BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club

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BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club



                                                       A Multifactorial Disease in
                                                          German Shepherd Dogs
BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club
FALL 2021

                    TIED TO GENETICS & ENVIRONMENT
                                      Longtime co-breeders and co-owners             On Labor Day weekend in 2014,
                                      of German Shepherd Dogs, Bo                 Mehra recalls glancing at her 5-year-
                                      Vujovich (Rosewood) of Cannon Falls,        old female, “Frannie” (De Paul’s
                                      Minnesota, and Diane Mehra (Black-          Francesca v Blackwood) to see her
                                      wood) of Canon City, Colorado, have         abdomen distended on both sides.
                                      never forgotten their first dogs that       “She looked like a goat,” she says.
                                      developed gastric dilatation-volvulus          “Frannie was beautiful and athletic,”
                                      (GDV), or bloat.                            Mehra says. “She also was sweet,
                                        Vujovich had never previously             intelligent, happy, and well-adjusted.
                                      experienced the disorder in a dog           Emergency surgery saved her life.
                                      in 1999 when her 4-year-old male,           I had a gastropexy done right then to
“It’s important to realize that       “Donny” (CH Rosewood’s Adonis Of            ensure she would not have a repeat
                                      Anne-Isle TC), bloated. “Donny was a        GDV episode. Frannie lived a healthy
most dogs bloat because of            magnificent example of the breed,” she      life, recently dying at age 12.”
                                      says. “He had outstanding tempera-             German Shepherd Dogs are among
their conformation, and the           ment and extraordinary movement.            nearly 50 large and giant breeds
                                      One night he became quite agitated,         susceptible to GDV. The third most
size of the dog is intrinsically      and I attributed it to a bitch in season.   popular breed in the country based on
                                      By the next morning, his condition          2020 registrations with the American
linked to conformation.”              was too far gone to save him.”              Kennel Club, the German Shepherd

Elizabeth A. Rozanski, DVM, DACVIM,
DACVECC, associate professor,
Tufts University Cummings School
of Veterinary Medicine

                                      “Donny” (CH Rosewood’s Adonis of Anne-Isle TC) died in 1999 of bloat. Breeder-
                                      owner Bo Vujovich, who had never previously experienced bloat in a dog, today
                                      makes sure her puppy buyers understand the clinical signs of bloat and also en-
                                      courages them to have a prophylacic gastropexy performed early.

BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club

Dog may be the No. 1 breed for bloat
due to the sheer number of cases.
    “It is really difficult to predict which
dogs will bloat,” Vujovich says. “If you
breed many dogs and are around
long enough, it’s going to happen.”
    Mehra agrees. “Bloat is so common
in our breed. It’s very sad,” she says.
    Traditionally, it has been thought
that GDV occurs when the stomach
fills like a balloon with gas, a process
known as gastric dilatation. As bloat
progresses, the gas-filled stomach
twists 180 degrees clockwise on its
side, cutting off an escape for the
gas through the esophagus or duo-
denum. This is gastric dilatation-
volvulus. A profound distension of
the stomach compresses vital blood
vessels and organs in the abdomen
and reduces oxygen to those organs
causing a life-threatening condition
as tissue death and toxins are re-
leased into the bloodstream.
    “Evidence today suggests that
torsion, the flipping of the stomach,
may come first when a dog bloats,”
says Elizabeth A. Rozanski, DVM,
DACVIM, DACVECC, associate professor
at the Cummings School of Veterinary
Medicine at Tufts University. “That
twisting likely seals off the escape
of gas produced by fermentation
causing the stomach to swell. As the
gastric pressure increases, critical           A bloat survivor, “Frannie” (De Paul’s Francesca v Blackwood) is pictured at age 10
                                               with owner Iris D’Agostino, whom she lived with for the last five years of her life.
blood supplies to both the stomach             D’Agostino was gradually losing her vision, and Frannie restored her confidence
and the whole circulation are cut              and enabled D’Agostino to become active again.
off sending a dog into shock.”
    No single cause is linked to bloat.        include a distended abdomen, pale
“A combination of genetic and environ-         gums, and a weak, rapid pulse. Shock
mental factors contribute to bloat,”           may occur when the vena cava, the
Dr. Rozanski says. “It’s important to          large vein carrying deoxygenated
realize that most dogs bloat because           blood back into the heart becomes
of their conformation, and the size of         blocked from the stomach’s twisting
the dog is intrinsically linked to confor-     and distension.
mation. Deep-chested large and giant             Emergency surgery to untwist the
breeds are vulnerable to bloat.”               stomach and check for dead tissue
    An emergency condition, bloat              provides the best outcome for dogs
progresses so fast that dogs can die           with GDV. Prior to surgery a veterinar-
within two hours of the first clinical         ian must stabilize a dog by relieving
signs. As the gas builds in the stom-          the pressure from the gas in the
ach, a dog becomes increasingly                stomach and treating a dog for
uncomfortable. Owners may notice               shock with intravenous fluids. As
their dog pacing, panting, retching            with Frannie, gastropexy is always
unsuccessfully, or standing stiffly            performed during emergency surgery
with a hunched back. Clinical signs            to prevent GDV from recurring.
BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club
FALL 2021

