BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...

Page created by Angel Yates
BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
For Young Scientists

                                                                 AT I O N O F
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  The Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists honor exceptional
young scientists and engineers by celebrating their extraordinary
achievements, recognizing outstanding promise, and accelerating
            innovation through unrestricted funding.
BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
Table of Contents
                                                                   Key Features...............................................................................................................................................4

                                                                   Our History.................................................................................................................................................6

                                                                   Blavatnik Regional Awards....................................................................................................................8

                                                                   Blavatnik National Awards.................................................................................................................. 10

                                                                   Blavatnik Awards in the United Kingdom.......................................................................................12

                                                                   Blavatnik Awards in Israel................................................................................................................... 14

                                                                   Blavatnik Science Scholars.................................................................................................................. 16

                                                                   In the News.............................................................................................................................................. 18

                                                                   Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic.................................................................................................... 19

             “Encouraging and supporting young scientists
               is essential if we are to successfully address
               society’s challenges. By honoring these young
                individuals and their achievements we are
              helping to promote the breakthroughs in science
               and technology that will define how our world
                                                                   Established by:                                      Administered by:                                 Blavatnik Awards in Israel,
                               will look over the next century.”                                                                                                         in collaboration with:
                                           LEN BLAVATNIK
                                  FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN             BLAVATNIK

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BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
Key Features of
The Blavatnik Awards

                                                                                                                                                                  61% of Blavatnik Awards

                                                                                                                                                                  honorees are immigrants
for Young Scientists


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CROATIA 
                                                                                                                                                                   to the country in which

                                                                                                                        CZECH REPUBL

                                                                                                                                                                    they were recognized.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ND 
Open to researchers working in more than 36 different



scientific and engineering disciplines in three categories:

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       The Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in

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       The Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in

                                                                                                                                          B                                          I

       Physical Sciences & Engineering                                                                                               GE      EL                                  


                                                                                                                                                AR                                          •


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       The Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in

                                                                                                                                    Y                                          UN             OR

                                                                                                                              RL      J         GR                        H
       Life Sciences                                                                                                                    AP           EECE  HONG KON     G                 M

                                                                                                                                 AN                                                                
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                                                                                                                                               LE                             E  XICO          ND
• Recognize and support outstanding young scientists and                                                                             •N           BANON •                 M                 A
                                                                                                                                         EW                   MALAYSIA                    OL
   engineers early in their careers when additional funding                                                                                  Z                                      E P           IA
                                                                                                                                   RO         EAL                            ST  IN              K
   and recognition have the greatest impact on their work.                                                                           MA            A ND  NIGERIA  PAL    E                 V A
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  onorees are selected based on the quality, novelty, and                                                                                                   ERBIA  SINGA                 R EA
                                                                                                                                         SLO                                             O
 impact of their research, and their potential for further                                                                                   VENI                                   HK
 significant contributions to science.                                                                                                             A  SOUTH AFRICA  SOUT                      UK
                                                                                                                                       SPA                                              KEY
                                                                                                                                           IN  S
                                                                                                                                                  WITZERL                A  N   TUR
  ffer the largest unrestricted prizes ever created                                                                                                         AND  TAIW                     AN
 for early-career scientists.                                                                                                             UKRA                                        KIST
                                                                                                                                                  INE  URUGUAY  USA  UZBE
  onnect alumni with a network of their peers throughout
 the world to foster collaboration.

“Young scientists drive scientific discovery and
 innovation. They feel urgency and impatience.
They think creatively and boldly. While we must
 support promising scientists at all levels, young
                                                              “Past and present Blavatnik Scholars are some of
 scientists are a critical resource that we must nurture
                                                               the top young scientists in the world. We are proud
 for the good of the whole scientific enterprise.”
                                                               to celebrate them and their achievements, and to
ERIC S. LANDER                                                 showcase their work to the world.”

