Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point

Page created by Lorraine Osborne
Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
2020 Edition 1

                                       Bringing Families and
                                       Carers Together

 Page   Good News Stories -

 02     Brian’s Race for the British
        Heart Foundation.

 Page   Inspired by Possibility

 03     Recognition Awards

        People’s Parliament

 07     in Action
Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Clare’s Introduction

Good News Stories
• Brian’s Race for the
  British Heart Foundation      Clare’s
Inspired by Possibility                           Clare Taylor
Recognition Awards 2020                           Turning Point Director of Mental
                                                  Health and Learning Disabilities

People’s Parliament
                                I would like to welcome you all to    We have established an internal
in Action
• National People’s            our 2020 Edition 1 of the Family      Microsite dedicated to our
    Parliament 2019 – Working   Link. 2020 has proved to be a         COVID–19 response and we
    Towards Co-production       challenging year worldwide and        ensure all up to date guidance
                                I’d like to begin by explaining how   for managers and staff is kept
                                we are responding to Covid-19.        in this place. All our guidance

Turning Point News
                                We take the health and wellbeing
                                of our staff and the people we
                                                                      is based on PHE guidance for
                                                                      working with people in residential
                                                                      settings, care homes and in the
• Internal                      support extremely seriously           community. This includes guidance
• CQC Ratings                   and we’re doing everything we         on prevention and minimising risk,
• Growth                        can to minimise the spread of         as well as guidance for staff on
• Family Survey                Coronavirus (Covid-19) while          Personal Protective Equipment
   Initial Data 2019            continuing to offer support. Our      (PPE) – what needs to be worn in
                                services across the country are       what situation and when carrying

                                operating quite differently from      out different types of support
                                normal in order to keep people        and activities. We know what
                                safe. This includes temporary         each home and service needs
Turning Point’s Contribution    suspension of all non-essential       and have made sure they have
to Learning Disability          face to face services including       enough on site to work safely.
Today Study Day 2019
                                group work, social activities,        We have created regional PPE
• How to Move Away              drop-ins, outreach etc, moving to     hubs to store stock – meaning
   from Psychotropics           remote counselling and coaching       we can get additional supply
                                either via phone or video calls.      out to homes and services in

                                This will run until further notice.   a timely way when required.

Turning Point News                                                        Clare’s Introduction
• External                                                                continued...

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Good News
     Clare’s Introduction continued...

The link below will allow you to access
resources to support families / carers
of people with learning disabilities
through the Coronavirus restrictions.
    Click here

For this edition of the link, we have
                                               Brian’s Race for
put a spot light on another successful
National people’s parliament which
                                               the British Heart
showcases how the people we support
are making positive change for their           Foundation
immediate and wider communities,
by advocating for their peers and
                                               For a very long time Brian’s aspiration
executing co-produced projects. We
are also celebrating six amazing
                                               was to compete in the local Cumbrian run.
people who we support whom                     Brian finally had the chance to realise
have received recognition for their            that dream when he was supported to
extraordinary progress at this years           take part in the Cumbrian 5K. Brian fol-
inspired by recognition awards.                lowed a vigorous training regime leading
                                               up to the race so that when the big day
                                               came he was well prepared to smash the
                                               challenge. Brian did this in memory of
                                               his mum and raised over £100 which is a
                                               massive achievement.

                                               The British Heart Foundation recognised
                                               Brian’s passion for the cause and
                                               has since offered him a volunteering
                                               opportunity where he supports the
As always, we also                             recruitment process for volunteers and
                                               staff for the British Heart Foundation.
want to hear from                              This is a really important role which Brian
you. You can send                              takes very seriously, this has given Brian
                                               an opportunity to continue to support
in your photos of                              the charity which is close to his heart, and
                                               also build on his own skills and confidence.
your visits to your                            Everyone is so proud of the contribution
                                               Brian is making to the great charity.
loved ones and
we will publish
these in the next
edition. Enjoy.

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Inspired by Possibility
Recognition Awards 2020
Turning Point launched our Inspired by Possibility Recognition Scheme for 2020 which
celebrates those people we support who have achieved progress in their lives and have
truly been inspired by possibility during 2019. This scheme sits alongside our Inspired by
Possibility Awards for employees and our scheme for peer mentors and volunteers.

