Page created by Floyd Sandoval

                                                  Tel: 013-754-1600

    Thursday March 25, 2021

Nsikazi – your voice, your people                                       express
Page 3            Mrs Mpumalanga shows what hard work can do for success

                                                                                           BUILDING OF
                                                                                           NEW BRIDGE
                                                                                           TO COMMENCE                                    of the main bridge that was washed away
                                                                                           Mbekezeli Mbuli
                                                                                                                                          may take up to six months to finish and
                                                                                              TEKWANE SOUTH - A certifiably safe          this could prove disastrous for motorists
                                                                                           and reliable low bridge on the D2296 is        and the affected communities. “Our people
                                                                                           coming soon. So promised the City of           cannot afford to wait that long for the main
                                                                                           Mbombela Local Municipality.                   bridge to be constructed. Already they are
                                                                                              The bridge on this particular road,         frustrated that they have to pay more and
                                                                                           linking communities such as Tekwane            are always late for work, because the N4 is
                                                                                           South, Entokozweni and KaNyamazane,            also under construction. This bypass will
                                                                                           was damaged recently in the heavy rain         help us in many ways,” continued Ngala.
                                                                                           the Lowveld and parts of the province had        After these areas had been cut off
                                                                                           experienced.                                                            following the
                                                                                              These communities                                                    collapse of the main
                                                                                           have since been cut          ‘We have decided to speed up bridge, community
                                                                                           off, forcing motorists
                                                                                           to use the N4 to travel
                                                                                                                        the process and commence members           approached the
                                                                                           to Mbombela or other         with the construction soon to City for help with
                                                                                           destinations outside                                                    material to build a
                                                                                           their own areas.             allow these communities to                 temporary bypass
                                                                                              Confirming the
                                                                                           construction of the
                                                                                                                        travel    with ease’                       bridge.
                                                                                                                                                                     “The current
                                                                                           low bridge was the                                                      temporary bridge
                                                                                           council’s spokesperson, Joseph Ngala, who      was a community initiative and we could
                                                                                           exclusively told Lowvelder Express that        not stop them, because we understood
                                                                                           designs of the low bridge have already been    the pressure they were under. We helped
                                                                                           made and a tender process was under way.       them with material and a TLB to help
                                                                                              “It has always been our plan that we        put up a temporary bridge. But we said
                                                                                           must have a low bridge linking these           to them safety precautions should always
                                                                                           communities especially for instances like      be adhered to. Yes, we cannot take
 Shisaboy brings                                                                           these. And with the current situation, we      responsibility for the temporary bridge, but
 it home                                                                                   have decided to speed up the process and       our residents' safety is our concern. It is
                                                                                           commence with the construction soon to         for this reason that we would like to appeal
 Kwaito and house music sensation, Shisaboy, who recently clinched the 2020 Best           allow these communities to travel with         to motorists to be safe and always use that
 Music Video during the annual Mzansi Kwaito and House Music Awards, has finally           ease. This will also give a breather to        temporary bridge when it’s safe to cross.
 received his trophy. This talented muso took the industry by storm when his music video   the already overstretched N4. So, yes, a       But yes, the municipality is continuing with
 was voted the best by the public. Shisaboy outshone some of Mzansi’s musical darlings     bypass is coming and is coming very soon.      the bypass that will be safe and certified
 and heavyweights, such as Master KG feat. Zanda Zakuda and Makhadzi, Oskido feat.         Construction will start soon,” confirmed       for traffic use. And we will try as a City to
 Winnie Khumalo, Stiff Pap and GP MaOrange, to bring the award home. Shisaboy was          Ngala.                                         move with speed and finish the bypass in
 nominated for his music video, “Mele Kufe Bani”.                                             He also revealed that the construction      no time,” committed Ngala.
2        LOWVELDER EXPRESS - NEWS                                                                                                                                                                       Thursday March 25, 2021

 SAPS launch manhunt for murder suspect
  Mbekezeli Mbuli

   ZWELISHA - The provincial police have
 launched a manhunt for a suspect who had
 gunned down and killed a Fidelity guard
 during an attempted robbery near Pienaar last
   According to the provincial police
 spokesperson, Brig Leonard Hlathi, the guard
 and his colleague were escorting a truck
 from Clover for deliveries when they were
 approached by two unknown suspects.
   “The suspects, both armed with firearms,
 cornered both the passenger and driver's sides
 of the Fidelity vehicle, but one of the guards
 reacted swiftly and shot one of them.
   "The other suspect retaliated and shot the
 guard on the passenger's side before fleeing.
 All role players were summoned to the
 scene, where both the guard and suspect were
 certified dead,” explained Hlathi.
   He went on to state that preliminary
 investigations revealed that the vehicle
 belonged to the deceased suspect's parents,
 and it was later found abandoned near
 KaBokweni SAPS.
   “We would like to appeal to the public for
 anyone with information that may lead to the
 arrest of the remaining suspect to contact
 Det Capt Vusimuzi Thobela on 082-469-1956
 or call the Crime Stop Number on 08600-
 10111,” appealed Hlathi.                                                                                                                                                                           Brig Leonard Hlathi.

