Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Blind deconvolution estimation of
                 fluorescence measurements through
                 quadratic programming

                 Daniel U. Campos-Delgado
                 Omar Gutierrez-Navarro
                 Edgar R. Arce-Santana
                 Melissa C. Skala
                 Alex J. Walsh
                 Javier A. Jo

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(7), 075010 (July 2015)

                Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence
                measurements through quadratic programming
                Daniel U. Campos-Delgado,a,* Omar Gutierrez-Navarro,a Edgar R. Arce-Santana,a Melissa C. Skala,b
                Alex J. Walsh,b and Javier A. Joc
                    Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Facultad de Ciencias, San Luis Potosi C.P 78290, Mexico
                    Vanderbilt University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Nashville, Tennessee, United States
                    Texas A&M University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College Station, Texas, United States

                               Abstract. Time-deconvolution of the instrument response from fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)
                               data is usually necessary for accurate fluorescence lifetime estimation. In many applications, however, the
                               instrument response is not available. In such cases, a blind deconvolution approach is required. An iterative
                               methodology is proposed to address the blind deconvolution problem departing from a dataset of FLIM mea-
                               surements. A linear combination of a base conformed by Laguerre functions models the fluorescence impulse
                               response of the sample at each spatial point in our formulation. Our blind deconvolution estimation (BDE) algo-
                               rithm is formulated as a quadratic approximation problem, where the decision variables are the samples of the
                               instrument response and the scaling coefficients of the basis functions. In the approximation cost function, there
                               is a bilinear dependence on the decision variables. Hence, due to the nonlinear nature of the estimation process,
                               an alternating least-squares scheme iteratively solves the approximation problem. Our proposal searches for the
                               samples of the instrument response with a global perspective, and the scaling coefficients of the basis functions
                               locally at each spatial point. First, the iterative methodology relies on a least-squares solution for the instrument
                               response, and quadratic programming for the scaling coefficients applied just to a subset of the measured fluo-
                               rescence decays to initially estimate the instrument response to speed up the convergence. After convergence,
                               the final stage computes the fluorescence impulse response at all spatial points. A comprehensive validation
                               stage considers synthetic and experimental FLIM datasets of ex vivo atherosclerotic plaques and human breast
                               cancer cell samples that highlight the advantages of the proposed BDE algorithm under different noise and initial
                               conditions in the iterative scheme and parameters of the proposal. © 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
                               (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.7.075010]

                               Keywords: signal processing; fluorescence; deconvolution; digital processing; optimization.
                               Paper 150106R received Feb. 24, 2015; accepted for publication Jun. 29, 2015; published online Jul. 29, 2015.

                1      Introduction                                                                a Laguerre basis.17–19 This process is usually called deconvolu-
                Fluorescence microscopy imaging is a powerful noninvasive                          tion in the FLIM literature.1–4 Once the fluorescence impulse
                technique that allows a biochemical characterization of biologi-                   response has been identified at each spatial point of the sample,
                cal tissue for medical and biophysical applications.1–4 Specifi-                   the lifetime per spectral channel and normalized intensities are
                cally, multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy                      used to provide quantitative features for classification purposes
                (m-FLIM) captures the time-resolved response to a laser exci-                      of the m-FLIM dataset.10 Meanwhile, a graphical perspective is
                tation at different spectral channels in order to record the optical               the phasor approach that provides a two-dimensional (2-D) vis-
                emission of synthetic or endogenous fluorophores.5 Different                       ual representation of each spatial point in the dataset by mapping
                studies in the literature have shown the potential of FLIM infor-                  the identified fluorescence impulse response per spectral band.
                mation for providing an early and noninvasive diagnosis tool for                   Classification or linear unmixing can be achieved from this 2-D
                different pathologies, as cardiovascular and dermatology dis-                      representation, as suggested in Ref. 20 and 21.
                eases,6–9 oral precancer conditions,10 colonic dysplasia,11 or                         The main two trends in deconvolution algorithms depend on
                measuring therapeutic responses of anticancer drugs.12,13 In                       the structure of the fluorescence impulse response. The first
                order to provide quantitative evaluations of m-FLIM informa-                       approach assumes a linear combination of exponential functions
                tion, the datasets are first processed to isolate the instrument                   that characterize the response of each fluorophore in the sam-
                signature and extract the intrinsic fluorescence response of                       ple.4,13 Thus, the free parameters in this model are the character-
                the studied sample. Departing from a linear interaction in the                     istic times for the exponential functions and their scaling
                measured fluorescence decay due to the optic excitation, a con-                    coefficients. In this case, the scalings are linear variables in the
                volution model is adopted where the fluorescence impulse                           model, but the characteristic times exhibit a nonlinear depend-
                response denotes the distinctive signature of the sample that is                   ency. Hence, a nonlinear approximation problem is formulated
                usually characterized by a multiexponential model14–16 or by                       to compute the free variables and minimize the prediction error,
                                                                                                   which can be iteratively solved by nonlinear least squares22,23 for

                *Address all correspondence to: Daniel U. Campos-Delgado, E-mail: ducd@
                                                                       1083-3668/2015/$25.00 © 2015 SPIE

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-1                                             July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                each spatial point in the sample. Furthermore, if the character-                   non-negative. Ya∶b ∈ Rðb−aþ1Þ×M represents the block matrix
                istic times are assumed invariant in all the samples, then there                   extracted from Y ∈ RN×M by its rows a to b (1 ≤ a <
                are few parameters involved in the optimization scheme, and                        b ≤ N). For all vectors x ∈ RN and y ∈ RM , T x;y ∈ RN×M
                this concept is called the global approach.14–16 Meanwhile, in                     denotes a toeplitz matrix with x and y⊤ as its first column
                Refs. 24 and 25, by addressing the properties of the optical                       and row, respectively, where the first entry in x and y must
                instrumentation, the exponential profiles can be affected by                       be equal. An N-dimensional vector filled with ones (zeros) is
                uncertainty in the photon counts, which can be modeled as                          represented by 1N (0N ), and IN denotes the identity matrix of
                Poisson noise. Thus, the problem of Poisson–Gaussian param-                        order N. For a random variable x, x ∼ U½a; b represents that
                eter estimation has recently caught the attention of the scientific                x is uniformly distributed in the interval ½a; b (b > a), and x ∼
                community. On the other hand, the second approach for decon-                       N ð0; σ 2 Þ that x is normally distributed with zero mean and vari-
                volution considers that a linear combination of discrete-time
                                                                                                   ance σ 2 .
                Laguerre functions models the fluorescence impulse response;
                this technique is referred to as the model-free scheme. In this
                way, the scaling coefficients of the Laguerre functions are linear                 2       Problem Formulation
                variables in the residual, so a least-squares estimation can be                    First, the deconvolution of FLIM data is expressed in discrete
                followed.17,18 One disadvantage of the Laguerre basis is that                      time by assuming that the measured fluorescence decays and
                for some cases, the resulting fluorescence impulse responses                       instrument response are sampled with a period T over a spatial
                might not have a monotonic decay. Therefore, a constrained                         domain of K points in the dataset.1–3 Therefore, by considering a
                quadratic optimization has to be applied to compute the scaling                    time window of L samples and a causal response,28 the obser-
                coefficients, where the restrictions are imposed to the second-                    vation model for the l’th time sample and k’th spatial point is
                or third-order time derivatives of the resulting fluorescence                      given by
                impulse responses.19
                     One disadvantage of the deconvolution algorithms from the                     yk ½l ¼ u½l⋆hk ½l þ vk ½l                                                (1)
                literature is the requirement of a previous recording of the FLIM
                instrument response. In addition, while computing the deconvo-                                 X
                lution methodology, the instrument response has to be carefully                            ¼         u½l − jhk ½j þ vk ½l ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1;
                aligned with the fluorescence decay measurements in order to                                   j¼0                                                              (2)
                avoid dead-times, which could be a time-consuming task due
                to noise, and could also bias the lifetime estimations. Hence,                                 k ∈ ½0; K − 1;
                the contribution of this work is to present a blind deconvolution
                estimation (BDE) algorithm that does not require previous                          where yk ½l, u½l, and hk ½l denote the measured fluorescence
                knowledge of the instrument response in the m-FLIM setup.                          decay, instrument response, and fluorescence impulse response
                For this purpose, we consider that the fluorescence impulse                        samples, respectively, ⋆; stands for the convolution operation,
                response is characterized by a linear combination of Laguerre                      and vk ½l represents the random noise related to the instrumen-
                functions. Our BDE algorithm searches for the instrument                           tation or measurement uncertainty. A block diagram of the
                response samples with a global perspective, meanwhile the scal-                    observation model in our formulation is presented in Fig. 1. In
                ing coefficients of the basis functions are computed for each                      our framework, the effect of scattering can be modeled as a
                point in the sample. Since the residual exhibits a bilinear                        scaled factor Ak > 0 of the instrument response in the observa-
                dependency on the decision variables, and alternating least-                       tion model,4,13 i.e., yk ½l ¼ ðhk ½l þ Ak δ½lÞ⋆u½l þ vk ½l, where
                squares (ALS) methodology iteratively estimates the instrument                     δ½l denotes the discrete-time delta function. Therefore, the esti-
                response and scaling variables.26,27 The recurrent steps in the                    mation of the instrument response u½l will not be affected by the
                BDE algorithm rely on constrained quadratic programming                            scattering component, since the structure of the observation
                and least-squares solutions. In this way, our BDE method jointly                   model is not modified with respect to u½l. Although this com-
                provides an estimation of the instrument and fluorescence                          ponent could potentially introduce a distortion of the estimated
                impulse responses in the sample. Our synthetic and experimen-                      impulse response function, that is, ðhk ½l þ Ak δ½lÞ instead of
                tal results with ex vivo atherosclerotic plaques and human breast
                cancer cell samples show that the proposal is robust to uncer-                                                                      y0[l]=h0[l] u[l]+v0[l]
                tainty in the measured fluorescence decays and variations in
                the initial conditions.
                     The notation used in this paper is described next. Scalars are
                denoted by italic letters, and vectors and matrices by lower-case                                                                   y1[l]=h1[l] u[l]+v1[l]
                and upper-case bold letters, respectively. R and Z represent the                       Instrument response

