Page created by Rafael Henderson
                                                   CRUISE OPERATOR
                                                      Reader’s Digest Australia
AFTA National Travel Industry Awards

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                                     Club Med overhauls loyalty                                                    Today’s issue of TD
                                                                                                                     Travel Daily today has seven
                                       Club Med has launched its new        Diamond and Platinum agencies,         pages of news including
                                     Advantage loyalty program for          as well as competitive rates for       Business Events News plus
        on location at
                                     travel agents in Australia, offering   personal stays at select resorts.      a front cover from Royal
    Wolgan Valley                    consultants a range of incentives        The loyalty initiative’s overhaul    Caribbean International.
                                     and new membership tiers.              is also pitching heavily at
  Today’s issue of TD is coming        Participating travel agencies        rewarding individual consultants
   to you courtesy of Emirates                                                                                    Half price deposits!
                                     can earn incentives through            by offering them the chance to
    One&Only Resort and Spa
                                     the program’s renewed tiered           earn solo points toward a free          ROYAL Caribbean International
  Wolgan Valley and Lexus, the                                                                                    is excited to let the Australian
     resort’s vehicle partner.
                                     commission structure, which            Club Med holiday to any of its
                                     consist of Turquoise, Gold,            resorts across the globe.             travel world know that they are
WOLGAN Valley, just across the       Platinum, and Diamond levels,            For each client booking, one        back and the wait for its unique
Blue Mountains from Sydney,
                                     with advisors able to move their       point is awarded for every            cruise offerings is finally over!
is looking greener than it has in
                                     way up through the tiers based         accommodation dollar sold.              To celebrate, the cruise line is
years, with the wetter than usual                                                                                 offering an amazing half price
summer meaning the local flora
                                     on the annual business generated         Club Med GM of the Pacific,
                                     on a calendar year basis.              Michelle Davies, hailed the new       deposit offer for Aussie cruises
and fauna is flourishing.                                                                                         taking place later this year, as
  Wildlife is particularly             Highlights of the refreshed          loyalty program as crucial to the
                                     loyalty structure include an           brand’s success in being able to      well as up to 30% discounts and
abundant, with mobs of                                                                                            US$400 to spend at sea.
kangaroos - complete with joeys      allocation of room nights to           form deeper trade partnerships.
                                     be used towards marketing                “To rebound successfully, we          For more details on the trio of
in their pouches - gently grazing
                                     initiatives with support from Club     need to do this together which is     amazing return deals, see the
on the manicured lawns outside
                                     Med’s Sales team for Diamond,          why we’ve used the pandemic to        front page of Travel Daily.
the resort’s 40 luxury villas.
  TD has also spotted wombats,       Platinum and Gold members, an          overhaul our program,” she said.        MEANWHILE Royal Caribbean
wallaroos, wallabies and lots        invitation to its annual reward trip     Agents can manage their Club        is reminding travel agents they
of beautiful bird life including a   each calendar year for the top 20      Med Advantage account via the         can learn more about Cruising
wedge-tailed eagle, as well as a     selling agents, access to a priority   revamped Club Med Travel Agent        Power bookings by accessing a
very rare sighting of an elusive     phone line direct to Club Med’s        Portal - view the platform HERE.      video explaining how to register
local platypus!                      Travel Experience Designers for                                              on its HomePort portal HERE.

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Travel Daily      e                  t 1300 799 220               w                          page 1
                                                                                                          REGISTER NOW!              ENTRIES CLOSE 31 MARCH

                                                                                                          UTAH                             DELTA AIR LINES        ROCKY MOUNTAINEER

                                   Thursday 24th March 2022                          Earn points for a complimentary famil to Utah

