BUSINESS OPERATIONS STRATEGY - A Partnership for Sustainable Development: United Nations - Lao PDR Partnership Framework 2017 2021 - United ...

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A Partnership for Sustainable Development:
         United Nations – Lao PDR
    Partnership Framework 2017 - 2021

             Vientiane, February 2017
In the spirit of Delivering as One, the UN and its partners have embarked on a dynamic journey to put
into practice the Lao PDR – UN Partnership Framework 2017 – 2021, to support the country in its progress
towards the graduation from Least Developed Country status and the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals with equity. This requires not only programmatic solutions, but also a strong business
operations backbone to support their delivery.

The increasing global demand for harmonization and reform in the UN calls to strengthen strategic focus,
coordination, result-orientation, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of business operations. This in turn
requires the UN agencies to go beyond the traditional business models and work more closely together to
jointly identify and implement impactful and innovative common business operations solutions.

In this context, the Business Operations Strategy articulates the shared vision and common strategic
priorities of the UN Country Team in Lao PDR for 2017 – 2021 in five key areas of business operations:
procurement; human resources; information and communication technologies; finance; and logistics and
facility services, including common premises.

This Strategy, unprecedented in Lao PDR, introduces results-based and innovative solutions in business
operations founded on a thorough analysis and broad consultations. It sets forward an ambitious goal to
save at least US$ 2 million and enhance the quality of operations services over the five-year period, thus
strengthening programme delivery.

I would like to commend the UN Operations Management Team and its Sub-groups, supported by the Office
of the UN Resident Coordinator, on developing such a strategy.

           Ms. Kaarina Immonen                                     Ms. Sarah Gordon-Gibson
          UN Resident Coordinator                         WFP Country Director and Representative /
                                                          Chair of the Operations Management Team
Table of Contents

Foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 2

Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.      Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5

2.      Business Operations Analysis ................................................................................................................ 6

     Stock take of the Existing Common Services ............................................................................................ 6
     Needs and Opportunities Analysis .......................................................................................................... 10
     Cost-Benefit Analysis and Prioritization.................................................................................................. 20
3.      Business Operations Results Framework ............................................................................................ 23

4.      Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 35

5.      Governance Structure and Accountability Mechanisms..................................................................... 35

6.      Common Budgetary Framework ......................................................................................................... 36

7.      Annex 1. Terms of Reference of the Operations Management Team ................................................ 36


BOS            Business Operations Strategy 2017 - 2021
ICT            Information and Communication Technology
LTA            Long-Term Agreement
M&E            Monitoring and Evaluation
QCPR           Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review
UNPF           Lao PDR – UN Partnership Framework 2017 - 2021

UN System in Lao PDR
FAO            Food and Agriculture Organization
IAEA           International Atomic Energy Agency
IFAD           International Fund for Agriculture Development
ILO            International Labour Organization
ITC            International Trade Centre
IOM            International Organization for Migration
UN-Habitat     United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UN Women       United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
UNAIDS         United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCDF          United Nations Capital Development Fund
UNCITRAL       United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNCTAD         United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP           United Nations Development Programme
UNEP           United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO         United Nations educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA          United Nations Population Fund
UNHCR          United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF         United Nations Children’s Fund
UNIDO          United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNODC          United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UNV            United Nations Volunteers
WFP            World Food Programme
WHO            World Health Organization
Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank also have a
presence in Lao PDR.

1. Introduction
The General Assembly Resolution 71/243 on Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) of
operational activities for development of the UN system calls for a better harmonization together with
mutual recognition. The 2016 QCPR highlights the need to strengthen interagency collaboration by having
a clear division of labour, enhancing joint interagency approaches to programming and operations and by
introducing the principle of mutual recognition (and potential use) of best practices in terms of policies
and procedures among others. It also recognizes the importance of continuing to implement the Standard
Operating Procedures for Countries Adopting the Delivering as One Approach, including the formulation
of Business Operations Strategies, at the country level.
The Delivering as One approach has been formally adopted and strongly supported by Lao PDR, providing
the basis for the work of the UN Country Team to reduce institutional barriers, utilize shared data, analyses
and advocacy to support integrated solutions, and improve standards and common operating systems.
The UN Country Team is committed to transparency, results and accountability, avoiding duplication and
ensuring that coordination, synergies and reduced transaction costs are achieved. This Business
Operations Strategy (BOS) supports the realization of the above-mentioned commitment of the UN
Country Team through taking a strategic, results-oriented approach to planning, management and
implementation of harmonised business operations in support of the Lao PDR – UN Partnership
Framework 2017 – 2021.
The BOS is based on a thorough business operations analysis, comprising a stocktake of the existing
common business operations; a needs and opportunities analysis and a cost-benefit analysis. It provides
a strategic and results-oriented outlook on business operations in five key areas: common procurement;
human resources; information and communication technologies (ICT); finance; and logistics and facility
services, including common premises – with a strong focus on cost effectiveness and improved quality of
services across the UN agencies. The BOS estimations forecast savings of around US$ 2 million, of which
US$ 1 million through new initiatives, over the five-year programme period, under the results summarized
in Figure 1.

                            Outcome 1. By 2021, UN agencies apply more efficient and effective common
                            procurement practices, with total estimated cost avoidance of US$ 758,000.

                                  Outcome 2. By 2021, UN agencies are better coordinated in staff
                                  recruitment and professional development, with total estimated cost
                                  avoidance of US$ 99,000.

       UN saves
                                    Outcome 3. By 2021, UN agencies benefit from improved and cost-
       US$2 mln                     effective ICT services, with total estimated savings of US$ 211,600.
        by 2021

                                  Outcome 4. By 2021, UN agencies have better coordinated and cost-
                                  effective common financial operations, with total estimated savings of
                                  US$ 415,000.

                            Outcome 5. By 2021, UN agencies share a better coordinated and cost-effective
                            common logistics and facility services, including through the UN House
                            expansion, with total estimated savings of US$ 459,000.

                          Figure 1.Outcomes of the Business Operations Strategy 2017-2021

The BOS 2017 – 2021 has been developed in conjunction with the Lao PDR – UN Partnership Framework
2017 – 2021 “A Partnership for Sustainable Development” by the Operations Management Team in
consultation with the UN Country Team.

2. Business Operations Analysis
Under WFP lead, the Operations Management Team, including its task force members, convened for its
first ever Retreat facilitated by an independent adviser in September 2016. The objective was inter alia to
kick off the operations analysis for the development of the BOS for 2017 – 2021. The retreat concluded to
focus on the common business operations in five areas - common procurement; human resources; ICT;
finance; and logistics and facility services, including common premises.
The retreat and the follow-up work comprised stocktaking of the existing common business operations
services and assessing their performance to explore a potential for expanding to other UN agencies. The
process also included needs and opportunities analysis. This triggered the Operations Management Team
to think outside the box, helping to bring forward new ideas for more harmonized business operations
and prioritize them under the above-mentioned areas. The subsequent sections of this Chapter elaborate
on the operational analysis in four steps.

