Page created by Kyle Christensen

Sydney, Australia
26 December 2012

                     SAILING INSTRUCTIONS
                    ALL TIMES AEDT (UTC + 11)

                             Conducted by Cruising Yacht Club of Australia

Cover photo: courtesy of Rolex / Kurt Arrigo

For the use of competitors. Please list any amendments issued by the Race Committee here
for easy reference.

   Amendment No.           Sections Changed                General Note

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

1.    RULES                                                     at 1715 hours at The Royal Yacht
1.1   General                                                    Club of Tasmania (“RYCT”), located
      The race will be governed by the current                   on Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay,
      versions of:                                               Tasmania;
       the rules, as defined in the Racing                     at 1630 hours at Sandringham Yacht
        Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 (“RRS”) of                    Club located on Jetty Rd,
        the International Sailing Federation;                    Sandringham, Victoria;
       the IRC 2012 Rules Parts 1, 2 and 3;
                                                                at 1400 at Royal Queensland Yacht
       the ORC Rules and Regulations                            Squadron located on Royal
        2012;                                                    Esplanade, Manly, Queensland.
       the International Measurement                    2.2   Compulsory Weather Briefing
        System (“IMS”) Rules and                               The weather briefing will be held at 0830
        Regulations 2012;                                      hours on 26 December 2012 at the
       the rules and regulations of each One                  CYCA.
        Design Class for which there is an
        eligible boat entered in the race.               2.3   Attendance requirements
       the prescriptions and Special                          Details of the attendance requirements
        Regulations of Yachting Australia                      are listed in NoR 10. Boats failing to
        (“Special Regulations”); and                           comply with these requirements will not
                                                               be eligible to start and will be scored
       the Notice of Race (“NoR”),                            DNC.
      except as any of these are modified by
      these Sailing Instructions (“SI”).                       Boats intending to attend a Sydney race
                                                               briefing and whose boat race name
1.2   International Regulations                                starts with A to K are required to attend
                                                               the briefing at 0900 hours unless
      Whilst a boat in the Cruising Division is                otherwise approved by the CYCA Sailing
      operating under its engine the relevant                  Office.
      parts of the International Regulations for
      Preventing Collisions at Sea will replace                Boats intending to attend a Sydney race
      the rules of RRS, Part 2 in their                        briefing and whose boat race name
      application to that boat.                                starts with L to Z are required to attend
                                                               the briefing at 1100 hours unless
1.3   CYCA Pointscores                                         otherwise approved by the CYCA Sailing
      For the purposes of the CYCA’s Blue                      Office.
      Water Pointscore, Tasman Performance
      Pointscore and Cape Byron Series,                  3.    OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARDS
      unless otherwise stated in these SIs,                    SYDNEY: Ground floor, CYCA Clubhouse.
      these SIs replace the CYCA’s club
      sailing instructions applicable to the race.             HOBART:   Ground floor, RYCT
                                                               Clubhouse. Duplicate notices may be
2.    BRIEFINGS                                                posted at the RYCT Liaison Centre at
2.1   Compulsory Race Briefing                                 Constitution Dock
      Race briefings will be held on 24
      December 2012:                                     4.    RACE COMMITTEE
       at 0900 hours and 1100 hours at the                    The Race Committee comprises:
        Cruising Yacht Club of Australia,                      CDRE Tim Cox AM RANR (Chairman),
        located on New Beach Road, Darling                     David Jordan, Sam Hughes, Ross
        Point, New South Wales;                                Mannering, Perry Foster, Kim Newstead,
                                                               Ian Smith and Graeme Dineen.

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

5.    INTERNATIONAL JURY                               7.3   International Aeronautical and
      The Organising Authority has appointed                 Maritime Search and Rescue Manual
      an International Jury in accordance with               Vol. III
      RRS Appendix N.                                        A boat is required to comply with
                                                             International Aeronautical and Maritime
      The members of the International Jury                  Search and Rescue Manual Vol. III upon
      are John Rountree IJ (NZL) (Chairman),                 receiving a Distress Call
      Tony Mooney IJ (AUS) (Deputy                           The Immediate Action required by
      Chairman), Steven Hatch IJ (AUS), Lars                 IAMSAR VIII is:
      Nyqvist IJ (FIN), Ronnie McCracken IJ                  (a) Acknowledge receipt and, if
      (HKG).                                                      appropriate, re-transmit the distress
                                                             (b) Take an immediate magnetic
      1300 hours on 26 December 2012.
                                                                 compass bearing to the boat in
                                                                 distress (if practicable);
      The Warning Signal will be displayed at
      1250 hours.
                                                             (c) Communicate the following
                                                                 information to the boat in distress:
7.1   Responsibility                                             (i)    Identity
      All those taking part in the race do so at                 (ii)   Position
      their own risk and responsibility. The
      Organising Authority, Rolex SA and their                   (iii) Estimated Time of Arrival
      respective officers, employees,                                  (E.T.A.);
      volunteers and members, accept no                          (iv) When available, magnetic
      liability for any injury, loss or damage                        bearing to the boat in distress;
      that may be suffered by any competitor,
      and any liability for harm to persons that             (d) Maintain a continuous listening
      results from breach of an express or                       watch on distress frequencies;
      implied warranty that the Rolex Sydney
      Hobart Yacht Race and all services                     (e) Post extra lookout if in the vicinity;
      relating thereto will be conducted or
      rendered with reasonable care and skill                (f) Relay Distress Message to coastal
      is excluded.                                               station and rescue coordination
                                                                 control and update as necessary.
      Specific attention is drawn to RRS
      Fundamental Rule 4, which states:                8.    INSPECTION AND INFORMATION
                                                       8.1   Boats shall be made available for spot
      "The responsibility for a boat's                       inspections by the Race Committee or its
      decision to participate in a race or to                nominee at any time prior to 1100 hours
      continue racing is hers alone"                         on 2 January 2013.

 7.2 International Convention for the                  8.2   Personal information is obtained about
     Safety of Life at Sea                                   crew members in the crew list. That
     It is accepted as the normal practice of                information is obtained for use in search
     seamen, indeed there is an obligation                   and rescue situations and for media
     upon masters, that they render every                    purposes. The information will be given
     assistance within their power in cases                  to search and rescue authorities and
     where a person or persons are in                        organisations, the Water Police, Marine
     distress at sea. These obligations are                  Rescue Units and media
     set out in regulation V/10 of the                       representatives, and may be passed on
     International Convention for the Safety of              by them to other organisations. Crew
     Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 1974).                         members may gain access to the
                                                             information held about them by
                                                             contacting the Organising Authority.
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

9.    SAIL INVENTORY                                         A boat’s TCF will be determined by the
9.1   Spare mainsail                                         Race Committee or its nominee. The
      A boat is permitted to carry on board a                TCF will not be subject to protest or
      spare mainsail which may be used only                  grounds for a request for redress
      as a bona fide replacement for a                       (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1(a)). The
      mainsail that is damaged in the race, and              Race Committee may amend the TCF of
      not for the purpose of improved                        a boat after the Race Briefing, at any
      performance (such as for varying                       time prior to the Warning Signal, where
      weather conditions or points of sailing).              the Race Committee becomes aware of
      A boat that uses that replacement                      any changes to the boat that may affect
      mainsail shall lodge a declaration                     its performance.
      declaring the reason for its use in
      accordance with SI 27.1 and may be                     The boat with the lowest corrected time
      required to make the damaged mainsail                  (after application of scoring penalties, if
      available for inspection by the Race                   any) will be scored first.
      Committee (amends IRC Rule 21.1.5(e)
      and ORC Rule 206.1). See also SI 35.2             11.3 ORCi Handicap Category(s)
                                                             Results will be decided by the application
9.2   Chartered boats                                        of the Time-on-Time Simplified Scoring
      A chartered boat may carry national                    Option, using the ToT Offshore rating
      letters or sail numbers in contravention               as printed on each boat’s ORCi
      of its class rules (refer RRS Appendix G,              Certificate, as a multiplier of elapsed
      Rule G3).                                              time.