People we support, family             seem – we wanted this process            candidates along with employees
members and employees had             to be as inclusive as possible.          or family members, members
the opportunity to nominate                                                    of the Turning Point leadership
individuals who they believed         We were very pleased by the              team and non-executive members
fit the criteria and were             large response in nominations            enjoyed a beautiful 3 course meal
deserving of the recognition.         and although we would love to            and awards ceremony at the
                                      have awarded all nominees with           prestigious Hotel Indigo ‘The Cube’
We know everyone goes on              recognition, we were only able           overlooking Birmingham city.
a different journey and we’re         to shortlist 18, 6 of who were
inspired everyday by the changes      individuals supported in the             We are very proud to introduce
the people we support are making,     learning disabilities sector. To         those individuals and share a
no matter how big or small they       celebrate, all of the shortlisted        snapshot of their stories:

Stacey Vincent
I have recently met with Stacey, her mum and sister        was something Stacey and her mum found funny but
as Stacey wanted to tell me what her team could            both were happy Stacey was speaking up in areas of
do better. Stacey and her mum told me that it is           her life! Stacey is very happy with what she is doing
thanks to her support at Turning Point that Stacey         at the moment and plans to help the local people’s
now has the confidence to speak up when she isn’t          parliament do some work in schools next year.
happy as she would never have done this before.

Stacey’s mum said she has noticed a huge difference
in Stacey expressing her own opinion, Stacey has even
told her mum the clothes she had suggested for Stacey
to buy were frumpy and she didn’t want to wear it, this

Nominated by Locality Manager, Louise Cripps

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Ben Church
Ben moved into his new home in January 2019.
Ben had care and support of 1 to 1 hours 24
hours a day. Ben has worked on managing his
behaviours when at home and in the community
in his new home. Ben now has 42 hours 1 to 1
care and support and the rest is shared hours.
Ben now attends a voluntary work placement
twice a week and he does this independently. His
parents never thought that this would be possible
and are so very proud of what Ben has achieved.
Ben would display numerous behaviours daily
and it is now evident that this is now not the
case. Through Ben’s determination and having a
consistent staff team Ben is able to get through
his day with no behaviours. Ben is a real success
story to the work that Turning Point provides.

Ben works voluntary once a week where he will
                                                            Rhys Williams
cook, prepare food and now serves customers                 Rhys began receiving support from Turning Point in
who absolutely love his charm and wit!                      March 2018. We discovered straight away that Rhys
                                                            had a passion for photography. Once he had settled in
Ben would like to get a part time job as a chef and/        to his new home, Rhys was supported by staff to visit
or a waiter. Ben is a real people person and does           various places so that he could take photographs which
turn on the charm with customers. Ben would like            he edits his himself and he has also been supported
to work towards qualifications in food and hygiene          to sell some of his work, at the local cafe/farm shop.
and to further his career in the hospitality sector.
                                                            In November 2018 Rhys attended the Peoples
Nominated by Locality Manager Jolene Instan                 Parliament and his work was used as Northumberland’s
                                                            display, he was also asked by Dawn Cameron to
                                                            be the photographer for the event. This led onto
                                                            Rhys being invited to be the photographer at the
                                                            Turning Point Leaders event in June 2019 and
                                                            this year’s Peoples Parliament last month.

                                                            We have had a lot of positive feedback about
                                                            Rhys. One email from Corinne Foley said that
                                                            Rhys was very professional at the events
                                                            and that he was a pleasure to work with.

Ben Church with Alison Hill, Turning                        In the future Rhys wants to continue with
Point Non-Executive Director                                his photography, potentially turning it into a
                                                            profession. He also would like to continue
                                                            working with Turning Point at future events.

