $1.207.619 $2,662,265                 $2 rl4()         48t) SOLDE DES    FONDS A LA FIN

See accompanying notes / Voir les notes compl6mentaires
Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                         Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada
  Gonsolidated Statement of Cash Flows                                                                              Etat consolid6 des flux de tr6sorerie
  for the year ended December 31, 2019                                                                    pour I'exercice termin6 le 31 d6cembre 2019

                                                                  2019               2018

  OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                             ACTIV|TES D'EXPLOITATION
  Excess of revenue (expenses), Unrestricted Funds           $    410,102       $   (1   02,348)   Exc6dent des revenus (d6penses), Fonds non affect6s
  Excess of revenue (expenses), Restricted Funds                  21 1,683           (64,223)      Exc6dent des revenus (d6penses), Fonds affect6s
  Non-cash items                                                                                   El6ments hors caisse
    Amortization of capital assets                                    39,122          33,254          Amortissement des immobilisations
    (Gain) on sale of investments                                (407,1e7)           166,229          (Gain) sur la vente de placements
    Unrealized loss (gain) on investments due to change in                                           Perte (gain) non r6alis6 sur les placements caus6 par
    market value                                                  176,346            (94,473)        les fluctations de la valeur du march6
 Changes in working capital items                                                                  Variations d'616ments du fonds de roulement
    Accounts receivable                                           (31,e39)               77,911      D6biteurs
    Prepaid expenses                                                  (7,326)            54,419      Frals pay6s d'avance
    Accounls payable and accrued liabilities                      1   58,503             (e,674)     Cr6diteurs et frais courus
    Deferred revenue                                              260,1 54          (243.031 )       Aooorts reoort6s

 Cash flows from operating activities                            809,448            (181,936)      Flux de tr6sorerie li6s aux activit6s d'exploitation

 INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                                              ACTIUTES D'INVESTISSEMENT
 Acquisition of short-term investments                            (78,3e0)           (15,10e)      Acquisition de placements d court terme
 Proceeds on disposal ofshort term investments                                                     Produit de disposition de placements i court terme
 Acquisition of investments                                      (371,288)          216,769        Acquisition de placements
 Proceeds on disposal of investments                             230,851            (71,756)       Produit de disposition de placements
 Acquisition of capital assets                                   (25,934)           Q1.062\        Acouisition d'immobilisations
 Cash flows from investino activities                            Q44.761\           108.842        Flux de tr6sorerie     aux activit6s d'investissement

 INCREASE (DECREASE) lN CASH                                 $   564,687        $   (73,094)       AUGMENTATToN (DtMlNUTtoN)DE L'ENCA|SSE

 Cash. beoinnino of vear                                         '148.905           221 .999       Encaisse au d6but

CASH. END OF YEAR                                            $   713.592        $   148.90s        ENCATSSE A LA FIN

See accompanying notes / Voir les notes compl6mentaires                                                                                                      5
Ganadian Mathematical Society                                                                                                   Soci6t6 Math6matique du Ganada

Statement of Financial Position                                                                                                           Etat de la situation financidre

Restricted Funds                                                                                                                                       des fonds affect6s

as at December 31,2019                                                                                                                             au 31 d6cembre 2019

                                                      Mathematical Distinguished
                                     Endowment    Olympiads Fund Career Fund              Spearman
                                        Fund        Fonds pour Fonds Borwein                Fund
                                      Fonds de    Olympiades    dede canidre                Fonds
                                       dotation   math6matioues distinou6e                Snearman             Total         Total

                                                                                                               2019          2018

ASSETS                                                                                                                                    ACTIF

CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                                                            ACIF    A COURT TERME

Due to (from) specified fund     $                $                 $                 $                $                             17   Soldes interfonds


lnvestments (note 3)                    720,717                           106.025           100.000                .619      995.921 Placements (note 3l

                                 $      720.717   $                 $     106.025     $     '100.000   $   1        6'19 s   99s.S38

FUND BALANCES                                                                                                                              SOLDES DES FONDS

Reshicted (note 1 1)                    720.717                           106.025 100.000                  1,207 61          995.936 Affect6s (note     1

                                 $      720.717   $       280.877   $     ',106,025   $     100.000    $   1.207.619    $    995,936