10.   HANDICAP CATEGORIES AND                                The boat with the lowest corrected time
      DIVISIONS                                              (after application of scoring penalties, if
      The race will be conducted in IRC, ORCi                any) will be scored first.
      and PHS Handicap Categories, such
      One Design classes as are selected by             11.4 One Design Handicap Category(s)
      the Organising Authority under NoR 7                   Results will be decided based on
      and the Cruising Division.                             elapsed times only. No handicap will be
      The composition and allocation of boats
      into Divisions in a Handicap Category                  The boat with the lowest elapsed time
      will be determined by the Race                         (after application of scoring penalties, if
      Committee and shall not be subject to                  any) will be scored first.
      protest or grounds for a request for
      redress (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1(a)).            11.5 Cruising Division
11. SCORING                                                  Prior to 0900 hours on 26 December
11.1 IRC Handicap Categories                                 2012 a boat in the Cruising Division may
                                                             nominate predicted dates and times at
     Results will be decided by the application              which it will first pass through each of
     of the IRC Time Corrector (TCC), as                     36°S, 38°S, 40°S and 42°S during the
     printed on each boat’s IRC Certificate, as              race, and its finish time.
     a multiplier of elapsed time.
                                                             A boat will receive 20 points for first
      The boat with the lowest corrected time                passing through the specified latitude or
      (after application of scoring penalties, if            finishing on or within 1 hour of its
      any) will be scored first.                             nominated date and time, 10 points for
                                                             doing so 1 hour or more and within 2
11.2 PHS Handicap Categories                                 hours of its nominated date and time and
     Results will be decided by the application              5 points for doing so 2 hours or more
     of Time Correction Factors (TCFs) as a                  and within 4 hours of its nominated date
     multiplier of elapsed times.                            and time.

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

     A boat will also be awarded 20 points if it                   a perpetual licence to use and
     uses its engine for propulsion for less                       exhibit the material for any
     than 2 hours after starting, 10 points if it                  purpose, by 7 January 2012, unless
     uses its engine for propulsion for 2 hours                    otherwise agreed by the Organising
     or more but less than 4 hours after                           Authority.
     starting, and 5 points if it uses its engine
     for propulsion for 4 hours or more but                   The approval in this SI 12.2 may be
     less than 10 hours after starting.                       revoked by the Race Committee at any
     The Race Committee shall determine the                   time with respect to any boat or any
     times for each boat for the purposes of                  accredited media.
     this SI 11.5. Its determinations shall not
     be subject to protest or grounds for a                   SI 49.2 shall apply with necessary
     request for redress (amends RRS 60.1                     modifications to a broadcast under this
     and 62.1(a)).                                            SI 12.2.

     The boat with the highest number of                12.3 Additional persons
     points (after application of scoring                    With the prior approval of the Race
     penalties, if any) will be scored first.                Committee, a boat may carry additional
                                                             persons on board from the Preparatory
12. MEDIA RIGHTS AND RESTRICTIONS                            Signal until three hours after the Starting
12.1 Conditions of entry                                     Signal, for media purposes. Such
     Any breach of the conditions in NoR 15,                 person shall not participate in the sailing
     including of any permission granted                     of the boat. Such action will not form the
     under NoR 15, may be subject to a                       basis of a protest or constitute grounds
     report under RRS 60.2(c) requesting                     for redress (amends RRS 47.2 and
     action under RRS 69.1(a).                               62.1).

12.2 Skippers and crew members of boats                 13.   RESULTS
     may speak to, and provide material to,                   Provisional and final results will be
     accredited members of any media prior                    displayed on the official notice boards
     to, during and after the race, regarding                 and at Constitution Dock as soon as
     the race and the prospects, performance                  practicable following computation.
     or strategy of boats entered or
     participating in the race, subject to:                   During the race progressive positions
          any comments and material                          may be published by the Race
           supplied not undermining or                        Committee and on the event website
           interfering with, or having a                      ( Any
           detrimental impact on, the                         progressive results that are published
           Organising Authority and its officers              will have no bearing on, nor affect, the
           and employees, the Race                            final results and will not form the basis of
           Committee, the International Jury,                 a protest or constitute grounds for
           Measurers or Rolex SA;                             redress (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1(a)).

          the Organising Authority receiving           14.   TROPHIES
           from the accredited media                          Trophies and prizes will be awarded as
           concerned an undertaking on terms                  appropriate to the number of Handicap
           satisfactory to the Organising                     Categories and Divisions.
          copies of that material (such as                   The line honours trophy will be
           video or film tapes of any interviews              presented to the line honours boat on
           and video footage obtained on                      arrival at Constitution Dock in Hobart.
           (whether or not transmitted from)
           boats) being provided to the                       The overall winner, second and third
           Organising Authority together with                 overall and divisional winners will be
                                                              announced at a dockside presentation
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

      after boats arrive. Details will be               17. REPORTING AT START
      provided to boats in Hobart.                      17.1 Boats intending to start shall report to the
                                                             race officials on the Race Committee
      The formal presentation of trophies and                vessel (a boat displaying a white flag
      prizes will take place at 1100 hours on 1              with black ‘CYCA’ lettering at the
      January 2013 at The Royal Yacht Club                   western end of the southern start line).
      of Tasmania.                                           The boat shall have its trisail and storm
                                                             jib set until acknowledged by race
15.   DESIGNATED AREAS                                       officials.
      (refer Appendix 2)
      An area to the South of the southern                    The boat shall hail its sail number and
      starting line will be allocated exclusively             the number of persons on board until
      to competing boats for approximately two                acknowledged by race officials aboard
      hours before the start.                                 the committee vessel.

16. FLAGS AND DECALS ON BOATS                           17.2 A boat that is delayed may start within
16.1 Backstay flag                                           the start time limit (refer SI 18.4 and
     A special Rolex Backstay Flag, provided                 26.1). The committee vessel will remain
     to each boat at or prior to the race                    on station on the start line until all boats
     briefing, shall be flown at a height of 2               have started or the starting time limit has
     metres from the working deck on the                     expired, whichever occurs first.
     backstay or port/starboard mizzen
     shroud of each boat from the time the              17.3 The radio relay vessel “JBW” will be
     boat approaches the manoeuvring area                    available for radio checks on 26
     until the boat finishes the race.                       December 2012 between 1130 hours
                                                             and 1230 hours on race frequency
16.2 Battle flag                                             6516kHz.
     The Rolex Battle Flag, provided to each
     boat at or prior to the race briefing, shall       18. STARTING LINE
     be flown from 0700 hours on 26                     18.1 There will be two starting lines,
     December 2012 until 1200 hours on 1                     designated ‘southern’ and ‘northern’.
     January 2013, except whilst the boat is                 Boats shall start on the starting line
     racing.                                                 allocated to them by the Race
                                                             Committee. The allocation of boats to
16.3 Other flags                                             start lines shall not be subject to protest
     Except for RRS 44.3 or 61.1 and                         or grounds for a request for redress
     National Flags, Club Flags, Start Line                  (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1(a)). Start
     Flags or Race Flags, NO OTHER FLAG                      line allocations will be placed on the
     shall be displayed by a boat after the                  Official Notice Board prior to 0900 hours
     Warning Signal until the boat finishes.                 on 24 December 2012.

