Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea

Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea
Bulletin No. 109
          From October 28 to November 4, 2019
Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea
Bulletin No. 109
                                                                    From October 28 to November 4, 2019

Acceso a la Justicia - www.accesoalajusticia.org
Does a new National Electoral Council (CNE) really imply a change?
    Surprisingly enough, President                                                          pluralism –namely, the various
Nicolás      Maduro     recognized                                                          political preferences of citizens.
expressly the competence –and,
obviously, the legitimacy– of the                                                          Maduro’s     announcements
National       Assembly       (AN),                                                    made on October 30 seem to
concerning the parliamentary                                                           point at a possible recognition
procedure for designing the                                                            of the real representative
Postulations     Committee       that                                                  opposition, which has been
must appoint a new National                                                            politically disabled. It is mostly
Electoral Council (CNE). The                                                           integrated by the Table for
mandatory stated that he should                                                        Democratic       Unity      (MUD).
be presented a proposition on the                                                      Nonetheless, it is necessary to
matter. All this is certainly                                                          warn the Legislative organ
remarkable: for the first time, the supposed AN’s contempt   about this: the procedure for appointing the Postulations
is now in doubt; and the usual practice of the Supreme       Committee as established in the Organic Law of the
Court of Justice (TSJ) of usurping parliamentary functions   Electoral Power, does not go accordingly with our
is left aside.                                               Constitution, because it includes deputies in that
                                                             Committee; but the Magna Carta demands the sole
    Acceso a la Justicia salutes this recognition of the participation of civil society in such a first stage of
Venezuelan parliament by the governing political regime. appointing the Committee.
We     deem      as   important    underlining   that   the
re-legitimization of Electoral Power without AN’s

participation would not mean any democratic guarantee at
all to venezuelans. The Legislative Power is the only
constitutionally legitimate Power in our country by the
date; as it is the entity that best represents the political

Bloque Constitucional - www.bloqueconstitucional.com
What is the authentic demand behind the social crisis in the continent?
                                         outbursts in Chile telling us? What do      generally handed out in political
                                         they mean, those Center-American            debates; and also if the basic problem
                                         people’s mobilization, trespassing          is the need of a deep change of the
                                         borderlines in order to enter the           State, for making it more horizontal,
                                         United States; and Venezuelan walkers       with the genuine participation of all
                                         on the roads in the region during the       and for all.
                                         last months?
                                                                                         As a foundation to people’s
                                             Do those persons really care            complaints we find the right that
                                         whether the systems in their countries      everybody has to social mobility; and
                                         belong to the left or to the right? Or is   to the common citizens’ inclusion in
                                         it that, what they are aiming at is         their national development plans,
                                         evidencing mistreatment and inequity        which means to be heard and to be
    Happenings related with claims       for ending both of them, and finally        allowed to participate effectively. We
that have been recently manifested in    have their rights fully respected? Are      cannot go on deeming peoples in our
diverse ways in many of our countries    they fed up with States where power         continent as jumbles of human beings
are calling us to meditate on the        imposes at the top, while they are          who exact for worthy public services
requirements and demands that            simply requested to comply with their       and an apparent economic stability,
citizens still do not get fulfilled by   civic duties? Answers to these              and that is all. Peoples are striving for
those who represent them. What is        questions      merit     a     profound     equal treatment at all levels and in
the message they sent via elections in   social-political study, to determine if     every sense of those words; and for a
Argentina, in Uruguay, and in Bolivia?   citizens’ unsatisfaction reaches far        new        type      of     democratic
What are revolts in Ecuador and social   beyond      the    possible     solutions   institutionality.
Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea
Bulletin No. 109
From October 28 to November 4, 2019

Transparencia Venezuela - www.transparencia.org.ve
Transparencia Venezuela and the Parliament create an alliance
for receiving denouncements on gender violence
   Transparencia Venezuela and the                                                gender      violence,     for    the
Sub-commission for Women and                                                      corresponding      follow-ups   and
Equity of Gender of the National                                                  accompaniment of victims. This
Assembly (AN) created an alliance for                                             initiative  aims      at   promoting
receiving denouncements of violence                                               denouncing abuses methodically; and
against    women,       through     the                                           also aims at attending women, who
application DiloAqui, developed by                                                seem to be more vulnerable now, due
our organization, available for iOS and                                           to the crisis Venezuela is going
Android.                                                                          through. Victims can denounce via
                                                                                  telephone (0412)3122629; and via
    Within     the     framework    of                                            Email denuncia@transparencia.org.ve.
refreshening      DiloAQui,    as    a
consequence of the alliance with AN,
Transparencia Venezuela included a        or a public official of any kind. All
new button: women who are victims         denounces count on the guarantee of
of    violence     can    make    their   protected identity.
denouncements in a safe and fast way.
By a click on the button “Violence           Denouncements         will     be
against women”, a woman can declare       systematized by the legal department
irregularities and give data of the       of Transparencia Venezuela; and sent
aggressor, whether a common civilian      to organizations specialized on

