Called To Support Lesson 11 - February 14,2021 - AWS

Page created by Tony Burgess
Called To Support Lesson 11 - February 14,2021 - AWS
The Call of Women

 Called To
   Lesson 11
   February 14,2021
➢ Look at the women who were faithful in their
                  ➢ Look at God’s view of women in the Old
                  ➢ Show women in the culture of that day.
                  ➢ Show how Jesus embraced women during his
                  ➢ Understanding

Key Points from   ( 1 Timothy 2:11-12; 1 Corinthians 14:34-35)
                  ➢ How can learn valuable lessons from all the
Todays Lesson        women in the Bible.
                  ➢ List the acts of devotion by the women who
                     followed Jesus.
                  ➢ Demonstrate ways to show our loyalty to
                  ➢ Explain the importance of women being the
                     first eyewitnesses to testify about Jesus'
Background Scriptures:
                Luke 8:1-3
                (vs.1) After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and
                village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom
                of God. The twelve were with him, (vs.2) and also some
                women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary
Devotional      (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come
                out;(vs.3) Joanna the wife of Chuza,the manger of Herod’s
                household; Susanna; and many others. These women were
Reading:        helping to support them out of their own means.
                Mark 15:40
Roman 4:13-25   Some women were watching from a distance. Among them
                were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger
                and of José's, and Salome.
Other Women in Ministry
Joanna – Wife of Chuza,the house-steward of Herod the Tetrarch. Though the mention of her is
brief, one is convinced of her genuine conversion, the depth of her love for Jesus, and
faithfulness of her stewardship. (Luke 8:3;24:10)

Suzanna – One who ministered to Jesus of her substance, because Susanna had been cured of
diseases she joyfully ministered and helped to spread the good news of Christ. (Luke 8:3)

Mary mother of James Jose, and Salome – Mary was likely a women of some means, as
Scripture tells us that she was one of the women who had followed Jesus and “cared for his
needs”. (Mark 15:41)
Background Scriptures
                John 20:10-18
                (vs.10)Then the disciples went back to where they were
                staying. (vs.11) Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As
                she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb (vs.12) and saw
                two angels in white, seated where Jesus body had been, one
                at the head and the other at the foot. (vs.13) They asked her,
                ”Woman, why are you crying?” (vs.14) At this, she turned
Devotional      around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize
                that it was Jesus. (vs.15) He asked her, "Woman, why are you
                crying? Who are you looking for? "Thinking he was the
Reading:        Gardner, she said “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me
                where you have put him, and I will go get him.” (vs.16) Jesus

Roman 4:13-25   said to her, "Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in
                Aramaic, ”Rabboni”(which means “Teacher”). (vs.17) Jesus
                said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to
                the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, "I am
                ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your
                God.’’’ (vs.18) Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the
                news: “I have seen the Lord” And she told them that he had
                said these things to her.
Mary Magdalene
Jesus follower Mary Magdalene, Magdala being her birthplace or home, located on the sea of Galilee, three miles northwest of Tiberias. Mary was one of Jesus
most prominent Galilean female disciples. The first mention of Mary in the gospels is in (Luke 8:2). Mary was a devout follower of Jesus and was the first of his
disciples to see Him after His resurrection (Mark 16:9;Luke 8:2;John 20:11-18). Many scholars believe that because Mark writes that seven demons were removed
from Mary ,that she was of bad character and an immoral life- style. Some suggest Mary had mental conditions that caused her to see things, others allude to the
possibility that she was a “Prostitute”. The bible is not confirm this.

Mary's grief in not knowing where the Lords body laid obscured her vision, even as Jesus stood before her she did not recognize him. However, when the Jesus
spoke her name, she knew it was the Lord.

Do we lose sight of Jesus during difficult times and sadness?
Mary Magdalene is a model of a wounded person who was healed and made whole by the love of Christ. Mary was called and commissioned by Him to serve in
his ministry of the kingdom.

This commissioning to “go and tell” is an affirmation for contemporary women; Jesus was and is intentionally gender-inclusive, establishing the place of women in
the proclamation of the gospel through Mary.

