Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester

Page created by Jared Cannon
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
ISSUE 29 - Spring 2021

Brunswick Village is here!
Brunswick Village, the all-new                                There is also a roof-top garden area with
Extra care development is now                                 stunning views over the Manchester
complete and residents will start                             skyline, for residents to enjoy and maybe
to move in from next month.                                   grow a plant or two to put their own
The one and two-bedroom apartments                            stamp on it.
for the over 55’s, feature a fully fitted                     Brunswick Village is located at
kitchen, flooring throughout, audio/                          50 Brunswick Street, M13 9PE.
video intercom entry system, easy access
bathrooms, with fabulous views and most                       And great news…there are still
have a balcony.                                               apartments available, so why not apply
                                                              now to reserve your place.
The ground floor has on-site facilities
such as a bistro, Day Care centre, hair                       For more information or an application
salon, electric scooter storage area,                         form, visit the S4B website. You can also
laundry room and community areas.                             give us a call 0300 555 0128 or email
(Subject to Government guidelines on COVID19 restrictions).
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
Covid-19 vaccinations started
          REGISTER                                                                                    locally in January at the Vallance
                TO VOTE                  4                                                            Health Centre on Brunswick
     to get on the electoral                                                                          Street. Your GP will contact you
     register, or to change your                                                                      when it’s your turn.
                                                        RENT                                          Sadie Renner, aged 66, a tenant from Elizabeth Yarwood

                                                        INCREASE -
     You need to be on the electoral register to                                                      Court is pictured here receiving her Vaccine.
     vote in elections or referendums.
                                                                                                      She said: “I was a bit hesitant, but it didn’t hurt and I’ve
     The deadline for registering to vote
     in the 6 May elections is 11.59pm on                                                             had no symptoms”.
     19 April 2021.
                                                                                                      The Buzz Manchester website has lots of useful information
     To register (in England) you must be one of        From April 2021, rent prices                  and can answer any questions or concerns you may have.
     the following:                                     will increase by 1.5%.
        16 or over                                      The rent increase is vital for us to
        a British citizen                               continue to manage and maintain               Or contact local health worker Carlos Tait on 07305 828 029.
                                                        homes in Brunswick and support the
        an Irish or EU citizen living in the UK         neighbourhood.
       a Commonwealth citizen who has                   The new charge offers the best value for
       permission to enter or stay in the UK,           money possible and accurately reflects the
       or who does not need permission
     You only need to register once - not for
                                                        services which customers benefit from.
                                                        We have made it clear what services
                                                                                                                           IS HERE FOR YOU
     every election. You’ll need to register again      customers are being charged for and how
     if you’ve changed your name, address or            much they cost.                               The Budget announced on Wednesday 3 March, set out the Government plan
     nationality.                                                                                     for the first steps in economic recovery.
                                                        If you pay by direct debit you will receive
     Register online                                    a letter advising of the increase in direct   Lots of the temporary measures put in place          If you are struggling to make your rent                       debit payments.                               during the pandemic are now extended until           payments, it’s vital you let us know as soon as
     It usually takes about 5 minutes.                  For more information, please get in touch.    at least the summer, including the furlough          you can so we can work with you to set up
                                                                                                      scheme and universal credit uplift.                  an arrangement.
                                                                                                      It is clear that tough times are ahead for           The worst thing you can do is to stop making
                                                                                                      many of our customers and we will be there           payments and not speak to us.
                HANDS                    FACE                SPACE                   FRESH AIR        to help them through it all.
                                                                                                                                                           If you would like to speak to someone about
                                                                                                      S4B will work with any customer struggling           your money or your rent payments, our
                                                                                                      to pay rent to make this manageable in the           Income & Financial Inclusion team is here to
         2m      KEEP YOUR                                                                            long term.                                           help. Please contact us.
                 DISTANCE                            VENTILATE                       KEEP A LOG
                                                                                                      We offer one-to-one advice and support               If you have any questions please do get in
                                                                                                      on topics including access to benefits and           touch with us on 0300 555 0128,
                 KEEP WASHING                 !      STAY ALERT                      STAY SAFE        managing household budgets.                          Email or visit
                 YOUR HANDS                                                                                                                                the website

02                                                                                                                                                                                                           03
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
CELEBRATING                                                                                  Chorlton-on-Medlock
                                                                                                  Allotment Society (COMAS)
     THE HISTORY OF                                                                               have donated raised beds to
     GARTSIDE GARDENS                                                                             be placed at the end of the new
                                                                                                  Boulevard and by Elizabeth
     It’s 200-years since Rusholme Road                                                           Yarwood Court on Kincardine
     Cemetery was established in 1821                                                             Road, to help keep
     on a four-and-a-half-acre plot of                                                            the lanes pedestrianised with
     land then called Cock Meadow.                                                                safety in mind for the public.
                                                                                                  They will also look lovely!
     By 1880 it was no longer a viable
     business however, it struggled on
     until 1921 before finally closing.