QF campaign on way
  QANTAS is preparing to
                                    HLO ready for the wave                                                                                                   Window
introduce a new campaign which        HELLOWORLD Travel is “well                 overheads for the first half of the
it says is intended to inspire      placed” to take advantage of                 financial year, as well as a total                                          Seat
future travel, tourism and renew    a rising demand in travel and                revenue increase of 45.2% for the
a sense of appreciation of the      achieve greater economies of                 period Oct to Dec 2021, when                             Hotels in Venice have declared
“Spirit of Australia”.              scale, according to a document               compared to the previous period.                         war on the city’s pesky seagulls,
  More details in tomorrow’s        presented at the Ord Minnet                    From a wholesale perspective,                          after increasing complaints
issue of Travel Daily.              Lesiure, Tourism & Gaming                    the presentation indicated that                          about the birds swooping down
                                    conference today.                            despite the limited amount of                            to steal food from customers
                                      CEO Andrew Burnes presented                product available in the short-                          eating breakfast outdoors.
                                    the company update which                     term, cruising will play an                                A conference conducted by
                                    predicted the business would see             increasingly important role for its                      the Venice hoteliers’ association
                                    a marked improvement in sales                wholesale division as Helloworld                         this week discussed measures
                                    in the second half of FY22, driven           has already experienced “strong                          being taken to combat the
                                    by a booming Fijian market and               bookings” for future cruise travel                       “predatory” herring gulls, which
                                    the general easing of global travel          beyond the important resumption                          over recent years have become
                                    restrictions every week.                     date of 17 Apr.                                          dominant over the more
                                      The company’s chief also                     The report also described                              meek doves which previously
                                    reiterated the improving sales               Aussie travellers as “cashed-up”,                        populated the city’s canals.
         Jul - Dec 2022             conditions within Helloworld,                with many expressing a desire                              Initiatives have included
                                    most notably the recording of its            for “complex, upmarket travel                            using trained birds of prey such
                                    highest Total Transaction Value of           arrangements”.                                           as falcons to hunt the pests,
                                    $170 million in Feb, the strongest             Burnes noted that the company                          “electro-replusion” kits and the
                                    result since the pandemic began,             would once again achieve                                 use of “acoustic systems with
                                    but still only a third of what Feb           profitability in 2023 if the current                     vocal control units”.
     Discover the key               would normally bring in prior to             trajectory is maintained, but                              But one of the most creative
   consumer sentiment               the health crisis.                           conceded it was impossible to                            approaches, pioneered by the
    and trends shaping                Further financial highlights               predict precise numbers with a                           Monaco & Grand Canal Hotel
   decision making for              included a 3.8% reduction in                 “high degree of accuracy”.                               and the Gritti Hotel, is to give
     travel intenders                                                                                                                     guests water pistols to ward off

                                                          vent                                                                            the attacks.
  Join Kerrie McCallum                   Virtual Launch E                                                                                   Local news website ANSA cited
   and travel industry                                                                                                                    the Gritti’s Paolo Lorenzoni
                                        If you missed out on our in-person Quark 23/24 season launch event, it’s not
         experts                                                                                                                          saying “they really work, they’re
                                        too late! Together with Travel Daily events join us for a virtual launch event.
                                                                                                                                          also coloured orange, which
       Streaming                                              29 March at 11am & 4pm (EST)
                                                                                                                                          these birds don’t like”.
  Tuesday 5 April, 2022
  11am - 11:45am AEDT

                                              11am           4pm
                                        REGISTER HERE    REGISTER HERE

   European Christmas Markets
   Luxury River Cruising
     4 new departures in Nov & Dec 2022
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     Secure your client’s 2023 river cruise
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Travel Daily     e                      t 1300 799 220                      w                                       page 2
keep dreaming...                                              Click to
                                                                             Travel inspiration for your
                                                                             clients’ next holiday!

