Historical Context and Key Features of Digital Money Tokens

Page created by Jerry Chandler
Historical Context and Key Features of Digital Money Tokens
Historical Context and Key Features of
                                                                         Digital Money Tokens

                                                                                         Shreepad Shukla
                                                                                      Chief Technology Office

                                                                                          August 25, 2020
                                                Digital money tokens have attracted the attention of financial institutions, central banks,
                                                regulators, international associations and fintechs. Their research and experimentation
                                                with digital money tokens has included creating innovative technical and operational
                                                frameworks. In this paper, we present a ‘money tree’ which places this recent concept
                                                of digital money tokens into a historical context by illustrating their evolution from more
arXiv:2008.11084v1 [cs.CY] 25 Aug 2020

                                                traditional forms of money. We then identify key features of digital money tokens with
                                                options and examples. We hope this paper will be of interest to the financial services
                                                industry and we look forward to feedback.

                                         1     Introduction
                                         Research and experimentation with digital money tokens is being conducted by financial
                                         institutions [29], central banks [38, 34], regulators [12, 40], international associations [17, 42]
                                         and fintechs [18, 30]. As an emerging technology, the innovative technical and operational
                                         frameworks are often bespoke. The terminology used to describe forms of digital money tokens
                                         is also inconsistent across these frameworks.
                                             It can therefore be difficult to identify and understand the key features that distinguish
                                         different forms of digital money tokens, creating challenges in specifying and communicating
                                         new products and also potentially creating inappropriate opportunities for regulatory arbitrage
                                         across jurisdictions. To address this, some industry bodies are exploring standard taxonomies
                                         for digital money tokens. For example: (i) the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA)
                                         has proposed an initial starting point for a classification of crypto-assets in their response
                                         [21] to a Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) consultation on the treatment of
                                         crypto-assets [4] and also in their response [22] to an FSB consultation on challenges raised by
                                         global stablecoins [17] and (ii) the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has
                                         recommended the publication of a more detailed taxonomy on the classification of crypto-assets
                                         in their response [2] to the European Commission consultation on a framework for crypto-asset
                                         markets [12].
                                             This paper provides a historical context for digital money tokens by placing them within
                                         a ‘money tree’ illustrating their evolution from more traditional forms of money. We then
                                         identify key features of digital money tokens with options and examples.
                                             We hope this money tree and list of key features will be of interest to the financial
                                         services industry. We look forward to feedback and continuing industry collaboration on the
                                         classification of digital money tokens.

                                          c Barclays Bank PLC 2020
                                         This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY).
                                         Provided you adhere to the CC BY license, including as to attribution, you are free to copy and redistribute this work in
                                         any medium or format and remix, transform, and build upon the work for any purpose, even commercially.
                                         BARCLAYS is a registered trade mark of Barclays Bank PLC, all rights are reserved.
2      The Money Tree
Money is one of the fundamental inventions that support human societies and as a result its
history has been studied extensively [33, 28, 35, 37, 23], from the first forms of account-based
money and commodity money, through the development of fiat money and on to new digital
forms of money.
    While the history of money has been documented in considerable detail, we constructed
a new summary visual representation to help us communicate the evolution of digital money
tokens. This covers fours eras: the ancient and post-ancient eras (3000 BCE - 1300), the
modern era (1300 - 1950), and the digital era (1950 - present). This is presented as the ‘money
tree’ in Figure 1 with the hope that others may also find it useful.

