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THE 42ND ANNUAL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS BUSINESS WEEK A SERIES OF VIRTUAL PROFESSIONAL EVENTS FOR STUDENTS If you would like information about being a part of the 2022 Business Week Team, contact any 2021 Business Week team member, or complete an application at: @BusinessISU A S E R I E S O F V I R T UA L P R O F E S S I O N A L E V E N TS F O R S T U D E N T S
ABOUT BUSINESS WEEK Since its founding in 1979, Business Week has been the heart of professional development in the College of Business at Illinois State. Business Week is a week-long series of engaging 2 021 B U S I N E S S W E E K professional development opportunities for CO R P O R ATE PARTN ERS students of all ages. It encourages personal interaction between students, alumni, potential employers, and industry leaders. Through this, students foster soft skills that are essential for P L ATI N U M PA R TN E R S success in the professional world. This week-long series of interactive events COUNTRY Financial includes discussions of leadership, business etiquette, effective networking, goal setting, Nicor Gas communication, and career management by Illinois State University alumni. We are proud to represent the College of Business and are LE A D PA R TN E R S looking forward to celebrating many more years of helping students develop personally and professionally. Archer Daniels Midland Proof of attendance will be Enterprise available at the conclusion of: March 22, 2021 Professional Development Dinner F E ATU R E D PA R TN E R S March 23, 2021 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DINNER Transition Seminars March 24, 2021 Nicor Gas Diversity and Inclusion Night KEYNOTE SPEAKER March 25, 2021 Keynote Address COUNTRY Financial
African American Human Resources Chicago chapter. She is also a Steering Committee member for Financial Services Pipeline Initiative (FSP) and sits on the Board of Directors M O N DAY for Illinois Diversity Council.. MARC H 2 2 Fellicia is an Illinois State alum and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. While attending ISU, she was a former President of the Black Student Union and Student Government Association affinity leader. In P RO F E S S I O N A L 2015, the Illinois State Division of Student Affairs awarded her the Redbird Proud Young D E V E LO P M E NT D I N N E R Alumni Award and in 2016, the State Farm College of Business named her an Early Zoom Virtual Event Career Achievement Award recipient. Fellicia currently serves on the Board of Directors 6:00pm - 6:30pm | Networking 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Ettiquette and Keynote Presentation for the ISU Alumni Association. She was named BMO’s Best of the Best 2019, “40 Game Changers Under 40” by the Urban Roundtable in 2020, and “Top 40 under 40” by Collaborate Magazine Illinois in 2014. Fellicia was recently featured in Savoy Magazine KEYNOTE SPEAKER through her published article “Turning the Page – the Next Chapter in Diversity and FELLICIA FOSTER Vice President and Head of Inclusion and Diversity Inclusion”. BMO Harris Bank Professional Business Attire is recommended. Fellicia Foster is Vice President and Head of Inclusion & Diversity Register at: at BMO Harris Bank where she leads an international directive to develop diversity talent strategies while breaking down barriers to equity and inclusion in the workforce, communities and for BMO’s customers. Fellicia joined BMO Harris Bank in June 2010 as a Project Manager and executive assistant and has held progressive leadership roles over her multi-year tenure. Prior to her current role, Fellicia served as the Head of Diversity Recruitment - North America where she led a mandate to attract and select diverse talent. From this background, she has amplified BMO’s market position in diverse communities and enhanced the experience of inclusivity for its customers. Prior to joining BMO, she was a Computer Software Trainer at Skyward Inc. in Bloomington, Illinois. Before Skyward, she was an Inclusion Analyst for PepsiCo Beverages. She is the Immediate-Past President of the National Association for
TR A N S ITI O N TO P I C S TU E S DAY MARC H 2 3 1 No Debt About It (Personal Finance) Student loans, car payments, credit card bills, rent; how in the world does a “20-something” year-old person handle all of these expenses while also investing in their future? Financial experts will be able to guide you on how to not only have fun with your money, but also make sure you are prepared for adult life’s payments and investments. TR A N S ITI O N S E M I N A R S Zoom Virtual Event 6:00pm - 8:00pm 5:45pm | Check-in / Log onto Zoom 2 Landing Your Dream Job (Networking) Networking plays a more critical role today in finding jobs than ever before. With so many different strategies for networking, it is sometimes hard to find 6:00pm - 6:45pm • Session 1 the one that works best for you. Listen to and visit with Human Resource 7:00pm - 7:45pm • Session 2 (followed by a quick group closing) professionals as they share advice on what you can do today to help yourself network