Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online

Page created by David Estrada
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
Bronxville Senior Citizens
                                  Community is Ageless
                                                   JULY 2021

Dear Friends,

Many thanks to all of our members for your continued support and participation in the activities of the Bronxville
Senior Citizens. A special thank you to Liz Delgado, BSC Board President and all those who served on the BSC
board this year. Membership renewal letters were sent out in June. Many thanks to all who have renewed their
membership. If you have not yet renewed, it's not too late! Please mail in your completed membership form and
dues. Your dues help to subsidize the costs of the following:
• Fees for program instructors
• Special lecturers/programs
• Luncheon entertainment and decorations
• Website and Zoom
• Newsletter postage, telephone, office supplies etc.

The Bronxville Senior Citizens value your participation and depend on your support. Although our programs
will be continuing on zoom until further notice, it is our hope that we will be able to resume in-person programs
at the Reformed Church in the near future. We will continue with Zoom programs in July. There will be no pro-
grams during the month of August as the Bronxville Senior Citizens is closed during the month of August.

The Senior Citizens Council has made the determination that proof of vaccination
will be required to attend in-person programs in the Fall. When programs resume,
participants will be asked to present their vaccination card or NYS Vaccine Passport
with dates of vaccination. Further details on reopening will be shared once we re-
ceive confirmation from the Reformed Church. We hope to have more specific in-
formation to share by September about our reopening plans.

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

All the best,

                   Mary Walsh Roche, MS, OTR/L, Director
          914-844-5120 (office cell)
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
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    Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Bronxville Senior Citizens, Bronxville, NY 03-1096
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
Tuesdays                                                                 Thursdays
9:30-10:30am                       ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE           10:00-11:00am
Bridge with Robin (Zoom)          REMOTE AND TAKE PLACE           Tai Chi Meditation with
Tues. July 6, 13, 20, 27                 ON ZOOM.                 Norma (Zoom)
                                                                  Thurs. July 1, 8, 15, 22,
************************        Join in and connect with friends. 29
10:00-11:00am                     Announcements will be made *******************
Trivia with TSC (Zoom)              about upcoming programs.      11:45-12:30pm
Tues. July 6, 13, 20, 27                                          Exercise with Diane
                                If you do not have email access, (Zoom)
************************          but would like to access some Thurs. July 1, 8, 15, 22,
11:45-12:30pm                      sessions using a telephone,    29
Exercise with Diane             please call 914-844-5120 and we *******************
(Zoom)                                   can assist you.          1:00-2:00pm
Tues. July 6, 13, 20, 27            Hope to see you on Zoom!      Literature Group with
                                                                  Mary (Zoom)
************************                                          Thurs. July 1, 8, 15, 22,
1:15-2:15pm                                                       29
Art Class with Maggie
(Zoom)                                                                   *******************
Tues. July 13, 20, 27                                                    1:00-2:30pm
                                                                         BINGO with TSC
***********************                                                  Thurs. July 1, 8, 15, 22,
3:00-4:00 pm                                                             29
Chair Tai Chi With
Domingo (Zoom)                           Tuesday, July 6 -               *******************
Tues. July 6, 13, 20, 27                   2:15-3:00pm                   2:45-3:45pm
*************************                American Big Band               Yoga with Sue Wellott
                                         Singalong (Zoom)                Thurs. July 1, 8, 15, 22,

                                  SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL
      The SCC is our umbrella organization and a member of the Community Fund, which supports
         our bridge, Tai Chi, and exercise programs. For more about the Council
         and its mission, you may contact Council Co-Chairs Sheila Landsberg or
         Linda Nagle. For more information check out
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
JUST FOR LAUGHS                                              The Bronxville Senior Citizens Board
Vet’s Die-agnosis
                                                                   July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
A lady took her pet duck into the vet’s office. After
examining the duck, the vet said, “I’m sorry, but your                 President Liz Delgado
duck is dead.”                                                     Asst. to President Anne Kelty
                                                                    Vice President Mary Smith
The woman became upset and pleaded, “Are there                        Treasurer Cathy Hurley
any more tests you can do to make sure it is definitely         Asst. Treasurer Gloria Montenero
dead?”                                                     Co-Corres. Secys Nancy Moore, Patricia Merle
The vet left the room and came back with a black               Recording Secretary Susanne Servin
Labrador, who sniffed the duck, put one paw on the         Co-Nom. Chairs Gail McCarthy, Nora Gorman
duck’s chest, and then walked out of the surgery unin-    Members at Large Gail McCarthy, Teresa Frawley,
terested.                                                                  Rita Fitzpatrick

The vet left the room again and returned with a cat        Many thanks to those who served on the BSC Board last
that also sniffed the duck, put one paw on the duck’s              year and welcome to those members
                                                                        new to the board this year.
chest, meowed, and then jumped down from the ex-
amination table bored.
                                                          Friendly Callers!
The vet went over to his computer, pressed a few          If you are interested in receiving a call, contact the
keys, and handed the woman his bill.                      office at 914-844-5120 and we will pass your name
                                                          along to one of our friendly callers.
She looked at it and asked him in disbelief, “Your
charges are a bit steep, aren’t they?”
The vet retorted, “If you’d accepted my first die-
agnosis, my fee would have only been $75.00. But
with a lab-report and a cat-scan it came to $220.00.”

Ticket Collection
                                                          Gloria’s Corner...Inspirational Quotes shared by
Jasper was speeding along the interstate highway          Gloria Montenero
when he was pulled over by a state trooper. The of-
ficer wrote out the ticket and handed it to him.          A song isn’t a song unless you sing it
                                                          A bell isn’t a bell until you ring it
“What am I supposed to do with this?” grumbled Jas-       A Love of the heart doesn’t stay
per, as the policeman handed him a speeding ticket.        until you give it away.
“Keep it,” said the officer. “When you collect four of
them, you get a bicycle.”                                                         ***
©LPi                                                      “How do you spell love?”
                                                          “You don’t spell it,
                                                           You feel it.”,
                                                                       A.A.Milne, Winnie the Pooh.

        Start getting your art works ready!               For the benefit of the roses,
                                                          We water the thorns as well.
The Speeders 55+ Art Show has been rescheduled for
October 2021. Please stay tuned for updates.
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
Contact Duane Budelier
    to place an ad today!
   or (800) 950-9952 x2525

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Bronxville Senior Citizens, Bronxville, NY 03-1096
Bronxville Senior Citizens - Community is Ageless - Parishes Online
BRONXVILLE SENIOR CITIZENS                                           NON-PROFIT ORG
C/O THE REFORMED CHURCH                                              US POSTAGE
180 PONDFIELD ROAD                                                        PAID
                                                                     WHITE PLAINS NY
PO BOX 397                                                           PERMIT NO 7191

   The Bronxville Senior Citizens will offer Zoom programs during the month of July.
         The Bronxville Senior Citizens will be closed for the month of August.
  Programs will resume on Zoom on Thursday, September 9th. At that time we hope to
                   have further information about reopening to share.
                Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful summer!
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