                                     Thursday 24th March 2022

Putting down more roots                                                    MH reboots Oz
                                                                             Malaysia Airlines has
                                                                                                                  Azamara bonuses
                                                                                                                    Agents who book any new
  BAMBOO Airways continues to        put into administration in 2019       confirmed it will increase             Azamara sailing departing before
show strong signs of commitment      after the collapse of global parent   frequencies on the KUL-Sydney          30 Mar 2023 between now
to the local market, with the        Cox & Kings (TD 20 Sep 2019).         route from five-times-weekly to        and 31 Mar will receive bonus
carrier recruiting one of CVFR                                             daily from 01 Apr.                     onboard credit of up to US$500
Travel Group’s State Managers to                                             The carrier also indicated it will   per stateroom for their clients.
be its National Sales Manager for
                                     Barry’s tasty new gig                 boost its KUL to Perth flights from      This offer is available to book in
Australia and New Zealand.             THE new role for long-time          two times a week to five-times-        Espresso or by calling the cruise
  Brad Crawford started in the       travel executive Katrina Barry        weekly from the same date.             line’s reservation team on 1800
role this month and will be based    has been revealed today, with           Malaysia Airlines announced the      570 552.
in the airline’s Melbourne office,   her switch to the technology          move as part of a wider rebooting
bringing with him a wealth of        sector seeing Barry take up a         of its network, which has seen
experience in aviation sales,        CEO position with hospitality         flights between Malaysia and Bali,
                                                                                                                  Stop over & learn
having already held positions        technology company, me&u.             India and Thailand restart.              Discover Qatar is teaming up
at airlines such as Thai Airways       After announcing her exit from                                             with The Inspire Collective to host
International and AirAsia.           the The Travel Corporation’s                                                 a series of expert Qatar Stopover
  The recruitment follows the        Contiki business earlier this         Free job training                      training webinars.
recent adding of flights from        year (TD 11 Jan), Barry has now         Victoria University is                 Agents can learn more about
the Vietnamese airline between       turned her hand to spearheading       currently offering free courses        why Australian travellers will
Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and       the wider adoption of the at-         to fast-track new workers into         enjoy the destination, as well as
Australia’s two biggest hubs,        table ordering platform, which        entry-level roles in Victoria’s        hear more about what four- and
Sydney and Melbourne (TD 07          has already achieved usage at         rapidly recovering hospitality and     five-star hotel deals are on offer.
Mar) and (TD 01 Mar).                thousands of Aussie venues.           tourism sectors.                         Webinars also include info on
  Crawford was also the Business       “I am incredibly excited to join      Upon completion of the               the ‘sell and win’ incentive which
Manager for Victoria and             such a fast-paced business that       course, students will be granted       will offer a trip to Qatar in May.
Tasmania for Tempo Holidays and      is breaking new ground and            guaranteed job interviews                Sessions on offer include 10am
Bentours when the Aussie arm,        changing the face of hospitality,”    with brands such as Accor, the         & 2pm on 30 Mar and 1pm on 31
through no fault of his own, was     Barry said this week.                 Riverland Group & RACV Resorts.        Mar - register to attend HERE.

Travel Daily      e                 t 1300 799 220               w                            page 3
Thursday 24th March 2022

Entire lands expert                     Qatar treats trade to Belfast                                        What a Bonza recruit
  Entire Travel Group has snared                                                                               FAST-GROWING challenger
the services of Sam Treby to be                                                                              airline Bonza has appointed
its new Destination Manager -                                                                                former Hurtigurten Regional Sales
Canada & Alaska.                                                                                             Manager Dennis Basham to be
  Treby will be based in Sydney                                                                              its Lead Customer Product and
to assume the newly-created                                                                                  Partnerships Manager.
position, and joins the business                                                                               Basham was only at the cruise
with a wealth of experience                                                                                  line for five months before
about the two destinations,                                                                                  jumping ship to the yet-to-launch
knowledge accrued in her time as                                                                             Aussie carrier, whose sales
Senior Reservations Destination                                                                              strategy will involve servicing
Expert Canada & Alaska with                                                                                  regional hubs not properly
Adventure World.                                                                                             catered for by existing carriers.
  New recruit Treby is pictured
with Entire Travel Group’s Sales                                                                             Why not swing by?
Director Greg McCallum.
                                     Discover Qatar, Qatar             new global campaign, attendees          New Zealand’s Huka Lodge
                                   Airways, and Qatar Tourism          viewed a screening of the Best        has launched a special weekend
                                   has this month been hosting a       Picture-nominated Belfast, with       travel package dedicated to
                                   number of trade movie nights        few dry eyes left in the theatre.     championship golf for Aussies, in
                                   throughout Australia.                 Pictured ahead of last night’s      line with the country’s borders
                                     Events are being run in           screening are Qatar Airways Sales     opening next month.
                                   Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide       Executive Zeid Al-Basheer and Key       The three-night trip tees off on
                                   and this week, Sydney, including    Account Manager Stella Vlahos,        27 May and includes 18 holes at
                                   last night’s event at Palace        Discover Qatar Regional Manager       Kinloch Signature and Wairakei
                                   Norton Street.                      Jessica Shelton-Agar, and Qatar       golf courses hosted by golf
                                     After hearing about Doha          Tourism Regional Sales Director       champs, from $7,350 per couple.
                                   stopovers and Qatar Tourism’s       Rich Styles.                            More info on Huka Lodge HERE.