                                                                                                               Escapee sentenced to three years,
                                                                                                               other charges to be trialled later
                                                                                                                 BUSHBUCKRIDGE - The Nelspruit
                                                                                                               Regional Court sentenced Norman
                                                                                                               Sylvester Mokoena, also known as
                                                                                                               "Dallas" (23), to three years' direct
                                                                                                               imprisonment on Wednesday March 17
                                                                                                               for escaping from lawful custody.
                                                                                                                 Mokoena was circulated as a most
                                                                                                               wanted suspect on July 8 for escaping
                                                                                                               from lawful custody at the Calcutta
                                                                                                               Magistrate’s Court's holding cells on
                                                                                                               November 5, 2019, after he had been
                                                                                                               denied bail for a series of armed robbery
                                                                                                               and murder cases. Mokoena's crimes spree
                                                                                                               was committed in Marite, Bushbuckridge
                                                                                                               where he had targeted delivery trucks.
                                                                                                                 He had been on the run from the
                                                                                                               police since, until he was rearrested by
                                                                                                               members of the Mpumalanga Directorate
                                                                                                               for Priority Crime Investigation, Tactical
                                                                                                               Response Team and Crime Intelligence
                                                                                                               on August 20 in Bushbuckridge. Upon
                                                                                                               his arrest, the accused was found in
                                                                                                               possession of unlicensed firearms and
                                                                                                                 Mokoena had appeared in the Mhala
                                                                                                               Magistrate’s Court on several occasions                    Norman Sylvester Mokoena.
                                                                                                               for a chain of armed robberies and
                                                                                                               escaping from police custody. He pleaded                   and a case of unlawful possession of an
                                                                                                               guilty on the charge of escaping from                      unlicensed firearm against him pending in
                                                                                                               lawful custody on March 10, hence his                      court, which are scheduled for trial at the
                                                                                                               sentence on March 17.                                      Mbombela High Court between May 31 and
                                                                                                                 The accused still has a murder case                      June 11.



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Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                                                 NEWS - LOWVELDER EXPRESS        3

Mrs Mpumalanga shows
what hard work can do
Thobile Mlangeni                              education as if she is somebody who has
                                              a doctorate. Our dad was an all-in-one
   MBOMBELA - A 35-year-old beauty            person. There was nothing that could be
with brains, an engineering technologist,     done by hand that he would fail to do. He
the runner-up to Mrs Mpumalanga 2021,         would always say let your hands work for
Ntombi Ngobese, has taken over as the         you, which helped me and my sisters in all
reigning Mrs Mpumalanga from Cindy            types of jobs. My parents taught us how to
Bezuidenhout.                                 be strong and to focus on our goals and be
   Lowvelder Express (LVX) brings you         determined to achieve. Laziness was not
an exclusive interview with the newly         part of the lessons I learned from them.
crowned beauty queen.                            LVX: What may the province
   LVX: Congratulations! Will you tell us     expect from you as the reigning
more about yourself?                          Mrs Mpumalanga?
   Ntombi Ngobese: I am married to               Ntombi Ngobese: I will continue to
Musawenkosi Ngobese. We are blessed           give back through outreach programmes,
with a son who is seven years old. I am       career guidance and motivation of
the fourth daughter of SP and Grace           learners. I will continue being a voice of
Mahatlani. I am a qualified chemical          hope and advocate for issues like gender-
engineering technologist, currently           based violence. I will collect and give
employed as a manager in the power            clothes to schools through my Spring
industry. My further studies include a        Clean My Wardrobe project. I will also
BTech in chemical engineering, business       support young scientists with their projects
management, supply chain and logistics,       and any provide other generic support that
and project management. I am currently        is needed.
busy with my postgraduate diploma with           LVX: How do you spend your spare
Regenesys.                                    time?
   LVX: What is the reason behind your           Ntombi Ngobese: I don’t have spare
success?                                      time, every minute counts and I create
   Ntombi Ngobese: I was not born into        time for the things I am passionate about.
a wealthy family; the reason behind my           LVX: What are your future plans?
success is the fact that I have wealthy          Ntombi Ngobese: I see myself owning
brains.                                       a non-profit organisation that will look
   LVX: What is your motto?                   at two things: Rehabilitation for the
   Ntombi Ngobese: It is simple, if you       persons suffering from substance abuse
think big you will receive or achieve big     and bursary funding for less privileged
things in life. I want young people to look   students.
at me and see possibilities.
   LVX: Who is your role model and from        Entries for Mrs Mpumalanga 2021 and
where do you draw your inspiration?            the provincial MS have been extended
   Ntombi Ngobese: I always looked             to April 20. For details, follow Mrs
up to my parents. My mom never had a           Mpumalanga on Facebook.
qualification from school, but she values                                                    The new Mrs Mpumalanga 2021, Ntombi Ngobese. > Photo: Alexri Photography