                                                   Central bank
                                                    reserve and
                                   Crypto-asset                             Commercial
                                    claims (e.g.                         bank accounts,          Mobile money,
                                   central bank                                   cards            stored value
                                 digital tokens,                                                  digital wallets
                 Claimless       asset-backed
             crypto-assets        ‘stablecoins’)
                                                                                                                                Digital Era
                (e.g. some
        `cryptocurrencies’)                                                                                                  (1950 - present)
                                      Negotiable        Central              bank                              Early
                                    instruments,          bank           accounts
        Currency coins,                                                                                        merchant
                                        currency      accounts           (physical
                bullion                                                                                        bank loans,
                                           notes      (physical           ledgers)                             goldsmith
                                                       ledgers)                                                receipts
                                                                                                                               Modern Era
                                                                                                                               (1300 - 1950)
                          Metal coins,                     notes,
                               shells,                     paper currency                 Precious metal
                                beads                                                     deposits,
                                                                                                      Ancient and Post-Ancient Eras
                                                                                                                         (3000 BCE - 1300)


                                                              MONEY                                                 © Barclays Bank PLC 2020

    Figure 1: The ‘money tree’ depicts the evolution of forms of money from the ancient era to the digital
    era. It branches out from the base into two fundamental forms of money - tokens to the left and account
    claims to the right. Examples are given in the era when they first appeared. Note some examples (such as
    shells and some crypto-assets) are not currently broadly accepted as money.

2.1    Introduction to Money
Money can be defined by the functions it serves in society [37], which [8] describes as:

    • a store of value with which to transfer purchasing power from today to some future time;

    • a medium of exchange with which to make payments for goods and services; and

    • a unit of account with which to measure the value of a particular good, service, saving
      or loan.

As money is a social convention [8], performing the above functions is not sufficient for
something to be considered money because it also needs to be readily and easily accepted
by others.
    The money tree branches out from the base into two fundamental forms of money: tokens1
and account claims, or more simply, accounts [33]. Token-based money (e.g. cash) can be
transferred directly from one party to another without relying on an intermediary, but account-
based money (e.g. money in a bank account) cannot be transferred directly from one party to
another and instead depends on intermediaries (e.g. the bank(s) where the accounts are held)
to effect transfers. Another key distinction between token-based money and account-based
money is the form of verification needed when it is transferred, as described below (adapted
from [11]):

    • Token-based money (or payment systems) rely critically on the ability of the payee to
      verify the validity of the payment object. With cash a key risk is counterfeiting, while in
      the digital world the key risk is whether the token or ‘coin’ is genuine or not (electronic
      counterfeiting) and whether it has already been spent.

    • By contrast, systems based on account money depend fundamentally on the ability
      to verify the identity of the account holders. A key concern is identity theft, which
      allows perpetrators to transfer or withdraw money from accounts without permission.
      Identification is needed to correctly link payers and payees and to ascertain their
      respective account histories.

2.2    Evolution of Account-based Money
Account-based money appears to pre-date token-based money, based on available information
on ancient civilisations [33, 35]. The evolution of account-based money is tied closely to the
evolution of account holding institutions.
   The ‘Account’ side of the money tree depicts the following developments:

    • Ancient and Post-Ancient Eras: Accounts in the ancient and post-ancient eras were held
      at trusted institutions, such as temples in Mesopotamia and Greece, where people could
      deposit precious metals or record credits in a currency. These deposits and credits were
      recorded on, for example, clay and marble tablets [35, 23].
      We use the term ‘token’ to refer to all forms of money that can be transferred directly from one party to
another without relying on an intermediary. However, note there is currently no commonly agreed definition for
this term, e.g. some do not consider commodity money to be a token [33], some consider the term ‘object’ to
be more suitable than ‘token’ [1], and some consider crypto-assets to be an account-based form of money [32].

• Modern Era: Depositories developed into dedicated financial institutions during the
     Italian Renaissance, leading to the creation of official state banks. Account holding
     institutions evolved into three main types over the course of the modern era, partly in
     response to the growth of currencies: central banks, regulated financial institutions, and
     unregulated or non-financial institutions such as goldsmiths and early merchant banks
     [23]. Each of these entities would hold accounts, usually denominated in a currency, with
     differing levels of access and trust. Transactions were recorded on paper ledgers using
     the ‘double-entry bookkeeping’ system. While currencies were traditionally backed by
     commodity assets such as gold, towards the end of the modern era this relationship was
     removed with the introduction of ‘fiat money’ i.e. money that is not convertible to gold
     or any other asset [3].
   • Digital Era: The digital era has seen the development of digitised accounts that are well
     understood and widely deployed. Transactions continue to be recorded using the ‘double-
     entry bookkeeping’ system using digital technologies. These have enabled account holders
     to have greater access to their money through digital and physical channels [8]. While
     central banks and regulated financial institutions have digitised accounts and introduced
     new digital products (e.g. cards), the unregulated or non-financial institution space has
     also seen a rapid evolution of new digital products (e.g. mobile money, stored value
     digital wallets) from recent entrants such as telecommunication and technology firms.