 4                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
Our                                                                  The Blavatnik National               THE BLAVATNIK
                                                                     Awards are created to
                                                        2014         honor faculty scientists     2016    CELEBRATE THEIR                      2018                                       2020
                                                                     across the United States,
                                                                     and the first Laureates
                                                                     in Life Sciences, Physical
                                                                                                          ANNIVERSARY!                        The first international                    Blavatnik Scholars
                                                                                                                                              Blavatnik Awards are                       take on the COVID-19
                                                                     Sciences & Engineering,                                                                                             pandemic, discovering
                                                                     and Chemistry are                                                        conferred, recognizing
                                                                                                                                              outstanding academic                       new ways to predict
                                                                     announced. Each Laureate                                                                                            and detect disease
       The Blavatnik Awards are created to                           receives a $250,000 prize.                                               faculty-level scientists and
                                                                                                                                              engineers in the United                    spread, identifying
       celebrate the outstanding postdoctoral
2007   and faculty scientists in New York,                           The Blavatnik Regional                                                   Kingdom and in Israel.                     effective treatments, and
                                                                     Awards continue to honor                                                                                            researching new vaccine
       New Jersey, and Connecticut.
                                                                     postdoctoral scientists in                                                                                          technologies.
                                                                     New York, New Jersey, and


                                                                                                                                                                                              THE BLAVATNIK
                                                                                                    2017                                                     2018                             AWARDS
                                                                                                                                                                                              CELEBRATE THEIR

                                                                                                   The Blavatnik Family Foundation announces                Three women are named             15TH
                                                                                                   expansion of the Blavatnik Awards to the United          Blavatnik Regional Awards
                                                                                                   Kingdom and Israel. In Israel, the New York              Winners, marking the first        By the close of 2021, the
       The Blavatnik Family                            The Blavatnik Family Foundation             Academy of Sciences collaborates with the                time in Blavatnik Awards          Blavatnik Awards will
       Foundation announces                            and the New York Academy of
2012   doubling of the prize                    2014   Sciences host the first annual
                                                                                                   Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
                                                                                                   in administering the awards.
                                                                                                                                                            history that the top prize
                                                                                                                                                            is concurrently awarded
                                                                                                                                                                                              have recognized 359
                                                                                                                                                                                              young scientists and
       money for Winners and                           Blavatnik Science Symposium.                                                                         to female scientists in           engineers and awarded
       Finalists starting in 2013.                                                                                                                          each of the three                 prizes totaling over
                                                                                                                                                            disciplinary categories.          US$11.9 million.

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BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
2020 Blavatnik                                                                                                                           Meet the 2020 Blavatnik Awards
                                                                                                                                                     Regional Winners
Regional Awards                                                                        NING JIA
                                                                                       2020 Regional Winner in Chemistry
                                                                                       Southern University of Science and Technology in China (formerly at

for Young Scientists
                                                                                       Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
                                                                                       Ning Jia, PhD, has unlocked key biological mechanisms that govern the function of enzymes
                                                                                       and CRISPR-Cas systems, such as those used in gene editing. Jia’s research has provided
                                                                                       scientists with an enhanced understanding of the functions and structure of individual
                                                                                       atoms in biological molecules. In the case of her work on CRISPR-Cas systems, this detailed
Acknowledge and celebrate the excellence                                               knowledge is necessary if we are to demonstrate that gene-editing can be used in the
of outstanding postdoctoral scientists                                                 future to cure certain genetic diseases.

and engineers who work in New York,                                                   “If you want to have a career in the sciences, you have to enjoy science. Then, you will love spending
                                                                                       your time on it. My advisor Dinshaw Patel is a mentor for me, because his continuous passion in
New Jersey, and Connecticut.                                                           science inspires me.”

Young scientists are nominated by research
institutions across the New York region, and
Winners and Finalists are selected by a
group of senior scientists and engineers                                              ADRIAN PRICE-WHELAN
from institutions in this Tri-State Area.                                              2020 Regional Winner in Physical Sciences & Engineering
Winners are awarded US$30,000 each and                                                 Flatiron Institute
                                                                                      The innovative use of advanced statistical analysis and computational techniques by Adrian
Finalists are awarded US$10,000 each in                                               Price-Whelan, PhD, has unlocked one of the biggest mysteries of the universe—dark matter.
unrestricted funds.                                                                   Utilizing satellite data to analyze the motions of stars throughout the outer regions of the Milky
                                                                                      Way, Price-Whelan’s work has provided the first clear evidence of dark matter substructure in
                                                                                      the outskirts of our galaxy.

                                                                                      “Mentorship is one of the most consequential endeavors we undertake as scientists. My own
                                                                                       mentors have filled many different roles in my career, providing both scientific guidance and
                                                                                       encouragement, and serving as important role models. We each deserve to have, and should be
                                                                                       expected to provide, mentorship experiences that empower ourselves and our mentees to help all
                                                                                       scientists become more equitable, inclusive, and successful.”

