Blessed art thou the fruit of thy womb - Sacred Heart & St. Eulalia Parish
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© J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, INC. Francesco Botticini, Virgin and Child with Two Angels (1465/75), Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago the fruit of thy womb Blessed art thou &
Sacred Heart & St. Eulalia Parish Sacred Heart Church St. Eulalia Church 819 N. 16th Ave. 1845 S. 9th Ave. Melrose Park, IL Maywood, IL Parish Website Parish Office 819 N. 16th Ave., Melrose Park, IL 60160 Phone: 708-344-0757 Fax: 708-344-5906 Email: ——PARISH STAFF—— Operations Director Bookkeeper PASTOR Joseph Augelli Maria Galvin Music Coordinator Secretaries Reverend Juan Sebastián Sue Klaput Francisco Ortega Quintero Maribel Rodriguez Religious Ed. Gabriela Castañeda ASSOCIATE Coordinator Bulletin Editor PASTOR Maria Franco Eddy Rodriguez Maintenance Reverend José A. Solis Tomasz Wajdzik Modesto Lopez PERMANENT DEACONS SACRED QUINN Mike Barnish HEART CENTER Giulio Camerini SCHOOL 1832 S. 8th Ave. Gabriel Nevarez 815 N. 16th Ave. Maywood, IL Eduardo Rodriguez Melrose Park, IL Phone Dwight Sullivan, Sr. Phone 708-397-6111 708-681-0240 Email Registration for Fax Sunday Masses is 708-681-0454 required at QUINN CENTER STAFF SCHOOL STAFF Director Principal Kristen Mighty or by calling the Barbara Ciconte Programs rectory office. Office Staff Jesenya Amaya Cheryl Militello Programs Sunday Masses Office Staff Martha Ramirez Monica Saldana Development —SATURDAYS— Liz Young 4:30pm English Housekeeping at Sacred Heart Church Doris Hall Janitor 6:00pm Spanish CONVENT Kevin Young at Sacred Heart Church 1503 Rice Street Melrose Park, IL 60160 —SUNDAYS— 8:30am English Franciscan Sisters Housing Forward HQ at Sacred Heart Church Phone 1851 S. 9th Ave. 10:30am English 708-344-6940 Maywood, IL at St. Eulalia Church Franciscan Resource Renovación Carismática 12:00pm Spanish Center Católica Hispana at St. Eulalia Church Phone —————— 708-567-5083 COMMUNITY Weekday Masses Dominican Literacy Center PARTNERS MONDAY - FRIDAY Phone ■ Alpha New Beginning 8:00am English 708-338-0659 Baptist Church ■ Taller de José at Sacred Heart Church ■ Catholic Charities West (No registration required) MAP of Hope Foundation Suburban Parenting
CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S MASS SCHEDULE 2020 SACRED HEART ST. EULALIA Solemnity of Mary Solemnity of Mary -Holy Day of Obligation- -Holy Day of Obligation- NEW YEAR’S EVE—DEC 31st NEW YEAR’S EVE—DEC 31st Vigil Mass 4:30pm Vigil Mass-Bilingual 6:00pm NEW YEAR’S DAY—JAN 1st NEW YEAR’S DAY—JAN 1st New Year’s Mass 10:30am New Year’s Mass 8:30am New Year’s Mass-Spanish 12:00pm HORARIO DE MISAS DE NAVIDAD Y AÑO NUEVO 2020 SAGRADO CORAZÓN STA. EULALIA SOLEMNIDAD DE MARIA SOLEMNIDAD DE MARIA -Santos dias de obligación- -Santo dia de obligación- VISPERA DE AÑO NUEVO— VISPERA DE AÑO NUEVO— DEC 31st DEC 31st Misa—Inglés 4:30pm Misa—Bilingue 6:00pm AÑO NUEVO—JAN 1st AÑO NUEVO—JAN 1st Misa—Inglés 8:30am Misa—Inglés 10:30am Misa de Navidad—Español 12:00pm Thank you DAILY ROSARY Carbonara Funeral Home Riverside Funeral Directors You are invited to Catholic Cemeteries join us to say the For providing calendars to our rosary every morning at parishioners for the 2021 year! 7:30am MONDAY—FRIDAY in English at Sacred Heart Church Please take a followed by 8:00am Mass. calendar home with AND...At 6:00pm you. They are MONDAY—-FRIDAY available at the in Spanish at St. Eulalia Church church exit doors.