Stock take of the Existing Common Services
The UN agencies have four ongoing common long-term agreements (LTAs), for travel, fuel tax exemption,
internet and translation services as well as the new LTA for stationery and office supply services. These
LTAs has been enabling the participating UN agencies reduce costs in terms of the overall service fees and
staff time for better quality services.
In the area of common financial services, the UN agencies have succeeded in negotiating a full waiver
from the bank charges for incoming funds.
Since 2008, the establishment of the UN House benefited 12 UN agencies in terms of cost avoidance and
efficiency due to cost-sharing of the services for cleaning, security and maintenance of the compound
among others. The existing common premises also enable more frequent exchange of information and
partnership building among the UN agencies, thus contributing to development effectiveness and
synergies in programme interventions.
In 2016, the six largest UN agencies – FAO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO - launched a fleet-
sharing pilot as part of a broader global effort to introduce an inter-agency use of UN cars and to ensure
transportation of UN staff is better coordinated, cost-effective, safer and more environmentally friendly.
A comparative analysis of the kilometers driven/month before and after the fleet-sharing has estimated
the monthly reduction by more than 10 percent. In addition, UNICEF and UNODC have an LTA for the car
rental services to ensure contingency transportation arrangements.
More details on the results of the stock take of the common business operations services are provided in
the Table 1 with key performance indicators under five priority areas and the recommended follow-up
actions for 2017-2021.

Table 1. Stock-take Matrix of the Existing Common Services

Common          Common           Managing       Clients        Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)      Performanc Modality        Recommended
Service Lines   Services         Entity         (agencies      Indicator                              e Ranking   (outsourced/   Action
(outcome)       (outputs)        (Service       using the      Baseline                               against KPI In-house)      Continue as is
                                 Manager)       service)       Target                                                            Scale up
                                                                                                                                 Scale down
Common          LTA for travel   UNDP           UNDP, WFP,     KPI: # of days spent on average for    In progress   Outsource    Scale up,
Procurement     agent                           UNFPA,         travel arrangements                                               encouraging more
Services                                        UNICEF         Baseline: 5 days (2015)                                           UN agencies to join.
                                                               Target: 3 days (2017-2021)
                                                               KPI: Annual cost savings from air
                                                               tickets procurement through LTA
                                                               Baseline:US$0 (2015)
                                                               Target: US$103,000/year
                LTA for Fuel     UNDP           UNDP, WFP,     KPI: Annual cost savings               In progress   Outsource    Scale up,
                TAX                             UNFPA,         Baseline: US$0 (2015)                                             encouraging more
                exemption                       UNICEF, WHO,   Target: US$16,000/year; US$80,000                                 UN agencies to join.
                                                UNODC          by 2021
                LTA              UNICEF         UNICEF,        KPI: Time spent in engaging            In progress   Outsource    Scale up,
                Interpreting                    UNODC          interpretation / translation service                              encouraging more
                and                                            Baseline: on average 5 days (2015)                                UN agencies to use
                Translation                                    Target: ≤1day (2017)                                              the LTA.
                LTA Stationery   UNICEF         UNICEF,        KPI (cost): Cost savings in            In progress   Outsource    Scale up, involving
                and Office                      UNODC          procurement of stationery (US$/per                                more UN agencies.
                Supply Service                                 year)
                                                               Baseline: US$ 0 out of US$ 38,800
                                                               spent on 19 cases by UNICEF and
                                                               UNODC (2015)

Target: US$3,880, 10% of savings
                                                               estimated for UNICEF and UNODC
                                                               due to discount from LTA (2017)
Common ICT      Internet        UNDP            UNDP           KPI: Average cost of the internet        In progress   Outsource    Continue as it is and
Services        Services                        WFP            services (per Mbps/year) and the                                    try to scale it up by
                                                UNICEF         total cost savings from the LTA use                                 inviting more UN
                                                UNFPA          (US$/year)                                                          agencies to join the
                                                UNODC                                                                              LTA to bring down
                                                               Baseline: US$1,560/1Mbps/year;
                                                WHO                                                                                the cost and
                                                               US$0 savings (2015)
                                                                                                                                   increase negotiating
                                                               Target: US$971/1Mbps/year;
                                                                                                                                   power with internet
                                                               US$ 205,000 of savings by 2021
                                                                                                                                   service providers.
                                                               (US$41,000/year) based on the
                                                               volume of bandwidth each UN
                                                               agency receives
                                                               KPI (quality): # of agencies utilising
                                                               Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                                               Target: 6 (2021)
                                                               KPI (quality): # of agencies under
                                                               LTA having internet connection
                                                               Baseline: 2 (2016)
                                                               Target: 6 (2021)
Common          Waiver for      WFP             FAO, IOM,      KPI: Percentage reduction of bank        Achieved,     Outsourced   Continue as is
Finance         bank fee for                    UNDP,          fee for incoming funds                   0.05% of
Services        incoming                        UNICEF, WFP,   Baseline: 0.05%                          bank fee
                funds                           WHO            Target: 0%                               waived
Common          Fleet-sharing   Operations      FAO, UNDP,     KPI: # of kilometers driven per year     In progress   outsourced   Modify – it is
Logistics and                   Management      UNFPA,         and money spent for fuel (in US$)                                   suggested to adjust
Facility                        Team of the     UNICEF, WFP,   Baseline: 374,978 km driven and                                     the existing system
Services                        participating   WHO            US$40,366 spent on fuel (2015)                                      (or use another one)
(including                      agencies                                                                                           based on the
                                                                                                                                   lessons learned

common                                                                        Target: # of kilometers driven is                                     from the pilot
premises)                                                                     reduced by 10% (37,000 km                                             phase-1. A number
                                                                              less/year) and the money spent on                                     of issues have been
                                                                              fuel is reduced by 14% ($5,600                                        identified in the
                                                                              less/year) jointly by FAO, UNDP,                                      phase-1, including
                                                                              UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO,                                           lack of cost-sharing
                                                                              enabling these agencies reduce                                        mechanism for
                                                                              their CO2 emissions by 5,625kg1                                       inter-agency use of
                                                                              (equivalent to planting 256                                           cars; pool
                                                                              trees/year2).                                                         management and
                                                                                                                                                    overall user-
                                                                             KPI: Staff satisfaction with the fleet-
                                                                                                                                                    friendliness of the
                                                                             sharing pilot on the scale from 1-5
                                                                                                                                                    system (e.g. the set-
                                                                             (through a survey)
                                                                                                                                                    up; lack of mobile
                                                                             Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                                                             Target: >3 on average (2016)
                   LTA for Car         UNICEF            UNICEF,             KPI: Annual transportation cost by      In progress   Outsource        Scale up by
                   Rental Service                        UNODC               vehicle (per agency)                                                   introducing to other
                                                                             Baseline: US$14,760 (2015) –                                           UN agencies
                                                                             estimation of GS2-level driver post
                                                                             and vehicle maintenance
                                                                             Target: US$10,800 (annual), reduced
                                                                             due to use of LTA
                   Common              UNDP              UNDSS,              KPI: UN agencies staff satisfaction     In progress   Most of the      Scale up by
                   Premises                              UNOPS/SGP,          with the common premises (through                     services are     encouraging other
                                                         UNIDO, UN-          a survey)                                             outsourced,      UN agencies to join
                                                         Habitat,            Baseline: 0 (2015)                                    except minor     the common
                                                         UNACT, IFAD,        Target: >3 on average (2016);                         maintenance      premises
                                                         IOM, UN                                                                   works that are
                                                         Women, IMF,                                                               managed in-
                                                         UNAIDS, UNV,                                                              house

  1   The calculation is based on 150 CO2 g/km, click here for source.
  2   A single mature tree can absorb CO2 at a rate of 48 lb. (or 22kg) per year, click here for source.

