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BOWER GROVE SCHOOL CURRICULUM PLAN 2019 - 2020 T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Curriculum Philosophy Intent At Bower Grove school all pupils have a right to access a curriculum that is enthralling, meaningful and appropriate to their individual needs whilst not compromising their entitlement. Lessons at Bower Grove motivate, engage and excite our pupils. Clear routes of progression and development within curriculum planning result in coherence and continuity throughout the school. With the complex learning and behaviour needs of our pupils we acknowledge that the needs of each individual are central and that the provision offered should be sufficiently flexible to enable pupils to be placed at an appropriately challenging point on the continuum at any time during their school career. Our school works in partnership with parents and the views of parents and pupils are taken into account in achieving the appropriate balance between pupils’ rights to curriculum access and the need for some to access other experiences such as alternative curriculum, mainstream inclusion, therapy interventions or intensive tuition to enhance or consolidate core skills and talents. Curriculum development in conjunction with the needs of the individual, strives to ensure maximum progress for all pupils. Our curriculum aims to: - Ensure that all pupils have access to broad, balanced, challenging curriculum based on National Curriculum. - Ensure quality curriculum content through systematic curriculum planning, monitoring and reviewing procedures. - Ensure that all pupils have access to an appropriately differentiated curriculum. - Ensure that pupils cover Programmes of Study and develop learning strategies needed to transfer between special school and mainstream provision. - Provide pupils with access to accredited courses at Key Stage 4. - Clearly identify progression pathways for children in Year 9 including access to Further Education, vocational courses and work related learning. - Ensure that here is an equality of access to all Programmes of Study. - Promote pupils spiritual, moral, social, cultural and physical development in order to assist pupils in becoming thoughtful and respectful citizens. - Develop independence and life skills through experience and activities such as cooking food, mobility, residentials and work experience. - Prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life. - Monitor and assess pupils progress for the purpose of ensuring high standards of achievement. - Engage pupils in understanding how they make improved progress through Assessment for Learning. - Equip our pupils with an understanding of respect for Fundamental British Values. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Implementation Each curriculum area has a designated subject leader, to oversee its organisation. Long and medium term planning systems enable us to map delivery. There are common principles throughout the school but as an all age school there are naturally some variations between the organisational needs of the primary and secondary phases of the school. KS 1 and 2 Phonics – Sounds-Write is an effective strategy to teaching reading, spelling and writing. It is a multi-sensory approach which aids concentration. The Sounds- Write approach to reading is phonographic. It starts from what all children acquire naturally and right from the start the sounds of their own language. It teaches that letters or combinations of letters, called graphemes, are the agreed ways in which we represent sounds when we write. Primary – In Early Years Foundation Stage the foundation curriculum informs the planning and the Foundation Stage Profile is used to monitor, record and report on achievement. At KS1 where relevant, pupils continue to address gaps in skills and knowledge from the foundation stage profile. Where pupils are beyond this they move on to a primary curriculum based on the National Curriculum programs of study. At KS2 the primary curriculum is based on a curriculum model in which core national curriculum subjects (English, Mathematics and Science) are taught as separate subjects. Foundation subjects are learnt experimentally, following a creative approach to learning. EHCP’s are managed and monitored by class teachers. The Boxall Profile is an assessment tool used to monitor social and emotional development and engagement in learning for all pupils. Pupils interventions identified in Provision Plans are delivered as an integrated element of classroom learning. Secondary – The secondary curriculum is organised a on subject based model with pupils moving to specialist rooms and teachers. At Key Stage 3 pupils follow the National Curriculum at a highly differentiated level. Additional interventions are used with identified groups and individuals. At Key Stage 4, grouping according to ability occurs in some subject areas enabling all pupils to be extended whilst allowing pupils needing enrichment activities to be supported through greater differentiation. Accredited courses are followed in English, Maths, Science, Computing, PE, Art, Technology and Music. Pupils enjoy a creative curriculum and work towards Art Award accreditation. Throughout the secondary phase class teachers oversee the delivery of provision plans. In year 11 “My Trust” help pupils prepare for their EHCP transitional review meetings. These highlight areas of strength and need for each individual. The aim is to ensure that the relevant support and opportunities are accessed in order to achieve competencies and develop the confidence to participate fully in life as independent young adults. Links with Further Education Colleges and industry enhance the work related learning aspects of the curriculum. The school actively promotes enrichment activities; however, this may have an impact on curriculum access. Any integration or inclusion programme is explained fully to parents and pupils with regard to the curriculum impact and parental permission is sought before a programme is embarked upon. Disapplication from the National Curriculum will only be sought in very exceptional circumstances. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Impact Along with other KSENT Special Schools, we use Pupil Asset as an assessment tool to measure progress. We also use regular learning walks, work scrutiny and moderation activities to ensure we have strong evidence of pupil progress. Throughout the extensive programme of educational visits and residential trips pupils expand their knowledge of the wider world. School Focus days enable pupils to learn about topics beyond the curriculum. Our creative arts pledge allows pupils to experience and understand a range of cultural activity. Our curriculum enables pupils to make outstanding progress in all areas of their learning, successfully moving on to a range of post 16 education provisions. Pupils leave with maximised communication, confidence, self-help and independent life and living skills. Extensive and useful accreditation and qualifications are achieved to enable our pupils to continue their learning journeys to adult life. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Curriculum Plan Frogs T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Frogs (Group R/1) The Curriculum Map Pupils will experience a cross curricular approach to teaching and learning where possible. Pupils will also work towards achieving their EHCP outcomes/SMART targets allowing for progress in social, emotional and independent skill development. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Frogs Year 2 Ourselves and other important Dinosaurs (A3) Transport (A1) Bears (A5) Under the sea (A6) Class people (A4) Literacy Text: Texts: Texts: Texts: Texts: 1) My Dad 1) Harry and the Dinosaurs 1) Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car 1) Mr Bear, Postman 1) Whale in a fishbowl 2)Grandad Pot series 2) The Little Boat 2) We’re going on a Bear Hunt 2) Tiddler 3) All kinds of people 2) A Dinosaur called Tiny 3) Amazing Aeroplanes 3) Brown bear, Brown bear, 3) Ocean Odyssey 4) There’s going to be a baby 3) There’s a diplodocus at the 4) My Hot-Air Balloon what do you see? 4) A hole at the bottom of the 5) So Much door 5) Hey! Get off our train 4) Whatever Next! sea 6) This is Our House 4) The Dinosaur that pooped a 6) Please don’t chat to the bus 5) You and me little bear 5) Billy’s Bucket 7) The Biggest Bed in the World planet driver 6) My friend bear 6) The Rainbow Fish 8) Keep Clean! 5) My Pet is a dinosaur called 7) The Magic Bed 7) Where’s my teddy? 7) Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary 9) I want my Mum Fred 8) Fix it Duck 8) Beware of the bears 8) Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch 6) Ten Little Dinosaurs 9) This is the bear series 9) Commotion in the Ocean Writing lists 7) Saturday night at the Writing times and dates dinosaur stomp Characters, story settings and Book titles and blurbs/synopsis 8) Prehistoric Life – A non- What happens next? Making writing speech bubbles for Beginning, middle and end of fiction question and answer predictions characters stories Linking what they have read to book their own experiences Understanding information Developing their own Evaluating texts Rhyming strings text ie. non-fiction books, narratives and connecting leaflets, posters, ideas Understanding information Understanding information Simple sentences environmental print text ie. non-fiction books, text ie. non-fiction books, Understanding information leaflets, posters, leaflets, posters, Understanding information Soundswrite literacy text ie. non-fiction books, environmental print environmental print text ie. non-fiction books, programme leaflets, posters, leaflets, posters, environmental print Soundswrite literacy Soundswrite literacy environmental print Speed sounds letter formation programme programme programme Soundswrite literacy Soundswrite literacy programme Speed sounds letter formation Speed sounds letter formation programme Phonological awareness programme programme programme Speed sounds letter formation Speed sounds letter formation programme Phonological awareness Phonological awareness programme Bug Club reading programme programme Phonological awareness 1:1 reading/phonics programme Bug Club reading T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Bug Club reading Phonological awareness programme Bug Club reading 1:1 reading/phonics 1:1 reading/phonics Bug Club reading 1:1 reading/phonics 1:1 reading/phonics Communication Re-enact and extend stories Re-enact and extend stories Re-enact and extend stories Re-enact and extend stories Re-enact and extend stories and Language about ourselves and families about dinosaurs using role play about transport using role play about bears using role play and about the ocean and sea using role play and puppets. and puppets. Using language to and puppets. Using language to puppets. Using language to creatures using role play and Using language to recreate recreate roles recreate roles recreate roles puppets. Using language to roles recreate roles Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions about stories about stories about stories Ask and answer questions about stories about stories Reporting Dinosaur facts Discuss holidays and days out – Do you have a teddy bear? Sharing information and own How did you get there? Debating an argument experiences: Myself and my Joining in with repeated Joining in with repeated family refrains refrains Sharing likes and dislikes Joining in with repeated refrains Sharing likes and dislikes Retelling stories using picture Songs and rhymes Using describing words prompts Retelling stories using picture Songs and rhymes prompts Listening skills Songs and rhymes Using describing words Listening skills Songs and rhymes Listening skills Songs and rhymes Listening skills Listening skills Mathematics Children to experience number Children to experience number Children to experience number Children to experience number Children to experience number in a variety of ways using in a variety of ways using in a variety of ways using in a variety of ways using in a variety of ways using practical learning activities and practical learning activities and practical learning activities and practical learning activities and practical learning activities and through their play through their play through their play through their play through their play Using counting within role play Using counting within role play Using counting within role play Using counting within role play Using counting within role play Practical addition and Practical addition and Practical addition and Practical addition and Practical addition and subtraction subtraction subtraction subtraction subtraction Time Money Time Money Time Count to 10 and then 20 Can estimate how many Ordering items by length, Recording information Weight and capacity.; using reliably using Numicon objects there are and then height, weight etc. mathematical language and count them accurately Length and height; using problem solving Repeating patterns One more or one less than a mathematical language and given number problems solving Sequencing events T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Exploring shapes in the environment Understanding Changing seasons Parts of Animals Plants Comparing and identifying Types of Animals the World materials Role Play: Home Role Play Area: Paleontologist’s Role Play area: Travel Agents Role Play Area: Seaside Shop Camp Role Play Area: Teddy Bears Halloween The Travels of Barnaby Bear: Picnic Father’s Day Chinese New Year Similarities and differences Bonfire Night Mother’s Day Understanding the importance Investigating the Prehistoric Making observations about of the sea and it’s creatures Christmas era. Comparing past and why and how things happen Easter present Experiencing a variety of Similarities and differences: The World around us The World around us technology and ICT and using Experiences that make us The World around us it for a particular purpose unique Similarities and differences The World around us Personal, Social Making relationships: turn Making relationships: turn Making relationships: turn Making relationships: turn Making relationships: turn and emotional taking, sharing, working taking, sharing, working taking, sharing, working taking, sharing, working taking, sharing, working development together, respecting others together, respecting