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                                     Cross-industry companies share best practices for GS1 Company
                                     Prefixes during mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.

                                     INDUSTRY LEADERS SPEAK OUT
                                     ABOUT BRAND IDENTITY AND
                                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

GS1 Company Prefixes help            Consumers recognize companies by their brand names, their products, or
companies accurately track and       simply by their company names. Yet, from the time their products leave the
trace their products, giving them    manufacturing lines to the time they are purchased, companies are identified
full-stream visibility all the way   throughout their supply chains by product identifiers derived from their unique
to retailers’ shelves.               GS1 Company Prefixes. To protect their brand identity, companies must effectively
                                     manage their GS1 Company Prefixes when it comes to mergers, acquisitions and
                                     divestitures (M&A).

                                     To do this, internal stakeholders like sales, marketing, and operations, to
                                     name a few, should recognize the importance of the GS1 Company Prefix as
                                     the foundation for accurate data, and support strategies and practices that
                                     properly plan for and transition acquired and divested GS1 Company Prefixes.
                                     During negotiations, legal departments must be especially attuned to care
                                     for GS1 Company Prefixes as licensed-to-use resources in M&A agreements.

                                     Transitioning GS1 Company Prefixes starts with a detailed plan and timeline
                                     created by both the acquiring and selling companies. Decisions about how
                                     to integrate GS1 Company Prefixes should consider cost and time implications
                                     as well as the upstream and downstream impact on the company’s entire
                                     supply chain.

                                     In the end, companies can curtail long-term issues and ensure enduring brand
                                     identity by using best practices from experienced industry leaders and resources
                                     from GS1® and GS1 US™.

                                  Mergers, acquisitions and          “More and more companies are embracing GS1 Standards
                                  divestitures appear to be on       throughout their supply chains to gain visibility and support
                                  the upswing in today’s global      traceability. As a result, they understand the critical need
                                  business economy. In a July        for sharing accurate data and the significance of managing
                                  2011 survey, KPMG found that       GS1 Company Prefixes during M&A activities.” —GINA TOMASSI ,
                                  67 percent of executives at        Director of Customer Supply Chain and Logistics, PepsiCo
                                  food and drink companies
                                  expect their firms to be
                                  involved in merger activity
                                                                     companies accurately track and trace their products, giving
                                  during the next two years.
                                                                     them full-stream visibility all the way to retailers’ shelves.
                                  According to its October
                                  2011 report, “Mergers and          GS1 US recently talked with industry leaders experienced
 Brand Identity Value             Acquisitions Outlook,”             in managing GS1 Company Prefixes during M&A activities—
 in Digital Commerce              Ernst & Young advises that         Dean Foods, DeMet’s Candy Company, Kraft Foods,
                                  36 percent of U.S. companies       Nestlé USA, PepsiCo, The Greenery, Unilever, and an
 Consider the value of the
                                  are likely to acquire in the       apparel manufacturer. Here are their “lessons learned”
 GS1 Company Prefix in
                                  next six months, up from           along with recommended best practices when planning
 rapidly expanding business-
                                  28 percent a year ago.             for and effectively transitioning GS1 Company Prefixes
 to-consumer interactions.
                                  Longer-term, nearly half of all    for quality data and brand integrity.
 In this new digital world,
                                  companies expect to acquire.
 consumers have brand
                                                                     RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE
 and product information          As corporate assets, liabilities
 literally at their fingertips.   and contractual rights are         All companies offered an initial best practice: Ensure all
 With the proliferation of        negotiated and transitioned        internal stakeholders recognize the importance of managing
 social media, smartphones                                           GS1 Company Prefixes for data accuracy—and for the benefit
                                  during mergers, acquisitions
 and apps, consumers are                                             of the business.
                                  or divestitures (M&A), one
 able to scan barcodes to         notable consideration is the       Gina Tomassi, director of Customer Supply Chain and Logistics
 receive information about        GS1 Company Prefix, the            with PepsiCo, shares her perspective. “More and more
 the product—its description,     foundation of a company’s          companies are embracing GS1 Standards throughout their
 where to buy, whether it’s
                                  brand identity.                    supply chains to gain visibility and support traceability. As a
 subject to recall and much
                                                                     result, they understand the critical need for sharing accurate
 more. Therefore, if accurate   A GS1 Company Prefix
                                                                     data and the significance of managing GS1 Company Prefixes
 and complete product and       is used to build all GS1
                                                                     during M&A activities.”
  brand ownership information   Standard identifiers like
  is available, the company can Global Location Numbers              As the world’s premier consumer products company focused
  gain a competitive advantage  (GLNs), Serial Shipping              on convenient foods and beverages, PepsiCo (
  in a world where consumers    Container Codes (SSCCs),             is home to hundreds of brands around the globe. Tomassi has
  have many choices.            and Global Trade Item                vast experience with planning for and transitioning
                                Numbers® (GTINs®), which             GS1 Company Prefixes.
                                are encoded in barcodes.
                                                                     Doug Naal, global standards manager with Kraft Foods, also
It is assigned to only one company and cannot be shared
                                                                     has a great deal of experience with M&A and GS1 Standards—in
by multiple companies. It uniquely identifies the company            the U.S. and abroad. “We are constantly educating our internal
or brand that owns the product, so if multiple companies             teams about the downstream benefits for our business when
unknowingly use the same GS1 Company Prefix, it can cause
confusion among trading partners. For example, purchase
orders may be placed with the company that no longer
sells the product, payments may be made to the incorrect
company, and charge-backs may be applied to the wrong                “We are constantly educating our internal teams about the
company during coupon redemptions.                                    downstream benefits for our business when GS1 Company
                                                                      Prefixes are properly cared for—benefits like customer
If the GS1 Company Prefix is effectively managed during M&A           goodwill, speedy time to market, and avoidance of
activities, it enables companies to have complete clarity about       unnecessary costs.” —DOUG NAAL, Global Standards Manager,
the identity and ownership of products and brands. It helps          Kraft Foods