                                                                                      ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ-RUIZ
                                                                                       2020 Regional Winner in Life Sciences
                                                                                       Cornell University (formerly at New York University)
                                                                                      Antonio Fernández-Ruiz, PhD, has expanded our understanding of how neurons in the brain
                                                                                      coordinate their activity to support our ability to form and recall memories. By uncovering
                                               ABOVE: 2018 Blavatnik Regional         the mechanisms of this coordinated activity in the brain, Fernández-Ruiz was also able to
                                               Awards Winner in Physical Sciences     alter how neurons are reactivated, demonstrating that memory can be improved artificially.
                                               & Engineering, Lingyan Shi.
                                                                                      “Science is not just a job. It is a lifestyle, and an incredibly fulfilling one. Pursuing an academic
                                                                                       career, nowadays, presents a path full of difficulties and obstacles, and what always gave
                                               LEFT: 2019 Blavatnik Regional Awards
                                               honorees with Brooke Grindlinger,       me strength was to remember the initial motivation that drew me into science—the need to
                                               Chief Scientific Officer, New York      understand the world around us.”
                                               Academy of Sciences, and Peter
                                               Thorén, Executive Vice President,
                                               Access Industries.

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BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
2021 Blavatnik                                                                                                                              Meet the 2021 Blavatnik Awards
                                                                                                                                                       National Laureates
National Awards                                                                           MIRCEA DINCĂ
                                                                                          2021 National Laureate in Chemistry
                                                                                          Massachusetts Institute of Technology

for Young Scientists                                                                      Most materials that conduct electricity are densely packed metals. Inorganic chemist
                                                                                          Mircea Dincă, PhD, has proven that certain porous materials—metal-organic frameworks
                                                                                          (or MOFs)—can also conduct electricity and be used in fuel cells and supercapacitors,
                                                                                          which play critical roles in green technology systems. Taking inspiration from how
                                                                                          individual molecules can conduct electricity, Dincă achieved a conducting MOF by weaving
Celebrate America’s most innovative and                                                   a network of conducting molecules into a porous solid. Dincă has operated his MOFs as
promising faculty-rank scientists and                                                     supercapacitors and can retain performance after repeated use, an essential property for
                                                                                          their use in commercial products. He is now partnering with Lamborghini to incorporate
engineers.                                                                                MOFs for energy storage in future electric supercars.

                                                                                         “What cool, new materials would I find if I could manipulate solids at the molecular level? Having a
Nominations are accepted from US-based                                                    job asking curiosity-driven questions is a privilege; the Blavatnik Award is wonderful reassurance
                                                                                          that curiosity-driven work is still important in our metric-driven culture.”
research institutions and the Blavatnik
National Awards Scientific Advisory
Council. Every year, one nominee in
each category is named a Blavatnik                                                       ANDREA ALÙ
                                                                                         2021 National Laureate in Physical Sciences & Engineering
National Awards Laureate and awarded                                                     Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center,
US$250,000 in unrestricted funds, with                                                   The City University of New York
additional nominees recognized as                                                         Engineer and physicist Andrea Alù, PhD, is challenging the limits of materials science, influencing
                                                                                          a wide range of engineering applications in electromagnetics, nano-optics, and acoustics. By
Finalists. Laureates and Finalists are                                                    tailoring the interactions of electromagnetic and acoustic waves with artificial materials, Alù is
selected by a jury composed of some of                                                    demonstrating, both theoretically and experimentally, how cleverly designed meta-materials can
                                                                                          push the boundaries of physics. His work leads to new and enhanced material technologies with
the United States’ most distinguished                                                     potential applications that include cellular communications, energy harvesting, radar cloaking,
scientists and engineers.                                                                 optical computing, and nano-optics.