16.4 Bow decals                                               The southern starting line will be in the
                                                              vicinity of Steele Point and runs
     Bow decals supplied by the Organising
                                                              approximately NW to SE.
     Authority shall be displayed by each boat
     as supplied and in the manner required
                                                              The northern starting line will be
     by the Organising Authority from 0700
                                                              approximately parallel to and
     hours on 26 December 2012 until 1200
                                                              approximately 0.2nm to the NE of the
     hours on 1 January 2013.
                                                              southern start line.

                                                              Each starting line will be between the
                                                              mast of the respective Race Committee
                                                              signal vessel (a boat displaying a white
                                                              flag with black ‘CYCA’ lettering,
                                                              anchored at the eastern end of that
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

      starting line) and a large Rolex buoy              19.2 The start signals will be as per RRS 26
      marking the western limit of that starting              (as amended) with five minute intervals,
      line.                                                   with the inclusion of a one-minute signal.
                                                              The Class Flag will be International Code
18.2 At the eastern end of each starting line a               Flag “W” (amends RRS 26).
     starting limit mark (a Rolex buoy) will be
     moored in the vicinity of, but not                  19.3 Warning Signal: Ten minutes before the
     necessarily on, the starting line. When                  start of the race the Class Flag will be
     starting, boats shall leave the starting                 displayed and a sound signal will be
     limit mark to starboard.                                 made (amends RRS 26).

18.3 The "Round an End Rule" (RRS 30.1)                  19.4 Preparatory Signal: Five minutes
     will apply from the one minute signal.                   before the start of the race International
     When any part of a boat’s hull, crew or                  Code Flag “P” will be displayed and a
     equipment is on the course side of its                   sound signal will be made (amends RRS
     starting line or its extensions during the 1             26).
     minute before the starting signal, the
     boat shall return to the pre-start side of          19.5 One Minute Signal: One minute before
     its starting line around either the eastern              the start of the race International Code
     starting limit mark or the western starting              Flag “I” will be displayed and a sound
     limit mark, and start (amends RRS 30.1).                 signal will be made from the respective
                                                              race committee vessel (amends RRS
18.4 For the purposes of SI 17.2, the eastern                 26).
     end of the starting line will be the starting
     limit mark described in SI 18.2.                    19.6 Starting Signal: At the start time the
                                                              Warning, Preparatory and One Minute
18.5 For boats starting on the southern                       Signals will be lowered and a sound
     starting line, the northern starting line                signal will be made (amends RRS 26).
     has no significance and does not form
     part of the course.                                 20. RECALLS
                                                         20.1 Individual recalls will be signalled in
      It is recommended that in the period                    accordance with RRS 29.1 from the
      between the preparatory signal and the                  relevant race committee signal vessel on
      starting signal:                                        the starting line. A sound signal may be
       boats allocated to the northern                       made (amends RRS 29.1).
        starting line do not proceed any
        further South than the southern                  20.2 A boat subject to recall will pass on the
        starting line and its extensions; and                 course side of and around either of its
                                                              starting limit marks and start. (In
       boats allocated to the southern                       accordance with RRS 30.1)
        starting line do not proceed any
        further North than the southern                  20.3 A boat subject to recall will be identified
        starting line and its extensions.                     by the relevant race committee signal
                                                              vessel by radio on VHF 72 for the
19. START SIGNALS                                             northern start line and VHF 71 for the
19.1 Visual signals will be made from the                     southern start line. SUCH RADIO
     respective committee vessel as                           RECALL INFORMATION WILL BE
     described in SI 18.1. Sound signals may                  TRANSMITTED APPROXIMATELY
     be made from the respective committee                    FIVE MINUTES AFTER THE START
     vessel or by a cannon situated on a VIP                  SIGNAL.
     Vessel situated to the North of the
     northern start line.                                20.4 THERE WILL BE NO GENERAL

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

21.  MARKS - PORT JACKSON AND                              22.2 For boats that are assigned the southern
     APPROACHES                                                 starting line:
21.1 Spectator Craft Areas
     The designated spectator areas defined                      Start - to Mark X (s) - to Mark Z (s) and
     by yellow one metre high marks and                          thence as per SI 22.3
     shown in Appendix 2 shall rank as an
     obstruction. The obstruction shall be                 22.3 For all boats, from Mark Z:
     defined by a straight line between
     adjacent marks and boats shall not cross                     to Tasman Island (s), 43°15'S
     this line. All such marks on the western                      148°00'E
     boundary of the course shall be passed
     by all boats to port and all such marks on                   to Iron Pot (s), 43°03'.3 S 147°25'E
     the eastern boundary of the course shall
     be passed by all boats to starboard.                         to John Garrow Shoal Light (p),
                                                                   42°54.8'S 147°22'E (approximate
21.2 There will be three turning marks, two at                     position)
     Sydney Heads, Mark X and Mark V, and
     a seaward mark, Mark Z. Mark X will be                       to the Finish Line, approximate
     a Rolex buoy positioned approximately                         position 42°53.20’S 147°20.50'E
     0.2 nautical miles bearing 014° True                          (refer SI 24).
     from South Head. Its approximate
     position will be 33°49.8'S 151°16.9'E.                      (all positions approximate)
     Mark V will be a Rolex buoy positioned
     approximately 0.2nm bearing 000° True                       [(p) and (s) denote mark to be left on port
     from Mark X.                                                or starboard hand.]

      Mark Z will be a Rolex buoy positioned               23.   LENGTH OF COURSE
      approximately 1.0 nautical mile bearing                    Approximately 628 nautical miles.
      118° True from Mark X and 128 ° True
      from Mark V. Its approximate position                24.   FINISH LINE
      will be 33°50.3'S 151°17.95'E.                             (See Charts AUS 171 and 172)

21.3 Mark vessels may be stationed in the                  24.1 The finish line will be in the Derwent
     vicinity of Marks X, V and Z.                              River, between the flag mast on the
                                                                finishing box on Battery Point and a
21.4 A boat touching a starting mark, or Mark                   Rolex buoy. The buoy may be fitted with
     X (if it is assigned the southern starting                 a low power strobe light at night. The
     line) or Mark V (if it is assigned the                     buoy will bear approximately 055° true,
     northern starting line) at Sydney Heads,                   approximately 300 metres from the
     or a course boundary as defined in SI                      finishing box.
     21.1, shall carry out its penalty at the first
     opportunity after rounding Mark X or                        When a large yellow inner distance mark
     Mark V and before Mark Z (amends RRS                        is positioned on or near the finish line,
     44.2).                                                      boats are required to leave the inner
                                                                 distance mark to port.
                                                           24.2 Boats finishing at night are required to
22.1 For boats that are assigned the northern
                                                                illuminate their sail number on the port
     starting line:
                                                                side and shall report in accordance with
                                                                SI 47.4 to the Finishing Box.
      Start - to Mark V (s) - to Mark Z (s) and
      thence as per SI 22.3