and get in contact with the right people for your future during a The transition from college to professional life can be daunting, but with well- pandemic. directed guidance from experienced professionals, students can successfully adapt to the change. The topics covered in each seminar were chosen to better prepare students as they enter their prospective industries. Each seminar is constructed to provide unique insights that students would not 3 Women in the Workplace (Diversity in the Workplace) Women are continuously taking steps to better themselves and their workplace. Do you want to learn more about how to do this? Listen to, and otherwise gain. To help ease the transition, distinguished College of Business visit with, female professionals as they speak on how they have thrived in their positions. From leadership and management skills to professionalism, all your alumni will be returning to campus to share their experiences. The alumni questions will be discussed. chosen are masters in their specific fields of expertise and will be providing valuable perspectives. The Transition Seminars are free, however; registration is required. Students needing proof of attendance slips will be required to attend two 4 Business Moving Forward - The Digital World and How COVID Set a New Tone With everything so unsure in the world today with companies working from seminars. All seminar options will be repeated during the second session, home and businesses closing, the future is up in the air for many professionals allowing students to participate in several discussions. experienced in their fields and for students hoping to join the workforce soon. Come hear professionals talk about how they believe businesses will change moving forward and the best ways to start your careers. Business Casual or Casual Attire is recommended. REGISTER AT: 5 How to Build a Brand (Entrepreneurship) You’ve always wanted to create and run your own business, but where do you begin? Come listen to successful entrepreneurs share their business tips about getting funding, making decisions, and adjusting to unforeseen circumstances. These professionals will share things they wish they knew when they were starting such as building your own personal brand and expanding your resources. 6 Generational Differences in the Workforce With Baby Boomers, Generation X’ers, and Millenials working together in today’s workplace (and Generation Z on its way), how do you communicate best with your peers and higher ups? What are some things that influence other generations and what life experiences make each generation different? Discuss with different professionals about the generational gap at work. This seminar will prepare you for good communication with your coworkers of all ages, which is necessary for all careers.
WE D N E S DAY MARC H 24 D IV E R S IT Y A N D I N C LU S I O N EVENING Fireside Chat with State Farm Chief Diversity Officer Victor Terry Zoom Virtual Event 7:00pm - 8:30pm GUEST SPEAKER VICTOR A. TERRY, CLU, ChFC, CLF Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President - Public Affairs Victor A. Terry is the Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President of Public Affairs for State Farm. He assumed his current responsibilities in 2020. In addition to overseeing efforts to cultivate a work and learning environment that fosters greater diversity and inclusion, Victor leads the company’s communications and media relations teams. He has been with State Farm for over 20 years. Prior to his current role he was exclusively in sales or sales leadership. He has led teams in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri. Victor is from Birmingham and is a graduate of Samford University. He is also a graduate of the General Management Program at Harvard Business School. He and his wife, Terryce, have two teenage daughters. Business Casual or Casual Attire is recommended. REGISTER AT:
TH U R S DAY MARC H 2 5 BUSINESS WEEK K E Y N OTE S P E A K E R Zoom Virtual Event | 3:30pm - 4:30pm Please use the Zoom code: JIM JACOBS Chief Executive Officer | COUNTRY Financial Jim Jacobs has served as the Chief Executive Officer of COUNTRY Financial® since 2019. He previously served as General Counsel, Secretary and Chief Legal Officer for COUNTRY Financial, Illinois Farm Bureau® (IFB) and other affiliated companies since February 2008. He joined IFB in 2005 in the Office of General Counsel. Prior to joining IFB, Jacobs was a litigation attorney in Louisiana for 14 years and a partner in the New Orleans law firm of Murphy, Rogers, Sloss and Gambel. Jacobs holds a law degree from Wake Forest University School of Law in Winston- Salem, North Carolina, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Evansville in Indiana. He is a member of the state bars of Louisiana and North Carolina. Jacobs currently serves his community as a board member for Special Olympics of Illinois. He also has served as a tutor for STAR Literacy and as a past member of the board of directors for Heartland Head Start. Business Casual or Casual Attire is recommended. No registration is needed to attend this event.