4       LOWVELDER EXPRESS - NEWS                                                                                                                                   Thursday March 25, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                       Below are tributes
                                                                                                                                                                       shared on social

                                                                                                                                                                       The late Trompies

                                                                                                                                                              SBU COLBY KANTULI

                                                                                                                                                 Ride on, leadership. Wherever you are,
                                                                                                                                                 may you always have the sun on your
                                                                                                                                                 back. Death is the last chapter in time, but
The late Trompies Matsane.                                                                                                                       the first chapter in eternity. Rest in peace.

Bikers mourn the death of
                                                                                                                                                 Ngwato mfo kaMatsane.

president Trompies Matsane                                                                      and sisterhood, which is what biking is all
Thobile Mlangeni
                                                                                                about, loving and supporting one another
  MBOMBELA - Tributes are pouring in                                                            and the community. He promoted the spirit
for a well-known biker, Thabo "Trompies"                                                        of ubuntu and respect for one another. He
Matsane, the president of Sun Riders                                                            was also a perfectionist in everything he
Motorcycle Club and the deputy chairperson                                                      did,” said Dhlamini.                             NTOMBI EUGENIA
of the Africa Bikers Council.                                                                     In honour of Matsane’s charity events,
  His sudden death was announced by the                                                         bikers from various clubs in the country,        Rest in perfect peace, cousin. You will
club on its Facebook page on March 20.                                                          hosted a surprise birthday celebration           forever be missed.
  He would have been 45 on May 16.                                                              on March 21 for one of their fans and
  “We are saddened to announce the                                                              supporters, Mathapelo Patricia Nkambule, a
passing away of our president, our member,                                                      heart condition and kidney failure survivor
our brother, our mentor, our soldier, our                                                       in Elukwatini.
leader, Thabo 'Trompies' Matsane. We are        Bikers rode in honour of Trompies Matsane         They also rode to pay homage to
speechless, because it was too sudden. One      over the weekend.                               Matsane’s family in Alexandria Trust,
minute you are talking to him, planning a                                                       Bushbuckridge, on the same day.
charity event, the next minute you get a call   belonged to all of us,” read the Sun Riders       Matsane’s memorial service will be held at
that he is no more.                             Facebook page.                                  Emjindini Stadium today at 10:00.
  “We have all lost a leader and a brother.       Mabandla "Hlubi" Dhlamini, spokes-              He will be laid to rest at his home village
As much as he was a Matsane, he was also        person for the club, said Matsane would be      after a funeral service at the sports ground
for Sun Riders MCC, for Bikerville, for         remembered as a unifier with a giving spirit.   behind Alexandria Primary School on
the community, for charity, for ubuntu. He        “He promoted the spirit of brotherhood        Saturday. The funeral service starts at 07:00.
                                                                                                                                                         PEARL MANDISA NKAMBULE

                                                                                                                                                 This feels so unreal. Yoh.

                                                                                                                                                 LUCIA BUSISIWE MNGOMAM

                                                                                                                                                 Eish, it is painful that he won’t see that
                                                                                                                                                 charity event as he was also in a planning
                                                                                                                                                 team. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

                                                                                                                                                       INNOCENT LETHUXOLO SIMILO

                                                                                                                                                 May the president’s soul rest in peace.
Thursday March 25, 2021 		   LOWVELDER EXPRESS         5
6          LOWVELDER EXPRESS - COMMUNITY                                                                                      Thursday March 25, 2021

    Fisokuhle needs your help to donate toiletries to boys
                                                            Thobile Mlangeni

                                                               KANYAMAZANE - Fisokuhle
                                                            Magagula (24) is one of the top 15
                                                            finalists of Mr Mpumalanga 2021.
                                                               He aims to be the next handsome man
                                                            in the province.
                                                               One of his build-up projects is his
                                                            Help a Boy with Toiletries Campaign.
                                                            He will be collecting toiletries to
                                                            distribute to needy boys around his
                                                               “They always say cleanliness is next
                                                            to godliness. It important that boys love
                                                            their bodies and take care of theirs from
                                                            a young age,” he said.
                                                               He asked anyone willing to help
                                                            to donate toiletries, toothbrushes,
                                                            toothpaste, roll-on deodorants, body
                                                            sprays, body lotions and facecloths.
                                                               Magagula hopes to use various
                                                            platforms to motivate, educate and
                                                            inspire young people in the province to
                                                            pursue their dreams regardless of their
                                                               “Provided I win this pageant, I am
                                                            sure I will bring a new sense of what
                                                            it means to have beauty with heart and
                                                            brains. A lot of people think pageants
                                                            are about beauty, but there is more to
                                                            pageants than that. We stand to educate,
                                                            innovate and we are the voice of our
                                                            communities,” he said.
                                                               He is pursuing a diploma in supply
                                                            chain management at the Tshwane
                                                            University of Technology.
                                                               To help him win the public choice
                                                            category and to secure a spot in the top
                                                            5 finalists, send an SMS with ABMF18
                                                            to 40439.
                                                               For more details, contact Magagula
                                                            on 076-059-1848.                            Fisokuhle Magagula.