GS1 Company Prefixes are properly cared for—benefits like             “Our [GS1 Company Prefix strategy] user guide gives our
customer goodwill, speedy time to market, and avoidance of             attorneys direction about whether to keep or spin-off our
unnecessary costs,” says Naal.                                         Dean Foods’ GS1 Company Prefixes. Our strategy also
                                                                       includes how we assign Company Prefixes—by brand or
With an expansive portfolio of worldwide brands, Kraft Foods
                                                                       across brands. For example, if a Company Prefix is shared
( is the world’s second largest
                                                                       by multiple brands or multiple dairies within Dean Foods,
food company, and credits its many mergers and acquisitions
                                                                       it is retained. This will minimize our company’s associated
in building its global presence.
                                                                       costs, time and labor.” —NADINE RADOMSKI , Manager E-Commerce
While Naal and the Kraft Foods customer logistics team (of            Collaboration, Dean Foods

which Naal is a member) are not literally at the “negotiation
tables” when acquisitions are being worked out, they
recognize that they are in the best position to promote the
importance of GS1 Company Prefixes within the Kraft Foods             important,” explains Richard. “Retailers are using the GDSN®
organization. Naal and the logistics team consistently strive         (Global Data Synchronization Network™) to catch suppliers’
to keep awareness levels high among the Kraft Foods M&A               data inaccuracies before they lead to big problems in
team so that appropriate decisions about the treatment of             their supply chains. Our people understand our retailers’
GS1 Company Prefixes can be made on a case-by-case basis              requirements and seek to support our constantly evolving
in the context of M&A transactions.                                   data accuracy practices.”