PRE B U S I N E S S WE E K E VE NTS D IV E R S IT Y A N D CO R P O R ATE I N C LU S I O N E V E NT SOC IA L R E S P O N S I B I LIT Y The CROWN Act and CA S E CO M P E TITI O N Natural Hair in the Workplace Zoom Virtual Event | Friday, February 12 Zoom Virtual Event | Tuesday, January 26 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the initiative to embrace responsibility for a company’s actions and encourage a positive impact on society through activities involving consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders, and the environment. C act CSR CSR goes beyond what is required by regulators and promotes the The betterment of business practices for sustained positive change ROWN for consumers, employees, communities, and stakeholders. This year, Business Week’s CSR Case Competition, although held in a virtural setting, still served as an opportunity for students to apply research, analytical, and presentation skills. Teams of two to five students were tasked with developing & solutions to a real-life business problem within a two-hour time- Natural Hair in the frame, and then presented their solutions to a panel of judges consisting of COUNTRY Financial professionals. The competition WORKPLACE was then narrowed to three teams that presented again to a larger panel of judges in competition for a cash prize split A PRE-BUSINESS WEEK amongst the top teams. VIRTUAL ZOOM PANEL EVENT Discussing the CROWN Act and addressing the biases associated with cultural hairstyles in the workplace. TUESDAY• JANUARY 26, 2021 6:30PM PANELISTS: • Shavonda Mitchom (ISU Alumna, B.S. in Math and Economics) • Destinee Guice (ISU Graduate Student) • Dr. Ashley Hicks (Assistant to Dean of Student Services) FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER: | #BWISU2021 A S E R I E S O F V I R T UA L P R O F E S S I O N A L E V E N TS F O R S T U D E N T S
WE P R ED N E S DAY BU FEB S I N24E S S WE E K RUARY E VE NTS I N S P I R E : TR IV IA N I G HT TR IVIA WITH A T WIS T Zoom Virtual Event Wednesday, February 24 In February, the Business Week team proudly presented its annual INSPIRE: Trivia Night. Trivia Night was an entertaining event where students and staff were invited to form teams and compete for exciting prizes. Teams of 5-8 people answered questions in a variety of categories as well as compete in various mini-games throughout the night. It’s 2021, so the Business Week team presented VIRTUAL Trivia Night. This year we incorporated a fun virtual environment with music and entertainment. Teams of 5-8 competed at a small cost of $10 per team. Prizes were earned from the overall competition and mini-games in-between rounds. Additionally, we held a team themes contest, so we encouraged everyone to dress up and have fun. We also welcomed back our fantastic host, Dr. Terry Noel! Dr. Noel is an Associate Dean for the College of Business and a distinguished professor with a background in improvisation. Guests also were visited by Illinois State’s very own Reggie Redbird! If you missed this year’s most enjoyable Zoom event in the COB, look next year, as the Business Week tradition of friendly competition returns!
