Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard

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Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
Bôcher, Osgood, and the
Ascendance of American
Mathematics at Harvard
Steve Batterson

                   he year 1888 is notable to members                  Bôcher, W. F. Osgood, Leonard Dickson, and G. D.
                   of the American Mathematical Society                Birkhoff were internationally respected mathema-
                   (AMS) for the founding of their organi-             ticians. Graduate programs at Chicago, Harvard,
                   zation under the name The New York                  and Princeton offered European-level training
                   Mathematical Society. In this same year             that had been unavailable in the United States
        Maxime Bôcher received his A.B. in mathematics                 when Bôcher completed his undergraduate stud-
        from Harvard. The university also awarded Bôcher               ies a quarter century earlier. The advancement on
        a fellowship that enabled him to travel to Göttin-             American campuses began in the early 1890s.
        gen for graduate study. At the time, knowledge-                   Most significant was the opening of the Univer-
        able American mathematics students with means                  sity of Chicago in 1892. Under the leadership of
        went to Germany to pursue a Ph.D. Opportuni-                   E. H. Moore, Chicago recruited European emigrés
        ties for course work and thesis direction in the               to implement a high-level mathematics curriculum
        United States were vastly inferior. The country’s              [2]. A steady stream of talented American students
        only significant mathematical scholars were the                thrived in the scholarly environment. Moore’s Ph.D.
        nonacademically employed George William Hill,                  students Dickson (1896), Oswald Veblen (1903),
        the part-time professor Simon Newcomb, and                     and Birkhoff (1907) would each go on to deliver
        the reclusive scientist J. Willard Gibbs. Over the             plenary addresses to the International Congress
        1890–1894 interval just two American universities              of Mathematicians.
        would confer more than two mathematics Ph.D.’s                    Compare the Chicago ascendance with contem-
        [1], and neither of these programs was on a favor-             poraneous developments at Harvard [4], [5], [2].
        able trajectory. Johns Hopkins was in a decline                After obtaining their Ph.D.’s in Germany, Osgood
        that had begun with the recent departure of J. J.              and Bôcher became Harvard instructors in 1890
        Sylvester. Clark University, after a promising first           and 1891 respectively. None of their departmental
        three years, underwent devastating turmoil and                 colleagues were engaged in mathematical research.
        lost many of its best staff [2], [3].                          Together Bôcher and Osgood steadily changed the
           Yet by 1913 the American mathematical brand                 culture, publishing their scholarly work and invigo-
        was appreciated in Europe. E. H. Moore, Maxime                 rating the graduate program. Birkhoff joined the
                                                                       Harvard faculty in 1912 and then discovered his
        Steve Batterson is associate professor of mathematics and
        computer science at Emory University. His email address
                                                                       famous proof of Poincaré’s Geometric Theorem.
        is sb@mathcs.emory.edu.                                        With Bôcher, Osgood, and Birkhoff, Harvard was
                                                                       the strongest department in the United States.
        The author is grateful to Don Sarason and Raghavan
        Narasimhan for clarifying historical points and to Michele     Given the 1890 state of American mathematics,
        Benzi and Albert Lewis for suggestions on the manuscript.      the rise of Harvard was remarkable, even if over-
        Unpublished material is quoted courtesy of the Harvard         shadowed by the more rapid advances at Chicago.
        University Archives; MIT Archives; Library of Congress;        This article traces these developments, focusing on
        and Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek,       the vital roles of Bôcher, Osgood, and the Harvard
        Göttingen.                                                     traveling fellowships.

916                                              NOTICES   OF THE    AMS                             VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
Mathematics at Harvard Prior to 1880                      the superior continental
In 1636 Harvard became the first college to be            mathematics to students
established in the North American British colo-           in the United States. In
nies. To fulfill its mission of providing the educa-      1824 Harvard juniors
tional essentials to prospective Puritan ministers,       began studying Farrar’s
the curriculum featured Latin, Greek, Hebrew,             adaptation of Bezout’s
rhetoric, and philosophy. The small presence of           calculus [7].
mathematics was restricted to some arithmetic                The following year
and geometry in the final year. During Harvard’s          a brilliant sixteen-year-
first century mathematics was often taught by             old freshman enrolled
minimally trained instructors who held the title          at Harvard. Benjamin
of tutor [6], [7].                                        Peirce had already re-
   The year 1727 marked the endowment of the              ceived mathematical
Hollis Professorship of Mathematics and Natural           training from Nathaniel
Philosophy. The first holder was Isaac Greenwood.         Bowditch, whose son,
Greenwood, being knowledgeable in Newton, sub-            Ingersoll, was Peirce’s
stantially elevated the Harvard faculty’s level of        classmate at the Salem
scientific competence. Unfortunately his tenure           Grammar School. Peirce
ended prematurely when he was dismissed over              supplemented his Har-
repeated incidents of drunkenness. Greenwood’s            vard studies by assist- Maxime Bôcher.
successor was his former student John Winthrop.           ing Bowditch with the
   Serving from 1738 to 1779, Winthrop covered            Laplace translation. In
the broad span of mathematics and the physical            addition, Peirce was an
sciences. Harvard historian Samuel Morison char-          avid reader of The Math-
acterized Winthrop as “the first important scien-         ematical Diary, solving
tist or productive scholar in the teaching staff of       problems posed in this
Harvard College” [6, page 92]. Winthrop took the          early American journal
then-novel initiative of setting up an experimental       [8].
physics laboratory. His lectures included the topic          Peirce completed his
of electricity. Winthrop’s astronomical observa-          A.B. in 1829. Despite
tions of the solar system earned him membership           his ample mathematical
in the Royal Society.                                     gifts, Peirce’s opportu-
   When the nineteenth century began, no Ameri-           nities for further study
can professors were doing mathematical research.          were severely limited;
At both Harvard and Yale, scholarship in the              Ph.D. programs did not
subject meant the production of textbooks. By             then exist in the United
this time mathematics was front loaded into the           States. Over the prior
Harvard curriculum. Tutors handled arithmetic             decade several Harvard
and geometry in the freshman year. Subsequent             students had returned to
topics included algebra, logarithms, trigonometry,        campus from advanced
surveying, and spherical geometry.                        work at Göttingen and
                                                                                      W. F. Osgood.
   In 1806 the Hollis chair was offered to Nathaniel      other European institu-
Bowditch, the author of an important handbook             tions [6]. Their presence offered evidence and
on navigation. Possessing only a rudimentary for-         testimony to the benefits of study abroad. Yet
mal education, the self-taught Bowditch was an            Peirce remained in Massachusetts to teach at a
interesting choice. Following a maritime career,          prep school. His biographer speculates that recent
he had entered the insurance business, all the            family financial reversals forced Peirce to forgo
time studying mathematics on his own. Bowditch            European study and begin earning an income [8,
turned down the professorship but became an               page 52].
influential member of the Harvard Corporation,               Peirce taught at the prep school for just two
which governed the university. Meanwhile, he took         years. Then a mathematics tutorship opened up
on the ambitious project of translating and elu-          for him when Farrar’s health began to fail. The
cidating Laplace’s multivolume work on celestial          1831 Harvard appointment of Peirce was the be-
mechanics. Its successful completion was arguably         ginning of an historic tenure for American science.
the most impressive American mathematical ac-             Within months he submitted an original theorem
complishment up to that time.                             for publication in The Mathematical Diary. It was
   In place of Bowditch, the Hollis chair was filled      known that if 2n+1 − 1 is prime, then (2n+1 − 1)2n
by John Farrar. Farrar was a charismatic lecturer.        is perfect. Peirce proved that if a perfect number
His contribution to American mathematics was              M does not have the above form, then M must
to translate French textbooks and introduce               have at least four distinct prime factors [9]. Later,

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Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
a posthumously published paper of Euler showed            scholarly prominence placed the Lazzaroni in a po-
              that any even perfect number has the form stipu-          sition to promote national science initiatives. Out
              lated above. Thus Peirce’s result established that        of their efforts came the creation of the American
              any odd perfect number has at least four distinct         Association for the Advancement of Science and
              prime factors.                                            the National Academy of Sciences.