                                                                      Richard has put in place data accuracy guidelines for product
Naal plans to meet with the Kraft Foods legal team to
                                                                      managers and others to follow. In addition, internal data
discuss specific GS1 Company Prefix strategies in the context
                                                                      audits are conducted to maintain Kraft Foods’ high rating
of mergers, acquisitions and divestitures with the goal of
                                                                      on retailer scorecards.
developing a set of best practices that can be used in a
variety of transaction structures.
                                                                      PROVIDE GUIDANCE TO LEGAL
Another member of the Kraft team, Ryan Richard is the                 Nadine Radomski, manager of E-Commerce Collaboration at
global implementation manager for Kraft Foods’ global data            Dean Foods, offers her perspective. “Years ago when working
synchronization (GDS) process. Richard agrees that internal           on an acquisition or divestiture, we didn’t include decisions
stakeholders throughout the Kraft Foods supply chain                  about GS1 Company Prefixes. Then as the industry started
recognize the need to effectively manage GS1 Company                  adopting GS1 Standards, we quickly realized the huge impact
Prefixes, which in turn, helps to facilitate accurate product data.   Company Prefixes had on our business. Since then, we have
                                                                      worked to educate our people internally about how Company
“Retailers are very focused on data accuracy. Retail
                                                                      Prefixes identify and help protect our brands.”
executives, at the upper-most levels, are examining
suppliers’ data quality performance via scorecards. That’s            Radomski is responsible for data accuracy practices across
why maintaining accurate GS1 Company Prefixes is so                   Dean Foods and is keenly aware of the role of GS1 Company
                                                                                                Prefixes in data management
                                                                                                throughout the supply chain.
                                                                                                “Our leading retailers demand that
                                                                                                new products coming onto their
                                                                                                shelves be synchronized through
                                                                                                the GDSN. If the GS1 Company
                                                                                                Prefix in the GTIN is not accurate,
                                                                                                we basically can’t sell these
                                                                                                products to retailers who are now
                                                                                                auditing for data accuracy.”

                                                                                                  As a leading food and beverage
                                                                                                  company in the U.S., Dean
                                                                                                  Foods (
                                                                                                  produces a full line of dairy and
                                                                                                  soy products. “We do everything
                                                                                                  from frozen products to fresh
                                                                                                  foods—manufactured, licensed and

                                                                                             “As we globalized our master data
                                                                                              management system on SAP, GS1
                                                                                              Standards helped define and drive our data
                                                                                              governance policies. One of our major data
                                                                                              governance goals is to manage data as a
                                                                                              corporate asset. So as brands are acquired
                                                                                              or divested, if GS1 Company Prefixes are
                                                                                              transferred, generally they are explicitly
                                                                                              included in M&A agreements.” —AILEEN NGO ,
                                                                                              B2B Project Manager, Nestlé USA

                                                                                        efficiencies with our information systems.
                                                                                        Establishing a brand identity with fresh
                                                                                        foods is rather difficult, so we kept the GS1
                                                                                        Company Prefix from the acquired trading
private-labeled. We distribute from warehouse to direct store         companies to retain the brand identity in the market.”
delivery,” adds Radomski. “Our company’s complex business
                                                                      Nestlé USA also has a well-defined GS1 Company Prefix
model mandates a clear Company Prefix strategy to drive
                                                                      strategy and works closely with its legal organization.
data accuracy.”
                                                                      As the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness
To that end, Radomski has documented the GS1 Company                  company, Nestlé USA ( has developed
Prefix strategy for Dean Foods’ legal department. “Our user           strong data governance practices that include managing
guide gives our attorneys direction about whether to keep or          GS1 Company Prefixes.
spin-off our Dean Foods’ GS1 Company Prefixes. Our strategy
also includes how we assign Company Prefixes—by brand or
across brands. For example, if a Company Prefix is shared by
multiple brands or multiple dairies within Dean Foods, it is
retained. This will minimize our company’s associated costs,
time and labor.” By working closely with Dean Foods’ M&A
attorneys, Radomski has put the needed requirements in place
for M&A negotiations that support data accuracy downstream.
                                                                         A GS1 Company Prefix
Harry Geelen, business consultant in Information Services,               is used to build all GS1
                                                                         identifiers like GTINSs,
shares The Greenery’s strategy for GS1 Company Prefixes.                     which are encoded
The Greenery ( is one of Europe’s                               in barcodes.

largest trading companies of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Originally a cooperative and still owned by Dutch growers,
The Greenery acquired a number of trading companies in
order to shorten its supply chain by selling directly to retailers.

