Page created by Melissa Gallagher


                                                        As the College Principal at BIMM               and TV, the countless venues, festivals
                                                        Brighton, I know that choosing the right       and a beach that’s definitely the place
                                                        place to study and nurture your talent         to hang out in the summer, are just the
                                                        is one of the most important decisions         start of what you need to know about
                                                        you’ll ever make. I understand this            before making that decision yourself.
                                                        personally because before I began my
                                                        career, I knew that I wanted to make           Since BIMM Brighton was established 17
                                                        music my life. And I knew that where I         years ago, I’ve seen firsthand how our
                                                        decided to study was going to be a big         fantastic team of industry professional
                                                        part of my success.                            tutors have inspired and taught the
                                                                                                       musicians, creatives and music industry
THE SECRET TO SUCCESS                                   I was fortunate enough to choose a place       entrepreneurs of the future to go on to

                                                        that inspired me and opened up paths to        bigger and better things. All our courses
                                                        the music career I have today; one that        are validated by the University of
                                                        has included working with Ronnie Wood,         Sussex, so you can be assured that the
                                                        Mick Jagger, Procol Harum and Slash,           qualification you achieve at BIMM is truly
                                                        which has, in turn, ultimately led me          world class.
                                                        to working at BIMM – Europe’s leading
                                                        provider of contemporary                       I continue to work in the music industry
If you want to make it     You’ll cross paths with      music education.                               like all the tutors at BIMM, but with an
in music, you’ve got to    more guest tutors; some                                                     added passion and focus in passing on
get connected, and at      of the most successful       When I moved to Brighton and started           the knowledge, skills and connections
                                                        teaching at BIMM, it felt like a city I        to the next generation of aspiring music
BIMM we get you better     and influential people
                                                        could not only continue my music and           industry professionals, creatives and
connected than             in the industry.             education career in, but because of            performers. If this sounds like you, then
anybody else.                                           the community the BIMM students and            we look forward to being a part of
                                                        staff create, it quickly felt like home.       your journey towards a successful and
                           And you’ll be involved
                                                        Brighton’s vibrant creative scene, our         sustainable career in music.
You’ll mix with more       in one of the most           connections to the wider creative
of the finest aspiring     vibrant music scenes         industries such as Performing Arts, Film
musicians in Europe,       on the planet, because
and the largest alumni     all of our colleges are in
network in the industry.   the cities where music
                           matters most.
You’ll be introduced to
more world-class tutors,   If you want to get into
every one of them active   the music industry,
within the contemporary    get into BIMM.                                                          MARTIN WRIGHT
music business.                                                                                    COLLEGE PRINCIPAL – BIMM INSTITUTE BRIGHTON

                                                                                                                                       WELCOME      3
               STARTS HERE

                    ABOUT BIMM
                    BRIGHTON – THE PLACE TO STUDY
                    THE BIMM STUDY EXCHANGE
                                                          AB UT BIMM
               10   LIFE AT BIMM
               12   MASTERCLASSES
               18   ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
               20   STUDENT ENRICHMENT
               22   STUDENT SUCCESS
                                                    AS EUROPE’S LEADING PROVIDER OF MUSIC EDUCATION, BIMM HAS SPENT 35 YEARS

               52   SUMMER SCHOOLS
               53   STUDENT SUPPORT                 Music is booming. With the global industry       Dublin or Hamburg, you’ll dive into a
               54   HOW TO APPLY                    worth an annual $50bn, there’s never been        community of like-minded music-lovers
               56   INTERNATIONAL                   a better time to seize the growing career        from every genre, and make connections
                                                    opportunities out there. BIMM puts it all at     with the industry decision-makers on your
               58   FEES AND FINANCE                your fingertips. For 35 years, we’ve sparked     doorstep. Harness BIMM’s state-of-the-
               60   STUDENT LOANS                   the creativity and sharpened the skill-sets of   art facilities. Tap into contacts that range
               61   SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES      our students, helping them achieve dream         from leading labels to renowned studios
                                                    roles at the top of the industry. BIMM’s         and major festivals. Collaborate with fellow
               62   EDUCATION PARTNERS              success-rate says it all. We’ve kick-started     students as you gig, learn and build a
               63   ACCOMMODATION                   the careers of household names like George       bespoke CV. There’s no better place to get
               65   OPEN DAYS AND COLLEGE TOURS     Ezra, James Bay, The Kooks, Tom Odell,           industry-ready.
                                                    Radiohead, Black Honey, Fickle Friends
               66   CONTACT INFORMATION             and Ella Mai – not to mention countless top      Every QAA-assured BIMM college offers
                                                    songwriters, musicians, agents, producers,       fully accredited courses, with modules led
                                                    journalists, business professionals and          by our dedicated teams of expert tutors.
                                                    major-label managers.                            All active players in their fields – boasting
                                                                                                     credits with the world’s biggest artists,
                                                    Anywhere you find a dynamic music city,          labels, publications and music businesses
                                                    you’ll find a BIMM college. Whether you          – they have the passion and hard-won
                                                    choose to study in London, Brighton,             knowledge to drive your career forward.
                                                    Birmingham, Bristol, Berlin, Manchester,

4   CONTENTS                                                                                                                        ABOUT BIMM       5
                                   IN BRIGHTON. WHETHER IT’S

                TO STUDY
                                   ACOUSTIC BUSKERS PLAYING IN
                                   THE NORTH LAINE DURING THE
                                   DAY, INTERNATIONAL ACTS AT
                                   CONCORDE 2 OR THE BRIGHTON
                                   CENTRE IN THE EVENING, OR THE
                                   SOUND OF LIVE BANDS PULSATING
                                   ACROSS THE CITY FROM ONE OF
                                   THE HUNDREDS OF BARS, PUBS
                                   AND CLUBS, MUSIC IS FOREVER
                                   BEING CARRIED ON THE WIND.
                                   QUITE OFTEN THAT MELODY YOU
                                   CAN HEAR IN THE DISTANCE WILL
                                   BELONG TO A VERY TALENTED
                                   BIMM STUDENT.

                                   BRIGHTON ROCKS
                                   Brighton’s many venues make it a paradise
                                   for live music lovers and performers, with
                                   gigs easy to come by and open mic nights
                                   and jam sessions available every evening
                                   of the week. Throughout May the city
                                   hosts England’s largest arts festival with
                                   The Brighton Festival, The Brighton Fringe
                                   and The Great Escape bringing together
                                   musicians, artists, actors and comedians in
                                   one amazing month, generating a fantastic
                                   melting pot of talent to inspire you.