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Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                                      COMMUNITY - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                                 7

Ligwalagwala FM makes some changes for the better
                          Mbekezeli Mbuli                                   changes to the programme line-up mainly                  Hlengiwe Sindane, who has a long
                                                                            on the midday and graveyard shows this                career in radio, will drive the midday
                             MBOMBELA - Late-night radio will               year. In the pipeline is a couple of presenter        show, with The Prince as her producer,
                          never be the same again.                          shifts aimed at bringing some flair to the            and together they are tasked with
                             The SABC-owned siSwati broadcasting            on-air offering of Mpumalanga’s leading               bringing fresh and innovative content
                          station, Ligwalagwala FM, made some               radio station.                                        ideas to serve the needs and interests of
                          changes to its line-up, introducing                 Introduced changes will see Sweet Mike              consumers.
                          automated programming for the graveyard           bidding farewell to the midday show                      The station has had to release the
                          shift.                                            (12:00-15:00) and heading to the Hit                  midnight duo Afrotellus after a nine-year
                             “We are repackaging the brand in line          Parade on Saturdays from 07:00                        stint with the station.
                          with operational cost containment measures        to 09:00.                                                Ligwalagwala FM turns 39 on
                          to attain financial sustainability. The past        He will also continue doing what he does            April 1, and according to Madubandlela
                          year has been hard globally due to the            best; serenading audiences with soulful               interesting programming and on-air
                          Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on               sounds every Sunday between 12:00                     prizes will celebrate this landmark in the
                          businesses; the station is no exception,          and 15:00.                                            growth of the siSwati station.
                          hence the basis for rationing some time
                          channels and exploring automation for the
                          first time. This will definitely not impact                                                                                                   Advertorial
                          our on-air delivery; listeners can still rely

                                                                             You’re approaching
                          on the station for credible content, news
                          and everything entertainment,” said Thembi
                          Madubandlela, Ligwalagwala FM's acting

                                                                             retirement… now what?
                          station manager.
                             It has become the norm that radio
                          reinvents itself continuously, hence the
                          changes implemented in April every year.
                                                                                Every person is different, with needs and           or a living annuity.
                                                                             challenges unique to their circumstances and             Often, combining two or more of these options
                              The station’s listeners can                    lifestyle.
                                                                                This is especially true when facing retirement.
                                                                                                                                    will provide a more sustainable outcome for
                                                                                                                                    the client.
                              expect some changes to                         Those working in the public sector have a choice
                                                                             to either retire in the Government Employees
                                                                                                                                      The choice of solution, or combination of
                                                                                                                                    solutions, will depend on the needs of the client,
                              the programme line-up                          Pension Fund (GEPF) and receive a pension
                                                                             (depending on years of service), or to resign, in
                                                                                                                                    whether that be the ability to leave a legacy, the
                                                                                                                                    flexibility to change income level, tax efficiency or
                              mainly on the midday and                       which case they leave the Fund and take their
                                                                             benefit in cash or transfer their benefit to an
                                                                                                                                    even further growth of the capital amount. There
                                                                                                                                    is a solution to suit everyone, but by far the most
                              graveyard shows                                approved private retirement fund.                      important consideration is to focus on retirement
                                                                                There are many options and selecting the right      income stream management to ensure the client
                                                                             vehicle for one’s needs is not an easy decision.       has a dignified retirement.
                            The shift to automation has necessitated         We therefore urge fund members to obtain advice
                          an adjustment to the lengths on some shows         before making a decision.                               Please contact Catalyst BlueStar Financial
                                                                                                                                     Advisory Services on 013-880-0061 or visit
                          (00:00-04:00 on weekdays and 00:00-05:00           What are the options?                                   our offices at Shop 3, Pinnacle Building,
                          on weekends).                                       As stated previously, fund members in the              1 Parkin Street, Nelspruit, to discuss your
                            “Listeners may, however, rest assured            public sector have the option to remain within the      pre- and post-retirement plan or needs.
                          that daytime slots will retain their duration      Government Employees Pension Fund.
                          and show names,” added Madubandlela.                They can also choose a private retirement fund         Glacier Financial Solutions and Sanlam
                            The station’s listeners can expect some          and once they retire from it, they can select an        Life Insurance are licensed financial
                                                                             annuity solution such as a guaranteed life annuity      service providers.
Sweet Mike.