“We decided to keep individual GS1 Company Prefixes
for each of our lines of business since this helped us gain

“Establishing a brand identity with fresh foods is
 rather difficult, so we kept the GS1 Company Prefix
 from the acquired trading companies to retain
 the brand identity in the market.” —HARRY GEELEN ,
Information Systems Business Consultant, The Greenery                          GS1 Company Prefix

                                                                   “One best practice that cannot be overlooked is when the
                                                                   selling company keeps the GS1 Company Prefix. In this
 1. Communicate to all internal stakeholders the importance of     case, the buyer must change the GTINs using a different
   managing GS1 Company Prefixes to maintain data accuracy and     Company Prefix and related GLNs for the acquired
   brand integrity.                                                products within twelve months from the close of the
                                                                   agreement, as specified by GS1 Standards.” —WERNER KOLB ,
 2. Develop a strategy for retaining, divesting and assigning
                                                                   Data Manager, Global Master Data Excellence Team, Unilever
   GS1 Company Prefixes.

 3. Provide strategy guidelines to your legal department for use
   during M&A negotiations.

 4. Request of your legal team to explicitly call out in your      communicate with trading partners for updated product
   M&A agreement:                                                  replenishment and product data in the GDSN.
   • All GS1 Company Prefixes listed individually by number.       Tomassi shares a best practice from a lesson learned from
                                                                   acquired GS1 Company Prefixes. She found some situations,
   • User rights for each GS1 Company Prefix.
                                                                   from years ago, where other companies were using PepsiCo
   • Transitioning timelines for GS1 Company Prefixes              Company Prefixes. “We now use and recommend the GS1
      going forward.                                               GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Registry) to check
                                                                   GS1 Company Prefix registration as soon as possible after the
                                                                   close of the agreement.”

                                                                   Data Manager Werner Kolb with the Global Master Data
                                                                   Excellence team at Unilever agrees. With 400 brands spanning
“Over time, we have worked with our M&A legal team                 14 categories of home, personal care, and food products,
to make acquiring GS1 Company Prefixes an automatic                Unilever ( touches many people’s lives
part of their step-by-step process,” says Jasiri Hibler,           around the globe. Kolb advises to make sure that acquired
business master data manager. “Whether divesting or                GS1 Company Prefixes are properly registered to the selling
acquiring, our strategy is to always try to keep or obtain         company before taking over a product portfolio. Kolb explains,
the GS1 Company Prefix.”                                           “Ideally, this look-up should take place during the M&A
Hibler along with Aileen Ngo, B2B project manager,                 negotiations process; however, this may not be possible. The
and Pradeep Mogili, data management specialist, are                next best time for GS1 Company Prefix look-up would be as an
accountable for educating data owners on Nestlé USA                initial step during the planning stage. With help from GEPIR,
data quality standards.

“As we globalized our master data management system
on SAP, GS1 Standards helped define and drive our
data governance policies,” says Ngo. “One of our
major data governance goals is to manage data as a
corporate asset. So as brands are acquired or divested, if
GS1 Company Prefixes are transferred, generally they are
explicitly included in M&A agreements.”

With the M&A agreement completed,
Tomassi with PepsiCo emphasizes the
necessity for a detailed transition
plan as companies come together
for integrating acquired brands or
supporting divested ones. She is
adamant about the value of a plan that
precisely lays out the needed steps to
transition GS1 Company Prefix, re-
label products with new GTINs, and

                                                                    “With the re-labeling and packaging changes, we also check
                                                                     the print quality of the barcode to make sure it can be
                                                                     scanned properly.” — JASIRI HIBLER, Business Master Data Manager,
                                                                    Nestlé USA

                                                                    products, however, it would have caused more time and
                                                                    work to communicate all those changes to our trading
                                                                    partners. After weighing our options, we decided to buy the
                                                                    additional number blocks since this was the best solution for
                                                                    us and our customers.”