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

                                                             assistance shall not be provided over a
24.3 Finishing notes:                                        cumulative period exceeding 24 hours in
      Note 1:   After finishing, boats shall
                heave-to and await the arrival         25.4 For the purpose of this SI 25 a boat's
                of an escort vessel. Boats to               elapsed time shall continue to accrue,
                be berthed in Constitution                  except that the time taken under SI 25.3
                Dock shall have an anchor                   may be included for the purposes of
                ready and shall observe the                 RRS 62.
                instructions of the escort
                vessel.                                26. TIME LIMITS
                                                       26.1 A boat shall not start later than four
      Note 2:   All competitors are required to             hours after the Starting Signal.
                follow any instruction from the
                TAS Ports Chief Operations             26.2 There shall be no finish time limit for
                Officer.                                    boats in the IRC, ORCI, PHS and OD
      Note 3:   The Melbourne to Hobart
                Race fleet will be using the           26.3 The time limit for boats in the Cruising
                same finishing line.                        Division shall be 5 days and 22 hours
                                                            after the start of the race.
     FROM RACING (Amends RRS 41, 42.1                  26.4 After 1000 hours on 2 January 2013 the
     and 45)                                                finishing box may not be manned. A
25.1 A boat not in the Cruising Division after              boat finishing after this time shall record
     starting may use its engine to assist with             its own finishing time and lodge a
     anchoring or berthing when:                            Declaration, in accordance with SI 27.2
                                                            unless its finish is acknowledged by a
       (a) taking shelter from extreme                      sound signal from the finishing box.
           weather; or
                                                       27. DECLARATIONS (Amends RRS 63.1)
       (b) disembarking sick or injured crew
                                                       27.1 All boats shall lodge a declaration on
           who will take no further part in the
                                                            the prescribed form at the RYCT
           race (such crew shall not be
                                                            Liaison Centre at Constitution Dock
           replaced); or
                                                            or RYCT Club House within six hours
                                                            of their finish time, confirming their
       (c) attempting repairs being undertaken
                                                            compliance or non-compliance with
           wholly on board.
                                                            the SI’s and the RRS.
25.2 For the purpose of SI 25.1, mechanical
                                                       27.2 The following circumstances shall be
     propulsion may be used only to assist
     with berthing or anchoring. Crew
     intending to continue to race may go
                                                              (a) an infringement occurs, however
     ashore solely for the purpose of making
                                                                  minor, of any rule, regulation,
     fast and thereafter shall immediately re-
                                                                  sailing instruction or radio
     embark. NO outside assistance shall be
                                                                  instruction; or
     accepted by the boat or the crew other
     than as provided in RRS 41.
                                                              (b) the boat has taken the benefit of
                                                                  Temporary Discontinuance from
25.3 A boat complying with RRS 1.1 –
                                                                  Racing in SI 25; or
     rendering assistance (except as to its
     own crew), which sustains damage or
                                                              (c) the boat has taken a One Turn or
     depletes its stores, may accept outside
                                                                  Two Turns Penalty; or
     assistance to make good the damage,
     equipment or stores provided that such

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

       (d) the boat acknowledges a Scoring                        Declaration as required under SI 27,
           Penalty in accordance with RRS                         notify “JBW” when reporting its
           44.3; or                                               position at the first scheduled Radio
                                                                  Position Report (1905 hours on 26
       (e) the boat records its own finish time                   December 2012).
           under SI 26.4; or
                                                        29.2 AFTER CLEARING TURNING MARK Z.
       (f) the boat uses a bona fide                         (a) After a boat has cleared Mark Z, the
           replacement for a damaged                             Scoring Penalties of RRS 44.3 shall
           mainsail under SI 9.1; or                             apply for an infringement of Part 2 of
                                                                 the RRS or these SIs.
       (g) the boat fails to report in at a HF
           position sked;                                     (b) A boat which is found after a protest
                                                                  hearing to have infringed Part 2 of
       (h) compliance with the SI’s and RRS.                      the RRS after clearing Mark Z shall
                                                                  receive as a minimum a scoring
27.3 A boat in the Cruising Division may lodge                    penalty of 30%.
     a Cruising Division Declaration in the
     prescribed form within six hours of the                  (c) A boat which fails to meet the
     finishing time of the boat. A boat that                      requirements of SI 27 (Declarations)
     fails to do so will be scored zero points.                   shall receive a scoring penalty of
     (Amends RRS 44, 63.1 and 64).                      29.3 Where a penalty is not specified the
28.1 The International Jury may apply a                      International Jury may at their discretion
     scoring or time penalty in lieu of                      impose a scoring penalty up to 40% in
     disqualification for an infringement of a               lieu of disqualification.
     rule or sailing instruction, in accordance
     with SI 29.                                        29.4 All penalties, unless otherwise specified,
                                                             shall be computed as a percentage of
29. ALTERNATIVES PENALTIES                                   the number of entries to the nearest
       (Amends RRS 44, 63.1 and 64)                          whole number (rounding .5 upwards) in
                                                             each Handicap Category or Division.
                                                        30.  APPLICATION OF PENALTIES
      (a) For an infringement of Part 2 of the               (Amends RRS 44.3 (c))
          RRS that occurs after the                     30.1 A boat infringing in more than one
          Preparatory Signal and prior to the                incident shall receive a separate penalty
          boat clearing Mark Z, the Two Turns                for each infringement.
          Penalty under RRS 44.2 shall apply.
                                                        30.2 Placings will be awarded after the
      (b) A boat which is found after a protest              imposition of penalties or granting of
          hearing to have infringed Part 2 of                redress.
          the RRS after the Preparatory Signal
          and prior to the boat clearing Mark           30.3 The imposition of penalties will affect the
          Z, shall receive a time penalty of not             placings of other boats, which shall be
          less than 5 minutes added to the                   advanced to fill all preceding places
          boat’s elapsed time.                               vacated by penalised boats, subject to
                                                             tied, elapsed or line honours results. If
      (c) A boat that is a premature starter                 two or more boats share the same
          and fails to return and start shall
                                                             placing after the application of penalties,
          receive a scoring penalty of 30%.                  the boat(s) with the least or no penalty
                                                             shall be placed above the boat(s) with
      (d) A boat that complies with SI 29.1(a)
                                                             the greatest penalty.
          shall, in addition to completing the