SACRED HEART POINSETTIA MEMORIALS MEMORIALS 2020 IN MEMORY OF FROM Victor Amidei Family Helen Cimino Family Joel Serna Serna Family Lucille DiIacova Family Michael DiIacova Family Vincent & Agatha Scanio Scanio Family Joseph & Mary Reich Scanio Family Frank Angiulo Rosetta Angiulo Frank & Giuseppina Panta Rosetta Angiulo Eugene & Antoinette Family William Tomazin Family Arthur & Marjorie Behrendt Daughter Joseph & Mathilda Behrendt Niece My Parents—Francisco & Margarita Ramos Cynthia Ramos Buhay John & Theresa Iacono Family CHURCH ETIQUETTE: ETIQUETA DE LA IGLESIA: The priest should be the last in & the first out of church. El sacerdote debe ser el último en entrar y el primero en salir de la iglesia. Please TURN OFF cell phones before entering the Church for Mass APAGUE los teléfonos celulares antes de ingresar a la Iglesia para la misa o or any other Liturgical service. cualquier otro servicio litúrgico.
December 2020 My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We find ourselves journeying through a most uncommon Advent season. Despite the unique challenges presented by our current circumstances, our gaze remains fixed upon Christ. These weeks leading to Christmas are a special time in which we prepare for our King, Jesus Christ, to be born anew in our hearts. This year, we are invited in a very special way to imitate the humility and trust of our Blessed Mother. In St. Luke’s narrative of the Annunciation, Mary responds to the angel Gabriel with the words, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 1:38).” We pray that, like Mary, we may be filled with courage to say yes even though we do not fully understand what will unfold before us. Over the past couple of months, our parish has been living in confusing and challenging times. Like Mary, we have found our strength by embracing the Lord to carry on. And with the Holy Spirit guiding us, our Sacred Heart and St. Eulalia family continues to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ for one another and our surrounding community. Our parish has adapted new ways to serve our community during these trying times like livestream Mass, Zoom meetings, Online Prayers and Information, etc. And we joyfully – and safely – celebrate Mass and the sacraments in our church thanks to the time and effort of so many staff and volunteers. To those of you who give so much of yourselves, thank you. You make it possible to worship together and serve together. At the same time, with limitations on Mass attendance, our collections continue to suffer on a weekly basis. The contributions of parishioners at Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses constitute a sizable portion of our annual budget to fund vital ministries and areas of operation for our parish. Therefore, I humbly ask you to prayerfully consider making a one-time Christmas gift of at least $100 to ensure that our parish ministries and operations can continue into the new year. You can send your gift to our parish office, or by simply going to If you are unable to make a financial gift, I ask that you continue to pray for our Sacred Heart and St. Eulalia family. I also invite you to give of your time to the extent you are able. We need additional volunteers to assist with Masses given the necessity to register, usher and clean the building, thus ensuring everyone’s safety. To volunteer, please send us an email to Please know that you are a gift to our Sacred Herat and St Eulalia family. Your presence, whether in spirit or in person, mean more to our local Church than you can imagine. May the Lord be with each one of you during the Advent and Christmas seasons. I continue to pray for you and ask that you continue to pray for me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God Bless, Fr. Francisco Ortega, Pastor