           Join our high performing team of reservations consultants based in Sydney.
                 Reservations Manager                                                Reservations Consultant
   Reporting to the Group Reservations Manager, this role will         The main purpose of this role is to facilitate the booking
   support and lead a team of Reservations Consultants to facilitate   process linking people with meaningful Wild Bush Luxury travel
   the booking process linking people with meaningful Wild Bush        experiences in outback Australia. This is achieved through a
   Luxury travel experiences in outback Australia.                     consultative sales approach on bookings coming directly from
                                                                       consumers and through trade partners around the world. You’ll
   Your day will be filled with:                                       also liaise with third party suppliers and industry peers and
   • Leading and motivating our Reservation Consultants to             contribute content for social media marketing..
     provide a consultative sales approach on bookings coming
     directly from consumers and through trade partners around         You will know you’re suitable if you bring:
     the world
   • Day to day operations of the Wild Bush Luxury Reservation         • Consistently delivering sales results through a consultative
     functions and assisting with the overflow of calls, emails and      approach
     webchats, stepping in to assist as required                       • Exceptional and fluent customer service skills on the phone in
   • Training and developing our Reservations Consultants                particular, but also written
   • Influence and positively contribute to the achievement of sales   • High attention to detail
     and revenue targets                                               • The ability to multi task, engage initiative and bring new ideas
   • Attending and contributing to broader team and stakeholder        • Experience in the travel industry is preferred, but not essential
     meeting, collaborating with Sales, Marketing and Operations         (GDS is not required)
   • Manage reservations procedures and streamline systems,            • An interest in nature is preferred
     focusing on presentation and efficiency
   • Report writing and analysis on contact statistics, conversion
     rates and bookings data


Travel Daily     e               t 1300 799 220              w                         page 4
Going with the flow                      Finding a new track
                                                                                                Carnival Australia has                   Eurail has unveiled a new
                                                                                              appointed This is Flow to handle         brand identity designed to reflect
                                                                                              the media planning and buying            a greater sense of flexibility and
                                                                                              for all four of its brands in the        “borderless train travel”.
                                                                                              local market, including Princess           “We now have a design that
                                                                                              Cruises, Seabourn Cruises, Cunard        meets the current demands of
                                                        Thursday 24th March 2022              Line and Holland America Line.           marketing in a digital-first age
                                                                                                The agency replaces Initiative         allowing it to remain top-of-
                                                                                              Sydney, which was previously in          mind and relevant in the highly
Still smiling at Wolgan Valley                                                                charge of the Australian media           competitive European travel
                                                                                              strategy for the cruise company,         market,” the company stated.
                                                                                              with This is Flow CEO Jimmy Hyett          Eurail, which is also the owner
                                                                                              stating it is time to bring cruising     of Interrail Passes, added that
                                                                                              “back to the people” & return to         alongside the visual rebrand is a
                                                                                              pre-COVID double-digit growth.           change in its creative strategy.