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

30.4 The Race Committee may impose a                          consideration for redress (amends RRS
     penalty on a boat without a hearing in                   64.2).
     respect of any rule infringements
     disclosed by the boat in its Declaration,          32.6 The RYCT Clubhouse office hours will
     except that the boat shall be entitled to a             be 0800 to 1800 hours on each day.
     hearing when it satisfies the International
     Jury that an error may have been made              32.7 There is no time limit for protests by the
     (amends RRS 63.1).                                      Race Committee or the International
                                                             Jury. No other protests may be
30.5 A boat which is an entrant in the CYCA                  delivered after 1700 hours on 1 January
     Blue Water Pointscore, Tasman                           2013, (if a boat is still racing at that time
     Performance Pointscore and Cape Byron                   they shall notify Hobart Race Control of
     Series shall be scored points in                        their intent to protest) except when
     accordance with CYCA’s club sailing                     seeking redress. In that event, the time
     instructions for that pointscore only.                  limit will be three hours after the
                                                             protesting boat finishes. The
31.   NUMBER OF ENTRIES                                      International Jury may not extend the
      For the calculation of penalties and                   time for delivery of a protest (Amends
      results, the number of entries in each                 RRS 61.3)
      Handicap Category and Division shall be
      in accordance with the List of Entries as         33.   PYROTECHNICS STORAGE
      posted on the Official Notice Board at the              Immediately each boat is berthed in
      time of the Race Briefing.                              Hobart all of the pyrotechnic devices
                                                              (flares, rockets, etc) shall be stowed and
32.  PROTESTS AND REQUESTS FOR                                securely locked in a container (fixed or
     REDRESS (Amends RRS 61 and 62).                          portable), the key to which will be held in
32.1 Protests shall be in accordance with                     the custody of the skipper for the
     RRS 61.                                                  duration of the boat's stay.
                                                              (THIS IS A TASMANIAN PORTS
32.2 Protests concerning eligibility of a boat                CORPORATION REGULATION)
     shall be delivered at the CYCA Sailing
     Office within two hours of the conclusion          34.   APPENDED MAP
     of the Sydney Race Briefing.                             The sketch map in Appendix 2 is for the
                                                              assistance of competitors and the
32.3 Protests or requests for redress arising                 position of any object shown thereon is
     from the Race shall be delivered at the                  approximate.
     RYCT Clubhouse office or RYCT Liaison
     Centre at Constitution Dock within six             35   OTHER CHANGES TO CLASS RULES
     hours of the finishing time of the                      AND RRS
     protesting boat. If the office is closed at        35.1 Changes to IRC Rules
     the expiry of that time, the protest or                  IRC Rule 21.1.5(e): A spare mainsail
     request for redress shall be delivered by                 may be carried as a bona fide
     1100 hours on the following morning.                      replacement for a mainsail damaged
                                                               during the race.
32.4 The Race Committee will, within one
     hour of receipt of a protest, post the time               IRC Rule 21.6.2.(b): In accordance
     and place of hearing and a copy of the                     with a prescription by Yachting
     protest form on the Official Notice Board                  Australia, a boat in the IRC Handicap
     at RYCT. This shall be compliance with                     Category may carry one more
     and notification to the parties under RRS                  spinnaker than shown on her current
     63.2.                                                      IRC certificate without an increase of
32.5 The International Jury shall not be
     entitled to abandon the race as a

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

        IRC Rule 22.4.: The maximum total                      RRS 52: RRS 52 does not apply to:
         weight of crew in kilograms that may
         sail aboard a boat shall not exceed                           the adjustment and operation of
         the crew number printed on the boat’s                          sails or the adjustment of
         IRC certificate multiplied by 85.                              movable appendages on any
                                                                        boat; or
35.2    Changes to ORC Rules
        Rule 206.1: A spare mainsail may be                           any boat in the Cruising
        carried as a bona fide replacement for                         Division.
        a mainsail damaged during the race
        and a boat also entered in the IRC                      RRS 61.3: There is no time limit on
        division may carry the maximum                           protests by the Race Committee or
        number of spinnakers allowed under its                   the International Jury. No other
        IRC certificate plus the additional                      protests may be delivered after 1700
        spinnaker allowed under IRC Rule                         hours on 1 January 2013, except
        21.6.1 (b).                                              when seeking redress. In that event,
                                                                 the time limit will be three hours after
35.3 Changes to RRS                                              the protesting boat finishes. The
      RRS 41: Whilst racing a boat may                          International Jury may not extend the
       retrieve data from the standings                          time for delivery of a protest.
       pages of the event website or from                    RRS 78.2: Valid rating/class
       s_lite.asp, even if those pages are not                   certificates shall be produced by the
       publicly available. During the race a                     required time specified in the NoR.
       boat shall not contact any person or
                                                         36.   CHANGE OF SAILING INSTRUCTIONS
       private entity using any medium to
       receive meteorological or                               Changes to SIs, if any, shall be made in
       hydrographical information, however a                   accordance with RRS 90.2(c), and
       boat may obtain assistance in the                       changes will be posted not later than four
       form of any readily                                     hours prior to the starting signal.
       available commercial meteorological
       or hydrographical information                     37.   ADVERTISING
       regardless of cost. Amends RRS                          A boat shall comply with the Advertising
       41(c).                                                  requirements of the NoR 11 when racing.

        RRS 42: A boat in the Cruising                        All boats shall carry and operate a
         Division may as and from two hours                    tracking unit supplied by the Organising
         after its starting signal use its engine              Authority, as contemplated by NoR 11.2.
         for propulsion. That use must cease
         prior to the boat finishing. Engine             38.   OTHER CONDITIONS
         hours and miles covered under                         The terms and conditions set out in the
         engine must be logged.                                NoR, not specifically referred to in these
                                                               SIs, that impose commitments on the
        RRS 50.2 and 50.3: Fixed and                          Race Committee and obligations on a
         retractable spinnaker poles and                       boat of continuing effect during the race
         bowsprits will be permitted for the                   are taken to be incorporated in these SIs.
         purpose of setting asymmetrical

        RRS 51: A boat with movable or
         variable ballast (within the meaning of
         those terms in the Special
         Regulations) may move that ballast
         for the purpose of changing trim or
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

                                     RADIO INSTRUCTIONS
39.1 The motor vessel “JBW” will be the Radio                 and 4483 kHz and VHF Channels 16, 21
     Relay Vessel. “JBW” will conduct radio                   and 81.
     skeds for position reports and listening
     schedules. If required, Hobart Race                 40.4 All boats shall maintain a continuous
     Control will conduct the sked. Hobart                    listening watch on VHF Channel 16 for
     Race Control is based at Tascoast Radio                  the duration of their race.
     at The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania.
                                                         40.5 All boats shall report wind strength
39.2 References in these radio instructions to                and wave heights to “JBW” when
     “JBW” include Hobart Race Control when                   wind strength exceeds 40 knots,
     conducting Radio Skeds and in the case                   unless otherwise instructed by
     of a radio failure or other similar scenario             “JBW”.
     with “JBW”. See also SI 47.2.
                                                         40.6 Should a boat experience HF radio
39.3 “JBW” will assist boats in distress by                   difficulties, every effort shall be made to
     relaying traffic to the appropriate                      contact either the Race Chairman (0404
     authorities. “JBW” is not intended to tow,               461 029), Sailing Manager (0419 288
     ferry crew, or relay private messages or                 323), Hobart Race Control (03 6224
     telegrams, except when deemed                            5393 or 03 6224 5392) or another boat
     necessary and under RRS 1.1.                             on VHF Channel 16 to report the boat's
     Rendering Assistance.                                    position.

