Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care

Page created by Nelson Tate
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
Calendar 2021                     Moor Allerton

Celebrating 25 years of MAECare
                                  Elderly Care
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
January 2021
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                                                        MAECare Calendar 2021
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
25 years of Moor                                               25
Allerton Elderly Care
Moor Allerton Elderly Care was set up in 1995 under the
umbrella of Churches Together in Moor Allerton and
Shadwell. It received a small amount of funding from
Leeds City Council, and had just one member of staff,
Carole Gosden. The following year MAECare began
its volunteer car transport scheme, and started the
Alwoodley Park Lunch Club, and by 1997 it had an office
in the vestry of St Stephen’s Church. Some activities
in the early years included Winter Warmers, Extend
exercise classes, Companions in Concert and the Stroke
Club. Friendly Visiting started formally in 2000, and in
2001 MAECare moved to Northcall on Cranmer Bank.
The premises at 57 Cranmer Bank have been occupied
since 2003, with the expansion to 57a taking place in
2015. MAECare became independent of CTMAS in 2008.
From the vestry to new premises at 57 and 57a we
have grown and developed. In 1995 we had one staff
member; we now have 13. We started with 40 volunteers
and we now have 90. Our first grant was £22,000; our
turnover last year was £305,000. The newsletter was
sent out to 185 people; it is now sent to over 1000 people.
The increase in resources has meant we can offer a wide
range of groups, activities and services.
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
February 2021
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                                                       MAECare Calendar 2021
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
Carole Gosden appointed                                                      Expansion of our premises
                  1995                                    2001   Move to Northcall             2015
                         first coordinator                                                            into the unit next door at 57a

                                                                                                      PenPals project
                                                                 57 Cranmer Bank
                  1996   Volunteer Car Scheme is set up   2003                                 2015   starts with Alwoodley
                                                                 premises are opened
                                                                                                      Primary School
                         Supported by MAECare the                                                     Targeted support for people
                                                                 First coach outing is
MAECare history
                  1996   Alwoodley Park Luncheon          2003                                 2016   living with dementia via Circles
                         club is set up                                                               of Support and CST groups
                                                                                                      Tai Chi and Chair-Based Exercise
                         The office is set up in          2004   Silver Surfers is set up to
                  1997                                                                         2017   classes start. MAECare holds its
                         St Stephen’s vestry                     support people with IT
                                                                                                      first Burns Night celebration
                         Winter Warmers project                  Live at Home scheme                  Evening and weekend
Milestones in

                  1997   begins with sale of thermal      2004   offers help with practical    2018   activities expand with
                         vests and underwear                     issues in the home                   Shared Tables
                                                                 First Big Lottery project            The Making A Match
                         EXTEND (exercise to music)
                  1998                                    2004   GOSH, Getting On and          2018   project starts jointly with
                         classes begin
                                                                 Staying Healthy                      OPAL in LS16

                         Companions in Concert                   MAECare is part of the
                  1998                                    2007                                 2019   The Dance On classes start
                         theatre group starts                    Linkage information project

                                                                                                      MAECare carries on
                  1999   Gardening/Zurich Challenge       2008   Independence from CTMAS       2020   supporting our service users
                                                                                                      through the challenges of the
                                                                                                      COVID-19 pandemic
                         Formal Friendly Visiting                Intergenerational work
                  2000                                    2009
                         scheme starts                           with local schools

                         Stroke club set up
                  2001   jointly with Meanwood            2012   Mind and Body starts
                         Neighbourhood Elders
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
March 2021
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                                                       MAECare Calendar 2021
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
I feel very fortunate living so near MAECare
           and being able to still have some great
           experiences, meeting up with friends I have
           made, and enjoying the many different
           events that are made available to us”

Social isolation
MAECare events and activities help
older people to maintain social contact
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
April 2021
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                                                          MAECare Calendar 2021
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
It’s made me more
                                  active generally.
                                  You forget all your
                                  troubles doing the
                                  class. Whatever the
                                  weather, I won’t miss it”

Health and
Keeping active and keeping
connected are so important
for physical and mental health.
Calendar 2021 Celebrating 25 years of MAECare - Moor Allerton Elderly Care
May 2021
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                                                        MAECare Calendar 2021
n tri b ution
    king  a co
Ma         m m un  ity
to the  co
                    of ageing by
                    the essential
                    of older
                    people to our
                    and our local
June 2021
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                                                    MAECare Calendar 2021
Control and
               Input from our service users
               is a vital part of planning our
               activities, ensuring that we are
               led by their wants and needs.
July 2021
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                                                          MAECare Calendar 2021
Volunteers are always                people
essential for the running of     voluntee
                                           red last
MAECare activities, but they      year, pro
really went the extra mile to   over 4
                                       900 hours
support our community in           of volunt
the 2020 Covid-19 crisis.
August 2021
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                                                       MAECare Calendar 2021
Anyone who
          stops learning
          is old, whether
          at twenty or
          eighty. Anyone
          who keeps
          learning stays
          Henry Ford

There are many
opportunities with
MAECare for lifelong
September 2021
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                                                       MAECare Calendar 2021
The resilience and         It really lifted my
cheerfulness of our        spirits The fish and
MAECare members            chips were very nice
has never been more        Fish and chips home
evident than in these
testing times.