                                   This thriving cultural scene and close
                                   proximity to London are what sets              THE LANES AND NORTH LAINE
                                   Brighton apart from other cities in the UK     Brighton’s unique and vibrant Lanes and
                                   and has long made it a magnet for creative     North Laine represent some of the best
                                   people from all over the world. As well as     independent retail and entertainment
                                   the music and arts scenes, there’s plenty      businesses in the country, selling everything
                                   to see and do. Explore the seaside culture     from clothes and records to comics, art and
                                   of the world-famous beach and pier,            musical instruments.
                                   recently named by CNN as the fourth best
                                   city beach in the world. Or relax in one of    A GREAT WAY TO START YOUR CAREER
                                   Brighton’s many cosmopolitan cafés, bars       Brighton is home to 15 recording studios,
                                   and restaurants before soaking up the          10 record labels and 4 music festivals.*
                                   city’s history at the Royal Pavilion and the
                                   Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.               *Unsigned Guide 2017

    CONTENTS– THE PLACE TO STUDY                                                           BRIGHTON – THE PLACE
                                                                                                                TO STUDY
                                                                                                                    BIMM      77
                                                                                                 HAMBURG     LONDON
Having a vast network of colleges across       complete sense for your future music
Europe means we can provide something          career to study in multiple cities
truly unique which can’t be matched by         with BIMM...
any other contemporary music college –
The BIMM Study Exchange! This exclusive        1. Networking – being able to build your
initiative means that BIMM students can        musical network in two different cities
complete music degrees in two different        will lead to an enviable contact database,
European cities by studying across two         giving you a solid base from which to
of our BIMM colleges in London, Berlin,        launch your career.
Hamburg, Brighton, Manchester, Bristol
or Birmingham.*                                2. Experience – meeting different kinds
                                               of people in different cities will broaden
You’ll begin your studies at one BIMM          your life perspective, and you’ll learn how
college, before transferring to another        to communicate varied types of subject
for your second year… and then you can         matter for creative output.
decide whether to remain in your new city                                                       BIRMINGHAM    BERLIN
for your third year or return to your ‘home’   3. Variety – different cities generate
college. The locations of our colleges are     contrasting musical styles and have their
carefully chosen in cities where music         own unique scenes, giving you a breadth of
matters most, and your future career will      knowledge across the musical spectrum.
benefit from the strong musical history,
diverse musical styles and current music       4. Initiative – being part of the music
scene buzz of your choice of two               scenes of multiple cities will give you
BIMM locations.                                hands-on access to a diverse range
                                               of venues, events and business ideas,
This one-of-a-kind opportunity has come        broadening your knowledge of the wider
about because, for the first time, all BIMM    music industry.
degrees in these locations will be validated
by the prestigious University of Sussex,       And remember, whether you’re studying at
meaning courses and classes are totally        one of our UK locations, or in Berlin, all our
seamless across all seven European cities.     classes are taught in English, so you don’t
In case you need further convincing,           need to worry if your German could do with       MANCHESTER   BRISTOL
here are just four reasons why it makes        some improvement!

8   THE BIMM STUDY EXCHANGE                    *Terms and conditions apply                                   THE BIMM STUDY EXCHANGE   9
                                      FROM TRACKING AT TOP RECORDING                 Live music is a vital part of the modern

                                      STUDIOS TO PLAYING MAJOR FESTIVALS,            industry, so don’t expect your life at BIMM to
                                      YOUR COURSE WILL TAKE YOU FAR                  be spent snoozing in a classroom. Instead,
                                      BEYOND THE CLASSROOM, GIVING                   your course will take you to the heart of
                                      YOU THE EXPERIENCE AND INDUSTRY                the city’s local scene, where you’ll sharpen
                                      CONNECTIONS YOU NEED FOR A FLYING              your live chops and business acumen as
                                      START INTO YOUR CAREER.                        you play, stage and promote regular gigs.
                                                                                     You’ll also help to run BIMM’s end-of-term
                                      GUESTS AND MASTERCLASSES                       gigs, showcasing our musicians, bands and

                                      At BIMM, you’ll learn from the best. Hosted    songwriters at events across the city.
                                      by the industry’s biggest artists and
                                      most respected professionals, our regular
                                      masterclasses are a great opportunity to
                                      pick up insider knowledge and fill your
                                      contacts book, as you network with A-list
                                      musicians, songwriters, label executives,

                                      A&Rs and booking agents. Previous guests
                                      include: Royal Blood, Tony Iommi, KT
                                      Tunstall, Chuck D (Public Enemy), Imelda
                                      May, Graham Coxon (Blur), Keane, Stephen
                                      Street (Producer: Blur, The Smiths), Nile
                                      Rodgers (Chic, Daft Punk), Michael Eavis
                                      (Glastonbury), Lawson, Ben Thompson
                                      (Two Door Cinema Club) and BIMM patron
                                      Roger Daltrey CBE (The Who).

EXPERIENCE AND INDUSTRY CONTACTS TO   Every BIMM college has the cutting-
BREAK INTO YOUR CHOSEN FIELD.         edge facilities you need to get creative.
                                      We spare no expense to provide live               “ I FELT I FINALLY FITTED
                                      performance spaces, professional studios,           IN THERE. YOU COULD DO
                                      Mac labs and practice spaces (onsite                YOUR OWN THING AND
                                      and across town). We insist on high-end             THAT’S WHAT WE DID.”
                                      musical, recording, production and IT gear          LUKE PRITCHARD, THE KOOKS
                                      from industry-standard brands like Orange           BIMM GRADUATE
                                      and Zildjian. And with our expert tutors on-
                                      hand to assist, there’ll be no stopping you.

   LIFE AT BIMM                                                                                                    LIFE AT BIMM   11

                                                                 GRAHAM COXON

                                   CHUCK D                                                   NILE
                                   PUBLIC ENEMY                                              RODGERS


      LIANNE                                                      JOSH
      LA HAVAS                                                    HOMME
                                                                  QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE

12 MASTERCLASSES                                                                                 MASTERCLASSES 13

                                                                                           Understanding how the music business
                                                                                           works is vital to getting your foot in the
                                                                                           door. As a BIMM student, you’ll benefit
                                                                                           from our wide-ranging contacts, helping
                                                                                           you build up a complete picture of the
                                                                                           industry and get in with the decision-
                                                                                           makers. Regular masterclasses, artist

                                                                                           development sessions and an ongoing
                                                                                           programme of industry partner events
                                                                                           will all arm you with the knowledge you

                                                                                           need to thrive, whether you’re networking
                                                                                           at exclusive music events or making your
                                                                                           mark during an internship at the world’s
                                                                                           biggest record labels.
At BIMM, we’re dedicated to giving           sectors that inspire you, then tap into
you the skills, experience, contacts and     BIMM’s unrivalled contacts book to put                                                       Head-turning performance is a vital

confidence to let you thrive in the modern   everything you’ve learnt into practice.                                                      factor for success in the modern
music industry. And with 86% of BIMM         Of course, a music career doesn’t have                                                       industry. BIMM will help you take
alumni in employment six months after        to mean live performance, so our varied                                                      command of the stage, both in your
graduation – and 83% of those working        range of music courses are matched by                                                        Live Performance Workshop tutorials
                                                                                                     of graduates are in work,
in the international music and creative      our connections across every sector, with                                                    and when honing your craft in front of
                                                                                                    6 months after graduation*
industries – our track-record speaks         work experience placements that include                                                      real audiences made up of peers, fans
for itself.                                  iconic record labels, magazines, festivals,                                                  and industry influencers.
                                             music companies – and beyond.
Study at BIMM and you can expect a                                                                                                        Whatever your discipline, you’ll find
forward-thinking degree course that          Better still, because all of BIMM’s degree                                                   yourself at the heart of local live
adapts to your evolving career plans.        courses link up with the wider music                       CAREER                            events – from BIMM-run gigs and A&R
Supported by our expert tutors, you’ll       industry – and run alongside extra-
                                                                                                        HUB                               showcases to collaborations with fellow
master all the real-world skills that        curricular modules in related skills from                                                    students from across the vibrant college
                                                                                           What happens next? It’s the all-important
employers demand, zone in on the             video production to entrepreneurship                                                         community – and sharpen your business
                                                                                           question that will never be far from your
                                             – you’ll build a watertight knowledge of                                                     acumen in the process.
                                                                                           mind during your BIMM degree – and with
                                             the business that will help you pursue the
                                                                                           more careers specialists on-hand than
                                             avenue of your choice. We’ll even open
                                                                                           any other music college, we’re equipped

