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                                                                    10 INSPIRATIONAL PROJECTS

  MARCH/APRIL 2022 •
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CONSTRUCTOR                                                                                                MARCH-APRIL 2022


Dina Kimble
Takes the Helm
As construction reshapes its image and
expands its focus on people and culture,
                                                26 WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION

                                                Spotlight on 3
                                                Mercy Canul, Kasie Bowden and Wendy
                                                                                              IN EVERY ISSUE

                                                                                                   MOVING MOUNTAINS
                                                                                                   AGC of California
                                                                                                   continues to push our
                                                                                                   industry and organization
                                                                                                   forward with our focus on
                                                                                                   the future.
                                                                                                   ADVOCATING FOR THE
Dina Kimble makes history as the first female                                                      The ‘Great Resignation’
                                                Cohen share their journeys, challenges,
and specialty contractor member President.                                                         doesn’t spare California’s
                                                sources of support and advice for other
                                                                                                   Legislature as a large
                                                women considering a career in construction.
                                                                                                   number look to move on.
                                                BY CAROL EATON
11 AGC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS                                                                     36 MAKING MOVES

Five Industry                                   32 INDUSTRY OPTIMISM SURVEY                        AGC members announce
                                                                                                   promotions and company
Icons Honored                                   AGC Contractors                                    milestones.
AGC of California bestows four Achievement
Awards and its prestigious Construction
                                                Optimistic About
Education Friend Award.                         the Year Ahead                                SHORT SUBJECTS
                                                AGC’s annual survey finds overwhelmingly      34 SUPPORTING YOUR
14 CONSTRUCTOR AWARDS                           positive views on prospects for revenue
                                                growth and success in 2022.                   37 LEARN, ENGAGE &
Constructor Award                               BY CAROL EATON
Winners Unveiled
AGC’s Installation & Awards Gala honors
industry successes as 10 projects take home
coveted Constructor Awards.

                                                                                                  CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                         M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   1

     Celebrating the Future
     of Our Industry

       or more than 100 years, AGC of           for our industry at every level, embracing   have an opportunity to build a culture

F      California and its member com-
       panies have built a legacy for the
construction industry through shaping
                                                our opportunities, and finding ways to
                                                strengthen our state, Dina is the right
                                                leader to continue the progress we have
                                                                                             that supports their safety, health, and
                                                                                             well-being and that includes and reflects
                                                                                             California’s diversity. For our optimism
policy, improving industry relationships,       made. Construction is shifting, and Dina     to continue beyond this year, we have
and developing our workforce. We continue       and our association are poised to meet       to work to keep our momentum going.
to push our industry and organization to        challenges head on so we can realize a           In 2022, we will build on this progress
new heights as we strive to be the associa-     stronger future for our industry.            and optimism with stronger relation-
tion that lifts construction into the future.       The past two years have been chal-       ships. From public and private owners,
    During the recent AGC of California         lenging, but AGC of California leaders       labor partners, and elected officials to
Installation & Awards Gala in Huntington        and members led our industry through         our disadvantaged business enterprises
Beach, we honored the best in what we           unprecedented times. We would be             (DBE), AGC will grow and engage with
do and how we build. Our Achievement            remiss if we did not thank Mike Blach        our partners across the state. Optimism
Awards recognized the most impactful            of Blach Construction for serving as         will grow as we build momentum to, as
construction leaders in California, while       president and helping the industry           an industry, unite and include all voices.
our Constructor Awards recognized the           maintain consistency and certainty               California’s future is bright because of
best projects built in our state.               during uncertain times. His leadership       all of you, and we are excited to launch
    AGC of California also celebrated           has truly impacted the direction of our      into that shining future in 2022!
our industry’s historic progress as we          association and our industry.
swore in Dina Kimble, of Royal Electric             Meanwhile, our annual Industry Op-
Co., as our first female board president.       timism Survey reveals that AGC of Cali-
As she begins her year as president,            fornia members are optimistic about the
Dina and AGC of California have an              opportunities for construction in 2022.
opportunity to build upon our legacy of         When we think about how we engage                             Kindest regards,
leadership and innovation. Standing up          with our workers and our teams, we also                       Peter Tateishi, CEO

       M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
There will be many more new legislators than originally
                                                                                  thought in the 2022 election cycle, as some pursue higher
                                                                                  office and others avoid difficult political races.

    The ‘Great Resignation’ Doesn’t
    Spare California’s Legislature

Compounded by the changes in legislative districts as a result of
redistricting, there are many incumbents foregoing additional terms in
office. While some are pursuing opportunities for higher office, others
are simply avoiding running difficult political races.

           s the nation and state continue to   up, a need for more skilled and trained       lative candidates to file their paperwork

A          grapple with the impacts of the
           global pandemic, an unexpected
consequence has been the unprecedented
                                                workers persists nationally.
                                                    While many questions remain as to
                                                what is causing this phenomenon, it has
                                                                                              to run for office. The list below highlights
                                                                                              those legislators that are foregoing addi-
                                                                                              tional time in Sacramento.
rate of workers quitting their jobs.            not spared the Legislature. Compounded        • Richard Bloom (D - Assembly, 50th
    Coined as the “The Great Resignation,”      by the changes in legislative districts as    District) – Elected in 2012 and with the
over 20 million Americans quit their jobs       a result of redistricting, there are many     potential to serve until 2024, Bloom has
across the country in the second half of        incumbents foregoing additional terms         chosen to run for Los Angeles County
2021, according to recent U.S. jobs reports.    in office.                                    Supervisor. This open seat, district three,
Among those quitting their jobs – baby              While some are pursuing opportuni-        covers most of the San Fernando Valley
boomers, women, Generation Z – many             ties for higher office, others are simply     and parts of the west side of Los Angeles.
have left their employers for increased         avoiding running difficult political races.   Also running are state Senators Henry
flexibility and more affordable regions.        As a result, there will be many more new      Stern and Bob Hertzberg. Stern has a free
Sectors hardest hit by this include: health-    legislators than originally thought in the    run as he is not up for up for reelection
care, retail, hospitality, and education.       2022 election cycle.                          until 2024, while Hertzberg is termed out
And despite construction revenues being             March 11 was the deadline for legis-      of office at the end of this year.