It was really lovely.
You could tell it was a
professional who had
done it. The cakes were
all fancied up in a box.
We did a quiz together.
It was really good!”
MAECare Zoomers online
afternoon tea
October 2021
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                                                        MAECare Calendar 2021
The future
This calendar portrays some of the work that MAECare has done in the past
I have been asked to write something about how things will develop for MAECare in the future
In fact, it is very difficult to forecast exactly what will happen in the next few months.
During the time since March 2020, the world has been in the middle of a pandemic caused by COVID
19. The UK went into lock-down in March, and regulations and guidelines were issued which affected us
all. Many people had to isolate, and we had to discontinue most of MAECare’s activities. We were also
asked to become the Community Care Hub for Leeds City Council’s COVID support base in Alwoodley.
So, from that time MAECare has been organizing support and managing volunteers for people who
couldn’t leave their homes to do things like shopping, getting medication or even walking their dogs. And
we did that, as well as modifying our standard work with older people, using schemes such as telephone
contact and support, emergency shopping, doorstop chats, providing fish and chip meals and even a
distanced social event held in gazebos set up outside the office. We may well need to continue those
sorts of activities for quite a while.
But the virus has allowed some of us to learn new skills. People have learnt to speak a foreign language
or take up a new hobby or even restart an old hobby. And many of us have developed skills in IT which
have helped us to communicate with others in a whole host of different ways. And so, we’ve become
interested in a wide variety of different things. Personally, I’ve become obsessed with digestive biscuits.
I wouldn’t have given you tuppence for a digestive before the pandemic, but now I’ll even fight the dogs
to get hold of one before they do! And I have learnt, from necessity, to re-roof my garden shed. Didn’t
do a bad job, but I wouldn’t choose to do that one again!
So, what does this have to do with MAECare? You will know that MAECare is funded to provide services
for older people in the locality in emerging need and using different techniques. It’s not quite the same
as eating digestives or learning to put a roof on, but I’m equating the situation to MAECare developing
new activities to meet new needs and adapting other activities in the light of a changed situation. It will
be hard, and there is much to think about, but we are committed, and we will do it.
I know we have your support, and we will be there for you.
Margaret Aveyard (Treasurer)
November 2021
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                                                       MAECare Calendar 2021
Our one to one contacts
                  4%     8%
          13%                   7%         Friendly visiting
                                           Listening Ear
                                                                        The pie chart shows the different ways that
                                           Advocacy                     we support people on an individual basis,
                                                                        a hidden part of our work. We make many
                                           One to one
                                                                        home visits and also support many people
                   66%                     Carer support
                                                                        through a simple phone call.


                Source of referral
                6% 3%     14%

                                            Health Services

                                     6%     Self

                                            Social Care

                                            Social Prescribing
December 2021
    Monday       Tuesday   Wednesday    Thursday        Friday    Saturday        Sunday
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                                                       MAECare Calendar 2021
Finance                                                   Income 2019–2020 £308,651

MAECare income and expenditure 2019–20                                             Subscriptions
The pie charts give a snap shot of our income                                45%
and expenditure in 2019-20. Funding from                                           Statutory Grants (LCC and CCG)

Leeds City Council and the NHS CCG are                                             Donations & contributions

vital and allow us a measure of sustainability.            37%                     Gift Aid & Employment Allowance
Last year however it formed just over a third
of our income. Our headline funders are
                                                                                   Bank Interest

credited at the end of this calendar.