2.3   Evolution of Token-based Money
The ‘Token’ side of the money tree branches into two forms that have existed from the ancient
era to the digital era: ‘tokenised claims’ that represent a claim on an entity or right on an
underlying asset (e.g. currency notes) and ‘claimless tokens’ that don’t represent any such
claim or right (e.g. coins). For tokenised claims, note the nature of the entity or asset on
which the claim or right lies can be an important factor although, for simplicity, this has not
been elaborated in the money tree.
    The ‘Token’ side of the money tree depicts the following developments:

   • Ancient and Post-Ancient Eras: In the ancient and post-ancient eras, claimless tokens
     took the form of shells, beads or metal coins. Tokenised claims, such as paper promissory
     notes and currency notes issued in ancient China, represented a claim on the issuing
     merchant or monarchy [35].
   • Modern Era: The growth of currencies led to modern forms of money tokens
     created by dedicated financial institutions, non-financial institutions, central banks and
     governments. These entities issued metal coins and notes, representing the modern
     forms of claimless tokens and tokens that represented a claim or right [37]. Some tokens
     represented a claim on account-based forms of money (e.g. negotiable instruments drawn
     on banks). Maintaining the value of the currency against the value of the metal coins
     and honouring the claims on notes issued were challenges for the issuers. This was due
     to variations in the subjective value of the metals in the coins and poor management of
     the relationship between notes issued and the underlying assets which backed them [8].
     With the introduction of fiat money towards the end of the modern era, the nature of
     the entity issuing the tokens became vital to determining a token’s ability to serve the
     three functions of money (i.e. store of value, medium of exchange and unit of account).

• Digital Era: The digital era has seen the birth of new digital forms of money tokens [8].
      Similar to tokens in previous eras, digital money tokens can either be tokenised claims
      (e.g. central bank digital tokens [11]) or claimless tokens (e.g. some ‘cryptocurrencies’).
      Again, the nature of the issuing entity remains critical to determining the token’s ability
      to serve the three functions of money.

3    Key Features of Digital Money Tokens
The field of digital money tokens is evolving rapidly. The terminology used by financial
institutions, central banks, regulators, international associations and fintechs to describe forms
of digital money tokens is not always consistent. This can make it challenging to understand
the key features that distinguish different forms of digital money tokens being developed and
to evaluate new product propositions. The current absence of a generally agreed taxonomy
may also lead to a fragmented regulatory approach [44] potentially creating inappropriate
opportunities for regulatory arbitrage [42].
     The seminal work by Bech and Garratt [5] (that builds on earlier work [10, 6]) discusses and
visually represents a taxonomy for money in the form of a ‘money flower’, which is described
in the next section. It has since been heavily referenced (e.g [31, 43]) and also adapted (e.g.
[11, 36]), becoming an key contribution to the taxonomy of money. However, this high-level
taxonomy does not consider all of the key features of digital money tokens and so does not
fully distinguish between these forms of money.
     Adrian and Mancini-Griffoli presented a visual taxonomy for money [1] (coincidentally
also named ‘money tree’) based on four features: type (claim or object), value (redemption
rate for claims, unit of account for objects), the backstop for claims (government or private),
and technology used (centralised or decentralisaed). This taxonomy comprises five means of
payment: central bank money, crypto-currency, b-money (issued by banks), e-money (offered
by new private sector providers), and i-money (issued by private investment funds). However,
their use of ‘claim’ and ‘object’ as the two distinct and fundamental types of money leads to
listing cash and central bank digital currencies as examples of ‘object’ money even though they
are claims on central banks.
     The Token Taxonomy Framework (TTF) [27] is a taxonomy for digital tokens developed
by the InterWork Alliance, an industry association with members from the technology and
financial industries. The TTF is based on features such as fungibility, unit of measure
(fractional, whole or singleton), value (intrinsic or referential), uniqueness and the nature
of the supply (fixed, capped-variable, gated or infinite) that are combined with behaviours
(e.g. transferable, mintable, divisible) to create a set of base token types. These features,
behaviours and base token types are generic and apply to money tokens, securities tokens and
utility tokens. This taxonomy does not appear to include all of the key features of digital
money tokens and is more focused on token implementation mechanics.
     Efforts by regulators and international associations to develop taxonomies for digital tokens
began in response to increasing consumer adoption of ‘cryptocurrencies’. This included a
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) report [15] defining ‘virtual currencies’ and presenting
a taxonomy based on convertibility and centralisation. These efforts to develop taxonomies
continued partly in response to an increasing number of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). For
example, guidelines by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) [39] used
the term ‘payment token’ and advice from the European Banking Authority (EBA) to the

