British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October

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British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October

British Airways moves
Accra-London flights from
Heathrow to Gatwick
By Dominick Andoh

                                                            PAGE 02

'It is a crime to                                            New essay
charge patrons                                               series to explore
in dollars'                                                  innovative
– Ghana Hotels                                               ways in Africa’s
Association                                                  recovery
                                                                         PAGE 04
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
 British Airways moves Accra-London
 flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October

 AviationGhana’s online booking search                                                               The returned results of the search

                                        from Heathrow to London Gatwick.    passengers.                              January 20, 2021, received a letter
                                        Due to operational reasons, our          The Ministry of Aviation in a       from BA dated January 14 seeking to
By Dominick Andoh                  Accra services will now revert to   press release issued on Tuesday, Jan     explain the rationale behind the
                                        departing /arriving from London     19, 2021 said the: “The Ministry in a    business decision. However, the
       assengers travelling from
                                        Heathrow until end of October. We   letter to the BA Authorities, rejected   Ministry of Aviation rejected the
       Accra to London should
                                        apologise for any disruption or     the changes and categorically            explanation and demanded BA
       expect to land at London
                                        confusion this may cause,” the      informed British Airways that ‘for       reverses the decision. BA then
Gatwick airport instead of
                                        circular noted.                     the avoidance of doubt, we are           temporarily suspended the switch
Heathrow effective end of October.
                                                                            unable to accept the change in the       from Heathrow to Gatwick in
Passengers departing London for
                                            Background                      London-Accra-London            flights    March.
Accra must also originate their
                                            About a month ago, British      originating from Gatwick Airport.’”
travel from Gatwick.
                                        Airways announced that effective          Ghana’s Aviation Ministry on
    This follows British Airways’
                                        March 28, 2021, its
resolve to move the London-Accra-
London flights from Heathrow to
                                        London flights will
Gatwick at the end of October 2021,
                                        operate      out    of
despite suspending the change in
                                        Gatwick       Airport
airport for the Ghana market few
                                        instead of Heathrow.
weeks ago.
                                            The      Aviation
    The change in airport has
                                        Ministry, which was
already been effected on the airline’s
                                        not notified of the
online booking system.
                                        decision, then called
                                        for a meeting with
    AviationGhana’s Accra-London-
                                        the airline to discuss
Accra booking on British Airways,
                                        the issue and to
departing on October 31 and
                                        make clear their
returning on November 10, 2021,
                                        decision to object to
returned results that showed the
                                        such      a    change
arriving airport as Gatwick and
                                        coming on the back
returning airport as Gatwick. This
                                        of what the Ministry
confirms a circular by BA issued few
                                        described as similar
weeks ago confirming the change.
                                        unilateral decisions
                                        taken by the airline
    “Last December you would have
                                        in the past which
received an email advising you that
                                        were unfavourable to
your Accra booking had moved
                                        Ghanaian                                                                               Details of the flight
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
New essay series to explore innovative
ways in Africa’s COVID-19 recovery
                                                                                  Velde, Director of Programme at            “Innovation lies at the heart of
                                                                                  the International Economic             Africa’s recovery,” said Rob Floyd,
                                                                                  Development Group at ODI. “And         ACET Director and Senior
                                                                                  that’s on top of chronic challenges    Advisor, and co-editor of the
                                                                                  like the need for high-quality jobs    essays along with te Velde. “We’re
                                                                                  and inclusive growth. African          already seeing it. Digital
                                                                                  countries will need to put             technologies are helping to
                                                                                  increased emphasis on innovation       mitigate economic losses across
                                                                                  to create a fast and more resilient    sectors by creating new jobs,
                                                                                  recovery.”                             diversifying production, boosting
                                                                                                                         productivity, increasing access to
                                                                                      The essays provide practical,      finance and revolutionizing health
                                                                                  high-level policy                      care. The essays will bring all this
                                                                                  recommendations as to how              together as countries look to what
                                                                                  governments might pursue more          comes next.”