                real and integer numbers, RN N-dimensional real vectors, and
                cardðΩÞ the cardinality of a set Ω. For a real vector x, the trans-
                pose operation                        ⊤
                         pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi is denoted by x , the Euclidean norm by                                         u[l]
                kxk2 ¼ x x, and x ⪰ 0 represents that each component in                                                                             yK-1[l]=hK-1[l] u[l]+vK-1[l]
                the vector is positive or zero. For a square matrix X ∈ RN×N ,
                X i;j represents the element  P in the i’th row and j’th column

                (i; j ∈ ½1; N), TrðXÞ ¼ i X i;i denotes the trace operation,
                          pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi                                                                                       Tissue sample       Measured fluorescence
                kXkF ¼ TrðX⊤ XÞ denotes the Frobenius norm, and kXk∞ ¼
                maxi j¼1 jXi;j j denotes the maximum absolute row sum                              Fig. 1 Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) observation
                norm. X ⪰ 0 represents that each component in the matrix is                        model.

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-2                                                    July 2015     •   Vol. 20(7)

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                hk ½l, this a common problem to all deconvolution methods.                                                             2. The fluorescence impulse response hk ½l at each spatial
                However, it has been shown that the scattering effect is not                                                               sample k and time instant l can be represented by a
                significant for endogenous tissue FLIM.29 In general, the decon-                                                           linear combination of N discrete-time basis functions
                volution formulation is an ill-posed inverse problem that can                                                                      N−1
                                                                                                                                           fbn ½lgn¼0 also common to all the spatial points.
                have multiple solutions.1–3 Therefore, to restrict the search space
                and to have a tractable problem, in our formulation, there are                                                    Assumption 1 allows to restrict the search among all possible
                two key assumptions:                                                                                          instrument responses, and to avoid numerical scaling problems
                                                                                                                              in the estimation of u½l. Nonetheless, the shape of the resulting
                         1. The instrument response u½l is common to all K spa-                                              instrument response is not limited as our validation section will
                            tial points in the dataset, and its samples are non-neg-                                          show. Meanwhile, assumption 2 allows to formulate the estima-
                            ative and normalized to sum one in time domain, i.e.,                                             tion problem as constrained quadratic programming or least-
                                                                                                                              squares approximations, which can be efficiently solve by
                                                                                                                              numerical optimization algorithms.23 These two conditions will
                                         u½l ¼ 1       and       u½l ≥ 0          ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1;                         be exploited to achieve the blind deconvolution of the dataset as
                                                                                                                              explained next. First, the observation model in Eq. (1) can be
                                                                                                                (3)           written in a vector notation as

                2                  3        2                                                        32                     3 2                        3
                       yk ½0                      u½0               0             :::         0              hk ½0                     vk ½0
                6      yk ½1      7 6             u½1              u½0           :::         0    76        hk ½1       7 6           vk ½1       7
                6                  7 6                                                               76                     7 6                        7
                6        ..        7¼6              ..                ..            ..          ..   76          ..         7 þ6            ..         7;                                                 (4)
                4         .        5 4               .                 .               .         .   54           .         5 4              .         5
                   yk ½L − 1                  u½L − 1 u½L − 2 : : : u½0                                     hk ½L − 1             vk ½L − 1
                |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}      |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
                      yk ∈RL                                        U∈RL×L                                     hk ∈RL                     vk ∈RL

                                                                                                                              semidefinite on the third-order derivative (hk0 0 0 ≤ 0).19 The
                 ⇒ yk ¼ Uhk þ vk                   ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1;                                            (5)           instantaneous expression in Eq. (7) can be also written in
                                                                                                                              vector notation to gather all the time samples as
                and as a result, the input matrix U has a toeplitz structure30
                that does not depend on the spatial location of the sample.                                                    hk ¼ Bck            ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1;                                      (8)
                In this matrix formulation, the restrictions in Eq. (3) for
                the instrument response can be written as                                                                     where
                                                                                                                                  2                                                             3
                                                                                                                                              b0 ½0           b1 ½0    :::       bN−1 ½0
                kUk∞ ¼ 1              and       U⪰0                                                             (6)              6            b0 ½1           b1 ½1    :::       bN−1 ½1     7
                                                                                                                                 6                                                              7
                                                                                                                               B¼6              ..               ..      ..           ..        7 ∈ RL×N ;
                                                                                                                                 4               .                .         .          .        5
                Next, by assumption 2, the fluorescence impulse response
                at k’th spatial location is characterized by the scaling coef-                                                            b0 ½L − 1 b1 ½L − 1          :::     bN−1 ½L − 1
                ficients fck;n gN−1
                                 n¼0 of the basis functions:

                            N −1
                hk ½l ¼           ck;n bn ½l ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1;                                                (7)            ck ¼ ½ck;0 : : : ck;N−1 ⊤ ∈ RN :                                        (10)
                                                                                                                                 In the analysis of FLIM measurements, a well-known basis is
                where the coefficients ck;n ∈ R are selected such that the                                                    the Laguerre functions:17–19
                estimated fluorescence decay matches the measurement,
                and the resulting time-response has some smoothness                                                                            pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi X
                                                                                                                               bn ½l ¼ α2ðl−nÞ 1 − α         ð−1Þi ðli Þðni Þαn−i ð1 − αÞi

                property to represent the response of biological sam-                                                                                           i¼0
                ples.17–19 The fluorescence impulse responses estimated
                                                                                                                                ∀ n ∈ ½0; N − 1;              l ∈ ½0; L − 1;                          (11)
                from FLIM data involve some smoothness properties that
                in turn constrain the linear model in Eq. (7).1–3 Hence, the
                                                                                                                              where α ∈ ð0; 1Þ is a free parameter. Consequently, by consid-
                estimated response must be monotonically decreasing to
                                                                                                                              ering measurement noise, the observation model in Eq. (1) can
                have a biological meaning at any spatial point. As a result,                                                  be compactly expressed as
                the time derivative of the fluorescence impulse response
                has to be negative definite (hk0 < 0 ∀ k), but without inflec-                                                 yk ¼ UBck þ vk                ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1:                          (12)
                tion points or curvature changes. Thus, an alternative
                restriction is to consider a positive definite condition on                                                      By collecting all the spatial measurements in a matrix nota-
                the second-order time derivative (hk0 0 > 0), or a negative                                                   tion, the following model is obtained