See accompanying notes / Voir les notes compl6mentaires
Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                                             Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada
  Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes                                                                                       Etat des revenus, d6penses et 6volution
  in Fund Balances, Restricted Funds                                                                                                  des soldes des fonds, fonds affect6s
  for the year ended December 31, 2019                                                                                     pour I'exercice termin6 le 31 d6cembre 2019

                                                               Mathematical Distinguished
                                              Endowment     0lympiads Fund Career Fund           Spearman
                                                 Fund        Fonds pour Fonds Bonvein              Fund
                                               Fonds de     Olympiades   de
                                                                          de cani0re               Fonds
                                                dotation    math6matioues distinou6e             Snearman          Tolal              Total

                                                                                                                  2019                2018

 REVENUE                                                                                                                                           REVENUS

 Donations                                $          150   $                 $               $     100,000   $     100,150                  270    Dons

 Dividends, interest and other income             17,821             6,778           2,571          -               27,170             32,133 Dividendes, int6rdts et autres revenus
 Gain on sale of investments                      17.775             6,267           2,414          -               26,456             1   1,608   Gain sur la vente de placements
                                                                                                                                                   Gain (perte) non r6alis6 sur les
 Unrealized gain (loss) on investements                                                                                                            placements causd par les fluctuations
 due to chanoe in market value                   52,635             20.512          7.743                           80.8S0                         de la valeur du march6

                                                 88,381 33,557 12,728 100,000                                     234,666                   328

 EXPENSES                                                                                                                                          DEPENSES

 Projects                                        16,008                                                             16,008             53,156 Projets
 Prizes                                                                                                                                 4,691      Prix

 Services fees                                    4,575              1,740            660                            6.975                         Frais de courtaqe

                                                 20,583              1,740            660                           22.983

 NET REVENUE (EXPENSES}                   $      67,798 $          31,8'17 $       12,068    $    100,000    $    211,683 $           (64,225) REVENU NET pEPENSES)
 Fund balances. beoinnino of vear               652,919           249,060          93,957                         995.936           1.060.1 61 Solde des fonds au d6but

 FUND BALANCES. END OF         YEAR       $     720,717    $      280.877    $    106.025    $    100.000    $   1 207   61e   S                   SOLDE DES FONDS A LA FIN

See accompanying notes / Voir les notes compl6mentaires                                                                                                                               7
Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                         Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada

Notes to Financial Statements                                                                                                      Notes compl6mentaires

December 31,20'19                                                                                                                    au 31 d6cembre 2019

1. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANIZATION                                                 DESCRIPTION DE L'ORGANISME
The Canadian Mathematical Society (the Society, CMS) is a non-profit             La Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada (la Societe, SMC) est un organisme
organization incorporated without share capital under Part ll of the             sans but lucratif constitu6 sans capital-action selon la Partie ll de la Loi
Canada Corporations Act to promote and advance the discovery, learning           sur les corporations canadiennes. La Soci6t6 vise ir promouvoir la
and application of mathematics. The Canadian Mathematical Society is a           recherche, d aider et am6liorer l'enseignement et d encourager le
registered charitable organization for purposes of the lncome Tax Act and        d6veloppement        et la   formation     en   math6matiques.       La   Soci6t6
is not subject to income tax.                                                    Mathdmatique du Canada est un organisme de charit6 au sens de la Loi
                                                                                 de I'impOt sur le revenu.

2. ACCOUNTING POLICIES                                                           2. CONVENTIONS COMPTABLES
The financial statements have been prepared              in accordance with      Les 6tats financiers sont pr6par6s conform6ment aux normes comptables
Canadian accounting standards         for   not-for-profit organizations and     canadiennes pour les organismes sans but lucratif et tiennent compte des
include the following significant accounling policies:                           principales conventions comptables suivantes:

Financial assets and liabilities                                                 Actifs et passifs financiers
Financial assets and liabilities are measured and recognized as follows:         Les actifs et les passifs financiers sont 6valu6s et comptabilis6s comme il
                                                                                 est d6crit ci-aprds:

Cash and investments:                                                            L'encaisse et les placements:
Cash and investments are measured at their fair value with changes in            L'encaisse et les placements sont mesur6s d leur juste valeur marchande
fair value being recognized in the statement of operations.                      avec variations de valeur marchande sont reconnues               i
                                                                                                                                                l'6tat des