                 It is unclear whether the Harvard administration          Peirce himself continued to do research in
              had any appreciation for this worthy demonstra-           astronomy and mathematics. His astronomical
              tion of mathematical scholarship. Shortly after-          work gained him admission to the Royal Society.
              ward, however, President Josiah Quincy steered            However, Peirce’s magnum opus, Linear Associa-
              Peirce in a more traditional direction, the writing       tive Algebra, was in mathematics. Along the way
              of textbooks. Peirce sought a clarification of pri-       he held key positions with two important govern-
              orities. He asked whether the Harvard Corpora-            ment scientific agencies, The Coast Survey and The
                                tion wanted him to “undertake a         Nautical Almanac.
                                task that must engross so much             Peirce remained at Harvard until his death in
                                time and is so elementary in its        1880. As a teacher Peirce was generally depicted as
                                nature and so unworthy of one           incomprehensible to ordinary students. Two of the
                                that aspires to anything higher in      more complimentary assessments were made in re-
                                science” [8, page 69]. Advised that     flections from former pupils who each rose to the
                                it did, Peirce would publish seven      presidency of the university. They portray Peirce
                                textbooks over the next ten years       as an inspirational, if opaque, lecturer. A perhaps
                                and no further papers in number         more balanced view was given by a member of
                                theory.                                 the next generation of the Harvard mathematics
                                 Harvard apparently was satis-          faculty, Julian Coolidge: “His great mathematical
                              fied with Peirce’s performance. As        talent and originality of thought, combined with
                              Farrar’s health continued to dete-        a total inability to put anything clearly, produced
                                                                        among his contemporaries a feeling of awe that
 Benjamin Peirce, ca. 1859. riorate, Peirce took on increasing
                              responsibility. In 1833 Peirce was        amounted almost to dread” [4]. Through his gov-
             promoted to professor of mathematics and natural           ernment work and his half century at a leading
             philosophy. Nine years later he became the first           university, Peirce exerted an influence on the most
             Perkins Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics.            promising younger American mathematicians,
                Astronomy was the discipline of Peirce’s first          including his son C. S. Peirce, Simon Newcomb,
             international notoriety. In 1846 the planet Neptune        George William Hill, and William Story [8]. In terms
             was discovered by an innovative technique. Nep-            of both accomplishment and impact, Peirce was the
             tune was spotted after its location was predicted          outstanding American mathematician of his time.
             from inferences about perturbations to the orbit              Graduate education was one area where Peirce
             of Uranus. The mathematical calculations had been          missed an opportunity to advance his country. In
             performed independently by John Couch Adams of             1860 Yale became the first American university
             England and Urbain Le Verrier of France. A great           to offer a Ph.D. Harvard was slow to embrace the
             deal of fascination accompanied the identification         higher degree, reluctantly establishing its gradu-
             of a planet by means other than direct observation.        ate school in 1872 [6]. The first Harvard Ph.D. was
             Peirce closely followed these events and did his           awarded to William Byerly in mathematics the
             own calculations. He found aspects of Neptune’s            following year. He was the only student to earn a
             orbit that called into question Le Verrier’s original      Ph.D. under Peirce’s direction.
             prediction. When Peirce characterized the planet’s
             discovery as a “happy accident”, it did not sit well       Mathematics at Harvard and Elsewhere in
             with Le Verrier [8].                                       the 1880s
                In the ensuing dispute, Peirce was up against           Peirce’s death in 1880 left a void in mathematical
             more than an eminent astronomer. Their countries           research at Harvard. Surviving him in the depart-
             represented the scientifically undeveloped and             ment were his son James Mills Peirce and former
             elite respectively. That Peirce held his own gave          Ph.D. student William Byerly. In 1881 a distant rela-
             standing to both the scholar and his country. The          tive, mathematical physicist Benjamin O. Peirce,
             latter was important to him.                               joined the faculty. As undergraduates all three had
                About this time Peirce became part of a small           taken courses from the elder Benjamin Peirce. Each
             fraternity of scientists, known as the Lazzaroni,          was an effective teacher and wrote textbooks for
             whose objective was to elevate American science            Harvard students [5]. B. O. Peirce published experi-
             while enjoying each other’s company. The core              mental physics papers both earlier and later in his
             of the group also included Smithsonian visionary           career. The state of mathematical scholarship at
             Joseph Henry, Harvard professor of zoology and             Harvard in the 1880s, however, had reverted back
             geology Louis Agassiz, and Coast Survey Superin-           to that at the beginning of the century. No one was
             tendent Alexander Dallas Bache. Their individual           proving new theorems.

918                                                NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                             VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
Meanwhile other Harvard departments were               teaching staff. Unfortunately the Clark venture
flourishing. A new age began in 1869 with the             was undercapitalized and a victim of competing
installation of Charles Eliot as president. Eliot         visions. By its third year the university was roiled
had a vision for Harvard as a modern university.          by acrimony among the founder, president, and
Moreover, he possessed the skills to implement            faculty. Bolza, White, and several colleagues moved
his plans. By the midpoint of his forty-year tenure,      on to other opportunities.
research was issuing from virtually every Harvard
department except mathematics [6, page 378].              Study Abroad and the Harvard Fellowships
   Beyond Harvard the only post-Peirce American           American students in the mid-1880s needed to
scholars utilizing substantial mathematics were           look across the Atlantic Ocean for advanced math-
J. Willard Gibbs, George William Hill, and Simon          ematical training. Several found
Newcomb. Gibbs was professor of mathematical              their way to Germany into the class-
physics at Yale. His groundbreaking theoretical           room of Felix Klein. These fortunate
work in chemistry and physics was hailed in Eu-           placements were hardly random.
rope by James Clerk Maxwell and Wilhelm Ostwald.          The students came from Princeton,
Appreciation for Gibbs’s ideas in his own country         Wesleyan, and especially Harvard,
was limited by a lack of scientific understanding.        where there was knowledge of the
The temperamentally withdrawn Gibbs rarely left           opportunities abroad.