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                                       075010-3                                                         July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                Y ¼ UBC þ V;                                                           (13)        yl ¼ ½1 0TL−1 ⊤ ∈ RL :                                          (21)

                where                                                                                 To illustrate the toeplitz structure of matrices Uol , the corre-
                                                                                                   sponding ones for indices l ¼ 0; 1 and 2 are shown next
                Y ¼ ½y0 : : : yK−1  ∈ RL×K ;                                          (14)
                                                                                                   Uo0 ¼ IL ;
                                                                                                         2                            3
                                                                                                           0 0        :::    0    0
                C ¼ ½c0 : : : cN−1  ∈ R               ;                               (15)              6                           7
                                                                                                         61 0         :::    0    07
                                                                                                         6                           7
                                                                                                         6            :::         07
                                                                                                   Uo1 ¼ 6 0 1               0       7;
                V ¼ ½v0 : : : vK−1  ∈ RL×K :                                          (16)              6. .                     .. 7
                                                                                                         6. .         ..     ..      7
                                                                                                         4. .            .    .    .5
                   In this way, according to the observation model in Eq. (13),                                 0 0   :::    1    0
                the blind deconvolution problem is jointly defined as obtaining                             2                             3
                the input and coefficients matrices ðU; CÞ to approximate the                                   0 0   :::    0    0 0
                                                                                                         6                              7
                measurements information Y. Hence, our methodology can be                                60 0         :::    0    0 07
                formulated as an optimal quadratic approximation problem:23                              6                              7
                                                                                                         61 0         :::         0 07
                                                                                                         6                   0          7
                                                                                                   Uo2 ¼ 6
                                                                                                         60 1
                                                                                                                                        7:                          (22)
                                                                                                         6            :::    0    0 07  7
                min kY − UBCk2F ;                 such that kUk∞ ¼ 1       and    U ⪰ 0:                 6. .
                U;C 2
                                                                                                         6 .. ..      ..     ..   .. .. 7
                                                                                                         4               .    .    . .7 5
                                                                                       (17)                     0 0   :::    1    0 0

                    Therefore, there is a nonlinear interaction in the cost function                   One advantage of the parametric representation in Eq. (18) is
                J between the optimization variables U and C. One important                        that the normalization condition in Eq. (3) for the instrument
                advantage of the previous formulation is that the input matrix U                   response can be easily incorporated into the optimization formu-
                has a toeplitz structure.30 Therefore, to construct this matrix,                   lation. In this way, the blind deconvolution scheme in Eq. (17)
                only L values are needed. Moreover, in FLIM applications, the                      can be rewritten as
                instrument response is a narrow pulse, so there is no need to                                                     2
                estimate all the L terms, since many will be zero. Hence, we                                   1     X
                                                                                                     min          Y−      θl Ul BC
                consider only the first L^ terms ðL^ < LÞ to represent the instru-                                                
                                                                                                   fθl gl¼0 ;C 2
                                                                                                                       l¼0          F
                ment response. In this way, the input matrix U in Eq. (4) can be                                 X
                parametrized as a linear combination of L^ toeplitz matrices                       such that        θl ¼ 1 and θl ≥ 0         ∀ l ∈ ½0; L^ − 1: (23)
                Uol ∈ RL×L                                                                                       l

                U¼              θl Uol ;                                               (18)        3       Time Restrictions on the Fluorescence
                        l¼0                                                                                Impulse Response
                                                                                                   In Ref. 19, to facilitate the computation of the scaling coeffi-
                where the parameter θl ¼ u½l represents l’th sample in the                        cients through numerical optimization, a negative semidefinite
                instrument response, and                                                           condition (hk0 0 0 ≤ 0) is imposed on the third-order time deriva-
                                                                                                   tive (NSC-TOTD). This restriction can be written as a linear
                Uol ¼ Txl ;yl ∈ RL×L ;                                                 (19)        vector inequality for the scaling coefficients ck in Eq. (8) at
                                                                                                   k’th spatial location. For this purpose, we employ a numerical
                                                                                                   approximation for the TOTD based on the central difference
                xl ¼ ½0Tl 1 0TL−l−1 ⊤ ∈ RL ;                                          (20)        approach for l’th time instant and k’th spatial point:22

                                −hk ½l þ 3 þ 8hk ½l þ 2 − 13hk ½l þ 1 þ 13hk ½l − 1 − 8hk ½l − 2 þ hk ½l − 3
                hk0 0 0 ½l ¼                                                                                      ;                                                (24)
                                                                      8T 3

                where to evaluate hk0 0 0 ½l besides the l’th sample, six more                             1
                                                                                                   A≜           ð−B7∶L þ 8B6∶L−1 − 13B5∶L−2 þ 13B3∶L−4
                time samples are needed. Therefore, by using a vector nota-                                8T 3
                tion, the discrete-time approximation of the TOTD of the                                   − 8B2∶L−5 þ B1∶L−6 Þ ∈ RðL−6Þ×N :                        (26)
                fluorescence impulse response at k’th spatial location is
                                                                                                       Following this vector notation, the following linear vector
                h 0 0 0 k ¼ Ack ∈ RL−6 ;                                               (25)        inequality can represent the time-domain restrictions on the
                                                                                                   fluorescence impulse response for the scaling coefficients ck
                where                                                                              at the k’th spatial point:

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-4                                             July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                Ack ≤ 0       ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1:                                        (27)        where H ¼ B⊤ U⊤ UB, f k ¼ B⊤ U⊤ yk , and A is given by
                                                                                                   Eq. (26). Alternatively, the previous optimization problem can
                                                                                                   be efficiently solved by its dual formulation23 as a non-negative
                4     Quadratic Optimal Approximation                                              least-squares approximation (NNLSA):19
                From the previous results in Eqs. (23) and (27), the blind
                                                                                                   ξ ¼ arg minkRðA⊤ ξ − f k Þk22 ;                                            (30)
                deconvolution problem with time-domain restrictions in the                                      ξ≥0
                fluorescence impulse response can be formulated as a quadratic
                constrained optimization scheme with linear equality and                           where R⊤ R ¼ H−1 is obtained by a Cholesky factorization, and
                inequality conditions                                                              the optimal scaling coefficients are
                                   L−1           2                                                ck ¼ H−1 ð−A⊤ ξ þ f k Þ:                                                   (31)
                  min         Y −      θ  Uo
                                         l l    
                fθl gl¼0 ;C 2
                                    l¼0           F                                                Since matrices H and A in Eq. (29) are constant for any spatial
                              X                                                                    point in the dataset, matrix R can be computed just once for the
                such that        θl ¼ 1; θl ≥ 0 ∀ l ∈ ½0; L^ − 1;
                                                                                                   whole dataset and some terms in Eqs. (30) and (31) can be also
                                                                                                   precalculated to speed up the numerical implementation. None-
                Ack ≤ b       ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1:                                        (28)        theless, the computational time of the estimation process in
                                                                                                   Eq. (30) can be raised if the number of spatial locations is large
                    The proposed optimization scheme in Eq. (28) has a particu-                    in the FLIM dataset. Nonetheless, this step in the BDE algorithm
                lar structure that has not been investigated in the literature so                  can be further paralleled. In addition, to speed up the convergence
                far. For example, in linear unmixing problems or non-negative                      of the ALS structure, we propose to use a small subset of the
                matrix factorization,27,31–33 the measured fluorescence decays                     whole FLIM dataset in the iterative scheme until convergence is
                matrix Y is decomposed as the product of two matrices that                         reached. At this step, the purpose will be to have a good estimate
                have certain properties: positivity and/or normalization condi-                    of the instrument response. Next, in a final step, provided this
                tions. However, in Eq. (28), the parametric structure of the                       estimated response, the CLSE in Eq. (29) or NNLSA in Eq. (30)
                decision variables θl and the presence of the product matrix                       will be applied to all the spatial points in the FLIM dataset to
                Uol B oversee a new formulation. In fact, since the cost function                  compute the scaling coefficients, and as a result, the fluorescence
                in Eq. (28) involves the product of the decision variables                         impulse responses. We propose an equidistant spatial downsam-
                   θl l¼0 ; C , and the constraints can be divided into time-                      pling of size D ∈ Z (D > 1) for the FLIM measurements’ matrix
                domain and spatial restrictions, similar to Refs. 26, 27, and 31,                  Y to obtain its reduced version (column-wise) Y     ^ ∈ RL×K^ , with
                a solution based on ALS is pursued. Hence, first given an initial                  K ¼ bK∕Dc, where b c denotes the floor function. As another
                condition for the unknown parameters                                               alternative, the reduced measurement matrix Y  ^ could be computed
                                                                                                   by randomly selecting K^ < K columns of the original matrix Y.
                    h                          i⊤
                θ0 ¼ θ00 ; θ01 ; : : : ; θ0L−1
                                           ^      ;
                                                                                                   4.2     Instrument Response Estimation
                the optimal scaling coefficients ck are calculated for each spatial
                location k by an optimal approximation method. The initial                         In this step, the scaling coefficients’ matrix C is assumed known
                instrument response vector θ0 can be chosen from some a priori                     in the cost function in Eq. (28), and the optimization is com-
                information, or as a general square pulse. In this work, we also                   puted with respect to the parameters fθl gL−1  ^
                                                                                                                                                 l¼0 of the instrument
                consider a signal that employs the mean spatial measurements of                    response. In this case, a closed-form solution can be calculated
                the FLIM dataset to shape the initial input vector. Next, fixing                   as will be shown next by using the whole FLIM dataset. First,
                the coefficients ck and considering the whole dataset, our pro-                    the approximation cost function in Eq.   P (28) is augmented to
                posal calculates the optimal instrument response sequence θ ¼                      include the normalization condition l θl ¼ 1 by a Lagrange
                ½θ0 ; : : : ; θL−1 ⊤                                                               multiplier:23
                               ^  that minimizes the quadratic cost function. This
                iterative procedure is repeated until a convergence condition is                                                              ⊤
                satisfied with respect to the estimation error or when a maximum                       1                 X
                                                                                                   J^ ¼ Tr        Y−             θl Uol BC          Y−         θi Uoi BC 
                number of iterations is reached. Next, both optimization steps                         2                 l¼0                             i¼0
                are expanded to formulate them as quadratic or least-squares
                approximation problems.23                                                                       X
                                                                                                           þμ          θl − 1                                                  (32)
                4.1     Estimation of Scaling Coefficients
                Assuming that the parameters fθl gL−1
                                                    l¼0 are given, then the input                      1           X
                                                                                                                   L−1       ^
                matrix U can be computed from Eq. (4). Since the scaling coef-                        ¼ TrfY⊤ Yg −     θl TrfY⊤ Uol BCg
                ficients are estimated for each spatial point k ∈ ½0; K − 1, a                        2           l¼0
                local constrained least-squares estimation (CLSE) is formulated
                                                                                                                       ^                            X
                from Eq. (28) as                                                                            1                     ⊤   ⊤
                                                                                                           þ Tr              θl C B       ðUol Þ⊤          θi Uoi BC
                                                                                                            2          l¼0                           i¼0
                    1                    1
                min kyk − UBck k22 ¼ min c⊤k Hck − f ⊤k ck                                                      X
                 ck 2                 ck 2                                             (29)
                                                                                                           þμ          θl − 1                                                  (33)
                    such that Ack ≤ 0;                                                                           l¼0

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-5                                                        July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                where μ ≥ 0 is the Lagrange multiplier related to the equality
                condition. Therefore, the stationary optimality conditions are

                  ∂J^                                                 ∂J^
                      ¼ 0 ∀ m ∈ ½0; L^ − 1                 and           ¼ 0;                  (34)
                 ∂θm                                                  ∂μ

                which result in the following set of equations
                       θl TrfC⊤ B⊤ ðUom Þ⊤ Uol BCg þ μ ¼ TrfY⊤ Uom BCg
                          |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
                                         δm ;l                                  bm

                    ∀ m ∈ ½0; L^ − 1

                       θl ¼ 1:                                                                  (36)

                    Consequently, a system with L^ þ 1 linear equations and
                ^L þ 1 unknown variables is obtained
                2                                         32      3 2      3
                   δ0;0        :::       δ1;L−1
                                             ^         1      θ0       b0
                6 .            ..           ..         .. 76 .. 7 6 .. 7
                6 ..                                    .7 6      7 6      7
                6                 .          .            76 . 7 ¼ 6 . 7;                       (37)
                4δ             :::      δL−1;          1  54 θL−1
                                                                  5 4 bL−1
                   ^                     ^   L−1
                     1         :::         1           0      μ        1
                                                                                                              Fig. 2 Block diagram of blind deconvolution estimation.
                whose solution provides the optimal parameters θl L−1   l¼0 . If a
                resulting parameter θ^l violates the non-negativity condition,                                IV. Convergence Test: Calculate the estimation error at
                a practical solution inside the iterative process of BDE is to                                    t stage as J t ¼ kY − Ut BCt kF , and evaluate the error
                set it to zero (θ^l ¼ 0) and rescales the parameters to keep the                                  improvement ΔJ t ¼ jJt − J t−1 j with respect to the
                normalization condition ( l θl ¼ 1).                                                              previous iteration t − 1. If ΔJ t > κ and t ≤ tmax go to
                                                                                                                  II, otherwise continue.
                                                                                                               V. Estimation of Scaling Coefficients of Laguerre
                4.3      Blind Deconvolution Estimation                                                           Functions on the Whole Dataset: For the complete set
                Finally, by considering the NNLSA in Eq. (30) for the scaling                                     of locations k ∈ ½0; K − 1 with Ut , compute the
                coefficients due to its faster implementation compared to CLSE                                    NNLSA for ctk in Eqs. (30) and (31).
                in Eq. (29), and the closed-form solution for the instrument                                  VI. Compute Final Estimations of Fluorescence Impulse
                response in Eq. (37), the overall BDE algorithm is outlined                                       Responses and Measured Fluorescence Decays: If we
                next (see Fig. 2).
                                                                                                                  assume that the algorithm stops at ^t’th iteration with
                         I. Initialization and Selection of Reduced Dataset:                                      outputs ðθ^t ; C^t Þ, the final estimations are given by
                            Provide the FLIM measurements matrix Y and based
                                                                                                                             θ^tl ; 0 ≤ l ≤ L^ − 1
                            on the selected spatial downsampling D, the reduced                                   u½l
                                                                                                                  ^ ¼                                     ;
                            dataset Y ^ is constructed. Define the number of samples                                         0;    L^ ≤ l ≤ L − 1
                            to be estimated from the instrument response L^ and its                                                            X
                                                                                                                                               N −1
                            initial condition θ0 , a maximum number of iterations                                   h^ k ¼ BC^t ⇒ h^ k ½l ¼          c^tk;n bn ½l
                            tmax , a convergence thresholdfor the                                                                             n¼0
                                                                    estimation error
                            κ, and the basis functions bn ½l N−1   n¼0 to construct
                                                                                                                   ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1;      k ∈ ½0; K − 1;
                            B. Set t ¼ 0 and J0 ¼ 106 . From θ0 , compute the                                                                      X
                                                                                                                                                   N −1
                            input matrix U0 from Eq. (4).                                                           y^ k ¼ U^t BC^t ⇒ y^ k ½l ¼          c^tk;n u½l⋆b
                                                                                                                                                                 ^      n ½l;     (38)
                        II. Estimation of Scaling Coefficients of Laguerre
                            Functions: Set t ¼ t þ 1, and for the reduced set of                                  where the input matrix U^t is constructed from θ^t
                            spatial locations k ∈ ½0; K^ − 1 with Ut−1 , compute the                             according to Eq. (4).
                            NNLSA for ctk in Eqs. (30) and (31). Construct the
                            resulting scaling coefficients matrix Ct in Eq. (15).
                       III. Estimation of Instrument Response: Fixing Ct , evalu-                        5    Synthetic and Experimental Validation
                            ate the optimal input parameters θt from Eq. (37). The                       This section presents the validation of the BDE algorithm
                            resulting input matrix Ut is obtained from Eq. (18).                         by considering two cases: synthetic and experimental FLIM