                                                            Nomination by Team Leader of his
                                                            support team, Jayne Clayton

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Inspired by Possibility
Recognition Awards 2020

Ashley Smith
Ashley was living in a residential care home with           Ashley and his team have been challenging the
little support and chose not to engage in many              assessment of capacity in relation to his finances
activities. Since moving to his new house, Ashley           via the care manager and appointee for the past
has engaged in every minute of his support and              two years, this has been incredibly difficult for
achieved a huge amount of community presence and            Ashley as he had some serious restrictions placed
control in his life, when moving in Ashley had been         on him over the past year with his appointee
assessed as lacking capacity to manage his own              reducing his money and putting barriers in place.
finances and so had a court appointed appointee             Ashley at times has become understandably
in place. It became apparent that Ashley did not            very frustrated and had to learn how to deal with
lack capacity but had not had the opportunity               these emotions as he overcomes each hurdle.
or information on how to manage his money.
                                                            Ashley has just last month opened his own
                                                            bank account as the courts have instructed
                                                            the appointee to hand over all accounts to
                                                            Ashley from the 23rd December! Ashley has
                                                            been incredibly patient and is ready to take on
                                                            the challenge of managing his own money.

                                                            Ashley is a keen saver and so he is planning to
                                                            save his money and have lots of holidays.

                                                            Nominated by Locality Manager, Louise Cripps

Daniel Mitchell
Turning Point supported Dan to eat healthier and set a routine
with his meals and snacks. This along with his own motivation
and self-control at day services has led to the great achievement
of losing an excessive of 3 stone. He has also been supported
to part take in regular daily exercise and has taken this on board
very well. He walks to and from his bus stop to day services and
swims 10 laps a week at the local pool as part of his enabling.

Dan hopes to lose more weight and ensure that                          Nominated by Team leader of
he becomes healthier and more active.                                  Support staff, Nasim Hajipo

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Jacqueline Ball
Jackie is 58 years old. She has cerebral palsy and a
moderate learning disability. When Jackie was very
young she lived with parents but as she and they
got older it became more difficult for her family to
support her. At this time Jackie started to access
Stallington Hall, a Local Health Authority institution
on a respite basis for a drug review. Jackie moved
in permanently due to her dad’s deteriorating
physical health and Jackie’s increasing need for
support. Stallington Hospital was a large institution
set in its own grounds. Jackie lived on large locked
wards with 30 or more other women, sharing large                Jackie still sees her family on a regular basis
dormitories and communal areas. The wards had                   and likes to talk to her mum on the phone in the
strict regimes and routines and did not allow ‘patients’        evenings. Jackie has recently had her own telephone
much privacy, choice, independence or autonomy.                 line installed in her flat. Jackie and her family are
Stallington Hospital was closed in 1998 and Jackie              practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses and she attends
moved to her new bungalow set in its own grounds.               the Kingdom Hall most Sundays. Jackie goes to
The door was still locked but Jackie had her own                a day centre one and a half days a week. This is a
bedroom. She still had to share a bathroom, lounge              very important part of her life and has been going
and dining room with 4 others who used to live at               there for many years. Jackie considers this time
Stallington. In January 2010 the bungalow closed                as going to work. Jackie loves going out into the
to be refurbished in to 6 self-contained flats. Jackie          community maybe for lunch or to the theatre.
moved back when it was completed in 2012.
                                                                Jackie is a People’s Parliament champion and enjoys
Jackie now has her own self-contained flat and                  going to meetings with her friend Helen and has
is supported by Turning Point due to the NHS                    attended the National People’s Parliament. Jackie
withdrawing provision of campus beds. Jackie enjoys             loves Blackpool and has had many holidays there with
having her own space and is a tenant in her own right;          support from staff. This initially started from daytrips
paying her own rent and bills with support. Jackie              to overnight stays and gradually building to 5 night
now has her own front door and a core team of staff             stays. Jackie has her own mobility car and she can be
who know her well and who support her on a daily                winched straight in to it. Jackie has also chosen to use
basis. Jackie has 12 hours a day 1:1 support and it is          public transport to access the community which is a
important for her that her choices, routine, likes and          huge step for her.
dislikes are followed. Jackie has ISF that will be used
to support her to maintain her current level of health          Jackie has always had 2:1 support in the community
and wellbeing, in terms of personal care, managing              but is now progressing to 1:1 support. Jackie
money, keeping safe and supporting with her mobility.           wants to increase her independence and reduce
Jackie is developing a greater level of independence,           the level of support she has at present.
particularly in being able to enter and access her flat,
and being able to spend more time independently
in her flat with the aid of assistive technology.               Nominated by Team Leader, Janet Holmes

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
People’s Parliament
in Action National People’s Parliament 2019 –
                                       Working Towards Co-production

The Local People’s Parliaments aim to maximise the involvement of people we
support. They have been set up to ensure that all individuals supported by Turning
Point are empowered to influence what the organisation does at a local and national
level, as well as taking a more active role in their communities. The regional forums
are a safe place where people can build confidence, talk about what is important to
them and share their views in a way that is meaningful to them.