                                                                                         “This fantastic recognition represents a great honor for me and my research group, and a unique
                                                                                          encouragement to continue pursuing our curiosity-driven research into the exciting opportunities
                                                                                          enabled by engineered materials and meta-materials.“

                                                                                          KAY M. TYE
                                                                                          2021 National Laureate in Life Sciences
                                                                                          Salk Institute for Biological Studies
                                                                                          Problems in processing reward, fear, and learning can cause a range of psychiatric disorders.
“Every year we see an increasing pool of outstanding candidates emerge in the             Neuroscientist Kay M. Tye, PhD, investigates the neural circuitry that drives these emotions
                                                                                          and cognitive abilities to understand addiction and depression. She discovered a neural
 Blavatnik National Awards selection, and it is indicative of the kind of prestige and    pathway that underlies an animal’s willingness to engage in compulsive, reward-seeking
 visibility these Awards have and continue to gain.”                                      behaviors despite negative consequences—a pattern observed in binge-eating and alcohol
                                                                                          use disorders. This neural circuitry could be a target for therapeutic interventions. Tye’s
ELAINE FUCHS                                                                              addiction research identified a collection of neurons that serve as a biomarker that predicts
NATIONAL MEDAL OF SCIENCE RECIPIENT                                                       whether an animal will develop compulsive binge-drinking behavior, even before being
                                                                                          exposed to alcohol.
THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY                                                               “It is an incredible honor for both myself and my incredible research team with whom I feel
CHAIR, 2021 BLAVATNIK NATIONAL AWARDS LIFE SCIENCES JURY                                  privileged to work. We are committed to continuing our efforts to understand the neural
                                                                                          mechanisms underlying emotional and social processing.”

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BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
2021 Blavatnik                                                                                                                                               Meet the 2021 Blavatnik Awards
                                                                                                                                                           Laureates in the United Kingdom
Awards for Young                                                                                                 DANIELE LEONORI
                                                                                                                2021 United Kingdom Laureate in Chemistry

Scientists in the
                                                                                                                The University of Manchester
                                                                                                                 Nearly all molecules of interest to chemists, including drug candidates and agrochemicals,
                                                                                                                 contain the elements carbon and nitrogen. However, bonds between these two atoms are
                                                                                                                 not always easy to form in the laboratory. Daniele Leonori, PhD, has shown that it is possible

United Kingdom
                                                                                                                 to form these strong bonds using visible light to catalyze, or accelerate, the chemical
                                                                                                                 reaction. This technique is starting to be applied by pharmaceutical companies to facilitate
                                                                                                                 new and efficient routes to lifesaving drugs and other valuable molecules.

                                                                                                                “I am deeply honored to be named the Blavatnik Laureate in Chemistry for the United Kingdom
                                                                                                                 and I owe this success to my outstanding students and postdoctoral researchers. It is their hard
Recognize and support outstanding                                                                                work and continuous ability to surprise me with new ways to look at chemistry that has led to all
                                                                                                                 of our major discoveries.”
young scientists and engineers working in
England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern
Ireland.                                                                                                         SINÉAD FARRINGTON
                                                                                                                2021 United Kingdom Laureate in Physical Sciences & Engineering
                                                                                                                The University of Edinburgh
Talented young academic staff across the                                                                         Sinéad Farrington, PhD, is a leading particle physicist working to understand how nature
                                                                                                                 works at its most fundamental level. She led a team of over 100 physicists at the ATLAS
UK are nominated by their university or                                                                          experiment at CERN, which in 2013 announced the first direct measurement of a Higgs
research institution, or by members of the                                                                       boson interacting with particles that make up matter in the universe, known as fermions.
                                                                                                                 Discovered only a year earlier by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN, the Higgs
Blavatnik Awards UK Scientific Advisory                                                                          boson is believed to give mass to all fermions through Yukawa interactions. The 2013
Council. Each year, one nominee in each                                                                          measurement provided the first direct experimental confirmation of Yukawa interactions by
                                                                                                                 establishing the Higgs boson’s interaction with a type of fermion known as a tau lepton. She
category is named a Blavatnik Awards UK                                                                          continues to lead efforts to explore the frontiers of particle physics, focusing on searches for
Laureate and awarded US$100,000 in                                                                               new particles beyond the Standard Model and developing future capabilities of ATLAS.