Loans and receivables and otherflnancial liabilities:                            Prdts et cr6ances et autres passifs financiers:
Accounts receivable are classified as loans and receivables and are              Les ddbiteurs sont classifi6s en tant que prdts et cr6ances et sont
measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method (including        mesur6s au co0t amorti en utilisant la m6thode du taux d'intdrdt effectif
any impairment). Accounts payable and accrued liabilities are classified         (en incluant toute d6prdciation). Les crdditeurs et frais courus sont
as other financial liabilities and are measured at amortized cost using the      classifids comme autres passifs financiers et sont mesur6s au co0t amorti
effective interest method.                                                       en utilisant la m6thode du taux d'int6rdt effectif.

Cash and cash equivalents                                                        Tr6sorerie et 6quivalents de tr6sorerie
The Society's policy is to present cash and investments having a term of         La politique de la Soci6t6 est de pr6senter encaisse et les placements
under one yearfrom the acquisition date with cash and cash equivalents.          d'une dur6e de moins d'un an ir partir de la date d'acquisition avec sa
                                                                                 tr6sorerie et 6quivalents de tr6sorerie.

Estimates and assumptions                                                        Pr6visions et hypothdses
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make              La pr6paration des 6tats financiers exige que la direction fasse des
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and           prdvisions et des hypothdses qui affecteront le montant d6clar6 de I'actif
liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of    et du passif ainsi qu'une pr6sentation d'informations annexes sur l'actif et
the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and                  le passif 6ventuels et sur les montants ddclar6s des revenus et d6penses
expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differfrom these         au cours de la p6riode visde. Les r6sultats r6els pounaient Otre diff6rents
estimates.                                                                        de ces estimalions.

Fund accounting                                                                   Comptabilit6 parfonds
The Society follows the restricted fund method of accounting for                  La Soci6t6 applique la m6thode de la comptabilit6 parfonds affect6s pour
contributions.                                                                    comptabiliser les apports.

Revenue and expenses related to Advancement, Learning, Discovery and              Revenus      et   ddpenses reli6s   d I'advancement,      l'apprentissage, de
Application activities are reported in the Operations Fund.                       d6couverte et des activit6s d'application sont comptabilis6s dans le Fonds

Any amount in excess of $75,000 in the Operations Fund balance at the             A la fin de   I'exercice, tout montant exc6dant $75,000 dans             le   Fonds
end of the flnancial period is transferred to the Legacy Fund as a special        d'administration est transf6r6 au Fonds de l'h6ritage d titre de contribution
contribution. ln extraordinary circumstances, and as approved by the              spdciale. Dans des circonstances extraordinaires, et tel qu'approuv6 par
Board of Directors, an appeal may be made to the Legacy Fund for a                le Conseil d'administration, un transfe( peut 6tre affect6 du Fonds de
contribution to alleviate a deficit in the Operations Fund balance.               I'h6ritage afin d'all69er un d6ficit dans le Fonds d'administration.

Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                      Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada
  Notes to Financial Statements                                                                                                  Notes compl6mentaires
  December 31,20'19                                                                                                                 au 31 d6cembre 2019

  The Endowment Fund records bequests and other contributions. From             Les legs et les dons affectds sont comptabilis6s dans le Fonds de
  time to time, the Society's Board of Directors will approve projects to be    dotation. De temps d autre, le Conseil d'administration de la Soci6t6
  supported from income earned on investments.                                  approuve des projets qui seront financ6s par les revenus gagn6s sur les

  The Mathematical Olympiads Fund, established by means of a donation                                                                         i
                                                                                Le Fonds pour les Olympiades de math6matiques, cr66 partir d'un don
 from the OIM '1995 lM0 Corporation, receives bequests and other                de la soci6t6 OlM 1995 lMO, reqoit des legs et autres apports qui sont
 contributions restricted for support of the Mathematical Olympiads             affect6s au programme des Olympiades de math6matiques au Canada.
 program in Canada. Each year, a portion ofthe income is used to support        Chaque ann6e, une partie des revenus est affectde au linancement de
 these activities.                                                              ces activit6s.