       M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
• Andreas Borgeas (R - Senate, 8th             • Marc Levine (D - Assembly, 10th Dis-
                             District) – Elected in 2018, with the po-      trict) – Elected in 2012, Levine has an-
                             tential to serve eight more years, Borgeas     nounced that he will not seek re-election
                             currently represents the Central Valley        and instead challenge fellow Democrat
                             and Sierra Nevada. He has announced            and current Insurance Commissioner,
Published bi-monthly         that he will not seek re-election.             Ricardo Lara.
for members of the           • Ed Chau (D - Assembly, 49th District)        • Connie Leyva (D - Senate, 20th Dis-
Associated General
                             – Elected in 2012, Chau was appointed by       trict) – Elected in 2014, Leyva has an-
Contractors of California
3095 Beacon Boulevard
                             Governor Gavin Newsom to be a judge in         nounced that she will not seek re-election
West Sacramento, CA          Los Angeles County Superior Court late         to her third and final term. Reapportion-
95691                        last year. A special election was called to    ment pitted Leyva against formidable
(916) 371-2422               fill this vacancy.                             and well-liked state Senator Susan Rubio.               • David Chiu (D - Assembly, 17th Dis-          • Jose Medina (D - Assembly, 61st Dis-
                             trict) – Elected in 2014, Chiu was ap-         trict) – Elected in 2012, with the potential

Al Rickard
                             pointed by San Francisco Mayor London          to remain in office until 2024, Medina has
Association Vision           Breed to serve as City Attorney of San         announced that he will not seek re-election
(703) 402-9713               Francisco. A special election was called       to his final term.     to fill this vacancy.                          • Kevin Mullin (D - Assembly, 22nd    • Jordan Cunningham (R - Assembly,             District) – Elected in 2014, with the poten-
                             35th District) – Elected in 2016, with the     tial to serve until 2026, Mullin is running

Carol A. Eaton
                             potential to serve until 2028, Cunning-        for the 14th Congressional district being
Eaton Communications         ham has announced that he will not             vacated by Jackie Speier.
(707) 789-9520               seek re-election. Reapportionment has          • Patrick O’Donnell (D - Assembly,
carol@eaton                  made this Central Coast district difficult     70th District) – Elected in 2014, with the           for Republicans to keep.                       potential to remain in office until 2026,
                             • Jim Frazier (D - Assembly, 11th Dis-         O’Donnell has announced that he will

THOR Design Studio
                             trict) – Elected in 2012, Frazier resigned     not seek re-election.
Washington D.C. | Austin     his position on Dec. 31 to seek a new          • Chad Mayes (I - Assembly, 42nd Dis-         career. A special election has been called     trict) – Elected in 2014, with the potential to              for June 7 to fill this vacancy.               remain in office until 2026, Mayes has an-
                             • Cristina Garcia (D - Assembly, 58th          nounced that he will not seek re-election.
                             District) – Elected in 2012, Garcia is seek-   • Bill Quirk (D - Assembly, 20th District)
Address editorial and
circulation correspondence
                             ing the now open 42nd congressional seat.      – Elected in 2012, with the potential to
to:                          She will be facing a difficult opponent in     remain in office until 2024, Quirk has an-
California Constructor       Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia.                nounced that he will not seek re-election.
AGC of California,           • Lorena Gonzalez (D - Assembly, 80th          • Rudy Salas (D - Assembly, 32nd Dis-
3095 Beacon Blvd., West      District) – Elected in a special election      trict) – Elected in 2012, with the potential
Sacramento, CA 95691
                             in 2013, Gonzalez resigned her posi-           to remain in office until 2024, Salas has
(916) 371-2422
or call Carol Eaton at
                             tion to work with the California Labor         announced that he will be challenging
(707) 789-9520               Federation. She is expected to succeed         incumbent Republican David Valadao for
or       Art Pulaski as the Chief Officer of the        the 21st congressional district.
                             Federation in July.
                             • Adam Gray (D - Assembly, 21st Dis-
                             trict) – Elected in 2012, Gray has an-
                             nounced that he will not seek re-election                         Felipe Fuentes
COPYRIGHT 2022               and instead run for the newly formed
                             13th Congressional district.

                                                                                        CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                               M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   5

Dina Kimble
Takes the Helm
                            BY CAROL E ATON

    M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
Royal Electric crews at work on the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
   Treatment Plant project, one of this year’s Constructor Award finalists.

           s AGC of California embraces its         “I feel like we really are at a great      Dina Kimble:
A          102nd year in 2022, the construc-
           tion industry is actively reshaping
its image with a renewed focus on people
                                                 turning point in the industry, where we
                                                 are focused on culture and people in
                                                 addition to the technical expertise that
                                                                                               Up Close
and culture. The timing could not be better      we’ve always had,” Kimble added. “It’s        Age: 45
for Dina Kimble to make history as the           such an exciting time to be part of it!”      Family: Married to husband,
first female and first specialty contractor                                                    Darrin, for 20 years; they have
member to serve as President of California’s     Connection, Passion, Leadership               two teens: son, Bennett (17), and
oldest and largest construction association.     Long known for its strong advocacy efforts    daughter, Lia (15).
     A third-generation President and CEO        in the legislative, regulatory, labor rela-   Keeping the Business in the
of Sacramento-based Royal Electric Co.,          tions and safety arenas, AGC has garnered     Family? Just like my dad, I don’t
Kimble was installed alongside the entire        additional attention in recent years for      want to put any pressure on
slate of 2022 officers and executive board       its innovative solutions in construction      them like that. But I’m definitely
during the AGC Installation and Awards           education and workforce development           passionate about the industry, so
Gala on March 11, 2022 in Huntington             and its industry leading diversity, equity    if my kids decide it’s something
Beach.                                           and inclusion (DEI) and mental health         they are interested in, I would
     Kimble said she is “humbled and hon-        initiatives, among others. As she steers      wholeheartedly support it!
ored” to be the first woman in the top AGC       these multipronged efforts in the year        Heritage: Proud Italian
leadership role – but is quick to add she        ahead, Kimble plans to emphasize three        American.
expects there to be many more to follow          key themes: connection, passion and           Hobbies: Our family loves to
as the construction industry continues to        leadership.                                   travel, both abroad and in our
grow more diverse and inclusive. “There              Connection is about far more than just    RV around the state.
are so many incredible women in our              networking, Kimble noted. “It’s forming       Favorite Places: Italy, any time!
industry who are just as deserving to be         friendships, peer to peer mentoring,          We also love the California coast,
the first female president; it’s something       connecting with the student chapters          Dillon Beach and Silver Lake.
I take very seriously,” she said.                and emerging leaders to inspire them to