unrestricted funds, with two Finalists in                                                                       “High energy physics is a collaborative endeavor involving very talented individuals from around the
                                                                                                                 world, working together to build machines on a grand scale, and to analyze the data they generate
each category each receiving US$30,000 in                                                                        to help us understand how the universe works at its deepest levels. I am privileged to have been
unrestricted funds. Laureates and Finalists                                                                      able to contribute to this endeavor and to help provide some pieces of nature’s great puzzle.”
are selected by a jury of distinguished
scientists based in the UK.                                                                                      STEPHEN L. BRUSATTE
                                                                              ABOVE: 2020 Blavatnik Awards      2021 United Kingdom Laureate in Life Sciences
                                                                                in the UK Chemistry honorees
                                                                            celebrate at the awards ceremony    The University of Edinburgh
                                                                                               in London, UK.   Stephen L. Brusatte, PhD, is a paleontologist whose work describes the anatomy, genealogy,
                                                                                                                evolution, and extinction of the dinosaurs, the origin of birds from dinosaurs, and the
                                                                                                                expansion of mammalian species after dinosaur extinction. He has pioneered new techniques
                                                                                                                to study evolutionary transitions—periods of history which are similar to some of the sudden
                        “There are many prizes for senior scientists often at a time when they don’t            changes in climate occurring today. Brusatte is a leading expert on theropods, a group of
                         need them and frequently years after they’ve made their big discoveries. It            dinosaurs that includes Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and Allosaurus, and has described
                                                                                                                several new species. He is also a powerful science communicator, having penned a New York
                         is a really nice change to see scientists rewarded early in their career when          Times bestselling book, The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, authored numerous articles for
                                                       they have many great things ahead of them.”              Scientific American, and is the paleontology consultant for the upcoming 2022 science fiction
                                                                                                                adventure film, Jurassic World III.
                                                                   SIR VENKI RAMAKRISHNAN
                                                                                                                ”I’m incredibly honored to receive a Blavatnik Award. I’ve been so fortunate to be able to follow my
                                                                                  NOBEL LAUREATE
                                                                                                                 passion in studying dinosaurs and evolution. Dinosaurs are a gateway into science for so many
                                                            PRESIDENT EMERITUS, THE ROYAL SOCIETY                children, and I treasure the opportunities I have to spread my enthusiasm to the next generation.
                                                             MEMBER, THE BLAVATNIK AWARDS IN THE                 Fossils tell us how real animals and ecosystems have responded to real moments of environmental
                                                                   UK SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL                change over time—knowledge that has never been more important.”

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BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
2021 Blavatnik                                                                                             Meet the 2021 Blavatnik Awards
                                                                                                                      Laureates in Israel
Awards for Young                                       RAFAL KLAJN
                                                      2021 Israel Laureate in Chemistry
                                                      Weizmann Institute of Science

Scientists in                                          Most man-made materials are intrinsically static, and thus not capable of undergoing change
                                                       in response to external signals. The ability to react to external stimuli, such as light, heat, and
                                                       touch, is fundamental to the existence and functioning of living organisms. Organic chemist,
                                                       Rafal Klajn, PhD, has developed dynamic nanomaterials that are engineered to possess

                                                       some of these “life-like” characteristics. For example, he has created cube-shaped, magnetic
                                                       nanoparticles that are capable of self-assembling into complex double-helical materials in
                                                       the presence of a magnetic field. These and other dynamic nanomaterials have potential
                                                       applications in such diverse fields as water purification, energy storage, and catalysis.

                                                      “I am honored to be named the Blavatnik Laureate in Chemistry in Israel, an award that
Celebrate and support outstanding young                recognizes the hard work of many talented individuals in our laboratory, and that would not be
faculty-rank scientists in Israel.                     possible without the continued support of my family, colleagues, and mentors.”

Each year, one nominee in each category is
named a Blavatnik Awards Israel Laureate and           IDO KAMINER
                                                      2021 Israel Laureate in Physical Sciences & Engineering
awarded US$100,000 in unrestricted funds.             Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Nominations are accepted from all universities        The work of Ido Kaminer, PhD, Head of the Robert and Ruth Magid Electron Beam Quantum
in Israel and from the Blavatnik Awards               Dynamics Laboratory, has influenced fundamental physics research with real world applications
                                                      by transforming our understanding of the quantum nature of light-matter interactions. New
Israel Scientific Advisory Council. Laureates         technologies developed in his laboratory open up the possibility of compact and tunable
                                                      X-ray apparatuses for applications such as medical imaging and security scanning. He has
are selected by a jury of world-recognized
                                                      also uncovered new aspects of the Cherenkov Effect—a burst of light seen when high-speed
researchers working in Israel.                        particles travel through gas, liquid, or solid—that was first discovered in 1934. Thought to be
                                                      fully understood, Professor Kaminer has discovered hidden quantum features not previously
                                                      identified by classical physics. This discovery led him to develop novel high energy particle
The Blavatnik Awards in Israel are                    detectors for particle accelerators such as the one at CERN.

administered jointly by the New York Academy          “I am grateful for the honor and would like to thank my mentors and my students for sharing their
                                                       passion for science with me. My research strives to understand the roots of quantum mechanics,
of Sciences and the Israel Academy of
                                                       which forms the foundations of our physical reality. I wake up every morning knowing that the most
Sciences and Humanities.                               exciting discoveries are still ahead, and looking forward to sharing this science-journey with colleagues
                                                       and students for many more years.”

