Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries

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Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries
Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review
      of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries

       Stephanie Hirmer1 , Alycia Leonard1 , Josephine Tumwesige2 , Costanza Conforti2,3
                          Energy and Power Group, University of Oxford
                                        Rural Senses Ltd.
                       Language Technology Lab, University of Cambridge

                          Abstract                                   areas where the bulk of the population lives (Roser
      Most well-established data collection methods                  and Ortiz-Ospina (2016), Figure 1). As a conse-
      currently adopted in NLP depend on the as-                     quence, common data collection techniques – de-
      sumption of speaker literacy. Consequently,                    signed for use in HICs – fail to capture data from a
      the collected corpora largely fail to repre-                   vast portion of the population when applied to LICs.
      sent swathes of the global population, which                   Such techniques include, for example, crowdsourc-
      tend to be some of the most vulnerable and                     ing (Packham, 2016), scraping social media (Le
      marginalised people in society, and often live
                                                                     et al., 2016) or other websites (Roy et al., 2020),
      in rural developing areas. Such underrepre-
      sented groups are thus not only ignored when
                                                                     collecting articles from local newspapers (Mari-
      making modeling and system design decisions,                   vate et al., 2020), or interviewing experts from in-
      but also prevented from benefiting from de-                    ternational organizations (Friedman et al., 2017).
      velopment outcomes achieved through data-                      While these techniques are important to easily build
      driven NLP. This paper aims to address the                     large corpora, they implicitly rely on the above-
      under-representation of illiterate communities                 mentioned assumptions (i.e. internet access and
      in NLP corpora: we identify potential biases                   literacy), and might result in demographic misrep-
      and ethical issues that might arise when col-
                                                                     resentation (Hovy and Spruit, 2016). In this pa-
      lecting data from rural communities with high
      illiteracy rates in Low-Income Countries, and                  per, we make a first step towards addressing how
      propose a set of practical mitigation strategies               to build representative corpora in LICs from il-
      to help future work.                                           literate speakers. We believe that this is a cur-
                                                                     rently unaddressed topic within NLP research. It
 1    Introduction
                                                                     aligns with previous work investigating sources
 The exponentially increasing popularity of super-                   of bias resulting from the under-representation
 vised Machine Learning (ML) in the past decade                      of specific demographic groups in NLP corpora
 has made the availability of data crucial to the                    (such as women (Hovy, 2015), youth (Hovy and
 development of the Natural Language Processing                      Søgaard, 2015), or ethnic minorities (Groenwold
 (NLP) field. As a result, much NLP research has                     et al., 2020)). In this paper, we make the follow-
 focused on developing rigorous processes for col-                   ing contributions: (i) we introduce the challenges
 lecting large corpora suitable for training ML sys-                 of collecting data from illiterate speakers in §2;
 tems. We observe, however, that many best prac-                     (ii) we define various possible sources of biases
 tices for quality data collection make two implicit                 and ethical issues which can contribute to low data
 assumptions: that speakers have internet access                     quality we define various possible sources of bi-
 and that they are literate (i.e. able to read and                   ases and ethical issues which can contribute to low
 often write text effortlessly1 ). Such assumptions                  data quality we define various possible sources of
 might be reasonable in the context of most High-                    biases and ethical issues which can contribute to
 Income Countries (HICs) (UNESCO, 2018). How-                        low data quality §3; finally, (iii) drawing on years
 ever, in Low-Income Countries (LICs), and espe-                     of experience in data collection in LICs, we outline
 cially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), such assump-                    practical countermeasures to address these issues
 tions may not hold, particularly in rural developing                in §4.
       For example, input from speakers is often taken in writing,
 in response to a written stimulus which must be read.

Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 2176–2189
                            April 19 - 23, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries
(a) Adult literacy (% ages 15+, UN-     (b) Urban population (% total, UN-         (c) Internet usage (% of total, ITU
ESCO (2018))                            DESA (2018))                               (2019))

Figure 1: Literacy, urban population, and internet usage in African countries. Note that countries with more rural
populations tend to have less literacy and less internet users. These countries are likely to be under-represented in
corpora generated using common data collection methods that assume literacy and internet access (Grey: no data).

2   Listening to the Illiterate: What Makes                 description of best practices for data collection re-
    it Challenging?                                         mains a notable research gap.