TH E B U S I N E S S WE E K M ENTOR PROG R AM Most Fortune 500 companies have an established mentor program, including Google, Caterpillar, and General Electric (GE), to name a few. The Business Week Mentor Program helps students develop the professional skills necessary to succeed in their career paths. At Illinois State University, the College of Business aims to help provide guidance for students in the early stages of their career. Specifically, mentors will serve as role models who: • Teach proper business professional attire, etiquette, interaction, and networking • Create dialogue about courses, internships, and career preparation essentials • Reinforce the importance of active participation in registered student organizations • Provide service-leadership opportunities Since its formation in 2011, the Mentor Program has increased in prestige and design. Mentors are selected based on proven academic success and extracurricular involvement, coupled with recommendations from the College of Business faculty. Mentors are dedicated to providing their assigned mentee(s) with the best possible Business Week experience. Mentor/Mentee pairs get acquainted with one another through multiple pre-Business Week events designed by the Business Week Team. In addition, prior to Business Week, the pairs attend training sessions led by alumni Eric Hoss ’87, MBA ’90, and Tim Pantaleone ’07. To conclude their participation in the program, the pairs attend Business Week events together, making use of the skills developed throughout their mentorship, and close out the week with an Induction Ceremony at the conclusion of all events. STUDENT MENTORS BUSINESS WEEK 2021 Gregory Batson Logan Flesch Cheyanne Kreush Kiara Rodriquez Kwame Blankson Jerome Gilmore Skylar Loos Nicole Sabin Sunshine Bobnick Monica Goedert Claire Meyer Kayla Sallenger Katie Brozny Lauren Hamlin Sarah Milcarek Emily Ullsmith Ryan Carlin Samantha Harmon Haley Moore Allison Vilayphanh Ellie Carrier Braeden Honeysett Nicholas Mugavero Brian Weber Cade Clodi Reid Johnson Mattie Neeble Mila Wendt Catherine Coffey Ellie Kerkove Benjamin Prendergast Brianna Wilkens Thomas DePauw Zach Kietzmann Brendan Radecky Joey Elwood Katie Kranich Daisy Rodriquez
J O I N TH E TE A M B US I N E S S WEEK If you are serious about building real-world skills, making valuable contacts with alumni and industry leaders, and are ready to create amazing opportunities for your peers, think about applying to be on the 2022 Business Week Team. The Business Week Team consists of an elite group of students selected through an application and interview process in the spring. Members Top Row: Maggie Hutchison, Amanda Anderson, Dani Tomasik, Trevor Bond, Blythe Neese work in direct partnership with the College of Business Dean’s Office and 2nd Row: Peter McElmeel, Weronika Rybarska, Callie Gorney, Kai Johnson, Ashley Garrett 3rd Row: Adrian Kuzbik, Nick Koutris, Lauren O’Donnell, Bayley Holmes, Tori Poska spend the fall semester brainstorming and organizing a powerful week of 4th Row: Tyrah Sexton, Dani Gearhart, Steve Vandiver interactive events designed to help students build essential soft skills and professional understandings. A small team also manages the Business Week Mentor Program, where members promote individual and registered student B U S I N E S S WE E K 2 021 organization involvement, handle registration, run all Business Week events, TE AM M EM B ERS and analyze the outcomes. Information about joining the 2022 Business Week Team can be found Executive Team Transition Seminar Coordinators at or in the Dean’s Office on the Amanda Anderson, President Tori Poska fourth floor of the State Farm Hall of Business. From underclassmen to Adrian Kuzbik, Vice President Dani Tomasik graduate students, all business majors are welcome to apply for this premier Maggie Hutchison, Vice President of Logistics Diversity and Inclusion leadership opportunity at Danielle Gearhart, Vice President of Marketing Kai Johnson Marketing Coordinator Lauren O’Donnell Ashley Garrett Mentor Program Coordinators Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator Nick Koutris Bayley Holmes Peter McElmeel Trivia Night Coordinators Weronika Rybarska Trevor Bond Advisor Tyrah Sexton Steve Vandiver Professional Development Dinner Coordinators Callie Gorney Blythe Neese
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