                                                                                                         CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                                M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   7
grow in the industry,” she said, as well as
                                                                              connecting with people who affect the
                                                                              industry including legislators, public
                                                                              agencies, owners and trade partners.
                                                                                  Passion is about “plugging into areas
                                                                              of interest,” she said. “We all love building
                                                                              things and being part of the industry.
                                                                              There are so many areas that employees
                                                                              at our members’ companies can plug in
                                                                              and make a difference: legislative and
                                                                              PAC, workforce development and the
                                                                              Construction Education Foundation,
                                                                              Safety & Health Council, HR Forum and
                                                                              DEI Committee, to name just a few.”
                                                                                  As for leadership, Kimble said it is
                                                                              about “promoting a vision and connecting

Royal Electric: Building a Legacy                                             people with the resources they need to
                                                                              achieve that vision.”
                                                                                  Leadership is a trait that Kimble has
                                                                              carefully cultivated throughout her 25-
    oyal Electric was founded in 1971 by first-generation Italian-Ameri-       plus year career in construction. Serving

R   can Leo Vellutini, Dina Kimble’s grandfather. Three years later Leo’s
    son, Frank, came on board and together they began a decades long
expansion of the company.
                                                                              as President and CEO of Royal Electric
                                                                              since 2019, she has participated on multi-
                                                                              ple construction industry boards and as a
    With the passing of Leo in the early 1990s, Frank became President        Gubernatorial appointee to the California
and CEO. The company was soon recognized as one of the top 50 spe-            Apprenticeship Council.
cialty contractors in California and today continues to expand its port-          Within AGC, she has chaired the Build-
folio designing, building and servicing complex electrical systems and        ing Division and Delta-Sierra District and
underground projects across the Central and Western US. for both public       served on the Construction Education
and private owners and general contractors.                                   Foundation Board before advancing
    The company’s current leadership team includes Dina Vellutini Kimble      through the officer positions during the
as President and CEO, Bob Bell as EVP, Eric Gardner II as COO, and Keri       past four years as Treasurer, Vice Presi-
Adams as CFO. Together they are committed to carrying on the suc-             dent, President Elect and now President.
cessful legacy of the Vellutini family and continuing to build a legacy for   She recently participated in AGC’s newly
current and future employees.                                                 launched, year-long leadership develop-
    Reaching it milestone 50th anniversary in 2021, Royal Electric had        ment initiative known as Project Engage.
close to 600 employees at peak employment. The Sacramento Business            (
Journal ranked Royal Electric as the number-one electrical contractor in      project-engage)
the region in its recently released Top 25 ranking (March 1, 2022), with a        Kimble joined AGC about 10 years
record $121.99 million in revenues in 2021; it placed #277 on Engineering     ago after being invited to speak to the
News-Record’s 2021 list of Top 500 Specialty Contractors firms in the          Delta-Sierra District board about a ballot
United States (October 11-18, 2021). The company operates primarily in        initiative she was actively supporting
the Western United States but has completed project as far as Texas and       with another trade association. “I sat
Indiana.                                                                      in that room and saw the heads of all
    Royal Electric projects have received numerous industry awards, in-       companies that we try to work for sitting
cluding several AGC of California Constructor Awards.                         there and thought, ‘I need to be at this
                                                                              table,’” Kimble said.

     M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
True to form she got involved – and
hasn’t stopped since. “I’ve made so many
friends over the years at AGC but also
just great industry peers that I can call
on,” she said. “I love the district, state
and national model; you really can have
an impact in your local area as well as
                                                                     “I feel like we really are at a great
statewide and nationally at AGC.”
                                                                 turning point in the industry, where
Journey into the Executive Ranks                             we are focused on culture and people in
Although she grew up around the con-
struction industry, Kimble’s own journey                      addition to the technical expertise that
into its executive leadership ranks was far
from a foregone conclusion when she was                        we’ve always had. It’s such an exciting
deciding what career path to pursue. She
had worked at the electrical contracting                                 time to be part of it!” – Dina Kimble
business founded by her grandfather every
summer since she was 12, but “never even
envisioned it as a career for me,” Kimble said.
“We were a very small company back then,
and there were no women in operations.”


With tentative plans to major in busi-
ness, she was on a college tour trip with
her dad when he asked her whether she
had ever thought about joining Royal as
a career. “I just never pictured it until he
mentioned it,” she said. The idea had
immediate appeal.
    Kimble began looking at schools with
construction management majors – some-
thing her father had already done a bit
of research on – and ultimately chose to
attend Arizona State University, where
she obtained her B.S. in construction
management. She later obtained an MBA
from UC Davis.
    Starting out as a project manager,               “My goal is for our members to clearly
Kimble learned the business from the
inside out. She took on increasingly bigger            understand the ways they (and their
projects over time and had a hand in vir-
tually every aspect of the business before               teams within their companies) can
transitioning to the role of President and
Partner in 2017 and then, President and              connect, engage in their passion areas
CEO three years ago.
    From day one, her approach was sim-                   and lead the industry towards the
ple: “just work really hard, be willing to
admit what you don’t know, and show up
                                                                         future.” – Dina Kimble
to every meeting super prepared.” Early
on she was often the only woman in the
room. Today the tide is changing, Kimble
noted, as the construction industry has        But for us our primary job is to build the      the opportunities are going to come to
become much more focused on culture            people within the company, people who           us, and we want to be able to grow so the
than it ever was, and growing numbers          are inspired to grow in their career. Then      talented people on our team have room
of women have joined the workforce.            those people build great relationships          to advance and be successful in their
                                               with our clients, our vendors, and other        careers,” she said.
Elevating the Company Culture                  trades on the jobs. And finally, those              At the same time, she plans to de-
As a family business with many long-term       relationships are what allow us to build        vote plenty of energy leading AGC and
employees, Royal Electric has always           excellent projects and have fun doing it.”      continuing to build on its reputation
maintained a strong company culture.                                                           as the state’s preeminent construction
But in recent years, it has taken a more       Embracing the                                   association – one that doesn’t shy away
intentional approach to building a thriv-      Opportunities Ahead                             from a challenge when it comes to ad-
ing, growing and increasingly diverse          As she looks to the year ahead, juggling        vocating on behalf of its members and
workforce with a focus on three strategic      leadership of her company and of AGC            the construction industry.
pillars: building people, building rela-       (while still finding time for family), Kimble       “My goal is for our members to clearly
tionships, and building projects.              said she looks forward to the challenge.        understand the ways they (and their teams
    “I tell people they are in that order         She plans to continue steering Royal         within their companies) can connect,
for a reason,” Kimble explained. “We are       Electric’s expansion and growth, guided         engage in their passion areas and lead
technical experts; we get the job done.        by a long-term strategic plan. “We know         the industry towards the future.”