                                                                                  innovative approaches—for
                                                                                  example by emphasizing the role            The first four essays will be
                                                                                  of digitalization and putting in       published today, March 22 on
                                                                                  place ecosystems for innovation.       ACET’s web site
         he African Center for             on different sectors or issue areas                                            ( They
         Economic Transformation           in which innovation and                     COVID-19 has led to severe        cover challenges and opportunities
         (ACET) and the                    technology have made a notable         socioeconomic consequences in          in the African innovation
  Development and Economic                 impact during the pandemic. They       Africa, and the pandemic is far        ecosystem; the role of digital
  Growth Research Programme                identify ways in which innovation      from over. Even as countries           technologies in African labor
  (DEGRP), in partnership with             can contribute to more effective        continue to prioritize the             markets; the impact of innovation
  ODI, are launching a new series          policy responses by building on        immediate health and safety of         on youth, employment and skills;
  of short, policy-focused essays to       recent successes and tackling          citizens, government leaders and       and the ways innovation can foster
  examine the critical role of             existing problems.                     development partners are focused       a more inclusive recovery for small
  innovation in Africa’s recovery                                                 on Africa’s economic recovery. A       and medium enterprises and the
  from COVID-19.                               “The recovery in Africa will be    strong and sustainable rebound         informal sector.
                                           more difficult than in other             after the crisis ends is critical to
     Authored by policy experts            regions, given the lack of access to   recapturing lost gains and keeping        ACET and DEGRP plan to
  and researchers from ACET,               fiscal resources and uneven health      Africa on a transformation track.      publish at least a dozen essays
  DEGRP and ODI, the essays focus          systems,” said Dirk Willem te                                                 between now and August.

'It is a crime to charge patrons in

dollars' – Ghana Hotels Association
         reater           Accra    recovery of the Tourism
         Regional Chair of         industry amidst COVID-19’,
         the Ghana Hotels          Mr. Afunya said their stance
Association,         Benjamin      in is line with the Bank of
Afunya, has maintained that        Ghana’s directives for hotels
hotels across the country do       not to charge in dollars.
not quote their rates or charge        He said despite the fact
patrons in dollars.                that the directive is troubling
    According to him, it is a      to the association, because
crime for hotels in the            they procure some services to
country to charge patrons in       run their businesses in
any foreign currency for           dollars, they will always
services rendered.                 abide by the central bank’s
    “We do not charge or           directive.
quote in dollars but we only           “This     directive     has
charge patrons in cedis. It is a   worried us because some of
crime to do that and if you        the things we buy to run our
visit any hotel and you’re         hotels are sold to us in
billed in dollars, you can         dollars. The unstable nature
report them to the police,” he     of the cedi also affects us but
said.                              everyone should know that
    Speaking on Accra-based        we are still charging our
Happy 98.9FM on the theme:         customers in cedis”.
‘COVID-19 a year on; The
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
Diversity crucial to the industry restart