                                                                                                                        Product Manager
                                                                                                 • Join Destination NSW and be part of delivering the NSW Visitor
                                                                                                 Economy Strategy 2030
                                                                                                 • Several newly created opportunities within the Engagement and
  Tim Stanhope took over as                              has also presided over a new            Visitor Economy Development team
General Manager of Emirates                              partnership with luxury car maker       • Equivalent Grade 9/10 with a base commencing salary of $113,343
One & Only Wolgan Valley Resort                          Lexus, with branded upmarket            • Ongoing roles based in Sydney
& Spa in late 2019 - just in time                        4WD vehicles used to take guests      Destination NSW is the lead agency, champion, and voice for the visitor
to take the property through the                         on excursions across the property.    economy within the NSW Government. Spearheading a whole-of-
massive ups and downs of the                               After multiple lockdowns the        government approach to visitor economy growth, Destination NSW is
last two years.                                          resort reopened in Oct last year,     responsible for leading the delivery of the NSW Visitor Economy Strategy
  While the whole world has                              at the same time announcing           2030 in partnership with government and industry.
endured multiple waves of                                a new partnership with the            About The Role
COVID-19, lockdowns, restrictions                        Bentley Group which introduced        As a Product Manager, you will be the DNSW subject matter expert.
and border closures, Stanhope                            an awesome new gastronomic            You will be responsible for developing and delivering evidence-based
has also had to deal with                                experience - extending previous       programs designed to boost the volume, quality and distribution of visitor
bushfires, floods, storms and                            relationships with One & Only         experiences and enhance stakeholder capability throughout NSW in
even the mouse plague which                              restaurants in the Maldives.          alignment with the Visitor Economy Strategy 2030.
afflicted country NSW in 2020/21.                          The property’s all-inclusive
                                                                                               How to Apply
  Through it all he’s endured and                        experience features meals and
enhanced the service standards                           beverages, complimentary guided       To apply and view the full job description for each position please go to the
                                                                                               iworkfornsw website
at the resort, which is now                              walks and conservation activities,
seeing strong forward bookings                           while guests can also enjoy lavish      •   Product Manager – Lifestyle
                                                                                                 •   Product Manager - Cruise, Rail, Road & Air
from its traditional international                       spa treatments, private touring         •   Product Manager – Culinary & Agritourism
clientele after the announcement                         and horse riding activities.            •   Product Manager – Aboriginal Experiences
of Australia’s border reopening,                           Currently like most hospitality       •   Product Manager – Nature, Eco & Wellness
particularly later in 2022 and into                      operators, the major challenge
                                                                                               Should you require any additional information please contact:
the first quarter of 2023.                               for the resort is staffing, amid
  Stanhope (pictured with one                            strong demand from both                 Closing date: 5th April 2022 [9.59am]
of his favourite furry friends)                          domestic and international guests.

   Antarctica All-Inclusive
   flights from $11,990
   *Subject to dates and availability. Terms and conditions apply.
                                                                                                                                                   Find out more

Travel Daily              e                            t 1300 799 220                 w                              page 5
business events news
   business events news
           Thursday 24th March 2022                                                              

BECA hails boost to bid fund                                                                                    AIME goes off!
  federal Tourism Minister Dan                                                                                    The 2022 Asia-Pacific
Tehan has flagged the business                                                                                  Incentives and Meetings
events sector as potentially                                                                                    Exhibition (AIME) has
becoming Australia’s largest                                                                                    wrapped up, with more than
tourism market, taking over from                                                                                300 hosted buyers and 200
the pre-pandemic leadership of                                                                                  new exhibitors making the
China in the coming years.                                                                                      most of the opportunity to
  The minister was speaking                                                                                     gather at the Melbourne
at an Association of Australian                                                                                 Convention and Exhibition
Convention Bureaux breakfast                                                                                    Centre for the first time in
in Melbourne, saying this                                                                                       more than two years.
week’s announcement of an                                                                                         The AIME welcome event
additional $5 million for Tourism                                                                               on Mon night saw delegates
Australia’s business events bid                                                                                 experience Melbourne Park’s
fund (TD 22 Mar) “positioned the                                                                                new CENTREPIECE venue for
business events industry as the                                                                                 an outstanding celebration,
cornerstone in the recovery of                                                                                  arriving by boat on the
the visitor economy”.                                                                                           banks of the Yarra River at
  The Business Events Council        provide an ideal platform to           growing global industries.”         Birrarung Marr.
of Australia (BECA) welcomed         promote Australia to the world.”         Before COVID-19 Australian          Melbourne pulled out all
the funding announcement,              Jago noted that the Business         business events generated about     stops for the two-day event
with Chair Leo Jago saying “this     Events Bid Fund program had            US$36 billion annually for the      which showcased local
investment is a critical step in     already successfully helped            economy, employing in excess of     produce, performers and
Australia’s international recovery   secure bid wins for 57 events          229,000 Australians.                suppliers to a host of local
and adds much needed certainty       aligned with Australia’s trade and       Pictured at the event are, from   and international buyers.
to international interest in         investment priorities.                 left: AACB President Michael          AIME 2022 continues next
Australia”.                            “Through matched funding             Matthews; AACB Vice President       week in a virtual format, with
  “As we emerge from pandemic        with states and territories,           Julia Swanson; Dan Tehan; John      exhibitors showcasing their
restrictions, global competition     this extension will improve            Brumby, Chair of the Melbourne      products and services to
for consumers, talent, business      our success rate in bidding for        Convention and Exhibition Trust;    about 50 online buyers.
and investment has never been        conventions, incentives and            and Peter King, CEO Melbourne         See
greater, and business events         exhibitions in some of the fastest     Convention & Exhibition Centre.