Needs and Opportunities Analysis
The needs and opportunities analysis by the Operations Management Team and its sub-groups has identified new and innovative ways of delivering quality
and cost-effective common business operations services to support implementation of the Lao PDR – UN Partnership Framework 2017 - 2021.
Given the common demand for certain services, the analysis has revealed more opportunities to jointly use the LTA mechanism to leverage cheaper and
benefit from more efficient services, including for customs clearance of the imported goods, procurement of stationery, publishing vacancy announcements,
ICT troubleshooting and equipment maintenance.
Further needs for additional common services include introducing the practice of Common Annual Learning Plan, which, considering the shrinking financial
resources and the absence of Learning budget per se, will enable the UN to better coordinate and maximise cost-effectiveness and quality of the staff
professional development in the areas of common interest. It is also proposed to expand the electronic banking services (currently used only by UNDP) to
at least five UN agencies and to agree on a common bank for currency exchange with a more favorable rate.
In addition, there is a significant room for upscaling the current common logistics and facility services, including the expansion of the UN House and the roll
out of the fleet-sharing pilot into a full-scale practice.
The above-mentioned opportunities - elaborated in the Table 2 - are based on both programmatic and organizational needs for common business
operations services.

Table 2. Needs and Opportunities Analysis Matrix

 Service Lines      Common Service        Needs and Opportunities statement                                                 Key performance indicator (KPI)

 Common             LTA for customs       Background:                                                                     KPI (cost): Cost savings in customs
 Procurement        clearance             UN agencies import goods to support programme implementation in Lao PDR, clearance process, including the staff
 Services                                 and the UN continuously deals with import and export of the shipments of time from use of LTA (USD)
                                          international staff.
                                                                                                                          Baseline: US$62,850 spent for 150
                                          A key part of the import procedures is the customs clearance. Customs cases (2015), based on US$419/case
                                          clearance for import and export of goods has become a concern for UN
                                                                                                                          Target: Approximately US$ 25,000 is
                                          agencies, as it takes substantial time to process. Currently it ranges from one
                                                                                                                          saved annually from 150 cases, based
                                          to twelve weeks, and different agencies pay different service fee rate varying
                                                                                                                          on US$ 169 savings/case. By 2021,
                                          from $350 to $439 per shipment. In 2015, seven UN agencies including UNDP,
                                                                                                                          about US$125,000 is saved from using
                                          UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, WHO, FAO, UNODC, have jointly processed 150 cases
                                          through customs clearance.

If the UN establishes a common LTA for customs clearance based on the best KPI (mix): Average time required for
                     existing current practices across the UN, it is expected to help the UN agencies import of goods (weeks)
                     reduce the administrative work, shorten the duration of the process and the
                                                                                                      Baseline: 8 weeks depending on
                     associated staff time, and lower the service fee rate.
                                                                                                      import categories experienced by
                     Need: There is a need to conclude the LTA for customs clearance for interested seven UN agencies (2015)
                     UN Agencies. Once the LTA is activated by 2017, the UN agencies will have an
                                                                                                      Target: 2 weeks by using the fast track
                     option to instruct a shipping company to proceed with the fast-track import
                     procedure and clear the paper work after goods are imported. This is expected
                     to reduce the average time for import of goods from the current 8 weeks to 2
                     weeks (data is based on the estimation by seven UN agencies, including UNDP,
                     UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, WHO, FAO, UNODC).
                     The use of the LTA will approximately result in US$25,000 of annual savings
                     from customs clearance (based on estimated new cost of US$ 250/case for
                     150 cases a year) and US$8,400 savings from demurrage. In five years, the
                     total amount of savings from customs clearance is estimated to be
LTA for stationery   Background: Every year UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, WHO, FAO, UNODC KPI (cost): Cost savings in
                     spend approximately US$ 81,000 (including US$ 2,800 estimated in terms of procurement of stationery (USD/per
                     staff time) for stationeries to support day-to-day work and to organize various year)
                     events/workshop within the respective programmes and projects.
                                                                                                     Baseline: US$0 out of US$ 81,000
                     The current procurement arrangement requires more administrative work, as (2015)
                     each UN agency conducts a procurement process. Through the BOS analysis,
                                                                                                     Target: US$ 8,000 out of US$81,000
                     it has become apparent that the average cost paid by UN organizations is
                                                                                                     (annual) – 10% saved against the base
                     approximately 3-5% higher compared to the cost paid by UNICEF through their
                                                                                                     estimated amount
                     There is accordingly a potential to improve the overall situation for the UN
                     organizations in Lao PDR, by expanding the scope of the UNICEF LTA and               KPI (quality): Time spent for
                     enable all UN organizations to benefit from it. By increasing the demand             procurement of stationery
                     volume for stationaries (economies of scale) for an LTA bidding, it is also likely   Baseline: 3 days (2015)
                     that the UN can succeed in negotiating even lower prices due to the increased
                     volume of the procurement.                                                           Target:
reduce the annual expenditure for stationary procurement by 10% from the
                                  current base of US$81,000 for seven UN agencies, equaling to approximately
                                  US$8,000/year (rounded figures) given the foreseen lower price offered for
                                  bigger volume through the LTA.
Common      Common Job            Background:      Currently every agency advertises for vacant positions         KPI (quality): # of UN agencies
Human       advertisement:        individually. In 2015-16, the UN agencies spent up to US$27,000 on              conducting joint advertising
Resources   • LTA on              newspaper advertisements. Over the new programme cycle period 2017 -
                                                                                                                  Baseline: 0 (2015)
Services       publishing of      2021, the volume of advertising is expected to increase owing to the number
               vacancy            of personnel / consultants that will be required to perform different tasks     Target: 7 (2021)
               announcemen        across the various agencies.
               ts with            According to data from 2015, 7 agencies spend annually about US$27,000 on       KPI (cost): Cost savings from joint
               Vientiane          publication of vacancy announcements based on the following breakdown:          advertising (USD/year)
               Times                 - US$16,000 in Vientiane Times newspaper;                                    Baseline: US$0 out of US$27,000
            •   LTA on               - US$8,000 in Vientiane Mai;                                                 (2015)
                publishing of
                                     - US$3,000 on 108 Jobs website.                                             Target: US$2,700 or 10% out of
                announcemen       There is a potential to negotiate a reduced rate across the board if the UN US$27,000 is saved annually,
                ts with           long-term agreement is concluded with the local newspapers/publishers as a estimated as US$13,500 by 2021 for 7
                Vientiane Mai     common service. A discussion with the two newspaper companies – Vientiane UN agencies
                                  Times and Vientiane Mai – revealed their preliminary readiness to offer a
                                  preferential price depending on the volume of publications. If all UN agencies
                                  use this service, the volume is expected to be considerable.
                                  Need: Therefore, it is proposed to conclude a long-term agreement with the
                                  local newspapers/publishers by mid-2017 to reduce the associated costs by
                                  US$2,700 (10%) per year among seven agencies.
            Common Annual         Background: UNICEF, UNDP and WFP have jointly spent US$36,154 for staff         KPI (quantity): # of common staff
            Learning Plan         training in 2015. Implementation of the Lao PDR - UN Partnership Framework      training sessions/workshops
            (Capacity Building    2017-2021 will require relevant skills and expertise from the UN staff.         conducted
            /Staff Professional   Therefore, there is a need for the joint comprehensive training plan that can
                                                                                                                  Baseline: 0 (2015)
            Development/Join      help adequately prepare UN staff to better coordinate, implement and
            t Trainings)          monitor the new Partnership Framework.                                          Target: 2/year (10 by 2021)
                                  The most common types of training currently organized by individual UN
                                  agencies include the Competency Based Interview (CBI) trainings for
                                  interviewers/interviewees, the Result Based Management (RBM) workshops