 The Bonrein Distinguished Career Fund is the result of a pledge from the       Le Fonds Boruvein de carridre distingu6e r6sulte d'un engagement
 Borwein Family to create an endowment fund for a Distinguished Career          provenant de la famille Borwein afin de cr6er un Fonds de dotation pour
 Award, which recognizes exceptional, broad and continued contributions         un prix de      carridre distingude      qui   reconnait des contributions
 to Canadian mathematics.                                                       exceplionnelles,      vastes   et   continues pour      les       mathdmatiques

 The Spearman Fund is the result of a donation from the Spearman Family         Le fonds Spearman est 6tabli d la suite d'un don de la famille Spearman
 to create an endowment funds that will support the CMS Doctoral Prize.         pour la crdation d'un fonds de dotation qui finance le Prix de doctorat de
 ln consideration of this generous donation, the CMS is renaming it the         la SMC. Afin de reconnaitre la g6n6rosit6 de la famille Spearman, la SMC
 CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize and increasing the monetary value of         changera le nom de ce prix au Prix de doctorat Blair-Spearman de la
 the prize.                                                                     SMC tout en augmentant sa valeur mon6taire.

 Revenue recognition                                                           Constatation des produits
 Restricted contributions related to general operations are recognized as      Les apports affect6s aux activit6s de fonctionnement sont constat6s d
 revenue ofthe Operations Fund, in the year in which the related expenses      titre de produits du Fonds d'administration dans I'exercice au cours
 are incuned. All other restricted contributions are recognized as revenue     duquel les charges connexes sont engag6es. Tous les autres apports
 of the appropriate restricted funds,                                          affect6s sont constat6s d titre de produits des fonds affect6s appropri6s.

 Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue of the Operations        Les apports non affect6s sont constat6s d titre de produits du Fonds
 Fund in the year received or receivable, if the amount to be received can     d'administration au cours de I'exercice otr ils sont regus ou d recevoir si le
 be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.                 montant d recevoir peut faire I'objet d'une estimation raisonnable et que
                                                                               sa perception est raisonnablement assur6e.

lnvestment transactions are recorded       on the transaction date and         Les op6rations de placements sont comptabilis6es d la date de l'op6ration
resulting revenues are recognized using the accrual basis. Dividends are       et les revenus qui en ddcoulent sont constat6s selon la m6thode de la
recognized as of the ex-dividend date. Transaction costs related to the        comptabilit6 d'exercice. Les dividendes sont constatds d compter de la
acquisitions and disposals of investments are included in the cost of the      date ex-dividende. Les frais de transaction associ6s d I'acquisition ou d la
investments acquired or treated as a reduction of the proceeds on the          cession de placements sont compris dans le co0t des placements acquis
disposal of investments,                                                       ou sont trait6s comme r6duction du produit de la cession de placements.

Contributed supplies and seryices                                              Apport de fournitures et services
The Society recognizes contributed supplies and services when the fair         La Soci6t6 reconnait les apports de fournitures et services lorsque           la
value of these contributions can be reasonably estimated and if it would       juste valeur de ces apports peut faire l'objet d'une estimation raisonnable
have had to othbnivise acquire these supplies and services for its normal      et qu'elle aurait d0 acqu6rir ces fournitures et services dans le cadre ses
operations.                                                                    activitds courantes.

Membership, subscription and registration fees                                 Revenus de cotisations, d'abonnements at inscriptions
Membership and subscription fees are calendar-year based. They are             Les revenus de cotisations et d'abonnements sont 6tablis sur la base de
recognized when received or receivable if the amount to be received can        I'ann6e civile. lls sont enregistr6s lorsqu'ils sont regus ou d recevoir, si le
be reasonably estimated and collection reasonably assured. Registration        montant peut faire I'objet d'une estimation raisonnable et que sa
fees are recorded in the periods in which the events take place.               perception est raisonnablement assur6e. Les frais d'inscdptions sont
                                                                               enregistr6s dans l'exercice au cours duquel l'6v6nement a eu lieu.

Life membership fees are recorded as defened revenues in the year that         Les frais d'abonnements A vie sont comptabilis6s comme revenus durant
they are received or receivable, if the amounts to be received can be          l'ann6e qu'ils sont regus ou d recevoir, si le montant peut faire l'objet
reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.                     d'une estimation raisonnable et que sa perception est raisonnablement

Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                                        Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada

Notes to Financial Statements                                                                                                                    Notes compl6mentaires

December 31,2019                                                                                                                                     au 31 d6cembre 2019

Publications                                                                              Publications
The Society publishes journals, bulletins and other works. As their                       La Soci6td publie des journaux, bulletins et autre documents. Aucune
eventual sale is unpredictable, no year-end valuation is made in                          valeur n'a 6t6 attribu6e au stock de publications invendues la fin de     i
recognition of any unsold stocks.                                                         l'exercice puisque la vente de ces publications est incertaine.