others together, respecting others and together, respecting others together, respecting others and and listening to their ideas, and listening to their ideas, listening to their ideas, and listening to their ideas, listening to their ideas, opinions and feelings, good opinions and feelings, good opinions and feelings, good opinions and feelings, good opinions and feelings, good manners, forming positive manners, forming positive manners, forming positive manners, forming positive manners, forming positive friendships and relationships friendships and relationships friendships and relationships friendships and relationships friendships and relationships Self Confidence and self Self Confidence and self Self Confidence and self Self Confidence and self Self Confidence and self awareness: trying new awareness: trying new awareness: trying new awareness: trying new awareness: trying new activities, speaking in familiar activities, speaking in familiar activities, speaking in familiar activities, speaking in familiar activities, speaking in familiar groups, sharing ideas, selecting groups, sharing ideas, selecting groups, sharing ideas, selecting groups, sharing ideas, selecting groups, sharing ideas, selecting resources for a task resources for a task resources for a task resources for a task resources for a task Feelings and behaviour: Feelings and behaviour: Feelings and behaviour: Feelings and behaviour: Feelings and behaviour: labelling feelings and labelling feelings and labelling feelings and emotions, labelling feelings and emotions, labelling feelings and emotions, emotions, appropriate emotions, appropriate appropriate behaviour and the appropriate behaviour and the appropriate behaviour and the behaviour and the behaviour and the consequences of these consequences of these consequences of these consequences of these consequences of these behaviours, rules, adjusting behaviours, rules, adjusting behaviours, rules, adjusting behaviours, rules, adjusting behaviours, rules, adjusting behaviour and changing behaviour and changing behaviour and changing behaviour and changing behaviour and changing routines routines routines routines routines Physical Fine motor skill development Fine motor skill development Fine motor skill development Fine motor skill development Fine motor skill development Development through Clever fingers through Clever fingers through Clever fingers activities through Clever fingers through Clever fingers activities activities activities activities T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Gross motor skill development Gross motor skill development Gross motor skill development Gross motor skill development Gross motor skill development through Explorer Club trips, through Explorer Club trips, through Explorer Club trips, through Explorer Club trips, through Explorer Club trips, Sensory circuits, sand and Sensory circuits, sand and Sensory circuits, sand and Sensory circuits, sand and Sensory circuits, sand and water play, PE lessons etc. water play, PE lessons etc. water play, PE lessons etc. water play, PE lessons etc. water play, PE lessons etc. Healthy diet and exercise Healthy diet and exercise Healthy diet and exercise Healthy diet and exercise Healthy diet and exercise Write from the start pencil Write from the start pencil Write from the start pencil Write from the start pencil Write from the start pencil control programme control programme control programme control programme control programme Actions and movements to Actions and movements to Actions and movements to Actions and movements to Actions and movements to accompany rhymes and songs, accompany rhymes and songs, accompany rhymes and songs, accompany rhymes and songs, accompany rhymes and songs, matching actions to words matching actions to words matching actions to words matching actions to words matching actions to words Small world play and large Small world play and large Small world play and large Small world play and large Small world play and large construction construction construction construction construction Manage personal and hygiene Manage personal and hygiene Manage personal and hygiene Manage personal and hygiene Manage personal and hygiene independently independently independently independently independently Expressive Art Music, dance and dinosaur Music, dance and dinosaur Music, dance and transport Music, dance and bear songs Music, dance and songs about and Design songs songs songs the ocean and sea creatures Art: Exploring different media, Art: Exploring different media, Art: Exploring different media, Art: Exploring different media, materials and using tools Art: Exploring different media, materials and using tools materials and using tools materials and using tools materials and using tools Colour, design, texture, form Colour, design, texture, form Colour, design, texture, form Colour, design, texture, form and function Colour, design, texture, form and function and function and function and function Being imaginative: Role play, Being imaginative: Role play, Being imaginative: Role play, Being imaginative: Role play, stories and narratives Being imaginative: Role play, stories and narratives stories and narratives stories and narratives stories and narratives Using learning creatively and in Using learning creatively and in Using learning creatively and in Using learning creatively and in original ways Using learning creatively and in original ways original ways original ways original ways Enrichment Explorer Club trips to local Explorer Club trips to local Explorer Club trips to local Explorer Club trips to local Explorer Club trips to local Opportunities parks, woods and country parks, woods and country parks, woods and country parks, woods and country parks, woods and country parks parks parks parks parks SCUBA diver visit T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Curriculum Plan Honey Bees T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Frogs/Honey Bees (Group 2) The Curriculum Map Pupils will experience a cross curricular approach to teaching and learning where possible. Pupils will also work towards achieving their EHCP outcomes/SMART targets allowing for progress in social, emotional and independent skill development. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Knights and Castles Light and Dark Explorers Paddington Bear Farms and Gardens Australia English Fiction: Narrative Non-Fiction: Diaries Fiction: Narrative Fiction: Author Study Fiction: Traditional Tales Non-fiction: Diary George and the Dragon The Great Fire of London The Man in the Moon Michael Bond – Little Red Hen A Diary of a Wombat King Arthur and the Fiction: Narrative Non-fiction: Recount and Paddington Bear books Rapunzel Wombat’s Walk knights of the round table The Owl who was afraid of Biography Non-fiction: Letters Farmer Duck Non-fiction: Information Non-fiction: Captions the dark Neil Armstrong and Tim Postcards and letters text Captions for leaflet about Owl Babies Peake Poetry: Spring Poems Australian animal fact castles Poetry Christopher Columbus Instructions: sheet Non-fiction: Top Jobs Firework Poems Non-fiction: Information How to make a healthy Poetry: rhythm and What do you want to be? Non-fiction: Lists and Texts sandwich rhyme Letters About Christopher If I were a Hawk Christmas lists and letters Columbus Non-fiction: Recount Trip to animal park Maths Number – place value Number – place value Number – place value Number – place value Number – addition and Number – place value Number – addition and Number – addition and Number – addition and including multiples of 2,5 subtraction Measurement - Time subtraction subtraction subtraction and 10 Number – fractions Measurement – weight Geometry Geometry Measurement – length Geometry – position and and volume Statistics and Statistics and and height direction representations representations Measurement – money Science Materials: changing shape Changing Seasons Animals including humans Uses of materials Growing plants Animals and their habitats Animals: Living Things Feeding and Exercise Pond study Food chains Computing Using Computers 1 Using input device Using computers online Creating digital images Making music Creating digital artefacts Logging onto a network. Using input devices to Logging into online Creating digital images Using software to create a Independently using skills Asking for help. control computers. accounts using software rhythm Using software to to create digital artefacts Using computers with Using input devices to Online safety – Adult Creating digital images create a tune. Combing software to support control software. setup led and supervised using hardware. Using technology create a digital artefact. Becoming more internet access Starting to use technology independently Using online and offline independent with Being more independent independently. tools computers. on a computer. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Topic Links History – Kent castles History – Great Fire of History – Neil Armstrong Geography – London v Geography – Our Local Geography – Australia History Art – Sculpture London and Christopher Columbus Peru Area Art – Aboriginal painting: Geography DT – Junk model castles Art – Fireworks Art – Space painting Art – Paddington Bear Art – Monet’s Garden Judy Watson Napangardi Art DT – Tudor Houses DT – rockets and planets DT- Healthy sandwiches DT - Sewing Honey Bees DT – clay animals DT DT – making boats PSHE Living in the Wider World Health and Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing Relationships Relationships Living in the Wider World – Economic wellbeing and Keeping Safe, road, water, Healthy Lifestyles, healthy Healthy relationships, Feelings and emotions, – Economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen rail, fire, online, rules, eating, sleep, physical special people, caring, communicating feelings, being a responsible citizen Rights and responsibilities, asking for help activity, likes, dislikes and secrets, surprises, safety, right and wrong, fair and Everyone individual, classroom rules, choices cooperating, resolving unfair, behaviour special, unique, people, communities, special arguments similarities, commonalities people, help, emergencies RE Who is a Christian and What can we learn from What makes some places How and why do we What does it mean to How should we care for what do they believe? sacred books? sacred? celebrate special and belong to a faith others and the world and Harvest Christmas Passover sacred times? community? why does it matter? Hannukah PE Gymnastics: Learning and Gymnastics: Rocking and Outdoor Adventurous Theme based learning: Games: Bouncing, Games: Bouncing, performing wide, narrow rolling actions. Activities / Problem Pupils introduced to catching, kicking catching, kicking and curled shapes on a Dance: Soldiers theme. Solving: Working different themes on a Athletics: Introduction to Athletics: Introduction to variety of apparatus. Pupils learn basic individually and as a team weekly basis based on the running at different pace, running at different pace, Games /Sensory activities: movements to music, to solve basic problems. Olympics. The throwing different objects throwing different objects A variety of sensory incorporating simple Intro to basic map work. fundamental skills, and jumping for and jumping for activities that aim to unison and cannon actions Games: Passing a variety techniques and tactics will distance/height. distance/height. channel pupil’s energy in a of objects (aiming) and be taught during the Swimming: Developing Swimming: Developing variety of ways, including, incorporating different lesson and all students will competency in the water competency in the water stimulation, working in movements. Intro simple attempt the discipline. and stroke technique. and stroke technique. pairs and calming. rules. Activities include sprinting, Distance badges. Distance badges. field events, handball and Swimming is an Swimming is an tennis. individualised programme individualised programme Parachute Games: Pupils and is differentiated to and is differentiated to learn and play a variety of cater for all pupils current cater for all pupils current games using parachutes needs/ability. needs/ability. Music Charanga: Happy Halloween/ Christmas Charanga: Zootime Environmental Music Charanga: I Wanna Play Charanga: Reflect, In A Band Replay, Rewind - This whole unit is - Pupils will create - A Reggae Song for - Pupils will explore the - I Wanna Play in a Band is focussed around the song soundscapes to mimic the Children by Joanna sounds of their a rock song written - This unit of work Happy by Pharrell sounds of a haunted Mangona. surroundings and begin to especially for children. In consolidates the learning Williams. The material house. They will help All the learning is focused recreate them using the song you learn about that has occurred during presents an integrated create and follow graphic around one song: musical instruments. singing and playing the year. All the learning is T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
approach to music where scores. Pupils will be Zootime. Pupils will Exploring sound is a together in an ensemble. focused around revisiting games, the dimensions of learning and rehearsing continue to develop the prerequisite for As well as learning to sing, songs and musical music (pulse, rhythm, Christmas songs in necessary skills needed to Composing. In the play, improvise and activities, a context for the pitch etc), singing and preparation for their progress through the rest composing strand, compose with this song, History of Music and the playing instruments are all performance. of the curriculum through children are asked to children will listen and beginnings of the linked. play, singing and listening. select sounds from variety appraise classic rock Language of Music of sources for a range of songs. musical purposes. Children who have experienced lots of activities in exploring sound will find it much easier to use a variety of sounds in their compositions. Enrichment Explorer Club Explorer Club Explorer Club Explorer Club Explorer Club Explorer Club Opportunities Trip to Bodiam Castle T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Curriculum Plan Hedgehogs T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Hedgehogs – The Curriculum Map Pupils will experience a cross curricular approach to teaching and learning where possible. Pupils will also work towards achieving their EHCP outcomes/SMART targets allowing for progress in social, emotional and independent skill development. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Woodlands Road Safety Pets Flight Ancient Civilisations Africa (2 weeks) (3 weeks) (6 weeks) (4 ½ weeks) (4 weeks) Toys Dragons The Beach (5 1/2 weeks) (3 weeks) (3 weeks) English / Literacy Class readers: Class Readers: Class Readers: Class Readers: Class Readers: Class readers: The Very Helpful Toys in Space Wanted The Perfect Pet The Wright Brothers – The All About Mummies Sally and the Limpet Hedgehog The princess and the pea Korky Paul Pet books First Flying Machines Portal Stories The little red hen makes a pizza Grimms Fairy Tales Drama Unit: Explanation Text: Recount Unit: Story writing: Drama Unit: Non Chronological Rama and Sita How to look after a pet The Mongolfier Brothers first Mr Ben Adventure Stories reports: balloon flight. Mama Panya’s Pancakes / Author Study: Fiction Unit: Pizzas Hedgehog Facts Recount Unit: Mini Grey Tell Me a dragon Narrative Unit: Non-chronological reports: Poetry: Trip to the museum Traction Man Tom and the island of Postcards from the beach Who am I poems dinosaurs Diary Unit: Traditional Tales: The elf on the shelf Hansel and Gretel T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Maths Power Maths Autumn Power Maths Autumn Power Maths Spring Power Maths Spring Blocks Power Maths Summer Power Maths Summer Blocks Blocks Blocks Blocks Blocks Shape Place Value and Number Addition and Subtraction Multiplication Position and Direction Length and height Fractions Addition and Subtraction Money Division Time Weight and Volume Science Plants Light Animals including Rocks Materials Plants humans Trees and Seeds Light Identification of rocks Identifying Materials Seeds and Bulbs Animal food chains Animal Offspring Forming fossils Changing shape Microhabitats Dead or alive Food and exercise Structure of animals Computing Using Computers 2 DTP 1 Hardware and Software Presentation 0 Animation 1: Simple Programming 0 – Purple Animation Mash Overview: Using the Overview Overview: In this unit we Overview: Pupils will be Smarty the Penguin story This unit focuses on will be investigating introduced to creating Overview: In this unit we Overview to highlight what to do simple DTP within purple hardware and software. simple presentations. They will be looking at Using purple mash, 2Code when using the internet. Mash. Pupils will create How we use it and will be looking at the animation. Pupils will and pupils will be Looking at what he does different digital artefacts interact with it. different ways they can design and create a simple looking at how we control when things don’t go with text, images and change text in a Stop frame animation computers using code. well when he uses a pictures. They will presentation to make it look using Lego characters computer. There will also investigate the what you different, adding digital using the AnamateIt app be a focus on using the see is what you get page content and how to add by Ardman on the iPads. computers more orientation. effects to engage an independently audience. Topic Links Geography History DT History History Geography History Geography Kent Woodlands Study Toys in living memory Easter Cards Local Study: Iggy the Ancient Egypt Italy Art Maidstone Dinosaur DT DT Artist Study DT DT DT The history of flight Sewing: Making Puppets Gaudi animal mosaics Mask design and making Pizza designs T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Cooking DT Ice cream designs Art Art Art: 3D modelling: Hot air Geography Clay - Diva Lamps balloons Hieroglyphics The Ginger Bread House Kent coast and beaches Christmas Art 3D Modelling - Wright Ariel Maps of Kent Art Brothers planes Goldsworthy Art Photography Clay dinosaurs PSHE Living in the Wider Health and Wellbeing Relationships Relationships Relationships Relationships World Hand washing and Germs Kindness and Friendships Perseverance Special People What Makes Me Special Following Rules Medicines Understanding Making Mistakes and Valuing Diversity Relationships Difference accepting challenge Health and Wellbeing Relationships Health and Wellbeing Feelings and Emotions Living in the wider Health and Wellbeing Recognising Choice Working together world Body Parts Anger management Hygiene - Teeth Living in the Wider World Self-Regulation Needs of other living Sun safety Independent Living Skills things Independent Living Skills Natural and Man -Made Health and Wellbeing environments Stranger Danger Independent Living Road Safety Sleep and Exercise Skills Asking for Help Independent Living Skills Jobs and Health and Wellbeing Responsibilities Money Understanding Poisons RE Believing Living Expressing Expressing - Festivals Believing Living What do different people What does it mean to be Why do people pray Lent Why is The bible What do Christians do to believe about God a Christian today? important to Christians show faith in the church and Places of worship Easter today. local community? The Creation Story What do Christians do to Luke 15 show faith within their How people worship Expressing - Festivals Lost Coin, sheep and son families T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Adam and Eve – Genesis Samaritan’s Purse – Buddhist New Year Hinduism -Holi Expressing - Festivals What do Christians do to 3 The fall Operation Shoe Box A celebration of kindness Festival of colours show faith within the world- Buddhism wide community? Expressing – Festivals Expressing - Festivals Vesak (Buddha’s Day) Cafod – Christian Charity Christian – Harvest Christian - Christmas and Hinduism and Sikhism – Diwali Festival of light Rama and Sita Story PE Games /Sensory Games: Outdoor Adventurous Theme based learning: Athletics: Athletics: activities: Throwing and catching. Activities: Pupils introduced to Running, jumping and Running, jumping and A variety of sensory Inventing new rules to Problem solving in a different themes on a throwing technique throwing technique activities that aim to develop creative games. team. Problem solving weekly basis based on the development. development. World Games channel pupil’s energy in Sensory activities using certain senses. Olympics. The fundamental Games: Hitting and kicking a variety of ways, Games: skills, techniques and tactics World Games Games: including, stimulation, Dance: Using a range of Invasion games will be taught during the Hitting and kicking working in pairs and movement patterns lesson and all students will calming. attempt the discipline. Activities include sprinting, Gymnastics: field events, handball and Linking movements tennis. together Music Charanga: Classroom Jazz Christmas Production Dragon Scales Dinosaur Music The Jungle Book African Drumming Singing in unison Exploring the pentatonic scale Enrichment Wild Wood Church Visit Animal Experience Local Walk – Road safety Trip to Maidstone Trip to Shorne Country park Opportunities and Map reading Museum Christmas Production Trip to beach T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Curriculum Plan Foxes T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