New Haven, working in quiet isolation and seeing             In prior years Harvard graduates
few students.                                             had occasionally sailed to Europe
   Hill and Newcomb were acclaimed for their re-          for graduate study. Benjamin Gould
search in celestial mechanics. Both held positions        arrived in 1845 after taking sev-
at the Nautical Almanac Office. Pure mathemati-           eral courses as an undergraduate
cal research was then absent from United States           from Benjamin Peirce. Gould studied
campuses, with the following exception. The Johns         under Carl Friederich Gauss and J. Willard Gibbs
Hopkins University opened in 1876 under a two-            earned his Ph.D. in astronomy from
fold mission of research and graduate education.          Göttingen. Returning to the United
With no Americans suited to lead such a math-             States, he became an influential
ematics program, J. J. Sylvester was imported from        astronomer and member of the
England [2]. On Peirce’s recommendation, Harvard          Lazzaroni.
tutor William Story was chosen to be second in               The Harvard class of 1871 in-
command. Story had completed a Ph.D. in Leipzig           cluded two future mathematicians
following his undergraduate work at Harvard.              who pursued different educational
   The graduate program at Johns Hopkins of-              paths. William Byerly remained at
fered mathematical opportunities not previously           Harvard, where the graduate pro-
available in America. Sylvester produced quality          gram was begun a few months later.
research and inspired students to follow his lead.        Byerly received his Ph.D. in 1873.
Story taught courses in geometry. Together they           Meanwhile, his classmate William
began The American Journal of Mathematics, the            Story was in Berlin and Leipzig con-
first significant mathematics periodical based in         tinuing his study of mathematics George William Hill
the United States.                                        and physics. Story returned to the
   Late in 1883 Sylvester returned to England to          United States early in 1874 without
assume Oxford’s Savilian chair. Succeeding him            an advanced degree [3].
at Hopkins was Simon Newcomb. Primarily an as-               Graduate study in Germany posed
tronomer, Newcomb was serving as the superinten-          many challenges. Young Americans
dent of the Nautical Almanac Office in Washington.        needed a variety of assets to suc-
Newcomb continued in this position, commuting             ceed. Language facility, mathemati-
to Hopkins two days a week to conduct classes             cal background, and maturity were
in astronomy. It was not enough to make up for            essential prerequisites for profiting
the loss of Sylvester [2]. Once again, there was no       from the lectures. Moreover, no Eu-
United States university providing mathematical           ropean study was feasible unless the
training approaching what was available in Europe.        student possessed the wherewithal
   The next notable American educational event            to pay for the voyage and for sub-
occurred in 1889 with the founding of Clark               sistence over an extended period. In
University. Story left Hopkins to lead the new            1873 Harvard began a remarkable Simon Newcomb
mathematics department [3]. Joining him was the           program that eased this burden for
German emigré Oskar Bolza, who had recently ob-           Story and many others.
tained his Ph.D. under Felix Klein at Göttingen. The        At this time, income from a $50,000 bequest
following year another Klein student, the American        by the Boston merchant John Parker Jr. became
Henry White, provided an additional boost to the          available for Harvard graduates to continue their

SEPTEMBER 2009                                         NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                                    919
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
studies at home or abroad. In his will Parker stated,       Study, gave Fine considerable help on a substitute
             “My design is to establish a fund for the highest           problem [2]. After one year Fine had his Ph.D. to
             possible education and advancement of one or                take back to Princeton.
             more of those minds of great intellectual power,               Cole also returned to his home university in
             having a special adaptation to some particular              1885. There he continued his thesis research while
             science, which occasionally arise in society, and           proselytizing Klein’s mathematics in courses at
                           whose possessors, whether strictly            Harvard and lectures at MIT. Cole worked hard on
                           poor or not, are not blessed with             his thesis problem but was completely isolated
                           pecuniary means adequate to effect-           from anyone who might help him. Discouraged by
                           ing the high state of improvement             his lack of progress, Cole wrote Klein after a year
                           and advance in science for which              that he didn’t believe “that I will finish it during
                           they seem to be destined by nature”           my lifetime using my present method” [11]. Never-
                           [10]. The term science was inter-             theless, Cole had done enough to obtain his Ph.D.
                           preted broadly, as the first Parker           from Harvard.
                           Fellow studied modern languages                  Cole’s Harvard teaching career lasted just two
                           in Europe. Story and a philosophy             years. Overwork caused a breakdown that forced
                           student were selected for the re-             him to withdraw from a tutorship. He resumed his
                           maining $1,000 annual fellowships,            academic career elsewhere after a therapeutic year
                           which, with satisfactory progress,            of outdoor railroad work. As a promoter, however,
                           were renewable for two additional             Cole’s impact was striking. Klein, who had moved
              Felix Klein years. The arrangements meant that
                                                                         to Göttingen, suddenly experienced a surge of
                           in any given year zero to three new           students from the United States, particularly the
                           fellowships opened.                           Boston area. His 1887 pupils included Harry Tyler
                              Story needed just one year to              of MIT, both Mellen Haskell and William Osgood
                           complete his Ph.D. at Leipzig. He             on Harvard traveling fellowships, Henry Thompson
                           then returned to Harvard as a tutor           from Princeton, and Henry White from Wesleyan.
                           prior to joining Sylvester for the            The following year another Harvard traveling fel-
                           opening of Johns Hopkins. The                 low, Maxime Bôcher, arrived.
                           Parker Fellowships were extremely
                           attractive to Harvard’s best stu-             Osgood and Bôcher
                           dents. These so-called “traveling             Osgood and Bôcher would earn their Ph.D.’s in
                           fellowships” often funded a crucial           Germany and then return to Harvard. Over their ca-
                           transitional period from student to           reers they would establish similar impressive vitae,
                           faculty careers. In 1877 B. O. Peirce         differing most notably with the latter’s premature
                           succeeded among eighteen appli-               death in 1918 [12]. Both were born in Boston: Max-
      Frank Nelson Cole cants for the two available Parker               ime Bôcher on August 27, 1867, and William Fogg
                           Fellowships. Peirce obtained a phys-          Osgood three and one half years earlier.
            ics Ph.D. at Leipzig, gained valuable postdoctoral              Bôcher grew up in a scholarly, international
            experience in Helmholtz’s Berlin laboratory, and             household. The ancestry of his mother, Caroline,
            soon thereafter was appointed to the Harvard                 went back to the Plymouth Colony. Maxime’s fa-
            faculty.                                                     ther, Ferdinand, was born in New York during a
                Frank Nelson Cole was awarded a Parker Fellow-           business trip of Maxime’s grandfather from France.
             ship after graduating second in the class of 1882.          Ferdinand Bôcher became a Harvard French pro-
             Cole studied at Harvard for an additional year              fessor. He was among the early hires of President
             and then went to Leipzig, where he first attended           Eliot, coming from MIT, where the two had been
             courses in physics. During the summer of 1884               colleagues. Ferdinand Bôcher revered Eliot, per-
             Cole enrolled in a mathematics class of Felix Klein         haps accounting in part for his son’s devotion to
             on elliptic functions. Klein, then in his mid-thirties,     the university and its president.