European Commission [13] used the term ‘payment/exchange/currency token’. The UK’s
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) took a different approach in its final guidance on crypto-
assets [16] by defining a taxonomy for tokens based on whether they are regulated. The two
main categories were ‘regulated tokens’ (including ‘security tokens’ and ‘e-money tokens’) and
‘unregulated tokens’ (including ‘exchange tokens’ and ‘utility tokens’).
    Recent consultations by BCBS [4], the European Commission [12] and the FSB [17],
revised guidance from FINMA [40] and reports from BIS’ Committee on Payments and Market
Infrastructures (CPMI) [20] and the International Organization of Securities Commissions
(IOSCO) [42] in response to the rise of ‘stablecoins’ provided a more detailed view of
features of digital money tokens. These features included stabilisation mechanisms, nature
of asset linkage, type of asset linked, nature of the claim, accessibility, reach, redemption
mechanics, permissioning model, transaction record model, and dependence on existing
payments infrastructure. The IOSCO report states that “. . . many so-called stablecoins are
neither ‘stable’ nor ‘coins’ in the true sense of either word. So, whilst stablecoin is a marketing
term that has been widely adopted by industry, more neutral terms, may be more accurate
starting points for regulatory analysis”.
    The European Central Bank (ECB) has defined a visual taxonomy for stablecoins [14] in
the form of a ‘crypto-cube’ based on three features: the existence of an issuer responsible
for satisfying any attached claim, whether decision-making responsibilities over the stablecoin
initiative are centralised, and what underpins the value of a stablecoin (currency, other off-chain
assets, on-chain assets or expectations). This taxonomy comprises four types of stablecoins:
tokenised funds, off-chain collateralised stablecoins, on-chain collateralised stablecoins and
algorithmic stablecoins. Although the ‘crypto-cube’ is a useful visual tool for categorising
stablecoins, it does not include all of the key features of digital money tokens.
    GFMA’s initial approach for a classification of crypto-assets [22] is based on four features:
issuer, mechanism or structure underlying the asset value (e.g. pegged to an underlying asset
or access to a service), rights conferred (e.g. cash flows, redemption), and nature of the claim
(e.g. claim on issuer or claim on underlying asset). They propose a taxonomy comprising
six types of crypto-assets: ‘cryptocurrencies’, ‘value-stable crypto-assets’, ‘security tokens’,
‘settlement tokens’, ‘utility tokens’, and ‘other crypto-assets’.