                                                                    The IT manager from a small apparel manufacturer shares a
                                                                    similar experience. “We purchased a company that dropped
                                                                    one of the digits from its nine-digit prefix to generate more
                                                                    GTINs. We purchased more blocks, but it had a real impact on
                                                                    our business since our largest retailer had stopped all orders.”
                                                                    The manager concludes with a best practice for transition
GS1 or GS1 US, you can confirm to whom the prefix is properly       planning. “In the future, we will request copies of the GS1
registered to or identify any issues immediately.”                  Company Prefix Certificates from the seller. We can compare
                                                                    the actual prefix registered with what is being used in GTINs.”
Kolb believes a complete acquisition or divestiture is more
straightforward than the partial acquisition of a brand. “One       In its transition practices, Nestlé USA obtains a list of all
best practice that cannot be overlooked is when the selling         products using the acquired GS1 Company Prefixes.
company keeps the GS1 Company Prefix. In this case, the             “This is a very important step to actually see the GTINs
buyer must change the GTINs using a different Company               included in the sale,” says Mogili. “The GTIN list helps us
Prefix and related GLNs for the acquired products within            confirm that all GS1 Company Prefixes are accounted for
twelve months from the close of the agreement, as specified         and assess the potential data clean-up.”
by GS1 Standards.” Kolb also stresses to follow GS1 GTIN
                                                                    Conducting a data audit is another Nestlé USA best practice
Allocation Rules when creating new GTINs with acquired
                                                                    when integrating acquired GS1 Company Prefixes and GTINs
Company Prefixes.
                                                                    into its master data management system. The team performs
                                                                    the audit for all product units, checking length, width, and
                                                                    height dimensions along with weight for each. “With the
PepsiCo’s Tomassi recalls a seemingly straightforward partial       re-labeling and packaging changes, we also check the
acquisition that held a surprise. “We discovered the Company        print quality of the barcode to make sure it can be scanned
Prefix we acquired was an eight-digit prefix versus the six-digit   properly,” explains Hibler.
one we thought we had acquired. This assumption resulted
in us using additional GS1 Company Prefix blocks that were          TRANSITION WITH PRECISION
still luckily unassigned by GS1 US. When we realized what
                                                                    Jim Gerbo, vice president of Marketing for DeMet’s Candy
happened, we elected to buy the additional eight-digit blocks
                                                                    Company describes how he and the DeMet’s team transition
versus re-labeling the products, another option we considered.”
                                                                    acquired products from typically much larger companies. “We
The best practice: Consider the upstream and downstream             never get the seller’s GS1 Company Prefix, which is fine since
impact on the entire supply chain when making decisions             we prefer to use one DeMet’s GS1 Company Prefix for all of
about integrating acquired GS1 Company Prefixes. Tomassi            our brands.”
clarifies, “In this instance, we considered re-labeling the
                                                                    Ever since George DeMet opened his first candy store back in
                                                                    1898, DeMet’s Candy Company ( has
                                                                    been making delicious candies and snacks. “Producing quality
                                                                    products is what sets us apart,” says Gerbo. “We bake our own
“The GTIN list helps us confirm that all GS1 Company Prefixes       pretzels, blend and cook our own caramel, and source only the
are accounted for and assess the potential data clean-up.”          finest ingredients such as premium chocolates and nuts. Using
—PRADEEP MOGILI , Data Management Specialist, Nestlé USA            one GS1 Company Prefix allows retailers to easily identify the
                                                                    DeMet’s brand of quality.”

                                                                    “We work closely with the seller to jointly develop a thorough
                                                                    transition plan—what actions we will take, what they will
                                                                    do and when. We also have a back-up plan for scenarios
                                                                    that could cause delays.” —JIM GERBO , Vice President of Marketing,
                                                                    DeMet’s Candy Company

                                                                    Gerbo’s best piece of advice: Closely plan and execute with
                                                                    the other company, but always take full accountability. “We
                                                                    never make assumptions when it comes to transitioning the
                                                                    acquired brand with our retailers and wholesalers. Our goal
                                                                    is to move the brand forward, keeping our trading partners
                                                                    informed and happy.”