  New TA promos                        Burgess resigns
    Tourism Australia this
  week revealed details of
                                         ADELAIDE Convention
                                       Centre GM Simon Burgess
                                                                                Keep up to date
  the latest iteration of its
  international There’s Nothing
  Like Australia and domestic
                                       has resigned from the venue
                                       after almost a decade.
                                         It’s believed he is moving
  Event Here This Year
  campaigns, with the Business
                                       to a new role at Adelaide’s
                                       National Wine Centre of                  Travel
                                                                                Daily on
  Events Australia programs            Australia.
  part of a recovery strategy
  to support the country’s
                                     NZ restrictions ease
  business events sector.
    The international promo
  is launching this month in
                                       The NZ business events sector
                                     is understood to still be frustrated
                                                                                the go
  the UK, North America,             at rules which eased this week to
                                                                                Download the Travel
  NZ, China, the UK and              allow venues to host a maximum
  South East Asia, while the         of 200 people indoors, rather              Daily app from the
  domestic campaign will             than the previous limit of 100.            Apple Store today.
  target local decision makers         The rules apply regardless
  by “promoting the value that       of venue size, meaning even
  only in-person connections         large spaces such as Te Pae
  can generate for business”.        Christchurch are heavily limited in
                                     the events they can host.

Travel Daily      e                  t 1300 799 220              w                      page 6
                                                                                                                                          TRAVEL DAILY TRAINING
                                                       Thursday 24th March 2022