39.4 Boats are reminded of their obligations             40.7 All boats shall report their positions in
     under Chapter 10 Distress, Urgency and                   accordance with SI 41. Failure to
     Safety Communications using                              comply on HF radio without
     Radiotelephony, of the Marine Radio                      reasonable cause will result in the
     Operators Handbook.                                      imposition of a penalty as below at
                                                              the discretion of the race committee
39.5 The Tasmanian Police Vessel PV ‘Van                      having regard to the circumstances
     Dieman’ may be stationed on the North                    (amends RRS 60.2)
     Tasmanian Coast and, if so, will monitor
     VHF channel 16.                                                  Position           Penalty
                                                                      Report on HF       Imposed
40. RADIO TRANSMISSIONS                                               missed
40.1 The race frequencies for all traffic, except                     1                  20 minutes
     recalls (SI 20), will be 4483 kHz and                                               added to
     6516 kHz.                                                                           elapsed time
                                                                      2                  40 minutes
     “JBW” will maintain a continuous                                                    added to
     listening watch on the following                                                    elapsed time
     frequencies throughout the race:                                 3                  80 minutes
           0700 – 1900 hours on 6516 kHz                                                added to
           1900 – 0700 hours on 4483                                                    elapsed time
           VHF Channel 16.                                           And each           And each
                                                                      additional         additional
40.2 For unscheduled race traffic, boats
     should call “JBW” on 6516 kHz.                            i.e a boat that misses 4 skeds on HF
                                                               radio without reasonable cause during
40.3 Hobart Race Control will maintain a                       the race may receive a time penalty of
     continuous listening watch on 6516 kHz
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

     300 minutes added to the boats elapsed
     time.                                                      Wind speed and wave height are only
                                                                to be reported if so directed by
40.8 A boat that fails to report her position                   “JBW”. If the position is copied, the
     at three consecutive skeds by any                          boat name and its position will be
     means will be scored DNF without a                         repeated and the next boat called
     hearing (amends RRS 63.1).                                 without a break in transmission.

40.9 All radio messages received,                           (c) If “JBW” does not repeat the position,
     transmitted, or attempted to be                            or if the repeated position is incorrect,
     transmitted shall be entered in the boats                  boats affected shall stand by.
     log, or in a separate radio log.
                                                            (d) At the completion of the Radio Sked
41. POSITION REPORT SCHEDULES                                   “JBW” will call for relay of any missed
41.1 Daily position reports will be conducted                   reports. Boats with outstanding
     as follows:-                                               position reports will then be called by
                                                                “JBW”, followed by calls from those
      1905 hours on 26 December 2012 on                        boats which have had their position
       4483kHz                                                  incorrectly recorded. “JBW” may also
                                                                call for outstanding position reports
      0005 on 27 December 2012 and on                          on 4483 kHz.
       each subsequent day on 4483kHz
                                                            (e) Boats that fail to call “JBW” at a
      0735 and 1705 hours on each                              position report schedule will be called
       subsequent day on 6516kHz                                by “JBW” at the next occurring
                                                                position report schedule or listening
     and at other times as may be advised by                    schedule and will be required to give
     “JBW”. The weather may be issued at                        a position report. (Refer SI 42)
     this time. Boats are advised that, at the
     discretion of the Race Committee, the             41.3 RETIRED BOATS WILL BE CALLED BY
     listening schedule may be upgraded to                  “JBW” DURING THE SCHEDULES AND
     full position reporting. The minimum                   SHALL COMPLY WITH SI 48.
     notice for this upgrade will be as set out
     in SI 42.                                         41.4 The Race Committee may at a position
                                                            report schedule or a listening schedule
41.2 The position report routine will be as                 require a boat on which a tracking unit
     follows:                                               referred to in NoR 11.2 fails or ceases to
                                                            operate to establish a separate position
     (a) “JBW” will commence transmission                   reporting schedule with the Radio Relay
         on 6516/4483kHz (as appropriate)                   Vessel on 6516 kHz. These reports are
         two minutes prior to the sked time                 to be made at 10 minutes past each hour
         with a long tuning call and contact                (other than 0010, 1210 and 1710) (or
         Hobart Race Control. All boats shall               such longer period or at such different
         tune their radios during this period               time as the Race Committee determines)
         and not during the schedule.                       until the Radio Relay Vessel advises
                                                            otherwise, and are to be of the position of
     (b) Each boat when called shall make a                 the boat as at that time. A direction by
         position report on 6516/4483kHz (as                the Race Committee under this SI 41.4
         appropriate) as follows: its Latitude              will apply to the boat to which it is
         and Longitude in DEGREES and                       directed whether or not the transmission
         WHOLE MINUTES (not decimals) as                    is received and shall have immediate
         at 1900 on 26 December 2012 and at                 effect.
         0000, 0730, and 1700 as appropriate,
         on subsequent days (not at the time
         of reporting).
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

                                                                  and crew are fully prepared for the
                                                                  conditions forecast.
42. LISTENING SCHEDULE                                   44.2 When in the vicinity of 370 15’ South, but
42.1 Listening schedules will be conducted on                 not later than Gabo Island (370 34’
     6516 kHz at 1205 each day from 27                        South), if a boat is able to meet all the
     December 2012 until 2 January 2013.                      requirements of SI 44.1, the boat shall
     Boats that have not reported in at the                   call “JBW” on the Race Frequency and
     previous position report schedule will be                make the following report:
     called to make a position report.
     Weather reports may also be read during                  “JBW”, this is [BOAT NAME]. We are in
     this listening schedule.                                 the vicinity of 370 15’ South at [HOURS-
                                                              MINUTES]. The skipper declares that
42.2 Boats may be called randomly to give a                   we comply with the requirements of SI
     position report at the listening schedule.               44.1 and elects to continue racing”.
     Boats failing to comply may be subject to
     a report to the International Jury under                 A boat that is unable to contact “JBW”
     RRS 60.2(c) requesting action under                      may attempt to contact Hobart Race
     RRS 69.1(a).                                             Control to fulfil the requirements of this
42.3 Boats are advised that, at the discretion
     of the Race Committee, a listening                       A boat which has not been recorded
     schedule may be upgraded to full                         and acknowledged by either “JBW” or
     position reporting. The minimum notice                   Hobart Race Control as having
     for this upgrade will be at the preceding                complied with SI 44.2 shall be
     position report schedule.                                recorded DNF without a hearing
                                                              (amends RRS 63.1).
                                                         44.3 A boat that knowingly makes a false
43.1 Requests for and receipt of information
                                                              report under this Sailing Instruction may
     regarding severe weather shall not be
                                                              be subject to a report to the International
     classed as an infringement of RRS 41.
                                                              Jury under RRS 60.2 (c) requesting
                                                              action under RRS 69.1(a).
43.2 The weather is obtainable from the
     sources in Appendix 3 and may not be
                                                         45. INITIAL SEARCH PROCEDURES
     repeated at the position reporting
     schedule.                                           45.1 “JBW” will initiate the following
                                                              procedures in the case of a boat failing to
44.  MANDATORY REPORTING FROM                                 respond for two successive skeds (one of
     GREEN CAPE (370 15’ SOUTH)                               which could be a position report called
                                                              for at a listening schedule).
44.1 On approaching 370 15’ South a boat
     shall assess whether:
                                                         45.2 The routine will be as follows:
      (a) its HF Radio is operational;
                                                              (a) “JBW” will advise the fleet at the
                                                                  schedule and request all boats to
      (b) the required number of liferafts are on
                                                                  maintain a listening watch on 6516
                                                                  kHz and VHF 16, followed by 4483
                                                                  kHz as directed by “JBW”.
      (c) its engine and batteries are
                                                              (b) The boat will be called by name first
                                                                  on 6516 kHz and VHF 16, followed
      (d) the boat and its crew are in a
                                                                  by 4483 kHz.
          satisfactory condition to continue; and
                                                              (c) Boats to relay to “JBW” if necessary.
      (e) the skipper has comprehensively
          considered the most current weather
          forecasts and considers that the boat
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

