BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen

Page created by Ross Hudson
BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
We make
            it happen

BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
What is a
Bootcamps are immersive
programs that work closely with
companies and field specialists
to identify the needs of the
industry, adjusting the learning
experience of their participants to
the latest trends and practices.
It is an intensive course designed to train students
in the skills needed to start working immediately
on a specific area, and therefore focuses on
getting practical training in a short time to
give the necessary skills to those who want to
strengthen their requested knowledge while
networking with individuals and companies in
their respective fields.

                                                       EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   2
BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
Bootcamps 2023
At EAE, we work closely with                                                         Because of our vocation to promote and train                Bootcamps are intensive courses designed to
                                                                                     future managers and leaders to the best of our              train students and professionals with the need to
more than 5.300 companies from                                                       abilities, we have developed an immersive training          start working immediately on a specific area and
different sectors, which allows                                                      course that allows us to impact people who want             therefore focus on getting practical training in a
us to be updated with the latest                                                     to have a better understanding and develop a skill          short time to give the necessary skills to those who
                                                                                     set that will allow them to apply it in their careers.      want to strengthen their requested knowledge
trends and ever-changing industries                                                                                                              while networking with individuals and companies
from expert professionals.                                                                                                                       in their respective fields.

Sports Sponsorship                                                                    How to Build an MVP                                         Data-Driven Decision
& Brand Management                                                                    & Launch a Start-Up                                         Making for Business
17th – 21st July 2023                                                                 10th – 14th July 2023                                       17th – 21st July 2023

Learn how to manage and operate a sports business.                                    An immersive course that helps future entrepreneurs         Acquire knowledge about different technologies and
The function, objectives, and strategies of sponsorship                               learn how to build their businesses from the start while    best practices in the application of methodologies
from the sponsor’s point of view. What brands look for                                quickly determining if they have a viable business          that impact business processes for the best data-driven
in a campaign and how they measure the return on                                      opportunity and focusing on the crucial next steps.         management. Learn first-hand about the difficulties
investment                                                                                                                                        and challenges faced by professionals implementing
                                                                                      Meet founders, startup companies, and successful
                                                                                                                                                  these types of projects in the industry.
Opportunity to visit different sports clubs,                                          entrepreneurs to learn about their experiences and
organizations, and sporting marketing agencies to                                     innovative skills and gain experience with building new     Company visits aim to understand how all these
get to know the reality of the sports industry and in                                 ventures with interdisciplinary teams.                      concepts and technologies can be used in the day-to-
this way expand the contents that are worked on in                                                                                                day running of an organization.
the bootcamp.

*These company visits are for reference only, and are subject to change depending on
availability. The final itinerary will have a similar scope and tenor to this proposal.                                                                 EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   3
BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
Business School?
EAE is to Barcelona what Barcelona
is to EAE: welcoming and open;
dynamic and flexible; creative and
technological; modern and innovative.
Our school, just like our city, offers
endless opportunities to develop both
personally and professionally thanks
to the great concentration of talent     The need for professional training
                                         is constant, as the world around
and ideas that end up becoming           us is uncertain. In this new reality,
tangible human and economic wealth.      we have developed protocols
                                         and methodologies in order to
                                         make sure that our students can
                                         continue to receive a high-quality
+65,000                                  education and keep developing
executives have passed                   professionally at our campus. We
through EAE’s classrooms                 are a community committed
                                         to education, wellbeing, and
72 countries                             everyone’s safety. Since being
                                         founded in 1958, over 65,000
5 continents                             executives have passed through
represented in EAE’s                     EAE’s classrooms. The school
classrooms                               has participants from over 72
                                         countries on five continents,

95%                                      with 95% of the students having
                                         professional experience.
students with
professional experience

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BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
To whom?
The bootcamps are for individuals
that have some academic background
from their studies or professional
experience and would like to
further their knowledge to apply
them to their work experience.

                             It is also for those who would like
                             to have an immersive experience
                             with the best entrepreneurs and
                             professionals in the field. Students
                             will participate in different
                             organizations and companies
                             to understand their day-to-day
                             operations and how they face the
                             many challenges that come from
                             managing a business.