     ATA’s 25by2025 initiative will     top priority despite aviation’s               25by2025 isn’t prescriptive so     prepare the next level of women
     be the key enabler. An             struggle for survival.                   has inbuilt flexibility to allow         pilots and technicians as well as
     industry-wide diversity and            “There have even been                airlines to decide their own targets    senior leaders. Enlarging the pool
inclusion project, 25by2025 aims        approaches by non-airline aviation       by setting a target of 25%, or a 25%    of talent available will be crucial to
to increase the number of women         companies and by those that are          improvement on their existing           improving diversity levels.
in senior positions by either 25%       already beyond 25% female                situation. One airline is focused on         And legislation must be
against currently reported metrics      representation but that want to          getting more males working in the       brought up to date in all countries
or to a minimum representation          move toward parity,” says                cabin, for example. The individual      to ensure parity of pay, maternity
of 25% by 2025.                         Hoskisson.                               targets are then aggregated by          and paternity leave, and flexible
     The project is designed to be                                               IATA to determine the overall           working conditions. In the United
encouraging rather than punitive,           The heart of travel                  success of the project.                 Kingdom, where reporting is
hence the realistic targets.                Diversity and inclusion are               Every quarter, representatives     mandatory, aviation has been
Organizations could lose interest if    essential to the industry’s recovery     from all signatories will come          shown to have large pay gaps with
they deem a goal unachievable.          as the search for talent must be         together to share best practice and     men paid more than women in
     But that doesn’t mean the          broad in its scope.                      discuss ideas for improving             comparable positions.
industry can relax in its diversity         Also, as travel, tourism and         collaboration and promoting the              The pandemic has actually
efforts, says Hoskisson.                 aviation restarts, women will be at      issue at CEO level.                     proven helpful in one respect as
     “Women pilots represent about      the heart of travel decisions for             “It is about creating a            working from home has brought a
6%-9% of total pilots,” she says. “It   families and personally. One of the      community and giving diversity          greater understanding of the need
seems we’ve heard a lot more            biggest emerging markets is solo         officials the opportunity to meet         for flexibility. But there is nothing
about female pilots recently but        travel and women continue to             and talk with each other,” says         like a legal requirement to focus
actually that figure has been pretty     travel on their own more than            Hoskisson. “That hasn’t happened        business strategy.
consistent since 1945. We won’t get     men. Aviation must therefore             before.”                                     “IATA’s 25by2025 is more than
to 25% by 2025 because we know          develop products and services that            IATA will also work internally     merely getting women at the top
the pipeline takes some time to         accurately reflect their customers        to improve its diversity levels. It     table,” concludes Hoskisson. “It is
build, but we can move towards a        and having female representation         plans female representation on all      about collaboration to get more
more ambitious target.                  at all levels of the organization will   panels at conferences, for example,     talent in the industry. It is about
     “And female airline CEOs are       aid that quest.                          and even aims to ensure 25%             raising the bar for everybody. The
newsworthy simply because they              A recent McKinsey report,            female representation on its            industry recovery will be stronger
are female and so few and far           Women Matter, states that                various committees. Accordingly,        if diversity is embedded across the
between. That shouldn’t be the          “companies where women are               IATA is asking all airlines to          aviation value chain.”
case.”                                  most strongly represented at board       consider diversity when
     Nevertheless, the strong           or top-management level are also         nominating people to IATA                   “The industry restart is an
response to 25by2025 shows the          the companies that perform best.”        committees.                             opportunity for aviation to build
industry’s determination to do              Furthermore, aviation needs to            Already, the number of female      back better with diversity at its
better. So far, 57 signatories have     reflect the diversity it connects         senior leaders and directors in the     core,” Jane Hoskisson, IATA’s
committed to the initiative. Even       across the world. The nature of the      association has increased from 16%      Director, Talent, Learning,
during the pandemic interest in         industry, the business of freedom,       to 22%.                                 Engagement and Diversity.
25by2025 has continued to grow          necessarily dictates a diverse and             Raising the bar
and Malaysia Airlines is the latest     inclusive culture.                            Two elements will be critical to
to join. For Hoskisson, this is a                                                the future success of the initiative.
sure sign that diversity remains a          Good to talk                         Training will be essential to
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October

Trying To Get Into China Amid
A Global Pandemic

                                                                                 reported more than 101,000 Covid         government has presented the rule
                                                                                 cases. Although questions have           as an easing of its visa application
 By Sui-Lee Wee and Keith Bradsher