and the English courses. These trainings can be organized jointly by sharing           KPI (quality): Staff satisfaction with
                                     the costs, as the content is the same and they are of common interest. The             the jointly organized
                                     cost of each training is on average US$6,000 for 30 participants for 5 days            trainings/workshops on the scale from
                                     (including expenses for venue, lunch, coffee breaks). The facilitator fees,            1-5 (rated through annual surveys)
                                     including DSA and travel expenses, equal approximately US$5,500 based on
                                                                                                                            Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                     the recent experiences. Thus, the cost of a five-day training for 30 staff is
                                     estimated at US$11,500 (including the facilitation fee).                               Target: >3 on average (annual)
                                     Need: It is proposed to develop a Common Annual Learning Plan to jointly plan
                                     and budget cost-sharing of staff professional development and learning                 KPI (cost): Cost savings due to the
                                     opportunities across the agencies for the trainings/workshops of common                Common Annual Learning Plan
                                     interest and regular need, such as CBI and RBM workshops. This is expected             (%/US$)
                                     to maximise cost-effectiveness and quality. The potential to save costs by
                                     organizing trainings jointly depends on the number of UN agencies interested.          Baseline: 0% of US$11,500/training
                                     For instance, if five UN agencies decide to organize an RBM workshop for their         (2015)
                                     staff at least once a year, they will pay five times less the usual facilitation and   Target: 75% saved from the base cost
                                     venue fee. This will also allow engaging the world-class technical experts for         due to joint trainings (annual). The
                                     trainings/workshops.                                                                   estimated amount saved from jointly
                                                                                                                            organizing 10 trainings/workshops
                                                                                                                            equals US$86,000 by 2021.
Common            ICT Helpdesk -     Background: Currently UN House accommodates 13 UN agencies, including                  KPI (mixed): # of UN agencies using
Information and   LTA(s) for         IFAD, IMF, IOM, UN-Habitat, UN Women, UNACT, UNAIDS, UNCDF, UNDP,                      the common LTA for ICT equipment
Communication     equipment          UNDSS, UNIDO, UNOPS/SGP and UNV. These agencies have been using                        maintenance and the costs avoided
Technology        maintenance /      UNDP’s ICT staff services for trouble-shooting the ICT related issues and              (US$)
Services          installation and   installation/maintenance of the ICT equipment by pooling funds (no-cost for
                                                                                                                            Baseline: UNICEF is using the LTA and
                  support trouble-   UNCDF and UNV). The agencies face challenges in receiving these services in
                                                                                                                            there is no cost-avoidance yet (2015)
                  shooting           case of absence of the UNDP’s ICT staff, which usually happens when they are
                                     on stand-by at events/workshops.                                           Target: 13 UN agencies are using the
                                                                                                                LTA and the costs avoided equal about
                                     UNICEF has a long-term agreement (LTA) with a company providing a good US$ 1,300 (annual). Cost avoidance by
                                     quality services for ICT equipment maintenance (besides ICT staff). Other 2021 is estimated at US$ 6,500.
                                     UN agencies outside of the UN House use maintenance services by individual
                                     contractors whose quality of services varies case by case.
                                                                                                                KPI (cost): # of UN agencies using the
                                     It is estimated that the ICT staff of UNDP and UNICEF spend on average 15 common LTA for ICT helpdesk (support
                                     hours/month for ICT support/trouble-shooting and 15 hours/month for

equipment installation/maintenance, which is equivalent to about US$19,500 services/trouble-shooting) and the
in total (2015).                                                           costs avoided (US$)
The operational analysis revealed a need for alternate ICT support provider,     Baseline: 0 (2015)
especially to ensure uninterrupted operations at times of
                                                                                 Target: 13 UN agencies are using the
absence/unavailability of the UNDP’s ICT personnel for 12 UN agencies
                                                                                 LTA for ICT helpdesk (support
accommodated at the UN House (including IFAD, IMF, IOM, UN-Habitat, UN
                                                                                 services/trouble-shooting) and the
                                                                                 costs avoided equal about US$ 300
The UNICEF’s LTA for the ICT equipment maintenance could be expanded and
                                                                                 (annual). Cost avoidance by 2021 is
used by other UN agencies. In addition, a possibility of a common LTA for the
                                                                                 about US$ 1,500.
overall ICT trouble-shooting and other support services could be explored.
Need: There is a need to have the ICT helpdesk based on the LTA(s) to provide
ICT support and equipment maintenance services to all interested UN KPI (quality): User satisfaction with
agencies.                                                                     the quality and efficiency of the ICT
                                                                              services provided by the LTA holders
The current costs shared collectively by the UN agencies at the UN House are
                                                                              (rated through annual surveys on the
estimated at US$ 4,000/year for ICT equipment maintenance and support
                                                                              scale from 1-5)
services/trouble-shooting services provided by UNDP. The calculation is based
on the staff time and the common premises budget breakdown for items that Baseline: 0 (2015)
can be outsourced.                                                            Target: >3 on average (annual)
Meanwhile, UNFPA experience in outsourcing ICT services indicates a rate of
US$ 100 / month. By using the LTA for the common ICT equipment
maintenance at this rate, 12 UN agencies at the UN House (IFAD, IMF, IOM,
UNOPS/SGP and UNV) can collectively save about US$ 6,500 by 2021. The cost
avoidance equals a difference between the current base expenditure by 12 UN
agencies and the annual estimated payment to LTA holder. The ICT staff could
dedicate the freed up time for the ICT system improvement and programme
software development for organizational effectiveness.
In addition, assuming the cost of the LTA for ICT support services will have a
similar unit price (US$ 100/month), the total savings could potentially be US$
8,000 (59% less) by 2021 for UN agencies accommodated at the UN House
(both for ICT equipment maintenance and general support services). The LTA
for ICT support services/trouble-shooting would be particularly useful for all
agencies, besides those at the UN House, in the absence of ICT staff.