Jesus promises that no matter where you are or where you come from or what you have done, he can find you, if you allow Him in your life.
What does God say about women in the Bible

• God created mankind, He created both “male and female”. Both were created in God’s image.(Genesis.1:27)
• And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him (Genesis
• Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh
  (Genesis 2:24)
• Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22).
• House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord (Proverbs 19:14).
• Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit, they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly
  offspring (Malachi 2:15).
• And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God (Luke 1:30).
• And, behold, thou shall conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus (Luke 1:31).
How did the Jewish community view Women in the Bible

A woman had no voice in her marriage. Her father decided whom she would marry, when she would marry, and why she would
 A woman could not divorce her husband under any conditions, only a man could initiate a divorce.
Jewish women were to be seen as little as possible in public. If a man was seen talking to a woman in public, it was shame in
ancient Israel.
Women depended on their husbands for biblical knowledge, they could not be taught by the Rabbis.
Women were considered inferior to men. They were regarded as property just like cattle and slaves.
Jewish males during the 1st century in Israel, prayed a daily prayer that shows how poorly Jewish men looked upon women.
• Praise be to God. He has not created me a Gentile.
• Praise be to God. He has not created me a woman.
• Praise be to God. He has not created me an ignorant man.

* We see today, that these practices are still in place in some parts of the world.
How did Jesus' view Women

• Jesus regularly addressed women directly while in public, this was unusual to do. The women caught in the act of adultery (John 8:10-11),Widow of Nain (Luke
  7:12-13),The woman who called him from the crowd (Luke 11:27-28),the women bent over for 18 years (Luke 13: 11-12),and a group of women on the route to
  the cross (Luke 23:28).
• Jesus speaks with the Samaritan women and led her to a conversion experience (John 4:7-11)
• Jesus lifted women from the agony of degradation and servitude to the joy of fellowship and service.
• Jesus also did not gloss over the sins in their lives, he held them personally responsible for their own sin. Each had the personal freedom and a measure of self-
  determination to deal with the issues of sin, repentance, and forgiveness (John 8:10-11)
• Jesus valued their fellowship ,prayers, service ,financial support, testimony, and witness.
• He honored women, taught women, and ministered to women (Luke 10:38)
• Jesus addressed to the woman with the issue of blood as a “daughter of Abraham", Thereby giving her a spiritual status equal to that of men (Luke 13:16).
• Jesus did not think it strange that Mary sat at his feet, assuming the role of a disciple (Luke 10:39).
• Jesus loved Mary & Martha, his friends. (John 11:5))
• There were women in the upper room on the day of Pentecost (Act 1:14).
The Elephants in the Room

(1 Timothy 2:11-15)
(vs.11) A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. (vs.12) I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man;
she must be silent. (vs.13) For Adam was formed first, then Eve. (vs.14) And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the women who was
deceived and became a sinner. (vs. 15) But women will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love and holiness with
Note: Paul was protecting the church. The Ephesian church had a particular problem with false teaching, and the women lacked
Biblical knowledge to discern the truth, that they might have fell victim too. After women were properly taught the “good news” then
they were able to teach and minister to others.

(1 Corinthians 14:34-35)
As in all the congregation of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in
submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful
for a woman to speak in the church.

Note: Paul was asking women not to flaunt their Christian freedom during worship. The purpose of Paul's words was to promote unity
,not to teach about women’s roles in the church.
There are many women who are named in the bible, that we know very little
about. But God thought them worthy and important enough to be included by

There are over 1523 women either named or mentioned women in the Bible.
184 named, 220 daughter or daughter-in-law, 400 wife or wives, 311 mother
or mother-in-law, 8 widows, and 400 unnamed.

Some of the most courageous leaders were women, although the culture was

There were many wealthy women who helped/support in the establishment of
the early church. Note: Some were either successful businesswomen or
widows with means.