diciembre del 2020 Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas: Nos encontramos atravesando una temporada de Adviento poco común. A pesar de los desafíos únicos que presentan nuestras circunstancias actuales, nuestra mirada permanece fija en Cristo. Estas semanas previas a la Navidad son un momento especial en el que nos preparamos para que nuestro Rey, Jesucristo, nazca de nuevo en nuestros corazones. Este año, estamos invitados de una manera muy especial a imitar la humildad y la confianza de Nuestra Santa Madre. En la narración de la Anunciación de San Lucas, María responde al ángel Gabriel con las palabras: “He aquí, soy la esclava del Señor. Hágase en mí según tu palabra (Lucas 1:38) ”. Oramos para que, como María, estemos llenos de valor para decir que sí, aunque no en- tendamos completamente lo que se desarrollará ante nosotros. Durante los últimos meses, nuestra parroquia ha estado viviendo tiempos confusos y desafiantes. Como María, hemos encontrado nuestra fuerza al abrazar al Señor para seguir adelante. Y con el Espíritu Santo guián- donos, nuestras familias del Sagrado Corazón y de Santa Eulalia continúan difundiendo las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo entre nosotros y nuestra comunidad circundante. Nuestra parroquia ha adaptado nuevas formas de servir a nuestra comunidad durante estos tiempos difí- ciles, como la Misa en vivo, reuniones de Zoom, Oraciones e Información en línea, etc. Y con alegría y seguri- dad celebramos la Misa y los sacramentos en nuestra iglesia gracias al tiempo y esfuerzo. de tanto de nuestro personal como de nuestros voluntarios. A aquellos de ustedes que dan tanto de ustedes mismos, GRACIAS! Hacen posible adorar juntos y servir juntos. Al mismo tiempo, con limitaciones en la asistencia a misa, nuestras colectas continúan sufriendo sema- nalmente. Las contribuciones de los feligreses en las misas de Nochebuena y Navidad constituyen una parte considerable de nuestro presupuesto anual para financiar ministerios vitales y áreas de operación para nuestra parroquia. Por lo tanto, les pido humildemente que consideren en oración hacer una donación de Navidad es- pecial de por lo menos $100, para garantizar que nuestros ministerios y operaciones parroquiales puedan conti- nuar en el nuevo año. Puede enviar su donación a la oficina de nuestra parroquia o simplemente ingresando a nuestra pagina web: Si no puede hacer una donación económica, le pido que continúe orando por nuestra familia del Sagrado Corazón y Santa Eulalia. También los invito a dar de su tiempo en la medida de sus posibilidades. Necesitamos voluntarios adi- cionales para ayudar con las misas, dada la necesidad de registrar, acompañar y limpiar la Iglesia, garantizando así la seguridad de todos. Para ser voluntario, envíenos un correo electrónico a Por favor, sepa que ustedes son un regalo para nuestra familia del Sagrado Corazón y Santa Eula- lia. Su presencia, ya sea en espíritu o en persona, significa más para nuestra Iglesia local de lo que pueda imagi- nar. Que el Señor esté con cada uno de ustedes durante el tiempo de Adviento y Navidad. Sigo orando por ustedes y les pido que sigan orando por mí. ¡Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo! Dios les bendiga, P. Francisco Ortega, Parroco
SACRED HEART ST. EULALIA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 4:30pm + Peter Giancarlo by Giancarlo Family 10:30am - Patricia Thornton Special Intention + Madelene Panico by Mamolella Family + Marty & Joanne Stout + Arlene Sangiacomo by Family 12:00pm (Spanish) + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez 6:00pm (Spanish) + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez Juan Hernandez by Josefina Rodriguez SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 10:30am - Patricia Thornton Special Intention 8:30am + Fred Mosco by Ray & Lois