Capital assets                                                                            lmmobilisations
Capital assets are recorded at cost. Amortization is provided on a straight               Les immobilisations sont comptabilisdes au co0t. La m6thode
line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset ranging from 48 to 60              d'amortissement lin6aire est utilis6e sur la dur6e de vie utile de
months.                                                                                   I'immobilisation variant de 48       i   60 mois.

Forei gn currency translation                                                             Conversion des devises 6trangdres
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into                        Les transactions libell6es en devises 6trangdres sont converties en
Canadian dollars at the rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the                  dollars canadiens au taux            de change en vigueur          i   la date de   la

transactions. Account balances denominated in foreign currencies are                      transaction. Les soldes de comptes libell6s en devises 6trangdres sont
translated at the rates in effect at year-end.                                            convertis en dollars canadiens au taux de change en cours d la fin de

3. INVESTMENTS                                                                            3. PLACEMENTS

                                                              2019                                   2018

                                                 MarketValue           Cost           Valeur    March6        Cout

Unrestricted Funds                                                                                                                   Fonds non-affect6s
0perations Fund                                                                                                                      Fonds d'adminstration
  Bonds                                          $     51,728      $       47,152     $        47,294    $         47,692             Obligations
  Canadian Equities                                     14,2',19           12,961               9,774               9,452             Actions canadiennes
  Global Equities                                        4,803              4,378               2,562                  2,456          Actions globales
  Short Term                                            31,558             28,766              18,637              1   8,687          Court terme
  Equities                                               2,370              1,654               3.414                  1,654          Actions
                                                      104,678 94,911 81,681                                        79,941

Legacy Funds                                                                                                                         Fonds de l'h6ritage
  Bonds                                          $    337,095      $   307,273        $       329,741    $    332,516                  Obligations
  Canadian Equities                                   182,958          166,772                151,260         146,279                 Actions canadiennes
  Global Equities                                     391,019          356,426                419,543         402,076                  Actions globales
  Short Term                                          291329           265,556                1 65.264        1  65.707                Court terme
                                                     1.202.401 1.096,027 I 065.808                           '1.046.578

Total Unrestricted Funds                             1.307.079 1.190.938 147 489          1                   .126.5'19              Totalfondsnon-affect6s

Restricted Funds                                                                                                                     Fonds affect6s
Endowment Fund                                                                                                                       Fonds de dotation
  Bonds                                                203,218         1   85,240             203,1 88        204,897                  Obligations
  Canadian Equities                                    108,665             99,052              91,644              88,626              Actions canadiennes
  Global Equities                                      233,633         2',12,964              256,251         245,584                  Actions globales
  Sho( Term                                            175,201         159,701                101 ,836         1   02,1 09             Coud terme
                                                       720,717 656,957 652,919                                 641,216

                                                                                                                                     Fonds pour Olympiades de
Mathematical Olympiads Fund                                                                                                          math6matiques
  Bonds                                                 79,093             72,096              77,377              78,028             0bligations
  Canadian Equities                                     42,45',1           38,695              35,066              33,911             Actions canadiennes
  Global Equities
                                                        gl,176             83,1 10             97,824              93,750              Actions globales
  Short Term                                            68,157             62,',|27            38,778              38,882              Court terme
                                                       280,877 256,028 249,045                                 244,571

Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                                                 Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada
  Notes to Financial Statements                                                                                                             Notes compl6mentaires
  December 31, 2019                                                                                                                            au 31 d6cembre 2019

  Borurein Distinguished Career Fund                                                                                           Fonds Borwein de carridre distingu6e
    Bonds                                                 29,883           27,239         25,234              29,480            0bligations
    Canadian Equities                                      15,991          14,576         I 3,1 91             12,757           Actions canadiennes
   Global Equities                                         34,357          31,317         36,879              35,344            Actions globales
   Short Term                                             25.794           23.512         14,653              14,693             Court terme
                                                         106,025 96,6,14 93,957                               92,274

