Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)

Page created by Gary Jimenez
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc.
                 262 Tapleys Hill Road, SEATON S.A. 5023

Bulletin Number 43
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
What’s on and what’s not
21.2.21 All American Day OFF Cancelled due to Covid Restrictions

21.2.21 Sunday at the Clubrooms ON

21.2.21 Murray Bridge Swap Meet is ON

22.2.21 A7C Night Run depart clubrooms 7.00pm

27.2.21 Classics on the Park Gawler Postponed

28.2.21 Small Ford Sunday (Birdwood Mill) ON

28.2.21 Sports Car Drivers Coffee and Cars at Carrick Hill 08:00am – 10:00am.

March Power of the Past Cancelled

7.3.21 Campbelltown Swap meet at Kilburn ON

13-14.3.21 Sellick’s Beach Motor Cycle races ON
14.3.21 Woodside Swap meet ON
20.3.21 A7C Day run to Fleurieu Peninsula Note this is a Saturday
21.3.21 V.S.C.C. Historic Gathering Edwards Park
21.3.21 Clare Swap Meet Cancelled Now a Show and Shine
27.3.21-29.3.21 Austin 7 club run to Booleroo Centre Steam traction Rally ON
April Rock and Roll Rendezvous Cancelled
11.4.21 Gawler – Barossa Vintage & Veteran run ON
17-18 April Mallala All Historic
18.4.21 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic parade
24.4.21-25.4.21 Pre War run to Strathalbyn is ON
2.5.21 British Classics Tour Victor Harbor ON
7-9 May V8 Races at Tailem Bend
23.5.21 Cavalcade of Cars at Kadina ON
22-23 May 2021 Historic Winton ON Note change of Date
August 2021 Austins over Australia Cancelled
All events are subject to change please check with the organisers.
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
Page 3 Girl

Sillier than a Seven
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)

                     Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc.
                262 Tapleys Hill Road, SEATON S.A. 5023
                          ABN: 85 770 577 863

                                  Night Run 22nd February 2021
Note due to Covid -19 we will not be going to a Hotel or Restaurant
we are just going for coffee and ice cream.
Depart the Clubrooms at 7.00pm
Left along Tapleys Hill Rd
Left along Port Rd
Right along Grand Junction Rd (Bus Station)
Over the Bridge
Continue along Grand Junction Rd under the south Rd Bridge
Left along Cavan Rd
Past Paramount Machinery on right
Left along Port Wakefield Rd (Stratco on Both Corners)
Cross under Salisbury Highway
Past the salt pans that are being redeveloped
Past Globe Derby or what is left of it
Left into Krispy Kream /OTR Service Station on Left just before Bolivar Rd.
Park by Krispy Kream

Stop for Coffee and Donuts

To Exit follow road through car park Left on to Hodgson Rd
Left onto Northern Connector up the ramp
You are now on the new Concrete Road
If your car feels like it has 4 square tyres do not panic it is the road surface.
Left along A9 Port River Expressway 1st Left before the bridge.
Continue along A9 to Port Adelaide
Over the bridge 60 km/h limit
Left along Perkins Drive at Lights
Right along St Vincent St (Liberty Service Station on Cnr).
Left along Commercial Rd. City sign (Black Diamond Corner)
Right along Tapleys Hill Rd
Right along West Lakes Boulevard
Over Tapleys Hill Rd
Past what was Footy Park or AAMI Stadium
Left into Turner Drive 1st left
Left into Carl’s Jr. for an Ice Cream.

David & Michele Grear 0421 164 500
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
Booleroo Centre Steam traction Rally 28/3/21
The Austin 7 Club of S.A. will be spending a weekend away
enjoying the secrets of Steam.

We will leave on Saturday 27.3.21 travelling via Gawler, Clare and Jamestown
to Port Pirie.

Staying Saturday and Sunday Nights at Bentleys Cabin Park Port Pirie.

The Steam Traction Rally is on Sunday 28.3.21
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
We will travel home on Monday 29.3.21 Via Port Broughton, Bute and Port

The invite is open to all cars preferably those on Historic Registration for a
weekend of History and Rust.

Parking for Moderns with trailers is available at Gawler and Port Pirie in the
Cabin Park.

Port Pirie is 260 Km from Adelaide and Booleroo Centre is 66km from Port

              Expression of interest to David Grear 0421 164 500
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
Saturday 27th March 2021
Meet at Roseworthy at 9.00am

Clare for Morning Tea 85 km

Jamestown for Lunch Bakery Closes at 1.00pm It was the McLeod Tyre
retreading workshop. 74 km

Caltowie, Gladstone, Pt Pirie 65 km

Staying at Bentley’s Cabin Park Both Nights Saturday and Sunday $130 a night
Money to club treasurer Do not pay until after 1.3.21 in case of lock down.

