C4.5 and Imbalanced Data sets: Investigating the effect of sampling method, probabilistic estimate, and decision tree structure

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C4.5 and Imbalanced Data sets: Investigating the effect of sampling
    method, probabilistic estimate, and decision tree structure

Nitesh V. Chawla                                                             nitesh.chawla@cibc.ca
Customer Behavior Analytics, Business Analytic Solutions, CIBC, BCE Place, 11th Floor, 161 Bay Street,
Toronto, ON, CANADA M6S 5A6

                     Abstract                              on classifier learning. Our observations agree with
    Imbalanced data sets are becoming ubiqui-              their work that the natural distribution is often not
    tous, as many applications have very few in-           the best distribution for learning a classifier. Also,
    stances of the “interesting” or “abnormal”             the imbalance in the data can be more characteris-
    class. Traditional machine learning algo-              tic of “sparseness” in feature space than the class im-
    rithms can be biased towards majority class            balance. In that scenario, simple over-sampling and
    due to over-prevalence. It is desired that             under-sampling might not suffice (Chawla et al., 2002).
    the interesting (minority) class prediction be         We extend our previous work of sampling strategies
    improved, even if at the cost of additional            under the setting of different levels of decision tree
    majority class errors. In this paper, we               pruning, and different probabilistic estimates at leaves.
    study three issues, usually considered sepa-           We consider over-sampling with replication, under-
    rately, concerning decision trees and imbal-           sampling, and synthetically creating minority class ex-
    anced data sets — quality of probabilistic es-         amples.
    timates, pruning, and effect of preprocessing          The representation or structure of a decision tree is
    the imbalanced data set by over or under-              also important to consider. Pruned or unpruned trees
    sampling methods such that a fairly balanced           can have varied effects on learning from imbalanced
    training set is provided to the decision trees.        data sets. Pruning can be detrimental to learning
    We consider each issue independently and in            from imbalanced data sets as it can potentially collapse
    conjunction with each other, highlighting the          (small) leaves belonging to the minority class, thus re-
    scenarios where one method might be pre-               ducing the coverage. Thus, it brings us to another
    ferred over another for learning decision trees        question: What is the right structure of the decision
    from imbalanced data sets.                             tree? Do we need to use the completely grown tree or
                                                           pruning is necessary? Can pruning be useful if applied
                                                           with sampling strategies? Using C4.5 (Quinlan, 1992)
1. Introduction                                            as the classifier, we investigate three different levels of
                                                           pruning: no pruning, default pruning, and pruning at
A data set is imbalanced if the classes are not approxi-
                                                           a certainty level of 1.
mately equally represented. There have been attempts
to deal with imbalanced data sets in domains such as       A decision tree, is typically, evaluated by predictive
fraudulent telephone calls (Fawcett & Provost, 1996),      accuracy that considers all errors equally. However,
telecommunications management (Ezawa et al., 1996),        predictive accuracy might not be appropriate when the
text classification (Lewis & Ringuette, 1994; Dumais       data is imbalanced and/or the costs of different errors
et al., 1998; Mladenić & Grobelnik, 1999; Cohen, 1995)    vary markedly. As an example, consider the classi-
and detection of oil spills in satellite images (Kubat     fication of pixels in mammogram images as possibly
et al., 1998).                                             cancerous (Woods et al., 1993; Chawla et al., 2002).
                                                           A typical mammography data set might contain 98%
The compelling question, given the different class dis-
                                                           normal pixels and 2% abnormal pixels. A simple de-
tributions, is: What is the correct distribution for a
                                                           fault strategy of guessing the majority class would give
learning algorithm? Weiss and Provost (2003) present
                                                           a predictive accuracy of 98%. Ideally, a fairly high
a detailed analysis of the effect of class distribution

Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Datasets II, ICML, Washington DC, 2003.
rate of correct cancerous predictions is required, while     However, simply using the frequency of the correct
allowing for a small to moderate error rate in the ma-       counts (of classes) at a leaf might not give sound
jority class. It is more costly to predict a cancerous       probabilistic estimates (Provost & Domingos, 2003;
case as non-cancerous, than otherwise.                       Zadrozny & Elkan, 2001). A (small) leaf can poten-
                                                             tially give optimistic estimates for classification pur-
Moreover, distribution/cost sensitive applications can
                                                             poses. For instance, the frequency based estimate
require a ranking or a probabilistic estimate of the in-
                                                             will give the same weights to leaves with the follow-
stances. For instance, revisiting our mammography
                                                             ing (T P, F P ) distributions: (5, 0) and (50, 0). The
data example, a probabilistic estimate or ranking of
                                                             relative coverage of the leaves and the original class
cancerous cases can be decisive for the practitioner.
                                                             distribution is not taken into consideration. Given the
The cost of further tests can be decreased by threshold-
                                                             evidence, a probabilistic estimate of 1 for the (5, 0)
ing the patients at a particular rank. Secondly, proba-
                                                             leaf is not very sound. Smoothing the frequency-based
bilistic estimates can allow one to threshold ranking for
                                                             estimates can mitigate the aforementioned problem
class membership at values < 0.5. Hence, the classes
                                                             (Provost & Domingos, 2003). One way of smooth-
assigned at the leaves of the decision trees have to
                                                             ing those probabilities is using the Laplace estimate,
be appropriately converted to probabilistic estimates
                                                             which can be written as follows:
(Provost & Domingos, 2003; Zadrozny & Elkan, 2001).
This brings us to another question: What is the right
probabilistic estimate for imbalanced data sets?                     PLaplace = (T P + 1)/(T P + F P + C)          (2)
We attempt to answer the questions raised in the pre-
                                                             Again considering the two pathological cases of T P =
ceding discussion using C4.5 release 8 decision tree as
                                                             5 and T P = 50, the Laplace estimates are 0.86 and
our classifier. We used AUC as the performance metric
                                                             0.98, respectively, which are more reliable given the
(Swets, 1988; Bradley, 1997; Hand, 1997). We wanted
to compare various methods based on the quality of
their probabilistic estimates. This can allow us to rank     However, Laplace estimates might not be very appro-
cases based on their class memberships, and can give         priate for highly imbalanced data sets (Zadrozny &
a general idea of the ranking of the ’positive” class        Elkan, 2001). In that scenario, it could be useful
cases. AUC can give a general idea of the quality of the     to incorporate the prior of positive class to smooth
probabilistic estimates produced by the model, with-         the probabilities so that the estimates are shifted to-
out requiring one to threshold at a probability of 0.5       wards the minority class base rate (b). The m-estimate
or less for classification accuracy (Hand, 1997). AUC        (Cussents, 1993) can be used as follows (Zadrozny &
can tell us whether a randomly chosen majority class         Elkan, 2001):
example has a higher majority class membership than
a randomly chosen minority class example.
                                                                       Pm = (T P + bm)/(T P + F P + m)             (3)
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we de-
scribe the probabilistic version of C4.5 trees, as used in   where b is the base rate or the prior of positive class,
this paper. Section 3 discusses the pruning levels used      and m is the parameter for controlling the shift to-
for the experiments. In Section 4 we describe the sam-       wards b. Zadrozny and Elkan (2001) suggest using m,
pling strategies. Section 5 includes our experiments,        given b, such that bm = 10.
and Section 6 presents the summary and future work.
                                                             3. Tree structure
2. Probabilistic C4.5                                        Pruning is useful for decision trees as it improves
Typically, C4.5 assigns the frequency of the correct         generalization and accuracy of unseen test instances.
counts at the leaf as the probabilistic estimate. For        However, pruning methods are generally based on a
notational purposes, T P is the number of true posi-         error function, and might not be conducive towards
tives at the leaf, F P is the number of false positives,     learning from imbalanced data sets. We wanted to em-
and C is the number of classes in the data set. Thus,        pirically investigate the pruning methods over a range
the frequency based probabilistic estimate can be writ-      of imbalanced data sets, and consider their effect on
ten as:                                                      the probabilistic estimates and the sampling methods.
                                                             C4.5 uses error-based pruning. We considered three
                                                             different levels of pruning of the C4.5 decision tree: un-
                                                             pruned, default pruned, and pruned at certainty factor