                                             your eyes to the possibilities you hadn’t
                                                                                           to provide all the tailored guidance you

                                             considered – and give the skills to explore
                                                                                           need to kick-start a successful career.
                                             them. It’s this mix of academic learning,
                                                                                           Of course, all of our BIMM courses are
                                             practical industry savvy and enviable
                                                                                           carefully structured to cover the wider
     of BIMM alumni are employed in          business connections that makes BIMM
                                                                                           skills that employers expect. But they’re
       professional/graduate jobs*           graduates more employable, ready to                                                              of students find work through a
                                                                                           complemented by the dedicated Career
                                             burst onto the job market with an edge                                                         network established whilst at BIMM*
                                                                                           Hubs at every BIMM college – and a
                                             on the competition.
                                                                                           specialist team who are ready to assist
                                                                                           with everything from polishing your CV
                                                                                           to nailing down your business plan and       * 2017/18 Graduate Survey
                                                                                           arranging work experience placements.
14 ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY                                                                                                                            ENHANCING EMPLOYABILITY 15

There’s a time and place for theory – but
it’s the hands-on work experience we’re
able to give our students that makes
BIMM degrees stand head-and-shoulders
above other music educators.

After all, the best way to understand
and prepare for a career in your chosen                                                   CONNECT WITH OTHER BIMM STUDENTS
industry is to dive into the job, picking
up first-hand insider insights, bolstering                INDUSTRY                        ACROSS ALL OF OUR 8 LOCATIONS
your CV and making early connections
with sector’s big players.
                                             Every BIMM college boasts a dedicated
                                                                                          AT BIMM, WE UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE
And only BIMM is able to secure the work     team of respected music professionals,       OF COLLABORATION IN THE MUSIC AND
placements you’ll never see advertised,      whose active role in the business means
with an unrivalled contacts book that        you’ll get up-to-the minute wisdom and
                                                                                          CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND THAT BUILDING
unlocks the door to leading record labels,   the secrets of what really makes the         CONTACTS AND NETWORKS IS THE KEY TO
festivals, music companies, magazines –      industry tick. Perhaps you’ll be taught
and more.                                    to pen hooks by a top songwriter-to-         SUCCESS. THIS IS WHAT SETS BIMM APART
                                             the-stars. Shown how to mix by the
                                                                                          FROM OTHER MUSIC COLLEGES
The recent work placements we’ve             producer of your favourite albums. Or
arranged for BIMM students read like a       take a guest masterclass from legends        AND UNIVERSITIES.
who’s who of the modern music industry.      like Royal Blood, Tony Iommi and
                                             Chuck D.
We’re proud to be partnered with major                                                    • MANAGE PROJECTS
festivals including Glastonbury, The Great   Alongside their inside-track knowledge
Escape, Reeperbahn and 2000trees,            and energetic teaching, BIMM tutors
where we’ve put our performance              come with bulging contact books that         • START BANDS
students on the stage and others into        can unlock fantasy career opportunities:
roles handling everything from technical
production to artist liaison.
                                             just ask the 1200-plus students from
                                             our 2017 cohort, who had the chance to
                                                                                          • FIND MUSICIANS
                                             showcase their abilities in front of major
We’ve offered our Music Business             record labels including Virgin and EMI.      • FIND JOBS
students invaluable experience at leading
PR agencies like LD Communications,
given our Music Journalism students
                                                                                          • INDUSTRY TIPS
hands-on experience at publications
like DIY Magazine, and thrown our
Event Management students into top
promotions companies like Melting Vinyl.
                                                         83%                              • AND MORE...

                                                   of BIMM graduates in work              BIMM CONNECT IS HOME TO EUROPE’S LARGEST PRIVATE COMMUNITY
There’s no door that BIMM can’t open.              are actively working in the
                                                   Music & Creative Industries            OF MUSIC STUDENTS AND GRADUATES, WITH THOUSANDS OF ACTIVE
                                                   6 months after graduation*             USERS FROM OUR ALUMNI, STUDENT AND STAFF COMMUNITY.

                                                                                          GET CONNECTED WITH BIMM CONNECT             BIMMCONNECT.CO.UK


Ranked the 25th best university in         jobs. You’ll also instantly become part of
the UK in 2019 by The Complete             the University of Sussex Alumni Network
University Guide, and 161st in the         – a group of over 170,000 former students
world in the Times Higher Education        across 150 countries worldwide – and
World University Rankings 2019, the        through this you’ll have access to a range
                                                                                        CHRIS MANDIANGU
University of Sussex has a long history    of exciting networking events, careers
                                                                                        BA (HONS) MUSIC PRODUCTION
of academic success. Among its alumni      opportunities, social activities, news and
and staff, it has counted three Nobel      reunions. When combined with the hugely
                                                                                        “Brighton represents freedom of speech –
Prize winners, 12 Fellows of the British   proactive BIMM Alumni Network, you’ll
                                                                                        the thing that I felt London was lacking (hence
Academy in humanities and social           have an amazing level of support and
                                                                                        why I moved)! I love how free everybody is in
sciences, and a winner of the Crafoord     assistance at your disposal, helping you
                                                                                        Brighton. To me it’s the city that never sleeps
Prize for science.                         to secure the successful and sustainable
                                                                                        – parties on the go, people being allowed to
                                           career in the music
                                                                                        express themselves. Since I’ve been here I’ve
When you graduate from BIMM, you’ll        industry that you’re
                                                                                        not seen any kind of discrimination and that
receive a highly sought-after degree       searching for.
                                                                                        makes me happy. I can be weird, I can do what
from the internationally respected
                                                                                        I want, I dress how I like – I’ve found a new
University of Sussex, which will look
                                                                                        level of independence within myself since I
great on your CV and will be an
                                                                                        moved here!”
impressive addition when applying for

18 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE                                                                                                                        MEET OUR
                                                                                                                                                     ABOUT BIMM 19

  At BIMM, one size doesn’t fit all. Beyond     extra-curricular opportunities we offer in   Need proof? How about BIMM London’s           Look beyond your core modules and
  your core degree, we’re proud to compete      music-related fields. You’ll have so much    ‘The Collective’, which caters for students   you’ll find a thousand ways to get a head-
  against Europe’s best universities with our   fun, you won’t realise how much              whose interests land firmly in the Grime,     start in your chosen industry. As a Music
  growing programme of extra-curricular          you’re learning.                            R’n’B and Dance music categories. With        Journalism student, you could interview
  activities, all designed to help you build                                                 a focus on events, artist management,         headline bands for the BIMM magazine
  new friendships, develop complementary        Perhaps you’ll choose to get involved with   marketing and A&R workshops, its main         and website. As an Events Management
  skills, boost your CV – or simply blow off    the famous BIMM Album, which showcases       purpose is to promote and produce rising      student, you could drill into our contacts
  steam between studies.                        the best songs from your college each        talent across the urban music spectrum.       and find yourself shadowing a major tour.
                                                year, and lets you collaborate with fellow
  Whichever college you choose, there’s         students in a high-end studio. Maybe         Into music tech? Our ‘Synth Social’ event     Whatever your discipline, be sure to
  always something happening at BIMM.           you’ll build your live confidence with our   was a huge success, and gave students         diversify your skill-set with our five-week,
  Not all our student pursuits are linked to    Lamplight Sessions and jam nights. You       from all discipline’s the opportunity to      mid-term BIMM Extra mini modules,
  your course – you’ll find everything from     could throw yourself into staging local      get their hands on some of the latest         choosing from areas as diverse as Music
  sociable quiz nights to a good-natured        gigs, gaining on-the-ground experience       hi-tech synthesisers to hit the market,       Production, Photoshop and Video
  five-a-side football league, plus countless   of working with artists, venues and          along with classic models which are a         Editing, Mindfulness, Essay Writing Skills,
  one-off clubs and societies. But make no      promoters. Or offer your services to the     studio essentials for many soundtrack         Entrepreneurship – and more.
  mistake: a proven factor in the standout      BIMM record label, where you’ll juggle a     composers and producers.
  employability of BIMM graduates are the       real budget and drive your roster all the
                                                way to the top.