These women took on multiple roles and huge risk that were pertinent to the
early church's success. The work often done behind the seen can be as equally

All of the women in the Bible are pieces of a puzzle that was created by God.,
that leads us to Christ.
Women of the Bible

                                                                                                        ABIGAIL #1                                       ABIGAL #2                                          ABIHAIL #1                                                ABIHAIL #2                                  ABIJAH
ABI-Daughter of Zechariah                                    ABIAH-Wife of Hezron                       Wife of Nabal                                    Sister/Half-sister of King David                   Wife of Abishur                                           Wife of Rehoboam                            Mother of Hezekiah
(2 Kings 18:2)                                               (1Chr. 2:24)                                                                                (2 Sam. 17:25)                                     (1Chr.2:29)                                               (2 Chr. 11:18)                              (2 Chr. 29:1)
ABISHAG                                                      ABITAL                                     ACHSAH                                           ADAH #1                                            ADAH #2                                                   AGAR                                        AHINOAM #1
                                                             One of David’s Wives                       Daughter of Caleb                                One of the two wives of Lamech                     Canaanite wife of Esau                                    Greek name for Hagar                        Wife of Saul
Concubine of King David                                      (2 Sam. 3:4;1 Chr. 3:3)                    (Josh.15:16,17; Judg.1:12,13)                    (Gen.4:19,20,23)                                   (Gen.36:2,4,10,12)                                        (Gal. 4:24-25)                              (1 Sam. 14:50)
(1 Kings 1:3,15;2:17,21,22)

AHINOAM #2                                                   AHLAI                                      AHOLIBRAMAH                                      ANNA                                               ASENATH                                                   ATARAH                                      ATHALIAH
                                                             Daughter of Sheshan                        (Ohoilbamah)                                     Recognized Jesus as the awaited Messiah            Egyptian wife of Joseph                                   Second wife of Jerahmeel, mother of Onam    Queen of Judah, daughter of King Ahab
One of David’s Wife.                                         (1 Chr. 2:31)                              Daughter of Beeri, called Judith                 (Luke: 2:37-38)                                    (Genesis 41:45,50-52;46:20)                               ( 1 Chronicles 2:25-28)                     (2 Kings 11:1-3) Chronicles 21-22
(1 Sam. 25:43; 27:3;1 Chr. 3:1)                                                                         (Genesis 36:5,14)

AZUBAH #1                                                    AZUBAH #2                                  BAARA                                            BASHEMATH #1                                       BASHEMATH #2                                              BASMATH                                     BATHSHEBA
                                                             Wife of King Asa,mother of Jehoshaphat     Wife of Shaharaim                                One of Esau’s wives, daughter of Elon (Genesis     Daughter of Ishmael                                       Daughter of Solomon                         Wife of Uriah/David/mother of Solomon
Caleb’s first wife                                           (1 Kings 22:42)                            (1 Chronicles 8:8)                               26:34)                                             (Genesis 36:3-4,10,13,17)                                 Wife of Ahimaaz                             (2 Samuel 11:12:24)
(1 Chronicles 2:18-19)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (1 Kings 4:15)

BERNICE                                                      BILHAH                                     BITHIAH                                          CANDACE                                              CHLOE                                                   CLAUDIA                                     COZBI
                                                             Rachels handmaid, mother of Dan and        Pharaoh daughter, wife of Mered                  Ethiopian queen, title not her name that refers to a Presumably, a Christian woman from Corinth or Ephesus   Greeted by Apostle Paul                     A Midianite princess killed by Phinehas. Daughter of
Sister of King Herod Agrippa. Bernice (Acts 25:13) and her   Naphtali                                   (1 Chronicles 4:18)                              line of queens                                       (1 Corinthians 1:11)                                    (2 Timothy 4:21)                            Zur
sister Drusilla (Acts 24:24) were two of the most corrupt    (Genesis 30:3-7,7)                                                                          (Acts 8:27)                                                                                                                                              (Num.25:15,18)
women of their time

DAMARIS                                                      DEBORAH #1                                 DEBORAH #2                                       DELILAH                                            DINAH                                                     DORCAS                                      EGLAH
                                                             Nursemaid to Rebekah and later Jacob and   Prophetess and the fifth judge, and the only     The” woman in the valley of Sorek” who Samson      Daughter of Jacob, patriarchs of the Israelites           Christian women from Joppa. Also known as   One of King David's wives and mother of David's son
A converted Christian as a result of Paul sermons            Esau                                       female judge                                     loved                                              (Genesis 30:21,34:1)                                      Tabitha                                     Ithream
(Acts 17:34)                                                 (Genesis 24:59; 35:8)                      (Judges 4-5)                                     (Judges 16:5)                                                                                                (Acts 9:36-43)                              (2 Samuel 3:5;1 Chronicles 3:3)