                                                                    EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   5
BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
A Business                                                                                    Program directors
School for
More than a business school.

Welcome to the international business school                                                  Francesc            Armando                           Faustino
that champions innovation as its mother tongue.                                               Cruces              Salvador                          Lozano
                                                                                              Sport Management    Marketing & eCommerce             Data Intelligence &
Welcome to the meeting point between people,                                                  Master’s Director   Master’s Director & Start-        Analytics Director
                                                                                                                  ups EAE Lab Director
companies and the business environment. Welcome
to a global ecosystem where professionals and
entrepreneurs connect with a purpose. Welcome
to where we drive sustainable employability
in society. Welcome to the here and now.

 What                          What                                  What Moves Us
 Inspires Us                   Defines Us                            (Forward)
 We are EAE Business School    We have an explorer spirit that       Being an innovative business
 and we have a purpose that    takes us beyond what is expected      school, a reference in the
 drives us to do everything    from a business school. We are        international arena; a business
 we do: promoting positive,    as international as we are close      school that trains people-
 constant and sustainable      to you. We anticipate and adapt       professionals for the real and
 change through training,      to the context in which we live       tangible transformation of
 knowledge and research.       through practical programmes that     companies and society.
                               are centred on the participants.
                               We foster critical observation and
                               innovative thinking in people, so
                               that they will lead the sustainable
                               transformation of organisations.

                                                                                                                    EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   6
BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
Our Bootcamp                                             Our methodology aims to improve participants’ skills through
                                                         training and mentoring. The training is structured with a

Methodology                                              series of mechanisms that perfectly balance the student’s
                                                         development while experiencing the innovative environment
                                                         of Barcelona in the company of the best EAE trainers.
                                                         These mechanisms have been designed to provide the best
                                                         training possible, focusing on the following pillars: Mentoring,
                                                         Knowledge Application, Networking and Environment.

                                       Knowledge                          Global
Mentoring                              Application                        Networking                                   Environment

As part of the intensive training,     Training conducted by industry     We believe that providing a space where      Catalonia has established itself as a
key speakers will join the course to   experts to prepare students        successful leaders, peers and educators      leading centre for start-ups in Southern
talk about the different approaches    for the highest capacities.        can meet can enhance students’               Europe, producing exciting start-ups
they have used to succeed in                                              ability to connect and find future           in a wide range of industries and
their respective careers.                                                 partners and mentors, maximising             nurturing them from early stages to
                                                                          the intensive course experience.             unicorns. We believe that training in
                                                                                                                       the midst of this innovative hub will
                                                                                                                       be beneficial for students as they will
                                                                                                                       get to know real, Barcelona-based
                                                                                                                       companies and develop their skills
                                                                                                                       in the best possible environment.

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BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen

Sports Sponsorship
& Brand Management

              EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   8
BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
Sports Sponsorship
& Brand Management
At EAE, we work on aspects
such as leadership, innovation,
public speaking and negotiation
from a practical and experiential
perspective. Through a programme
of visits to centres and reference
institutes in the sports industry,
you will experience first-hand what
managing a sports business is like.
The Bootcamp programme is an opportunity
to learn about the reality of the sports industry,
adapted to current trends that will allow you to
                                                     Purpose                     Objective
manage any department in clubs, associations,
                                                     Experience first-hand       Deepen your knowledge of              Our learning methodology
local companies or multinational sports              the reality of the sports   the areas of the sport that           and our close relationship
companies and network with a wide range of           management industry.        are trending and have the             with the business world
people from the industry and colleagues. We                                      greatest potential for growth,        will provide you with
focus on some of the soft skills that we believe                                 as well as the difficulties and       practical experience in the
are critical to working in this complex and                                      challenges professionals              resolution of real industry
changing industry.                                                               face in implementing these            cases in collaboration with
                                                                                 methods in the industry.              companies from the sector.