20 STUDENT ENRICHMENT                                                                                                                                            STUDENT ENRICHMENT 21
Originally studying vocals at BIMM Brighton,
                                                                                                                                               Natasha re-focussed her efforts on the live

                                                                                                                                               music sector by creating her own independent
                                                                                                                                               booking agency. After earning a reputation as an
                                                                                                                                               agent with genuine passion for music, she was
                                                                                                                                               headhunted by the Coda Music Agency in 2013,
A BIMM DEGREE ISN’T ABOUT GIVING YOU A SCROLL AND A HANDSHAKE. WE                                                                              where she currently holds the position of Vice
PREPARE OUR STUDENTS FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY,                                                                                President. Most recently, she was nominated in
WITH 83% OF EMPLOYED BIMM GRADUATES ACTIVELY WORKING IN THE MUSIC                                 NATASHA BENT                                 Music Week’s ‘Women in Music Roll of Honour’.
AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES.                                                                          CODA AGENCY


                                                                                                SIMON DAVIS                    THE KOOKS                        ZARA MCFARLANE

                                                                                                Having originally studied      Multi-million-selling            Since graduating from BIMM
                                                                                                                               indiepoppers The Kooks
                                                                IZZY BIZU                       a BA (Hons) Professional                                        London, jazz singer Zara
                                                                                                Musicianship in Brighton,      began as students at BIMM,       has been signed to DJ Gilles
                                                                                                Simon has since moved          forming as a band in Brighton    Peterson’s Brownswood
                                                                Izzy studied a Diploma in
                                                                                                into the competitive           in 2002. Their 2006 debut        Recordings, released two
                                                                Vocals at BIMM London,
                                                                                                world of computer game         album ‘Inside In/Inside Out’     albums to rave reviews in the
                                                                graduating in 2012, and
                                                                                                programming, and has found     is certified as four-times       media, and has toured the
                                                                wasted no time in getting her
                                                                                                great success in Singapore     platinum in the UK, and its      world; including performing
                                                                music career up and running.
                                                                                                as the founder and CEO         follow-up, 2008’s ‘Konk’, went   all over the US and gigging at
                                                                In 2013 she won the ILUVLIVE
                                                                                                of Mighty Bear Games. In       straight into the domestic       an exciting array of European
                                                                Open Mic competition in
                                                                                                                               chart at No. 1, with album
JAMES BAY                                                       front of a crowd which          2017, the company acquired                                      summer festivals. She’s also
                                                                                                over $1 million from outside   number three, ‘Junk Of The       won a plethora of awards and
                                                                included Emeli Sandé and
                                                                                                investors Global Founders      Heart’ going Top 10 in 2011.     honours, including The Art
The rise of BIMM Brighton singer-songwriter and guitarist       Naughty Boy. Since then she’s
                                                                                                Capital, Skycatcher and        The band is BRIT Award           Desk’s ‘Album of the Year’,
James has been meteoric. In 2015, he won the BRITs ‘Critics’    supported Sam Smith on his
                                                                                                RocketInternet. Simon          nominated and won in the         ‘Best Jazz Act’ at the 2014
Choice Award’ and placed second in the ‘BBC Sound Of’ list.     UK tour, opened for Jamie
                                                                                                remembers his student days     category of ‘Best UK & Ireland   MOBO Awards and ‘Vocalist
His single ‘Hold Back The River’ peaked at No. 2, hitting the   Cullum at The Roundhouse,
                                                                                                very well and claims he        Act’ at the MTV Europe           of the Year’ at the 2015 Jazz
top spot in Ireland, while ‘Let It Go’ charted in the UK Top    played Glastonbury twice,
                                                                                                wouldn’t have formed such      Awards in 2006.                  FM Awards.
10. His debut album, ‘Chaos and the Calm’, went to No. 1 in     signed a worldwide recording
the UK, and was the fifth biggest artist album of 2015.         contract with Epic Records,     a keen business mind if it
                                                                and performed two tracks on     weren’t for his time spent
                                                                ‘Later… With Jools Holland’.    studying at BIMM.
22 STUDENT SUCCESS                                                                                                                                                      STUDENT SUCCESS 23
                                                                                                                                               BIFFCO SONGWRITING
                                                                                                                                               Biffco is the songwriting team behind hits
                                                                                                                                               for Ellie Goulding, Kylie Minogue, the Spice
                                                                                                                                               Girls, Little Mix and many more – and BIMM
                                                                                                                                               graduate Charlie is an essential part of its
                                                                                                                                               creative processes, working as assistant
                                                                                                                                               producer alongside the company’s founder,
                                                                                                                                               Richard ‘Biff’ Stannard. With considerable
                                                                                                                                               writing and backing vocalist experience
                                                                                                                                               behind her, Charlie is rapidly developing her
                                                FICKLE FRIENDS                                                                                 talents as an engineer, working with the likes
                                                                                                                                               of One Direction and Susan Boyle.
GEORGE EZRA                                     After graduation, Natti, Sam, Harry, Chris
George joined BIMM Bristol in 2011 to           and Jack received praise from the UK’s
study Songwriting – and was signed to           music blogging community, before Zane
Columbia Records less than a year later.        Lowe picked their song ‘For You’ as his
His debut single, ‘Budapest’, reached No.       ‘Track of the Week’. Shows at The Great
3 in the charts, attaining Platinum status.     Escape and Berlin Music Week followed, plus
His debut album, ‘Wanted On Voyage’, hit        UK and German tours, buzz on US music
No. 1, selling over one million copies in the   trade bible Billboard, support slots for The
UK alone, and was the UK’s third biggest-       Ting Tings, and recording sessions at Abbey
selling album of 2014.                          Road studios.