                                                      YOSSI YOVEL
                                                      2021 Israel Laureate in Life Sciences
                                                      Tel Aviv University
                                                      Yossi Yovel, PhD, is working to bridge the gap between two of the most influential fields in
“Each of this year’s winners demonstrate their        biology—ecology and neuroscience. He has helped to establish the new field of neuroecology,
                                                      the study of how the brain controls behavior in a rapidly changing natural environment; this
outstanding merit, their passion for pushing the      combination is crucial to our understanding of biological processes in the natural world. He is
                                                      a leading expert on the use of bats in scientific research and studies their use of echolocation
frontiers of scientific discovery, and their bright   to perceive and navigate through the world. He has developed novel miniaturized GPS and
future as part of a new generation of pioneering      other devices that monitor the behavior of freely moving bats in the wild. This work provides
                                                      broader insight into group behaviors, integration of sensory information in the brain, and real-
Israeli scientists.”                                  time decision making. Yovel also applies his understanding of bat echolocation in a range of
                                                      robots. Yovel has made his technology freely available; it is used in field work internationally
NILI COHEN                                            and has the potential to aid in engineering acoustic control of autonomous vehicles.
THE ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES         “When the border between facts and fake is fine, science should delineate it.”

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Blavatnik Science Scholars                                                                                                  REGIONAL FINALISTS
                                                                                                                            Xi Chen
                                                                                                                            Matthieu Gagnon
                                                                                                                                                  Andrew Goodwin
                                                                                                                                                  Henry Snaith
                                                                                                                                                                         UNITED KINGDOM
                                                                                                                                                                         Philipp Kukura
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ISRAEL LAUREATES
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Emmanuel Levy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Shruti Puri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Marc Schneeberger Pané
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yifei Zhang
In the fifteen years since its launch, the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists program has built an exceptional network   Kate Meyer            UNITED KINGDOM         Konstantinos Nikolopoulos   Guy Rothblum
                                                                                                                            Rachel Perry          FINALISTS              Ewa Paluch                  Igor Ulitsky             2021
of honorees whose members together represent one of the most dynamic, innovative, and cross-disciplinary
                                                                                                                            Eli Visbal            Timothy Behrens                                                             ISRAEL LAUREATES
communities in the world.                                                                                                   Kuang Yu              John Briggs            UNITED KINGDOM              UNITED KINGDOM           Ido Kaminer
                                                                                                                                                  Claudia de Rham        FINALISTS                   LAUREATES                Rafal Klajn
2007                      POSTDOCTORAL            FACULTY FINALISTS        Aydogan Ozcan            Peng Yin
                                                                                                                            2017                  Robert Hilton          Timothy Behrens             Timothy Behrens          Yossi Yovel
FACULTY WINNERS           WINNERS                 Michael Collins          Michael Rape             Feng Zhang
                                                                                                                            US NATIONAL           Andrew Levan           Gustav Holzegel             Claudia de Rham
Léon Bottou               Sreekanth Chalasani     Wei Min                  Leonardo Rastelli        Yi Zuo
                                                                                                                            LAUREATES             Philipp Kukura         Igor Larrosa                Kirsty Penkman           UNITED KINGDOM
George Malliaras          Ofer Feinerman                                   Melanie Sanford
                                                                                                                            Yi Cui                                       Kathy Niakan                                         LAUREATES
Ruslan Medzhitov          Eva Pastalkova          POSTDOCTORAL             William Shih             REGIONAL WINNERS
                                                                                                                            Melanie Sanford       US NATIONAL            Máire O’Neill               UNITED KINGDOM           Stephen L. Brusatte
Milan Stojanovic          Alexander Pechen        WINNERS                  Michael Strano           Hani Goodarzi
                                                                                                                            Feng Zhang            LAUREATES              Rachel O’Reilly             FINALISTS                Sinéad Farrington