Behrendt 12:00pm (Spanish) - Misa Para el Pueblo +Ray Behrendt by Scanio Family MONDAY, DECEMBER 28 The Holy Innocents 8:00am + John Brawka Jr. by Richter Family Kenny Armstrong, Jose Ayala, Judy Bahr, + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez Jovette Basile, Maria Isabel Bermudes, Sha- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29 ron Bloom, Nadine Bowman, Eliot Britt, 8:00am + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez Morgan Britt, Sarah Brooks, Jean Bruce, Su- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30 san Cole, Cynthia Buhay, Mary Cain, Hugo 8:00am + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 Casados, Anna Cascio, Ruby Castro, June 8:00am - Mass for the People Childress, Sharon Chudzik, Josue Cintron, Arocho Cisco, Solemnity of Mary-Vigil Mass Rick Clohecy, Rosalyn Cobb, Agnes Coco, Victoria 4:30pm + Ray Behrendt by Rochelle Grizaffi Craig, Glen Crest, Naomi Curl, Linda DalCerro, Sam + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez Danza, Jimmy Davis, Andy Dawid, Linda Dixon, Marty FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 Solemnity of Mary Dorwart, Molly Duarte, Sonia Duarte, Edia Echevarria, 8:30am + Frank Angiulo & Josephine Pantano by Family Teddy Echevarria, Patricia Emmons, Irene Enlow, + Rebeca Méndez by Ana Méndez Charisse Gopez Enrique, Edna Faillo, Nico Carbonara SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen Filice, Dominic Finello, Linda Lee Foster, Andrea Frano, 4:30pm + Arlene Sangiacomo by Ciangi Family Tony Frantilla, Dick Frost, Tom Fuechtmann,Sr., Grace 6:00pm (Spanish) + Reina Chávez by Daugher Sofia Salto Guarisco, Gene Gray, Juana Gutierrez, Vera Harris, Don + Rebeca Méndez—1 Año de difunción Haugen, Henric Hauser, Cesar Hernandez Jr., Jeremiah by Ana Méndez SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 Epiphany of the Lord Higgins, Quention Hinton, Sally Holub, Florence How- 8:30am + Anna Wally by Family ard, Maria Ibarra, Dan James, Michael Karalis, Helen Kedzior, Stacy Kemp, Bernie Kendell, Inez Kimball, An- tonio Lemon, Lolly Lewis, Judy Lewis, Timoteo Mar- —Donate Electronically Online— tinez, Stella Marzillo, Lois Mathewson, Angela Militello, Donations can be made online by going to Bryant & Carmeline Mincy, Martha Minnich, Maxine or by clicking on the Montes, JoAnne Montgomery, Pam Morton, Edilberto “Donate Now” Nava, Jose Guadalupe Romero, Michael O’Rourke, Adri- an Parker, Thelma Philips, Mary Pratt, Michael Procopio, button at: Fr. Jim Quinlan, Mary Lou Reyes, Lupita Reyes, John Rogers, Diane Rohan, Elaine Salter, Sr. Josephine or Schmitz, Kathleen Schuler, Ollie Scott, Daniel Scott, Ma- You may also mail in your contributions to the vis Sherman, Daniel Sherman, Linda Skillom, Rosie rectory or drop them off in the door slot at the Smith, Jessica Smith, Charmaine Smith, Janet Smith, Joel rectory office at Sacred Heart. Issac Smith, Joel Smith, Ralph Sorrentino, Trish Spata, Thank you for your continued support! Ray Straube, Jake Thomas, Areise Vaughans, Gail Veach, Brenda Villegas, Daniel Wasilewski, Lucy White, Luticia Williams and all those affected by Covid-19… AND ALL OF OUR HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS. Sunday Collection Date: December 13, 2020 Heavenly Father, Look upon our brothers SH Total Sunday Collection $ 3,149 and sisters who are ill. In the Midst of illness SE Total Sunday Collection $ 1,722 and pain, may they be united with Christ, Total Parish Collection $ 4,871 who heals both body and soul; ———————————————————————–————————- may they know the consolation promised to Our Lady of Guadalupe Collection $ 438 those who suffer and be fully restored to health. Thank you for your We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. support of our Parish!
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