                                                                                          tribute to late morbidity
                                                                                          and mortality. Awareness
                                                                                          of the potential for multiple
                                                                                          organ dysfunction syn-
                                                                                          drome and aggressive
                                                                                          supportive care are
                                                                                          essential to maximize
                                                                                          the chances for a suc-
                                                                                          cessful outcome for
                                                                                          dogs with GDV.”
                                                                                             Without gastropexy,
                                                                                          GDV recurs in 80 per-
                                                                                          cent of affected dogs
                                                                                          compared to recurrence
                                                                                          of less than 5 percent in
                                                                                          dogs with gastropexy.
                              “Tuffy” (CH Rosewood’s Man Up), the beloved house While prophylactic gas-
A minimally invasive          dog of breeder-owner Bo Vujoivich, died of bloat in         tropexy may decrease
                              2019. Time is of an essence when dealing with a dog the prevalence of GDV
procedure, gastropexy is      that has bloated and can quickly turn tragic, she says.
                                                                                          in susceptible breeds, it
                                 Gastropexy involves tacking the          does not eliminate the risk for mes-
recommended to be done        stomach to the right side of the            enteric volvulus. Mesenteric volvulus
                              abdominal wall to prevent future            occurs when the small intestine twists
prophylactically at a young   shifting or twisting of the stomach.        around the mesentery root that
                              A minimally invasive procedure,             provides nutrients to the intestines.
age, particularly in dogs     gastropexy is recommended to be             Although rare, mesenteric volvulus
                              done prophylactically at a young            is almost always fatal.
having a parent, littermate   age, particularly in dogs having a             A study published in 2018 found
                              parent, littermate or half-sibling          an inverse relationship between
or half-sibling that has      that has bloated. At many clinics, a        decreased GDV cases due to pro-
                              veterinarian performs a gastropexy          phylactic gastropexy surgery and
bloated.                      laparoscopically using two to three         increased incidence of mesenteric
                              incisions and cameras to help guide volvulus. The retrospective study
                              the procedure.                              looked at 54 mesenteric volvulus
                                 When dogs die before GDV surgery cases and 157 controls to determine
                              can be performed, it is primarily due potential risk factors for the disorder
                              to shock and cardiovascular instabil-
                              ity. Dr. Rozanski and Claire R. Sharp,
                              BVMS, MS, DACVECC, formerly of                 SIGNS OF GASTRIC
                              Tufts Cummings School of Veteri-               DILATATION-VOLVULUS*
                              nary Medicine and now at Murdoch
                              University in Australia, looked at             • Dry heaving
                              the systemic effects of GDV. Their             • Yellow, stringy mucus with
                              review, published in 2014 in Topics                 white foam
                              in Companion Animal Medicine, sig-             • Tight, hard distended abdomen
                              naled decreased oxygen to tissues              • Restless behavior, pacing and/or
                              caused by cardiovascular dysfunction                inability to settle
                              as setting in motion a systemic state          • Weak, rapid pulse
                              known as multiple organ dysfunction            • Panting
                              syndrome. Dysfunction can affect the           • Pale gums
                              cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointes-      • Standing with hunched back
                              tinal, coagulation, and renal systems.
                                 Additionally, Dr. Rozanski says, “Other     * If your dog exhibits signs of bloat, you
                                                                             should immediately seek emergency veteri-
                              organ dysfunction can develop in the           nary care. GDV is a life-threatening condition
                              postoperative period that requires             that can quickly become critical.
                              specific management and can con-
BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club

