Blurry Counterterrorism - A Chance for Russia, A Risk for Europe - German Council on Foreign Relations
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German Council on Foreign Relations No. 7 March 2021 COMMENTARY Blurry Counterterrorism A Chance for Russia, A Risk for Europe The European Union should actively rorism in the European Union (EU) and address the problematic use of coun- its member states. The Russian regime terterrorism by non-European states uses counterterrorism (CT) measures – especially Russia – and make it a and operations to increase repressive permanent aspect in developing coun- policies at home and enhance its inter- terterrorism strategies and agendas. national influence abroad. This misuse Miriam Heß Project Officer Failing to address the misuse of coun- should motivate actors in the EU’s CT Security and Defense Program terterrorism sends the wrong signal not sector to address ways of dealing with only to those with reason to fear geo- Russia in light of its problematic con- political interference by their countries ception and execution of CT. of origin, but also to states that pursue “anti-terrorist-operations” in the form RUSSIA’S of abductions and executions abroad. CONTROVERSIAL CONCEPTION OF The terrorist attacks in Paris, Dres- COUNTERTERRORISM den, Nice, and Vienna in autumn 2020 served as dramatic reminders of the Russia’s problematic conception and enduring threat that Islamist terrorism execution of CT and Putin’s geostra- poses to Europe. In a timely response, tegic interests in international CT co- the European Commission published operation are both widely acknowl- its new counterterrorism agenda in edged and discussed. In March 2020, early December 2020. Jakob Hedenskog, deputy and research director of the Swedish Defence Re- More specifically, however, the murder search Agency (FOI), presented a com- of French teacher Samuel Paty near parative analysis that mapped Russia’s Paris on October 16 also highlight- international CT engagement and re- ed two pressing issues that are often porting on problematic interests in co- overlooked: first, the Chechen origin operation with Russia. of the attacker and, second, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s subsequent A vivid example of a domestic “an- offer to support the fight against ter- ti-terrorist-operation” in Russia is the
No. 7 | March 2021 2 COMMENTARY Blurry Counterterrorism EXEMPLARY NUMBERS OF FOREIGN RUSSIA FIGHTERS FROM EUROPE AND RUSSIA That the majority of North Caucasian Islamists departed from EUROPE Europe is often overlooked 100 175 600 SYRIA 600 1,200 From Germany 2,400 IRAQ From France 1,200 From the Chechen diaspora in Europe COMBAT From Kabardino-Balkaria ZONE OF ISIS From Ingushetia From Chechnya Source: Neil Hauer, “Chechen and North Caucasian Militants in Syria,” Atlantic Council, January 18, 2008: https://www.atlanticcouncil. From Dagestan org/blogs/syriasource/chechen-and-north-caucasian-militants-in-syria; Peter R. Neumann, “Foreign fighter total in Syria/Iraq now exceeds 20,000; surpasses Afghanistan conflict in the 1980s,” ICSR, January 26, 2015: tal-syriairaq-now-exceeds-20000-surpasses-afghanistan-conflict-1980s Second Chechen War (1999–2009) de- ly hold leadership positions with- THE EU’S DEAD clared by Putin after a series of bomb- in the UN’s CT architecture. Vladimir ANGLE: THE CHECHEN ings in Moscow for which he held Voronkov serving as Under-Secretary DIASPORA IN EUROPE Chechen terrorists responsible. An in- General of the United Nations Office ternational example for a military en- of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) is just For Europe, international concerns gagement termed an “anti-terror- one prominent example. about Russia’s CT strategy also have a ist-operation” is Russia’s intervention strong internal component that needs in the Syrian civil war. Given the prov- That Russia understands the fight to be given more attention: the impor- en fact that Russia allowed many do- against extremism and terrorism tance of people from the North Cauca- mestic extremists – especially from the mainly in the context of its own in- sus for CT efforts and deradicalization North Caucasus – to travel to the Syri- ternational engagement – both mil- work in Europe. This became appar- an battlefield, observers doubt its stat- itary and diplomatic – but certain- ent as the Second Chechen War caused ed motive for engaging in that war. ly not in the context of strengthening many people from the North Caucasus civil society, deradicalization, and dis- to flee to Europe and in the context of Russia’s international CT agenda also engagement work is, at the very least, the so called Islamic State in Iraq and has diplomatic dimensions. Through problematic. The Commission on Se- Syria (ISIS). Russian-speaking fighters its engagement in the Shanghai Coop- curity and Cooperation in Europe, also constitute one of the largest groups of eration Organisation and as a perma- known as the US Helsinki Commission, foreign supporters in ISIS. This is not nent member of United Nations Se- addressed these concerns in an expert only due to people leaving Russia itself; curity Council, the Russian regime is hearing in June 2019 under the illustra- according to Europol and information continually pushing to play a leading tive heading “Russia’s Counterproduc- from the International Crisis Group, role in the international fight against tive Counterterrorism.” some 2,400 members of the Chechen terrorism. Russian officials current- diaspora in Europe traveled to Syria.