               Pleaf = T P/(T P + F P )               (1)    of 1 (Quinlan, 1992). For unpruned trees, we modified
C4.5 code so that the tree growing process does not         consideration and its nearest neighbor. Multiply this
prune and does not “collapse”, as proposed by Provost       difference by a random number between 0 and 1, and
and Domingos (2003). To evaluate the effect of prun-        add it to the feature vector under consideration. This
ing on the imbalanced data sets, we pruned the trees        causes the selection of a random point along the line
at the certainty factor of 25% (default pruning), and       segment between two specific features. This approach
at the certainty factor of 1%.                              effectively forces the decision region of the minority
                                                            class to become more general.
Unpruned and uncollapsed trees can potentially lead
to a problem of small disjuncts (Weiss, 1995) as the        The nominal values are treated differently. We use
trees are grown to their full complete size on the imbal-   Cost and Salzberg (1993) modification of Value Dis-
anced training sets. Overfitting can occur, and prun-       tance Metric (Stanfill & Waltz, 1986) to compute
ing can be used to improve generalization of the deci-      the nearest neighbors for the nominal valued features.
sion trees.                                                 VDM looks at the overlap of feature values over all fea-
                                                            ture vectors. A matrix defining the distance between
4. Sampling strategies                                      corresponding feature values for all feature vectors is
                                                            created. The distance δ between two corresponding
A popular way to deal with imbalanced data sets is to       feature values is defined as follows.
either over-sample the minority class or under-sample
the majority class. We present two versions of over-
                                                                                               C1i   C2i k
sampling, one by replicating each minority class exam-                   δ(V1 , V2 ) =       |     −    |          (4)
ple and the other by creating new synthetic examples                                     i=1
                                                                                               C1    C2
(SMOTE) (Chawla et al., 2002), and underampling.
                                                            In the above equation, V1 and V2 are the two corre-
4.1. Over-sampling                                          sponding feature values. C1 is the total number of
Over-sampling with replication does not always im-          occurrences of feature value V1 , and C1i is the number
prove minority class prediction. We interpret the           of occurrences of feature value V1 for class i. A similar
underlying effect in terms of decision regions in fea-      convention is also applied to C2i and C2 . k is a con-
ture space. Essentially, as the minority class is over-     stant, usually set to 1. The distance ∆ between two
sampled by increasing amounts, the effect is to identify    feature vectors is given by:
similar but more specific regions in the feature space
as the decision region for the minority class.                                                X
                                                                        ∆(X, Y ) = wx wy            δ(xi , yi )r   (5)
If we replicate the minority class, the decision region                                       i=1
for the minority class becomes very specific and will
cause new splits in the decision tree. This will lead to    r = 1 yields the Manhattan distance, and r = 2 yields
overfitting. Replication of the minority class does not     the Euclidean distance (Cost & Salzberg, 1993). wx
cause its decision boundary to spread into the majority     and wy are the exemplar weights in the modified VDM.
class region.                                               Since SMOTE is not used for classification purposes,
                                                            we set the weights to 1 equation 5. We create new
4.2. SMOTE: Synthetic Minority                              set of feature values (for the synthetic minority class
     over-sampling TEchnique                                example) by taking the majority vote of the feature
                                                            vector in consideration and its k nearest neighbors. In
We generate synthetic examples by operating in the          the absence of a majority, we select the feature value
“feature space” rather than the “data space” (Chawla        at random.
et al., 2002). The synthetic examples cause the classi-
fier to create larger and less specific decision regions,
                                                            4.3. Under-sampling
rather than smaller and more specific regions. The
minority class is over-sampled by taking each minor-        We under-sample the majority class by randomly re-
ity class sample and introducing synthetic examples         moving samples from the majority class population
along the line segments joining any/all of the k mi-        until the minority class becomes some specified per-
nority class nearest neighbors. Depending upon the          centage of the majority class (Chawla et al., 2002).
amount of over-sampling required, neighbors from the        This forces the learner to experience varying degrees
k nearest neighbors are randomly chosen. Synthetic          of under-sampling and at higher degrees of under-
samples are generated in the following way: Take the        sampling the minority class has a larger presence in
difference between the feature vector (sample) under        the training set.
the median bar is above 0, than the approach, rep-
                Table 1. Data set details.
                                                              resented by the box plot, is doing better on average
                                                              than the approach compared to. And if the com-