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                       075010-6                                                   July 2015    •   Vol. 20(7)

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Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming
Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                                                                                                        l¼0 ðu½l − u½lÞ
                                                                                                                     ^ 2
                datasets. For both cases, the estimation errors on the instrument
                response and measured fluorescence decays will be evaluated,                       Eu ¼  PL−1
                                                                                                            l¼0 ðu½lÞ
                and in the synthetic experiments, we also quantify the error on                        PK−1 PL−1
                the resulting fluorescence impulse responses. In addition, the                                     ðh ½l − h^ k ½lÞ2
                                                                                                   Eh ¼ k¼0
                                                                                                         PK−1l¼0 PL−1k
                                                                                                                   l¼0 ðhk ½lÞ
                error on four different initial conditions in the instrument                                                    2
                response will be analyzed, as well as different scenarios for shot                     PK−1 PL−1
                                                                                                                   ðy ½l − y^ k ½lÞ2
                noise in the synthetic fluorescence decays.34 Meanwhile, in the                    Ey ¼ k¼0
                                                                                                         PK−1l¼0 PL−1k                 :                              (42)
                                                                                                                   l¼0 ðyk ½lÞ
                experimental evaluation, we consider a comparison for different                              k¼0
                values of the spatial downsampling factor in step II of BDE, and
                a quantification of the lifetime in the fluorescence impulse                           These three indices ðEu ; Eh ; Ey Þ will give an indication of the
                responses. We point out that in the FLIM literature there is no                    weight of the error energy with respect to the estimated instru-
                other algorithm able to perform blind deconvolution that could                     ment response, fluorescence impulse responses, and measured
                provide a comparison benchmark.                                                    fluorescence decays in a percentage fashion. Since the construc-
                                                                                                   tion of the synthetic datasets involved random samples, we carry
                                                                                                   out a Monte Carlo evaluation by implementing the BDE algo-
                5.1     Synthetic Evaluation                                                       rithm according to the parameters listed in Table 1, whose selec-
                                                                                                   tion is explained next. For the Laguerre functions,17,18 the order
                The synthetic dataset was generated by considering the mea-
                                                                                                   of the approximation was set to 8th for the fluorescence impulse
                sured instrument response in Ref. 7 with a sampling interval
                                                                                                   responses (N ¼ 8), and their shape parameter was selected as
                T ¼ 250 ps and a length of 256 samples (L ¼ 256). This signal
                                                                                                   α ¼ 0.85 by a trial and error method. Nonetheless, the two
                u½l has a sharp rising time and a subsequent exponential decay
                                                                                                   parameters N ¼ 8 and α ¼ 0.85 were pretty robust throughout
                (see top plots in Fig. 4), and its normalized to sum 1, i.e.,
                P                                                                                  our whole validation stage, since we did not have to modify
                   l u½l ¼ 1 (assumption 1 in Sec. 2). The fluorescence impulse                   them for the synthetic and experimental scenarios, although they
                response at each spatial point k is modeled as a sum of three
                                                                                                   represent different types of FLIM datasets. In the synthetic
                exponential functions:
                                                                                                   evaluation, 3600 spatial samples were generated by Eqs. (39)
                                                                                                   and (40) at different PSNRs (15, 20, 25, and 30 dB), and the
                                                                                                   resulting datasets were analyzed by the BDE algorithm,
                                          −lτ T
                hk ½l ¼         ak;i e      k;i   ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1;    l ∈ ½0; L − 1;            i.e., K ¼ 3600. The spatial downsampling inside the iterative
                                                                                                   process at step II of the BDE was set to D ¼ 8, i.e., only K^ ¼
                                                                                                   K∕D ¼ 450 spatial samples were employed to estimate the
                                                                                                   instrument response. In our evaluation, this reduced number
                                                                                                   of measurements K^ was low enough to minimize the complexity
                                                                                                   in the estimation of the instrument response, but still provided
                where the magnitudes and characteristic times of these functions
                                                                                                   enough information to precisely reconstruct it. Meanwhile, the
                are randomly chosen for any spatial point, i.e., ak;i ∼ U½0; 50
                                                                                                   whole time evolution of the instrument response is captured in
                and τk;i ∼ U½0.01; 6 ns ∀ k; i. Next, the synthetic uncorrupted
                                                                                                   less than 13.75 ns, so we selected its estimated number of sam-
                fluorescence decays yok ½l are computed by applying the convo-                    ples as L^ ¼ 55, which corresponds to this time by the assigned
                lution operator in Eq. (1), i.e., yok ½l ¼ u½l⋆hk ½l. In our evalu-             sampling interval T. Finally, to evaluate convergence in the
                ation, we included shot noise in the measurements to take into                     iterative process of the BDE (see Fig. 2), we set the maximum
                account uncertainty in the equipment according to the following

                                                                                                   Table 1 Parameters of synthetic dataset and blind deconvolution
                                      qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi                                                   estimation (BDE) implementation during the synthetic evaluation.
                yk ½l ¼   yok ½l   þ yok ½l · ωk ½l     ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1;          (40)

                                                                                                   Parameter                                                        Value

                where ωk ½l ∼ N ð0; σ 2k Þ represents a normal random variable,                   Ts                                                             0.250 ns
                and its variance σ 2k is selected with respect to a desired peak
                                                                                                   K                                                                3600
                signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR),
                                                                                                   L                                                                 256

                                            maxl∈½0;L−1 yok ½l                                   L^                                                                55
                PSNR ¼ 10 log10                                    ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1:
                                                  σ 2k                                             D                                                                  8
                                                                                                   N                                                                  8

                                                                                                   α                                                                0.85
                   By assuming that u½l,
                                    ^     h^ k ½l and y^ k ½l denote the estimations
                by the BDE algorithm in Eq. (38), we compute three perfor-                         t max                                                             20
                mance metrics to evaluate the accuracy of the methodology                          κ                                                                0.01
                over the whole dataset:

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-7                                               July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                                                                                                                             PL−1 m 2
                number of iterations as tmax ¼ 20 and the convergence preci-                       and its energy Γ ¼ l¼0             ðy ½lÞ . The initial instrument
                sion as κ ¼ 0.01, as a good balance between precision and                          responses ðu0;1 ; u0;2 ; u0;3 ; u0;4 Þ are analytically described by
                complexity in our evaluations. All the data processing was
                carried out in MATLAB®. In order to study the performance                                        1;   l ∈ I1
                under different initialization signals, four prototypes were                       u0;1 ½l ¼                   ;                                    (44)
                                                                                                                 0;   elsewhere
                chosen according to the mean spatial measurement in the
                                  K −1                                                                       < 1;         l ∈ I1
                  m          1                                                                     u0;2 ½l ¼ 0.1;        l ∈ I2 ;
                y ½l ¼                   yk ½l ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1;                    (43)                   :
                             K      k¼0                                                                        0;       elsewhere

                       < ym;1 ½l;                  l ∈ ½0; I max 
                u ½l ¼ ym;2 ½ðl − I max − 1Þ · η; l ∈ ½I max þ 1; I max þ 1 þ ðL − 1 − I max − 1Þ∕η ;
                 0;3                                                                                                                                                 (46)
                         0;                         elsewhere