       M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
AGC of California awarded four coveted
Achievement Awards and its prestigious
Construction Education Friend Award
during the annual Installation and Awards
Gala, presented by Procore.
    The Construction Education Friend
Award recognizes individuals who have
made outstanding contributions to con-
struction education efforts and the devel-
opment of future construction workforce,
while the Achievement Awards honor
individuals for outstanding contributions
to the construction industry.

                                             CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                    M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   11
1 CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION                                Elected President of the SBCTC at its 61st
                                    FRIEND AWARD                                        convention in October 2012, Hunter previ-
                                    Miquel “Mick” Penn, Swinerton                       ously served as Executive-Secretary of the
                                    Throughout his career, Miquel “Mick” Penn           Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and
                                    has made significant contributions to work-
                                                                                        Construction Trades Council. In that role he
                                    force development and construction edu-
                                    cation. He is especially passionate about           negotiated agreements that incorporated all
                                    bringing people into the industry that are          affiliated construction trades on individual
                                    underrepresented.                                   projects, as well as master agreements with
1                                       Penn began his career as the program            major entities like the Port of Los Angeles,
                                    counselor at Mission Hiring Hall assisting          Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles Unified
                                    clients with job placement and retention.           School District, and Los Angeles Community
                                    After serving in workforce development and          College District.
                                    outreach manager roles in several private and           Hunter is an Ironworker and served as
                                    public entities, he moved up to his current role    president of Local 433, Structural Ironwork-
                                    as the Northern California Regional Commu-          ers, the largest Ironworker local union in the
                                    nity Relations Liaison at Swinerton, where he       United States and Canada. He also served on
                                    implements the Vendor Diversity Program             the District Council of Ironworkers for Cali-
2                                   for its Northern California region operations.      fornia and Nevada and as a board member/
                                        He leads STEM-based construction                apprenticeship instructor/trainer for the
                                    awareness programs in coordination with             Joint Labor Management apprenticeship
                                    Swinerton’s Corporate Social Responsibility         program in California and Nevada.
                                    team and has been partnering with high              3CONTRACTOR ACHIEVEMENT
                                    school programs throughout Northern Cali-           AWARD
                                    fornia to educate students on potential craft       Mike Aparicio, Skanska USA Civil, Inc.
                                    and management careers in construction.             Serving the California construction industry
                                        Working in partnership with the AGC             for over 40 years, Mike Aparicio, Executive
                                                                                        Vice President for Skanska USA Civil, Inc.
3                                   Build California Carpenters Apprenticeship
                                                                                        has been earning a reputation as both an
                                    programs, the Construction Industry Educa-          unparalleled project operations manager
                                    tion Foundation and Swinerton’s Innovation          and a strong industry advocate.
                                    Group, Penn helps to expose students and                Under his leadership, Skanska has com-
                                    their families to cutting-edge applications from    pleted billions of dollars in projects. Aparicio
                                    virtual reality training headsets, robots, and 3D   has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to
                                    modeling. He has also been instrumental in          assemble best-in-class teams and provide
                                    advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion      customers with best value solutions.
                                    (DEI) at Swinerton and with AGC’s DEI efforts.          Throughout his career, he personally
                                                                                        promoted the hiring of minority, women and
4                                   2 SKILL, INTEGRITY,
                                                                                        local firms and staff. He has worked directly
                                    RESPONSIBILITY (S.I.R)
                                    ACHIEVEMENT AWARD                                   with firms providing advice and support as
                                    Robbie Hunter, State Building and                   they grow within the industry. Additionally,
                                    Construction Trades Council of Cali-                he has maintained a constant commitment
                                    fornia (retired)                                    to worker and public safety.
                                    As the former head of the State Building and
                                                                                            Long a respected leader in the heavy civil
                                    Construction Trades Council of California
                                                                                        community, Aparicio expanded his role be-
                                    (SBCTC), Robbie Hunter exemplifies the attri-
                                    butes of skill, integrity, and responsibility. He   yond project delivery to advocate and support
                                    left an incredible legacy and big shoes to fill     the growth of vital infrastructure investments.
5                                   when he announced his retirement last year.         He collaborated with John Hakel, previously