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BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023 - We make it happen
Sports Sponsorship                                                                                                                 Schedule
& Brand Management                                                                                                                 9h to 19.30h
                                                                                                                                   Monday to Friday

Governance                 Facilities               Digital Strategy          Legal                     Sponsorship                  Hands On
Knowledge of the           This course provides     As part of the digital    Environment               Sponsorship and              Trainning
organisations that         participants             strategy of sports                                  commercial revenue
                                                                              This course will                                       Apply the knowledge
govern and regulate        with an intensive        organisations,                                      are one of the financial
                                                                              introduce the student                                  gained in the various
sport at the national      understanding of the     digital marketing                                   mainstays of major
                                                                              to the financial                                       courses and develop
and international          various key aspects of   is an overarching                                   sports companies and
                                                                              structure and the                                      and present a pitch to
level, as well as          working in different     tool to activate and                                the primary source
                                                                              criteria of control                                    find sponsors at various
their jurisdiction         types of organisations   increase sales and the                              of revenue for many
                                                                              and management of                                      sports organisations,
and hierarchy as a         that manage venues,      opportunities that                                  others. This course
                                                                              sports properties as                                   create brand
necessary part of sports   such as public venues,   digital channels open                               will look at current
                                                                              well as their legal and                                awareness, understand
business management.       fitness centres or       up for organisations to                             sponsorship strategies
                                                                              regulatory context.                                    the legal context of
                           private clubs.           shape their products.                               from different angles:
                                                                                                                                     the sports industry,
                                                                                                        from the perspective
                                                                                                                                     while developing a
                                                                                                        of the sponsored, but
                                                                                                                                     sense and criteria for
                                                                                                        also the sponsor’s
                                                                                                                                     selecting key sponsors
                                                                                                        point of view.
                                                                                                                                     for your clients.

                                                                                                                 EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   10
Sports Sponsorship
& Brand Management
Company visits
                                 CATALUNYA SPEED CIRCUIT:
Barcelona offers unique          we discover what lies behind a
opportunities to meet face-to-   place that hosts major events
face with some of the leading    such as Formula 1 or Moto
national and international       GP, but also offers important
sports organisations. We will    activities throughout the rest of
use the opportunity of the       the year.
residency to make some of the
following visits:

                                 SPORTS MARKETING AGENCY:
                                 We learn about the daily work
                                 of a sports marketing agency
                                 that works with leading brands
                                 and companies to promote
                                 the careers of professional
                                 athletes by optimising their
                                 performances, strengthening
                                 their personal brand and
                                 monetising their careers.

                                                                     EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   11

How to Build an MVP
& Launch a Start-Up

               EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   12
How to Build an MVP
& Launch a Start-Up
In this bootcamp, you will
acquire the entrepreneurial
skills and techniques that will
improve the chances of success
for your business or projects.
Through a network of contacts,
visits from experts and the
identification of steps that lead
to success, participants will learn
from the experiences of successful
entrepreneurs on how to start
and grow their businesses.
                                      Purpose                     Objective
                                      Encourage creativity and    To enable participants
                                      turn ideas into projects.   to take a project from
                                                                  concept to MVP.

                                                                                 EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   13
How to Build an MVP                                                                                                             Schedule
                                                                                                                                9h to 19.30h
& Launch a Start-Up                                                                                                             Monday to Friday

Stakeholders                Customer             Business                 Financials for             Master Class                  Hands On
& Value                     Journey &            Model Canvas             Entrepreneurs              Pitching                      Trainning
Through an overview         Lightning            The Business Model       Financial literacy         Learn how to                  Learn how to
of the stakeholder                               Canvas provides          enables entrepreneurs      effectively express           develop and launch
                            Customer journeys
value, students can                              visual representation    to take responsibility     your ideas by                 your minimum
                            map how your
understand better                                of a business model,     for their financials and   developing a                  viable product.
                            customers use
how to create the best                           highlighting all key     maintain a sharp focus     pitching strategy.
                            your products and
possible levels of return                        strategic factors.       on costs, which are
                            services. Measure
for their stakeholders.                          It allows students       critical in maximizing
                            and understand the
                                                 a tool to analyse,       a business’s chance
                            problems, needs
                                                 structure, and evolve    of survival.
                            and experiences
                                                 a business while
                            that customers or
                                                 always keeping the
                            buyer persona goes
                                                 bigger vision in mind.
                            through before
                            making a purchase.