In recent years, developing corpora that encom-             3       Definitions and Challenges
passes as many human languages as possible has
been recognised as important in the NLP commu-              Guided by research in medicine (Pannucci and
nity. In this context, widely translated texts (such        Wilkins, 2010), sociology (Berk, 1983), and psy-
as the Bible (Mueller et al., 2020) or the Human            chology (Gilovich et al., 2002), NLP has experi-
Rights declaration (King, 2015)) are often used as          enced increasing interest in ethics and bias mitiga-
a source of data. However, these texts tend to be           tion to minimise unintentional demographic mis-
quite short and domain-specific. Moreover, while            representation and harm (Hovy and Spruit, 2016).
the Internet constitutes a powerful data collection         While there are many stages where bias may enter
tool which is more representative of real language          the NLP pipeline (Shah et al., 2019), we focus on
use than the previously-mentioned texts, it excludes        those pertinent to data collection from rural illit-
illiterate communities, as well as speakers which           erate communities in LICs, leaving the study of
lack reliable internet access (as is often the case in      biases in model development for future work2 .
rural developing settings, Figure 1).
    Given the obstacles to using these common lan-          3.1      Data Collection Biases
guage data collection methods in LIC contexts, the
NLP community can learn from methodologies                  Biases in data collection are inevitable (Marshall,
adopted in other fields. Researchers from fields            1996) but can be minimised when known to the
such as sustainable development (SD, Gleitsmann             researcher (Trembley, 1957). We identify various
et al. (2007)), African studies (Adams, 2014), and          biases that can emerge when collecting language
ethnology (Skinner et al., 2013), tend to rely heav-        data in rural developing contexts, which fall under
ily on qualitative data from oral interviews, tran-         three broad categories: sampling, observer, and re-
scribed verbatim. Collecting such data in rural de-         sponse bias. Sampling determines who is studied,
veloping areas is considerably more difficult than          the interviewer (or observer) determines what in-
in developed or urban contexts. In addition to high         formation is sought and how it is interpreted, and
illiteracy levels, researchers face challenges such         the interviewee (or respondent) determines which
as seasonal roads and low population densities. To          information is revealed (Woodhouse, 1998). These
our knowledge, there are very few NLP works                 categories span the entire data collection process
which explicitly focus on building corpora from             and can affect the quality and quantity of language
rural and illiterate communities: of those works            data obtained.
that exist, some present clear priming effect is-               2
                                                                 Note, this paper does not focus on a particular NLP ap-
sues (Abraham et al., 2020), while others focus             plication, as once the data has been collected from illiterate
on application (Conforti et al., 2020). A detailed          communities it can be annotated for virtually any specific task.

Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries
3.2     Sampling or selection bias                      unrelated data as electricity-motivated (Hirmer and
                                                        Guthrie, 2017), or omit data which contradicts their
Sampling bias occurs when observations are drawn
                                                        hypothesis (Peters, 2020). Using such data to train
from an unrepresentative subset of the population
                                                        NLP models may introduce unintentional bias to-
being studied (Marshall, 1996) and applied more
                                                        wards the original expectations of the researchers
widely. In our context, this might arise when select-
                                                        instead of accurately representing the community.
ing communities from which to collect language
                                                           Secondly, the interviewer’s understanding and
data, or specific individuals within each commu-
                                                        interpretation of the speaker’s utterances might be
nity. When sampling communities, bias can be
                                                        influenced by their class, culture and language.
introduced if convenience is prioritized. Commu-
                                                        Note that, particularly in countries without strong
nities which are easier to access may not produce
                                                        language standardisation policies, consistent se-
language data representative of a larger area or
                                                        mantic shifts can happen even between varieties
group. This can be illustrated through Uganda’s
                                                        spoken in neighboring regions (Gordon, 2019),
refugee response, which consists of 13 settlements
                                                        which may result in systematic misunderstand-
(including the 2nd largest in the world) hosted in 12
                                                        ing (Sayer, 2013). For example, in the neighboring
districts (UNHCR, 2020). Data collection may be
                                                        Ugandan tribes of Toro and Bunyoro, the same
easier in one of the older, established settlements;
                                                        word omunyoro means respectively husband and
however, such data cannot be generalised over the
                                                        a member of the tribe. Language data collected in
entire refugee response due to different cultural
                                                        such contexts, if not properly handled, may contain
backgrounds, length of stay of refugees in different
                                                        inaccuracies which lead to NLP models that mis-
areas, and the varied stages along the humanitar-
                                                        represent these tribes. Rich information commu-
ian chain – emergency, recovery or development –
                                                        nicated through gesture, expression, and tone (i.e.
found therein (Winter, 1983; OECD, 2019). Pri-
                                                        nonverbal data, Oliver et al. (2005)) may also be
oritizing convenience in this case may result in
                                                        systematically lost during verbatim transcription,
corpora which over-represents the cultural and eco-
                                                        causing inadvertent inconsistencies in the corpora.
nomic contexts of more established, longer-term
                                                           Thirdly, interviewer bias, which refers to
refugees. When sampling interviewees, bias can
                                                        the subjectivity unconsciously introduced into
be introduced when certain sub-sets of a commu-
                                                        data gathering by the worldview of the inter-
nity have more data collected than others (Bryman,
                                                        viewer (Frey, 2018). For instance, a deeply reli-
2012). This is seen when data is collected only
                                                        gious interviewer may unintentionally frame ques-
from men in a community due to cultural norms
                                                        tions through religious language (e.g. it is God’s
(Nadal, 2017), or only from wealthier people in
                                                        will, thank God, etc.), or may perceive certain emo-
cell-phone-based surveys (Labrique et al., 2017).
                                                        tions (e.g. thankfulness) as inherently religious,
3.2.1    Observer bias                                  and record language data including this percep-
                                                        tion. The researcher’s attitude and behaviour may
Observer bias occurs when there are systematic er-      also influence responses (Silverman, 2013); for
rors in how data is recorded, which may stem from       instance, when interviewers take longer to deliver
observer viewpoints and predispositions (Gonsamo        questions, interviewees tend to provide longer re-
and D’Odorico, 2014). We identify three key ob-         sponses (Matarazzo et al., 1963). Unlike in internet-
server biases relevant to our context.                  based language data collection, where all speakers
   Firstly, confirmation bias, which refers to the      are exposed to uniform, text-based interfaces, col-
tendency to look for information which confirms         lecting data from illiterate communities necessi-
one’s preconceptions or hypotheses (Nickerson,          tates the presence of an interviewer, who cannot
1998). Researchers collecting data in LICs may          always be the same person due to scalability con-
expect interviewees to express needs or hardships       straints, introducing this inevitable variability and
based on their preconceptions. As Kumar (1987)          subsequent data bias.
points out, “often they hear what they want to hear
and ignore what they do not want to hear”. A team       3.2.2   Response bias
conducting a needs assessment for a rural electrifi-    Response bias occurs when speakers provide inac-
cation project, for instance, may expect a need for     curate or false responses to questions. This is par-
electricity, and thus consciously or subconsciously     ticularly important when working in rural settings,
seek data which confirms this, interpret potentially    where the majority of data collection is currently

Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries
related to SD projects. The majority of existing         cation, Conforti et al. (2020)), these may amplify
data is biased by the projects for which it has been     current needs and under-represent long-term needs.
collected, and any newly collected data for NLP             Fourthly, acquiescence bias, also known as
uses is also likely to be used in decision making for    “yea” saying (Laajaj and Macours, 2017), which
SD. This inherent link of data collection to material    can occur in rural developing contexts when in-
development outcomes inevitably affects what is          terviewees perceive that certain (possibly false)
communicated. There are five key response biases         responses will please a data collector and bring
relevant to our context.                                 benefits to their community. For example, if data
   Firstly, recall bias, where speakers recall only      collection is being undertaken by a group with a
certain events or omit details (Coughlin, 1990).         stated desire to build a school may be more likely
This is often as a result of external influences, such   to hear about how much education is valued.
as the presence of a data collector who is new to           Finally, priming effect, or the ability of a pre-
the community. Recall can also be affected by the        sented stimulus to influence one’s response to a
distortion or amplification of traumatic memories        subsequent stimulus (Lavrakas, 2008). Priming
(Strange and Takarangi, 2015); if data is collected      is problematic in data collection to inform SD
around a topic a speaker may find traumatic, recall      projects; it can be difficult to collect data on the
bias may be unintentionally introduced.                  relative importance of simultaneous (or conflict-
   Secondly, social desirability bias, which refers      ing) needs if the community is primed to focus on
to the tendency of interviewees to provide socially      one (Veltkamp et al., 2011). An example is shown
desirable/acceptable responses rather than honest        in Figure 2a; respondents may be drawn to speak
responses, particularly in certain interview contexts    more about the most dominant prompts presented
(Bergen and Labonté, 2020). In tight-knit rural         in the chart. This is typical of a broader failure in
communities, it may be difficult to deviate from         SD to uncover beneficiary priorities without intro-
traditional social norms, leading to biased data. As     ducing project bias (Watkins et al., 2012). Needs
an illustrative example, researchers in Nepal found      assessments, like the one referenced above linked
that interviewer gender affected the detail in re-       to a rural electrification project, tend to focus ex-
sponses to some sensitive questions (e.g. sex and        plicitly on project-related needs instead of more
contraception): participants provided less detail to     broadly identifying what may be most important
male interviewers (Axinn, 1991). Social desirabil-       to communities (Masangwi, 2015; USAID, 2006).
ity bias can produce corpora which misrepresent          As speakers will usually know why data is being
community social dynamics or under-represent sen-        collected in such cases, they may be biased towards
sitive topics.                                           stating the project aim as a need, thereby skewing
                                                         the corpora to over-represent this aim.
   Thirdly, recency effect or serial-position,
which is the tendency of a person to recall the
                                                         3.3   Ethical Considerations
first and last items in a series best, and the mid-
dle items worst (Troyer, 2011). This can greatly         Certain ethical codes of conduct must be followed
impact the content of language data. For instance,       when collecting data from illiterate speakers in ru-
in the context of data collection to guide devel-        ral communities in LICs (Musoke et al., 2020).
opment work, it is important to understand cur-          Unethical data collection may harm communities,
rent needs and values (Hirmer and Guthrie, 2016);        treat them without dignity, disrupt their lives, dam-
however, if only the most recent needs are dis-          age intra-community or external relationships, and
cussed, long-term needs may be overlooked. To            disregard community norms (Thorley and Henrion,
illustrate, while a community which has just ex-         2019). This is particularly critical in rural develop-
perienced a poor agricultural season may tend to         ing regions, as these areas are home to some of the
express the importance of improving agricultural         world’s poorest and most vulnerable to exploita-
output, other needs which are less top-of-mind (i.e.     tion (Christiaensen and Subbarao, 2005; de Ceni-
healthcare, education) may be equally important          val M., 2008). Unethical data collection can repli-
despite being expressed less frequently. If data         cate extractive colonial relationships whereby data
containing recency bias is used to develop NLP           is extracted from communities with no mutual ben-
models, particularly for sustainable development         efit or ownership (Dunbar and Scrimgeour, 2006).
applications (such as for Automatic UPV Classifi-        It can lead to a lack of trust between data collec-

Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries
tor and interviewees and unwillingness to partici-       searchers should review socio-economic surveys
pate in future research (Clark, 2008). These phe-        and/or consult local stakeholders who can offer
nomena can bias data or reduce data availability.        valuable insights on practices and social norms.
Ethical data collection practices in rural develop-      These stakeholders can also highlight current or
ing regions with high illiteracy include: obtaining      historical matters of concern to the area, which
consent (McAdam, 2004), accounting for cultural          may be unfamiliar to researchers, and reveal lo-
differences (Silverman, 2013), ensuring anonymity        cal, traditional, and indigenous knowledge which
and confidentiality (Bryman, 2012), respecting ex-       may impact the data being collected (Wu, 2014)
isting community or leadership structures (Hard-         and result in recency effect. It is good practice to
ing et al., 2012), and making the community the          identify local conflicts and segmentation within a
owner of the data. While the latter is not often cur-    community, especially in a rural context, where
rently practiced, it is an important consideration for   the population is vulnerable and systematically un-
community empowerment, with indigenous data              heard (Dudwick et al., 2006; Mallick et al., 2011).
sovereignty efforts (Rainie et al., 2019) already           Case sampling. In qualitative research, sample
setting precedent.                                       cases are often strategically selected based on the
                                                         research question (i.e. systematic or purposive sam-
4     Countermeasures                                    pling, Bryman (2012)), and characteristics or cir-
Drawing on existing literature and years of field        cumstances relevant to the topic of study (Yach,
experience collecting spoken data in LICs, below         1992). If data collected in such research is used
we outline a number of practical data collection         beyond its original scope, sampling bias may result.
strategies to minimise previously-outlined chal-         So, while data collected in previous research should
lenges (§3), enabling the collection of high-quality,    be re-used to expand NLP corpora where possible,
minimally-biased data from illiterate speakers in        it is important to be cognizant of the purposive
LICs suitable for use in NLP models. While these         sampling underlying existing data. A comprehen-
measures have primarily been applied in SSA, we          sive dataset characterisation (Bender and Friedman,
have also successfully tested them in projects fo-       2018; Gebru et al., 2018) can help researchers un-
cusing on refugees in the Middle East and rural          derstand whether an existing dataset is appropri-
communities in South Asia.                               ate to use in new or different research, such as in
                                                         training new NLP models, and can highlight the
4.1    Preparation                                       potential ethical concerns of data re-use.
Here, we outline practical preparation steps for            Participant sampling. Interviewees should be
careful planning, which can minimise error and           selected to represent the diverse interests of a com-
reduce fieldwork duration (Tukey, 1980).                 munity or sampling group (e.g. occupation, age,
   Local Context. A thorough understanding of            gender, religion, ethnicity or male/female house-
local context is key to successful data collection       hold heads (Bryman, 2012)) to reduce sampling
(Hentschel, 1999; Bukenya et al., 2012; Launiala         bias (Kitzinger, 1994). To ensure representativ-
and Kulmala, 2006). Local context is broadly de-         ity in collected data, sampling should be random,
fined as facts, concepts, beliefs, values, and percep-   i.e. every subject has equal probability to be in-
tions used by local people to interpret the world        cluded (Etikan et al., 2016). There may be certain
around them, and is shaped by their surroundings         societal subsets that are concealed from view (e.g.
(i.e. their worldview, Vasconcellos and Vasconcel-       as a result of embarrassment from disabilities or
los Sobrinho (2014)). It is important to consider        physical differences) based on cultural norms in
local context when preparing to collect data in rural    less inclusive societies (Vesper, 2019); particular
developing areas, as common data collection meth-        care should be exercised to ensure such subsets are
ods may be inappropriate due to contextual linguis-      represented.
tic differences and deep-rooted social and cultural      Group composition. Participant sampling best
norms (Walker and Hamilton, 2011; Mafuta et al.,         practices vary by data collection method, with par-
2016; Nikulina et al., 2019; Wang et al.). Selecting     ticular care being necessary in group settings. In
a contextually-appropriate data collection method        traditional societies where strong power dynamics
is critical in mitigating social desirability bias in    exist, attention should be paid to group composi-
the collected data, among other challenges. Re-          tion and interaction to prevent some voices from