 Spearman Fund                                                                                                                Fonds Spearman
   Bonds                                                29,098 2g,0gg                                                           Obligations
   Canadian Equities                                    15,055 15,055                                                           Actions canadiennes
   Global Equities                                      31,375 31,375                                                           Actions globales
   Short Term                                           24.472 24.472 _                         _-                              Court terme
 Total Restricted Funds                            $ 1,207,619 $ 1,109,629 $            995,921 $            978,061          Total fonds affect6s

 TOTAL INVESTMENTS                                 $   2.514.698    $   2_300.s67   $
                                                                                    -- 2.143.410 $         2.104.580          TOTAL DES PLACEMENTS

 4. SEGREGATED FUNDS                                                                   4. FONDS DISTINCTS
 The Society administers and segregates funds on behalf of other                       La Soci6t6 administre les fonds et isole au nom d'autres organisations
 organizations to assist their related activities in the field of mathematics.         pour aider leurs activit6s connexes dans le domaine des math6matiques.
 At December 31,2019, the fund balances includes cash of $0 (2018 -                    Au 31 d6cembre 20'19, les soldes des fonds en espdces de $0 (2018 -
 $6,804) and $140,402 (2018 - $62,012) in shortlerm investments.                       $6,804) et $140,402 (2018 - $62,012) en placements d court terme.

 To offset these amounts, there is a conesponding balance of $'139,453                 Pour compenser ces montants un solde correspondant de $'13g,453
 (2018 - $68,778) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities.                         (201   I   - $68,778) est inclus avec les crdditeurs et frais courus.

5, SHORT.TERM INVESTMENTS                                                              5. PLACEMENTS A COURT TERME
Short{erm investments consist of guaranteed investment certificates. The               Les placements tr court terme sont constituds des certificats            de
fair value of the investments at December 31, 20'19 is $732,441 (2018 -                placement garanti. La juste valeur de ces placements au 31 d6cembre
$401,1 8o),                                                                            201 9 est de $732,441 (201 8 - $401      ,1   80).

The carrying value of cash and equivalents, short{erm investments,                    La valeur comptable d'encaisse et 6quivalents, placements d courte
accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities                         terme, d6biteurs, crdditeurs et frais courus se rapproche de leur juste
approximate their fair value because of the relatively short period to                valeur 6tant donn6 la p6riode relativement courte jusqu'A 6ch6ance des
maturity of the instruments. lnvestments are canied at fair value. lt is              instruments. Les placements sont 6valu6s d la juste valeur. La direction
management's opinion that the Society is not exposed to significant                   estime que la Soci6t6 ne s'expose pas d des risques importants d'int6r6t,
interest, currency or credit risks arising from these financial instruments           de devise ou de crddit d6coulant de ces instruments financiers autres que
otherthan as noted.                                                                   ceux not6s.

AND FINANCIAL RISKS                                                                   RISQUES FINANCIERS, ET RISQUES FINANCIERS
Financial risk management objectives and policies                                     Objectifs et politiques en matidre de gestion des
The Society is exposed to various financial risks resulting from both its             La Soci6t6 est exposde d divers risques financiers qui r6sultent d la fois
operations and its investment activities. The Society's management                    de ses op6rations et de ses activitds d'investissement. La gestion des
manages financial risks. The Society does not enter into financial                    risques financiers est affectu6e par la direction de la Soci6t6. La Soci6t6
instrument agreements including derivative financial inshuments for                   ne conclut pas de contrats visant des instruments financiers, incluant des
speculative purposes.                                                                 d6riv6s financiers, d des fins sp6culatives.

Financial risks                                                                       Risques financiers
The Society's main financial risk exposure and its financial              risk        Les principaux risques financiers auxquels la Soci6t6 est expos6e ainsi
management policies are as follows:                                                   que les politiques en matidre de gestion des risques financiers sonl
                                                                                      detaill6s ci-aprds:

Canadian Mathematical SocietY                                                                                                      Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada

Notes to Financial Statements                                                                                                                 Ngtes compl6mentaires

December 31, 2019                                                                                                                                au 31 d6cembre 2019

Credit risk                                                                                Risque de cr6dit
The financial inslruments that potentially expose the Sociely to credit risk               Les instruments financiers qui exposent potentiellement la Soci6t6 un        i
are primarily accounts receivable. Credit risk relating to accounts                        risque de crddit repr6sentent principalement les d6biteurs. Le risque de
receivable is generally diversified since the Society negotiates with a                    credit lie aux d6biteurs est g6n6ralement diversifi6, puisque la Soci6t6
large number of members.                                                                   n6gocie avec un grand nombre de membres.