                                                                                                               EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   14
How to Build an MVP
& Launch a Start-Up
Company visits
                                         CAMPUS 42 – NO CODE
Barcelona is a growing hub of            Campus visit to learn first-
international and national talent        hand about the experiences
aimed to develop and create the next     of joining and building a
batch of successful startups while       company.
striving to innovate and find the
best methodologies to apply in their
Entrepreneurial testimonies and
company visits will allow us to gather
insights into the minds that have
built successful businesses while        INNOVATION AND
remaining at the top of their game in    RESILIENCE
this competitive landscape:              We will meet entrepreneurs
                                         and leaders that had to adapt
                                         to the market while managing
                                         the real-time complexities of
                                         the market pulse, customer
                                         tendencies, competitive
                                         pressures, and brand position.
                                         monetising their careers.

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Data-Driven Decision
Making for Business

                EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   16
Data-Driven Decision
Making for Business
Hands-on training in the
use of quantitative methods
and software for making
successful business decisions.
Hands-on training in the use of
quantitative methods and software
for making successful business
decisions. Deepen knowledge of
various technologies and best
practices in applying methodologies
that impact business processes for
optimal data-driven management.
                                      Purpose                    Objective
This bootcamp consists of a mix       Acquire knowledge about    Gain an analytical mindset
                                      various technologies and   for better decision-making
of different components grouped       methods that directly      in your business and use
around different axes that are an     or indirectly affect       data to make informed
extension of the overall bootcamp.    the world of data.         and verified decisions to
                                                                 drive business growth.

                                                                                EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   17
Data-Driven Decision                                                                                                           Schedule
                                                                                                                               9h to 19.30h
Making for Business                                                                                                            Monday to Friday

Business                   Cybersecurity            Data Science            Analytics                Data                          Hands On Trainning
Analytics                  and Data                 & AI                    Operations               Governance                    This workshop focuses on
                                                                                                                                   some of the main tools in
How analytics              Protection               Advanced analysis       Organise IT needs        How to structure
                                                                                                                                   the world of Analytics. These
facilitates business                                options and how         concerning data and      and manage data
                           Security challenges in                                                                                  tools allow us to perform
decision-making. An                                 to approach these       their relationship       within an organization
                           data protection and                                                                                     both data visualizations and
explanation of how to                               projects effectively.   to the rest of the       to ensure its value
                           how cybersecurity                                                                                       dashboards for decision-
approach each of the                                                        business organisation.   to the business.
                           helps to solve them.                                                                                    making in the organization
technical problems
                                                                                                                                   as well as Data Science and
from a business
                                                                                                                                   Artificial Intelligence projects.
point of view and
                                                                                                                                   This workshop gives an
what processes and
                                                                                                                                   introduction and overview
indicators are necessary
                                                                                                                                   of how Python and PowerBI
to solve each decision.
                                                                                                                                   work, their main uses and
                                                                                                                                   examples of use cases.

                                                                                                              EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   18
Data-Driven Decision
Making for Business
Company visits
T-Systems is a German              There will be a company visit
multinational IT services and      to Barcelona’s T-Systems
consulting company founded         headquarters to discuss their
in October 2000 and part of        innovative approaches, Cloud
the Deutsche Telekom Group.        Business Labs & Academy,
It operates in 27 countries with   Data Exploitation & AI Case,
38,000 employees.                  and the overall data-driven
                                   management approach.

                                                                   EAE Business School Barcelona, BOOTCAMPS Summer 2023   19

Queremos dar las gracias a todos los
                                              Campus Barcelona
miembros de la Comunidad EAE: alumnos,
antiguos alumnos, claustro y staff, que han   C/ Aragó, 28 08015
hecho posible este catálogo. Un colectivo     C/ Aragó, 55 08015
de personas que representan la filosofía      C/ Tarragona, 110 08015
y los valores que nos guían en nuestro
apasionante viaje. We make it happen.

                                              932 492 938
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