Building Representative Corpora from Illiterate Communities: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Developing Countries
Bias & Definition                                                    Key countermeasures
 Observer—- Sampling-   Community: An unrepresentative sample set is generalised             • Select representative communities & only apply data
                        over the entire case being studied.                                  within same scope (i.e. consult data statements)
                        Participant: Certain sub-sets of a community have more               • Select representative participants, only apply data
                        data collected from them than others.                                within same scope & avoid tempting rewards
                        Confirmation: Looking for information that confirms one’s            • Employ interviewers that are impartial to the
                        preconceptions or hypotheses about a topic/research/sector.          topic/research/sector investigated.
                        Misunderstanding: Data is incorrectly transcribed or cate-           • Employ local people & minimise # of people involved
                        gorized as a result of class, cultural, or linguistic differences.   for both data collection & transcription.
                        Interviewer: Unconscious subjectivity introduced into data           • Undertake training to minimise influence exerted from
                        gathering by interviewers’ worldview.                                questions, technology, & attitudes.

                        Recall: Tendency of speakers to recall only certain events or        • Collect support data (e.g. from socio-economic data or
                        omit details                                                         local stakeholders) to compare with interviews.
                        Social-desirability: Tendency of participants to provide so-         • Select interviewers & design interview processes to
                        cially desirable/acceptable responses rather than to respond         account for known norms which might skew responses
                        Recency effect: Tendency to recall first or last items in a          • Minimise external influence on participants throughout
                        series best, & middle items worst.                                   data gathering (e.g. technologies, people, perceptions).
                        Acquiescence: Respondents perceive certain, perhaps false,           • Gather non-sectoral holistic insights (e.g. from socio-
                        answers may please data collectors, bringing community               economic data or local stakeholders)
                        Priming effect: Ability of a presented stimulus to influence         • Use appropriate visual prompts (graphically similar),
                        one’s response to a subsequent stimulus                              language and technology

Table 1: Sources of potential bias in data collection when operating in rural and illiterate settings in developing
countries, and key countermeasures that can help mitigating them.