3.1   The Money Flower
Bech and Garratt created the money flower [5] to support a new taxonomy of money by
showing how forms and specific examples of money fit into the overall monetary landscape. In
this section, we reproduce CPMI’s adaption of the money flower [11] in Figure 2 which depicts
a taxonomy based on four features: issuer (central bank or not), form (digital or physical),
accessibility (widely or restricted), and technology (account-based or token-based).
    CPMI describes other properties of money that are not depicted on their money flower,
including 24x7 availability, anonymity, whether peer to peer transfers are supported, whether
interest is borne, and if any limits are imposed on holdings.
    Digital money tokens are represented on CPMI’s money flower as the intersection of the
‘Digital’ and ‘Token-based’ ellipses, i.e. the four areas labelled ‘CB digital tokens (wholesale
only)’, ‘CB digital tokens (general purpose)’, ‘Private digital tokens (wholesale only)’, and
‘Private digital tokens (general purpose)’.

Figure 2: The Venn-diagram illustrates the four key properties of money. CB = central bank, CBDC
  = central bank digital currency (excluding digital central bank money already available to monetary
  counterparties and some non-monetary counterparties). Private digital tokens (general purpose) include
  crypto-assets and currencies, such as bitcoin and ethereum. Source: Central Bank Digital Currencies,
  CPMI Papers. c Bank for International Settlements 2018.

3.2   Identifying the Key Features
Mark Carney’s speech on ‘The Future of Money’ [8] explored the ability of ‘cryptocurrencies’
to serve the three functions of money, i.e. store of value, medium of exchange and unit of
account. In this section, we adopt a similar approach in order to evaluate the significance of
the features of digital money tokens and identify the key features as follows:

• Issuer: An identifiable entity that controls the issuance of tokens, even if issued via
      a decentralised ‘smart contract’ 2 or an approved intermediary. While some digital
      money token arrangements do not have a specific issuer, in other arrangements an
      identifiable entity exercises control over this process even if token issuance is handled by
      a decentralised smart contract or an approved intermediary. The nature of this entity, its
      decisions regarding other key features (nature of claim, asset linkage, type of linked asset,
      redemption etc) and its ability to operate the token arrangement appropriately determine
      whether the digital money tokens issued can fulfill all three functions of money. As a
      result, this is likely to be the most significant feature.

    • Claim, Right or Interest: The nature of the claim, right or interest arising from ownership
      or control of a token. Depending on the digital token arrangement, the ownership of
      digital money tokens may or may not confer the owner with a claim, right or interest.
      The nature of this claim, right or interest can influence the token’s ability to serve as a
      store of value.

    • Asset Linkage: The nature of the linkage, if any, between the value of the token and an
      underlying asset or basket of assets. The linkage can be to part or all of an underlying
      asset. The nature of this linkage can affect the stability of the digital money tokens’
      value and can thereby influence the token’s ability to serve as a store of value.

    • Type of Linked Asset: The type of asset linked to the token. The type of the linked asset
      can influence the token’s ability to serve as a store of value because volatility in the value
      of the asset will affect the value of the tokens. In addition, some linked asset types (e.g.
      cash denominated in a fiat currency) can also naturally serve as an underlying unit of

    • Redemption Rate 3 : The rate at which tokens are redeemed by the issuer or an approved
      intermediary against a pre-determined asset or set of assets. If the digital money token
      arrangement supports redemption of issued tokens, whether the redemption rate is fixed
      or variable impacts the stability of the token’s value, which can influence the token’s
      ability to serve as a store of value.

    • Denomination: The unit of account used to quantify token ownership. The denomination
      of a digital money token can affect its ability to serve as a unit of account. For example,
      retailers that quote prices in ‘cryptocurrencies’ typically update them frequently due to
      their volatility.

    • Accessibility: Accessibility distinguishes between tokens that are available everywhere to
      everyone and tokens that are restricted to certain agents or uses. This feature refers to
      restrictions, typically imposed by the issuer, such as only specific types of entities that
      can participate (e.g. regulated financial institutions) or only specific uses (e.g. wholesale
      banking transactions). Accessibility can influence the extent to which digital money
      tokens can serve as a medium of exchange.