FOXES YEAR 4 – The Curriculum Map Pupils will experience a cross curricular approach to teaching and learning where possible. . Pupils will also work towards achieving their EHCP outcomes/SMART targets allowing for progress in social, emotional and independent skill development. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Literacy Non Fiction Poetry/ Letter Non Fiction Stories by the same Fiction Non Fiction Otterline Yellow Cat – writing/Diary entries All about Orangutans author How to train your Dragon The Boy who harnessed the Unit 3.3 Unit 2.1 Anthony Browne wind Focus – Sentence types, A closer look at poetry (Gorilla and the tunnel) Comprehension clauses, and punctuation Rhyming Fact finding research Creative writing Changing Tense and sentence structures. Reading aloud Fact file Predictions Poster design Apostrophe for possession Predications Descriptive writing Fantasy story Exploring front covers Trump card Descriptive writing Characters thoughts and Letters Conjunctions Inferring Commas Comparisons feelings Diary entries Descriptive writing Storytelling and beliefs Mystery story writing Comprehension Letter writing Writing for audience Text Text Text Text : The tunnel Text: How to Train your Text: Christophe’s Story Dragon Numeracy Multiplication and Position and direction Numbers to 100 Addition and Multiplication and division Shapes Division Telling the time Addition and subtraction Subtraction Halves and quarters Money Book 2A Book 2A/B Book 1C Book 1C Book 2A Book 2B Science Electricity Changes to state Recycling / Dangers to Sounds Grouping living things Inventions Identify common living things appliances that run on Identify and group a Identify how sounds are Identifying groups of living Famous inventions that made electricity variety of everyday How does plastic harm made animals ina variety of ways, the world a better place. Construct a simple series objects the environment? amphibians ,reptiles etc electrical circuit , including Reduce , reuse recycle Recognise that Design and create an cells, wires, bulbs, Solids , liquid gasses, vibrations from a sound Discuss adaptation invention to help and switches and buzzers can objects change Identifying endangered travel through a medium improve lives. Identify whether or not a animals. to the ear Make humane trap for lamp will light in a simple How can we prevent this? insects series circuit Find patterns between the volume and the T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
strength of the vibrations that produced it. Computing Using computers Safely 1 DTP 1 Hardware and Software Audio 1 Video 1 Programming 1- Purple Mash Building on previous This unit focuses on Building on previous Looking at what audio is. Investigating how we can Using Purple Mash and 2Code knowledge this unit will simple DTP within knowledge this unit will How do we collect capture video on a digital we will be looking at how we continue to highlight E purple mash. continue to help pupils audio? How do we play device and use this to control computers using Saftery. They will be Different digital understand interacting it and can we recognise create other digital code. looking at the Lee and Kim artefacts will be created with hardware and ourselves on it. artefacts. How can we edit cartoon and the issues to learn how we can software. They will be and manipulate them? raised. Their learning will create digital artefacts revisiting things such as be supported by a number with text , images and logging in independently, of different activities to pictures. We will also using equipment reinforce messages given investigate ‘what you appropriately and out in the cartoon. see is what you get ‘ different toes of input The learners will be page orientation. and output devices. exploring some of these messages and they will be constantly reiterated. Topic Links Cities around the World Mayans Rainforests Romans Sparatcus/Julius Vikings Africa History Caesar Geography Art design a city, model Where did they Where are they located Where did the Vikings come Location and continent Art cities. originate from Explore wildlife Invasion from Landscape and countries DT Location of cities Human impact Equipment and uniform Why did they invade Britain Climate / Weather Facts about cities and Mayan way of life Forest layers Life as a soldier Viking way of life Life in Africa compared to population Jungle plants Roman Gods Viking warriors their own life Mayan Gods Famous Romans Viking beliefs African animals What the Romans Facts about Africa Design your own God did for Britain PSHE Living in the wider world Relationships Health and Well Being Living in the wider world Relationships Health and Well Being Understand the Recognise a wide range What is meant by a Respecting diversity and Different types of Making informed choices importance of rules and of emotions healthy lifestyle equality in different relationships about health laws Recognise what How to maintain and communities Bullying and discrimination Internet safety Respect for self and others constitute a healthy manage risks to physical Role of money in our Recognising risky Rights and responsibilities relationship with well being lives behaviours in relationships in the home friends and family Identify ways to keep Respecting the and how to get help Working as teams, physically safe on the environment strategies put things playground right RE Believing – Christians Expressing- Expressing- Expressing – Living- Living – T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Which people are special Chrisitians, Hindus, Christianity, Islam, Christianity , Hinduism, Christianity, Hinduism Christianity , Hinduism , and why? Muslims Judaism Judaisms Judaism Why is Jesus inspiring to Where do we belong ? some people? What do Muslims Introduction to Judaism Which times are special What does it mean to How should we care for What would Jesus do? believe in? and why? belong to a faith others and the world? Does it What is so radical about What do Hindus believe Why do people pray? community? matter? Jesus? in? How and why do we What does it mean to be a What matters most to How do people pray celebrate special and Christian/ Muslim/ Hindu in Christians and humanists? Bible stories: Which places are Christians/ Muslims/ sacred times? Britain today? special and why? Hindus? What do religions advise Does religion help people to What makes some us to do when life gets What is challenging when be good? places sacred? Symbolism in faith hard? you have a faith ? If God is everywhere, Does being religious why go to a place of Is it better to express What happens after we automatically make Worship? your beliefs in arts or in die? you a good person? Should religions charity and generosity? buildings be sold to Eid Bible story : feed the starving? Bible story: Bible story: Bible story: Bible story: Christmas story Operation Shoe Box PE Gymnastics: Dance: Outdoor adventurous Theme based learning: Athletics Games Travelling , spinning and Using a range of activities Pupils introduced to Track events (Running) Tennis changing direction movement patterns Building trust in a team different themes on a Creative games Pupils introduced to the Games: Batting , rolling Games: Games: Net/Wall games, weekly basis based on Pupils implement and adapt fundamental skills in tennis and dribbling