Foreign exchange risk                                                                      Risque de change
The Society is exposed to foreign exchange risk due to cash, accounts                      La Soci6t6 est expos6e au risque de change en raison de l'encaisse, des
receivable, short and long-term investments, and accounts payable and                      d6biteurs, des placements A court et A long terme et des cr6diteurs et
accrued liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars. As at December 31, 2019'                  frais courus libell6s en dollars am6ricains. Au 31 ddcembre 2019, les
assets totaled US $279,791 (2018 - US $68,054) and liabilities totaled                     actifs totalisant US $279,971 (2018 - US $68,054) et les passifs totalisent
US $1,627 (2018 - US $2,433). The Society introduced a price structure                     US $'l ,627 (2018 - US $2,433). La Soci6t6 a introduit une structure de prix
for U.S dollar subscriptions, membership and registrations to offset                       pour les abonnements, adh6sion et inscriptions libell6s en dollars
foreign exchange losses. The Society does not enter into anangements to                    am6ricains pour compenser les pertes de change. La Soci6t6 ne conclut
hedge its foreign exchange risk.                                                           pas de contrats visant d couvrir le risque de change auquel elle est

Concentration of risk                                                                      Concentration du risque
Concentration of risk exists when a significant portion of the portfolio is                Une concentration du risque a lieu lorsqu'une portion consid6rable est
invested in securities with similar characteristics or subject to similar                  investie dans des valeurs avec des caract6ristiques similaires ou suiette d
economic, political and other conditions. To minimize exposure to risk, the                des conditions similaires d'6conomie, politique et autres. Afin de r6duire
Society maintains a balanced portfolio consisting of bonds, Canadian                       le   risque,    la   Soci6t6 maintient un portefeuille equilibre constitu6
common and preferred shares, and "blue chip" foreign securities.                           d'obligations, d'actions pr6f6rentielles, et de valeurs 6trangdres "blue

Market risk                                                                                Risque de march6
The Society has adopted an investment policy to control the amount of                      La Soci6t6 a adopt6 une politique de placement en vue de contrdler le
risk to which it is exposed. lnvestment practices are designed to avoid                    degr6 de risque auquel elle est expos6e. Les pratiques en matidre de
undue risk of loss or impairment of assets and to provide, given the nature                placement sont conQues de fagon d 6viter les risques indus li6s i la perte
of the investments, a reasonable expectation of fair return. Maximum                       ou d la baisse de valeur des actifs et d fournir, 6tant donn6 la nature des
investment risk is represented by the market value of investments. Fair                    placements, un rendement pr6vu raisonnablement 6quitable. Le risque de
value approximates the value at which these instruments could                be            placement maximal est li6 a la valeur marchande des placements. La
exchanged in a transaction between knowledgeable and willing parties.                      Valeur marchande 6quivaut d peu prds d la valeur d laquelle les titres
lnformation supplied by the Society's custodian of securities is used to                   pourraient 6tre 6chang6s dans le cadre d'une transaction entre deux
estimate fair value, which may differ from that which could eventually be                  parties consentantes. Les donn6es fournies par le d6positaire des titres
realized.                                                                                  de la Soci6t6 sont utilis6es pour estimer la valeur marchande, qui peut
                                                                                           diff6rer de celle qui pourrait 6tre 6ventuellement 16alis6e.