             was one of the most highly regarded mathemati-                 Osgood was also descended from early resi-
             cians in Europe. He had recently been offered               dents of Massachusetts. He came to Harvard as an
             the chair to succeed Sylvester at Johns Hopkins.            undergraduate in 1882. Excelling in mathematics,
             Although the Baltimore negotiations had broken              physics, and Latin, Osgood graduated second in
             down, Klein remained intrigued by the prospects             his class four years later. He remained at Harvard
             for science in the United States [2].                       for an A.M. Then, inspired by classes from Cole,
                Joining Cole in Klein’s course was Henry Fine            Osgood applied for a traveling fellowship to study
             of Princeton. Both Americans received thesis prob-          under Klein at Göttingen.
             lems from Klein. With just American university                 By this time Parker Fellowship stipends had
             preparation, Cole and Fine found the research to be         been reduced to $700, but there were four of
             extremely difficult. Their struggles resulted in dif-       these grants in the rotation. Another traveling fel-
             ferent outcomes. A junior faculty member, Eduard            lowship, the Harris, from a smaller endowment,

920                                                 NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                             VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
carried a $500 award under similar conditions. In                sität”. He has unfortunately not the
1887 one Parker and the Harris were vacated. The                 reputation, and presumably not nearly
new Parker went to a law student who would later                 the ability of his junior Prof. Klein, and
become a professor at the University of Chicago                  his classes are not large.
and a judge on the United States Court of Appeals.
Osgood got the Harris. In his second year Osgood                 Wednesday I attended the initial lecture
was upgraded to the Parker, making the Harris                    of a course on the “higher plane curves”
available again in 1888.                                         by Dr. Schoenflies—a Privat Docent—.
   Bôcher had just turned sixteen when he began                  It was almost beyond description, but
his undergraduate work at Harvard in 1883. It is                 I’ll try. Dr. S. is a good-looking busi-
unclear why it took him five years to complete his               ness like young man (30–35 perhaps)
A.B. During the regime of President Eliot, Harvard               with dark hair and full beard. He talks
students had substantial freedom to select elective              very rapidly and somewhat indistinctly,
courses. Bôcher took advantage of this opportunity               though otherwise clear and very in-
in his senior year to fashion a diverse program                  teresting. But he marched back and
that consisted of mathematics, Roman art, music,                 forth along the small platform, falling
and an advanced course in geology [13]. He was                   off 3–4 times in his apparent excite-
awarded highest honors in mathematics for A                      ment, leaned against the desk or the
thesis on three systems of parabolic coordinates                 black board, squinted up his eyes and
and a second prize for the meteorological essay                  wrinkled his nose, then dashed at the
he entered in Harvard’s long-standing Bowdoin                    black board talking steadily with his
Prize competition.                                               back towards us…
   With Osgood’s promotion to a Parker Fellow-
ship, only one other Parker was available in 1888.               Not till Thursday did I hear and see the
This went to future Nobel chemistry laureate                     great Klein (so to speak) whose fame as
Theodore Richards for postdoctoral work in Ger-                  the greatest mathematical teacher in
many. Bôcher was awarded the Harris Fellowship.                  Germany (consequently in the world)
He arrived in Göttingen September 1888, one year                 has attracted me to Göttingen. He is a
after Tyler, Osgood, and White.                                  tall slender man of about 40, his hair
   The impression made by the Göttingen faculty                  is light brown, his eyes blue, keen and
on an American student was conveyed in a letter                  alert; the strength of his face lies chiefly
from Tyler to his parents following his first week               in his large nose and high forehead.
of classes:                                                      He speaks rather quickly and with
                                                                 a somewhat high voice, but clearly
     After some 16 students are assembled,
                                                                 enough, and methodically, enunciating
     the door opens hastily, the Prof. enters,
                                                                 frequently statements to be taken down
     there is a slight scraping and stump-
                                                                 verbatim. He lays much stress upon the
     ing—to assure him we’re glad he’s
                                                                 notes taken, and has one student write
     no later—he deposits his tall hat and
                                                                 up the lectures which after his own
     cane, and within 5 seconds of his ap-
                                                                 revision are put in the reading room
     pearance with no other preface than
                                                                 for general reference. His subject was
     a hurried “meine Herren” he is in the
                                                                 Potential—a subject of mathematical
     midst of his lecture. It should not be
                                                                 physics, in which I have no interest.
     inferred that he is a hasty instructor.
                                                                 In spite of my first disinclination, I
     Too much the contrary; he is one of the
                                                                 am gradually concluding to take this
     slowest men I ever heard lecture. This
                                                                 course—4 lectures a week—partly for
     however later—My first impressions
                                                                 the sake of the Mathematics involved,
     are that he is a large, stout dignified,
                                                                 mainly to hear the man [14].
     fine-looking gentleman perhaps 55
     years old, with full slightly gray beard               A significant feature of the traveling fellow-
     and gold spectacles. In the next place              ships was their renewability. Unlike Osgood and
     he spoke with admirable distinctness,               Bôcher, who could expect three years of study
     and I am agreeably surprised to find                abroad, Tyler was bound by a two-year leave from
     myself understanding almost every                   his faculty position at MIT. The extra year could
     word—though it is very difficult at the             be decisive in completing the requirements for a
     same time to follow the lecture and to              Ph.D. Further compounding the time limitations
     take notes either in English, German, or            was Klein’s course scheduling. In the fall of 1887
     a mixture of the two…Please remember                Klein’s advanced offering was the second term of
     that the gentleman just introduced                  a course on hyperelliptic functions. Lacking the
     is Prof. Schwarz, senior professor of               prerequisites Tyler, Osgood, and White took the
     Mathematics in “der hiesigen Univer-                intermediate-level potential theory.

SEPTEMBER 2009                                        NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                                    921
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
Not until their second semester, when Klein            analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the
      started a sequence on Abelian functions, could            people and venues.
      the three Americans begin the sort of instruction
                                                                     I think in the first place that it’s much
      which had drawn them to Göttingen. Two other
                                                                     better for you or anyone else who has
      Americans and one or two Germans were also
                                                                     3 years abroad not to spend the whole
      enrolled. Osgood received an unwelcome surprise
                                                                     time in Göttingen unless for reasons
      on the first day of class. He was asked by Klein to
                                                                     of great importance…I have much ad-
      serve as the course scribe. The duties included sub-
                                                                     miration for Klein personally, I know
      stantial revisions and rewriting. Up to this point
                                                                     of nobody who can approach him as a
      Osgood had not been taking careful notes. While he
                                                                     lecturer…He’s certainly acute, fertile in
      dreaded assuming the new responsibility, he could
                                                                     resource, not only understands other
      not say no to Klein. After two lectures Osgood was
                                                                     people, but makes them understand
                     overwhelmed and prevailed upon
                                                                     him, and seems to me to have a very
                     the more clerically oriented Tyler to
                                                                     firm grasp of the philosophical rela-
                     take over the duties.