being silenced or over-represented (Stewart et al.,                                      made aware of the level of detail needed during
2007). For example, in Uganda, female intervie-                                          transcription (Parcell and Rafferty, 2017).
wees may be less likely to voice opinions in the                                            Study design. In rural LIC communities, quali-
presence of male interviewees (FIDH, 2012; Axinn,                                        tative data like natural language is usually collected
1991), introducing a form of social desirability bias                                    by observation, interview, and/or focus group dis-
in resulting corpora. To minimise this risk of data                                      cussion (or a combination, known as mixed meth-
bias, relations and power dynamics must be con-                                          ods) which are transcribed verbatim (Moser and
sidered during data collection planning (Hirmer,                                         Korstjens, 2018). Prompts are often used to spark
2018). It may be necessary to exclude, for instance,                                     discussion. Whether visual prompts (Hirmer, 2018)
close relatives, governmental officials, and village                                     or verbalised question prompts are used during
leaders from group discussions where data is being                                       data collection, these should be designed to: (i) ac-
collected, and instead engage such stakeholders in                                       commodate illiteracy, (ii) account for disabilities
separate activities to ensure that their voices are                                      (e.g. visually impairment; both could cause sam-
included in the corpora without biasing the data                                         pling bias), and (iii) minimise bias towards a topic
collected from others.                                                                   or sector (e.g. minimising acquisition bias and
   Interviewer selection. The interviewer has a                                          confirmation bias). For instance, visual prompts
significant opportunity to introduce observer and                                        should be graphically similar and contain only vi-
response biases in collected data (Salazar, 1990).                                       suals familiar to the respondents. This is analogous
Interviewers familiar with local language, includ-                                       to the uniform interface with which speakers inter-
ing community-specific dialects, should be selected                                      act during text-based online data collection, where
wherever possible. Moreover, to reduce misunder-                                         the platform used is graphically the same to all
standing and recall biases in collected data, it is                                      users inputting data. Using varied graphical styles
useful to have the same person who conducts the                                          or unfamiliar images may result in priming (Fig-
interviews also transcribe them. This minimizes                                          ure 2a). To minimise recall bias or recency effect
the layers of linguistic interpretation affecting the                                    in collected data, socio-economic data can be inte-
final dataset and can increase accuracy through                                          grated in data analysis to better understand if the
familiarity with the interview content. If the in-                                       assertions made in collected data reference recent
terviewer is unavailable, the transcriber must be                                        events, for example. These should be non-sector
properly trained and briefed on the interviews, and                                      specific, to gain holistic insights and to minimise

acquisition bias and confirmation bias.                Council on Bioethics (2002) caution that in LICs,
                                                       misunderstandings may occur due to cultural dif-
4.2   Engagement                                       ferences, lower social-economic status, and illit-
                                                       eracy (McMillan et al., 2004) which can call into
Here, we outline practical steps for successful com-
                                                       question the legitimacy of consent obtained. Re-
munity engagement to achieve ethical and high-
                                                       searchers must understand that methods such as
quality data collection.
                                                       long information forms and consent forms which
   Defining community. Defining a community            must be signed may be inappropriate for the cul-
in an open and participatory manner is critical to     tural context of LICs and can be more likely to
meaningful engagement (Dyer et al., 2014). By          confuse than to inform (Tekola et al., 2009). The
understanding the community the way they under-        authors advise that consent forms should be ver-
stand themselves, misunderstandings and tensions       bal instead of written, with wording familiar to the
that affect data quality can be minimized. The defi-   interviewees and appropriate to their level of com-
nition of the community (MacQueen et al., 2001)        prehension (Tekola et al., 2009). For example, to
coupled with the requirements and use-cases for        speak of data storage on a password protected com-
the collected data determines the data collection      puter while obtaining consent in a rural community
methodology and style which will be most appropri-     without access to electricity or information technol-
ate (e.g. interview-based community consultation       ogy is unfitting. Innovative ways to record consent
vs. collaborative co-design for mutual learning).      can be employed in such contexts (e.g. video tap-
   Follow formal structures. Researchers enter-        ing or recording), as signing an official document
ing a community where they have no background          may be “viewed with suspicion or even outright
to collect data should endeavour to know the com-      hostility” (Upjohn and Wells, 2016), or seen as
munity prior to commencing any work (Diallo            “committing ... to something other than answering
et al., 2005). This could entail visiting the com-     questions”. Researchers new to qualitative data
munity and mapping its hierarchies of authority        collection should seek advice from experienced re-
and decision-making pathways, which can guide          searchers and approval from their ethics committee
the research team on how to interact respectfully      before implementing consent processes.
with the community (Tindana et al., 2011). This
process should also illuminate whether knowledge-         Approaching participants. Despite having
able community members should facilitate entry by      gained permission from community authorities and
performing introductions and assisting the external    obtained consent to collect data, researchers must
data collection team. Following formal commu-          be cautious when approaching participants (Ira-
nity structures is vital, especially in developing     bor and Omonzejele, 2009; Diallo et al., 2005) to
communities, where traditional rules and social        ensure they do not violate cultural norms. For ex-
conventions are strongly held yet often not articu-    ample, in some cultures a senior family member
lated explicitly or documented. Approaching com-       must be present for another household member to
munity leaders in the traditional way can help to      be interviewed, or a female must be accompanied
build a positive long-term relationship, removing      by a male counterpart during data collection. In-
suspicion about the nature and motivation of the       sensitivity to such norms may compromise the data
researchers’ activities, explaining their presence     collection process; so, they should be carefully
in the community, and most importantly building        noted when researching local context (§4.1) and in-
trust as they are granted permission to engage the     terviews should be designed to accommodate them
community by its leadership (Tindana et al., 2007).    where possible. Furthermore, researchers should
                                                       investigate the motivations of the participants to
   Verbalising consent. Data ethics is paramount
                                                       identify when inducements become inappropriate
for research involving human participants (Accen-
                                                       and may lead to either harm or data bias (McAdam,
ture, 2016; Tindana et al., 2007), including any
collection of personal and identifiable data, such
as natural language. Genuine (i.e. voluntary and          Minimise external influence. Researchers must
informed) consent must be obtained from inter-         be aware of how external influences can affect data
viewees to prevent use of data which is illegal,       collection (Ramakrishnan et al., 2012). We find
coercive, or for a purpose other than that which       three main levels of external influence: (i) tech-
has been agreed (McAdam, 2004). The Nuffield           nologies unfamiliar to a rural developing country