VHF radio            Background: currently all UN agencies are using the analogue VHF frequencies      KPI (quantity): # of UN agencies using
                 communication        that belong to three UN agencies. The systems are differently configured and      the common LTA for VHF radio
                 improvement          maintained by in-house technicians; as a result, the signal is poor, which        maintenance
                                      causes poor communication, blind spots in communication during the testing
                                                                                                                        Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                      and actual usage by all UN staff.
                                                                                                                        Target: 13 UN agencies (annual)
                                      Need: There is a need for a common LTA for maintenance of the VHF radio.
                                      UNDSS is proposed to lead on specifying the standard requirements. The
                                      common LTA will need to ensure all participating UN agencies get service at a     KPI (quality): User satisfaction with
                                      better response time and the VHF radios are well maintained (with the right       the quality of the VHF radio
                                      spare parts provided). This will help improving the functions of the Emergency    communications (rated through
                                      Communication Tree.                                                               annual surveys on the scale from 1-5)
                                                                                                                        Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                                                                                                        Target: >3 on average (annual)
Common           Common               Background: All agencies use BCEL. But only UNDP is currently using I-Banking     KPI (cost): Staff time spent for
Finance Services Electronic Banking   services of BCEL. Other UN agencies use manual transactions and commute to        processing transactions via BCEL
                                      the bank at least twice a week (using UN vehicles and spending at least two       among UNDP, UNICEF, FAO, WFP and
                                      hours per trip at BCEL). Based on 2015 data, this costs US$16,468 of staff time   WHO (US$/year)
                                      and US$3,250 in terms of transportation with a total of US$19,737/year for
                                                                                                                        Baseline: US$16,468 (2015)
                                      UNDP, UNICEF, FAO, WFP and WHO. It is estimated that in 5 years’ time the
                                      existing practice will cost these five UN agencies US$98,683 in total.           Target: US$6,900 (~58% annual
                                                                                                                       reduction is achieved); equals to US$
                                      Need: It is recommended that all five UN Agencies operating accounts with
                                                                                                                       47,800 in savings by 2021.
                                      BCEL use I-banking from January 2017 onwards in order to increase efficiency
                                      and to save costs. The transition to the I-Banking services is estimated to save KPI (cost): Transportation costs for
                                      58% of staff time and 45% of transportation costs annually spent on the transfer of staff to BCEL among UNDP,
                                      financial transactions.                                                          UNICEF, FAO, WFP and WHO
                                                                                                                        Baseline: US$3,250 (2015)
                                                                                                                        Target: US$1,800 (~45% annual
                                                                                                                        reduction is achieved); equals to US$
                                                                                                                        7,300 in savings by 2021.

Common bank for       Background: Most agencies use BCEL and exchange currency directly at BCEL       KPI (cost): Gains from new common
                    currency exchange     based on the bank’s rate. The comparative data analysis on the exchange         practice of currency-exchange at the
                                          rates in different banks in Lao PDR identified that the private banks such as   private banks (US$)
                                          Phongsavanh Bank and ST Bank always offered a higher rate (LAK18 more)
                                                                                                                          Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                          than BCEL or other state-owned banks.
                                                                                                                    Target: US$360,000 (2021) based on
                                          Based on 2015 data, six agencies - UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, FAO, IOM and WFP -
                                                                                                                    estimated annual gains of US$72,000
                                          exchanged US$32,040,938 to local currency (LAK) using the BCEL services.
                                          These UN agencies could have gained LAK576,736,884 (US$72,092) in 2015
                                          from the currency exchange, have they used the services of any of the
                                          above-mentioned private banks. The estimated gains in 5 years’ time equal
                                          to US$360,460 for six UN agencies.
                                          Need: The UN Agencies are suggested to exchange money at Phongsavanh
                                          Bank and ST Bank, which will generate extra US$360,460 USD in 5 years. The
                                          analysis is based on the data from 6 agencies - UNDP, FAO, UNICEF, WHO, IOM
                                          and WFP.
Common              Common Roster of      Background: The previous experience shows that the time needed to identify KPI (cost): Time spent for identifying a
Logistics and       vetted suppliers.     a suitable supplier through the comparative review process is approximately suitable supplier
Facility Services   (printing, goods      4 hours per service. This transaction is normally carried out by GS-6 staff,
                                                                                                                           Baseline: 4 hours/transaction (2015)
(including          transportation,       whose four-hours’ time equals US$ 40.
common              cleaning,                                                                                              Target: Reduced to 10 min/transaction
premises)           translation, car      There is a potential to reduce the internal transaction cost, i.e. time spent to (2017-2021)
                    rental, special       identify and select a suitable supplier by establishing a common UN roster of
                    hotel rates for UN)   vetted suppliers of goods and services, such as printing, transportation,
                                          cleaning, translation, car rent and special hotel rates.                         KPI (cost): # of transactions with the
                                                                                                                           vetted vendors
                                          Need: It is proposed to establish a common UN roster of suppliers, which is Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                          estimated to reduce the time spent for processing this transaction to 10
                                          minutes. The GS-6 staff cost for 10 minutes is US$ 2.                            Target: at least 50/year, leading to
                                                                                                                           US$1,900 of annual savings in terms of
                                                                                                                           staff time
                    Fleet-sharing       Background: A stock-take of the UN fleet revealed that in Vientiane capital       KPI (mix): Total reduction in # of
                    (phase-2, following alone (an area of 3,920 km2), the UN runs its operations using about 87 cars      kilometers driven per year and in
                    modification)       of 15 different agencies (data from February 2016). This is a rough estimate      money spent for fuel by FAO, UNDP,
                                        including Government-run project vehicles. Consistent information has been

missing on the total number of cars, fuel consumption and other key               UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (in
                                                 benchmarks. The pre-existing vehicle booking systems of different agencies        USD)
                                                 varied ranging from phone calls and email exchange to a whiteboard in the
                                                                                                                                   Baseline: 374,978 km driven and
                                                 hallway. Smaller agencies who cannot afford their own vehicles often have to
                                                                                                                                   US$40,366 spent on fuel (2015)
                                                 rent cars, while cars of another agency in the same location are idle.
                                                                                                                                   Target: The # of kilometers driven is
                                                 Inspired by mushrooming mobile applications such as Uber, Lyft and Didi           reduced by 10% (37,000 km less/year)
                                                 Chuxing, the Operations Management Team (OMT) proposed to have a GPS-             and the money spent on fuel is
                                                 based and user-friendly fleet sharing application allowing easy vehicle booking   reduced by 14% ($5,600 less/year).
                                                 and providing back-office data. Drawing from UNDG innovation funding, six         FAO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and
                                                 agencies have thus been participating in the global fleet sharing pilot in Lao    WHO are jointly able to reduce their
                                                 PDR since 15 September 2016 to make the UN more efficient, cost-effective         CO² emissions by 5,625kg3/year
                                                 and green. In addition to UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF, these are FAO, WFP and          (equivalent to planting 256
                                                 WHO. The agencies are in different locations in Vientiane, clustered close to     trees/year4).
                                                 each other. 25 cars are participating in the pilot phase-1, of which 19 as part   By 2021, FAO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF,
                                                 of the general pool and 6 representative cars.                                    WFP and WHO cumulatively save
                                                 The new booking system, provided by MiX Telematics (the vendor selected for       around US$28,000 by consuming less
                                                 the global pilot), allows for systematic inter-agency use of vehicles, enabling   fuel and reduce their CO² emissions
                                                 staff to reserve a UN car online. The system tracks fleet movement in real-       by 28tons (equivalent to planting
                                                 time, while the back-office processes allow an in-depth analysis of fleet use     1,278 trees).
                                                 and performance, highlighting high-risk events such as harsh acceleration, KPI (quality): Staff satisfaction with
                                                 harsh breaking and accidents.                                                   the fleet-sharing pilot on the scale
                                                 Need: There were a number of risk factors identified from the early stages from 1-5
                                                 of the system use, including the overall user acceptance, in-house IT capacity Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                                 (e.g. most drivers do not have smartphones) and limited incentives for the UN
                                                 agencies to put their vehicles into the pool given the global pilot’s free-of- Target: >3 on average (2017-2021)
                                                 charge arrangements for fleet-sharing. Based on these risk factors and the
                                                 initial observations, the OMT suggested to introduce the following
                                                 modifications:                                                                  KPI (cost): # of cars reallocated or
                                                      - Introduce a cost-sharing mechanism (US$0.57/km + GS2 equivalent/in written off and the value of savings
                                                          time);                                                                 (including from staff costs)