                                                                     tions and bearings of different sub-
                         The revision process gave Tyler             jects, as well as great versatility and
                      more interaction with Klein than he            acquaintance with literature.
                      would have otherwise had. Occa-
                      sionally they discussed future plans.          But quite in keeping with some of these
                      While Tyler had come to Göttingen              good qualities are drawbacks that seem
                      with some hopes of obtaining his               to me somewhat serious. So busy a man
                      Ph.D., he had doubted whether the              can not and will not give a student a
                      degree was possible under his two-             very large share of his time and atten-
                      year constraint. To make the most              tion; so too he will not study out or
                      of his time abroad, Tyler intended to
                                                                     interest himself especially in the pains-
      Harry Tyler study for a semester in some other                 taking elaboration of details, preferring
                      German city and another in Paris. As
                                                                     to scatter all sorts of seed continually
      the first year drew to a close, Klein began encour-
                                                                     and let other people follow after to do
      aging Tyler to remain at Göttingen for his Ph.D.
                                                                     the hoeing…it would seem ridiculous
          Tyler went back and forth over where to spend
                                                                     to claim—what he certainly would not
      his second year. At the last moment, with Klein’s
                                                                     claim for himself—that he does not
      approval, Tyler moved to Erlangen. The particular
                                                                     sacrifice completeness of detail, and
      attraction of Erlangen were its two strong math-
                                                                     that this is not a real sacrifice…
      ematicians, Paul Gordan and Max Noether, and
      few students. Tyler’s plan was to continue work
                                                                     Still anyone coming here from Klein
      on a thesis problem from Klein while receiving
                                                                     would be sure to look at mathematical
      individual instruction from Gordan and Noether.
                                                                     things from a new standpoint and as
          Both Gordan and Noether were generous with
                                                                     matters are now would be practically
      their time, offering personal attention that was
                                                                     certain of a degree of interest and
      not available in Göttingen. Tyler was especially
                                                                     attention about out of the question
      drawn to Gordan, who, rather than discussing the
                                                                     in Göttingen, and especially valuable
      problem from Klein, set Tyler to work on resul-
                                                                     when one is beginning original work. I
      tants. Then, as Tyler wrote Osgood, “A month or
                                                                     have been and am still embarrassed by
      six weeks later he told me to my unbounded sur-
                                                                     the opportunities. I might have gained a
      prise he would accept this as a Ph.D dissertation
                                                                     great deal from Noether had I not been
      if I chose” [15]. The plans for Paris were scrapped.
                                                                     so occupied with Gordan. In the present
      Tyler spent the remainder of the second year in
                                                                     semester Noether will probably have
      Erlangen, writing up his thesis and preparing for
                                                                     but one student besides myself and will
      the required supplementary topics in physics and
                                                                     probably give us anything we like…The
      chemistry. After two years in Germany, Tyler re-
                                                                     chief advantage in being here in general
      turned to MIT with his Ph.D.
                                                                     depends upon cultivating personal
         Tyler remained in touch with Osgood and White,              relations with Gordan and Noether. I
      with whom he had become close during their                     wouldn’t advise anybody to come for
      classes together. Back at Göttingen Klein was fin-             the lectures alone. Both men are so
      ishing a three-term sequence on Abelian functions.             peculiar and so irreconcilable that the
      In the fall of 1889 he would begin a program in                p.r. must be cultivated with some tact
      mathematical physics. Osgood sought advice from                especially if one tries to divide his at-
      Tyler over whether to remain in Göttingen for a                tention about equally…G. is outspoken,
      third year. Tyler’s nine-page response, excerpted              irascible, exasperating, violent; N. is
      below, was both thoughtful and incisive, carefully             taciturn, serious, equable, patient…

922                                        NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                            VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
If G. is absolutely unrestrained N. is               having no great results to report. He delayed writ-
     quite the contrary; but it’s restraint not           ing for fear that Klein might attribute the lack of
     constraint. He may forbear from saying               progress to laziness. These emotions are vividly
     disagreeable things, but he doesn’t go               displayed, along with the 1891 Harvard teaching
     out of his way to say the other kind.…               load, in this New Year’s letter.
                                                                  Dear Professor,
     Now as to your plans, I would advise
     you unhesitatingly to come here if you
     want detailed work in pure mathemat-                         I apologize that you have not heard
     ics. If you want to work especially with                     from me. The main reason for my
     Gordan I wouldn’t suggest any prepa-                         silence is my work. I wanted to have
     ration unless the first volume of his                        something to write about, and I did
     book. If you had anything underway                           not want you to think that I abandoned
     very likely it would not interest him.                       the research entirely. Since the end of
     For Noether on the other hand I think                        September I have been very busy with
     it would be worth while to have some-                        my lectures. I have to give lectures 12
     thing to propose—in Abelian Functions                        hours each week. Half of that time I
     if you like or in any of his subjects that                   devote to little foxes [Füchsen] to whom
     you know from the Annalen as well as I                       I teach elementary algebra. Of course I
     could tell you. I wouldn’t advise you to                     do not have to do much preparation for
     come unless you feel sure your tastes                        this, therefore I have more time. The
     will lie in these directions. I do not see                   students have to write assignments on
     the least reason to doubt your being                         a daily basis, which I have to correct. In
     able to make the Ph.D. in two semesters                      addition I teach a second 3 hour lecture
     here, or even one if necessary [16].                         on analytical geometry. Here I discuss
                                                                  primarily the projective geometry of
   Osgood followed the second branch. He went                     the two dimensional plane, mostly
to Erlangen for his third year, bringing a problem                through homogeneous coordinates,
from Klein on Abelian functions. One year later he                etc., but partly through pure geomet-
had an Erlangen Ph.D. under Noether. For the fall                 ric methods. This lecture gives me a
of 1890 Osgood returned to Harvard with the title
                                                                  lot of pleasure although the audience
of instructor of mathematics.
                                                                  could be better. Finally I lecture for 3
   Bôcher remained in Göttingen his entire 1888–
                                                                  hours on Lamé’s functions, the linear
1891 period abroad. The lectures on mathematical
                                                                  development of the potential theory,
physics, begun by Klein in 1889, suited Bôcher
                                                                  etc. Here I have two listeners. I would
nicely. In his second year Bôcher took up a sub-
                                                                  be happy with the numbers, also with
stantial piece of Klein’s program.
                                                                  the individuals but they do not find the
   Potential functions for many partial differential
                                                                  time to work on the project as one of
equation problems in mathematical physics could
                                                                  them gives elementary lectures at the
be obtained by series methods after employing an
                                                                  Polytechnic in Boston [MIT] and the
orthogonal change of coordinates and separation
                                                                  other has to do much work at the phys-
of the new variables. Bôcher had dabbled with a few
                                                                  ics laboratory. Therefore it is almost
of these coordinate systems in his undergraduate
                                                                  impossible to go into details in this lec-
thesis. Now he sought to develop series solutions
under general cyclidic coordinate transformations.                ture. The penta-spherical coordinates,
The ordinary differential equation and other issues               for example, have to be left out entirely.
that arose from the technique required difficult
analysis. Klein arranged for a prize to be awarded                Up to the Christmas break I have had
for a general development of this theory. Bôcher’s                practically no time for my own re-
success earned him the prize and his Ph.D.                        search. But I have managed to improve
   In 1891 Bôcher returned to Harvard. Like Os-                   on some small points…
good, who arrived one year earlier, he was an
instructor of mathematics with a German bride.                    Over the Christmas holidays I did fur-
                                                                  ther research on the Bessel functions.