Tea at the Sportsmans Hotel opposite the park. Pay as you order

                          Sunday 28th March 2021
Port Germein markets are on 9am-1pm

Depart for Booleroo Centre at 9.00am Via Pt Germein and Murraytown 66km
each way

Choose your own time to return to Port Pirie

Suggested places to visit in Port Pirie.

Stories from the Road Museum 196 Warnertown Road Port Pirie.

Tea at the Sportsmans Pay as you Order. If it was no good Saturday night we
will go somewhere else.

                         Monday 29th March 2021
Depart at 8.30 am travelling via Port Broughton 58km

Bute 32 km Port Wakefield 46 km Adelaide 100km
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
There will be a backup trailer on this run so don’t be concerned about driving
your Austin 7.

This is the list of attendees so far. We have room for more.

BAKER            ALAN          VAL
BEUSNEL          GRAHAM        CAROL
BUNKER           BARNEY        JEAN
CUTTING          CHRIS         VIVIAN
DAWES            ANDREW        DEBBIE
DRAGE            RALPH         MARIE
GENT             TREVOR        ROSALIE
GREAR            DAVID         MICHELE
LEWIS            MARTIN
LINDSAY          GREG          JULIE
SEIDEL           KEITH         WENDY
SUTTON           LAURIE        PAM
THORPE           STEVE         BERYL
Bulletin Number 43 19.2.21 - Austin 7 Club of S.A. Inc - Austin 7 Club (SA)
The Expression of interest form for 2022 National Rally in
Warrnambool has been released.
If you are going and would like Motel accommodation please
let me know as I have booked a Motel close to the centre of
Warrnambool with room for trailer parking.
If you would like to drive your Austin 7 to Warrnambool you
will not be alone.
Technical tips
Bonnet hinges by Stan part 2
Past Events

       Mathew Frayne 1937 Austin 7 sports
MGB and D type Jaguar

  1932 Hillman Minx
Lake Perkolillie

In 1914, Mr J.T. Ruttle of the Perkolilli Station, offered the use of Lake
Perkolilli for a “motor gymkhana”, to the Goldfields Motor Club.
The lake, seven miles out of Kanowna, was a “combination of terracotta clay,
two miles across, as hard and flat as a billiard table.” A perfect surface on
which to race "being almost impossible to slide or skid."
The offer was quickly accepted and details for a “grand motor picnic” on Lake
Perkolilli, were discussed at a well-attended club meeting at the Criterion
The unique event on May 31 would include races for cars, motor cycles and
side cars, speed tests and numerous novelties of an “exciting and humorous
A week before the meet, a “working bee” set out from the club to the Lake, to
lay and mark out the courses. The event was advertised in the Kalgoorlie
Miner with the promise of a huge program of "thrilling speed events".
On the day, the road to the lake from Kalgoorlie and Kanowna presented
rather an unusual sight - clouds of dust dotted at fairly regular intervals when
viewed at a distance. There were about 38 cars present on the lake and about
300 people in all A great number of them coming in sulkies and on bicycles.
Everyone in the best of spirits.
The racing was of "an exciting character", and "some very fast times were put
up as a consequence of daring riding round the circular course, which
measured one and three-quarter miles". Laps being done by the 7 hp Indian
and 6 hp Henderson, at the speed of over a mile a minute.
There were only minor mishaps – a dislocated wrist in a fall, a seized piston
preventing one machine from racing and a lost silencer off a Douglas Motor
Cycle (reported in the 'lost and found' section of the Kalgoorlie Miner a few
days later).
The day was "voted by all the fair sex present" (about 150 in all) as the best
day’s outing ever spent on the fields, and there was "no lack of lady
passengers anxious to take a seat in the racing cars".
Throughout the 1920's and 30's, Lake Perkolilli, became known as one of the
best natural race tracks in the world. Thousands of motor racing enthusiasts
raced around its circuit to loud applause. Sadly World War II put an end to the
legendary races as fuel and men became scarce.
Note - This commentary has been sourced from articles appearing in WA
newspapers at the time using the magic of Trove. It provides an insight into
the event at the time but is not intended to be a definitive history.
Take a moment to enjoy these images from the State Library's collection...
Hugh Fryer in his Replica of the Austin 7 Driven by Neil Baird in the 1920’s

                Super sports and Neil Baird in the Chummy
Arthur Chick in a Supercharged Austin 7 above
Austin 7 Sports & Specials.
The Good The Bad and the Ugly.

This car has gone the full circle and now is back registered as a Chummy.
Buy Sell & Exchange
For Sale on Ebay
                  Tree with Austin Ute attached

                               Austin Ute | eBay

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Friday Funnies
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