      We use the term ‘smart contract’ to refer to “. . . an automatable and enforceable agreement. Automatable
by computer, although some parts may require human input and control. Enforceable either by legal enforcement
of rights and obligations or via tamper-proof execution of computer code” [9]
      We use the term ‘redemption rate’ instead of ‘exchange rate’ [20] because ‘exchanging’ the token is a more
general term that includes other actions such as buying other assets from any entity using a token

As discussed previously, money is a social convention and it is therefore not sufficient for a
digital money token to have all the above key features to be considered money because it also
needs to be readily and easily accepted.
    In addition to these key features, there are other features such as availability, anonymity,
whether interest is borne, holding limits, reach, permissioning model, transaction record model,
nature of supply, and dependence on existing payments infrastructure. While these features
represent important design choices, they are likely to be of lesser significance because they are
either subsumed under the above key features or have a smaller impact on whether a given
digital money token can serve the three functions of money.

3.3       Options for the Key Features
In order to develop a robust taxonomy, a list of key features and options is necessary. We
now examine the potential options for each of the key features of digital money tokens, as
summarised in Figure 3.

       Issuer       Claim, Right     Asset Linkage      Type of      Redemption    Denomination       Accessibility
                     or Interest                     Linked Asset       Rate

                                         Asset           Cash
   Central bank        Claim on         backed                          Fixed
                                                       Non-cash                                           General
                                                       financial                    Fiat currency
       financial                                     Non-financial
      institution                                      crypto-
                        Right or                       asset(s)
                      interest via                                     Variable
                         issuer                          Other
                                          Asset         asset(s)

                     No claim on,                      asset(s)                        Other            Wholesale
                        right or                                         Not
                      interest via      No asset                      applicable
                         issuer          linkage        Hybrid

                                                                                                © Barclays Bank PLC 2020

                    Figure 3: Summary of key features and options for digital money tokens

Table 1 below describes these options for key features of digital money tokens, together with
illustrative examples.

Feature/Option           Description                                           Example(s)

Central bank             Financial institution with privileged control over    e-Krona [38]
                         the production and distribution of money
Regulated Financial      Banks, Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)        USC [18],
Institution (FI)         and other regulated FIs                               JPM Coin [29]
Other                    Unregulated or non-financial entity                   Tether [41]
None                     No specific entity controls the issuance of tokens,   Bitcoin
                         issuance is managed entirely algorithmically

Claim, Right or Interest
Claim on issuer          Legal claim on the issuer or an approved              e-Krona,
                         intermediary, typically exercised via instruction     JPM Coin
                         to the issuer or an approved intermediary
Right or interest via    No legal claim on the issuer, but right or            USC
issuer                   interest (e.g. share of underlying asset)
                         exercised via instruction to the issuer or an
                         approved intermediary e.g. to redeem share
No claim on, right       No legal claim on the issuer, no right or interest    Bitcoin
or interest via issuer   exercised via issuer or no specific issuer

Asset Linkage
Asset backed             Tokens are fully backed by underlying assets          USC,
                         that are typically held or controlled by the          Single-currency
                         issuer or an approved intermediary                    Libra Coin [30]
Asset pegged             Tokens are not fully backed by assets but their       -
                         value is fixed against one or more assets,
                         typically by leveraging the financial strength
                         and stability of the issuer
Asset referenced         Tokens are not fully backed by or pegged to           Dai [19]
                         assets but refer to assets to determine value
No asset linkage         Tokens are not fully backed by, pegged to or          Bitcoin
                         referenced to any assets

                                                                      Continued on next page

Continued from previous page

  Feature/Option                 Description                                                    Example(s)

  Type of Linked Asset       4

  Cash                           Tokens are linked to cash denominated in a fiat                USC
  Non-cash financial             Tokens are linked to a non-cash financial asset                ArCoin [7]
  asset(s)                       or a basket of such financial assets (e.g.
                                 securities, contractual rights)
  Non-financial                  Tokens are linked to a crypto-asset or a basket                Dai
  crypto-asset(s)                of crypto-assets that do not represent cash or
                                 other financial assets (e.g. Ether)
  Other intangible               Tokens are linked to an intangible asset not                   -
  asset(s)                       covered by the above options (e.g. intellectual
                                 property, digital goods) or a basket of such
  Tangible asset(s)              Tokens are linked to a tangible asset (e.g                     PMGT [25]
                                 commodities, real estate) or a basket of tangible
  Hybrid                         Tokens are linked to a basket of two or more of                Single-currency
                                 the above asset types                                          Libra Coin