8 			                                                                                                                                                                                                  Thursday March 25, 2021

Delicious street food to make your mouth water
                                                                                                                                                                                 Thobile Mlangeni
                                                                                                                                                                                    WHITE RIVER - Serving scrumptious
                                                                                                                                                                                 meals with a smile is what Rose
                                                                                                                                                                                 Malwane does.
                                                                                                                                                                                    After years of looking for employment
                                                                                                                                                                                 and not being lucky enough to secure
                                                                                                                                                                                 herself a dream job, she started her own
                                                                                                                                                                                 business. The energetic woman, in her early
                                                                                                                                                                                 30s, started by saving part of the money
                                                                                                                                                                                 she received from the government’s child
                                                                                                                                                                                 grant. Bit by bit she finally opened her
                                                                                                                                                                                 small kitchen behind the White River taxi
                                                                                                                                                                                 rank, adjacent to the main road to the bus
                                                                                                                                                                                    Malwane comes from Mkhuhlu. She
                                                                                                                                                                                 commutes every day from her home village
                                                                                                                                                                                 to White River where she runs her small
                                                                                                                                                                                     “I cannot afford to pay rent, because
                                                                                                                                                                                 I still need to look after my children at
                                                                                                                                                                                 home and save as much as I can for their
                                                                                                                                                                                 well-being. I use the Buscor bus, the fares
                                                                                                                                                                                 of which are a bit lower than taxis. I buy
                                                                                                                                                                                 weekly tickets and I wake up before 04:00
                                                                                                                                                                                 every day, prepare meals for my family, and
                                                                                                                                                                                 catch the early bus to come here,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Working for myself is far better than
                                                                                                                                                                                 doing nothing. I am glad for the support I
                                                                                                                                                                                 receive from people working around town,”
                                                                                                                                                                                 she said.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Malwane prepares mouth-watering
                                                                                                                                                                                 roasted beef, pork and chicken. She also
                                                                                                                                                                                 cooks cow's head, pap, pasta and a variety
                                                                                                                                                                                 of salads.
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Nothing beats dedication and preparing
                                                                                                                                                                                 your meals with love and serving your
                                                                                                                                                                                 clients in a clean environment,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                                    She urges unemployed women to buy
                                                                                                                                                                                 and resell anything they can to afford to
                                                                                                                                                                                 make a living. Her dream is to own a decent
Rose Malwane preparing her meals.                                                                                                                                                restaurant and create more job opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                 for the unemployed youth.


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Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                               NEWS - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                  9

                                                               Graduate a prime example
                                                               of a future in agriculture
                                                               Mbekezeli Mbuli                            a vision to create job opportunities
                                                                                                          to the youth of Middelplaas and
                                                                  MBOMBELA - The Ehlanzeni TVET           surroundings.” he said.
                                                               College continues to bridge the gap           Zulu said he chose to study primary
                                                               and address the skills shortage in South   agriculture because of his passion for
                                                               Africa as mandated by government.          farming.
                                                                  According to the college’s                 The qualification has prepared him
                                                               spokesperson, Mxolisi Nzimande, the        in his career to the point where he has
                                                               provision of quality education and a       established himself as a powerhouse
                                                               conducive learning environment has         businessman. He said he gained his
                                                               become the stepping stone to producing     experience when practical classes were
                                                               skilled graduates who would actively       conducted while he was a student at
                                                               take part in the development of the        Mthimba campus.
                                                               country’s economy.                            “I chose primary agriculture because
                                                                  “I want to believe that we are on the   I realised it had a lot of opportunities
                                                               right track to fulfilling our mandate      in the industry. However, it only
                                                               as an institution. Take a look at one of   requires a hard-working, dedicated
                                                               our campuses, Mthimba, which offers        and committed individual to become
                                                               education and training in green produce    successful, especially in the business
                                                               and livestock farming. This campus         sector,” said Zulu.
                                                               is known as a ‘mother institution of          He also mentioned that as an
                                                               agriculture’ and is also accredited        infant in the poultry business he
                                                               and working closely with AgriSETA.         looks up to other young successful
                                                               It has given birth to so many local        commercial farmers who he reads
                                                               agricultural enterprises which in turn     about in magazines and newspapers for
                                                               continue to supply their livestock and     inspiration. Zulu went on to share that
                                                               crop products to the entire community      the college has empowered students
                                                               of South Africa,” said Nzimande.           by providing relevant study materials
                                                                  He said one notable graduate            and quality equipment for practical
                                                               from the Mthimba campus is Lucky           skills and that made learning easy
                                                               Zulu who graduated in 2020. He             for them.
                                                               established his own poultry enterprise,       His long-term goal is to grow
                                                               Maswembane Chicken Farm, in                Maswembane Chicken Farm to supply
                                                               Middelplaas, Nkomazi.                      supermarkets in Mpumalanga and
                                                                  Zulu completed his qualification in     create employment opportunities to
                                                               primary agriculture level 4.               more young people while contributing
                                                                  “We sell broiler meat and live          positively to the country’s economy. He
                                                               chickens to local and neighbouring         further advised the youth to start saving
                                                               communities and other small                in order to generate income by starting
                                                               enterprises. This idea came after having   small enterprises.
Ehlanzeni TVET College graduate and businessman, Lucky Zulu.
10      LOWVELDER EXPRESS - OPINION                                                                                                                                 Thursday March 25, 2021