Mathematics at Harvard 1890–1913                                  I used the time when I did not have to
Bôcher immediately experienced the conflict be-                   do work for the university. I did the
tween a desire to continue his research and the                   research in preparation for the defini-
overwhelming teaching obligations of a beginning                  tive formula of those parts to be given
instructor. As with new Ph.D.’s throughout time,                  for the prize for the composition that
this led to another dilemma. Bôcher wanted to stay                dealt with the degenerate cases, etc. I
in touch with his advisor but was embarrassed by                  am happier with this formula and hope

SEPTEMBER 2009                                         NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                                   923
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
to send you the printed results of these              indicated that the chances were good for promo-
            functions in the spring.                              tion to assistant professor in two years. Bôcher
                                                                  declined the offer from Chicago [19].
            As you can see it is impossible to finish                Moore subsequently hired Oskar Bolza and
            the definitive reduction of the equa-                 Heinrich Maschke, German mathematicians who
            tion of the potential theory during this              had studied with Felix Klein. The results were
            winter. As far as next summer goes, I                 almost magical. Moore immediately blossomed
            would like to visit Goettingen; this is               into an important mathematician. He teamed
            for a number of reasons. I think you                  with Bolza and Maschke to give Chicago the first
            agree with me that it is better I stay here           American graduate program offering training com-
            at the university and work at my own                  parable to what was available in Europe [2]. Over
            pace on the research. I will have three               the next fifteen years Dickson, Veblen, and Birk-
            months; in that time I can work, with-                hoff received their Ph.D.’s, going on to become the
            out interruptions, and can complete the               next generation of American mathematical leaders.
            work if I remain in good health. After                   Progress at Harvard was more gradual but sus-
            that I can come to Göttingen.                         tained over a longer period. As a preface to these
                                                                  developments, consider the following retrospec-
            The situation is such that one can do                 tive analysis given by Bôcher in 1912:
            little research, in particular in the first
                                                                       When Chicago was founded, Osgood
            few years of employment. You have to
            believe me that in the last few months                     and I were just beginning as young
            I have tried to do as much work as pos-                    instructors, with far slighter math-
            sible [17].                                                ematical equipments than it is easy to
                                                                       imagine now. I remember, during my
          Osgood, a second-year instructor, was in a simi-             first year of teaching, learning what
      lar position to Bôcher. Both were earning $1,250                 uniform convergence of series means.
      on one-year contracts. If all went well, they could              For several years after that we were
      expect annual renewals to serve as instructors for               the only persons here who in any way
                      three years and then be promoted                 represented modern mathematics or re-
                      to an assistant professorship on                 search. Many students of mathematics
                      a five-year term. As Bôcher and                  never took our courses at all, and those
                      Osgood were adjusting to their cir-              who did usually gave us only a small
                      cumstances at Harvard, a significant             share of their time. These conditions
                      development was taking place for                 changed only very slowly, whereas in
                      mathematics in the United States.                Chicago the department was organized
                      Staffing was under way for the open-             from the start on a thoroughly modern
                      ing of the University of Chicago in              scientific basis [20].
                      the fall.
                         Chicago’s president, William                Bôcher was hoping to expand his thesis into a
                      Rainey Harper, was working with             book. During the 1892 spring break he got to work
                      Rockefeller funding to establish a          in earnest on the project, maintaining his momen-
                      new university model emphasizing            tum through the remainder of the semester. By
       E. H. Moore research and graduate education.               the middle of the summer he was able to report
                      Still, in 1892, no American math-           substantial progress to Klein. Over the next two
      ematician possessed the credentials to lead such            years Bôcher obtained deep new results that went
      a venture. Harper elected to take a chance on E. H.         beyond his thesis. The book was written in German
      Moore to be professor and acting head of math-              and published in Leipzig. Klein was sufficiently
      ematics. Moore had received his Ph.D. at Yale under         impressed to provide the preface and to upgrade
      Hubert Newton in 1885 [2], [18]. Newton had then            his Bôcher correspondence salutation from Doctor
      lent Moore the money for a year of postdoctoral             to Colleague. A byproduct of the publication, as it
      study in Berlin. Over the following six years Moore         circulated among European mathematicians, was
      had held lower-level positions at Yale and North-           to demonstrate that strong scholarship existed in
      western while publishing four papers.                       the United States.
          Moore’s first task was to recruit a junior faculty         Advancing through the ranks on schedule,
      member to work with him in realizing Harper’s ide-          Bôcher and Osgood became assistant professors
      als. The offer of an associate professorship went to        after three years. They did their part to modernize
      Bôcher as he was approaching the end of his second          the Harvard graduate offerings (for details see [5])
      semester at Harvard. The teaching load was to be            but continued to share teaching duties with Byerly
      ten hours and the salary $2,500, twice what he was          and the Peirces. Bôcher’s first Ph.D. student, James
      making at Harvard. Bôcher discussed the offer with          Glover, came from Michigan in 1892, where he had
      President Eliot, who made no commitments but                studied with Cole.

924                                          NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                             VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8
Bôcher, Osgood, and the Ascendance of American Mathematics at Harvard
The stories of two students who were awarded          the Transactions. For the emerging American math-
graduate fellowships in 1894 illustrates the chal-       ematical community the new journal was a source
lenges faced by the Harvard mathematics depart-          of pride as well as a vehicle for demonstrating its
ment in establishing its doctoral program. Leonard       bona fides. Americans submitted their strongest
Dickson rescinded his acceptance when an offer           work. The most definitive statement was made by
arrived from Chicago. Charles Bouton came to             Osgood with a seminal result in the third issue of
Harvard, obtained his A.M., and then went to             the initial 1900 volume. He gave the first rigor-
Leipzig as a Parker Fellow to study with Sophus          ous proof of the Riemann Mapping Theorem for
Lie. Harvard was attracting notice but was not yet       arbitrary simply connected regions in the plane.
a destination school.                                    In eliminating restrictions on the boundary, an
   Nevertheless, Bôcher and Osgood were gaining          American achieved the crowning position on a
stature in the nascent American mathematical             provenance that featured some of the greatest
community. In 1896 the AMS decided to experi-            mathematicians of the nineteenth century.
ment with colloquium lectures. Bôcher and James              Meanwhile, around the turn of the century, the
Pierpont were each selected to deliver a series of       Harvard mathematics department was bolstered
talks following the summer meeting in Buffalo. The       by the hiring of Bouton, Julian Coolidge, and Ed-
thirteen attendees adjudged the experiment to be         ward Huntington (see [5]). Each was an alumnus
a success, and colloquium lectures became part           who received his Ph.D. in Europe. More and better
of the program every two or three years. Osgood          students were getting their doctorates at Harvard,
was chosen for the second offering. Then, as today,      mostly under Bôcher. Yet the mathematics faculty
designation as a colloquium speaker was regarded         continued to encourage their best students to go to
as a prestigious mathematical recognition.               Europe for thesis work. Unlike at other universities,
   One factor in Bôcher’s selection must have been       the traveling fellowships opened study-abroad op-
that he was a lucid lecturer. The topic he chose         portunities to students of all financial means. One
for his colloquium series was Linear differential        side effect of this marvelous resource was that the
equations and their applications. Motivated by the       list of Harvard Ph.D.’s was less impressive than it
inadequate treatment of existence and unique-            otherwise would have been. E. R. Hedrick began
ness theorems in contemporary texts, Bôcher              graduate study in 1897 and then two years later,
gave a comprehensive theoretical development             like Bouton, was awarded a Parker Fellowship.