ELISABETH                                                    ELISHEBA                                   EPHAH                                            EPHRATAH                                           ESTHER Hadassah                                           EUNICE                                      EUODIAS
                                                             Wife of Aaron                              Concubine of Caleb                               Second wife of Caleb, mother of Hur                Queen of Persian Empire. Daughter of Abigail              Mother of Timothy, daughter of Lois         Christian of the church of Philippi
Wife of Zacharias, mother of John the Baptist.               (Exod. 6:23)                               (1 Chronicles 2:46)                              (1 Chr. 2:19)                                      (Esther 2:15; 9:29)                                       (2 Timothy 1:5)                             (Phil. 4:2)
(Luke 1)

EVE                                                          GOMER                                      HAGAR                                           HAGGITH                                             HAMMOLEKETH                                                HAMUTAL                                    HANNAH
                                                             Wife of Hosea and a prostitute             Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, mother of Ishmael Fifth wife of King David, mother of Adoniyah        Daughter of Machir                                        Daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah              A prophetess and worshipper at Jerusalem. Mother
First Woman, wife of Adam                                    (Hosea 1:1-11)                             (Genesis 16:1-16)                               (1 Chronicles 3:2)                                  (1 Chr. 7:18)                                             (2 Kings 23:31;24:18;Jer.52:1)              of Samuel
(Genesis 3:20; 4:1
Women of the Bible
HAZELEPONI                                                 HELAH                                    HEPH-ZIBAH                              HERODIAS                                                Hodesh                      HODIAH                                    HOGIA or HOGLAH                        HULDAH
Daughter of Etam,sister of Jezreel                         One of the wives of Ashur                Wife of King Hezekiah, mother of        Queen who demanded John the Baptist head                One of the wives of         Sister of Na’-ham                         One of the five daughters of           (2 Chronicles 34:22-28)
(1 Chr. 4:3)                                               (1 Chr.4:5,7)                            Manasseh                                (Matt 14:1-12)                                          Shaharaim                   (1Chr.4:19)                               Zelophehad
                                                                                                    (2 Kings 21:1)                                                                                  (1 Chronicles 8:8)                                                    (Number 26:23)

Hushim                                                     ISCAH                                    JAEL                                    JECHOLIAH                                               JEDIDAH                     JEHODDAN                                  JEHOSHEBA                              JEHUDIJAH
One of Shaharaim wives, a Moabite                          Daughter of Abrahams younger brother     Heroine who killed Sisera to deliver    Wife of Amaziah                                         Wife of King Amon, mother   The mother of Amarziah, wife of Joash     Daughter of Jehoram, rescued her       Mother of Jered, Heber, and Jeku-thiel
(1 Chronicles 8:11)                                        Haran                                    Israel, wife of Heber                   (2 Kings 15:2;2 Chr. 26:3)                              of King Josiah              (2 Kings 11:2)                            nephew Joash                           (1 Chr. 4:18)
                                                           (Genesis 11:29)                          (Judges 14:17-22)                                                                               (2 Kings 22:1-2)                                                      (2 Kings 11:1-3;2 Chr. 22:10-12)

JEMIMA                                                     JEROITH                                  JERUSHA                                 JEZEBEL #1                                              JEZEBEL #2                  JOANNA                                    JOCHEBED                               JUDITH
First of Job’s three daughters                             Second wife of Caleb or perhaps a        Wife of King Uzziah and mother of       Wife of Ahab king of Israel. Tyrant who corrupted her   False Prophetess            Wife of Cuz and supported of the          Mother of Moses, Miriam, and Aaron     Hittite wife of Esau
(Job 42:14)                                                concubine                                Jotham                                  husband                                                 (Revelation 2:20            works of Jesus.                           (Hebrews 11:23)                        (Genesis 26:34)
                                                           (1 Chr. 2:18)                            (2 Kings 15:33)                         (1 Kings 16:31;18-19;1 Kings 18:4,13;1 Kings 19:3)                                  (Luke 8:3; Luke 24:1-10)