     M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
with AGC and later CEO for the California         – Specialty Contractors on the AGC of Califor-   construction claims have made her a standout
Partnership for Jobs, to help establish the       nia Executive Committee and as a Director        within the industry and a recipient of several
first partnership between AGC and LA Metro        on the Orange County Board of Directors. He      construction and insurance industry accolades.
and ultimately to form their first Private/       is passionate about supporting many other        She received the Construction Financial Man-
Public Liaison Board. This partnership has        professional and community organizations.        agement Association’s national Joe Quigley
supported the development of high-quality             Active in many facets of AGC and a strong    Memorial Chapter Award in 2019 and was
transportation options in the Los Angeles area.   partner to the association, he has provided      named one of Insurance Business America’s
                                                  strong, wide-ranging leadership on the AGC       2020 Elite Women in the insurance industry.
4 SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR                            Specialty Contractors Council, pushing it           Within AGC, Grandy is currently serving
                                                  to engage in topics and issues impacting         her second rotation on the AGC State Board
Greg Timmerman, ISEC, Inc.
                                                  specialty contractors within AGC and the         and as Chair of the Delta Sierra District. She
Greg Timmerman began his career with ISEC,
                                                  industry at large.                               was a highly effective Chair of the Associates
Inc. in 1988 and has advanced through lead-
ership and operational roles in the company’s     5ASSOCIATE ACHIEVEMENT                           Council in 2015 and 2016.
Colorado, Washington, and California offices.     AWARD                                               Her leadership during major transitions
    He has been responsible for significant       Mary Grandy, EPIC Insurance Brokers              within AGC has been critical, while her in-
leadership development, oversight of multiple     A highly engaged leader with AGC of Cali-        volvement with the Delta-Sierra District has
locations, and building strong relationships      fornia for nearly a decade, Mary Grandy is
                                                                                                   helped increase engagement and growth.
                                                  well-recognized in the insurance and con-
with ISEC’s regional teams, key clients, and                                                       While serving as District Vice Chair in 2018
                                                  struction industry. Since 1995 she held pro-
supply chain partners. In 2021, he was pro-       gressively higher roles with AAA, USAA, the      and 2019 and Chair in 2020, the Delta-Sierra
moted to President and CEO.                       Leavitt Group, and EPIC Insurance Brokers.       District recorded three consecutive years of
    Timmerman also serves as a Vice President         Grandy’s in-depth expertise in litigated     strong net growth in membership.

                                          Congratulations, Winners!

                                           BY CAROL E ATON

     M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
            GC of California (AGC) welcomed approximately 650 attendees to its
            2022 Installation & Awards Gala, presented by Procore, on March 11 at        Thank You to
            the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa.                             Our Sponsors
                The prestigious black-tie event was safely back in person once again,
celebrating the best of the best of California construction projects, industry leaders
and companies at an “Oscar-style” awards ceremony.
    The gala honored the Constructor Awards, the Construction Education Friend                      PRESENTING

Award and Achievement Award winners (see page 12) and showcased a diverse
array of highly successful projects built by AGC member contractors.
    “Every year, we honor leaders in our industry working to build California and
keep our state thriving and growing,” said Dina Kimble, 2022 AGC of California
President and President and CEO of Royal Electric Co. “I am honored to lead us
this year in times of progress and evolution in the industry.”
    Kimble, AGC’s first female president, was officially installed to the AGC State
Board of Directors at the Gala along with the full slate of 2022 AGC officers. (Read
about this year’s officers in our January/February 2022 issue, https://www.agc-ca.
    The Gala also provided the opportunity to honor outgoing President Mike Blach,
Blach Construction, who served two terms during 2020 and 2021.
    AGC of California’s prestigious Constructor Awards program recognizes mem-
bers’ achievements for their skill, unique undertakings and ability to address
monumental challenges on projects. Only one “Constructor” sculpture is awarded
in each category. This year, 10 projects received Constructor Awards from a field of
25 previously announced finalists, all of which were showcased on Awards night.
    The Constructor Award winners and their projects are highlighted on the fol-                   NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
                                                                                                   DISTRICT COUNCIL
                                                                                                   OF LABORERS

lowing pages.


    Constructor Awards Judges                                                            ACCO Engineered Systems
    AGC says a big “Thank You!” to the Awards Committee and Constructor
                                                                                            Bali Construction, Inc.
    Awards Finalist Judges. This year’s finalists judges included:
                                                                                              BuildOut California

    • Erwin Villegas, Frank Schipper        • Pat Kelly, Granite Construction                Frank M. Booth, Inc.
      Construction Chair, Awards              Company Highway &                                   Giroux Glass
      Committee                               Transportation Division                               ISEC, Inc.
    • Jim Blois, Blois Construction,          Representative
                                                                                         Myers & Sons Construction
      Inc. Utility & Infrastructure         • Terrence McNamara, Teichert
                                                                                         Operating Engineers Local 3
      Division Representative                 Construction Awards
                                                                                         Operating Engineers Local 12
    • Brad Jeanneret, Hensel Phelps           Committee Representative
      Building Division Representative      • Bert Somers, Ferrovial                          Otto Construction

    • Randy Iwasaki, Amazon Web               Agroman Awards Committee                          Trench Shoring
      Services Outside Industry Judge         Representative                                             BRONZE

                                                                                          CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                 M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   15

        Yerba Buena Engineering & Construction

 for “Bayview Gateway Pilot Project”
 This project transformed a vacant lot that was once an eyesore into an attrac-
 tive new entryway into San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood for thousands
 of drivers coming into the city each day.
     Yerba Buena Engineering & Construction installed a Hollywood-type sign
 and landscaping on a lot at the foot of the Third Street exit off the Bayshore
 Freeway. The highly visible lot, formerly overgrown and filled with trash, is    Yerba Buena Engineering
 now landscaped with new trees and plants and sports 10-foot-high, mosa-          & Construction received
                                                                                  a Constructor award for
 ic-covered concrete letters spelling out the word “Bayview.”
                                                                                  Bayview Gateway Pilot
     The project culminated a community effort set in motion a decade ago and     project.
 involved the collaboration of numerous individuals, businesses, nonprofit
 organizations and government agencies. Their goal: to boost local pride in a
 neighborhood long known as a socially and economically depressed area in
 San Francisco. This pilot project serves as a model for further improvements
 in a long-neglected area.

      M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2

       ISEC, Inc. for “DGC COVID-19

  Temporary Lab”
  During a time of uncertainty and obstacles, as businesses and schools tem-
  porarily shuttered at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction
  industry stood on the front-line providing solutions. One such solution was
  the DGS COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in Valencia, CA.
     ISEC, Inc. was contracted by Hensel Phelps to be part of a team to repur-
  pose a 134,000-sq.-ft. warehouse and office space into a state-of-the-art lab-    ISEC, Inc. received a
  oratory to be used in the fight against COVID. They faced the unprecedented       Constructor award for DGS
                                                                                    COVID-19 Temporary Lab.
  request to build out this specialty lab in just eight weeks, an enormous feat
  even without the ongoing struggles posed by the pandemic. The project
  took place at the height of the nation’s volatile supply chain disruptions and
  production shortages.
     Daily collaboration with the design team was instrumental to achieving
  the goal. Field crews worked around the clock, procurement teams managed
  25+ vendors to maximum capacity working multiple shifts, and freight and
  logistics teams coordinated over 50 cross country deliveries to successfully
  meet this monumental challenge.
     Also selected as finalist in this category were: Marina Landscape for “Crane
  Cove Park Project” and Royal Electric for “Sonoma Valley County Sanitation
  District Treatment Plant Electrical Resiliency Project.”