context may induce social desirability bias or prim-     multiple interviewers. Some may report word-for-
ing (e.g. if a researcher arrives to a community in      word what is being said, while others may sum-
an expensive vehicle or uses a tablet for data col-      marise or misreport, resulting in systematic misun-
lection); (ii) intergroup context, which according       derstanding. Despite these risks, employing mul-
to Abrams (2010) refers to when “people in differ-       tiple interviewers is often unavoidable when col-
ent social groups view members of other groups”          lecting data in rural areas of developing countries,
and may feel prejudiced or threatened by these           where languages often exhibit a high number of re-
differences. This can occur, for instance, when a        gional, non-mutually intelligible varieties. This is
newcomer arrives and speaks loudly relative to the       particularly prominent across SSA. For example, 41
indigenous community, which may be perceived as          languages are spoken in Uganda (Nakayiza, 2016);
overpowering; (iii) there is the risk of a researcher    English, the official language, is fluently spoken by
over-incentivizing the data collection process, us-      only ∼5% of the population, despite being widely
ing leading questions and judgemental framing (in-       used among researchers and NGOs (Katushemer-
terviewer bias or confirmation bias). To overcome        erwe and Nerbonne, 2015). To minimise data in-
these influences, researchers must be cognizant          consistency, researchers should: (i) undertake in-
of their influence and minimise it by hiring local       terviewer training workshops to communicate data
mediators where possible alongside employing ap-         requirements and practice data collection processes
propriate technology, mannerisms, and language.          through mock field interviews; (ii) pilot the data
                                                         collection process and seek feedback to spot early
4.3   Undertaking Interviews                             deviation from data requirements; (iii) regularly
Here, we detail practical steps to minimise chal-        spot-check interview notes; (iv) support written
lenges during the actual data collection.                notes with audio recordings3 ; and (v) offer quality
   Interview settings. People have personal values       based incentives to data collectors.
and drivers that may change in specific settings.           Participant remuneration. While it is common
For example, in the Ugandan Buganda and Bu-              to offer interviewees some form of remuneration
soga tribes, it is culturally appropriate for the male   for their time, the decision surrounding payment
head if present to speak on behalf of his wife and       is ethically-charged and widely contested (Ham-
children. This could lead to corpora where input         mett and Sporton, 2012). Rewards may tempt peo-
from the husband is over-represented compared to         ple to participate in data collection against their
the rest of the family. To account for this, it is       judgement. They can introduce sampling bias or
important to collect data in multiple interview set-     create power dynamics resulting in acquiescence
tings (e.g. individual, group male/female/mixed;         bias (Largent and Lynch, 2017). Barbour (2013)
Figures 2b, 2c). Additionally, the inputs of in-         offers three practical solutions: (i) not advertise
dividuals in group settings should be considered         payment; (ii) omit the amount being offered; or
independently to ensure all participants have an         (iii) offer non-financial incentives (e.g. products
equal say, regardless of their position within the       that are desirable but difficult to get in an area). The
group (Barry et al., 2008; Gallagher et al., 1993).      decision whether or not to remunerate should not
This helps to avoid social desirability bias in the      be based upon the researcher’s own ethical beliefs
data and is particularly important in various devel-     and resources, but instead by considering the spe-
oping contexts where stereotypical gender roles          cific context4 , interviewee expectations, precedents
are prominent (Hirmer, 2018). During interviews,         set by previous researchers, and local norms (Ham-
verbal information can be supplemented through           mett and Sporton, 2012). Representatives from
the observation of tone, cadence, gestures, and fa-      local organisations (such as NGOs or governmen-
cial expressions (Narayanasamy, 2009; Hess et al.,       tal authorities) may be able to offer advice.
2009), which could enrich the collected data with           3
                                                               Relying only on audio data recording may be risky: equip-
an additional layer of annotation.                       ment can fail or run out of battery (which is not easily reme-
   Working with multiple interviewers. Ar-               died in rural off-grid regions) and seasonal factors (as noise
guably, one of the biggest challenges in data col-       from rain on corrugated iron sheets, commonly used for roof-
                                                         ing in SSA) can make recordings inaudible (Hirmer, 2018)).
lection is ensuring consistency when working with            4
                                                               In rural Uganda, for example, politicians commonly en-
                                                         gage in vote buying by distributing gifts (Blattman et al., 2019)
     While participants’ photographing permission was    such as soap or alcohol. It is therefore considered an unruly
granted, photos were pixelised to protect identity.      form of remuneration and can only be avoided when known.