JULIA                                                      JUNIA or JUNIAS                          KEREN-HAPPUCH                           KETURAH                                                 KEZIAH-KEZIA                LEAH                                      LOIS                                   LO-RUHAMAH
A Christian woman at Rome                                  A Jewish Christian at Rome, that Paul    Youngest of Job’s daughters             Wife of Abraham after Sarah’s death                     Daughter of Job             First wife of Jacob                       Mother of Eunice, and grandmother of   Daughter of Hosea
(Romans 16:15)                                             sent greetings                           (Job 42:14)                             (Gen. 25:1,4,1 Chr. 1:32-33)                            (Job 42:14)                 Older daughter of Laban                   Saint Timothy                          (Hosea 16:1; 2:1,23)
                                                           (Romans 16:7)                                                                                                                                                        (Gen.29:16-30;31-35; 30:17-20; 30:21)     (2 Timothy 3:15; Acts 16:1)

LYDIA                                                      MAACHAH #1                               MAACHAH #2                              MAACHAH #3                                              MAACHAH #4                  MAACHAH #5                                MAACHAH #6                             MAACHAH #7
Businesswomen who used her wealth to support the Gospel.   Daughter of Abraham                      Daughter of Talmai                      Daughter or granddaughter of Absalom                    Mother of Asa               One of Caleb's concubines (1 Chr. 2:48)   Wife of Machir                         Wife of Jehiel
First converted Christian Macedonia                        (Gen. 22:24)                             (2 Sam. 3:3;1 Chr. 3:2)                 (1Kings 15:2;2 Chr. 11:20,21,22)                        (1Kings 15:10,13)                                                     (1 Chr. 7:13,16)                       (1 Chr. 8:29; 9:35)
(Acts 16:12-15,40)

MAHALAH                                                    MAHALATH #1                              MAHALATH #2                             MAHLAH                                                  MARA                        Martha                                    Mary #1                                Mary #2 Magdalene
Daughter of Hammoleketh                                    Daughter of Ishmael and 3 wife of Esau   Granddaughter of David                  One of the five daughters of Zelopehad                  Another name for Naomi      The women first declared “I am the        Mother of Jesus                        Witnessed most of the events surrounding the
(1 Chr. 7:18)                                              (Gen. 28:9)                              (2 Chr. 11:18)                          (Num. 26:33; 27:1;Josh.17:3)                            (Ruth 1:20)                 resurrection, and the life”.              (Luke 1-2; 1:32; 1:38; 2:7)            crucifixion, disciple of Jesus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (John 20:11-18; Acts 1:14)

MARY #3                                                    MARY #4                                  MARY #5                                 Mary of Rome #6                                         MATRED                      MEHETABEL                                 MERAB                                  MESHULLEMETH
Sister of Martha, sister of Lazarus                        Mary’s sister, wife of Cleophas          Mother of John Mark                     Greeted by Paul                                         Mother-in-law of Hadar or   Daughter of Matred                        King Saul’s eldest daughter            Wife of Manasseh, mother of Amon and Judah
(Luke 10:38-42)                                            (John 19:25)                             Opened her home for prayer to release   (Rom. 16:6)                                             Hadad                       (Gen. 36:39; Chr. 1:50)                   (1 Sam. 14:49; 18:17,19)               (2 Kings 21:19)
                                                                                                    Peter                                                                                           (Gen. 36:39;1 Chr. 1:50)
                                                                                                    (Acts 12:12)