for second-order equations. He began with the            Hedrick studied with David Hilbert for his Ph.D. at
case when the coefficients are analytic and then         Göttingen. He then returned to the United States,
weakened the hypothesis to merely continuous.            where he became a leading figure in the AMS and
A careful uniqueness argument accompanied the            at UCLA.
presentation. With the foundation established he             That Harvard was closing the gap with Chicago
then went into applications and dependence of the        can be seen from their competition in the graduate
solutions on parameters, issues that arose in his        recruitment of G. D. Birkhoff. Birkhoff had entered
own work on potential theory.                            Chicago in 1902 as an advanced undergraduate. He
   Bôcher was a superb analyst with a broad com-         quickly came under the influence of E. H. Moore,
mand of mathematics. Quite a bit of his research         who recognized a student of considerable poten-
involved aspects of linear differential equations.       tial. Surprisingly, Birkhoff transferred to Harvard
Representative of the work was a 1900 paper treat-       in 1903. It is unclear why Birkhoff left Chicago
ing regular singular points in substantial general-      after only sampling its scholarly resources, espe-
ity. He considered points a where the coefficient        cially with Moore anxious to supervise him in re-
functions have an isolated discontinuity that sat-       search. The choice of Harvard is easily understood
isfies a weaker condition than becoming analytic         from the high esteem in which Moore held Bôcher
when multiplied by (x − a ) to the appropriate           and Osgood, but why did Birkhoff leave Chicago
power. For example, Bôcher only required that the        prematurely? Some notion of the reason possibly
coefficient of the linear term in a second-order         may be inferred from a summer letter by Moore of-
equation be expressed in the form x−a + p (x),           fering Birkhoff advice on preparing for Cambridge.
where |p| has an improper integral that converges        The first item was “to take much enough exercise
on a neighborhood of a. Without analyticity of p         this summer to come back to work in perfect trim in
the standard Frobenius Method is not applicable.         the autumn” [21] (emphasis included). After mak-
Bôcher obtained solutions around a by using the          ing some mathematical suggestions on a book and
method of successive approximations to develop           problem, Moore closed with the admonishment:
a series with terms consisting of a power function       “Don’t forget no. 1: the rich red blood I want you
times a continuous function.                             to have for next year.”
   The regular singular points article appeared              In his two years at Harvard, Birkhoff took
in the first issue of the Transactions of the AMS.       courses from Bôcher and Osgood while obtaining
Bôcher was one of several younger AMS members            A.B. and A.M. degrees. Early in 1905 Birkhoff con-
who had provided the impetus for the creation of         templated whether to remain at Harvard or return

SEPTEMBER 2009                                        NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                                     925
to Chicago for his Ph.D. Both institutions offered           Jackson completed his Ph.D. in 1911 and re-
          graduate fellowships. Moore advised Birkhoff (and         turned to Harvard as an instructor. His position
          his father) that “except for two considerations” he       was a new line that came about as a result of
          should come to Chicago, where “we have a more             curricular changes that increased mathematics
          catholic attitude towards mathematics in general          enrollments at Harvard. Jackson was not the first
                         than they have at Harvard” [22]. One       choice, but he was one of the three nominations
                         of the exceptions was if he were           put forward by the department. The others were
                         already engaged in an important            Max Mason of Wisconsin and G. D. Birkhoff.
                         research project that could best be           Bôcher had had his eye on Birkhoff since he
                         prosecuted at Harvard. The second          left Harvard for Chicago. The two had maintained
                         was to receive a guarantee that he         a correspondence on various mathematical mat-
                         would be awarded a traveling fel-          ters. Their communication continued as Birkhoff
                         lowship after remaining at Harvard         held junior-level appointments at Wisconsin and
                         for another year or two. Bôcher, who       Princeton. As a journal editor Bôcher came to rely
                         was also impressed by Birkhoff,            on Birkhoff’s taste and judgment. Meanwhile Birk-
                         tended to be less assertive with stu-      hoff’s theorems attracted offers from a number
                         dents, leaving it to them to choose        of institutions, including Princeton, which had
                         their own path. Birkhoff decided to        begun its own mathematical ascendance a few
                         return to Chicago and work with            years earlier. At the end of 1910 Harvard offered
         G. D. Birkhoff Moore for his Ph.D.
                                                                    Birkhoff an assistant professorship at a salary of
                           Birkhoff had situated himself            $2,500. Princeton countered with a promotion to
                        well. Over the first decade of the          full professor at $3,500. The Harvard terms called
                        twentieth century, Bôcher, Osgood,          for two 5-year contracts as an assistant professor,
                        and Moore were the foremost pure            the salary for the second at $3,000. This was the
                        mathematicians in the United                standard procedure at Harvard, where Bôcher and
                        States. During this period each was         Osgood had each served as assistant professors
                        inducted into the National Academy          for ten years.
                        of Sciences and served a two-year              Birkhoff attempted to leverage better terms
                        term as president of the AMS. The           from Harvard through a less than sympathetic
                        Chicago graduate program peaked             Bôcher [23]. Harvard’s only concession was a short-
                        about the time of Birkhoff’s Ph.D.          ening of the first assistant professor term from
                        in 1907. Maschke died the following         five to three years, meaning that his Harvard salary
                        year, and then Bolza returned to            in eight years would be $500 less than what was
                        Germany. The homegrown Dickson              immediately available at Princeton. After Birkhoff
                        and Gilbert Bliss were able replace-        declined, Jackson was then hired to fill the new
         Griffith Evans
                        ments on the Chicago faculty, but           position at Harvard.
                        Harvard began to turn out superior             Over the following year Birkhoff came to regret
                        students.                                   his decision. He wrote Bôcher hinting at a desire
                             The first outstanding mathema-         for a renewed offer. Bôcher replied that another
                          tician to complete a Harvard Ph.D.        position might become available but that Birkhoff
                          was Griffith Evans. Bôcher super-         would have to guarantee his unconditional accep-
                          vised his 1910 thesis on integral         tance in advance of further efforts on his behalf
                          equations. Evans then received a          [24]. Birkhoff promised to accept the assistant
                          traveling fellowship to do post-          professorship of the previous offer, with only the
                          doctoral work with Vito Volterra          modification of reducing the first contract from
                          in Rome. Returning to the United          three years to two. The deal was completed and
                          States, Evans led the build-up of the     Birkhoff came to Harvard in 1912.
