Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy

Page created by Ruben Logan
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
'Blazer Giving
    Spring 2022
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
Although much has changed over the
course of the past 40 years, the heart
and spirit of Fort Worth Academy
continues to be the same. We are—
and always will be—a FWAmily!
Innovation, excellence, and
collaboration drive us forward, and
I'm excited to see where they will take
us next.

As we near the end of another
amazing school year, I am so thankful
for what our 'Blazer Giving
contributors have helped us achieve!
If you'd like to support 'Blazer Giving,   Thank you,
there is still time! You have until
June 30 to show your love of FWA.
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
Who We Are                                                                 What We Believe
Fort Worth Academy is a K to 8th grade school that empowers                Innovation, curiosity, and creativity are key
young people to think critically, lead with empathy, and collaborate       components of continual growth. Children have a
effectively, to become the innovators and problem solvers of               natural curiosity about the world around them which is
tomorrow. Our students become self-aware, self-driven, courageous,         developed through opportunities to question and
                                   confident, and creative Trailblazers.   challenge the status quo. Our innovative approach
                                                                           empowers children to be courageous and develop their
                                                                           own solutions to the problems and challenges they

                                                                           Excellence is achieved when growth opportunities
                                                                           are met with resilience and grit. High expectations
                                                                           within an environment of integrity and respect inspire
                                                                           children to achieve their personal best. Learning from
                                                                           mistakes and embracing challenges cultivates an
                                                                           environment of excellence.
                                                                           Collaboration is the ability to work together, share
                                                                           ideas, communicate effectively, and respect differences.
                                                                           Inclusivity and empathy form the foundation of a
                                                                           collaborative environment. The best outcomes are
                                                                           driven by diversity of opinions, talents, and ideas.
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
We Are Thankful
The generous support of our donors sets FWA apart.
Contributions to 'Blazer Giving allow us to provide engaging
learning experiences to more students every year, fulfilling
our mission to empower students to think, create, and
innovate. We are grateful each day for our amazing and
supportive community.

          21-22 School Year
          40th year anniversary

          New Middle School E.L.I. Electives
          (for a current total of 26)

          Completion of Project Blaze
          capital campaign and Middle
          School transformation

          0 days closed due to illness
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
Your Impact                                                                             "It really helps you understand our
'Blazer Giving Annual Fund contributions ensure that students are learning in a
                                                                                        — E. Hamud,
hands-on, experiential environment. Our advanced academics, school-wide E.L.I.
                                                                                        Wild at FWA student,
Initiative, and one-of-a-kind electives all receive                                     8th grade
financial support from 'Blazer Giving funds.

                                              "Early exposure to lessons in coding is
                                              important because it allows students
 "You meet people with the same               to build on that knowledge as they
 interests as yours, and you learn to         progress at Fort Worth Academy."
 collaborate together."                       — Dr. April Sawey,
 — Jackson Hawkins,                           Lower School Science Specialist
 Rock Band student,
 5th grade
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
Giving and Getting Involved   Thank you to our 2021-2022
                              volunteers! Our volunteers help make it

                              Parents' Club Executive Board:
                              President: Janie Hamud
                              Vice-President: Ann Shaw
                              Treasurer: Katey Stimek
                              Secretary: Leslie Mitchell

                              Extravaganza Co-Chairs:
                              Morgan Cooper
                              Stephanie Swift

                              Room Reps & 'Blazer Giving
                              Semi Ali, Marken Barker, Jennifer Butcher,
                              Morgan Cooper, Bethany Handy, Lindsey
                              Hartley, Susie Helm, Jackie Karrlson, Jaime
                              Loke, Ann Shaw, Britt Stark, Emily
                              Stephenson, Katey Stimek

                              With special thanks to:
                              Marissa Jaye, Jennifer Morris, and Bob and
                              Louisa Tillson
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
Because of Your Generosity We Have...
                                                                             who receive
                                                                            financial aid.
      IN                                                                               with advanced
'BLAZER GIVING                                                                         degrees.
    SO FAR

                                                                       Maximum class size
                                                                        with a 7:1 student
Who                                                                       to teacher ratio.