 We’ve got mail
An Easter attitude a new start to your life
 Bishop Mduduzi Khoza writes:                    the world that He gave His only begotten       phenomenon., the earth shook, the sun hid
                                                 son that whosoever believeth in Him should     and gross darkness enveloped the world, the
   It is that time once again in the year that   not perish, but have everlasting life.” When   dead also bowed to His death, when tombs
we all should “hold on a sec”, and pay           I was still inundated with innocence as a      opened and the dead was raised.
homage and reverential respect and worship       child, this verse made very little meaning,       With the benefit of being a child of God
to the one and only Christ our king and          but as I grew and became sinfully aware and and the written word, I now know that the
most importantly, my lord and saviour.           active I started realising the deadly toxicity single thing that kept my King going, was
Friends, ladies and gentlemen well over two      and power of sin, no matter how nice it may    His love for His own brothers. The Bible
thousand years ago, the greatest universal       look, and its deception. I also noticed the    says Christ is the first born and we are His
engineer and architect of all physicalities      helplessness of those caught and bound by      brothers through salvation. Ask me what
and all spiritualities, the greatest redeemer    it. Needless to say that man before the devil  thoughts were racing in His mind and my
of redeemers, faced the greatest trial that      is paralysed and cannot redeem himself from answer will be “my people, my brothers”,
ever was in the history of physical existence.   the clutches of eternal damnation and demise i.e you and me when He thought of you and
We have seen and appreciated the trials          that are consequences                                                   me, the whippings
of perpetrators of brutality regarding the       of sin in man’s life.                                                   were nothing, the
Nazi holocaust, most recently we have               Easter then becomes         With the benefit of being a cross was nothing,
seen the much-hyped trial of one of South        such an opportunity            child of God, I now know                 Calvary was nothing,
Africa’s political luminaries. In all trials     for all of us to not                                                    the thorny crown was
we have seen there are common threads            only walk the journey          that the single thing that               nothing. You and I       transformed and put on the King’s highway
that run through them all. The threads are       that began when the                                                                              is the very writer of this article, myself,
the high probabilities and perceptions of        treacherous Judas              kept my King going, was His kept              Him going. Oh,
                                                                                                                         how I love Jesus, how    Mduduzi Khoza. When I seriously ponder
the accuser’s possibility to have sinned or      Iscariot betrayed our          love for His own brothers                I love Him.              on Jesus, tears roll down my cheeks in
transgressed., the second thread is that the     master, but more                                                           There is nothing as   humble adoration and surrender in the
accused is always allowed the privilege of       importantly to ponder                                                   beautiful as knowing     presence of His greatest favour and love I
legal representation. Jesus Christ faced the     on the results and everlasting spin-offs that  that anything that Jesus touched, any place       have never received from anybody before. I
most ruthless of a trial without any defence     came as a result of His suffering and death.   which Jesus used, anyone to whom Jesus            cannot understand why a poor, weak, failure
whatsoever. Have you ever paused to reflect      An undertaking of that journey with Christ     talked never remained the same thereafter.        and sinner like myself came to be found
on the exact charge that Jesus was facing        carrying a cross which would be used to        He came in contact with a dead Lazarus and        meritorious of His love and salvation.
on the cross? It was “love”. It was God’s        crucify Him, will surely never leave you       left him alive, He came to the cross and left        Thank God for Jesus, thank God I am
indescribable love that drove Him to be          with feelings and internal self-reflections    it the most famous symbol of all times the        saved, thank God for the bible, thank God
degraded and humiliated long before the          of innocence and petty self-righteousness.     world over, His body laid in an old rocky         for the church, thank God for all of you
cross, the humiliation of God demoting           As often as I have done it, friends, it has    and rough tomb and it has since become            because I know that one of these days you
himself voluntarily to a disgusting human        always left me conscious of my sinful nature the world’s greatest tourist attraction of all      shall open your hearts to this gentle giant
birth.                                           and my loudest plea for His great salvation.   in the Holy land. The little dusty footpaths      and be wondrously saved. May I ask all of
   Love is the single greatest force that        The journey with Jesus to the cross may        that He walked on, every Christian dreams         my beloved readers to make up your mind
keeps the sun shining, the planet spinning,      perhaps reflect one of the world’s darkest     of walking on this, He stood before Pilate        and consider starting a relationship with
and the sky not falling. I have discovered       times when the created rose in revolt and      and Pilate was changed over night. Surely         Jesus and choose to go to a church that
that it is possible to give without love, but    rebellion against the creator. It is the most  anything that Jesus comes across never            honestly and truly preaches the kingdom
it is certainly impossible to love without       darkest moment indeed, because nature itself remained the same. The last person I                of God and always desire to live lives that
giving. John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved       couldn’t be spared the horror of this terrible know who met Jesus and was completely             bring pleasure to God.