The National People’s Parliament is an annual event
which brings representatives from each Regional
People’s Parliament together in one place. The aim of
the day is to share and celebrate local achievements.

National Peoples Parliament 2019 was celebrated
at the Village Hotel in Coventry November 2019
and was attended by over 100 people, this included
the people we support, employees, members of the
leadership team and members of the governing board.
This years’ theme, which all local parliaments worked
on throughout the year was ‘working towards co-
production’ as to promote and demonstrate an even
higher level of involvement for the people we support.
The day was co-facilitated by Dawn (Involvement
Lead) and Richard who we support in Milton Keynes
whose parliament was 2018 regional winner.

The day kicked off with an ice breaker where every
attendee brought an item representing something
that is important to them to share with the people
they shared a table with, and for others to explore,
this inclusive activity really helped people to be
comfortable with each other for the rest of the day.

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Followed by 4 fantastic presentations from:
Tameside, who introduced the concept of co-              Northumberland, who worked together co-
production, explaining that it is about problem          produce a touching presentation which gave us
solving so that people are being meaningful involved     an insight into challenges faced by the people
throughout every part of a project, promoting            we support, and the fantastic positive solutions
even greater control for people with disabilities.       people use to combat those challenges to thrive.

   Tameside                                                  Northumberland

Peterborough, who demonstrated how they adopted          Kent, showcased how their people’s parliament
a new approach called ‘working together for change’      had worked together to co-produce fantastic
so that all of the people we support in Peterborough,    resources, to raise disability awareness in their
staff and family members co-produced a regional          communities to combat negative attitudes.
action plan using person centred approaches.

   Peterborough                                              Kent

We also enjoyed displays from all of the other           This brought us to the end of a fantastic day,
regional parliaments; this gave us the opportunity       where Milton Keynes People’s Parliament were
to learn about the wonderful ways they have been         voted winners of National People’s Parliament
working together to achieve common goals.                2020 for the second year on the run.

And finally, all attendees voted on the display
or presentation impressed them the most.

Featuring - Bringing Families and Carers Together - Turning Point
Turning Point
       Care Quality
       Commission Ratings
       Turning Point are celebrating fantastic CQC ratings, we
       are very proud to announce that the overall rating for
       good or outstanding is an amazing 95%, which is an
       improvement since our last edition of the Family Link
       magazine. We continuously strive to provide the best
       support possible and are constantly look for new ways
       to further enhance the lives of the people we support.

       Overall rating                 Safe rating
       Good or Outstanding            Good or Outstanding

       95%                            91%

       Effective rating               Caring rating
       Good or Outstanding            Good or Outstanding

       97%                            98%

       Responsive rating              Well-led rating
       Good or Outstanding            Good or Outstanding

       98%                            97%

                                                The map illustrates growth since August 2019. It includes contracts
                                                that we have retained through a competitive process which – as well as
                                                retaining our existing services – now also offer us growth in the scope
                                                and scale of future service provision. In some cases we will be working
                                                in new localities albeit in the same local authority area as before.