3   Click here for carbon footprint calculator.
4   A single mature tree can absorb CO2 at a rate of 48 lb. (or 22kg) per year, click here for source.

-    Centralize the pool management, i.e. reduce the number of Pool            Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                                                                                    Target: 2 cars; approximately US$
                     - Adjust MiX Telematics system by adding algorithms to enable “join the        166,000 is saved in total from resale,
                          ride” function for existing bookings; online check-in/check-out by        including staff costs. Considering the
                          drivers & users; booking two legs with one reservation; a user-friendly   investment costs of US$ 33,000, the
                          mobile app with an automatic prompt of an available UN vehicle            savings will equal to US$133,000
                          based on geo-proximity and a request for rating the user satisfaction     (2021)
                          upon completion of each ride. If these modifications are not feasible
                          in the MiX Telematics system, it is suggested to consider alternate
                          service providers that would fully satisfy the functional requirements.
                 The fleet-sharing is estimated to lead to up to 10% fleet reduction (by 2 cars)
                 in a rather short time, as it helps to reduce the number of idle vehicles and
                 rationalize acquisition/replacement of official vehicles. The fleet-sharing also
                 allows to centralize the UN-wide fleet monitoring, coordination, security and
                 maintenance; reduce staff down time and the UN’s carbon footprint.
                 The modification of the current pilot is therefore important, as it will make it
                 fit to draw more thorough conclusions in terms of costs and benefits of fleet-
                 sharing for potential scale-up across all agencies.
LTA Car Rental   Background: Rent of vehicles is common need for some UN agencies, KPI (cost): Annual transportation cost
Service          especially in case of those whose presence is too small in the country to afford by vehicle (per agency)
                 a UN vehicle/sufficient number of it. The car rental service however takes staff
                                                                                                    Baseline: US$14,760 (2015)
                 time to procure.
                                                                                                    Target: US$10,800/year by using the
                 UNICEF and UNODC have concluded a long-term agreement (LTA) for car
                                                                                                    common LTA
                 rental service at a monthly rate of US$900/car (2015). This practice is
                 estimated to be 7% cheaper than a combined cost of US$1,230/month for a
                 UN vehicle maintenance and a full-time driver position (calculation includes KPI (quality): Users satisfaction with
                 fuel, maintenance fee and GS-2 level salary). The estimations are based on the the car rental services on the scale
                 long-standing practice of decentralized fleet management, which does not from 1-5.
                 include the possible implications of the fleet-sharing pilot and the related cost-
                 recovery.                                                                          Baseline: 0 (2015)
                 There is a potential to scale up the existing LTA for car rental service, currently Target: >3 on average (2017-2021)
                 used by UNICEF and UNODC, to a broader number of UN agencies.

Need: Establishing a common LTA will save staff time in transportation
                  arrangements when there are no available cars in the pool (especially during
                  the emergency situations, busy schedules or field trips). The car rent will be
                  the matter of a phone call without any procurement process.
Common Premises   Background: The UN House was established in Vientiane in mid-2008. The             KPI (cost): Cost per head/year
(expanded)        move to one compound has resulted in a number of gains in terms of
                                                                                                     Baseline: US$5,880 per head (2016)
                  efficiency, such as reduced costs associated with the cleaning, security and
                  maintenance of the premises. In addition, it enables a range of new common         Target: US$ 5,300 per head/annually,
                  services such as ICT, fleet sharing, etc.                                          reduced by 10% after at least one
                  There are currently 13 UN agencies (with 90 staff in total) in the UN House,       additional agency joining the UN
                  including IFAD, IMF, IOM, UN-Habitat, UN Women, UNACT, UNAIDS, UNCDF,              House. This allows the existing 13 UN
                  UNDP, UNDSS, UNIDO, UNOPS/SGP and UNV. Each UN agency pays US$490                  agencies to save US$ 54,000/year
                  per head/month for the UN House maintenance, common ICT, support staff             (US$ 270,000 by 2021) in total.
                  (e.g. cleaners, receptionist), common security and utilities.
                  Need: The UN House is not fully occupied, so there is a potential to share the     KPI (quality): UN agencies satisfaction
                  common premises with other interested UN agencies, which would lead to             with the common premises on the
                  further reduction of costs, increase of efficiency and opportunities for greater   scale from 1-5 (rated through annual
                  collaboration among UN agencies. It is estimated that if at least one UN           surveys)
                  agency joins the UN House, the costs per head will decrease by 10%, leading
                  to savings of $54,000/year for 90 staff of the 13 UN agencies.                     Baseline: 0 (2015)
                                                                                                     Target: >3 on average (annual)

Cost-Benefit Analysis and Prioritization
The cost-benefit analysis informs the Operations Management Team decision and helps determine which new service lines have the potential to bring value
for money. The overall impact of the new common services, proposed as a result of the needs and opportunities analysis, is estimated to bring the net total
benefits in the amount of US$ 1.1 million by 2021. This estimation is based on the total value of savings minus the investment costs required to set up and
integrate the new common services.
The cost-benefit analysis also ranks the proposed services in terms of cost avoidance considering both monetary and non-monetary benefits, including
direct savings, enhanced quality of services, efficiency and the value of staff time that otherwise would have been spent.
In view of the significantly high ratio of the estimated benefits over the investment costs, the cost-benefit analysis recommends to pursue all new service
lines. Further details of the cost-benefit analysis are provided in the Table 3.

Table 3. Cost-Benefit Analysis Matrix

                                        Estimated total net savings from new initiatives equal US$ 1.1 million by 2021
 Common Service        Proposed new common          Total direct cost               Total direct benefit (monetary & labor)            Estimated      Priority
 Lines (outcome)       services (output)            (monetary & labor)                                                                 Savings by     ranking
                                                                                                                                       2021, incl.
 Common                The UN agencies enjoy       One-time cost: US$ 600 LTA       60% of cost avoidance is estimated for customs     US$ 124,200 1
 Procurement           more cost-effective and     set-up cost and US$ 200 of       clearance, equaling in US$ 169 of savings/case.
 Services              efficient customs clearance the associated staff time        The total benefit depends on the number of
                       of goods.                                                    cases/year, e.g. US$ 25,000 could be saved for
                                                                                    150 cases annually, i.e. US$ 125,000 by 2021.
 Estimation of net
                       UN agencies are more cost- One-time cost:                    10% of cost avoidance is estimated of         US$ 39,200          2
 total costs avoided
                       effective in procurement of                                  approximately US$ 8,000/year for seven UN
 by 2021 = US$                                     US$ 600 LTA set-up cost and
                       stationery.                                                  agencies, including FAO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF,
 163,400                                           US$ 200 of the associated
                                                                                    UNODC, WFP and WHO. This equals US$ 40,000
                                                   staff time
                                                                                    in 5 years.