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      Jock of the Bushveld Shopping Centre
             General St, Barberton,
Thursday March 25, 2021                                                                                       COMMUNITY- LOWVELDER EXPRESS   11

Eddie Bhila of Touch a Million and Nathi Buthelezi of Vulindlela Secondary School.

Touch a Million launches                                                                            Join SA’s
                                                                                                 biggest online
chess club programme                                                                             treasure hunt.
Bridget Mpande                                  equipment that included 10 chess sets
                                                (pieces and boards) per school, 10 manuals
  KABOKWENI - Touch a Million recently          and one demonstration chessboard with
launched its Dream Kids after-school chess      magnetic pieces.”
programme at Emtfonjeni Combined School.           Mthunzi Primary School, Bongamlambho
  Eddie Bhila, the recreational coordinator     Primary School, Gutjwa Primary School,
of Touch a Million, said, “There are            Maphakama Primary School, Emtfonjeni
10 schools in the KaBokweni area that           Combined School, Sabane Secondary
benefit from this initiative. They received     School, Vulindlela Secondary School,
                                                Khumbula Secondary School, Sibhulo
                                                Secondary School and Zikodze Secondary
                                                School are participating in this fun-filled
                                                learning initiative.
                                                   During the launch school representatives
                                                were present for the equipment handover.
                                                   Bhila said the programme’s aim is to
                                                create an environment that is conducive to
                                                learning and development within our local
                                                   “This is with regard to both personal and
                                                academic development. This is why we
                                                chose to start by introducing chess clubs
                                                as it is one of the few sports known to help
                                                improve cognitive development in kids that
                                                is necessary for both personal and academic
                                                development,” he explained.
                                                   Bhila said the Touch a Million Chess
                                                Clubs League will begin in June.
                                                   “All 10 schools will compete for exciting
                                                prizes as a way to keep the kids interested
                                                and engaged. For this purpose, Touch a
Eddie Bhila of Touch a Million and Gugu         Million will hire five chess coaches to train
Mashego of Gutjwa Primary School.               the children.”

     No to                                                                                      Solve the riddle.
 gender-based                                                                                   Search for the property.
                                                                                                Stand a chance to win weekly
 Break the                                                                                      prizes worth R5000 each
                                                                                                18 Jan -
                                                                                                9 Apr 2021

                                                                                                Play now at
  Phone GRIP:                                                                         
 12 			                                                                                                                                                         Thursday March 25, 2021