                                      Cumbria                                      Learning Disabilities
                                      Framework for Care and Support
                                                                                   Supported Living Service
                                      Services in Extra Care Homes and
                                      growth in Supported Living services

                                                                                            North Tyneside
                                                                                            Learning Disabilities
 Calderdale                                                                                 Accommodation and Care
 Learning Disabilities and Mental                                                           Framework retender
 Health Supported Living Framework

          Learning Disabilities Care                                                        Learning Disabilities
          Services in Supported                                                             Supported Living Services
          Housing Framework retender

    Tameside                                                                                          Growth from Learning
    Learning Disabilities Supported                                                                   Disabilities Supported
    Living growth                                                                                     Living Framework

  Derby                                                                                                       Hertfordshire
  Learning Disabilities Support Living                                                                        Carers Breaks Service
  and Accommodation Framework                                                                                 retender and growth

      Learning Disabilities Supported
      Living Framework
                                                                                                                   Learning Disabilities
Walsall                                                                                                            Supported Living
Learning Disabilities Supported                                                                                    Framework retender
Living for Complex Needs                                                                                           and growth

Growth from Learning Disabilities
Supported Living Framework
                                                                                                  Growth from Learning
                                                 Wiltshire                                        Disabilities Supported
 Swindon                                                                                          Living Framework
                                                 Learning Disabilities Supported
 Growth from Learning Disabilities
                                                 Living Framework retender
 Supported Living Framework

Turning Point News

   Family Survey                                                                   ​ e would like to thank all
                                                                                   families who responded

   Initial Data 2019
                                                                                   to the family survey at
                                                                                   the end of 2019

   The family survey is an important feedback tool
   that ensures we are giving you, the families of the
   people we support the opportunity to express
   your views. Listening to your views allows us to           Please see below the 83 responses received
   identify and share good practice, and identify             from 2019, the data is measured against data
   areas which need further development.                      from 143 responses received in 2018.

   1.    Do you feel supported by Turning Point               2.     Do you feel satisfied with the support
         to have access to and spend quality time                    your family member receives?
         with your family member if you wish?

   2019                        2018                            2019                        2018

   Yes            95%          n/a                             Yes            94%          Yes          93%

   No             5%                                           No             6%           No           7%

   3.    Do you feel as a parent or family carer that         4.     Do you feel that the support your family
         your views and wishes are taken into account?               member receives is safe and has made
                                                                     a positive difference to their life?

   2019                        2018                            2019                        2018

   Yes            90%          Yes           97%               Yes            92%          Yes          99%

   No             10%          No            3%                No             8%           No           1%

5.    Do you feel that your family member has choice        6.    Do you know who to contact with compliments,
      and control over the support they receive?                  complaints, comments or queries and are
                                                                  they dealt with in a timely matter?

2019                       2018                             2019                      2018

Yes           86%          Yes          71%                 Yes           85%         Yes          87%

No            14%          No           29%                 No            15%         No           13%

7.    Do you feel there’s been any
      improvement since the last survey?

2019                       2018

Yes           86%          Yes          59%

No            14%          No           41%

                                                            2019                      2018

          Friends and                                       Definitely    88%         Definitely   87%
          Family Test                                       No            4%          No           0%
          Would family members
                                                            Not Sure      8%          Not Sure     13%
          recommend Turning Point?

Turning Point managers are currently analysing the responses in more detail so
we can create an action plan in response to your feedback. We will send out the
full report and action plan with the next edition of the Family Link.

Turning Point’s
Contribution to
Learning Disability
Today Study Day 2019
                                      How to Move Away
                                      from Psychotropics
                                      Sarah Taie and Stephanie Draper, Turning Point

Earlier last year we were             and skills for their Continued       to take. This was another very
approached by a gentleman             Professional Development use’.       positive outcome for him.
called Graham Hoare, Head of
Business Relationships Health         Ben is a gentleman that is           Ben and his family agreed
and Social Care for Pavilion          supported by Turning Point who       following this work, for us to
Publishing regarding a national       we had worked with closely to        write Ben’s story up in a case
event he was organising ‘Learning     support him and his support team     study to be able to share with
Disability Today Study Day’.          when Ben was going through           others an example of how
Graham told us ‘ I am helping put     a difficult time in his life. By     someone could make very
together the programme for a one      working in collaboration we had      positive changes in their life.
day conference called Learning        been able to help Ben and his
Disability Today Study Day in         team look at different ways to       Sarah and I were very pleased and
Bournville, Birmingham on the         support him when he was angry        proud to be asked to share Ben’s
19th September. Researching           and anxious and over time this       story with others, although we
for the event I read about            had enabled Ben to cope better.      both became more anxious as the
Ben’s Story and felt this would       This led to Ben being able to go     day of the conference approached.
be of great interest to other         out more and do different and new    However our presentation went
professionals. My reason for          activities and for him to be more    really well and it was great
contacting you is to see if you       confident in himself. As things      to have feedback from other
could speak and provide a practice    improved for Ben in his day to day   people about how interesting
development session on using          life, his support team started to    and motivating they found
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)      have conversations with other        Ben’s journey and story to be.
in conjunction with the STOMP         professionals about Ben not
initiative to support the reduction   having to take as much certain       Stephanie Draper
of psychotropic medication. The       medications as he had done           Practice Lead, Manager
aim of the study day is to address    previously when in crisis and over   SCOT Team.
relevant issues for professionals     time Ben was able to reduce some
and develop their knowledge           of the medications he needed

