Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

Page created by Sylvia Byrd
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

Calculation Policy

  2020 – 2021
  Pre School to Year 3
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

               Maths Calculation Policy 2020-2021

This policy supports the Busy Ant maths scheme used throughout the school.
Progression within each area of calculation is in line with the programme of study
in the 2014 National Curriculum.

This calculation policy should be used to support children to develop a deep
understanding of number and calculation. This policy has been designed to teach
children through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations.

Concrete representation — a pupil is first introduced to an idea or skill by acting
it out with real objects. This is a ‘hands on’ component using real objects and is
a foundation for conceptual understanding.

Pictorial representation – a pupil has sufficiently understood the ‘hands on’
experiences performed and can now relate them to representations, such as a
diagram or picture of the problem.

Abstract representation — a pupil is now capable of repreasenting problems by
using mathematical notation, for example 12 x 2 = 24.
It is important that conceptual understanding, supported by the use of
representation, is secure for all procedures. Reinforcement is achieved by going
back and forth between these representations.
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

In the statutory framework for EYFS, an Early Learning Goal is the standard children are expected to achieve
by the end of their reception year. The ELG relevant to calculations is Number. Early Learning Goal - Number
Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or
one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers
and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
Calculations will be taught in a purposeful, practical way, starting in the preschool setting and children will use
play and exploration to acquire the relevant mathematical skills to solve them. A large majority of mathematical
work is practical, and learning will happen in many different contexts around the classroom and outside. Some
mathematical concepts relating to calculations will be teacher led and children can also freely explore these
concepts through a variety of different activities and resources set up each day. Learning is repeated using
different resources and representations to embed understanding. This calculation policy illustrates the
resources used in Preschool and Reception to support the development of mathematical concepts and an
understanding of number that lead to embedding the skills and increasing confidence to perform calculations.


                                        Addition (Pre school)
 Explore part
 part whole
 combining two
 parts to make a

  language of
  more / less

                    Children to count each group and use correct vocabulary to say how many in each group

                    and which group has more / less.
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

                    Sarah has 2 apples.
problems using      John has 5 apples.
concrete,           How many apples do they have
pictorial images.
                    How many more apples does
                    John have than Sarah?
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School


                                      Subtraction (Pre school)
strategies for

 language of
 more / less

                    Children to count each group and use correct vocabulary to say how many in each group
                    and which group has more / less.

                      Sarah has 2 apples.
problems              John has 5 apples.
using                 How many more red apples than
                      green apples.
concrete,             Who has the least apples?
pictorial images.
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

                               Multiplication and division (Preschool)

Make items   Making equal groups and sharing equally. Children learn that sharing, doubling and
fair.        halving must be fair and equal. Each group must be the same. Practical resources help
             children to explore and manipulate numbers and learning is reinforced with our

             mathematical resources.
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School


                                         Addition (Reception)
Explore part        The pictures below show ways of recording
part whole
combining two
parts to make a

Using the ten
frame to
addition of
single digits—
counting all/
combining two

                    Sarah has 2 apples.
problems using      John has 5 apples.
concrete,           How many apples do they have
pictorial images.   How many more apples does
                    John have than Sarah?
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School


                               Subtraction (Reception)
Using                       Taking away after counting out practical equipment.
concrete                    Children would be encouraged to physically remove
strategies for              these by touch counting


                             By touch counting and dragging in this way, it allows
                             children to keep track of how many they are removing
                             so they don’t have to keep recounting. They will then
                             touch count the amount that are left to find to answer.