8. CAPITAL ASSETS                                                                          8. IMMOBILISATIONS

                                                                                    2019                           201 8
                                                   Cost            Amortization Net Book Value              Net Book Value
                                                   Co0t              cumul6 Valeur Nette Valeur Nette
                Computer equipment           $     302,143     $      227,088 $  75,055 $     86,757                                   Equipement informatique
                Furniture and fixtures               56.671            52,423     4.248        5.733                                   Mobilier et agencements
                                             $     358,814     $      279.511 $  79,303 $ s2.490
 9. DEFERRED REVENUE                                                                  9. REVENUS REPORTES

Operations Fund                                                       2019                   2018                    Fonds d'administration

Deferred membership fees                                                                                             Cotisations des membres report6es
  Balance, beginning of year                                   $           90,381     $          86,742                    Solde au d6but
   Recognized as revenue                                               (88,345)                 (75,426)                   Montant constat6 d titre de revenu
   Received relating to the following year                             1   06,560               79,065                     Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
   Balance, end ofyear                                                 1   08,596               90,381                     Solde d la fin

Canadian Mathematical Society                                                                       Soci6t6 Math6matique du Canada
  Notes to Financial Statements                                                                               Notes compl6mentaires
  December 31,2019                                                                                               au 31 d6cembre 2019

 Deferred subscriptions and publications                                              Cotisations et publications report6es
   Balance, beginning of year                              985         360,088          Solde au d6but
    Recognized as revenue                                 (e5e)       (35e,629)         Montant constat6 A titre de revenu
    Received relating to the following year           330,411                 526       Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
    Balance, end ofyear                               330,437                 98s       Solde d la fin

 Deferred meetings                                                                   R6unions diff6r6es
   Balance, beginning of year                                               6,395      Solde au d6but
   Recognized as revenue                                                   (6,3e5)     Montant constat6 d titre de revenu
   Received relating to the following year                                             Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
   Balance, end of year                                                                 Solde   i   la fin

 Deferred miscellaneous revenues                                                     Recettes diverses diff6r6es
   Balance, beginning of year                         128,81 0                         Solde au d6but
   Recognized as revenue                          (128,810)                            Montant constat6 d tike de revenu
   Received relating to the following year                            1    28,810      Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
   Balance, end of year                                               128,810          Solde d la fin

Deferred contributions                                                               Contributions diff616es
   Balance, beginning of year                                                          Solde au d6but
   Recognized as revenue                                                               Montant constat6 d titre de revenu
   Received relating to the following year                                             Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
   Balance, end of year                                 3,500                          Solde d la fin

Deferred grants                                                                      Subventions diff6r6es
  Balance, beginning of year                     58,583 78,786                         Solde au d6but
  Recognized as revenue                         (58,583) (78,786)                      Montant constat6 A titre de revenu
  Received relating to the following year       103,583 58,583                         Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
  Balance, end of year                          103,583 58,583                         Solde    i   la fin
                                              $ 546,116 $ 278,759
Restricted Funds                                                                     Fonds affect6s

Deferred lifetime membership fees                                                    Cotisations des membres a vie report6es
  Balance, beginning of year                  $   205,711         $   195,490          Solde au d6but
  Recognized as revenue                           (1   1,203)         (13,289)         Montant constat6 A titre de revenu
  Received relating to the following year              4.000           23,510          Montant encaiss6 pour le prochain exercice
  Balance, end ofyear                             1   98.508          205,711          Solde d la fin

TOTAL DEFERRED REVENUE                        $   744,624         $   484,470        TOTAL DES REVENUS REPORTES

Canadian Mathematical SocietY                                                                                  Soci6t,6 Math6matique du Ganada

Notes to Financial Statements                                                                                                Notes compl6mentaires

December 31, 2019                                                                                                              au 31 d6cembre 2019

10. LEASE COMMITMENT                                                           10. ENGAGEMENT EN VERTU DE BAUX
The Society has leased premises and office equipment with commitments          La Soci6t6 a lou6 des locaux et l'6quipement de bureau avec      des

for gross rents approximately as follows:                                      engagements pour des loyers bruts approximativement ci-aprds:

                                                             $       39,158   2020
                                                                      3,838   2021
                                                                      3,838   2022
                                                                      1,843   2023
                                                                      1,843   2024
11. RESTRICTED FUNDS                                                           11. FONDS AFFECTES
Restricted Funds are medium to long-term invested funds set aside to                                                     i            i
                                                                               Les fonds affect6s sont des fonds investis moyen ou long terme qui
support specific purposes such as grants and awards; the CMS Board of          sont mis de c6te A des flns sp6cifiques, comme les subventions, les
Directors may, at its discretion, reallocate any of these funds for other      bourses et les prix. Le Conseil d'administration de la SMC peut, A sa
purp0ses.                                                                      discr6tion, r6affecter ces fonds d d'autres fins.

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