ME-ZAHAB                                                   MICHAL                                   MILCAH #1                               MILCAH #2                                               MIRIAM #1                   MIRIAM #2                                 NAAMAH #1                              NAAMAH #2
Granddaughter of Mehetabel                                 Daughter of Saul,wife of David           Daughter of Zelophehad                  A daughter of Haran wife of Nahor                       Moses and Aaron sister      A daughter of Ezrah of the tribe of       Sister of Tubal-Cain                   Mother of King Rehoboam
(Gen. 36:39;1 Chr.1:50))                                   (1 Samuel 18:25; 18:27-28;2 Samuel:18-   (Numbers 36:11-12)                      (Genesis 22:20-22)                                      (Num.26:59; Num 12:1-2)     Judah                                     (Genesis 4:22)                         (2 Chr. 12:13)
                                                           20)                                                                                                                                                                  (1 Chr.4:17)
Women of the Bible
NAARAH                                        NAOMI                                           Prophetess who tries to hinder the efforts to
Wife of Asher                                 Mother-in-law to Ruth                           rebuild the wall of Jerusalem                                                                                          NOADIAH                                 NO-AH                                                                                                    OPRAH
(1 Chr. 4:5-5)                                (Ruth 2:1; 4:21-22; Matt.1:5)                   (Neh.6:14)                                                     NEHUSHTA Daughter of Elnathan                           False Prophetess                        One of the five daughters of Zelophehad                         OHOLIBAMAH                               Sister -in-law of Ruth
                                                                                                                                                             (2 Kings 24:8)                                          (Num. 6:14)                             (Num. 26:33; 27:1)                                              One of Esau’s wives                      (Ruth 1:4,14)
Peninnah                                      Persis                                          PHANUEL                                                        Phoebe-Phe’-be                                          Priscilla                                 Puah                                                          Rachel                                   Rahab of Jericho
Wife of Elkanah                               A woman who has worked hard in the Lord.        Parent of Anna, not clear as to if this is a man or women      Deaconess of the church of Cenchrea, wealthy            Wife of Aquila, and missionary partner to One of the two midwives who saved the Hebrew boys             Second wife of Jacob, mother of Joseph   Hid the Hebrew two spies, helping them to escape
(1 Samuel 1:2,4)                              Apostle Paul, calling her Beloved               (Luke 2:36)                                                    businesswoman                                           Paul                                      (Exodus 1:15)                                                 and Benjamin                             Josh. 2:1-21; 6:17-25; Matt.1:5)
                                              (Romans 16:12)                                                                                                 (Rom.16:1)                                              (Rom.16:3;2 Tim.4:16;1 Cor.16:19                                                                        (Gen.29:6,11; Gen.29:15-18;26-30)

RAHAB                                         Rebekah                                         Reumah                                                         Rhoda                                                   Rizpah                                  Ruth                                                            Salome #1 Daughter of Herodias           Salome #2 Follower of Jesus, present at his crucifixion as well as the empty
Wife of Salmon and mother of Boaz             Wife of Isaac, mother of Jacob and Esau         Concubine of Abraham’s brother Nahor                           Servant girl in the home of Mary, mother of John Mark   Daughter of Aiah, concubines of King    Wife of Boaz, mother of Obed. Obed is the descendant of Perez   (Matt.14:6-11)                           tomb
(Matt 1:5)                                    (Gen.24)                                        (Genesis 22:24)                                                (Acts 12:13)                                            Saul                                    the son of Judah, and the great- grandmother of King David.                                              (Mark 15:40; 16:1; 20:20-24)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (2 Samuel 3:7; 21:8,10-11               (Ruth 1:16; 2:1)

Samaritan Women at the well is a well-known   Sapphira                                        Sarah #1                                                       Sarah #2                                                Sheerah                                 SERAH                                                           SHELOMITH #1                             SHELOMITH #2
figure from the Gospel of John                A dishonest woman who held back funds with      Wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. Her name was originally   A daughter of Asher                                     Founded three towns, descendant of      (Gen. 46:17;1 Chr, 7:30)                                        Daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan    Daughter of Zerubbabel
(John 4:4-26)                                 her husband, struck dead by God                 “Sarai”                                                        (Num.26:46)                                             Ephraim                                                                                                 (Lev.24:11)                              (1 Chr. 3:19)
                                              (Acts 5:1-11)                                   (Gen,20:12;21:1-7;23:1-20)                                                                                             (1 Chronicles 7:24)

SHELOMITH # 3                                 SHERAH                                          SHIMEATH                                                       SHIMRITH                                                Shiphrah                              SHOMER                                                            SHUA                                     Susanna #1 A women who was nearky sentenced to death to a false adultery
Daughter of Maachah and King Rehoboam         Daughter of Beriah,descedant of Ephraim         Ammonite mother of Jozachar                                    Same as Shomer                                          One of the two midwives who saved the Moabite mother of Jehozabad                                       Daughter of Heber,a Benjamite            accusation before being saved by Daniel
(2 Chr. 11:20)                                (1 Chr. 7:24)                                   (2 Kings 12:21;2 Chr. 24:36)                                   (2 Chr. 24:26)                                          Hebrew boys                           (2 Kings 12:21)                                                   (1 Chr. 7:32)                            Not a part of the KJV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Exodus 1:15)