                                                                                 been raised about the accuracy of        procedures. But it does not help
        o keep the virus out, Beijing   trade partners are emerging from         the numbers, they are far lower than     travelers from countries like the
        has enacted some of the         their own self-imposed slumps.           in the United States, where 29.8         United States where Chinese
        world’s toughest border             “When it comes to measures           million people have tested positive      vaccines are not available.
controls. Lives have been upended,      that draconian, you are going to         for the virus. China’s strategy              “It’s kind of a Catch-22,” said
and business has been disrupted.        disenfranchise people who are big        reflects its strengths as well as its     Jeff Jolly, who has been stuck in the
    Leave your partner and children     China fans and are not allowed to        weaknesses.                              United States since July after leaving
behind. Quarantine for up to a          return to the country they have              China was the only major             Shanghai, where he runs a language
month. Get inoculated with a            made their home,” said Alexander         economy to grow last year. It knows      training center and academic
Covid-19 vaccine from China, if you     Style, the British owner of a            businesses will find a way to keep        consultancy.
can find one. And prepare yourself       Shanghai-based company that              their Chinese operations running,            In a statement, China’s foreign
for an anal swab.                       makes electric vehicle parts for         with or without expatriates, and it is   ministry said: “We believe this is a
    For the past year, people trying    export, who has been forced to           betting that they will come back         meaningful         exploration      of
to go to China have run into some of    relocate with his family to New          when the pandemic eases. At the          facilitating international travel once
the world’s most formidable             Jersey.                                  same time, China’s restrictions          mass      vaccination     has     been
barriers to entry. To stop the              Other countries have their own       highlight the inadequacies of its        achieved.”
coronavirus, China bans tourists        travel restrictions, though few are as   vaccine rollout, which has been slow         As deadlier and more infectious
and short-term business travelers       tight. The United States, for            compared to those of the United          virus variants appeared in other
outright, and it sets tough standards   example, bans foreigners traveling       States, Britain and other countries      countries in recent months, China
for all other foreigners, even those    directly from China unless they are          Foreign executives think China       introduced         onerous        new
who have lived there for years.         green card holders or certain            is likely to be one of the last          requirements.
    The restrictions have hampered      immediate family members of              countries in the world to fully              At the end of last year, it
the operations of many companies,       American citizens. It also bans          reopen, perhaps as late as next year,    essentially stopped allowing anyone
separated families and upended the      foreigners leaving from Europe, as       after the Beijing Winter Olympics in     to bring a spouse or child into the
lives of thousands of international     well as Brazil and other countries.      February. China’s restrictions will      country. Since January, travelers
students. Global companies say              Australia lets in just a few         mean significant delays in building       arriving in Beijing from countries
their ranks of foreign workers in the   hundred of its citizens and              large factories or winning sales         with severe outbreaks have had to
country have dwindled sharply.          permanent residents each day,            orders, according to business            endure weekly anal swab tests while
    At a time of strained tensions      while Japan has barred the entry of      groups.                                  in quarantine, with fecal material
with the United States and other        foreign workers and students since           In recent days, Chinese              tested for traces of the virus. The
countries, China is keeping itself      late December.                           embassies in at least 50 countries       measure prompted indignant
safe from the pandemic. At the same         In China, officials regard travel      have said that foreigners wanting to     complaints from the United States
time, it risks further isolating its    limits as crucial to their success in    enter China could avoid some visa        and Japan.
economy, the world’s second-            containing the virus. Since the          paperwork by taking a Chinese-
largest, at a moment when its major     outbreak started, China has              made Covid-19 vaccine. The

                                                                                                                                    CONTINUE ON PAGE 9
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
Trying To Get Into China Amid A Global Pandemic
                                                                                the southwestern Chinese city of        job as the China director of a

                                                                                Chengdu, said he had tried taking       marketing and strategy company
 By Sui-Lee Wee and Keith Bradsher