      (d) If there is no response from the called
          boat, “JBW” will ask the called boat to               (b) Red hand-held flares. Also intended
          ignite a WHITE hand held flare.                           for night use but can be used during
      (e) The fleet shall maintain a 360° visual                    the day. Red flares are used to raise
          watch and report any sighting of                          an alarm and to accurately pin-point a
          flares.                                                   position. They should be used only
                                                                    when potential rescue is at hand.
45.3 A boat that:
                                                                (c) White hand-held flares. Intended for
      (a) is unable to transmit on either its HF                    night use. White flares are used to
          or VHF radio for:                                         raise an alarm and to accurately pin-
                                                                    point a position. They should be
           (i) a position report schedule (refer                    used only when potential rescue is at
               SI 41); and                                          hand. Also refer SI 45.2.

           (ii) the succeeding position report                  (d) Orange hand-held smoke signals.
                schedule or listening schedule                      Similar comments apply as to red
                (refer SI 41 and SI 42);                            flares (above) but they are for
      or                                                            daytime use only. Orange flares emit
                                                                    a billowing cloud of orange smoke
      (b) does not for any reason:                                  which would be wasted at night but
                                                                    can be seen 4 km away in daylight.
           (i) receive a repeat of its position by
               “JBW”; or                                  47.  ADDITIONAL REPORTS FROM
                                                               TASMAN ISLAND
           (ii) receive a confirmation that its           47.1 The RYCT operating through VIT 319
                position has been given to “JBW”               (Hobart Race Control) will maintain a
                by a relaying boat,                            continuous listening watch on 6516 kHz
                                                               and 4483 kHz and on VHF 81 and VHF
      at two consecutive skeds (one of which                   21 (both are repeater stations) from the
      could be a position report called for at a               start until the conclusion of the race.
      listening schedule) at which the boat
      should give its position, shall at the              47.2 When Tasman Island bears 000° True
      commencement time of the next                            each boat shall call "HOBART RACE
      occurring position report, or listening                  CONTROL" on 6516 kHz or VHF 81 and
      schedule ignite a white flare. Boats                     advise its rounding time and ETA at the
      failing to comply may be subject to a                    finish (40.3 nautical miles).
      report to the International Jury under
      RRS 60.2(c) requesting action under                 47.3 At the entrance to the Derwent River,
      RRS 69.1(a).                                             each boat shall call "HOBART RACE
                                                               CONTROL" on either of the above
46.   DISTRESS FLARES                                          frequencies, and advise an updated ETA
      Flares required by Yachting Australia                    at the finish (11 nautical miles).
      regulations have recognised and
      recommended applications as follows:-               47.4 FINISHING REPORT – Boats shall
                                                               report to “Hobart Finish Line” on VHF 81
      (a) Parachute Distress Rockets (Red).                    immediately after clearing the line to
          Internationally recognised distress                  report the flying of a protest flag (if
          signal, best at night but can be used                applicable) at this time.
          in daylight. Rocket ejects a red flare
          at about 300 metres altitude. This              47.5 Boats shall continue to comply with the
          burns for about 40 seconds as it                     instructions for position reporting until
          descends under a small parachute.                    they have cleared the finishing line. It is
          In daylight a white smoke trace can                  imperative that boats continue to give
          also be seen.
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

     their latitude and longitude rather than                Government or commercial stations nor
     merely broadcasting "in the river".                     compliance with SI Appendix 1.

     under SI 47 shall not be made during the
     position report.                                   49.2 A boat may be given express written
47.7 Hobart Race Control (RYCT) operating                    authority by the Race Committee to
     through VIT 319 will take over Radio                    broadcast a commentary, and in that
     Schedules once the Radio Relay                          event, unless otherwise stated, the
     Vessel has docked on 30 December                        following rules shall apply:
                                                             (a) no reference shall be made during
48. BOATS RETIRING FROM THE RACE                                 such a commentary to:
48.1 A boat retiring from the race shall advise
     “JBW” at the first available opportunity,                   (i) weather conditions being
     giving its position, reason for retirement,                     experienced by the boat, other
     intended port of destination and ETA,                           than in general terms.
     together with any other relevant details.
                                                                 (ii) boats in distress or emergency or
48.2 “JBW” will call retired boats during                             wreckage sightings;
     position report schedules. A retired boat
     shall continue making position reports at               (b) all information given shall be accurate
     each sked until arrival at its destination.                 (i.e. no deliberately false sightings or
                                                                 positions may be reported);
     (a) immediately notify the Local Port                   (c) no information is to be given which
         Organisation (Marine Rescue Unit,                       may assist any other boat to
         Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol,                         ascertain or improve its position
         Australian Volunteer Coast Guard) on                    except to the extent permitted in SI
         entry to their port of destination; and                 43; and

     (b) notify Hobart Race Control by fax on                (d) the skipper of the boat from which a
         03 6224 5386 or by telephone on 03                      commentary is broadcast shall be
         6224 5393 or 03 6224 5392; and                          responsible for the detail and retain
                                                                 the text of the broadcast, and the
     (c) notify “JBW” by fax on 0011 870 761                     boat may be protested should it be
         142 977 or by telephone on 0011 870                     considered that the terms of this rule
         761 142 975, or 0428 613 031 or                         have been breached.
         0416 130 132
                                                        49.3 The International Jury may impose a
48.4 Boats failing to comply with this SI 48                 penalty at their discretion, depending
     may be subject to report to the                         upon their judgment of the seriousness of
     International Jury under RRS 60.2 (c)                   the infringement, should they find that SI
     requesting action under RRS 69.1 (a).                   49.1 or SI 49.2 has been breached.

49. RADIO RESTRICTIONS                                  49.4 Authority given to any boat under this SI
                                                             49 or SI 12.2 may be cancelled by the
49.1 A boat is not permitted to request, and a
                                                             Race Committee at any of the position
     boat working private schedules with other
                                                             reporting schedules in which the boat in
     stations is prohibited from passing
                                                             question participates or should
     information in relation to, weather
                                                             participate, without reasons being given.
     conditions or race information, except
                                                             A cancellation so issued will apply to the
     where requested by “JBW”, or except as
                                                             boat to which it is directed whether or not
     detailed in SI 40.5 or SI 49.2. No
                                                             the transmission is received and shall
     restriction is placed on the receiving of
                                                             have immediate effect.
     weather information broadcast by
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

49.5 These restrictions apply to any electronic
     transmission medium, including HF, VHF
     and mobile cellular and satellite

50.   EPIRBS
      Boats shall brief their crew in the care
      and deployment of EPIRBs as per
      Marine Radio Operators Handbook,
      Sections 18 to 21 and in accordance with
      Special Regulation 5.05

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

                                           APPENDIX 1

(INFORMATION AND MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE TO                    out in the Annual Summary Australian
COMPETITORS, THOUGH NOT CLASSED AS SAILING                   Notice to Mariners.
                                                       4.2   Refer to Sailing Instruction 46 as to the
1.    PRE-RACE RADIO CHECK                                   Radio Relay Vessel instituting INITIAL
1.1   “JBW” will accept pre race radio                       SEARCH procedures.
      checks in accordance with SI 17.3.
                                                       4.3   S.A.R. authorities will not usually
1.2    It is recommended that all boats carry                express concern or initiate search and
       out pre race radio checks with an                     rescue proceedings unless a boat is
       appropriate station (i.e. long distance               CLEARLY OVERDUE, that is E.T.A. +
       and on all required frequencies) within               24 hours.
       24 hours of the race start.
                                                       4.4   In the event of transmission difficulties,
2.    BATTERY CHARGING                                       it is the responsibility of a boat to make
2.1   Batteries should be charged at least                   every endeavour to make contact with
      twice each day, especially those used                  another boat or coast station, and to
      for radio communications, and                          report its position and situation by
      preferably just prior to position report               diverting from its course if necessary to
      schedules.                                             make direct contact.