Different types of striking and hitting a the Olympics. The games with new rules Athletics: passing variety of objects fundamental skills, created individually and in Field events (Throwing and techniques and tactics teams jumping) will be taught during the Swimming lesson and all the pupils Developing competency in will attempt the the water and stroke discipline. Activities technique include sprinting, field Distance badges events , handball and Swimming is an tennis. individualised programme Games : Dodgeball and is differentiated to Swimming cater for all pupils current Developing competency needs/abilities in the water and stroke . technique T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Distance badges Swimming is an individualised programme and is differentiated to cater for all pupils current needs/abilities Music Charanga: Lean on me Peter and the Wolf Charanga: Three little BBC Pieces Charanga : Glockenspiel Music plus Digital : Ukueles This whole unit if focussed Throughout this unit Birds Each year the BBC Level The ukuele is a fantastic around the song Lean on pupils will be All the learning is focused releases pieces of This is a six week unit of instrument to facilitate good me by Bill Withers. The introduced to the around one song, Three classical music and work that introduces the music making at KS2. It is material presents an instruments of the little birds, by Bob resources to allow pupils children to learning about small , versatile , cheap and intergrated approach to orchestra and how they Marley. As well as to access them. The the language of music offers a brilliant starting point music where games, the are used to represent learning to play, sing, material is always really through playing the for musical development . It dimensions of music characters in a story. improvise and compose engaging and there are glockenspiel. The learning is fun and easy to play, (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc), Pupils will experiment with this song , children is focused around exploring opportunities to go and allowing all students to be singing and playing using these instruments will listen and appraise see a live orchestra. The and developing playing involved in an ensemble instruments are all linked. to recreate the story in other reggae songs to specific piece will be skills through the regardless of any barriers to their own musical way . Pupils will the rehearse explore genre specific chosen when they are glockenspiel primarily learning. and perform their piece characteristics. released. however pupils will be able in a whole class to experience following ensemble scores and playing the same pieces of music on the instrument of their choice. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Curriculum Plan Penguins T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Penguins– The Curriculum Map Pupils will experience a cross curricular approach to teaching and learning where possible. Pupils will also work towards achieving their EHCP outcomes/SMART targets allowing for progress in social, emotional and independent skill development. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 English / Literacy Pirates of the Caribbean Treasure Island Seasons of Splendour The Odyssey All About Me The Iron Man ‘Boy: Tales of Childhood’. Children will read ‘Jack Children to read Children to read Children to read the Children will read ‘Iron Man’ Sparrow – the Coming ‘Treasure Island’ by ‘Seasons of Splendour’ ‘Odyssey’ by the Greek Children will read ‘Boy: Tales by Ted Hughes. We will look Storm’ by Rob Kidd. They Robert-Louis by Madhur Jaffrey. poet Homer. of Childhood’ by Roald Dahl. at the author’s use of will learn about Caribbean Stevenson. Children will write Children will write diary Children will write an powerful language to capture culture. Children will compare letters in role and play entries, newspaper autobiography that they will our imaginations, including Children will learn how to two differing book scripts. articles, myths, letters then present on film or to a similes. write in role, create a styles through the and information posters. live audience. Children will write persuasive PowerPoint presentation, same title. Runs in conjunction with letters, recounts, a book write poetic pieces and They will write their history of the Ancient trailer, TV reports and create a newspaper own adventure story. Greeks. reviews. article. Links with the ‘where would you like to live?’ theme. Maths Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Term 3 Textbook 2C Textbook 2C Textbook 3A Textbook 3A Textbook 3B Textbook 3B Position and direction Time Place Value within 1000 Addition and Multiplication and Division Statistics Problem solving and subtraction (s) (2) Weight, volume, and Addition and subtraction Length efficient methods temperature (1) Multiplication and Money Fractions Division (1) Science Light and shadows. Magnets and forces. Rocks and soils. Movement and feeding. Parts of plants. What plants need. To understand they need Compare how things To learn about the To learn about how To identify and describe the Explore the requirements of light in order to see things move on different different types of rocks important nutrition is different parts of flowering plants for life and growth and and that it is reflected surfaces. Understand and soils and understand and about how plants and their life cycles. how they vary from plant to from surfaces. To explore that magnets have two in simple terms how mammals have a To investigate the way in plant. shadows. poles and that these fossils are formed. skeleton for support, which water is transported in either attract or repel protection and plants. different materials. movement. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Computing Using Computers Safely 1 DTP 2 – Simple Data 1 - Collecting and Creating Digital Algorithms 1 Programming 2 – SCRATCH Overview: Publications Sorting Data Artefacts 1 Building on previous Overview: Overview: knowledge this unit will Overview: Overview: Overview: This unit is designed to give Pupils using block continue to highlight E- This unit focuses on This unit is designed to Through a given pupils an introduction into programming in SCRATCH will Safety. This unit is DTP and developing introduce the pupils to scenario pupil will be algorithms, what they are perform a number of tasks designed to give pupils an and extending skills data. What it is and how using different software and why we use them. Pupils that build upon each other. introduction into E-Safety. already learnt. we collect it. The how do to produce digital will be doing some unplugged These cover how to use Their learning will be Different digital we sort it to make more artefacts. Pupils will activities to understand how simple variables, basic logic, supported by a number of artefacts will be sense of it and make it learn why and when to and why we make and use and iteration. different activities to created to learn how useful and easy to use different pieces of algorithms. They will then be reinforce the messages we can create digital understand? How can software. The unit will creating their own algorithms given out in the cartoon. artefacts with text, technology