                          < ym;1 ½l;         l ∈ ½0; I max                                           • u0;3 stands for an asymmetric pulse generated by the mean
                u0;4 ½l ¼ ym;1 ½2I max − l; l ∈ ½I max þ 1; 2I max  ;               (47)                fluorescence decay until its peak value, and its down-
                            0;                elsewhere                                                    sampled version28 by η factor above the peak; and
                                                                                                       • u0;4 depicts a symmetric pulse generated by the mean
                where                                                                                      fluorescence decay until its peak value, and its reflection
                                                                                                           from this position.
                I 1 ¼ fl ∈ ½0; L − 1j0 < ðym ½lÞ2 ∕Γ ≤ Ω1 g;                         (48)
                                                                                                       Therefore, the construction of ðu0;1 ; u0;2 Þ mainly depends on
                                                                                                   the time energy distribution of the mean fluorescence decay, and
                                                                                                   ðu0;3 ; u0;4 Þ on its increasing and decreasing patterns with respect
                I 2 ¼ fl ∈ ½0; L − 1jΩ1 < ðym ½lÞ2 ∕Γ ≤ Ω2 g;                        (49)        to its peak value. In our evaluation, the free parameters were set
                                                                                                   to the values Ω1 ¼ 0.35, Ω2 ¼ 0.7, and η ¼ 5 by a trial and error
                                                                                                   procedure. These four initial instrument responses ðu0;1 ; u0;2 ;
                                                                                                   u0;3 ; u0;4 Þ were later normalized by the condition in Eq. (3).
                I max ¼ arg max ym ½l;                                                (50)        In addition, our evaluation also considers the deconvolution
                              l∈½0;L−1                                                            estimation with measured instrument response (DEMIR) u½l
                                                                                                   by applying the NNLSA in Eq. (30) (see Fig. 3). Hence,
                                                                                                   two new performance indices E0h and E0y can examine the esti-
                                                                                                   mation accuracy in the fluorescence impulse response and mea-
                ym;1 ½l ¼ ym ½l     ∀ l ∈ ½0; I max ;                               (51)        sured fluorescence decays by a direct deconvolution process.
                                                                                                   Therefore, E0h and E0y are the two lower bounds in the perfor-
                                                                                                   mance of the BDE algorithm for the four initial conditions
                                                                                                   ðu0;1 ; u0;2 ; u0;3 ; u0;4 Þ.
                ym;2 ½l ¼ ym ½l þ I max þ 1 ∀ l ∈ ½0; L − 1 − I max − 1;                            Table 2 presents the results of our synthetic evaluation and
                                                                                       (52)        shows that the choice of the initial condition has a small effect

                Ω1 ; Ω2 ∈ ð0; 1Þ, (Ω1 < Ω2 ), and η ∈ Z (η > 1). In this
                way, I 1 and I 2 are the sets of time indices such that
                the energy of the mean spatial fluorescence decay meas-
                urement ym ½l is below Ω1 %, and between Ω1 % and Ω2 %
                of its maximum value, respectively; I max is the time index
                for the peak value in the mean measurement; and ym;1 ½l
                and ym;2 ½l are the extracted signals below and above the
                peak mean measurement, respectively. In this way, the ini-
                tial instrument responses take the following shapes:
                      • u0;1 represents a square pulse with time duration of Ω1 %
                        the energy of the mean fluorescence decay;
                      • u0;2 describes a two-step staircase signal with first-step
                        duration of Ω1 % the energy of the mean fluorescence
                        decay, and second-step time length between Ω1 %                            Fig. 3 Block diagram of deconvolution with measured instrument
                        and Ω2 %;                                                                  response and deconvolution with approximated instrument response.

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-8                                              July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                Table 2 Performance quantification of synthetic datasets for BDE and deconvolution estimation with measured instrument response (DEMIR) with
                different initial instrument responses and peak signal-to-noise ratios (PSNRs).

                                                                                               BDE                                                                    DEMIR


                PSNR (dB)                           u 0;1                        u 0;2                         u 0;3                      u 0;4                         —

                15                                0.1684                       0.1627                         0.2559                    0.2186

                20                                0.1470                       0.1241                         0.2149                    0.1782

                25                                0.1416                       0.1286                         0.2033                    0.1754

                30                                0.1165                       0.1062                         0.1636                    0.1419

                PSNR (dB)                                                                       Eh                                                                      E 0h
                                                    u 0;1                        u 0;2                         u 0;3                      u 0;4

                15                                0.0849                       0.0848                         0.2605                    0.2057                        0.0663

                20                                0.0985                       0.0856                         0.2209                    0.1730                        0.0515

                25                                0.1029                       0.0954                         0.2050                    0.1696                        0.0482

                30                                0.0897                       0.0836                         0.1574                    0.1315                        0.0443

                PSNR (dB)                                                                       Ey                                                                      E 0y
                                                    u 0;1                        u 0;2                         u 0;3                      u 0;4

                15                                0.0470                       0.0470                         0.0470                    0.0470                        0.0466

                20                                0.0264                       0.0263                         0.0264                    0.0263                        0.0261

                25                                0.0151                       0.0148                         0.0202                    0.0190                        0.0146

                30                                0.0121                       0.0120                         0.0153                    0.0146                        0.0105

                on the resulting estimation performance ðEu ; Eh ; Ey Þ for BDE.                     resulting input estimations by the BDE algorithm for a PSNR
                In the experiments, u0;1 and u0;2 consistently achieved the                          = 15 dB and sample 720, where as expected, all the initial points
                best estimations for the instrument and fluorescence impulse                         qualitatively provided good results. Also, this figure presents
                responses ðEu ; Eh Þ at all PSNR values. On the other hand, there                    a sample of the estimated fluorescence decays and impulse
                were no significant performance differences in the estimation in                     responses for the three initial instrument responses ðu0;1 ; u0;2 ;
                the output intensity Ey for all initial responses. Overall, for all                  u0;3 ; u0;4 Þ. These plots illustrate a good fit to the synthetic data.
                initial conditions ðu0;1 ; u0;2 ; u0;3 ; u0;4 Þ, the performance is com-
                parable among the metrics in Eq. (42), since the best-case and                       5.2     Experimental Evaluation
                worst-case errors for the instrument and fluorescence impulse
                response estimations ðEu ; Eh Þ were 11%–26%, and 8.5%–                              5.2.1    Ex vivo atherosclerotic plaques datasets
                26%, respectively. Meanwhile, the estimation error for the fluo-
                                                                                                     The first experimental evaluation considers the analysis of mul-
                rescence decay Ey varied in a smaller range of 1–5% for all ini-
                                                                                                     tispectral FLIM (m-FLIM) datasets of ex vivo atherosclerotic
                tial conditions. Consequently, the approximations were more
                                                                                                     plaques.7 The temporal resolution of the measurements is
                precise with respect to the measured fluorescence decays, which
                                                                                                     250 ps. All the measurements include three wavelength bands:
                provided smaller estimation errors Ey compared to ðEu ; Eh Þ.
                                                                                                     390  20, 452  22.5, and 550  20 nm. Each effective time
                The lower bounds ðE0h ; E0y Þ based on DEMIR for the fluores-
                                                                                                     trace has a total of L ¼ 167 samples per wavelength. Sixty indi-
                cence impulse response and measured fluorescence decay had                           vidual datasets with 60 × 60 spatial samples were analyzed by
                also little variations as 4–7% and 1–5%, respectively. In fact,                      the BDE algorithm to estimate the instrument and fluorescence
                the performance results ðEh ; Ey Þ for BDE with the initial instru-                  impulse responses and measured fluorescence decays. The same
                ment responses u0;1 and u0;2 were comparable to DEMIR in                             parameters employed in the synthetic evaluation of BDE were
                ðE0h ; E0y Þ, which is its lower bound. Another important property                   considered for the experimental datasets (see Table 1). Since
                is that the performance metrics were lightly influenced by the                       each m-FLIM measurement considers three wavelengths, we
                PSNR, where the instrument response and fluorescence impulse                         only analyze the third wavelength, which has distinct informa-
                response estimations ðEu ; Eh Þ were the mostly sensible metrics.                    tion for classification purposes, i.e., a total of K ¼ 3600 spatial
                Nonetheless, the general trend was that as the PSNR increased,                       points for deconvolution. For all datasets, the instrument
                the resulting errors ðEu ; Eh ; Ey Þ had a small decrease for all                    response has the same time-domain characteristics and it was
                initial conditions ðu0;1 ; u0;2 ; u0;3 ; u0;4 Þ. Figure 4 illustrates the            recorded for comparison purposes in order to apply DEMIR.