                          mathematics departments at Rice              The addition of Birkhoff was the most signifi-
                          and Berkeley.                             cant development for Harvard mathematics since
                            Although Evans remained at Har-         the hiring of Osgood and Bôcher just over two
                         vard for the entirety of his under-        decades earlier. During the intervening period both
                         graduate and graduate education,           Harvard and American mathematics had made im-
      Dunham Jackson                                                pressive advances. While the German and French
                        other gifted students still took their
                        Ph.D.’s in Europe. Dunham Jackson           schools were still superior, American scholarship,
          entered Harvard one year after Evans. Jackson             especially at Harvard, was becoming appreciated
          obtained a Harvard A.M. in 1909 and then went to          in Europe. Both Osgood and Bôcher were invited to
          Göttingen on a traveling fellowship. Bôcher was           deliver plenary addresses to the 1912 International
          instrumental in connecting Jackson with Edmund            Congress of Mathematicians in England. By the end
          Landau, under whom Jackson wrote an important             of 1912 Birkhoff had proved Poincaré’s Geomet-
          thesis in approximation theory.                           ric Theorem, the proof of which appeared in the

926                                            NOTICES   OF THE   AMS                             VOLUME 56, NUMBER 8
January 1913 issue of the Transactions. According           AMS Archives; Benjamin Peirce: Harvard University
to Richard Courant, Birkhoff’s result was the first         Archives, call # HUP Peirce, Benjamin (4); J. Willard
piece of American mathematics to be admired by              Gibbs: Yale University Manuscripts & Archives;
the Göttingen community [25].                               Felix Klein: copyright Göttingen State and Uni-
   The French mathematician Émile Borel invited             versity Library; Frank Nelson Cole: David Eugene
Bôcher to serve as an exchange professor at the             Smith Collection, Rare Book and Manuscript Li-
University of Paris for 1913–14. Osgood was rec-            brary, Columbia University; Harry Tyler: courtesy
ognized throughout Europe. His 1897 work on                 of the MIT Museum; Griffith Evans: courtesy
term-by-term integration for series of continu-             Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library, Rice
ous functions was influential in Henri Lebesgue’s           University; Dunham Jackson: courtesy Mathemati-
development of integration theory [26]. Osgood’s            cal Association of America 2009.
book Funktionentheorie was the leading primer on
the subject both at home and abroad. In 1913 the               References
Norwegian algebraist Ludwig Sylow expressed his             [1] R. G. D. Richardson, The Ph.D. degree and math-
high regard for the work of two Americans, Osgood               ematical research, American Mathematical Monthly
and Leonard Dickson [27].                                       43 (1936), 199–215.
   Birkhoff exerted an immediate impact on the              [2] Karen Hunger Parshall and David E. Rowe, The
Harvard graduate program. Marston Morse en-                     Emergence of the American Mathematical Research
tered Harvard in 1914 and wrote his doctoral dis-               Community: J. J. Sylvester, Felix Klein, and E. H. Moore,
                                                                HMATH, Vol. 8, American Mathematical Society and
sertation under Birkhoff. Birkhoff’s presence was
                                                                London Mathematical Society, 1994.
especially timely as Bôcher’s health began to fail.
                                                            [3] Roger Cooke and V. Frederick Rickey, W. E. Story
The passing of the baton symbolically occurred                  of Hopkins and Clark, in A Century of Mathematics in
through Joseph Walsh, who began his thesis with                 America, Part III, by William Duren, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Bôcher and after his death in 1918 finished with                1989, 29–76.
Birkhoff. Over his first fifteen years at Harvard,          [4] Julian Coolidge, Mathematics 1870–1928, in De-
Birkhoff supervised twenty-six Ph.D.’s, including               velopment of Harvard University 1869–1929, by
that of Marshall Stone. During this period Birkhoff             Samuel Eliot Morison, Harvard University Press, 1930,
became regarded as the leading mathematician in                 248–257.
the United States. Osgood, who was never active in          [5] Garrett Birkhoff, Mathematics at Harvard, 1836–
thesis direction, remained an important presence                1944, in A Century of Mathematics in America, Part
at Harvard. Unfortunately his distinguished career              II, by William Duren, Amer. Math. Soc., 1989, 3–58.
                                                            [6] Samuel Eliot Morison, Three Centuries of Harvard,
was marred by a personal matter late in life. Os-
                                                                1636–1936, Harvard University Press, 1936.
good was ostracized by his colleagues and forced
                                                            [7] Florian Cajori, The Teaching and History of Math-
to retire in 1933 as a result of his relationship with          ematics in the United States, Government Printing
the former wife of Marston Morse [28] and [29].                 Office, 1890.
Morse had joined the department in 1926.                    [8] Edward Hogan, Of the Human Heart. A Biography
   The 1913 Harvard mathematics faculty with                    of Benjamin Peirce, Lehigh University Press, 2008.
Bôcher, Osgood, Birkhoff, and Jackson was the               [9] Benjamin Peirce, On perfect numbers, The Math-
strongest that had ever been assembled in the                   ematical Diary 2 (1832), 267–277.
United States. While the lopsided concentration in          [10] Annual Report of the President of Harvard University
analysis has been noted, its effects were mitigated             to the Overseers on the state of the university for the
by several factors. Both Bôcher and Birkhoff were               academic year 1872–1873. Appendix II.
especially broad in their knowledge of mathemat-            [11] Klein Nachlass 8, letter, Cole to Klein (5/26/1886),
                                                                Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek,
ics. Moreover, Coolidge and Huntington added
                                                                Göttingen (translation from German by Margrit Nash).
coverage to other areas. Finally, at a time when
                                                            [12] Raymond Archibald, A Semicentennial History of
as many as four research mathematicians could                   the American Mathematical Society, 1888–1938, Amer.
be found on only a few university faculties, math-              Math. Soc., 1938.
ematical diversity was a different consideration            [13] William Osgood, The life and services of Maxime
than in more modern times.                                      Bôcher, Bulletin of the AMS 25 (1919), 337–350.
   A remarkable transformation occurred in the              [14] Harry Walter Tyler Papers, MC 91, microfilm reel,
Harvard mathematics department from 1890 to                     letter, Tyler to his parents (10/30/1887), Institute
1913. Together, Bôcher and Osgood successfully                  Archives and Special Collections, MIT Libraries.
installed research as the primary mission. Jackson          [15] Osgood Nachlass 4, letter, Tyler to Osgood
would leave for Minnesota in 1919, but Birkhoff                 (2/20/1889), Niedersächsische Staats- und Univer-
was firmly entrenched as the department’s anchor.               sitätsbibliothek, Göttingen.
                                                            [16] Osgood Nachlass 4, letter, Tyler to Osgood
Harvard was on course to be a world mathematical
                                                                (4/28/1889), Niedersächsische Staats- und Univer-
power of the twentieth century.
                                                                sitätsbibliothek, Göttingen.
Photo credits                                               [17] Klein Nachlass 8, letter, Bôcher to Klein (1/3/1892),
   G. D. Birkhoff, Maxime Bôcher, George William                Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek,
Hill, E. H. Moore, Simon Newcomb, W. F. Osgood:                 Göttingen (translation from German by Margrit Nash).

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