                                                                                               JORDAN                          JOSHUA                           BEN THOMPSON
                                                                                                                                                                TWO DOOR
                                                                                               WHITMORE                        LEDGER                           CINEMA CLUB
                                                                                               Having completed a              After gaining a Music Business   As live drummer for Two
                                                                                               BA (Hons) Professional          degree, Josh found work          Door Cinema Club, BIMM
                                                                                               Musicianship at BIMM            at the Free Trade Agency,        graduate Ben has toured
                                                                                               in 2010, Jordan became          an international booking         the globe several times,
                                                                                               a member of the                 agent with an amazing            performed at a multitude of
                                                                                               Atlantic Records A&R            roster of artists including      domestic and international
                                                                                               department. The label           The National, Father John        festivals and made numerous
TOM ODELL                                       COCO LEAMAN
                                                                                               is home to high-profile         Misty, St. Vincent, The War      television appearances. A
BIMM Brighton Songwriting graduate Tom          Coco completed a Music Business degree         acts such as Ed Sheeran,        On Drugs and Sleater-Kinney.     musician endorsed by Vic
signed to Columbia Records and in 2013          at BIMM Brighton in 2016. Soon afterward,      Bruno Mars, Jason Mraz,         Josh’s role at Free Trade is     Firth and Zildjian, Ben’s
was nominated in the ‘BBC Sound Of’ poll.       she started an internship with Kerry           Missy Elliott and Plan B.       central to the wider range of    abilities are well honed, and
He won the ‘Critics’ Choice Award’ at The       Gordy Enterprises based in L.A, where she      Jordan also works for           the music industry, working      he continues to be a pivotal
BRITs, played Glastonbury Festival and his      continues working today. KGE clients are       Brighton-based music            closely alongside promoters      part of Two Door Cinema
debut album, ‘Long Way Down’, went to           some of the biggest musicians in the world     supervision company The         (both regionally in the UK       Club’s success.
No. 1. His rise continued into 2014, with two   including Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson,      Sound Works.                    and internationally) as well
BRIT Award nominations and a win as the         Rockwell, Berry Gordy and Lionel Richie. As                                    as artists’ wider teams which
Ivor Novello ‘Songwriter of the Year’.          an ambassador for the company, Coco has                                        includes management, record
                                                attended various industry events such as                                       labels and their PR teams.
                                                CAA, Fox Rothschild, Spotify and Nielsen,
                                                Interscope Records, a Hollywood Walk of          For more success stories, visit
                                                Fame ceremony and movie screenings.
24 STUDENT SUCCESS                                                                                                                                                     STUDENT SUCCESS 25
                                                                                            PAUL TURNER BASS TUTOR

                                                                                            Paul is probably best known as bass player for one of

EUROPE’S BEST CONNECTED                                                                     the world’s biggest funk bands – Jamiroquai, a role
                                                                                            he’s held since 2005.

                                                                                            He’s also recorded and played live with over 70
                                                                                            named artists, including legends such as Tina Turner,
                                                                                            Annie Lennox, Bryan Ferry, Robbie Williams, George
                                                                                            Michael, Tom Jones, Kylie Minogue, Take That, Mica
                                                                                            Paris and Gary Numan.

BIMM Brighton’s tutors have been there
and done that. Not only are they experts in
education, they’re experienced performers,                                                 THOMAS JULES VOCAL TUTOR
songwriters and music industry professionals
who combine their teaching with an active                                                  Rudimental vocalist, session singer and songwriter
role in the business. Instead of dusty,                                                    Thomas (Tommy) Jules has toured the world and
outdated dogma, you’ll get the inside-track,                                               collaborated with the likes of Ed Sheeran, Wretch
the practical secrets you won’t find in any                                                32, The Script, Jessie J and MNEK. His first big break
textbook and the up-to-the minute wisdom                                                   happened twenty years ago when he toured with
that you’ll need for a flying start in a fast-                                             Grammy nominees Backstreet Boys shortly before
moving business.                                                                           signing a publishing deal as a songwriter.
                                                                                           Tommy’s work with Rudimental has seen him perform
With years of experience in the music                                                      on festival stages in the UK and abroad including slots
industry, our tutors have achieved a lot.                                                  at Bestival, Ibiza Rocks, South West 4 and Wildlife.
They’ve toured the world, scored
multi-platinum hit records, interviewed
global superstars, organised major music                                                               MARTIN ROSSITER
festivals and collaborated with some of the      PAT GARVEY                                            HEAD OF SONGWRITING
world’s most incredible acts including Oasis,    HEAD OF DRUMS
Prince, The Rolling Stones, Beyoncé and Sir                                                            Martin Rossiter is a Brighton based
Paul McCartney.                                  Pat’s been a professional drummer since               singer singer/songwriter with thirteen
                                                 the age of 17. He’s played on over 300                years experience in music education.
At BIMM, you’ll have direct access to their      recordings at some of the UK’s biggest                Raised in South Wales he grew up
in demand insider knowledge and you’ll           recording studios, has independent                    singing the hymns of Charles Wesley and
graduate prepared and connected for a            recording and publishing agreement                    dancing to Shirley Bassey. He first came
successful and sustainable career in the         experience, plus a healthy list of                    to public attention during the 1990s as
music industry.                                  television credits.                                   the front man of Gene, who went on
                                                 As a multi-instrumentalist, composer                  to sell a million records worldwide. A
See who your tutors are and what they’ve         and producer, Pat’s a regular                         flamboyant, irreverent performer, he
been up to, and we guarantee you’ll be           contributor to Rhythm Magazine, and                   combines the bleak and the beautiful
impressed!                                       tours his Drums Masterclass across                    with wit, tenderness and heart stealing
                                                 the UK and Europe. In 2013, he was                    melodies. After an eight year extended
                                                 invited by SONOR to be part of their                  sabbatical from the music industry he
                                                 prestigious Artist Roster.                            released his critically acclaimed debut
                                                                                                       solo long player, The Defenestration of
                                                                                                       St Martin’ in November 2012.

26 MEET YOUR TUTORS                                                                                                          MEET YOUR TUTORS 27
                                                                                                                          MUSIC JOURNALISM

                                                                                                                          Simon is a music journalist, broadcaster and club DJ
                                                                                                                          with over 30 years’ experience. His journalism career
                                                                                                                          includes time at Melody Maker and as Rock and Pop
                                                                                                                          Critic for the Independent On Sunday. His first book
                                                                                                                          ‘Everything (A Book About Manic Street Preachers)’
                                                                                                                          became the fastest-selling rock book in British
                                                                                                                          history. He regularly appears on TV and radio to
                                                                                                                          talk about music.

                      ALLY JOWETT
                      HEAD OF MUSIC PRODUCTION

                      Ally is an experienced composer, performer,
                      producer and engineer who has worked with a
                      wide range of artists, labels and production
                      companies, including Island Records, Universal
                      Publishing Production Music, Vaughan King, Bad
                      For Lazarus (formerly of Nine Inch Nails and
                      Unkle), Mutant Jukebox and Indaba Music.
                      Ally’s work continues to be featured on national
                      and international television channels, radio stations     VINNIE LAMMI
                      and websites, including ESPN America, BBC Two,            HEAD OF LIVE
                      HBO Poland, BBC Radio 1, XFM, BBC Radio 2.                PERFORMANCE                                           ANDY MACLURE
                                                                                                                                      HEAD OF CAREERS AND
                                                                                Vinnie is one of the UK’s premier                     ARTIST DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                session drummers, having recorded
                                                                                and performed with many top artists                   Andy was drummer and
                       TERRY LEWIS                                              including Take That, Robbie Williams,                 co-songwriter for 90s band Sleeper,
                       DEPUTY HEAD OF GUITAR                                    Emma Bunton, The Cocteau Twins                        enjoying three UK Top 5 albums and
                                                                                and Supergrass.                                       nine UK Top 40 singles.
                       A graduate of The London Music School, Terry has         A firm feature of ex-Spice Girl Melanie
                       toured with Mamas Gun, having had No.1 singles in        C’s band, he also secured the drum                    He has also written, recorded and
                       Japan and Hong Kong. He’s worked with talented           seat for The Spice Girls’ reunion                     gigged with artists including Sophie
                       performers including Erika Badu, De La Soul, Beverley    world tour, playing venues including                  Ellis Bextor, Bernard Butler and Mel
                       Knight, Robert Cray, Taio Cruz, George Benson, Macy      Madison Square Garden and The O2                      C, and runs the live karaoke band,
                       Gray, KD Lang, Corrine Bailey Rae, Lewis Taylor, Sandi   Arena. Vinnie is proud to be endorsed                 Punk Rock Karaoke, with Radio 1 DJ
                       Thom, B*Witched and US sax star Freddy V.                by SONOR drums, Zildjian cymbals                      Steve Lamacq.
                                                                                and Remo drum heads.