Common Human          The UN agencies are more     US$ 600 LTA set-up cost and      US$ 2,700 is saved annually; US$ 13,500 by         US$ 12,700   2
Resources Services    cost-effective in posting    US$ 200 of the associated        2021.
                      vacancy announcements.       staff time
                      The UN staff benefit from    US$ 300 of staff time is         US$ 17,200 is saved if two trainings are jointly   US$ 85,700   1
Estimation of net
                      quality and cost-effective   estimated in total by 2021 for   organized for UN staff per annum (75% of the
total costs avoided
                      professional development     consolidating learning plans     baseline cost of US$ 11,500/training).
= US$ 98,400
                      opportunities.               (1hr*GS-7 for 5 UN agencies).
                                                                                    The estimated amount saved from jointly
                                                   The amount is subject to
                                                                                    organizing 10 trainings / workshops equals US
                                                   increase / decrease
                                                                                    $86,000 by 2021.
                                                   depending on the number of
                                                   participating UN agencies.
Common ICT            UN agencies have cost-       One-time cost of US$ 1,400       US$ 8,000 could be saved by 2021 through use       US$ 6,600    1
Services              effective contingency        including:                       of LTA for ICT equipment maintenance and
                      arrangements for the ICT                                      support services/trouble-shooting.
Estimation of net                                  US$ 600 LTA set-up cost and
                      equipment maintenance
total costs avoided                                US$ 800 of the associated
                      and support services.
= US$ 6,600                                        staff time

Common Finance        The cost-effective and       No cost                          US$ 55,000 of savings                              US$ 55,000   2
Services              better-coordinated e-
                                                                                    This is the estimation of total savings for five
                      banking practice is
                                                                                    agencies in 5 years, following the transition to
                      established across UN
Estimation of net     agencies.
total costs avoided
                      The UN agencies benefit      No cost                          US$ 360,000                                        US$ 360,000 1
= US$ 415,000
                      from more cost-effective
                                                                                    This is the estimation of total gains for six UN
                      currency exchange
                                                                                    agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, FAO, IOM and
                                                                                    WFP) in 5 years.

                                                                                    UN agencies may need to sign an agreement
                                                                                    with private banks. There is no need to carry
                                                                                    cash from BCEL to private banks but issue a
                                                                                    cheque and deliver it to the private banks who

will then credit LAK to the agencies accounts at
                                                                                 BCEL. Another way is to transfer USD to private
                                                                                 banks from BCEL accounts and then private
                                                                                 banks will transfer LAK to agencies BCEL
Common Logistics      UN agencies have a            US$ 200 of the associated    At least US$ 1,900/year in terms of staff time      US$ 9,300    4
and Facility          common roster of vetted       staff time                   for 50 transactions (GS-6); US$ 9,500 by 2021.
Services (including   suppliers for services
common                including but not limited to
premises)             printing, transportation of
                      goods, cleaning, translation,
                      car rental, special hotel
Estimation of net     rates.
total costs avoided
                      UN fleet-sharing enables a   The system maintenance cost   Conservatively, the total benefits of US$           US$ 161,000 2
= US$ 459,300
                      better coordinated, cost-    of US$ 30/month/car; the      194,000 include:
                      effective and more           total investment would thus
                                                                                 -    14% annual reduction in fuel consumption
                      environmentally friendly     equal US$ 33,000 by 2021.
                                                                                      (equaling savings of US$ 28,000 by 2021);
                      transportation of staff
                      (phase-2, following                                         - 10% reduction in fleet size, i.e. 2 cars
                                                                                      (equaling savings of US$ 166,000 from sale
                                                                                      & two drivers’ posts abortion by 2021);
                                                                                  - reduction of 28tons in CO² emissions
                                                                                      (equals to planting 1,280 trees). Staff time
                                                                                      is not included.
                                                                                 The total direct cost depends on the
                                                                                 arrangements for system maintenance; further
                                                                                 increase of the total direct benefit depends on
                                                                                 further fleet reductions/write off.
                      UN agencies have cost-       US$ 600 LTA set-up cost and   US$ 3,960 is saved annually/car; US$ 19,800 by      US$ 19,000   3
                      effective contingency        US$ 200 of the associated     2021.
                      transportation               staff time
                      arrangements through a

long-term agreement for car

                               The UN House                 No cost               US$ 270,000 of savings from 10% cost reduction US$ 270,000 1
                               accommodates more UN                               (US$ 600 savings/head*90 staff of 13 existing
                               agencies, reducing the                             UN agencies/year).
                               overall burden of associated
                               costs per agency.

3. Business Operations Results Framework
The Business Operations Results Framework describes the key results in terms of cost avoidance and quality enhancement that the BOS aims to achieve by
2021 in five areas - common procurement; human resources; ICT; finance; and logistics and facility services, including common premises. The BOS Results
Framework is shaped based on the recommendations of the business operations analysis (Chapter 2), thus incorporating the existing and new common
priority services.
As outlined in Chapter 1, the BOS aims to achieve five outcomes through implementing 17 outputs with savings over the five-year period estimated at
around USD 2 million, of which USD 1 million through new initiatives. The Table 4 provides an annual breakdown of the estimated savings by the BOS

Table 4. Total estimated cost avoidance5
                                 Outcome definitions                  Target year Target year 2     Target year    Target year Target year 5    TOTAL
                                                                           1         (2018)              3              4         (2021)     (2017-2021)
                                                                        (2017)                        (2019)         (2020)
    Outcome 1. Common Procurement                                        $150,000     $152,000         $152,000       $152,000    $152,000      $758,000
    Outcome 2. Common HR Management                                       $19,000      $20,000          $20,000        $20,000     $20,000       $99,000
    Outcome 3. Common ICT                                                 $41,200      $42,600          $42,600        $42,600     $42,600      $211,600
    Outcome 4. Common Finance                                             $83,000      $83,000          $83,000        $83,000     $83,000      $415,000
    Outcome 5. Common Logistics & Facility Services                       $65,000     $154,000          $80,000        $80,000     $80,000      $459,000
    TOTAL                                                               $358,200      $451,600         $377,600      $377,600     $377,600 $1,942,600

    The amounts are estimated in view of the investment costs.

The Business Operations Results Framework serves the Operations Management Team as the basis for the annual work planning and for monitoring and
evaluation of the BOS. It articulates 35 Output indicators with annual targets in the Results Matrix (Table 5), enabling the OMT and its Sub-groups to
measure progress towards the achievement of the BOS results.