                                                  Expenditure 2019–2020 £318,828

                                                                                   Staff Costs inc training
                                                     3%          13%
                                                  2%                               Activities

                                                      6%                           Travel & Outings

                                                                                   Volunteer Expenses
                                                                                   Premises Costs

                                                                                   Running Costs
Management Committee                                                       Our volunteers
Hugh Norwood (Chair)                     Joan Hurst                        Aaron Griffin            James Hogg           Paddy (Sum-Wing) Tsui
                                                                           Alan Swift               Janet Gourley        Pam Hargreaves
Pauline Roylance (Vice Chair)            Louise Lightfoot                  Allan Horswill           Janet Harrand        Patricia Ann Smeek
Margaret Aveyard (Treasurer)             (resigned 10/10/19)               Angela Peet              Jean Lister          Pauline Horswill
                                         Eileen Ludlow                     Angie Bourdillon         Jean Rajfeld         Pauline Roylance
Joan Roberts (Vice Treasurer)
                                                                           Arnold Bloomberg         Jo Kane-Doyle        Pauline Trousdale
Cynthia Chandler                         Liz Malia                         Baksh Kaur Kandola       Joan Hurst           Penny Watterson
Mike Creedon                             Gill Mason                        Barbara Catley           Joan Roberts         Peter Argyle
                                                                           Barbara Jewitt           Joan Shiers          Peter Corscadden
Maureen Darnbrough                       Muriel Ramsey
                                                                           Barry Dewhirst           Joe Cole             Peter J Rice
(resigned 23/04/19)                      Cllr Mohammed Shahzad             Bharti Tanna             Joseph Downey        Petra Puter
Howard Foreman                           Irene Wyatt                       Carole Smith             Josh Levine          Phil Harriman
                                                                           Catherine McCourt        Judith Jackson       Philip Aindow
                                                                           Celia Martin             Karen Battye         Qing Tian

Staff team 2019–20
                                                                           Charles Martyn           Kathleen Haigh       Rachel Baines
                                                                           Chris Feetenby           Kaye Smith           Rachel Guthrie
                                                                           Christel Mavor           Kevin Dawson         Rachel Mendel
Julia Edmunds (Manager)                                                    Christine Norwood        Kevin Ludlow         Rajinder Thukral
                                                                           Cynthia Chandler         Khawla Khdeir        Rana Salem
Maria Nalty, (Senior Project Worker, Activities and Social Inclusion)
                                                                           Danielle Jackson         Krystyna Orlinski    Ravinder Saundh
Rhonda Ward (Project Worker, Casework and Advocacy)                        David Appleyard          Liz Malia            Rebecca Hull
Julie Morrison (Project Worker, Mind and Body)                             David Rivett             Lola Maben-Mead      Rebecca Mitchell
                                                                           David Wynick             Louise Iduas         Rosalie Scott
Vicky Taylor (Project Worker, Digital Inclusion to August 2020)            Dawn Hatton              Lynsey Yardley       Ruth Youngman
Anna-Marie Garbutt (Project Worker, Digital Inclusion from October 2020)   Dianne Greenwood         Malcolm George       Saniya Rabbani
                                                                           Dolly Das                Margaret Aveyard     Sheila Shaw
Rebecca Matthews (Project Worker, Dementia Support)                                                                      Stephen Higgins
                                                                           Doreen Haupt             Margaret Booth
Carole Smith (Project Worker, Dementia Support, from December 2019)        Eileen Ludlow            Margaret Buchan      Suchita Karthik
                                                                           Elise Weaver             Margaret Shaha       Sue Birdsall
Lisa Wilson (Project Worker, Making a Match)
                                                                           Evangelia Antonopoulou   Margaret Talintyre   Susan Thirkill
Janet Onslow (Project Worker, Making a Match to October 2019)              Geoffrey Walker          Margaret Walmsley    Suzanne Dunne
Mary Baillie (Project Worker, Making a Match from January 2020)            George Lamb              Marian Emly          Suzanne Judge
                                                                           Georgia Cooper Taylor    Martin Bland         Tom Ryder
Louisa Peters (Volunteer Co-ordinator, from June 2019 to September 2020)   Gill Mason               Mary Maslin          Valerie Daniels
Baksh Kaur Kandola (Volunteer Co-ordinator from November 2020)             Helen Lorie              Mary Phillips        Valerie Knowles
                                                                           Howard Foreman           Maya Dudko           Valerie Stringer
Caroline Wright (Administration and Communications Co-ordinator)           Hugh Norwood             Michael Creedon      Wendy Fountain
Geoff Fennell (Finance Worker)                                             Irene Osborne            Michele Gray         Zipporah (Zippy) Ngure
                                                                           Irene Wyatt              Muriel Ramsey
Karen Linstrum (Transport Coordinator)
                                                                           Isabel Mulligan          Najlaa Awad
Moor Allerton Elderly Care
57 Cranmer Bank, Leeds LS17 5JD
t 0113 266 0371 e

Registered Charity Number 1100645 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4352867

Headline funders                                                                    E
                                                                             > LE

                                                                                                    P EOP


                                                                                    ’S F O R
                                                                                                            Clinical Commissioning Group
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