 Data set             Size    Features       Distribution     plete box, including the whiskers, is above 0 then
 Pima                  768        8           0.65; 0.35      that approach is consistently better than the other ap-
 Phoneme              5484        5           0.71; 0.29      proach. The convention in the figures is as follows:
 Satimage             6435       36             0.9; 0.1      original implies that the decision tree is learned from
 Mammography         11183        6           0.98; 0.02
                                                              the original distribution; smote implies that the de-
 Krkopt              28056        6           0.99; 0.01
                                                              cision tree is learned from the balanced distribution
                                                              constructed by SMOTE; over implies that the deci-
5. Data sets                                                  sion tree is learned from the balanced distribution con-
                                                              structed from over-sampling with replication; and un-
We used five data sets with very different class dis-         der implies that the decision tree from the balanced
tributions. Four of our data sets come from the UCI           distribution constructed from under-sampling. Each
repository (Blake & Merz, 1998). For the krkopt data          of original, smote, over, and under is suffixed with
set we sampled two classes to make it a 2-class and           following: laplace or m to signify the probabilistic es-
highly skewed data set. Similarly, we converted satim-        timate used; U, P, or PC (U is unpruned, P is default
age into a 2-class data set by converting all but one         pruning, and PC is pruning at certainty factor of 1) to
small class into a single class (Chawla et al., 2002).        show the pruning method used.
Table 1 summarizes our data sets. The mammography
data set is available from the Intelligent Systems Lab,       Figures 1 to 3 summarize the effect of the probabilis-
University of South Florida. We divided the data sets         tic estimate on learning C4.5 decision trees from imbal-
into 2/3rd training and 1/3rd testing stratified sets for     anced data sets. The box-plots represent improvement
our experiments.                                              in AUC obtained by Plaplace over Pleaf and Pm over
                                                              Pleaf . The X-axis represents each of the methods cor-
                                                              responding to the box plots. Figure 1 is for unpruned
6. Results                                                    decision trees, Figure 2 is for pruned decision trees,
We used the different variants of C4.5 in conjunction         and Figure 3 is for decision trees pruned with certainty
with the three different probabilistic estimates and          factor of 1. Figures show that both Pm and Plaplace
sampling methods. The goal was to empirically in-             estimates provide a consistent advantage over Pleaf for
vestigate the effect of the structure, probabilistic es-      the original distribution. This is what one would have
timate, and sampling method on AUC. Not knowing               expected as the fully grown tree can have small leaves,
the “right” class distribution, we simply over-sampled        giving optimistic Pleaf estimate, as shown in the ex-
(both SMOTE and replication) or under-sampled such            ample considered earlier. The gain provided by Pm
that the class ratio is one, in addition to using the orig-   and Plaplace is diminished at higher levels of pruning,
inal class distribution. We believe there might be other      as pruning effectively eliminates the smaller minority
appropriate class distributions that could give us bett-      class leaves, reducing the coverage. Thus, pruning can
ter results in terms of AUC, and that is a part of our        have a detrimental effect on learning from imbalanced
future work. One can potentially find out the right dis-      data sets. Sampling generally helped in learning, and
tribution by exploring the possible ratios between the        was not very sensitive to the amount of pruning, as the
minority class and majority class. One can also ap-           trees were learned from balanced training sets. Also,
proximate the different distributions by thresholding         Pm and Plaplace give better AUC’s than Pleaf for the
at different probabilities coming from leaf mixtures.         sampling methods. Thus, even if the model is learned
By doing so one can increase or decrease the effect of        from a balanced training set (and tested on the skewed
mixture distribution at a leaf. For all our experiments,      testing set), smoothing produces more sound estimates
the distribution of examples in the testing set was the       than just the frequency based method.
same as originally occuring in the data set.                  Figures 4 to 6, for Pleaf , Plaplace and Pm respectively,
We compare various approaches using box-plots to              compare the effect of pruning on learning from the
show AUC improvements (or deterioration) provided             original and sampled data sets. As we noted from
by one method over another as shown in the Fig-               the previous set of Figures, pruning is detrimental to
ures 1 to 9. Each method (or box) in the box-plots            learning from imbalanced data sets. We note pruned
represents all the data sets. The whiskers at the end         trees usually give worse AUC’s than unpruned trees.
of the box plots show the minimum and maximum                 Among the sampling strategies, over-sampling is par-
values (outliers), while the bar shows the median. If         ticularly helped by pruning. This is not surprising
1                                                                                                             1
                                                                                                   Unpruned                                                                                                 Default Pruned