Join Austria in May                                                            The view from the top                                                                                                         Latin America cruise
  The Austrian Tourism Days 2022                                                                                                                                                                               Adventure Canada has
netowrking event will take place                                                                                                                                                                             unveiled the details of its 2023
from 16-19 May in Vienna.                                                                                                                                                                                    Costa Rica & Panama expeditions.
  The centrepiece for                                                                                                                                                                                          The special small-ship
international buyers, the ATB                                                                                                                                                                                expeditions aboard Panorama is
trade fair, is a two-day long                                                                                                                                                                                a favourite for those who love
marketplace which will introduce                                                                                                                                                                             tropical climates.
participants from around the                                                                                                                                                                                   In 2023, Adventure Canada
world to Austrian travel suppliers.                                                                                                                                                                          is offering two sailings for the
  Hosted buyer appointments will                                                                                                                                                                             trip - one departing 24 Feb, and
see new connections established,                                                                                                                                                                             another departing 05 Mar.
and old ones intensified.                                                                                                                                                                                      Limited spots are available on
  The event will also combine                                                                                                                                                                                the itinerary - CLICK HERE.
the tourism trade fair
with the e-Campus, featuring top-
class speakers, and the innovation                         The Standard, London has                                                on-tap, and a new food concept
platform “Future of Travel”, with                        announced the launch of The                                               from the Michelin-starred chef
insights into technologies and                           Rooftop (pictured), an open-air                                           Peter Sanchez-Iglesias.
forward-looking solutions for the                        fiesta spot which will offer a                                              Located in the heart of King’s
travel industry - contact sydney@                        line-up of renowned DJs, cocktails                                        Cross, next to Coal Drops Yard for information.                                                                                                      and St Pancras railway station,
                                                                                                                                   The Rooftop will offer drinks and
                       Appointments                                                                                                snacks with stunning panoramic
                                                                                                                                   city views.
  WELCOME to Industry Appointments, Travel Daily’s Thursday feature                                                                  The Rooftop will open on 07                                                 AN ONLINE EVENT
  which has the latest job appointments from across the industry. If                                                               Apr, stretching over the 11th                                                 WITH
  you have just appointed someone to a new position and would like to                                                              floor of The Standard, and will be
  update the industry email                                                                       operate seven days a week for
                                                                                                                                   guests and walk-ins
 Oceania Cruises has announced the appointment of Frank Del Rio Jr
 as its new global Chief Sales & Marketing Officer. Del Rio, the son of
                                                                                                                                     Reservations will also be able to
 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings CEO Frank Del Rio, will be responsible                                                             be made from 4pm Mon-Thu, and                                                 Robert Halfpenny and the
 for all sales and marketing activities across the globe and lead the teams                                                        1pm Fri to Sun.                                                               new APAC sales team will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 talk about the launch of
 based in the brand’s offices in Miami in the US, Southampton in the UK,                                                                                                                                         ‘Explorers Wanted’, the
 Sydney Australia, and Sao Paulo in Brazil.                                                                                        JNTO sweet reward                                                             23/24 Antarctica season,
 Former Qantas Head of Fleet Operations Alex Scamps has joined rival                                                                                                                                             unique experiences, and
                                                                                                                                     THE Japan National Tourism                                                  an update on ‘Ultramarine’
 Virgin Australia to be its Chief Pilot, replacing the recently departed                                                           Organization has awarded sweets                                               including video of its maiden
 Michael Fitzgerald.                                                                                                               packages courtesy of                                                season....and much more.
 Pan Pacific Melbourne has announced the appointment of Deepak                                                                     to three Australian agents who
 Mishra as its new Director of Food & Beverage & Culinary Operations.                                                              participated in its online learning                                           TUESDAY 29 MARCH
 Born on the east coast of India, Deepak trained in classical French                                                               and training platform.
 cooking and is recognised for his innovative approach in presenting a                                                               Eric Finley from Adventure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11am (AEDT)
 diverse globally influenced cuisine infused with local flavours.                                                                  World, Valerie Hayes from                                                                     REGISTER
 Corporate Travel Management (CTM) has expanded its events division                                                                Webjet, and Sandra Brasier from
 (ETM) in New Zealand with the appointment of Jess Ogg, who has been                                                               Helloworld Mt Waverley have all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4pm (AEDT)
 appointed Events Leader – New Zealand. She brings with her more                                                                   scored themselves a year’s supply                                                              REGISTER
 than 17 years of experience in the incentive and travel sector, having                                                            of delicious chocolate.
 previously worked with such brands as the Auckland War Memorial                                                                     To learn more about the JNTO
 Museum. Ogg said she wants to being back business “with a bang”.                                                                  training program, CLICK HERE.

                                        EDITORIAL                                                            Advertising and Marketing                                  Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                        Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                          Sean Harrigan and Hoda Alzubaidi                           Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
                                        Associate Editors– Adam Bishop,                                                         PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia                 Myles Stedman                                                                                                                   Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)
 Travel Daily is part of the Business   Contributors – Nicholas O’Donoghue,                                  Business manager
 Publishing Group family of             Anna Piper, Jenny Piper                                              Jenny Piper                                                Travel Daily operates by paid subscription                             business events news
 publications.                                                                                    to people within the travel industry - sign
 Produced each weekday since
                                                                                                                                                                        up at
 1994, Travel Daily is Australia’s
                                        Travel Daily is a publication of TDaily Pty Ltd ABN 34 108 508 765. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of Travel
 leading travel industry publication.   Daily no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

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