help us with consolidate their to tell others how and The pupils will be images and pictures. data collection and learning of word hardware to perform a task. exploring some of these We will also investigate sorting and how does processing, and the messages will be WYSIWYG (“WHAT YOU data work with presentation, DTP constantly reiterated. SEE IS WHAT YOU GET”) computers. Pupils will be software and using the and page orientation. introduced to using internet from previous This will tie in with the spreadsheet software. units and further school’s online safety and develop upon skills acceptable use policy. All already learnt. pupils will be introduced to a child speak version of this policy and the content of this will be referred to within lessons. History St Lucia Aztecs Study Chembakoli Ancient Greeks Local Community study Tudors Geography To learn about the people To learn about a To learn about the lives Study of an ancient Children will interpret and Rich/poor comparison who live there and what civilization from of people living in civilization and make observations through Focus study on Henry VIII, they do. another country, Chembakoli (India). comparing to own time. analysing the ‘Window’ by wives, church etc. To learn about what it is to compare to own time To learn about places To learn about Aztec Jeanie Baker (focus on live on the island. and direct comparisons and natural and human life, traditions, culture, industrialisation). To learn about why people e.g. education, environments. education, home life To learn about Maps and like to visit the island. children, art, gods. Interpret a range of etc. Plans. To compare it to life in our sources. own country. Understand Geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
Inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Art 'Wildlife' ‘South America’ Seasonal food ‘South America’ Frame Structures Tudor Art DT To learn about the animals How to make clay Linking to the ‘Indian’ How to make clay Linking to ‘All About Me’ Clay and weaving. from St Lucia and use clay monkeys, make picture theme children will learn monkeys, make picture topic, children will design and to make an animal from puzzles using symbols, about seasonal Indian puzzles using symbols, make a small scale photo that country. make dream catchers, food. make dream catchers, frame. Children to make draw an important Understand what draw an important Caribbean cocktails. person, create a collage seasonality means. person, create a collage and make traditional Name some foods which and make traditional drums. are grown, reared, drums. caught and processed. Design simple seasonal Indian recipes. Prepare a range of ingredients hygienically. Prepare, assemble/cook ingredients, PSHE To recognise themselves Understanding the To understand the To understand their To understand the To prepare for the transition as individuals and the skills school and where safe different types of rights and communities around them to the next year. they already have. and unsafe places are relationship, including responsibilities and how e.g. the range of jobs carried and being prepared for marriage, those between they change through out by people they know, and To celebrate the Learn about the world situations that may friends and family, and life. to understand how they can achievements throughout the around them, considering arise. the skills involved to be develop skills to make their year. spiritual, moral, social and effective in those To understand that own contribution in the cultural issues. Understanding what relationships. objects and resources future. you can do and can be shared in a celebrating your own To realise consequences variety of ways and the To appreciate the range of achievements. of behaviour both results of these national, regional, religious positive and negative, to allocations. and ethnic identities in the understand that their United Kingdom. behaviour affects themselves and others. RE Islam Parables and Stories Judaism Islam Parables and Stories from Judaism The Hajj from One Bible Beliefs and aspects of Compare and contrast One Bible Links to old and new The five pillars of Islam faith testament. T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
PE Gymnastics: Creative Games: Tri Golf: Pupils learn the Theme based learning: Athletics: Striking Games: Travel, jump and sequence Problem solving and basics of tri golf, such as, The Odyssey – Unit of Track events Batting/bowling and running of at least four creating rules to grip, stance, and swing work linking English and World games: between bases movements. improve the quality of Skills are developed to PE Pupils are introduced to and Skills development – Games: games. apply appropriate power Tag Rugby: learn the fundamental skills throwing for distance and Invasion games Outdoor Adventurous and accuracy to basic Pupils to learn basic of a variety of games from accuracy Attacking and defending Activities: shots (putting and skills related to Tag around the world. Athletics: skills and techniques. Thinking through a chipping). Rugby (passing, Field events problem strategically Theme based learning catching) and improving Dance: Pupils learn and Links to physical fitness communication skills perform dance routines (Agility, speed, stamina) Swimming: Developing to the ‘Haka’ theme. Essential aspects of competency in the safety are repeated water and stroke weekly. technique Distance badges Swimming is an individualised programme and is differentiated to cater for all pupils current needs/ability Music The National Anthems Don’t Stop Believin’ Dragons Old School Hip Hop by Stop! Reflect, Rewind, Replay Contains a range of songs An integrated approach Unit of work focussing Will Smith Builds on previous learning. . To revisit all the modules and related resources. to music where games, around dragons. One song: The Fresh All the learning is focused taught during the year and In conjunction with the interrelated Individual lessons Prince Of Bel Air. An around one song: Stop! – a discuss preferences. “where would you like to dimensions of music concentrating on songs integrated approach to rap/song about bullying. live?” topic. (pulse, rhythm, pitch from around the world music where games, the This will be a study of the etc.), singing and telling stories about interrelated dimensions national anthems of the playing instruments are dragons. of music (pulse, rhythm, countries focused on in all linked. pitch etc.), singing and Literacy. playing instruments are all linked Enrichment Visit to a Mosque. Linked Cobtree Country Park Visit to Maidstone Visit to Wildwood to Visit from Kent Fire Visit to Shorne Country Park Opportunities to the study of Islam. to see forces in motion Museum to see the rocks learn about how they Service/Police/Dentist/Parent to learn about the habitat on the play equipment. and soils collection. provide nutrition for the with different jobs linked to needed for the plants to mammals they have PSHE. thrive. there. French Bonjour! Bonjour! Coucou! C’est moi! Coucou! C’est moi! Coucou! C’est moi! On s’amuse! T:\Staff Manual\Curriculum\School Curriculum Plan\School Curriculum Plan 2019-20 complete.docx
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