                                                                      TRANSITIONING BEST PRACTICES
With more than 10 years of experience, Gerbo has integrated
acquired products into the DeMet’s family of brands. “We             1. Collaborate with the other company’s team to develop a
work closely with the seller to jointly develop a thorough             transition plan with well-defined roles and timeline. Develop
transition plan—what actions we will take, what they will do           a back-up plan for scenarios that might cause delays.
and when. We also have a back-up plan for scenarios that
                                                                     2. Consider the upstream and downstream impact on the entire
could cause delays. Our working relationships with sellers
                                                                       supply chain when making decisions about integrating acquired
have always been quite positive.”
                                                                       GS1 Company Prefixes.
The DeMet’s transition team consists of multiple players
from the supply chain: sales, marketing, consumer affairs,           3. Follow GS1 GTIN Allocation Rules when creating new GTINs
logistics and warehousing, customer service, and legal.                with acquired Company Prefixes.
“Our sales force typically notifies our retailers and wholesalers
                                                                     4. Use GS1 GEPIR, the GS1 global look-up tool, to confirm the
90 days in advance of the ‘cut-off date’—this is the date
                                                                       proper registration of acquired GS1 Company Prefixes. If
when our customers will commence ordering the acquired
                                                                       possible, this step should be taken before or during M&A
product from DeMet’s and not from the previous seller.” Gerbo
                                                                       negotiations or immediately after the M&A agreement
stresses the need to take accountability for trading partner
                                                                       is closed.
communication. “We meet with our customers to identify all
of the products currently carrying the seller’s GS1 Company          5. Notify the appropriate GS1 Member Organization to ensure
Prefix, and provide them with the new GTIN encoded with the            proper registration of the GS1 Company Prefixes involved in
DeMet’s GS1 Company Prefix.”                                           the M&A.

Prior to the 90-day window, the DeMet’s team is hard at
                                                                     6. Obtain a list of products and their GTINs to verify the proper
work making decisions and plans for new packaging. “This
                                                                       registration of the GS1 Company Prefixes.
is the part that can get tricky,” says Gerbo. “If we run into
packaging delays, this is where our back-up plan is called           7. Request copies of the GS1 Company Prefix Certificates
for. For example, we may change the packaging in two steps             from the seller to compare the registered prefixes with the
versus one to meet our cut-off date for our customers. We are          generated GTINs.
prepared for several contingencies, just in case.”
                                                                     8. Audit product data for potential clean-up and
                                                                       quality assurance.

                                                                     9. Buyers should take full accountability for effectively
“In the future, we will request copies of the GS1 Company              transitioning GS1 Company Prefixes and GTINs with
 Prefix Certificates from the seller. We can compare the               trading partners.
 actual prefix registered with what is being used in GTINs.”
—IT MANAGER , Small Apparel Manufacturer

                              LEARN THE DETAILS

                              The “Trade Item Implementation Guide for Mergers & Acquisitions” will help you understand
                              how trade items registered and published in the Global Data Synchronization Network
                              (GDSN) are affected and managed as a result of a merger, acquisition or divestiture (M&A).
                              This comprehensive “how to” guide provides detailed steps to effectively manage and
                              communicate impacted trade item data with trading partners resulting from an M&A.

                              The guide also addresses over 10 common M&A scenarios and recommended actions.
                              Scenario examples include: a partial divestiture/acquisition where a product range
                              is sold; a company with a single Global Location Number that splits into two new
                              organizations; a full acquisition that results in a single Item Catalogue and single
                              GS1 Company Prefix. The guide is available in the GS1 Standards Knowledge Centre at

                              CONTACT US
                              If you would like to learn more about GS1 Company Prefixes and how to prepare for
                              a merger or acquisition in the U.S. contact the GS1 US Data Maintenance team at
                     or call +1 937.435.3870.

“Retailers are very focused   ABOUT GS1 US
on data accuracy. Retail
                              GS1 US is a not-for-profit organization that brings industry communities together to solve
executives, at the upper-
                              supply chain problems through the adoption and implementation of GS1 Standards. More
most levels, are examining
                              than 200,000 businesses in 25 industries rely on GS1 US for trading-partner collaboration
suppliers’ data quality
                              and for maximizing the cost effectiveness, speed, visibility, security and sustainability of
performance via scorecards.
                              their business processes. They achieve these benefits through GS1 US solutions based on
That’s why maintaining
                              GS1 global unique numbering and identification systems, barcodes, Electronic Product
accurate GS1 Company
                              Code-based RFID, data synchronization, and electronic information exchange. GS1 US
Prefixes is so important.”
                              also manages the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®).
Implementation Manager,
Kraft Foods

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