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               075010-9                                                 July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                                                                        Initial input signal u 0,1                             Initial input signal u 0,2                             Initial input signal u 0,3                             Initial input signal u 0,4

                                 Instrument response

                                                                                                     Instrument response

                                                                                                                                                            Instrument response

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Instrument response
                                                                       0.1                                                    0.1                                                    0.1                                                    0.1                  Blind estimation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Measured response
                                                             0.05                                                            0.05                                                   0.05                                                   0.05                  Initial response

                                                                        0                                                      0                                                      0                                                      0
                                                                             0        1         2                                   0        1         2                                   0        1         2                                   0        1         2
                                                                                   Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8
                                                                                           x 10                                                   x 10                                                   x 10                                                   x 10
                                                                                      (a)                                                    (b)                                                    (c)                                                    (d)
                                                                                 Sample No. 720                                         Sample No. 720                                         Sample No. 720                                         Sample No. 720
                                                  Fluorescence decay

                                                                                                        Fluorescence decay

                                                                                                                                                               Fluorescence decay

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fluorescence decay
                                                                       40                                                     40                                                     40                                                     40
                                                                       20                                                     20                                                     20                                                     20

                                                                        0                                                      0                                                      0                                                      0
                                                                             0               5                                      0               5                                      0               5                                      0               5
                                                                                   Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8
                                                                                           x 10                                                   x 10                                                   x 10                                                   x 10
                                                                                      (e)                                                    (f)                                                    (g)                                                    (h)
                                                                                 Sample No. 720                                         Sample No. 720                                         Sample No. 720                                         Sample No. 720
                                                  Impulse response

                                                                                                        Impulse response

                                                                                                                                                               Impulse response

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Impulse response
                                                                       60                                                     60                                                     60                                                     60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    True response
                                                                       40                                                     40                                                     40                                                     40                      BDE
                                                                       20                                                     20                                                     20                                                     20

                                                                        0                                                      0                                                      0                                                      0
                                                                             0               5                                      0               5                                      0               5                                      0               5
                                                                                   Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8                                          Time (sec) −8
                                                                                           x 10                                                   x 10                                                   x 10                                                   x 10
                                                                                      (i)                                                    (j)                                                    (k)                                                    (l)

                                                                        Fig. 4 Synthetic evaluation at peak signal-to-noise ratio ðPSNRÞ ¼ 15 dB, where each column corre-
                                                                        sponds to the initial instrument response ðu 0;1 ; u 0;2 ; u 0;3 ; u 0;4 Þ: (a)-(d) comparison for the instrument
                                                                        response estimation, (e)-(h) comparison for the fluorescence decay estimation at sample 720, (i)-(l) com-
                                                                        parison for the fluorescence impulse response estimation at sample 720.

                Meanwhile, the instrument response is often approximated as a                                                                                                              reconstruction of the instrument response will require a large
                pulse created from the rising part of the measured fluorescence                                                                                                            PSNR. Nonetheless, these magnitude errors did not affect the
                decay by mirroring it around the peak of the fluorescence decay                                                                                                            fluorescence impulse response estimations, as the next statistical
                pulse, similar to the initial input response u0;4 in Eq. (47). This                                                                                                        analysis will show. Next, the shape of the instrument response
                approximated instrument response (AIR) pulse is also used for                                                                                                              can be quantified by the full width at half maximum (FWHM)
                deconvolution in the experimental evaluation. The deconvolu-                                                                                                               parameter, and in our experimental setup, the measured value
                tion by using the AIR pulse is defined as deconvolution estima-                                                                                                            was 1.53 ns. From the results in Fig. 5, the estimations by BDE
                tion with approximated instrument response (DEAIR), and it                                                                                                                 produced a mean FWHM of 1.35 ns for D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36, but
                involves the solution of NNLSA in Eq. (30) for all 60 datasets                                                                                                             the AIR pulse produced a large mean value of 2.08 ns. Thus, by
                (see Fig. 3). These comparison strategies, DEMIR and DEAIR,                                                                                                                comparing to the FWHM of the measured instrument response,
                are both based on a Laguerre-base deconvolution, so they                                                                                                                   the BDE estimation has a percentage error of 11.6%, and the
                employ the same expansion order N and shape parameter α                                                                                                                    AIR pulse of 36.2%. In this way, an advantage is visualized
                as in BDE (see Table 1).                                                                                                                                                   by BDE estimation compared to the AIR pulse.
                    In this experimental evaluation, we will study the effect of                                                                                                               Figure 6 (top panels) illustrates the boxplots for the metrics
                modifying the spatial downsampling that is used to obtain                                                                                                                  Eu and Ey with the BDE algorithm, and considering DEAIR.
                the reduced set of measurements Y.      ^ We will consider two                                                                                                             As expected, the instrument response estimation by DEAIR
                cases, D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36, i.e., K^ ¼ 3600∕8 ¼ 450 and K^ ¼                                                                                                                  presents a larger error compared to BDE. For the 60 datasets,
                3600∕36 ¼ 100 spatial samples are used to reconstruct the                                                                                                                  the mean value of Eu was 11–12% for BDE with both spatial
                instrument response at step II of BDE. Figure 5 qualitatively                                                                                                              downsamplings, and 49% for DEAIR. Figure 6 (second row)
                compares the estimated instrument responses for the 60 datasets                                                                                                            illustrates the estimation error for the measured fluorescence
                by considering u0;1 as the initial condition, and both spatial                                                                                                             decay Ey by using DEMIR. These results show no significant
                downsampling factors (D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36). As a result, a good                                                                                                               differences in the DEMIR and BDE output estimation perfor-
                estimation is visualized for all datasets and values of D,                                                                                                                 mances with D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36, although there is a strong
                although some minor discrepancies were observed. These small                                                                                                               difference with DEAIR (see second panel in Fig. 6). The mean
                magnitude and pulse duration differences in the estimations of                                                                                                             value of Ey was 1% for DEMIR and 0.4% for BDE with
                Fig. 5 are mainly due to noise in the FLIM dataset, since by the                                                                                                           both spatial downsamplings, and 4.5% for DEAIR. Hence,
                synthetic results in the previous section (see Table 2), a perfect                                                                                                         the BDE method achieved more accurate estimations of the

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                                                                               075010-10                                                                                                         July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                                                                                Datasets 1−20                                                                  Datasets 1−20
                                                              0.2                                                                           0.2

                                       Instrument response

                                                                                                                     Instrument response
                                                                                        Measured response                                                             Measured response
                                                             0.15                       BDE                                                0.15                       BDE
                                                              0.1                                                                           0.1

                                                             0.05                                                                          0.05

                                                               0                                                                              0
                                                                    0     0.5        1            1.5           2                                 0      0.5         1          1.5           2
                                                                                  Time (sec)             x 10
                                                                                                              −8                                                  Time (sec)              −8
                                                                                                                                                                                       x 10
                                                                                     (a)                                                                             (b)

                                                                                Datasets 21−40                                                                 Datasets 21−40
                                                              0.2                                                                           0.2
                                       Instrument response

                                                                                                                     Instrument response
                                                                                        Measured response                                                             Measured response
                                                             0.15                       BDE                                                0.15                       BDE
                                                              0.1                                                                           0.1

                                                             0.05                                                                          0.05