Lowveld Walkers                                Shongwe leads crime-busting spree
pick up speed                                  Mbekezeli Mbuli                              possession of firearm, to public drinking      14 liquor outlets and taverns in the area to
                                                                                            and many of the taverns and shebeens had       ensure compliance while enhancing law-
Bridget Mpande                                   MBOMBELA - The joint operation             been disregarding the National Disaster        enforcement visibility.
                                               that was led by Mpumalanga MEC for           Regulations for Covid-19 with regard to           The Overall Friday was a campaign
   WHITE RIVER - Lowveld Walkers had           community safety, security and liaison,      social distancing, wearing of face masks and   that was launched by Shongwe when he
its first-ever competitive walk on Saturday.   Vusi Shongwe, last Friday saw several        sanitisation.                                  had previously been at the helm of this
   The group started walking from the          people being arrested for offences ranging     The operation saw the police and traffic     department.
Sasol filling station outside White River      from driving under the influence, illegal    officers coming together to patrol and visit      "Police must not service crime because
out on the road to Sabie. The walk was                                                                                                     our communities deserve to live in peace.
titled the "Noluntu Challenge".                                                                                                            The SAPS must be respected by all because
   Tumelo Sedibe won this event and                                                                                                        they are prime protectors of communities,"
received a trophy and R500. Simangaliso                                                                                                    he said.
Mnisi took second place and Noluntu                                                                                                           This operation was aimed at promoting
Madonsela was in third place. This makes                                                                                                   law-enforcement visibility and also
her the first woman to complete the race                                                                                                   enhancing working together of various
the challenge was named after.                                                                                                             stakeholders within crime prevention and
   According to Joseph Mashaba, founder                                                                                                    security departments (JCPS) in order to
of Lowveld Walkers: "Noluntu is one of                                                                                                     reduce crime and road crashes.
our fastest walkers and she is a woman.                                                                                                       The programme was implemented in
For this reason we decided to challenge                                                                                                    targeted areas on specific weekends.
everyone to take her on while breaking                                                                                                        Shongwe said the programme will go
away from the whole thing of gender                                                                                                        a long way towards ensuring that law-
stereotypes. With the gender-based                                                                                                         enforcement officers are respected by all
violence issues in the country, we wanted                                                                                                  communities.
to show the world that at Lowveld Walkers                                                                                                     He expressed unhappiness about the
we value women. We want everyone to                                                                                                        growing disrespect towards the police and
know that women are capable of doing                                                                                                       traffic officers by many people. He has also
anything and everything.”                                                                                                                  called on law enforcers to do their work
   The upcoming walk on March 27 will be                                                                                                   without fear or favour to bring wanted
a normal walk and not a competitive event.                                                                                                 suspects to book.
   “We will rest on Easter weekend. This                                                                                                      The MEC warned the police not to be
allows people to go to church or visit their                                                                                               friendly with criminals because if they are
loved ones. We will resume on April 10                                                                                                     associated with shady characters, they will
and the group’s competition will be on                                                                                                     not be respected in their communities.
April 17,” Mashaba said.                                                                                                                      He has called for the return of the tactical
   The group still adheres to lockdown                                                                                                     response team saying the unit was key
regulations to curb the spread of Covid-19.                                                                                                towards securing communities and dealing
“Due to Covid-19 regulations, we have                                                                                                      with crime especially in areas identified as
had to scrap our traditions of holding                                                                                                     hotspots.
hands in a circle and sharing water                                                                                                           "We all have a role to play to protect one
bottles.”                                                                                                                                  another from Covid-19. This includes liquor
   Visit Lowveld Walkers on Facebook or                                                                                                    traders and those who visit taverns must
contact Mashaba on 076-444-2343.                                                                                                           comply with the regulations," concluded
                                               MEC Vusi Shongwe during an operation.
Thursday March 25, 2021 		   LOWVELDER EXPRESS   13
14 			                                                                                                                 Thursday March 25, 2021

                                    Pictured is Miss Mpumalanga, Nontokozo Ngwenya with members of Team Bomba. > Photo: Mbekezeli Mbuli

                                    Team Bomba take to the road
                                    The province witnessed the official launch of Mpumalanga’s newly established
                                    cycling club, Team Bomba. This took place at KaNyamazane on Saturday and
                                    saw throngs of riders from across the province taking part and confirming their
                                    membership. Lowvelder Express captured some of the moments.
Thursday March 25, 2021 		   LOWVELDER EXPRESS   15
Thursday March 25, 2021

                 up for next clash
Rockets to power
     Mbekezeli Mbuli

        Despite going down 2-0 at home this past
     Saturday, at the hands of relegation-bound
     Maritzburg United, TS Galaxy are still in
     eighth position on the DStv Premiership
        The Rockets are tied on points with Cape
     Town City which are in seventh place.
        They both have 26 points after 20 games.
        Hard on their tails are Kaizer Chiefs
     which sprung a surprise win over Orlando
     Pirates on Sunday afternoon to book a spot
     in ninth place on the table with 23 points.
        To remain and cement their place within
     the top eight, Galaxy will need to collect
     maximum points in their next outing
     against Bloemfontein Celtic.
        The two will tussle on Sunday April 4 at
     the Dr Petrus Molemela Stadium.
        Tim Sukazi’s boys will also have to pray
     that Cape Town City’s train gets derailed.
     City will also be in action on Saturday
     April 3 where they take on the
     unpredictable Baroka at Cape Town
        Kaizer Chiefs will be in action on
     Tuesday April 6 against Stellenbosch at
     FNB Stadium.
        “We can’t drop the ball now. We
     must not drop it at all,” said Galaxy’s
     spokesperson, Mini Mkhize.
        He said they will have to fight, not just
     for them, but for the entire province.
        “This team represents the entire
     Mpumalanga’s soccer-loving people and
     we dare not fail them. We will certainly go
     back to the drawing board and start afresh.
     I am sure that the coach will use this short
     break to prepare the boys to keep up with
     the pressure,” he continued.
        With the season slowly reaching its
     climax, every point counts and every game
     matters. Mkhize promised his team will
     fight till the end.

                                                              Fares Hachi and Bathusi Aubaas. Photo: Backpagepics
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