                                                 Today we have the wonderful park,
                                                 a beautiful space for all to enjoy. Play
                                                 areas, green space, sports pitches and of                At the allotment,
                                                                                                                       oject is well
                                                 course the peace tree standing proudly            the electricity pr
                                                 next to the bee carving - a space to sit                              MAS hope to
                                                 and reflect.                                     underway, and CO te soon,                  Orchard Comm
                                                                                                    have a switch on                        have been provi
                                                                                                                                                              unity Food Bed
       Gartside Gardens Today                    It’s unlikely the fun-day will take place               so watch th spac
                                                                                                                      is      e.                               ded by COMAS
                                                                                                                                            to encourage fo
                                                                                                                         ing mains                            od to be grown
                                                 again this year due to the pandemic, but           The project will br tment               and eaten loca
     The site then became Gartside                                                                                       allo
                                                 fingers crossed we can look forward to it
                                                                                                     electricity to the                    The planting b
     Gardens public park in 1954, named          again next year. Even without the event                                ng additional
                                                                                                   portacabin meani                        using recycled
                                                                                                                                                            eds were made
     after John Henry Gartside who, on his       we can hope for a lovely summer so we                                  holders such
                                                                                                    benefits for plot                     building sites ar
                                                                                                                                                            boards from
     death, bequeathed £33,000 towards           can all get out and enjoy the park in the                               r making a
     Manchester’s public parks.                  fresh air.                                          as lighting and fo all that          The soil was pro
                                                                                                                                                             ound the area.
                                                                                                     nice cup of tea af                   grant from the
                                                                                                                                                             vided using a
     As part of the Brunswick PFI regeneration   So why not get down there, you could                          hard work!                                  Co-operative
     project, an archaeological investigation                                                                                             Bank DirectPlu
                                                 even take a picnic to make a day of it!                    COMAS also plan              fruit (raspberri
                                                                                                                                                           s Fund, and the
     was carried out by Oxford Archaeology                                                                                     ity
     in 2014 to determine if any buried                                                                    to hold commun                and rhubarb) re
                                                                                                                                                          es, strawberries
     remains would be disturbed by                                                                        events so the light            the gardens beh
                                                                                                                                                           covered from
                                                                                                                         lu ab le.
     development works.                                           Don
                                                                            Plea                            will be inva                                    ind Elizabeth
                                                           Don          ’t be se...                                                     Yarwood Court
                                                                ’t for          a litt
                                                                      g               er bu                                             It is hoped that
     It was found any remains would not                           for uet, it’s a           g!                                                            ah
     be disturbed but also that most of the               Plea
                                                                se re
                                                                        s a ll      publ
                                                                               to en ic sp                                              be possible this arvest might
                                                                      sp               joy. ace                                                            year.
     graveyard had been removed, estimated              Use         eachect the p
                                                                           othe       a
     to be in the 1950s.                                    th
                                                         your e bins p           r. rk and
                                                               litter rovid
                                                                      hom ed or
                                                                           e wit
     Contact Friends of Gartside Gardens to                     Tha
                                                                     nk y          h yo take               For more information, dates of the event or if you are interested
                                                                           ou.           u.
     get involved in the park activities.                                                                  in joining COMAS, visit, send an email to
     Email:                                                                   or telephone 07587 672 937.
04                                                                                                                                                                               05
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
                                                                                            Apartments to rent for the over 55’s...
                                                                                                 Plan of a typical one bed apartment

                                                                                                                                                                          STUDY /                                  LIVING
                                                                                                                                                                        HOBBY ROOM                                  AREA

                                                                                                            BEDROOM 1

                                                                                                                   KN O C K O UT PAN EL
                                                                                                                   FO R FUTURE HO IST




                                                                                                                                                                                                        3 x 10 litre

                                                                                                                                                         LST radiator


                                                                     NOW!                        Plan of a typical two bed apartment

About Brunswick Village

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BEDROOM 1

Brunswick Village has a

                                             There are 60, one and two-bedroom                                 BEDROOM 2

                                             self-contained apartments at Brunswick                                                                                                                                                                                “I am going
dedicated team based on-site,                Village which have:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to have a new
designed to cater for a variety
                                                                                                               KN O C K O UT PAN EL
                                                                                                               FO R FUTURE HO IST

                                                 Fully fitted high specification kitchens

                                             •                                                                                                                                                                                                                  lease of life and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3 x 10 litre

of needs for older people.