Leslie B. Vosshall                                Andrey Feklistov         Alice Ting               Arash Nikoubashman
                                                                                                                                                  Janelle Ayres                                      Ian Chapman              Daniele Leonori
                          2010                    Michael Hahn             Sinisa Urban             Nicolás Young
                                                                                                                            US NATIONAL           Neal K. Devaraj        US NATIONAL                 Matthew Fuchter
FACULTY FINALISTS         FACULTY WINNERS         Robert Johnston          Peng Yin
                                                                                                                            FINALISTS             Sergei V. Kalinin      LAUREATES                   Stephen Goldup           UNITED KINGDOM
Antje Baeumner            Song-Hai Shi            Elisa Oricchio           Martin Zanni             REGIONAL FINALISTS
                                                                                                                            Andrea Alù                                   Emily Balskus               Eleanor Stride           FINALISTS
Christoph Bregler         Zoltan Haiman           Nicholas Stavropoulos                             Allyson Friedman
                                                                                                                            Matthew Becker        US NATIONAL            Heather J. Lynch            Amaury Triaud            John Marioni
Geoffrey Coates           Michal Lipson                                    REGIONAL WINNERS         Xiang Gao
                                                                                                                            Nicholas Dauphas      FINALISTS              Ana Maria Rey               Edze Rients Westra       David P. Mills
Antonio Giraldez          Evgeny Nudler           2013                     Clément Hongler          Jinzhong Lin
                                                                                                                            William Dichtel       Andrea Alù                                                                  Artem Mishchenko
Tarun Kapoor                                      FACULTY WINNERS          Jeremy Palmer            Yang Liu
                                                                                                                            Matthew Disney        Emily Balskus          US NATIONAL                 US NATIONAL              Matthew Powner
Scott Keeney              FACULTY FINALISTS       David Blei               Panteleimon Rompolas     Dennis Perepelitsa
                                                                                                                            Mohamed El-Naggar     Alexandra Boltasseva   FINALISTS                   LAUREATES                Themis Prodromakis
Philip Kim                Elza Erkip              Kristjan Haule                                    Ziv Shulman
                                                                                                                            Michael Fischbach     Edward Boyden          Andrea Alù                  Clifford Brangwynne      Edze Westre
Colin Nuckolls            David Evans             Patrick Holland          REGIONAL FINALISTS
                                                                                                    2016                    Nathan Gianneschi     Clifford Brangwynne    Clifford Brangwynne         William Dichtel
Kathryn Uhrich            Neal Weiner             Samie Jaffrey            Stephen Brohawn
                                                                                                                            Antonio Giraldez      Luis Campos            Chiara Daraio               Brian Metzger            US NATIONAL
                                                  Frans Pretorius          Dilek Colak              US NATIONAL
                                                                                                                            Julia Greer           Bianxiao Cui           William Dichtel                                      LAUREATES
2008                      POSTDOCTORAL                                     Nathaniel Craig          LAUREATES
                                                                                                                            Christy Haynes        Mircea Dincă           Xiangfeng Duan              US NATIONAL              Andrea Alù
FACULTY WINNERS           WINNERS                 POSTDOCTORAL             Knut Drescher            Phil Baran
                                                                                                                            Mark Hersam           Xiangfeng Duan         Viviana Gradinaru           FINALISTS                Mircea Dincă
Steve Gubser              Yaron Lipman            WINNERS                  Xiaowei Hou              David Charbonneau
                                                                                                                            Bo Huang              Jonathan Fortney       Mohammad Hafezi             Aditya Akella            Kay M. Tye
Laura Landweber           Haitao Liu              Jonathan Fisher          Jérémie Palacci          Michael Rape
                                                                                                                            Sergei V. Kalinin     Neil Garg              Christy Haynes              Andrea Alù
Tom Muir                  Daniela Schiller        Rachel Rosen
                                                                                                                                                  Christy Haynes         Ive Hermans                 Polina Anikeeva          US NATIONAL
                                                                           2015                     US NATIONAL             Jure Leskovec
                                                                                                                                                  Ryan Hayward           Liangbing Hu                Luis M. Campos           FINALISTS
FACULTY FINALISTS         POSTDOCTORAL            POSTDOCTORAL             US NATIONAL              FINALISTS               Stavros Lomvardas