 67% OF FAMILIES HAVE CONTRIBUTED                 90%        100%          OF TEACHER AND STAFF
                                                                           HAVE CONTRIBUTED
                                    HELP US REACH OUR 90%
                                       PARTICIPATION GOAL!
                                                              Item 1
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
'Blazer Giving 21-22 Supporters
LEADERSHIP DONORS                       Drs. Yvette Dzurik and Matt Dzurik   Rashti Taylor and Clarence Hicks
                                        Nancy Hallman                        Julie and Ross Vitek
                                        Nissa and Ryan Harrington            DJ Yoon and Hyeanjin Choi
Amanda and Rocky Fraizer
                                        Cheryle Hays
Chelsea and Zachary Machado
                                        Courtney and Joel Heydenburk
Lexi Robertson and Shawn Smith                                                         This list is a DRAFT
                                        Drs. Nuha and Darren Lackan
Jessica and Matthew Upchurch                                                   The final list of 'Blazer Giving contributors will be
                                        Lara and Jim Newman
Entrepreneurs:                                                                 generated on June 30. Any contributors before
                                        Emily and Dr. Rob Stephenson           that date will receive printed recognition in our
Beckie and Pete Geren
                                        Elizabeth and Charles W. Yeargain      'Blazer Giving report in the fall of 2022.
Shannon and Mark Hart
Katie and Mark Kalpakis
Cherie and Don Livingston
                                        Jennifer and Bradley Butcher
Rebecca and Thomas Lucas
                                        Janie and Chris Hamud
Dr. Sara Murphy and Joseph Murphy
                                        Bethany and Christopher Handy
Chip Payne
                                        Lindsey and Klayton Hartley
Blaine Smith and Dr. Andrew Solomon
                                        Carrie and Sid Lange
Lynn and Dr. Brian Ranelle
                                        Megan and Ryan McConnell
                                        Joy and James McHugh
Saiyeda and Farhan Ali
                                        Maggie and Jason Mowery
Linda and Chad Bradford
                                        Kathryn and Larry Oldham
Virginia Dalbeck and Anthony Dobbratz
                                        Charles Stark
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
This list is a DRAFT                 'Blazer Giving 21-22 Supporters
The final list of 'Blazer Giving
contributors will be generated
                                     LOYALTY DONORS                     Ana Cole
on June 30. Any contributors
                                     Anonymous                          Carla Collins
before that date will receive                                           Carla Cordova and Ricardo Garcia
printed recognition in our 'Blazer
                                     Emmanuel Abiamuwe and Nene Nwoko
                                     Garrett Allen                      Tiffeny and Ronnie Cunningham
Giving report in the fall of 2022.
                                     Sue Anderson                       Maurine and Joseph Dacjs
If you have an edit to your name     David and Becky Ashcraft           Nettie Davidson and Andrew Hawkins
listing, please let us know by                                          Shannon and Skip Elders
emailing MaryEmily Pardue,
                                     Ulises Asprilla
                                     Agna Bailey                        Leslie Erwin
Director of Development, at              Jacqueline and Tony Barrett        Anthony Farnsworth
                                     Precious and Sam Beaver            Melissa and Joseph Fitzwater
                                     Bridget and Joe Belyeu             Marcia Garoon
                                     Chelsea Blackmon                   Shawna Gibson-Middleton
                                     Ginger Blackmon                    Grayson Gibson
                                     Angela Bly                         Christina and Timothy Hardman
                                     Elizabeth and Michael Bonin        Linda and Rob Harman
                                     Megan and Bill Brimijoin           Kelly and James Harrison
                                     Whitney Brown-Gaydos               Marissa and John Hawkins
                                     Karen Bullock                      Susie and Jason Helm
                                     Kim and Brandon Canard             Andrea and Bret Hendrickson
                                     Hira Chaudhary                     Amber Hernandez and Angel Martinez
                                                                        Brande and Nicholas Holman
Blazer Giving Update - Spring 2022 - Fort Worth Academy
'Blazer Giving 21-22
LOYALTY DONORS (continued):
Jason Howell                       Nada Leanndra and Benjamin Rand
Jessica and Chris Hutchinson       Katie and Corey Lemons
Maria and Orlando Jaimes           Jamie Loke
Jackie and Carl Karlsson           Mary Luker
Jami and Jason Kern                Libby and Garrett Marler
Irene Jasoni                       Catherine McAna
Isela and Dan Jefferson            Wade McBride
Jennifer and Johnathan Killebrew
Diana and Ken Kirkwood                This list is a DRAFT
Shirry and Teddy Knitel
Kimberly Kowalski                    The final list of 'Blazer Giving
                                     contributors will be generated on June
Kara and Douglas Lamphere            30. Any contributors before that date
Margie Lane                          will receive printed recognition in our
Laura Laurent                        'Blazer Giving Report in the fall of 2022.
Melinda and Clark Lea
'Blazer Giving 21-22 Supporters
LOYALTY DONORS (continued):                 Meghan and Nowlin Randolph
Jacque McCollum                             Shanda and Brantley Ranelle
Marian McDonald                             Heather and Chris Reck
Garrett McNutt                              Sharon Rice
Leslie and Charles Mitchell                 Laura Rivera
Jennifer and Glen Morris                    Dr. Douglas Roberts
Haley Morrow                                Darla and John Robinson
Judy and Jim Moyer                          Colleen and Scott Rodgers
Lakshmi and Millikarjuna Mukka              Heather Romaine and Dr. Mo Sathyamoorthy
Yaniv and Mika Nachmias                     Danielle Rosenberg
Haydee and Sean Needham                     Shannon and Mark Russell
Lupita and Jimmie Olazaba                   Sarah Saleh
MaryEmily Pardue                            Dr. April and Michael Sawey
Lauren and Bradley Parker                   Logan and Ray Serzanin
                                            Jameelah Shamid-Deem and                   This list is a DRAFT
Elizabeth Perez
Sivan Pery Shihmanter and Alex Shihmanter     Ronald Young                             The final list of 'Blazer Giving
                                            Ann and David Shaw                         contributors will be generated on
Mindy and Brian Poitevent                                                              June 30. Any contributors before
Donald Porter, In honor of Teddy E. Margo   Eve Shulman
                                                                                       that date will receive printed
Charlene and Boyan Radic                    Azure and Aaron Spanier                    recognition in our 'Blazer Giving
                                                                                       Report in the fall of 2022.
Jennifer and Raymond Rand
'Blazer Giving 21-22 Supporters
                                                            LOYALTY DONORS (continued):
            Amanda & Rocky Frazier