28 MEET YOUR TUTORS                                                                                                                                      MEET YOUR TUTORS 29
                      HEAD OF FURTHER EDUCATION
                      Michael is a world-class drummer who has
                      performed with artists including Nelly Furtado, Joss
                                                                                        HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES

                      Stone, Tears For Fears, Amerie, Mario, Heather Small
                      (M People), Michelle Gayle, Black Legend, B.L.O.W
                      and Macy Gray. He’s performed on many live TV                       32   BA (HONS) MUSIC PRODUCTION
                      shows in the UK and the US, including Top of the
                                                                                          34   BA (HONS) PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP
                      Pops, SMTV Live, MTV, VH1, GMTV and The Jerry
                      Springer Show.                                                      38   BA (HONS) SONGWRITING

                                                                                          42   BA (HONS) MUSIC BUSINESS

                      JON STEWART                                                         44   BA (HONS) EVENT MANAGEMENT
                      MUSIC BUSINESS COURSE LEADER                                        48   BA (HONS) MUSIC JOURNALISM
                      Jon was the lead guitarist and songwriter for ‘90s
                      Britpop band Sleeper, enjoying three UK Top 5 albums              POSTGRADUATE COURSES
                      and nine UK Top 40 singles. He’s also written and
                      recorded with artists such as KD Lang and Mel C, and
                      has played sessions for multi-hit record producers
                                                                                          50 	TEACHER TRAINING: POSTGRADUATE
                      Stephen Street and Damian LeGassick. Jon writes a                        CERTIFICATE IN LEARNING AND TEACHING
                      column on the music business for Guitarist magazine.

                                                                                          52   SUMMER SCHOOLS

                                           For a full list of tutors,

30 MEET YOUR TUTORS                                                                                                            COURSES 31


The way in which music is recorded, mixed         So, what are you waiting for? To make your
and mastered is as integral to the creative       way in music production, connect with us,          3 YEARS FULL-TIME
process as composition and performance.           and we’ll connect you to a life in music.
The best producers can add an elusive
magic to a recording that’s often the             PROGRESSION ROUTE
difference between the success and failure        Graduates can progress directly to
of a project.                                     employment in the music industry in roles
                                                  such as producer, DJ, sound engineer, film       BA (Hons) Music Production
BA (Hons) Music Production at                     and television composer and computer music
BIMM Brighton is a specialist vocational          designer. Or they can continue their studies     COURSE MODULES
course designed for those wishing to              with a BIMM Postgraduate Certificate in
pursue a career in a range of music industry      Learning and Teaching.
roles, such as producer, sound engineer,                                                           YEAR 1                       YEAR 2                           YEAR 3
film and television composer and computer         ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
music designer.                                   Minimum of 2 A levels at grade C or above (64    All students take the        All students take the            All students take the
                                                  UCAS Points), or BTEC Level 3 equivalent. Plus   following modules in their   following core modules in        following core modules in
The aim of the course is to nurture your          five GCSE qualifications with minimum grade      first year of study:         their second year of study:      their third year of study:
creative flair while you develop your skills as   of C/4, including English Language.
a producer across a wide range of contexts,                                                        • Audio Theory and           • Music Production               • Audio Post-Production
including traditional studio recording, live      Applications by experienced practitioners          Acoustics                    in Context                     • Production Project
recording, computer music performance, plus       aged 19+ without formal qualifications           • Computer Music             • Music and Sound for the        • Professional Development
music for film, television and multimedia.        may also be considered through APEL -              Production 1                 Moving Image
You’ll study the context of contemporary          Accreditation of Prior and                       • Creative Sound Studies     • Sound Studio Production        Students will select two
music and the industry that supports              Experiential Learning.                           • Studio Engineering         • Computer Music                 choices from the following
it, as well as learning personal, project                                                          • Mixing and Arrangement       Production 2                   optional modules (1 from
management and business skills.                   Validated by the University of Sussex.           • Music Business             • Music Production Industry      Group A and 1 from Group B):

You’ll be taught in-house in our high-                                                                                          Students will select one         • Computer Music Design (A)
tech Mac labs, as well as at the renowned                                                                                       choice from the following        • Sound and Music for
Brighton Electric studios. Students will                                                                                        optional modules:                  Games (A)
have access to cutting edge equipment and                                                                                                                        • Immersive Environments (B)
software at both these locations and will be                                                                                    • Computer Music                 • Video and Multimedia
directed in the use of them by professional                                                                                       Performance                      Production (B)
industry tutors who really know the ins and                                                                                     • Live Sound Production
outs of the kit.
                                                                                                   For module descriptions and more information,
32 BA (HONS) MUSIC PRODUCTION                                                                                                                                 BA (HONS) MUSIC PRODUCTION 33
If you’re a musician who loves performing live      Life at BIMM will stretch you as a musician,
                                         or recording in the studio, then BA (Hons)          composer and performer but will inspire you as
                                         Professional Musicianship will help turn your       a fan, as you attend unique Masterclasses with
                                         passion for music into a career.                    some of the best musicians in the world.

                                         At BIMM Brighton, we understand that live           So, what are you waiting for? To make your
                                         performance is the key to you becoming a            way as a musician, connect with us, and we’ll
                                         great musician, so you’ll spend a lot of time on    connect you to a life in music.
                                         stage to help you develop and find your niche
                                         as a performer.                                     PROGRESSION ROUTE
                                                                                             Graduates can progress directly to
                                         You’ll also further hone your skills by receiving   employment in the music industry in roles
BA (HONS)                                tuition in technique, music theory and various      such as solo performer, band member, session

                                         styles, such as pop, rock, funk, soul and           musician, backing vocalist or songwriter.
                                         many more.                                          Or can continue their studies with a BIMM
                                                                                             Postgraduate Certificate in Learning

MUSICIANSHIP                             The degree is both academically and musically
                                         challenging, providing the perfect balance
                                         between practical and technical skills and
                                                                                             and Teaching.

                                                                                             ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
GUITAR, BASS, DRUMS AND VOCALS           theory and analysis.                                Minimum of 2 A levels at grade E or above (32
                                                                                             UCAS Points), or BTEC Level 3 equivalent. Plus
UCAS CODE: W313                          You’ll explore and develop your potential           five GCSE qualifications with minimum grade
                                         career pathways through research and                of C/4, including English Language.
                                         professional projects and will learn the
 3 YEARS FULL-TIME                       essential business skills required to work          Applications by experienced musicians aged
                                         successfully in the music industry.                 19+ without formal qualifications may also be
                                                                                             considered through APEL - Accreditation of
                                         Plus you’ll get to plug into one of a kind          Prior and Experiential Learning.
                                         networking opportunities and collaborate with
                                         like-minded fellow musicians during your time       Subject to re-validation.
                                         on the course.

                                         Through a range of optional modules,
                                         including Solo Performance, Studio
                                         Musicianship, Music Teaching Practice and
                                         Online Music, you can tailor the degree to fit
                                         your own personal goals.