                                                                                               CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                      M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   17

        BrightView for “SoFi Sports Stadium

  and Entertainment Complex”
  More than five years of design and construction went into creating the 300-
  acre SoFi Sports Stadium and Entertainment Complex in Inglewood, home
  to the LA Rams and the LA Chargers.
      BrightView’s contract included installation of irrigation and drainage pipe,
  plant material, placement of decorative gravel, cobble and boulders and
  the creation of water features including a 5.5-acre lake, 13 pools, an 8-foot      BrightView received a
  waterfall and programmable shooting fountain.                                      Constructor award for
                                                                                     SoFi Sports Stadium and
      The contractor overcame numerous challenges, including starting the
                                                                                     Entertainment Complex.
  project six months later than originally planned. Time constraints and delays
  demanded detailed logistics. At least 10 cranes were setting large overhead
  structure and roof panels each day, a critical consideration as BrightView
  executed more than 700 crane lifts to install and set rock, soil and trees at
  various locations.
      Through detailed scheduling, tracking and continuous communication
  with the client, BrightView delivered the project on time and under budget
  with no OSHA recordable incidents.
      Also selected as finalists in this category was Royal Electric for “Twelve
  Bridges High School Project.”

      M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2

       Otto Construction for “SMUD

  Museum of Science and Curiosity”
  Originally built in 1911 on the banks of the Sacramento River, the Pacific Gas
  and Electric Co. Power Station B features a Beaux Arts Classic Revival style.
  It generated power for 42 years before being decommissioned and sitting
  vacant for 50 years.
      Several years ago, Otto Construction began working as part of a collabo-
  rative design-build effort that included Dreyfuss and Blackford Architects,         Otto Construction received
  Buehler Structural Engineers, and the city of Sacramento to devise a reuse for      a Constructor award for
                                                                                      SMUD Museum of Science
  the facility. In 2018, Otto signed a contract that would transform the 110-year-
                                                                                      and Curiosity.
  old historic structure into the new SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity.
      Otto navigated myriad environmental issues and repaired structural
  deficiencies that had put the historic building at risk of collapse. The project
  added structural supports and a second floor inside the powerhouse and
  included a 22,800-square-foot addition. Ultimately, the design-build team
  overcame multiple hurdles to breathe new life into a historic landmark that
  will impact the local community for years to come.
      Also selected as finalists in this category were: Clark Construction for “San
  Francisco Animal Care and Control” project and Pinner Construction for
  “Fireboat Station No. 15 at Pier F.”

                                                                                                  CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                         M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   19

       Granite Construction for “Mulholland

  Highway over Triunfo Creek Bridge #1180”
  In November 2018 the Woolsey fire devastated parts of Los Angeles and Ven-
  tura Counties including the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation
  Area and Malibu. Adjacent to areas that were destroyed, the Triunfo Creek
  Bridge in Cornell needed to be replaced. The Los Angeles County Department
  of Public Works awarded Granite Construction the contract to construct a
  permanent replacement bridge.                                                      Granite Construction
      Granite worked closely with the owner to accommodate tourist traffic           received a Constructor
                                                                                     award for Mulholland
  passing through the job. The team was sensitive to numerous environmental
                                                                                     Highway over Triunfo Creek
  constraints while working around Triunfo Creek, a tributary of Malibu Lake         Bridge #1180 project.
  which is home to many high-profile residents.
      Granite’s constructability expertise saved significant time as the team
  worked with stakeholders to reduce or fully mitigate new budget impacts
  related to the increased truss weights and larger crane needed to construct
  the final designed bridge. The company’s strong community engagement, use
  of on-site materials to reduce costs and excellent safety record all contributed
  to a highly successful project.
      Also selected as finalists in this category were Griffith Company for “Park
  to Playa Pedestrian Bridge” and Myers and Sons Construction for “Santa Fe
  Bridge over the Tuolumne River.”

     M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2

                                                                                                                                          PHOTO © JOHN EDWARD LINDENS
        Hensel Phelps for “Caltech Tianqiao and

  Chrissy Chen Neuroscience Research Building”
  The Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Neuroscience Research Building delivers
  on Caltech’s effort to centralize its diverse brain research efforts and foster
  cross-disciplinary collaboration in one world-class research facility.
     The Hensel Phelps | SmithGroup design-build team took a holistic, inte-
  grated and highly collaborative approach to the project, engaging all partici-
  pants and stakeholders in developing and communicating the project vision.        Hensel Phelps received
     The team overcame significant obstacles to deliver the project on schedule     a Constructor award for
                                                                                    Caltech Tianqiao and
  with the highest level of quality. They took special care preserving or relo-
                                                                                    Chrissy Chen Neuroscience
  cating surrounding features including seven historic bungalows, a giant oak       Research Building. Photo
  tree and several other protected trees near the site.                             (c) John Edward Lindens
     Hensel Phelps self-performed concrete on the project and successfully          (confirm from HP entry).

  planned and built a pedestrian tunnel well in advance, avoiding unnecessary
  disruption. Ultimately, they delivered a transformative neuroscience research
  facility that will enhance the lives of countless people around the world.
     Also selected as finalists in this category were: Blach Construction for
  “Canada College Kinesiology & Wellness Building” and McCarthy for “Soka
  University of America’s STEM and Residence Halls.”