                   0.8                                                                                                           0.8

                   0.6                                                                                                           0.6

                   0.4                                                                                                           0.4
AUC Improvement

                                                                                                              AUC Improvement
                   0.2                                                                                                           0.2

                    0                                                                                                             0

                  −0.2                                                                                                          −0.2

                  −0.4                                                                                                          −0.4

                  −0.6                                                                                                          −0.6

                  −0.8                                                                                                          −0.8

                   −1                                                                                                            −1
                    originalLaplace originalM smoteLaplace smoteM overLaplace   overM   underLaplace underM                       originalLaplace originalM smoteLaplace smoteM overLaplace   overM   underLaplace underM
                                                                Method                                                                                                        Method

Figure 1. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by Plaplace                                                     Figure 2. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by Plaplace
and Pm over Pleaf using unpruned trees for original and                                                       and Pm over Pleaf using default pruned trees for original
sampled data sets.                                                                                            and sampled data sets.

as over-sampling usually leads to small, very specific                                                                          2. Pruning is usually detrimental to learning from
decision regions (Chawla et al., 2002), and pruning                                                                                imbalanced data sets. However, if a sampling rou-
improves their generalization. Thus, pruning is help-                                                                              tine is used, pruning can help as it improves the
ful with imbalanced data sets, if one is deploying                                                                                 generalization of the decision tree classifier. Given
some sampling routine to balance the class distribu-                                                                               that the testing set can come from a different dis-
tion. Otherwise, pruning can reduce the minority class                                                                             tribution, not having specific trees can help.
coverage in the decision trees.
Figures 7 to 9 compare the different sampling strate-
gies. Each Figure shows the improvement achieved by                                                                             3. SMOTE on an average improves the AUC’s over
over-sampling and SMOTE over under-sampling for                                                                                    the other sampling schemes. We believe this is
Pleaf , Plaplace and Pm , respectively. We observe that                                                                            due to SMOTE working in the “feature space”
SMOTE on an average is better than under-sampling.                                                                                 and constructing new examples. SMOTE helps
We also observe that over-sampling on an average is                                                                                in broadening the decision region for a learner,
worse than under-sampling. Based on that evidence,                                                                                 thus improving generalization. We also observe
we can also infer that SMOTE on an average is better                                                                               that under-sampling is usually better than over-
than over-sampling.                                                                                                                sampling with replication.