Susanna #2                                    Syntyche                                        Tabitha-Dor’-cas                                               TAHPENES                                                Tamar #1                                Tamar #2                                                        Tamar #3                                 Taphath
A follower of Jesus, provider of food         Christian of the church in Philippi mentioned   Disciple at Joppa, full of good works and alms                 Queen of Pharaoh of Egypt in David’s time               Widow of ER and Onan,sons of Judah      Daughter of King David by Maacah                                Only surviving daughter of Absalom       Daughter of Solomom
(Luke 8:3)                                    with Euodia                                     (Acts 9:36)                                                    (1 Kings 11:19,20)                                      (Gen.38:30; Matt. 1:3)                  (2 Sam. 13:1-22)                                                (2 Samuel 14:27)                         (1 Kings 4:11)
                                              (Philippians 4:2)

TIMNA                                         Tirzah                                          ryphena of Rome                                                Vashti                                                  ZEBUDAH                                 ZERESH                                                          ZERUAH                                   ZERUIAH
Concubine of Esau’s son Eliphaz               Youngest of five daughters of Zelophehad        A Christian woman                                              Queen and wife of King Ahasuerus, who was banished      Mother of Jehoiakim                     Wife of Haman, prime minister                                   “window women” at the time of the        Half-sister of Davis and sister of Abigail
(Gen.36:12)                                   (Num.26:31; Josh:17-3)                          (Romans 16:12)                                                 form the court for refusing the king’s commands         (2 Kings 23:36)                         (Esther 5:10,14;6:13)                                           birth of her son Jeroboam                (1 Sam. 26:6;2 Sam. 2:13; Kings 1:7; 2:15; Chr. 2:16; 11:6,39;18:12;26:28)
                                                                                                                                                             (Esth. 1:11)                                                                                                                                                    (1 Kings 11:26)

ZIBIAH                                        ZILLAH                                          ZILPAH                                                         Zipporah
Wife of Ahaziah and mother of Jehoash         One of the two wives of Lamech                  Leah’s handmaid                                                Wife of Moses, daughter of Jethro priest of Midian
(2 Kings 12:11)                               (Gen.4:19,22,23)                                (Gen. 29:24; 30:9,10;35:26;37:2;46:18)                         (Exodus Ex.2:21-22; 4:25; 18:2-4)
• Jesus loved them.
                 • Jesus respected and honored women.
                 • Jesus established inclusivity for
                   women, salvation was offered to all
How did Jesus’     through Him.
                 • These faithful followers shifted from
change the         hope in a promised Messiah to service
                   and dedication to their Savior.
hearts of the    • They became a substance to sustain
women              the physical needs while many Spiritual
                   needs were being addressed.
followers?       • Their selfless acts of charity, mercy and
                   hospitality demonstrated their
                   unwavering faith in Jesus.
Acts of Devotion       Obedient
by the Women          Courageous
who followed        Prayer Warriors
Jesus              Heart of Servitude
What do you think the importance of
women being the first eyewitness to
testify about Jesus's resurrection?
These women were faithful followers of Jesus.
They persevered in there commitment and their
faith. It was women that Jesus gave the privilege
of announcing His resurrection.
Hagar-Hamitic (Genesis 16:1-16:21:8-21)
                               Zipporah-Cushite wife of Moses (Numbers 12:)
                               Keturah Ethiopian Wife of Moses – Midianite-Ethiopian (Num.
                               Bathsheba – Descended of Ham, wife of King David (2 Samuel 11:1-
Black History and the Bible    Bride of King Solomon- Shulamite (Song of Solomon 1:5-6)

Alkebulan-Arabic               As’e-nath- Mizraim-Joseph’s wife (Genesis 41:45)
                               Rahab- Canaanite (Hebrews 11:31)Joshua 6:22-25
“Mother of Mankind”            Queen of Sheba (Makeda), Hamitic woman (1 Kings 10:1-13)
The Original Name for Africa   Tamar – Canaanite (Genesis 38:1-30)
                               Canaanite-wife of Judah (Genesis 38:1-5)
                               Candace, queen of Ethiopia (Acts 8:27)
God can use anyone, including
Jesus lived and died for the sins
of everyone.
The magnitude of your
contribution to the building of
God’s Kingdom is only limited
by you. Jesus welcomes all
things big and small.
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