                             Those who are ready may record their own calculations

Using the ten
frames to
subtraction by
taking away

                    Peter has 5 pencils and 3 erasers. How many more pencils than erasers
problems            does he have?
pictorial images.
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School


                                Multiplication (Reception)
Experiencing equal
groups of objects    Children will experience equal groups of objects.
They will think
                     They will work in practical problem solving activities.
about doubling
when solving
                                                            There are 6
practical                                                   pairs of
problems.                                                   socks. How
                                                            many socks
                                                            are there

                                                                               2 children leave their
                                                                               wellies by the door.
                                                                               How many wellies are there

                                      Division (Reception)
Sharing practical
Hearing and
being exposed to
language to
describe half and
seeing visual
Calculation Policy 2020 2021 - Pre School to Year 3 - Hessle Mount School

Year 1

                         Addition (Year 1)
Combining two parts

to make a whole: part

whole model. Joining

two groups and then

recounting all objects

(lots of practice

making 10 and

numbers to 10 e.g.

6 + 4 = 10 or

3 + 5 = 8)
Number Bonds Learn
number bonds to 20
and demonstrate
related facts.
Addition and
                                   8 + 4 = 12
taught alongside                   4 + 8 = 12
each other as pupils
need to see the
                                   12 - 4 = 8
between the facts.                 12 - 8 = 4

Add and subtract one
digit numbers and two
digit numbers to 20,
including zero

Bridging 10;
6 + 6 = 12
Make 9 in one and 3
in the other.
Take one from the 3
to make the 9 into a
ten….10+2 = 12 use
ten frames, and
number lines to
practice. Children
should start with the
larger number and
add the smaller

Year 1
                             Subtraction (Year 1)
Taking away
should begin with
physical objects:
counters, cubes,
Dienes etc

Subtraction by          Count back 3 steps from 15                       Count back 3
                                                                         steps from 15
counting back           Subtract 3 from 15

                        15 – 3 = 12
                        There are 12 flowers left

Subtracting a single
digit number from a         Subtract by crossing out

single digit number
and a single digit
from a two digit by
crossing out                There are 5 ladybirds
pictures.                   left

Subtracting using the
part part whole model
(include problem
solving with missing
?- 5=2                         There are 2 boats that are not
When subtracting
using Dienes children
should be taught to
regroup (rename) a
ten rod for 10 ones
and then subatract
from those.
                                                    Transfer 10 into 10 ones         20 – 4 = 16
Multiples of 10.
Using the vocabulary
of 1 ten, two tens,
etc, alongside 10,
20, 30 is important.

Year 1

                      Multiplication (Year 1)
Counting in
Multiples of 2, 5
and 10 from zero.
Children should
count the number of
groups on their
fingers as they are
skip counting.

When moving to
calculations the
language is

Problems using

Year 1

                    Division (Year 1)
Pupils should be
taught to divide
by working
practically and
the sharing
should be shown
below the whole
to familiarise
children with the
concept of the

Year 2

                   Addition (Year 2)
Using concrete
and pictorial
to add a 2 digit
number to a 1
digit number
and a 2 digit
number to a tens

Using concrete
and pictorial
to add two 2
digit numbers.

Year 2

                          Addition (Year 2)
Using concrete
and pictorial
to add 3 single
digit numbers.

Using the bar
model to find
missing digits:
It is important for the
children to use the
bar model in this
way to encourage
the use of it to aid
problem solving.

Year 2

                   Subtraction (Year 2)
Using concret
and pictorial
to subtract a
1 digit number
from a 2 digit

Using concrete
and pictorial
to subtract a
2 digit number
from a tens

Using concrete
and pictorial
to subtract a
2 digit number
from a 2 digit

Recognise and
use the inverse
between addition
and subtraction.

Year 2

                                    Multiplication (Year 2)
Skip counting in
multiples of 2,
3, 5 and 10 from

Recall and reuse
facts for the 2,
3, 5 and 10 times

Use multiplication
sign (X) and
equals sign (=)
when writing out

Understand that
multiplication is
Pupils should
understand that an
array can represent
different equations
and that as
multiplication is
commutative the
order doesn’t affect
                       2 x 5 = 10           5 x 2 = 10
the answer.