  Redemption Rate
  Fixed                          Tokens can be redeemed against pre-determined                  USC,
                                 assets at a fixed rate                                         JPM Coin
  Variable                       Tokens can be redeemed against pre-determined                  Multi-currency
                                 assets at a variable rate                                      Libra Coin
  Not applicable                 Tokens cannot be redeemed or there is no issuer                Bitcoin

  Fiat currency                  Tokens are denominated in a fiat currency or are               e-Krona,
                                 redeemable in a fiat currency at a fixed rate                  USC
  Other                          Tokens have their own independent                              Multi-currency
                                 denomination                                                   Libra Coin

                                                                                      Continued on next page

      We use the terms ‘tangible assets’, ‘cash’, ‘financial assets’ and ‘intangible assets’ based on the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The treatment of ‘crypto-assets’ is based on guidance from the IFRS
Interpretations Committee [24] and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants [26]. Linkage to an asset
is different from linkage to a basket of assets of the same type, but these options are listed together for brevity

Continued from previous page

    Feature/Option            Description                                               Example(s)

    General purpose           Tokens are intended for general use, including            e-Krona,
                              both retail and wholesale purposes                        Libra Coin
    Wholesale                 Tokens where access is restricted, for example to         USC,
                              FIs or selected clients of FIs                            JPM Coin

    Table 1: The options for each of the key features of digital money tokens, with brief descriptions and
    illustrative examples.

4      Summary
In this paper, we presented a ‘money tree’ which placed the recent concept of digital money
tokens into a historical context by illustrating their evolution from more traditional forms of
money. We then identified the key features of digital money tokens with options and examples.
The money tree and the list of key features and options contributes to the design space for
the emerging field of digital money tokens. We hope this paper will be of interest to the
financial services industry as it innovates with digital money tokens. We welcome feedback
and look forward to continuing industry collaboration on the the classification of digital money
tokens. In particular, international collaboration between financial institutions, central banks,
regulators, associations and fintechs will enable the development of global standards.

The author would like to thank Lee Braine (Barclays) for direction, input and review of this
paper. Thanks are also due to Nicole Sandler (Barclays), Vikram Bakshi (Barclays), Richard
Barnes (Barclays) and Simon Gleeson (Clifford Chance) for their helpful feedback.

 [1] Tobias Adrian and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli. The Rise of Digital Money. FinTech
     Note 19/01, International Monetary Fund, 2019. https://www.imf.org/~/media/Files/

 [2] Association for Financial Markets in Europe.  Consultation response: European
     Commission Public Consultation - An EU Framework for Markets in Crypto-
     assets. 2020. https://www.afme.eu/Portals/0/DispatchFeaturedImages/2020%2003%

 [3] Bank of England. What is money? https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/knowledgebank/
     what-is-money, 2020. Accessed 13 July 2020.

[4] Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Designing a prudential treatment for cryptoas-
     sets. Discussion paper, BIS, 2019. https://www.bis.org/bcbs/publ/d490.pdf.

 [5] Morten Bech and Rodney Garratt. Central bank cryptocurrencies. In BIS Quarterly
     Review, pages 55–70. BIS, September 2017. https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1709f.

 [6] Ole Bjerg. Designing New Money: The Policy Trilemma of Central Bank Digital
     Currency. Working Paper, Copenhagen Business School, 2017. https://research-

 [7] Charles Bovaird.      Arca Uses Ethereum In First SEC-Registered Fund For Digi-
     tal Shares. https://www.forbes.com/sites/cbovaird/2020/07/06/arca-launches-first-sec-
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