                                                               0                                                                              0
                                                                    0     0.5        1            1.5           2                                 0      0.5         1          1.5           2
                                                                                  Time (sec)             x 10
                                                                                                              −8                                                  Time (sec)              −8
                                                                                                                                                                                       x 10
                                                                                     (c)                                                                             (d)

                                                                                Datasets 41−60                                                                 Datasets 41−60
                                                              0.2                                                                           0.2
                                       Instrument response

                                                                                                                     Instrument response
                                                                                        Measured response                                                             Measured response
                                                             0.15                       BDE                                                0.15                       BDE
                                                              0.1                                                                           0.1

                                                             0.05                                                                          0.05

                                                               0                                                                              0
                                                                    0     0.5        1            1.5           2                                 0      0.5         1          1.5           2
                                                                                  Time (sec)             x 10
                                                                                                              −8                                                  Time (sec)              −8
                                                                                                                                                                                       x 10
                                                                                      (e)                                                                            (f)

                                       Fig. 5 Experimental evaluation for blind deconvolution estimation (BDE) with datasets of atherosclerotic
                                       plaques: comparison for the instrument response estimation for two spatial downsamplings (left column)
                                       D ¼ 8 and (right column) D ¼ 36, with (a, b) datasets 1–20, (c, d) datasets 21–40, (e, f) datasets 41–60.

                                                                                                 Estimation error in instrument response

                                                                           Eu with DEAIR                    Eu with BDE (D=8)                                  Eu with BDE (D=36)

                                                                                         Estimation error in measured fluorescence decay
                                                                        Ey with DEMIR            Ey with DEAIR                             Ey with BDE (D=8)      Ey with BDE (D=36)

                                                                                   Estimation error in impulse response with DEMIR as ground−truth


                                                                           Eh with DEAIR                    Eh with BDE (D=8)                                  Eh with BDE (D=36)

                                                                                         Estimation error in lifetime with DEMIR as ground−truth
                                                                            El with DEAIR                   El with BDE (D=8)                                  El with BDE (D=36)

                                       Fig. 6 Experimental evaluation with datasets of atherosclerotic plaques: boxplot results for the metrics
                                       E u and E y by deconvolution estimation with approximated instrument response (DEAIR) and BDE with
                                       spatial downsampling of 8 and 36, E y by deconvolution estimation with measured instrument response
                                       (DEMIR), and E h and E l by DEAIR and BDE taking the results by DEMIR as ground truth.

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                                 075010-11                                                                        July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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Campos-Delgado et al.: Blind deconvolution estimation of fluorescence measurements through quadratic programming

                FLIM measurements than with the measured instrument                                                                 mean lifetime estimation error over the 60 datasets was 6.4% by
                response. These statistical results corroborate the qualitative per-                                                DEAIR, and this value was reduced to 3.4% and 4% for BDE
                formance of Fig. 5, which illustrates a good estimation for the                                                     with D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36, respectively. Figure 7 presents the
                instrument response, since as previously remarked, the pulse                                                        resulting lifetime images for datasets 10 and 16 with DEMIR,
                shape of the input excitation is correctly estimated. In addition,                                                  DEAIR, and BDE (D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36). The resulting lifetime
                the third panel of Fig. 6 shows the estimation error in the fluo-                                                   images highlight a good agreement between DEMIR and BDE,
                rescence impulse response Eh in Eq. (42) by taking as a ground                                                      independently of the spatial downsampling. Consequently, once
                truth the DEMIR approximation. Hence, the BDE provides                                                              more, the large reduction in the FLIM measurements used to
                closer estimations to DEMIR, since the mean error for all data-                                                     estimate the instrument response did not produce a significant
                sets was 1.3% (D ¼ 8 and D ¼ 36), but for DEAIR the mean                                                            loss of accuracy in the BDE algorithm. However, DEAIR shows
                error rose to 5.4%. Finally, if h^ lk ∈ RL represents the approxi-                                                  some important differences for both datasets, which confirms
                mated fluorescence impulse response vector at k’th spatial sam-                                                     the advantage of BDE in the deconvolution and lifetime estima-
                ple by l strategy ðl ∈ fDEMIR; DEAIR; BDEgÞ, and tk ∈ RL                                                            tion processes.
                the vector of time samples, the lifetime of the time response λk                                                        On the other hand, Table 3 presents the average computa-
                can be computed as34                                                                                                tional time per FLIM dataset in the MATLAB implementation
                                                                                                                                    for the lifetime estimation by using a Pentium Intel Core i7-4770
                        t⊤k h^ lk                                                                                                   3.5 GHz quad-core processor and 32 GB RAM computer. This
                λlk ¼                  ∀ k ∈ ½0; K − 1:                                                       (53)
                        1⊤ h^ lk
                                                                                                                                    table also shows the average computational time of just the blind
                                                                                                                                    approximation of the instrument response for each dataset, so
                Thus, by assuming that the lifetime by DEMIR is the ground                                                          the effect of the spatial downsampling can be clearly observed
                truth, the percentage error in the estimation by DEAIR and                                                          in BDE. Hence, the spatial downsampling provided some reduc-
                BDE over the whole dataset is defined as                                                                            tion in the computational time without compromising the accu-
                                                                                                                                    racy of the estimations, as shown in Fig. 6. Thus, to obtain the
                                1XK −1 DEMIR
                                      jλk    − λDEAIR
                                                k     j                                                                             lifetime image of each dataset, the BDE required in average
                 l     ¼                                ;                                                      (54)
                                K k¼0     λk
                                                                                                                                    11.22 s for a spatial downsample of 36 (D ¼ 36), and just 6.53 s
                                                                                                                                    to estimate the instrument response. Meanwhile, as expected,
                                                                                                                                    the fastest lifetime estimation is achieved by DEMIR since its
                              1XK −1 DEMIR
                                    jλk    − λBDE
                                               k  j                                                                                 implementation requires just a direct computation of NNLSA in
                 l   ¼                              :                                                          (55)
                              K k¼0     λk
                                         DEMIR                                                                                      Eq. (30). The next fastest estimation is DEAIR due to the initial
                                                                                                                                    basic approximation of the instrument response based on the
                Thus, the last panel in Fig. 6 presents the results for EDEAIR
                                                                         l     and                                                  mean FLIM measurements. Nevertheless, the extra computation
                 l   , where once more BDE provided the best estimation. The                                                        time by BDE compared to DEAIR is justified to achieve more

                                                              DEMIR                                   DEAIR                                 BDE (D=8)                              BDE (D=36)

                                                     20                                     20                                     20                                     20




                                                     40                                     40                                     40                                     40

                                                     60                                     60                                     60                                     60
                                                              20    40         60                    20    40         60                    20    40         60                     20    40         60
                                                                Pixel                                  Pixel                                  Pixel                                   Pixel

                                                                5              6                       5              6                       5              6                        5              6
                                                                           −9                                     −9                                     −9                                      −9
                                                                        x 10       sec                         x 10                                   x 10       sec
                                                                                                                                                                                              x 10
                                                                                                                          sec                                                                            sec
                                                                                                                      Dataset 10
                                                              DEMIR                                   DEAIR                                 BDE (D=8)                              BDE (D=36)

                                                     20                                     20                                     20                                     20




                                                     40                                     40                                     40                                     40

                                                     60                                     60                                     60                                     60
                                                              20    40         60                    20    40         60                    20    40         60                     20    40         60
                                                                Pixel                                  Pixel                                  Pixel                                   Pixel

                                                          4         6                            4         6                            4         6                            4          6
                                                                           −9                                     −9                                     −9                                      −9
                                                                        x 10                                   x 10                                   x 10                                    x 10
                                                                                   sec                                    sec                                 sec                                        sec
                                                                                                                       Dataset 16

                                           Fig. 7 Experimental evaluation for datasets 10 and 16 of atherosclerotic plaques: lifetimes images that
                                           employ the estimations by DEMIR, DEAIR, and BDE with spatial downsamplings of 8 and 36.

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                                     075010-12                                                                                 July 2015   •   Vol. 20(7)

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