Turning Point News                                                                 External

A review published in March 2020       people with learning disabilities      using different communication
has highlighted health inequalities    and autism. These failings suggest     methods for autistic people
for people with learning               a systemic failure to protect          with sensory sensitivities. The
disabilities. This is because people   the right to a private and family      specially designed training will
with learning disabilities are more    life, and right to live free from      be named in memory of Oliver
likely to be admitted to hospital      inhuman or degrading treatment         McGowan, in recognition of his
with conditions that could be          or punishment. This development        family’s tireless campaigning
prevented by better community          may lead to a high court battle.       for better training for staff.
and primary health care. Among
other recommendations, it              In November it was announced           Finally, increasing numbers of
calls for more regular health          that every inpatient with a            older family carers, some in their
checks for people with learning        learning disability or autism in a     80s and 90s, are providing care to
disabilities, so that GPs address      mental health hospital will have       support adult children with severe
health problems that may result        their case reviewed over the next      learning disabilities or autism,
in hospital admissions and             12 months. As part of the review,      according to a significant new
poor health in the long term.          the government will commit to          report that’s been published by
                                       providing each patient with a date     the University of Bath. The report
There have been longstanding           for discharge, or where this is not    entitled ‘Confronting a looming
concerns about the rights of more      appropriate, a clear explanation       crisis’ highlights severe strains
than 2,000 people with learning        of why and a plan to move them         placed on families as a result of
disabilities and autism being          closer towards being ready for         our ageing population. It suggests
detained in secure hospitals,          discharge into the community. This     much greater support is needed
often far away from home and           effort is being supported by the       to help them cope. According to
for many years. In February 2020       government through a Learning          the National Institute for Health
The Equality and Human Rights          Disability and Autism Fund. The        and Care Excellence (NICE),
Commission (who investigates           government will provide funding        two-thirds of adults with learning
these issues) sent a pre-action        over the next three years to speed     disabilities and / or autism live
letter to the Secretary of State       up the discharge of individuals        with their families - mainly with
for Health and Social Care             with learning disabilities or autism   parents. Yet, whereas in the
Matt Hancock, arguing that the         into the community from mental         late 1940s, life expectancy for
Department of Health and Social        health inpatient care in England.      people with conditions such as
Care has failed to meet the                                                   Down’s syndrome was just 12
targets set in the Transforming        In other positive news the             years, today, thanks to medical
Care programme and Building            government has also confirmed          advances, it has increased to
the Right Support programme.           that every NHS and social care         66 years. Whilst this is to be
These targets included moving          worker will now receive mandatory      celebrated it has also created
patients from inappropriate            training on: 1) Understanding          a situation in which many adult
inpatient care to community-           learning disability and autism 2)      carers, some in their 80s and 90s,
based settings, and reducing the       Legislation and rights 3) Making       are now caring for adult children,
reliance on inpatient care for         reasonable adjustments such as         themselves in their 50s and 60s.

I hope you have enjoyed the Family LINK magazine. Each year you will
receive two issues and I will strive to continue to share amazing stories and
achievements from across Turning Point nationally.

I am more than happy to take on any suggestions on how to improve the
Family LINK. Moving forward I would like to capture experiences from family
members, so if you have anything to share please contact me on

Best wishes
Clare Taylor
Involvement Lead
You can also read