2.2    Engine starting batteries should be             4.5   Boats must ensure that rescue
       isolated from other batteries.                        authorities are not put to unnecessary
3.1   Tune your transmitter well before                5.    PORTS OF REFUGE
      commencement of the schedule.                          On approaching any coastal port, boats
      Tuning whilst the sked is in progress                  should call the Marine Rescue Unit,
      disrupts the transmission of other                     Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol or
      boats.                                                 Australian Volunteer Coast Guard
                                                             Station on 2524 kHz or VHF 16
3.2    Be brief - “JBW” knows you are in                     seeking berthing directions.
       South Latitude and East Longitude.
       The message "Firefly 34 -16 -151-17"            6.    BOATS RETURNING TO HOME
       gives all the position information                    PORTS
       required.                                       6.1   One or two position reports each day
                                                             during the homeward voyage will avoid
3.3    When called by “JBW”, come up                         a lot of heartache, and save countless
       promptly with your position report.                   phone calls to CYCA which will not
       Speak distinctly and give emphasis to                 normally have any information as to
       separation between degrees and                        your movements.
       minutes of latitude and longitude.
                                                       6.2   Boats should contact a recognised
3.4    If requested, advise the position of an               coastal station at regular organised
       unreported boat, such as "Seaspray is                 intervals to relay their position and
       about one mile South-East of Firefly",                advise relatives of the contact numbers
       but only if the other boat is positively              from which the position of the boat can
       identified.                                           be obtained.

4.     SAFETY - SEARCH AND RESCUE                      6.3   RACING SKIPPERS ARE
       (S.A.R.)                                              ESPECIALLY REQUESTED TO
4.1    All boats shall familiarise their crews               DRAW THE ATTENTION OF RETURN
       with S.A.R. procedures, which are set
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
Sailing Instructions

      DELIVERY CREWS TO THIS                           The Volunteer Marine Rescue
      RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE.                           Association through the, Marine
7.    DISTRESS AND SAFETY                              Rescue Units, Volunteer Coast
      COMMUNICATIONS                                   Guard and the Volunteer Coastal
      The Australian Maritime Safety                   Patrols generally monitor VHF CH
      Authority, through RRC                           16, 27.88 kHz and 2182 kHz during
      AUSTRALIA, provides the following                daylight hours but a 24 hours
      distress and safety                              service is provided by some
      communications:                                  stations.

      (1)    Inmarsat                            IMPORTANT
                                                 When entering and leaving ports, it is
      (2)    HF DSC monitoring on                important to contact the local Marine
             4207.5, 6312, 8414.5,               Rescue Unit, Coastal Patrol or Volunteer
             12577, and 16804.5 kHz.             Coast Guard Station. The volunteers who
                                                 maintain these stations are always
      (3)    EPIRB satellite detection.          pleased to pass on and receive messages
                                                 whenever possible but cannot assist if they
       Northern Territory and State              have no knowledge of a boat's
       Authorities provide a distress and        whereabouts. Please take the time to
       safety monitoring service via the         inform them of your arrival and departure.
       coast radio network on frequencies
       4125, 6215 and 8291 kHz. The
       coast radio network also broadcast
       navigation warnings on 8176 kHz
       as follows:

        Station            Time
        Coast Radio        0857,
        Melbourne          1357
        Coast Radio        1657


Station        Area                             Local Time                Frequencies
BOM            Forecast for NSW and VIC         1030, 1430, 1830          4426, 8176, 12365, 16546
                                                0230, 0630, 2230          2201, 6507, 8176, 12365
BOM            Forecast for TAS                 1130, 1530                4426, 8176, 12365, 16546
                                                0330, 0730, 1930, 2330    2201, 6507, 8176, 12365
BOM            Warnings for NSW, VIC and        Every hour on the hour    Frequencies as above

Western        Bass Strait                      0815, 1215, 1710          2524
Port Safety
Tascoast       East and Southern                0810         1810         VHF 21, 81
Radio          TasCoastal Waters                0820         1820         4483

Coast Radio    Southern      Tas      Coastal   0745, 1345, 1903          VHF 67,68 2524, 4146,
Hobart         Waters                                                     6227

               SE   Tasmanian    Coastal        On the hour and every     VHF 01
               Waters, Storm Bay and the        half hour
               Derwent Estuary
MR             Bass Strait Oil Rigs             0820, 1510                HF 2524
MR             VIC & NSW Costal Waters          0710, 0910, 1240, 1710,   VHF 81
Eden                                            2105

2.        Marine Rescue Units (VHF 16) – Weather on Request from the following stations:-
          South Head
          Botany Bay
          Port Hacking
          Port Kembla
          Jervis Bay
          Sussex Inlet
          Batemans Bay


LOA            Boat           Owner           Class             Elapsed Time
Open           Wild Oats XI   R Oatley        30m Maxi          1d 18h 40m 10s
Conventionally Brindabella    G Snow          Jutson 72         1d 20h 46m 33s
Ballasted      (1999)
< 18.5m        Yendys         G Ross          Reichel Pugh 55   2d 0h 57m 05s
< 15.5m        Yendys         G Ross          Farr 49           2d 5h 57m 30s
< 12.5m        Leroy Brown    W Wieckman      Farr 40 OD        2d 11h 24m 50s
< 11.0m        Pied Piper     R Turner        Peterson 36       3d 7h 38m 58s
< 9.5m         Toecutter      R Hick          Hick 31           3d 9h 19m 00s


                                  Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2012
                                     Declaration Form to the Race Committee

I, (owner/rep)                                                     hereby declare that I am a member of

(Yacht Club)                                      and my YA number is                     , and that I was in charge of the

yacht (yacht name)                                                 whilst competing in the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.

Finish Date                                               Finish Time

Were all SI’s & RRS complied with?                YES / NO
If NO, please explain:

Was a “B” (RRS 61.1) or “Q” (RRS 44.3) flag flown during racing?   YES / NO
If YES, please explain:

Did you partake and receive all position skeds?   YES / NO On HF 4483 /6516 ___ or VHF 16 ___
If NO, please explain:

Did you relay for any other yachts (position) during the race           YES/NO

If Yes who:


Any other feedback for Race Committee & CYCA Sailing Committee

Signed                                                    Print Name

Witnessed                                           Print Name
Declaration received (Sailing Office/Race Comm use)

Date                             Time                              Received by

Action to be taken
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