No. 7 | March 2021 3 COMMENTARY Blurry Counterterrorism The threat posed to Europe by net- Furthermore, other incidents point to- gument to suppress domestic political works of returning foreign terror- ward operations and attacks that pur- opposition. This fact shapes the con- ist fighters was demonstrated when sue nationally-driven agendas against text of efforts associated with coun- a Chechen was arrested in Italy in “domestic terrorists” abroad. These tering terrorism and creates a relevant 2017 for terrorist recruitment after he include the murder of a Georgian of difference in how people in Europe fought in Syria between 2014 and 2015. Chechen origin in Berlin in August and Russia perceive CT. Another argument for the relevance of 2019 – the so-called Tiergartenmord, radicalized North Caucasians for CT, for which strong evidence suggests the It is crucial for affected individuals to deradicalization, and disengagement involvement of the Russian regime – understand the difference between work in Europe is the aforementioned and the assassination of a Chechen re- CT efforts and deradicalization work murder of French teacher Samuel Paty, gime critic in Austria in 2020. and be able to comprehend the con- which underlines the imminent threat text in which contact persons are en- stemming from homegrown radical- THE EU RISKS gaging with them. Given that many ized Chechens in Europe. UNINTENTIONALLY of these individuals are used to see- PREVENTING AND ing states behave and use their pow- One of the biggest challenges for ac- IMPEDING ITS er differently, it is already challenging tors in deradicalization work engag- DERADICALIZATION WORK to build required relationships of trust. ing with North Caucasian individuals is Addressing CT and deradicalization their deeply rooted mistrust, particu- Naturally, deradicalization efforts are work together – as in the EU’s new CT larly against governmental and security not independent from CT efforts. Yet, agenda – only increases confusion and authorities. This form of mistrust often a key distinction – one especially rel- results in isolating retreats from both occurs in individuals from authoritarian evant to this context – is that derad- exit and counselling work. Instead, the countries – for example, Turkey – but is icalization work relies heavily on civ- EU must support its civil society de- particularly strong in the case of North il society actors. Russia, in particular, radicalization work by building a poli- Caucasians. Practitioners link this to is more than skeptical about civil soci- cy environment in which aspects of CT their frequent experiences of violence ety’s participation in CT and, thus, pri- and deradicalization work are likewise and abuse perpetrated by domestic se- oritizes a state-led and state-centric supported but can also be clearly dis- curity actors back in Russia. approach. Additionally, authoritarian tinguished from each other in terms of regimes, like Russia, use CT as an ar- objectives and purposes. THE FOUR PILLARS OF THE EU’S COUNTERTERRORISM AGENDA Subordinating prevention and the countering of extremism to counterterrorism Share information and cooperate across disciplines Anticipate EU‘s Counterterrorism Agenda and levels to better anticipate existing and emerging threats in Europe Prevent by addressing and better countering Prevent radicalization and extremist ideologies before they take root; prevent attacks from occuring Protect Europeans by continuing to reduce Protect vulnerabilities (particularly in public spaces) and modernize the management of external borders Rely on the EU’s operational support agencies Respond (Europol and Eurojust) and an appropriate legal framework to respond to attacks Source: European Commission, “A Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU: Anticipate, Prevent, Protect, Respond,” December 9, 2020: https:// agenda_counter_terrorism_po-2020-9031_com-2020_795_en.pdf
No. 7 | March 2021 4 COMMENTARY Blurry Counterterrorism TOWARD MORE search on problematic key interests in INTEGRATED international CT cooperation and com- APPROACHES IN EU parative analyses of differing under- COUNTERTERRORISM standings of terrorism are also already taking place. These studies, however, The European Commission should need to be further supported and ex- clearly address problematic concep- tended so that they inform EU policy- tions and executions of CT in non-Eu- makers. Monitoring potential strategic ropean countries. CT depends on interests in CT measures must become security, political, and judicial cooper- a permanent control mechanism when ation, as well as on other effective in- developing CT agendas to prevent mis- formation-sharing networks. Also, the use, increase trust, and prevent the application of CT measures according unintended impediment of deradical- to EU standards must be ensured – at ization work. least on European soil. Failing to con- sider and address misuse of CT sends the wrong signal: not only to those with reason to fear geopolitical inter- ference by their countries of origin, but also to states that might consider pursuing “anti-terrorist-operations” in the form of abductions and executions abroad. In order to better integrate its approaches to counterterrorism, the EU should take two steps: 1. Investigate and monitor the prob- lematic conception and execution of counterterrorism efforts Addressing the problematic concep- tions and executions of CT strategies and geostrategic interests in interna- tional CT cooperation must not only take place through research, but also on a policy level by the European Com- mission. Monitoring and investigat- ing other countries’ understanding of terrorism and the related definition of terrorists needs to be a permanent as- pect of developing and formulating CT efforts. An expert committee can assist in implementing such policies; includ- ing central stakeholders from the re- spective countries can help to maintain transnational dialogue. This is partic- ularly urgent in the case of Russia but certainly also holds true in the context of other countries, such as Turkey. 2. Support, fund, and initiate critical studies on counterterrorism The EU already supports research to enhance deradicalization efforts on national, regional, and local levels. Re-
No. 7 | March 2021 5 COMMENTARY Blurry Counterterrorism Rauchstraße 17/18 10787 Berlin Tel. +49 30 2542311-0 @dgapev The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is committed to fostering impactful foreign and security policy on a German and European level that promotes democracy, peace, and the rule of law. It is nonpartisan and nonprofit. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). Publisher Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. ISSN 864-347 Editing Helga Beck Layout Lara Bührer Design Concept: WeDo Author picture(s) © DGAP This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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