(a)                                    (b)                                 (c)

Figure 2: Collecting oral data in rural Uganda. 2a Priming effect (note the word “Energy” in the poster’s title and
the visual prompts differences between items). On the contrary, 2b and 2c show minimal priming; note also that
different demographics are separately interviewed (women group, single men) to avoid social desirability bias.

4.4   Post-interviewing                                    2020), artwork, speeches, or song could be used to
Here, we discuss practical strategies to mitigate          communicate findings. Not communicating find-
ethical issues surrounding the management and              ings may result in research fatigue as people in
stewardship of collected data.                             over-studied communities are no longer willing
                                                           to participate in data collection. This is common
   Anonymisation. To protect the participants’
                                                           “where repeated engagements do not lead to any
identity and data privacy, locations, proper names,
                                                           experience of change [...]” Clark (2008). Patel et al.
and culturally explicit aspects (such as tribe
                                                           (2020) offers practical guidance to minimise re-
names) of collected data should be made anony-
                                                           search fatigue by: (i) increasing transparency of
mous (Sweeney, 2000; Kirilova and Karcher, 2017).
                                                           research purpose at the beginning of the research,
This is particularly important in countries with se-
                                                           and (ii) engaging with gatekeeper or oversight bod-
curity issues and low levels of democracy.
                                                           ies to minimise number of engagements per partic-
   Safeguarding data. A primary responsibility of
                                                           ipant. Failure to restrict the number of times that
the researcher is to safeguard participants’ data
                                                           people are asked to participate in studies risks poor
(Kirilova and Karcher, 2017). In addition to
                                                           future participation (Patel et al., 2020) which can
anonymizing data, mechanisms for data manage-
                                                           also lead to sampling bias.
ment include in-place handling and storage of
data (UKRI, 2020a). Whatever data management
plan is adopted, it must be clearly articulated to
participants before the start of the interview (i.e. as     5   Conclusion
part of the consent process (Silverman, 2013)), as
was discussed in §4.2 (Verbalising consent).
   Withdrawing consent. Participants should                In this paper, we provided a first step towards defin-
have the ability to withdraw from research within          ing best practices in data collection in rural and
a specified time frame. This is known as with-             illiterate communities in Low-Income Countries
draw consent and is commonly done by phone or              to create globally representative corpora. We pro-
email (UKRI, 2020b). As people in rural illiterate         posed a comprehensive classification of sources
communities have limited means and technology              of bias and unethical practices that might arise in
access, a local phone number and contact details of        the data collection process, and discussed practical
a responsible person in the area should be provided        steps to minimise their negative effects. We hope
to facilitate withdraw consent.                            that this work will motivate NLP practitioners to
   Communication and research fatigue. While               include input from rural illiterate communities in
researchers frequently extract knowledge and data          their research, and facilitate smooth and respect-
from communities, only rarely are findings fed             ful interaction with communities during data col-
back to communities in a way that can be use-              lection. Importantly, despite the challenges that
ful to them. Whatever the research outcomes, re-           working in such contexts might bring, the effort to
searchers should share the results with participating      build substantial and high-quality corpora which
communities in an appropriate manner. In illiter-          represent this subset of the population can result in
ate communities, for instance, murals (Jimenez,            considerable SD outcomes.

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