Table 5. BOS Results Framework

                                                              BOS outcome area 1: Common Procurement
          Lead Entity             UNDP as Chair of the Operations Managers’ Team Sub-Group on Procurement
  Participating UN Agencies       FAO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNODC, WFP and WHO
  Coordination Mechanisms         UNCT, OMT and Sub-Group on Common Procurement
       Outcome Budget             US$ 1,600
    Outcome Budget Gap            US$ 0
    Outcome 1. Common             By 2021, UN agencies apply more efficient and effective common procurement practices, with total estimated cost avoidance of US$ 758,000
     Outcome Indicators            Source of     Baseline      Target year 5                                               Risk and Assumptions
                                     Data         (2015)          (2021)
 KPI 1.1: Estimated savings       UN agency    US$ 0           US$ 758,000      Risks:
 (US$) through collaborative      records                                       -    Lack of sufficient buy-in and participation in common procurement from the UN agencies side;
 procurement (considering                                                       -    Fluctuation in market price of goods and services challenging the achievement of the common
 investment costs)                                                                   procurement outcome.
 KPI 1.2: UN agencies             UN agency    0               >4
 satisfaction with the common     records                                       Assumptions:
 procurement practices on the                                                   -   The UN agencies conclude long-term agreements for the common service lines to satisfy the recurring
 scale from 1-5 (e.g. client                                                        demand for goods/services in a cost-effective and efficient way.
 survey)                                                                        -   The long-term agreements allow to negotiate reduced price of goods/services and accelerate
                                                                                    procurement process, decreasing the overall costs and the existing administrative burden.
 Output 1.1: Common LTA for
                                  The UN agencies have more efficient and cost-effective travel arrangements in place.
    travel agency services
         Lead Agency              UNDP
       Output Indicators          Source of        Baseline     Target year 1      Target year 2       Target year 3     Target year 4      Target year 5         Risk and Assumptions
                                    Data            (2015)         (2017)             (2018)              (2019)            (2020)             (2021)
 KPI 1.1.1: # of days spent on    UN agency    5 days          3 days           3 days                3 days             3 days          3 days               Risk: market price fluctuation
 average for travel               records
 arrangements                                                                                                                                                Assumption: the LTA is used
 KPI 1.1.2: Annual cost savings   UN agency    US$0            US$ 103,000      US$ 103,000           US$ 103,000        US$ 103,000     US$ 103,000;        by all seven participating UN
 from air tickets procurement     records                                                                                                cumulatively US$    agencies for staff travel
 through LTA                                                                                                                             515,000 is saved by arrangements.

Output 1.2: Common LTA for       The UN agencies benefit from fuel tax exemption.
    fuel tax exemption
       Lead Agency               UNDP
      Output Indicators           Source of     Baseline      Target year 1      Target year 2          Target year 3       Target year 4    Target year 5     Risk and Assumptions
                                    Data         (2015)          (2017)              (2018)                 (2019)             (2020)           (2021)
KPI 1.2.1: Annual cost savings   UN agency    US$0            US$ 16,000       US$ 16,000            US$ 16,000             US$ 16,000       US$ 16,000;   Assumption: the LTA is used
                                 records                                                                                                     cumulatively by all seven participating UN
                                                                                                                                             US$ 80,000 by agencies.
Output 1.3: Common LTA for
                                 The UN agencies are more efficient in procuring interpretation and translation services through using common LTA.
        Lead Agency              UNICEF
      Output Indicators           Source of     Baseline       Target year 1     Target year 2          Target year 3        Target year 4   Target year 5       Risk and Assumptions
                                    Data         (2015)           (2017)             (2018)                (2019)               (2020)          (2021)
KPI 1.3.1: Time spent in         UN agency    on average 5    ≤1day            ≤1day                 ≤1day                  ≤1day            ≤1day           Risk: Low level of use of LTA
engaging interpretation /        records      days                                                                                                           by the UN agencies.
translation services
                                                                                                                                                             Assumptions: The LTA is
                                                                                                                                                             concluded with the best
                                                                                                                                                             service providers, ensuring
                                                                                                                                                             buy-in from the UN agencies

                                                                                                                                                             The LTA holders provides
                                                                                                                                                             competitive market price
                                                                                                                                                             without compromising the
                                                                                                                                                             quality of the service.
  Output 1.4: Common LTA
                                 The UN agencies enjoy more cost-effective and efficient customs clearance of goods.
   for customs clearance
        Lead Agency              UNDP
      Output Indicators           Source of     Baseline       Target year 1      Target year 2          Target year 3       Target year 4   Target year 5       Risk and Assumptions
                                    Data         (2015)           (2017)             (2018)                 (2019)              (2020)           (2021)
KPI 1.4.1: Cost savings in       UN agency    The cost is     Approximately    Approximately US$     Approximately US$      Approximately    Cumulatively    Risks: Lack of input from UN
customs clearance process,       records      US$ 62,850      US$ 24,000 is    25,000 is saved       25,000 is saved from   US$ 25,000 is    US$ 124,000     agencies in solicitation
including the staff time from                 per 150         saved from       from 150 cases,       150 cases, based on    saved from       is saved from   processes;
use of LTA (US$/year)                         cases, based    150 cases,       based on US$ 169      US$ 169 savings/case   150 cases,       750 cases,      Fluctuation in demand;
                                              on US$          based on US$     savings/case                                 based on US$     based on US$
                                              419/case        169                                                           169              169             Assumption: The
                                                              savings/case                                                  savings/case     savings/case    establishment of the
                                                              (minus one-                                                                                    common LTA lowers the

time                                                                                              service fee rate for customs
                                                            investment)                                                                                       clearance; significantly
KPI 1.4.2: Average time        UN agency    8 weeks         2 weeks by       2 weeks by using      2 weeks by using fast     2 weeks by       2 weeks by      reduces the administrative
required for import of goods   records      depending       using fast       fast track            track                     using fast       using fast      burden as well as the
(weeks)                                     on import       track                                                            track            track           duration of the process,
                                            categories                                                                                                        allowing to use fast-track
                                                                                                                                                              import procedure.
  Output 1.5: Common LTA
                               UN agencies are more cost-effective in procurement of stationery.
    for procurement of
        Lead Agency            UNICEF
     Output Indicators          Source of     Baseline       Target year 1      Target year 2          Target year 3          Target year 4   Target year 5       Risk and Assumptions
                                  Data         (2015)           (2017)              (2018)                 (2019)                (2020)          (2021)
KPI 1.5.1: Cost savings in     UN agency    US$ 0 out of    US$ 7,200 is     US$ 8,000 is saved    US$ 8,000 is saved        US$ 8,000 is     Cumulatively    Risk: Fluctuations in demand
procurement of stationery      records      US$ 81,000      saved out of     out of base cost of   out of base cost of       saved out of     US$ 39,000 is   and market price
(US$/year)                                  base cost       base cost of     US$ 81,000 (due to    US$ 81,000 (due to        base cost of     saved
                                                            US$ 81,000       10% reduction of      10% reduction of          US$ 81,000                       Assumption: The UN agencies
                                                            (due to 10%      price)                price)                    (due to 10%                      are able to negotiate reduced
                                                            reduction of                                                     reduction of                     due to the increased volume
                                                            price)                                                           price)                           of the procurement
KPI 1.5.2: Time spent for      UN agency    3 days
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