                                                                                               CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                      M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   21

   WINNERMyers and Sons Construction for
  “U.S. 101 Deck Replacement at Alemany Circle”
  The U.S. 101 Deck Replacement at Alemany Circle project replaced the cracked
  and crumbling bridge deck structure on a major high-volume artery in the Bay
  Area. Myers and Sons Construction contended with limited staging areas and
  carefully worked around other bridge structures in extremely close proximity.
     As the pandemic forced many areas into lockdown, it reduced traffic and
  created an opportunity for acceleration. Myers and Caltrans collaborated to      Myers and Sons
  accelerate the project by nearly three months.                                   Construction received a
                                                                                   Constructor award for the
     The contractor devised myriad solutions and maintained a strict, fast-paced
                                                                                   U.S. 101 Deck Replacement
  workflow. It self-performed a large portion of work and leveraged just-in-time   at Alemany Circle project.
  materials delivery to streamline the chain of custody and limit laydown area
  needs. Caltrans expedited testing and approvals of a Myers-developed custom
  concrete mix that helped meet the accelerated schedule.
     Innovative construction approaches and strong collaboration allowed
  Myers to complete the project three times faster than originally planned.
  Avoiding liquidated damages estimated at $1 million per day, the contractor
  won an $8 million bonus for early completion.
     Also selected as finalist in this category were: Granite for “Belle Terrace
  Operational Improvements Project” and Teichert for “SR 120 – Union Road
  Diverging Diamond Interchange.”

     M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2

   WINNER   Turner for “SoFi Stadium”
  SoFi Stadium, home to the Los Angeles Rams and Chargers, is the first football
  stadium erected in Los Angeles in nearly a century. The 3.1 million-sq.-ft.
  open-air, indoor-outdoor stadium is the centerpiece of a nearly 300-acre
  development. It shares a roof canopy with two additional venues – the 2.5-
  acre American Airlines Plaza, and a 6,000-seat performance venue.
      Designed by HKS Architects and built by the Turner-AECOM/Hunt joint
  venture, SoFi Stadium incorporates a series of engineering feats that had           Turner received a
  never been attempted before. There are numerous one-of-a-kind architec-             Constructor award for SoFi
  tural elements, ranging from an event level that is 100 feet below-grade and a
  2.5-acre covered outdoor plaza, to the world’s largest cable net roof structure
  and the installation of the largest video board in sports.
      More than 17,000 people contributed to making the NFL’s largest stadium
  a reality, including over 2,200 local craft workers. Construction completed on
  schedule and in the midst of a global pandemic in August 2020. The newest,
  largest, and most technologically advanced NFL stadium built to date, this
  landmark indoor-outdoor complex will be a Southern California destination
  for years to come.
      Also selected as finalist in this category was Clark Construction for “UC San
  Diego North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood.”

                                                                                                  CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                         M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   23

   WINNERSkanska USA Civil West for
  “I-15 Express Lanes Design-Build Project”
  Riverside County Transportation Commission’s I-15 Express Lanes Design-Build
  Project greatly improves existing and future mobility along the I-15 corridor.
  Designed and constructed by a joint venture comprising Skanska as managing
  partner, Ames Construction as civil general contractor and AZTEC as lead
  designer, the project increases the freeway’s capacity by 67%.
     The project added two express lanes in each direction for 15 miles through      Skanska USA Civil West
  several cities in Riverside County. It included over 130,000 cubic yards of con-   received a Constructor
                                                                                     award for the I-15 Express
  crete paving with 20 inside, outside, or median bridge widenings performed
                                                                                     Lanes Design-Build project.
  on 11 bridges, along with the construction of nine sound walls that were over
  two miles long and nine retaining walls, among other components.
     The project team worked collaboratively with the owner and multiple
  stakeholders to deliver the project in a safe and efficient manner. Skanska
  implemented several innovative solutions to improve safety and reduce en-
  vironmental impacts. They employed teamwork, partnering, and extensive
  community involvement to help deliver this highly successful project.
     Also selected as finalist in this category were Manson Construction for “P-
  440 Pier 8 Replacement” and Sully Miller for “LAX Taxiway P Project.”

     M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2

        Manson Construction for

  “P-440 Pier 8 Replacement”
  Manson Construction partnered with its client, NAVFAC SW at Naval Base
  San Diego, as well as a group of dedicated subcontractors to complete the
  P-440 Pier 8 Replacement project four-and-a-half months ahead of schedule.
      Delivered with the highest level of quality, the project finished with min-
  imal impact on port or base operations and no open claims.
      Partnering with subcontractors who had experience on Navy pier proj-          Manson Construction
  ects in San Diego provided peace of mind for the client, stakeholders, base       received a Constructor
                                                                                    award for the P-440 Pier 8
  operation and all other parties involved. Team members at every level were
                                                                                    Replacement project.
  brought back from previous projects for the client, providing site experience
  and the proven ability to devise quick solutions.
      Whether dealing with unforeseeable issues such as differing site condi-
  tions, logistics, or the pandemic, or pursuing design upgrades while staying
  within budget, the project team continuously came together to brainstorm
  timely solutions. These efforts kept the project on target to meet the goals
  established in the initial partnering session.
      Also selected as finalists in this category was Myers and Sons Construction
  for “U.S. 1010 Deck Replacement at Alemany Circle.”

                                                                                                CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                       M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   25
Spotlight on
Women in

            arch 6-12, 2022 is Women in Construction week     increases in the total number of women working in

M           in the United States. The yearly observance,
            begun 62 years ago by a chapter of the National
Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), highlights
                                                              those job sectors over those years.
                                                                  In its 2021 report, SmartAsset listed female civil engi-
                                                              neers, construction managers and carpenters among its
the contributions of women and the many well-paying career    top 20 ranking of the “Fastest-Growing Jobs for Women
opportunities available to them in this essential industry.   in the United States.” from 2016-2020.
    Currently, women make up just 11% of the total                Backing that up, a 2021 survey of approximately 700
construction workforce – a demographic that has been          women in construction by NAWIC and Safe Site Check
slow to change even though construction careers offer         reported that a vast majority (over 70%) believed op-
earnings well above many other market sectors. The            portunities for women in construction are on the rise.
industry’s ongoing workforce shortage only amplifies          NAWIC noted that the gender pay gap is “significantly
the need to attract more women into a wide array of           smaller” than other industries, with women in con-
construction jobs.                                            struction reportedly earning around 99% of their male
    There are some signs that the needle may be starting      counterparts.
to move, however, particularly for the younger gener-             So what is the state of the market for women in con-
ation of workers.                                             struction in California in 2022? California Constructor
    A 2020 study by SmartAsset, “Fastest-Growing Jobs for     sought input from three standout AGC members at
Women in the United States,” analyzed U.S. Department         different stages of their careers. Mercy Canul, Kasie
of Labor statistics and found that three categories of con-   Bowden and Wendy Cohen shared their journeys and
struction jobs ranked among the top 10 fastest-growing        challenges they have faced, where they have turned for
occupations for women from 2015-2019. Construction            support and mentorship, and what advice they would
managers, construction and maintenance painters               offer young women just starting out in the industry or
and construction laborers all showed more than 50%            considering a career in construction.