34 BA (HONS) PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP                                                         BA (HONS) PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP 35

BA (Hons) Professional Musicianship
YEAR 1                        YEAR 2                          YEAR 3

All students take the         All students take the           All students take the following
following core modules in     following core modules in       core modules in their third
their first year of study:    their second year of study:     year of study:

• Essential Styles            •   Research Methods            • Professional Project
• Techniques                  •   Professional Musicianship   • Professional Development
• Music Business              •   Cultural Perspectives       • Analytical Perspectives
• Artist Development          •   Performance in Context
  and Entrepreneurship        •   Applied Music Theory        Students will select two
• Live Performance                and Critical Listening      choices from the following
  Workshop                                                    optional modules (1 from
• Music Theory and            Students will select one        Group A and 1 from
  Notation                    choice from the following       Group B)
                              optional modules:
                                                              • Ensemble Performance (A)
                              •   Studio Musicianship         • Solo Performance (A)            KASHI CHELLEN
                              •   Studio Recording            • Music Teaching Practice (B)     BA (HONS)
                              •   Applied Music Business      • Music Theory & Analysis (B)     EVENT MANAGEMENT
                              •   Music Publishing            • Online Music (B)
                                                              • Solo Performance (B)            “My favourite thing about Brighton is
                                                              (NB May only be chosen            probably the diversity; I love meeting
                                                              in this group in addition to      people from all walks of life, people of
                                                              Ensemble Performance)             every ethnicity, orientation, and who
For module descriptions and more                                                                have different interests and hobbies.”
information, visit

36 BA (HONS) PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANSHIP                                                                                                        MEET OUR BA (HONS) 37

If you’re a songwriter with a creative flair       You’ll get to attend unique and inspiring
for composition and lyric writing, then            Masterclasses with some of the best
BA (Hons) Songwriting will help turn your          musicians in the world which will stretch
passion for music into a career.                   you as a songwriter.                           3 YEARS FULL-TIME

At BIMM Brighton, we have a strong focus           Your course will culminate in a
on writing technique, analysis and personal        Professional Project designed to give
stylistic development and you’ll be encouraged     you the opportunity to develop a live
from day one to explore your creativity as an      industry project of your choice and to
artist in a range of disciplines; from solo and    give you a head start into the workplace     BA (Hons) Songwriting
group performance to commercial songwriting
and music production for film, television and
                                                   when you graduate.
                                                                                                COURSE MODULES
online channels.                                   So, what are you waiting for? To make
                                                   your way as a songwriter, connect with us,   YEAR 1                       YEAR 2                           YEAR 3
The degree is both academically and musically      and we’ll connect you to a life in music.
challenging, providing the perfect balance                                                      All students take the        All students take the            All students take the following
between practical and technical skills and         PROGRESSION ROUTE                            following core modules in    following core modules in        core modules in their third
theory and analysis.                               Graduates can progress directly to           their first year of study:   their second year of study:      year of study:
                                                   employment in the music industry
To succeed as a great songwriter, a detailed       in roles such as songwriter, singer-         • Music Business             •   Research Methods             •   Professional Project
understanding of the music business is             songwriter, solo performer and band          • Artist Development and     •   Cultural Perspectives        •   Professional Development
essential. We’ll share our knowledge of            member. Or they can continue their             Entrepreneurship           •   Writing for Digital Media    •   Analytical Perspectives
music publishing, contracts and recording          studies with a BIMM Postgraduate             • Songwriting Techniques     •   Music Publishing             •   Commercial Songwriting
technology and will deliver our teaching in-line   Certificate in Learning and Teaching.        • Songwriting Styles         •   Creative Processes
with the latest trends and directions in the                                                      and Genres                                                  Students will select one
evolving music industry.                           ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                           • Live Performance           Students will select one         choice from the following
                                                   Minimum of 2 A levels at grade E or            Workshop (SW)              choice from the following        optional modules:
You’ll be part of a creative community of          above (32 UCAS Points), or BTEC              • Music Theory in Practice   optional modules:
gifted writers, performers and music industry      Level 3 equivalent. Plus five GCSE                                                                         •   Music Teaching Practice
professionals, who you can collaborate and         qualifications with minimum grade of                                      •   Performance in Context       •   Ensemble Performance
network with to help bring your talent to life.    C/4, including English Language.                                          •   Studio Musicianship          •   Music Theory and Analysis
                                                                                                                             •   Studio Recording             •   Online Music
Through a range of optional modules,               Applications by experienced musicians                                     •   Applied Music Theory
including Performance in Context, Studio           aged 19+ without formal qualifications                                        and Critical Listening
Recording, Music Teaching Practice and Online      may also be considered through APEL -
Music, you can tailor the degree to fit your       Accreditation of Prior and
own personal goals.                                Experiential Learning.                                                                               For module descriptions and more
                                                                                                                                               information, visit
                                                   Subject to re-validation.
38 BA (HONS) SONGWRITING                                                                                                                                          BA (HONS) SONGWRITING 39

                       MEGAN FARNFIELD
                       BA (HONS) SONGWRITING

                       “I originally was supposed to study
                       vocals at BIMM but quickly changed to
                       songwriting. I love the freedom within
                       the songwriting course as you are really
                       encouraged to engage with people from
                       other courses on a creative level and I love
                       that. I felt that by studying songwriting I
                       was able to combine my love of lyrics and
                       melodies and really be able to perform
                       from the heart as they are my own words
                       and feelings.”

   BA (HONS)


BA (Hons) Music Business at BIMM Brighton       enhance your understanding of what the
is a specialist vocational programme            music business is all about. You’ll also be a
designed for those wishing to pursue a          part of our thriving BIMM community mixing
                                                                                                  3 YEARS FULL-TIME
career in a range of music industry roles,      with gifted writers, performers, alumni and
such as A&R, management or promotion.           music industry professionals. You never know
                                                – with all this talent, you could discover the
This course aims to nurture your creative       next big thing right here!
flair while developing core skills as a music
business entrepreneur across a wide             So, what are you waiting for? To make your       BA (Hons) Music Business
range of subject areas. You’ll be offered       way in the music business, connect with us,
opportunities to build your knowledge of the    and we’ll connect you to a life in music.        COURSE MODULES
industry while developing innovative ideas in
the context of our city’s uniquely proactive    PROGRESSION ROUTE
and inspiring music business culture.           Graduates can progress directly to               YEAR 1                        YEAR 2                        YEAR 3
                                                employment in the music industry in
Our well-connected tutors will guide            entrepreneurial areas such as artist             All students take the         All students take the         All students take the following
and support you through the teaching            management, A&R, events, marketing,              following mandatory           following mandatory           mandatory modules in their
of professional development, project            media law, merchandising, music publishing,      modules in their first year   modules in their second       third year of study:
management and business skills across           journalism and tour management. Or they          of study:                     year of study:
areas such as artist management, marketing,     can continue their studies with a BIMM                                                                       •   Professional Project
music publishing, copyright legislation, the    Postgraduate Certificate in Learning             • Concert/Event               • Research Methods            •   Professional Development
internet and social media, the live industry,   and Teaching.                                      Promotion and Tour          • Sound Recording             •   Analytical Perspectives
music recording and distribution.                                                                  Management                    Technology                  •   Music Futures
                                                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                               • Live Sound Technology       • Cultural Perspectives       •   Music Event Management
You’ll also have the opportunity to access      Minimum of 2 A levels at grade C or above        • Administration and          • Engaging With Industry
work experience opportunities that will         (64 UCAS Points), or BTEC Level 3 equivalent.      Entrepreneurship              (Work-Based Learning)
develop your ‘hands-on’ industry knowledge      Plus five GCSE qualifications with minimum       • Introduction To             • Marketing and Media
through placements and internships with         grade of C/4, including English Language.          Digital Music               • Music Publishing
a wide range of music focused employers.                                                         • Artist Development
Or you’ll be supported in entrepreneurial       Applications by experienced practitioners aged     and Management
ventures of your own design.                    19+ without formal qualifications may also be    • Music Business
                                                considered through APEL - Accreditation of
Brighton’s best gigs, musicians and venues      Prior and Experiential Learning.
will be right on your doorstep to help
                                                Validated by the University of Sussex.
                                                                                                                                                       For module descriptions and more
                                                                                                                                              information, visit