7. Summary and Future Work
                                                                                                              As a part of future work we propose another sampling
In this paper, we presented an empirical analyses of                                                          strategy for comparing with SMOTE: under-sampling
various components of learning C4.5 decision trees                                                            using neighborhood information. That is, instead of
from imbalanced data sets. We juxtaposed three issues                                                         under-sampling at random, only under-sample if the
of learning decision trees from imbalanced data sets,                                                         minority class is in the k nearest neighbors. This ap-
usually considered separately, as part of one study.                                                          proach can potentially have scalability issues due to a
Our main conclusions can be summarized as follows:                                                            much higher prevalence of majority class, but this will
                                                                                                              help us in establishing another benchmark for sam-
                                                                                                              pling in “feature space”. We would also like to investi-
                  1. Pleaf gives worse probabilistic estimates than                                           gate ways to construct appropriate class distributions
                     Plaplace and Pm . The gain provided by Pm and                                            for a particular domain, and evaluate the different set-
                     Plaplace is diminished at higher levels of pruning.                                      tings considered in this paper by varying testing set
                     Plaplace and Pm are comparable to each other.                                            distribution.
1                                                                                                           1
                                                                                             Pruned with CF = 1                                                                                            P(laplace)

                   0.8                                                                                                         0.8

                   0.6                                                                                                         0.6

                   0.4                                                                                                         0.4
AUC Improvement

                   0.2                                                                                                         0.2

                                                                                                                  AUC Ratio
                    0                                                                                                           0

                  −0.2                                                                                                        −0.2

                  −0.4                                                                                                        −0.4

                  −0.6                                                                                                        −0.6

                  −0.8                                                                                                        −0.8

                   −1                                                                                                          −1
                    originalLaplace originalM smoteLaplace smoteM overLaplace    overM    underLaplace underM                        originalP   SmoteP   OverP   UnderP   originalPC   SmotePC   OverPC    UnderPC
                                                                Method                                                                                                 Method

Figure 3. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by Plaplace                                                         Figure 5. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by pruning
and Pm over Pleaf using trees pruned at cf = 1 for original                                                       using Plaplace for decision trees learned from the original
and sampled data sets.                                                                                            and sampled data sets.

                    1                                                                                                           1
                                                                                                        P(leaf)                                                                                                 P(m)

                   0.8                                                                                                         0.8

                   0.6                                                                                                         0.6

                   0.4                                                                                                         0.4

                   0.2                                                                                                         0.2
AUC Ratio

                                                                                                                  AUC Ratio

                    0                                                                                                           0

                  −0.2                                                                                                        −0.2

                  −0.4                                                                                                        −0.4

                  −0.6                                                                                                        −0.6

                  −0.8                                                                                                        −0.8

                   −1                                                                                                          −1
                         originalP   SmoteP   OverP      UnderP   originalPC    SmotePC     OverPC    UnderPC                        originalP   SmoteP   OverP   UnderP   originalPC   SmotePC   OverPC    UnderPC
                                                              Method                                                                                                   Method

Figure 4. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by pruning                                                          Figure 6. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by pruning
using Pleaf for decision trees learned from the original and                                                      using Pm for decision trees learned from the original and
sampled data sets.                                                                                                sampled data sets.



                                                                                           AUC Improvement


AUC Improvement


                    0                                                                                  −0.4

                  −0.2                                                                                 −0.6

                  −0.4                                                                                 −0.8

                  −0.6                                                                                       −1
                                                                                                                   smoteU   OverU   smoteP            OverP   smotePC   OverPC

                   −1                                                                      Figure 9. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by over-
                         smoteU   OverU   smoteP            OverP   smotePC   OverPC
                                                   Method                                  sampling and SMOTE over under-sampling using Pm at
                                                                                           different levels of pruning.
Figure 7. Improvement or deterioration in AUC by over-
sampling and SMOTE over under-sampling using Pleaf at
different levels of pruning.                                                               Acknowledgements
                                                                                           We would like to thank the reviewers for their useful
                                                                                           comments on the paper.

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