                                                  ounge with balcony (in most
                                                 L                                                                                                                                                                           KITCHEN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  beautiful new

                                                                                                                                          LST radiator


And although there will be a support
                                                                                                                                                                                                           DROP-LEAF TABLE

team available, not everyone living at            hoice of views of the city centre,
                                                 C                                             For actual dimensions or more                                                                                                                                         friends”
the scheme needs to have any specific            gardens and allotments, the Brunswick         information visit our webiste.

health needs.                                    neighbourhood and more
You may need very little or no support       •   Audio/video intercom access
but safe in the knowledge the care
                                             •   Pull cord alarms

team will be on hand to help you if your
personal needs ever change without               Easy access bathrooms
having to move home.
                                             •   Flooring fitted throughout

You will have everything you need all under one roof, never having to leave for
anything if you do not wish to.

                                                                                                             For further information visit the S4B website or contact the S4B on 0300 555 0128.
06                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  07
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
Moisture                                            IMPORTANT!
                                                                                                           Produced in

                                             Positive              Steps
                                             with you every step of the way
                                                                                                           your Home.
                                                                                                           Everyday activities add extra moisture

                                                                                                           to the air inside our homes. Even our
                                                                                                           breathing adds some moisture (remember

                                                                                                           breathing on cold windows and mirrors to
                                                                                                           fog them up?).
                                                                                                           To give you some idea as to how much
                                                                                                           extra water this could be in a day, here are
                                                                                                           a few examples, imagine the pints as milk
                                                                                                                                                          Resident property
                                                                                                           bottles.                                       alterations
                                                                                                                                                          If you want to make any alterations
                                                                                                           2 people at home for 16 hours
                                                                                                                                                          to your property, you can only do so
                                                                                                           = 3 pints                                      with prior permission of S4B.
                                                                                                           A bath or shower                               Please get in touch if you would like
                                                                                                           = 2 pints                                      to make any alterations to your home,
                                                                                                                                                          such as:
     Refurbishment Project                                      Church Community                           Drying clothes indoors                            Laminate flooring
                                                                                                                                                             Wi-fi controlled heating such as
     Brunswick Church is pleased to                             Garden Consultation                        = 9 pints
                                                                                                                                                             Nest or Hive
     announce that, with the help of grants                     As part of refurb the Church wants to      Cooking and use of a kettle                       External decorations or structures
     funders including Sport England, they                      create a garden in the area between                                                          in garden
     will be able to start building work                        the worship room and the Rectory,          = 6 pints
     on phase one of their refurbishment                        where the two lovely trees are, and                                                       Email your request to:
     project in the next few months.                            opposite Brunswick Village, the all-       Washing dishes                       
     The aim of the project is to improve the                   new Extra Care development.                = 2 pints
                                                                                                                                                          Any consent will be provided in
     building, particularly the hall, for its role                                                                                                        writing to residents.
                                                                A consultation is taking place to find
     in serving the local community through                     out what people would like to see in       Bottled gas heater (8 hours use)
     Positive Steps, Brunswick Beestro, M13                     this garden and how they would like to
     Youth Project and more.                                    see it used.
                                                                                                           = 4 pints
                                                                                                                                                          Know your Councillors
     They are now less than 10% away from the                   Visit the website and fill in the online   Total Moisture added in one day                     Tina Hewitson - Tel: 0161 237 1805.
     total needed to complete the project. If you               voting form -                              = 26 pints or 14.8 litres.                
     would like to donate, no matter how small,       
     to help them reach their goal please get in                refurb-garden.                             The simplest way to help reduce                     Bernard Priest - Tel: 0161 740 8407.
     touch with the church.                                                                                condensation in your home is good         
                                                                                                           ventilation, so open a window whenever
                                                                                                           possible to keep the air circulating                Amna Abdullatif - Tel: 07971 384 539.
     Visit or email                                                                         
                                                                                                           especially while cooking for example.
08                                                                                                                                                                                                      09
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
Bin collection
                                                                          day in
                                                                      Brunswick is          Famous woman of Brunswick
                                                                      every Friday.
                                                                                            ELLEN CICELY
                                  Help keep Brunswick tidy                                  WILKINSON
 Take your wheelie bin out for                    S4B caretakers work to keep all the
                                                                                            8 October 1891 - 6 February 1947
 collection when it’s due, and bring              communal spaces clean and tidy so         There are blue plaques at the site              By 1915 Ellen was the first national
 it in again afterwards to avoid                  please show you care by placing all       of Ellen’s birthplace in Balsam                 women’s organizer for the Amalgamated
 being a hazard and to prevent it                 items in the bin chute or recycling.      Close, Brunswick M13 9UL and                    Union of Co-operative Employees (later
 from being taken.                                                                                                                          USDAW).
                                                  Don’t place hot items in the bin chute,   at the Quadrangle in Manchester
 It costs £25 to replace your bin if it is        e.g. smoking materials, hot embers or     University (M13 9PL) where a                    After briefly serving on Manchester City
 taken so please store it safely.                 hot oil - Wait until it has cooled.       building is also named in her                   Council, Ellen was Labour MP first for
                                                  #loveyourcaretaker                        honour.                                         Middlesbrough East and subsequently
 Say NO to fly-tipping                                                                                                                      for Jarrow.
                                                  #proudofbrunswick                         Ellen, a Stateswoman and Cabinet
 Don’t overfill your wheelie bins or                                                        Minister, was born at 41 Coral Street the       She led the famous march in 1936 to
 leave loose rubbish around them.                                                           site now known as Balsam Close and was          London and became a prolific writer and
                                                  Recycle, recycle, recycle!                a pupil at Ardwick Higher Elementary            journalist. During the Second World War,
 If you have a communal bin chute:                Details of what can and cannot be         Grade School on Hyde Road (M12 6BA),            Ellen served as a junior minister.
 Make sure everything goes down the               recycled can be found on the website      before attending Manchester University.
                                                  or please get in touch for a copy of                                                      In 1945 she became Minister of
 bin chute and don’t leave any items                                                        She graduated in 1913 and became                Education, succeeding in raising the
 on the floor.                                    our leaflet.
                                                                                            involved in the suffrage movement.              school leaving age from 14 to 15.