                                                                                his lessons online since being shut     that helps foreign brands sell in
 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7                                                          out of the country early last year.     China.
       ast month, the government       China’s re-entry policy “treats all      But he had to rent space to do so,          In     late   September,       the
       announced that foreign and      foreign personnel equally, and there     because there is no electricity or      government announced that people
       Chinese travelers coming        is    no    so-called      differential   internet access at his family’s home,   with expired residence permits
from more than two dozen               treatment.”                              280 miles from the capital, Addis       could return to China after applying
countries would have to do two             China’s restrictions have been       Ababa.                                  for a visa. Ms. Astbury Allen rushed
weeks of employer-supervised           compounded by decisions on visas             Mr. Tafese says he cannot find a     to apply for one in October. But by
quarantine overseas before they        and entry requirements that can          job, because he has no degree, and      the time she reached a visa center,
were even allowed to fly to China.      seem arbitrary to those trying to        is relying on his father’s small        the rules had already changed.
Then, after landing, they were         return.                                  income to support himself.                  China announced on Nov. 4 that
expected to spend two more weeks           Glyn Wise, who had been                  “All this made me depressed,”       it would temporarily suspend the
at      a     government-managed       teaching English literature at an        Mr. Tafese wrote in an email.           entry of foreigners from Britain,
quarantine facility.                   international school in Shanghai,            China’s tough restrictions,         even if they had visas or valid
    The number of foreign business     was able to get a work visa from the     including its recent ban on             residence permits. It described the
managers in China has slumped. A       Chinese Embassy in London in             dependents, have also exacted an        move as a “temporary response” as
survey of 191 businesses in southern   October. But the agency that helped      emotional toll on some families who     cases of Covid-19 surged in Britain.
China by the American Chamber of       prepare his application told him         have been forced to live apart for          The situation has left Ms.
Commerce found that 70 percent         later that Chinese border officials        months, in some cases more than a       Astbury          Allen        feeling
had fewer than five expatriate          would not acknowledge the visa.          year.                                   overwhelmed. She worries most
employees in China at the end of           “A lot of the times they would           In February of last year, Jessie    about the trauma this separation is
last year, compared to 33 percent a    change the rules about who they          Astbury Allen took her two young        inflicting on her daughters.
year earlier. The proportion of        were accepting,” Mr. Wise said. He       daughters to England to wait out the        Her 12-year-old, Livia, became
companies with no expatriates had      said he was looking for job              outbreak as it swept across China,      depressed and hid under her
surged to 28 percent, from 9 percent   opportunities outside China.             hoping they would reunite with her      blanket, refusing to come out of her
a year earlier.                            But many others are still            husband in Shanghai by Easter.          room for three days. When Mae, her
    Mr. Style, the owner of the        hopeful, and some have organized             It was a plan she would come to     usually cheerful 7-year-old, saw her
electric vehicle parts company, said   campaigns on social media to draw        regret.                                 mother crying last month, she
that the Chinese visa process now      attention to their plight.                   “I knew in my gut we were           became very upset and emotional,
favored big companies that                 Nearly 13,000 international          doing the wrong thing, but it was       Ms. Astbury Allen said.
contribute a great deal of tax         students being kept out of China         too late,” she said, weeping, as she        “I said, ‘Do you miss your dad,
revenue, not start-ups like his        signed an online petition urging         described how she felt upon landing     honey?” said Ms. Astbury Allen.
business. He said he had settled       Beijing to allow them to return,         at London’s Heathrow Airport.           “And she said, ‘Yes,’ and I said: ‘It’s
down in the United States — his        while others launched a Twitter                                                  OK. We miss him, too.’”
wife is American — and did not         campaign                        called       Like many parents coping with           (Source:
plan to return to China any time       #TakeUsBackToChina.                      a lockdown, Ms. Astbury Allen has
soon.                                      Amanuel Tafese, an Ethiopian         had to juggle the demands of her
    The foreign ministry said          student enrolled at a university in      daughters’ online classes with her

  Jessie Astbury Allen with her daughters Mae, 7, and Livia, 12. They left China more than a year ago; Ms. Astbury Allen’s
  husband is still there.Credit...Francesca Jones for The New York Times
British Airways moves Accra-London flights from Heathrow to Gatwick October
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