                                                            Cindy and Adam Speirs
            The Hubbard Foundation

            LEADER ($2,500-$4,999)
                                                            Lauren Singh and Adrian Gonzales
                                                            Courtney Stabile and Brady Smith
                                                            Britt and Douglas Stark
            RISING STAR ($1,000-$2,499)
                                                            Kate Stevens and Connor Halden
                                                            Michelle and Todd Stiles
                                                            Amy and Lindsay Stites
                                                            Stephanie Swift
            Drs. Saiyeda* & Farhan Ali                      Rienzi Templer
            Carrie Roantree Ahlborn
            Linda & Chad Bradford
            Debbie & Eddie Feld* (Grandparents)
                                                            Jolee and Clay Tidwell
            Marcia Garoon
            Nichole Davidson & Andrew Hawkins*
            Jennifer & Johnathan Killebrew
                                                            Louisa and Bob Tillson
                                                            Kelly and Josiah Trager
            Shirry & Teddy Knitel
            Leslie & Charlie Mitchell
            Jennifer & Keith Morris

                                                            Marla Turner
            Maggie & Jason Mowery
            Dr. Carolyn & Robbie Robertson (Grandparents)
            Rosemary & Charles Stark (Grandparents)                                      This list is a DRAFT
                                                            Katie and Shad Turner
            AMBASSADOR ($100-$499)                                                      The final list of 'Blazer Giving
                                                            Kathy Uhr
                                                                                        contributors will be generated on
                                                            Melanie Wasmann Davis       June 30. Any contributors before
                                                              and Monte Davis           that date will receive printed
                                                            Amy and Keith Webster       recognition in our 'Blazer Giving
                                                                                        Report in the fall of 2022.
                                                            Dr. Jessica Williams
                                                            Messhia Young
Join the Effort. Make an Impact.
  An environment where the E.L.I.
  Initiative can thrive and excel.
  Small class sizes.
  Opportunities to explore innovative
  teaching methods and advanced
  New electives that are unique,
  engaging, and foster curiosity.
  Educational opportunities for students
  beyond what tuition alone can

                                           THE FORT WORTH ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES:
                                           (Back row, left to right) Shanda Ranelle, Board President; Azure Spanier, Secretary; Mo
                                           Sathyamoorthy, Andrew Hawkins, Vice Presidents; Semi Ali, Eve Shulman. (Seated, left
                                           to right) Mark Russell, Treasurer; Cheryle Hays; Doug Roberts. (Not pictured: Sue
                                           Anderson, Jami Kern, Peggy Smith-Barbaro, Jessica Hall Upchurch.)
Our Opportunities
LEADERSHIP DONORS                              LOYALTY DONORS
All Leadership Donors receive recognition in   All Loyalty Donors receive recognition in
our Annual Report.                             our Annual Report.

Philanthropist ($25,000+)
Includes an invitation to the Leadership       Rising Star ($1,000-$2,499)
Society Reception; reserved parking space
2021-2022 school year; reserved seats at 8th   Developer ($500-$999)
grade graduation or Grandparents' Day.

                                               Ambassador ($100-$499)
Founder ($10,000+)
Includes an invitation to the Leadership
Society Reception; reserved parking space      Advocate (up to $99)
2021-2022 school year; reserved seats at 8th
grade graduation or Grandparents' Day.

Entrepreneur ($5,000+)
Includes an invitation to the Leadership
Society Reception; reserved seats at 8th
grade graduation or Grandparents' Day.

Leader ($2,500+)

                                               GIVE ONLINE
Innovator ($1,200+)
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