     Keep your garden tidy                                                                  We’ll meet again, we do know where
     A reminder that if you have a garden, it is your                                       and we do know when...
     responsibility to keep it clean, tidy and well                                         Residents at Elizabeth Yarwood Court will soon be moving
     maintained, with grass cut as required.                                                to the new development, Brunswick Village, just after Easter.
     To help you, S4B offer a FREE garden tool hire service.                                To mark the occasion, an Afternoon Tea and Song event
     (add) If you cannot manage your own garden, S4B                                        was organised by scheme manager, Donna Shaw.
     offer a concessionary gardening service for elderly                                    A beautiful selection of popular classics was sung by
     or disabled customers with no family support.                                          entertainer, Kim Carroll, all in aid of the Alzheimer’s society.
     T: 0300 555 0128 or call into the                                                      Even the sun made an appearance so residents could enjoy
     S4B housing office to find out more.                                                   their goodie boxes or sandwiches, savouries and cakes all
     To apply please contact S4B Housing office to                                          made by Donna.
     complete the application form for 2021.                                                A truly fitting event to mark the end of an era.

10                                                                                                                                                                                     11
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
Easter Bank Holiday 2021
Closed                                        High-rise blocks and
Good Friday - 2nd April                       maisonettes
Easter Monday - 5th April                     Issues at high-rise or maisonettes -
For any emergency repairs during this time,   24-hour emergency service.
please call 0300 555 0128 (24 hours).         Tel Bridgewater Security on 07921 215 361.
For any ASB or Domestic Violence
                                              Emergency repairs
Emergencies, please call 999/101 in the
                                              Please continue to use the 24-hour contact
first instance.
                                              number: Tel: 0300 555 0128 (select option 2).
To report any issues on the demolition
sites, new build homes construction sites,    Smell gas?
or unauthorised person(s) on a building       If you smell gas or think there may be a
site during the Easter period,                gas leak (anytime). Contact National Grid
please tel: 0300 555 0128 24-hour line        immediately on 0800 111 999.
(select option 1).

                   DON’T FORGET! -                                     DON’T FORGET!
                   KEEP UP TO DATE WITH THE                                 Face
                   LATEST INFORMATION BY                                   Space
                   FOLLOWING US ON SOCIAL MEDIA             

               0300 555 0128
                                                                   0300 555 0128
                                                                    0300 555 0128
                                                                             0300 555 0128
                                                                             0300 555 0128
                                                   0300 555 0128
                      0300 555 0128

S4B Housing Office (by appointment only)                           FOLLOW US ON
15 Brunswick Street Manchester M13 9SU
T: 0300 555 0128 E:
Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester Brunswick Village is here! - S4B Manchester
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