42 BA (HONS) MUSIC BUSINESS                                                                                                                                 BA (HONS) MUSIC BUSINESS 43
With festivals and tours becoming an               It’s our direct access to artists, festivals and
                                increasingly important source of revenue           venues that really sets BA (Hons) Event
                                for bands and artists, as well as a vital tool     Management apart from other degrees
                                for building a fan base, promoters in the live     available. This is just one of the many features
                                music industry have never been in                  which will equip you for a long and successful
                                more demand.                                       career in the events industry.

                                If you see yourself as a future event promoter,    So, what are you waiting for? To make your
                                then BA (Hons) Event Management will not           way as a live events promoter, connect with us,
                                only teach you all you need for a successful       and we’ll connect you to a life in music.
                                career in the live music and creative industries
                                but will also ensure that you connect with the     PROGRESSION ROUTE
                                best people in the business to turn your career    Graduates can progress directly to
                                ambition into a reality.                           employment in the music events industry in
                                                                                   areas such as live music, event promotion
                                The course covers the complex and detailed         and the organisation of sporting and
                                structure of the contemporary events industry,     corporate events, music and cultural
                                and will equip you with a comprehensive set of     festivals and weddings. Or they can continue
                                business and management skills for a diverse       their studies with a BIMM Postgraduate
                                range of potential career paths. Your day-         Certificate in Learning and Teaching.
                                to-day learning will be unique, relevant and
BA (HONS)                       cutting-edge and will be delivered by well-        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS

                                connected tutors who are still active in the       Minimum of 2 A levels at grade C or above (64
                                modern events industry.                            UCAS Points), or BTEC Level 3 equivalent. Plus

                                                                                   five GCSE qualifications with minimum grade
                                At BIMM Brighton, you’ll have countless            of C/4, including English Language.
                                opportunities to use the skills learnt on
                                your course to put on events, festivals,           Applications by experienced practitioners
UCAS CODE: N820                 club nights and more. You’ll be part of our        aged 19+ without formal qualifications
                                thriving BIMM community, mixing with               may also be considered through APEL -
                                gifted performers, writers, alumni and music       Accreditation of Prior and
 3 YEARS FULL-TIME              industry professionals. You’ll be encouraged       Experiential Learning.
                                to express your entrepreneurial spirit through
                                collaborations and gigs at numerous venues         Validated by the University of Sussex.
                                around Brighton.

44 BA (HONS) EVENT MANAGEMENT                                                                 BA (HONS) EVENT MANAGEMENT 45

BA (Hons) Event Management
YEAR 1                       YEAR 2                         YEAR 3

All students take the        All students take the          All students take the
following core modules in    following modules in their     following modules in their
their first year of study:   second year of study:          third year of study:

• Concert/Event              • Research Methods             • Professional Project
  Promotion and Tour         • Events and the Audience      • Professional Development
  Management                 • Events in Context            • Financial Management
• Live Sound Technology      • Engaging with Events           and Funding
• Administration and           (Work-Based Learning)        • Event Promotion and
  Entrepreneurship           • Marketing and Media            Digital Media
• Event Concept and          • Event Logistics and          • Events and the
  Design                       Services                       Environment
• Introducing Event
• Music Business

                                                      For module descriptions and more
                                             information, visit

JOURNALISM                                                                                                    3 YEARS FULL-TIME

If you’re looking to pursue a career in              students as part of the course. You’ll have
journalism, but would like to specialise in          unique access to a huge talent pool of             BA (Hons) Music Journalism
                                                                                                        COURSE MODULES
the discipline of music from the very start,         performers, songwriters, producers and
then BA (Hons) Music Journalism at BIMM              music business entrepreneurs to write about,
Brighton will give you the competitive edge          interview and promote.
you need to become a successful
music journalist.                                    So, what are you waiting for? To make your
                                                     way as a music journalist, connect with us,
                                                                                                        YEAR 1                             YEAR 2                          YEAR 3
                                                                                                                                           All students take the
This highly vocational course will help you          and we’ll connect you to a life in music.
                                                                                                        All students take the following    following core modules in       All students take the following
develop dedicated skills in journalism and
                                                                                                        mandatory modules in their         their second year of study:     core modules in their third year
public relations but all within the specific         PROGRESSION ROUTE
                                                                                                        first year of study:                                               of study:
context of the music industry.                       Graduates can progress directly to a career
                                                                                                                                           • Research Methods
                                                     as either a freelance or staff music journalist,
                                                                                                        •   Music Journalism Techniques    • Cultural Perspectives         • Professional Project
You’ll develop a solid base of wider                 working on newspapers, magazines, radio,
                                                                                                        •   Journalism in Context          • Engaging with Industry        • Professional Development
journalistic skills, including the study of topics   TV or online, or they can continue their study
                                                                                                        •   Writing for Music Journalism    (Work-Based Learning)          • Analytical Perspectives
such as law and ethics, writing and academic         with a BIMM Postgraduate Certificate in
                                                                                                        •   Music Business                 • Ethics and Law
skills and research techniques. You will also        Learning and Teaching.
                                                                                                        •   Multimedia Practice                                            Students will select one of the
undertake modules distinctly relevant to the
                                                                                                        •   Design for Media               Students will select two        following pathways:
music industry, such as the nature of music          ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                           choices from the following
journalism, PR, music history, digital literacy,     Minimum of 96 UCAS points to include
                                                                                                                                           options modules:                Option 1
the structure and working practice of the            2 A levels at grade C or above, or BTEC
                                                                                                                                                                           • Freelance Journalism
music business, music entrepreneurship,              Level 3 equivalent at MMM. Plus five GCSE
                                                                                                                                           • Artist Development and PR     • Writing for the Creative Industries
artist promotion and marketing.                      qualifications with minimum grade of C/4,
                                                                                                                                           • Multimedia Production
                                                     including English Language.
                                                                                                                                           • Making Magazines              Option 2
The course is designed to act as a direct
                                                                                                                                                                           • Global Communication
springboard into employment and you’ll               Applications by experienced practitioners
                                                                                                                                                                           • Music Fandom
have access to a whole range of unique               aged 19+ without formal qualifications
opportunities allowing you to engage directly        may also be considered through APEL -
                                                                                                                                                                           Option 3
with the music industry in the form of work          Accreditation of Prior and
                                                                                                                                                                           • Content in the Social Media Era
placements and professional projects.                Experiential Learning.
                                                                                                                                                                           • Artist PR and Brands
You’ll be regularly encouraged to network,
                                                                                                            For module descriptions and more
connect and collaborate with fellow BIMM             Validated by the University of Sussex
                                                                                                            information, visit
48 BA (HONS) MUSIC JOURNALISM                                                                                                                                            BA (HONS) MUSIC JOURNALISM 49
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