in military working dogs treated at           similar ages and breeds that had
the Holland Military Working Dog              not experienced GDV. The study
Hospital at Lackland Air Force Base           from 2014 to 2018 was funded by
in San Antonio. German Shepherd               the AKC Canine Health Foundation
Dogs comprise 60 percent of the               with support from 35 sponsors,
Department of Defense’s military              including the American German
working dogs.                                 Shepherd Dog Charitable Founda-
   Predisposing risk factors included         tion and the German Shepherd Dog
breed type, specifically German               Club of America.
Shepherd Dog, increasing age, and                An article of their findings about
history of gastrointestinal disease,          genetic susceptibility factors in large
gastropexy or other abdominal                 and giants breeds, which have a
surgeries. Because GDV had been a             lifetime risk for bloat of 3.9 to 36.7
longstanding cause of death or rea-           percent, was published in Genes in
son for euthanasia of military work-          November 2020. The genome-wide
ing dogs, in 2001 the U.S. military           association study (GWAS) of 253
began implementing a prophylactic             dogs from 10 breeds included 147
gastropexy policy for all working             dogs that had experienced at least
dogs in their early adult years that          one GDV episode and 106 healthy
was rolled out over several years.            control dogs. Single nucleotide poly-
   Comparatively, there were 116              morphism (SNP) array genotyping
cases of GDV from 1990 to 2000
before the policy went into effect,
95 cases from 2001 to 2009, and
11 cases from 2010 to 2016. During
the same timeframe, six incidents
of mesenteric volvulus were re-
ported from 1990 to 2000, 12 cases
from 2001 to 2009, and 48 cases
from 2010 to 2016.
   The link between gastropexy and
mesenteric volvulus is unclear, the
authors stressed. Thus, the benefit of
gastropexy in preventing GDV likely
outweighs the risk of the rare con-
dition mesenteric volvulus, they said.

  Much is not known about what
causes GDV. It is considered a complex,
multifactorial disorder with genetic
and environmental influences. German
Shepherd Dog enthusiasts suspect
that bloat may occur more frequently
in some bloodlines.
  As Mehra, who breeds German
Shepherd Dogs under the Blackwood
prefix, says, “We call it the bloat-torsion
  Efforts to better understand the
genetics of bloat prompted research-
ers at Tufts Cummings School of
Veterinary Medicine to compare
DNA samples from purebred dogs
that had bloated with dogs of
BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club
FALL 2021
                                                                                      Shorthaired Pointers and Great
    SUPPORT FOR GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE RESEARCH                                     Danes.”
                                                                                         Subsequent analysis identified
    German Shepherd Dogs are among the                                                12 additional significant potentially
    breeds in which gastric dilatation-volvulus                                       protective SNPs as well as deleteri-
    (GDV), or bloat, is most common. The AKC                                          ous SNPs. Notable significant SNPs
    Canine Health Foundation aims to learn the                                        were found in these three genes
    causes and breed predisposition for bloat                                         involved in gastric tone and motility,
    through support of gastrointestinal disease research. The genetics study          VHL, NALCN and PRKCZ.
    led by researchers at Tufts University that is featured in this article is part      “These are potentially important
    of CHF’s efforts to fight this potentially fatal disease.                         clues to the risk factors of bloat,”
                                                                                      Dr. Rozanski says. “Although further
                                                                                      studies are needed to validate the
                                            followed by imputation of common          SNPs identified in the study and
                                            genetic variation was performed on        their association with GDV suscep-
                                            241 samples to identify GDV-associat-     tibility — as well as their potential
                                            ed SNPs and copy number variations.       breed associations — the genes in
                                               The 10 breeds represented were:        which they are located have nota-
                                            Borzoi (25.6 percent), German             ble roles in enteric nervous system
                                            Shepherd Dog (21.9 percent), Great        and GI motility.”
                                            Dane (13 percent), Standard Poodle
                                            (9.8 percent), Doberman Pinscher          SURVIVAL STATISTICS &
                                            (6 percent), Briard (5.6 percent),        FOCUSING ON PREVENTION
Purina and the AKC Canine                   Labrador Retriever (4.7 percent),           Just as GDV is a multifactorial
                                            Golden Retriever (4.7 percent), and       disease in terms of its causes, whether
Health Foundation have                      German Shorthaired Pointer (4.7           a dog survives bloat is also multi-
                                            percent).                                 factorial. Dr. Sharp and Dr. Rozanski
worked together since 1997                     Lead investigator Dr. Rozanski         along with colleagues looked at the
                                            explains, “We then used whole-            hospital records of 498 dogs that
to support canine health                    genome sequencing (WGS) on                bloated from September 2001 to
                                            a subset of 18 GDV dogs and 15            April 2011 to understand why dogs
research to benefit all dogs.               healthy controls of the three high-       die prior to surgery in an effort to
                                            est represented breeds — Borzoi,          account for preoperative nonsurvival.
                                            German Shepherd Dog and Great             The dogs were patients at the Foster
                                            Dane. We identified a potentially         Hospital for Small Animals at Tufts
                                            protective intergenic SNP, minor          Cummings School of Veterinary
                                            allele G, that appears across all         Medicine.
                                            breeds and that is particularly             “Excluding the 179 dogs that died
                                            important in Collies, German              or were euthanized prior to surgery,

BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club
83.5 percent, or 318 dogs, survived to
go home,” Dr. Rozanski says. “Overall,
about 64 percent of the dogs studied
survived. We found that financial
reasons were a major risk factor in
nonsurvival. Of the 179 nonsurviving
dogs, 149 were euthanized and 30
died. Of those euthanized, 116 were
euthanized prior to surgery without
the intent to treat.”
   Although costs vary based on
geographical area and individual
clinic, emergency bloat surgery,
including gastropexy, may range
from $4,000 to $10,000. Prophy-
lactic gastropexy performed on a
nonemergency basis may cost from                                                  LOOKING TO REPRINT?
$1,200 to $2,000.
   Given the rate of GDV nonsurvival                                              German Shepherd Dog Update
due to nontreatment, efforts at                                                   articles may be reprinted provided
disease prevention may be the best                                                the article is used in its entirety
way to improve disease mortality.                                                 and in a positive manner. To request
“If you have a bloodline with young        Mehra, whose Frannie survived          permission to reprint this article,
dogs bloating and multiple littermates   bloat, says, “She was the least likely   please contact the editor at:
bloating, it is likely an indicator of   dog to bloat because she did not         Barbara.Fawver@purina.nestle.
risk genes,” Dr. Rozanski says. “You     have the body type prone to GDV.         com. Reprints should include the
should try to gradually breed away       She had very tight ligamenture and       following attribution: Used with
from these dogs.”                        abdominal muscles. She was happy,        permission from the German
   Environmental triggers can contrib-   well-adjusted, and not a nervous or      Shepherd Dog Update, Nestlé
ute as well. “In some lines, stressors   anxious dog.”                            Purina PetCare.
such as a stay at a boarding kennel        As to her breeding practices, Mehra
can make them more likely to bloat,      says, “I choose breeding partners
particularly in dogs that are anxious    very carefully. I look for lines with
and nervous,” she says. “If you have     longevity and those free of GDV
an anxious German Shepherd Dog,          for one or two generations. I also
it may be helpful to avoid stressful     am cautious not to ‘throw the baby
situations.”                             out with the bath water.’ Doing so
   Mehra and Vujovich, who each          could result in the loss of genetic
has 30 years’ experience breeding        diversity.”
German Shepherd Dogs, educate              “Bloat just happens,” Vujovich says.
puppy buyers about the signs of          “You can have the best practices
GDV and encourage them to have           and routines for your dogs and still
prophylactic gastropexy performed        come up with one that bloats.”
early. “Most people cannot afford          Reflecting on the significance of
emotionally or mentally to lose          the genetic work, Dr. Rozanski says,
an animal to GDV,” Vujovich says.        “We are years away from figuring
“Gastropexy offers protection            this out, but our findings lean toward
against this happening.”                 support of a role of genetics in dogs
   Both breeders ponder the breed’s      that bloat. Maybe all German Shep-
vulnerability to GDV. “The abdominal     herd Dogs are somewhat genetically
muscles seem to become lax over          at risk.” n
time giving the stomach more room
to twist,” Vujovich says.
                                          Purina appreciates the support of
   “Bloat was not a health concern
                                          the American German Shepherd
in German Shepherd Dogs until the
                                          Dog Charitable Foundation board
1980s when breeders began pro-
                                          of directors in helping to identify
ducing dogs with a deeper-bodied
                                          topics for the German Shepherd
conformation to achieve an extended
                                          Dog Update.
side gait,” Mehra says.

BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club

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BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club BLOAT - GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGUpdate - A Multifactorial Disease in German Shepherd Dogs - Purina Pro Club
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