                                                          12 = 3 x 4   12 = 4 x 3

Year 2

                 Multiplication (Year 2)
problems using                   3x5=
arrays and
repeated                         5x3=

Year 2

                                  Division (Year 2)
Recall and use
the division facts
for 2, 3, 5 and
10 multiplication

Solve division       There are 18 sausages.
problems in
context by using
concrete objects
                             Put 18 sausages
by sharing.
                            Equally on 2 plates

                          There are 9 sausages on each plate.
                               18 ÷ 2 = 9

Solve division
problems in
context using

Solve division          Put 10 buns in groups of 2.
using grouping.         How many plates are there?

                                                                    Put into groups of 5.
                                                                There are _____ groups?

Year 2

                                      Division (Year 2)
Use the inverse
This should be
                     Make a family of multiplication and division facts.
taught alongside
multiplication and

                        2 x 10 = 20               20 ÷ 10 = ______
                       10 x 2 = 20                20 ÷ 2 = ______

Year 3

                                                 Addition (Year 3)
Add two three                                                              Step 2   Add the tens.
                                                                                    3 tens + 2 tens = 5 tens
                           Step 1     Add the ones.
digit numbers.                        2 ones + 1 one = 3 ones

Children need to
first use
equipment to
support                                                                    Step 3     Add the hundreds.
                                                                                    4 hundreds + 5 hundreds = 9 hundreds
understanding of
place value.
Start without
renaming then
gradually move
onto renaming.

                                                                                                 Step 1             Add the ones.
                                                                                                                    6 ones + 5 one = 11 ones
                                                                                                               11 ones is 1 ten which we carry and 1 one

                          Step 2    Add the tens.
                                    1 ten + 3 tens + 4 tens = 8 tens

                           Step 3     Add the hundreds.
                                    2 hundreds + 3 hundreds = 5 hundreds

Bar Modelling.
It is important for the
children to use the
bar model in this way
to encourage the use
of it to aid problem
solving.                                                                                                                     Morning                       Afternoon

Year 3

                                                    Subtraction (Year 3)
Subtract up to         Subtract 723 from 975                           Subtract 269 from 520
                       Step 1    Subtract the ones                     Step 1    Regroup 1 ten into 10 ones

3 digits from 3                   5 ones – 3 ones = 2 ones                       Subtract the ones
                                                                                  10 ones – 9 ones = 1 one

Children need to
first use
equipment to
                                                                           Step 2    Subtract the tens
                                                                                     11 tens – 6 tens = 5 tens
                      Step 2    Subtract the tens
                                7 tens – 2 tens = 5 tens
understanding of
place value.
Only when
children are
                                                                           Step 3    Subtract the hundreds
secure with                                                                          4 hundreds – 2 hundreds = 2 hundreds

method should         Step 3    Subtract the hundreds
                                9 hundreds – 7 hundreds = 2 hundreds

exchanging be
                                                                                    520 – 269 = 251

                                975 – 723 = 252

Bar Modelling
It is important for
the children to
use the bar
model in this
way to
encourage the
use of it to aid
problem solving.

Year 3

                                      Multiplication (Year 3)
Children should be
                         There are 4 groups of 23 fish
able to recall the 2,
5, 10, 3, 4, 6 and 8
                         How do we multiply 23 by 4?
multiplication tables.
Multiply a 2 digit
number by a 1
                                                                 Step 1 Multiply the ones by 4
digit number.

                                                                 Step 2 Multiply the tens by 4

                                                                 Step 3 Add the products

                                  23 x 4 = 92
                                  There are 92 fish in 4 tanks

Bar Modelling
It is important for
the children to use
the bar model in
this way to
encourage the use
of it to aid
problem solving.

Year 3

                        Division (Year 3)
Dividing and
the concept of

Dividing using
short division
Once the children
are secure with
division as
grouping and can
demonstrate this
on number lines,
arrays etc.
Short division
should be
introduced for
dividing larger 2
digit numbers.
Initially with
carefully chosen
requiring no                  Exchange 1 ten into 10 ones
Compare the lay
out of short division
to that of an array.

Bar Modelling
It is important for
the children to
use the bar
model in this
way to
encourage the
use of it to aid
problem solving.
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