PROVEA - www.derechos.org.ve
To respect to pacific manifestations as a principle
    Days    ago,     due      to                                                             manifestations; and they
different reasons cycles of                                                                  should assume the legal
protest occurred in several                                                                  consequences of their
Latin-American countries.                                                                    behavior.
The first one, in Ecuador;
another, in Chile. One sector                                                                   Provea     works      in
of     Venezuelan       public                                                               coordination with other
opinion –including a part of                                                                 organizations pro Human
democratic             political                                                             Rights    all   over    our
leadership- awarded these                                                                    continent. Our source of
mobilizations       to      the                                                              privileged     information
supposed      influence       of                                                             were NGOs in each
Nicolás Maduro; and their                                                                    country, thanks to which
affirmations     criminalized                                                                we could follow up the
the    crowds      that    had                                                               facts and their evolution.
participated in them.
                                                                                                 Those      on-the-field
   Through Provea’s social                                                                    witnesses gave us the
networks, we emitted various messages based on               elements for affirming that, in each country, violent facts
universal principles of Human Rights. We demanded from       were punctual and minority within the general indignation
the authorities in each country –Bolivia included– full      of citizenry during those days. Independently from a
guarantees for the right to protest in peace; and also for   government-in-turn ideological sign, NGOs pro Human
investigating denouncements about police practices           Rights have rectoral principles, one of them being
deemed as an excessive use of force. Besides, we stated      defending the right to peaceful manifestations; as well as
that persons who were protesting violently were out of       avoiding the criminalization of the entire group of
such guarantees to protect the right to peaceful             manifestants, due to the unwanted behavior of a minority.
Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea
Bulletin No. 109
                                                                     From October 28 to November 4, 2019

                                           Un Mundo Sin Mordaza - www.sinmordaza.org
                       Maduro’s government cannot figure into the Council of Human Rights
                                             Since two decades ago, Venezuela          Nicolás Maduro’s regime presence in
                                         is dominated by a government that has         United Nations’ Council of Human
                                         procured to deform our political and          Rights.
                                         judicial systems and has disrespected
                                         international treaties pro Human                  In this international event, nations
                                         Rights. Despite this, last October 17 our     will demand respect to Human Rights
                                         country was included in the Council of        and restoration of democracy in
                                         Human Rights of the United Nations,           countries like Venezuela, Cuba, and
                                         for the period 2020-2022.                     Nicaragua, which are in the hands of
                                                                                       non-democratic          regimes.     We
                                               Several nations have rejected the       accompany this initiative with the
                                         decision, for considering that the            slogan #ExpelMaduroFromUNHRC, on
                                         Venezuelan State is a violator of             behalf      of     venezuelans     whose
                                         Human Rights; and they have                   fundamental rights are violated. If you
                                         convoked a worldwide manifestations           wish to organize this protest in the city
                                         on Saturday, November 9, when voices          you     live   in,    contact    us   via
                                         will raise to express their discomfort for    @sinmordaza.

                                                                               CEPAZ - www.cepaz.org
                                                          Venezuela in the future international agenda:
                                                                What is to happen in United Nations?
   Venezuelan civil society                                                                     organizations pro Human
and organizations pro Human                                                                     Rights achieved the signature
Rights have emphasized their                                                                    of     an     understanding
struggle for proving, through                                                                   memorandum          and     a
denouncing and documenting                                                                      proposition of resolution
cases, how grave is the                                                                         about            international
multi-dimensional          crisis                                                               cooperation.
presently     going     on     in
Venezuela,     which     means                                                                   In     addition,     ONU’s
violation   of    rights    that                                                             independent       international
concern               normative                                                              mission for determining facts
frameworks          of       the                                                             is a historical decision to
International Law. Thus, the                                                                 Venezuela, because it means
progressive augment of the                                                                   ONU’s recognition of the
political, economical, social,                                                               critical situation suffered by
and humanitarian crisis has                                                                  venezuelans. The present
determined     –directly    and                                                              international        panorama
indirectly– the subsidence of                                                                opens a wide door to the
Humanitarian       International                                                             continuation of this agenda;
Law, Refugees’ International                                                                 and     we     must    go   on
Law, International Penal Law,                                                                documenting violations of
and        Human         Rights                                                              Human Rights –a task to be
International Law.                                                                           accomplished jointly by civil
                                                               society, democratic leaders, and organizations.
   As a consequence of it, Venezuela’s acute crisis has been
an important part of the agenda in the Organization of
United Nations (ONU) along 2019; and the same is foreseen
to occur in coming 2020. Although we know that the                                    http://bit.ly/2PT93of
regime’s cooperation is not credible nor even factible, we
acknowledge how international pressure and the work of
Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea
Bulletin No. 109
From October 28 to November 4, 2019

                                                                  Foro Penal - www.foropenal.com
                                          Still in prison political prisoners with release warrants
    By November 1st, 2019, Foro                                                   women. Besides, 8.948 persons were
Penal had registered 15.180                                                       or still are unfairly submitted to penal
arbitrary     detentions      since                                               processes under caution measures.
January 1st, 2014. 848 civilians
have been presented before                                                              Still pending is the release of
Military Courts. Up to date, we                                                    Antonia      Turbay,    “Toñita”,  who
have accumulated 3.233 political                                                   remains arbitrarily in custody in
prisoners; full liberty and release                                                SEBIN’s headquarters, in El Helicoide.
under diverse modalities have                                                      It is also noticeable that José Alberto
been obtained in 2.834 cases.                                                      Marulanda –a medical doctor, a
                                                                                   civilian sentenced by a military court–
   By April 2014, we had 117 political prisoners in our    spent his second birthday unfairly imprisoned in Ramo
country. The cipher by October 28, 2019 is 399, 20 being   Verde, a military jail.
Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea Bulletin No. 109 www.crisisenvenezuela.com - Provea
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