       M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
       M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   27
“Don’t be afraid of failure.
                                                                   Figuring out adulthood as you
                                                                   are advancing in your career
                                                                   will challenge you and how
                                                                   you envision your goals, so
                                                                   you need to be ready when
                                                                   things don’t go your way.
                                                                   Successful people fail but do
                                                                   not give up.” – Mercy Canul

                                                   CANUL                     the John Burroughs Middle School Modernization
                                                                             project for LAUSD.
                                                     Senior Project
                                                   Engineer, Griffith            Developing confidence as a woman in a heavily
                                                        Company              male-dominated industry was initially challenging,
                                                                             she concedes. “Coming out of college, the first thing

        or Mercy Canul, joining her high                                     I did was look for women in the field so that I could
        school robotics team was the spark that ignited her ask them questions I was not comfortable asking my male
        interest in pursuing engineering as a career.               counterparts.” Although there weren’t many women in the
    “I was part of a team of 25 students, and we would collaborate field then, as time went on she worked through how she fit in
and compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition once a year. and grew more comfortable in her role.
The robot would have to perform a specific task, be built within       Mentors were an important source of support. “I think it
budget and be shipped off on time. I wanted to find a career is important for women to find people that they can trust and
that would be just as rewarding and challenging,” she said.         have on their side that believe in them and in what they can do,
    The first in her family to go to college, Canul started out even when they are doubting themselves,” she commented.
at California State University, Long Beach still undecided on          The friendships, support and encouragement of other
her exact career path. “It took a lot of self-motivation to go out women have been integral to her own journey, Canul said.
there and explore options and try to figure out where I would “Being a woman in a male-dominated industry has connected
spend the rest of most of my life,” she said.                       us all together,” she commented. “We are stronger in numbers.
    She joined the AGC California State University Long Beach I am extremely proud of and happy for all the women I met
Chapter after researching engineering related groups and when they were in management positions, who are now in
clubs on campus. “Being part of the student chapter, I found leadership/executive roles. The idea of ‘if she succeeded in
mentors and friends,” she said. It helped her learn more about this industry, so can I,’ is the change in attitude that I sought
the construction industry and ultimately shaped her decision for many years.”
to obtain her B.S. in construction engineering management.             Her advice for girls considering a career in construction?
    Introduced to Griffith Company through the AGC Student “Don’t be afraid of failure. Figuring out adulthood as you are
Chapter, Canul interned with the company the summer of advancing in your career will challenge you and how you en-
her sophomore year and accepted a full-time job there after vision your goals, so you need to be ready when things don’t
graduating in 2015. She is currently a Sr. Project Engineer on go your way. Successful people fail but do not give up.”

      M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2
“As the only woman in the room or on the
                                                                   team, sometimes you feel an added layer of
                                                                   pressure. But once you find your voice it
                                                                   can be so powerful, bringing that diversity
                                                                   of opinion and new ideas of how to do
                                                                   something that might not get interjected
                                                                   otherwise.” – Kasie Bowden

                                                                    her career. “As the only woman in the room or on the team,
                                                                    sometimes you feel an added layer of pressure,” she said. “But
                                                                    once you find your voice it can be so powerful, bringing that
                                                                    diversity of opinion and new ideas of how to do something
                                                                    that might not get interjected otherwise.”
                                                                                A few years into her career, in 2013 Bowden joined
                                                                             together with a group of female colleagues who
                                                  KASIE                      also worked in construction operations and saw the

                                                 BOWDEN                      need for a support network for women like them.
                                                                             They founded the Southern California Chapter of
                                                       Superintendent,       the Women in Construction Operations (WiOPS). Its
                                                        Hensel Phelps        mission: to support the advancement of women in
                                                                             construction operations by providing mentorship,

         asie Bowden knew from an early                                      learning and networking opportunities. WiOPS has
         age that she wanted more than just a desk job. The since opened a Northern California chapter and represents
         Houston, TX native followed in her father’s footsteps more than 1,000 members.
to attend USC, where she studied civil engineering. During             As she looks back on a career spanning 16 years in the
career fairs at school, she discovered a particular affinity with industry and counting, Bowden sees a changing landscape.
the people she was meeting from construction companies.                “When I first started, I could name on two hands how many
    Bowden took her father’s advice to choose a company based women were in my company in Southern California,” she said.
on a sense of connection to the people who worked there. She Today, there are over 120 women in the Hensel Phelps Women’s
joined Hensel Phelps as a field engineer in 2006 and since then Network in Southern California, and women represent about
has steadily progressed through a variety of field positions. 18% of project managers in the region.
Currently she is a project superintendent on the $700 million          “It’s really exciting to see more women coming up (the
UCI Irvine Campus Medical Complex megaproject.                      ranks),” she said. But industrywide, female representation is
    As a woman on the operations management side of the still thin at the top. WiOPS is focusing on finding ways to create
business, Bowden has frequently found herself in the minority greater support for the advancement of women at all levels of
on the jobsite. “Demographically you don’t see a lot of women their careers, not just entry or mid-level positions.
in this role,” she said.                                               For young women just starting out in the construction
    One of the most common challenges she has encountered industry, Bowden offered this advice: “Embody your whole
is a “subconscious bias” that most people don’t even realize self; bring all of you to work. I used to really compartmentalize
they have. “I talk a lot about safety in my role, and some people myself – there would be “work Kasie” and “home Kasie.” I would
would assume that I’m the ‘safety girl,’ – and that’s fine to be, find myself so exhausted at the end of the day just trying to fit
but it’s not what I am,” she said. “Sometimes you just have to into that box of what it looked like to be in construction. So
have a sense of humor and just laugh it off.”                       work towards bringing all of you to work every day, because
    Finding her voice was critical to more fully grow into that is how you are going to be happiest and perform the best.”

                                                                                                    CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                           M A R C H -A P R I L 2 0 2 2   29
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