                                                                                                                                                  Bo Huang               Michael Jewett              Cory Dean                Aditya Akella
Daphne Bavelier           FINALISTS               FINALISTS                LAUREATES                Andrea Alù              Franziska Michor
                                                                                                                                                  Jure Leskovec          Jeremiah Johnson            Guangbin Dong            Shannon Boettcher
Geoffrey Coates           Nicolas Reyes           Bi-Sen Ding              Christopher Chang        Alexei Borodin          Celeste Nelson
                                                                                                                                                  Zachary Lippman        Subhash Khot                Neil K. Garg             Brandi Cossairt
Christine Jacobs-Wagner   Agnel Sfeir             Emily Hodges             Edward Chang             Garnet Chan             Bradley Pentelute
                                                                                                                                                  Ying Shirley Meng      Jure Leskovec               Elena Gracheva           Paul Dauenhauer
Eric Lai                                          Mariangela Lisanti       Syed Jafar               Xin Chen                Antonis Rokas
                          2011                                                                                                                    Brian Metzger          Ying Shirley Meng           Viviana Gradinaru        Michael Fischbach
Kenneth Shepard                                   Jason MacGurn                                     Yi Cui                  Pardis Sabeti
                          FACULTY WINNERS                                                                                                         Franziska Michor       Brian Metzger               Kristen Grauman          Danna Freedman
Saeed Tavazoie                                    Xiankai Sun              US NATIONAL              Matthew Disney          Michael Strano
                          Johannes Gehrke                                                                                                         Joseph Mougous         Wei Min                     Mohammad Hafezi          Viviana Gradinaru
                                                                           FINALISTS                Pieter Dorrestein       Dmitri Talapin
                          Szabolcs Márka          2014                                                                                            Celeste Nelson         Joseph Mougous              Mohammad Hajiaghayi      Kristen Grauman
POSTDOCTORAL                                                               Phil Baran               Casey Dunn              Tommaso Treu
                                                  US NATIONAL                                                                                     Bradley Pentelute      Seth Murray                 Liangbing Hu             Kaiyu Guan
WINNERS                                                                    Bianxiao Cui             Michael Fischbach       Benjamin Tu
                          FACULTY FINALISTS       LAUREATES                                                                                       Joseph Subotnik        Nicholas Navin              Sun Hur                  Asegun Henry
Andrew Houck                                                               Yi Cui                   David Ginger, Jr.       Anastasia Volovich
                          Robert Anderson         Adam Cohen                                                                                      Benjamin Tu            David Nicewicz              Prashant K. Jain         Liangbing Hu
Andrey Pisarev                                                             Matthew Disney           Antonio Giraldez        Gleb Yushin
                          Charalampos Kalodimos   Marin Soljačić                                                                                  Anastasia Volovich     Mohammad R.                 Cigall Kadoch            Sun Hur
                                                                           Xiangfeng Duan           Jenny Greene
POSTDOCTORAL              Jun Korenaga            Rachel Wilson                                                             REGIONAL WINNERS      Emily Weiss              Seyedsayamdost            Subhash Khot             Prashant K. Jain
                                                                           Michael Fischbach        Julia Greer
FINALISTS                 Olga Troyanskaya                                                                                  June Huh              Gene Yeo               Joseph Subotnik             Maureen D. Long          Rebekka Klausen
                                                                           Eric Ford                Bo Huang
Alexei Aravin             Gerard Wysocki          US NATIONAL                                                               Andrew Ilott          Gleb Yushin            Benjamin tenOever           Julius B. Lucks          Houra Merrikh
                                                                           Markus Greiner           Sergei V. Kalinin
Matthew Evans                                     FINALISTS                                                                 Chao Lu                                      Benjamin Tu                 Houra Merrikh            Wei Min
                                                                           Rustem Ismagilov         Rob Knight
Valerie Horsley           POSTDOCTORAL            Phil Baran                                                                                      REGIONAL WINNERS       Emily Weiss                 Wei Min                  Hosea M. Nelson
                                                                           Jonathan Kagan           Nevan Krogan
Andreas Keller            WINNERS                 Helen Blackwell                                                           REGIONAL FINALISTS    Shruti Naik            Nieng Yan                   Seth Murray              Graham Neubig
                                                                           Ali Khademhosseini       Teri Odom
Shobha Vasudevan          Franck Oury             Garnet Chan                                                               Alan Healy            Lingyan Shi            Gene Yeo                    Aydogan Ozcan            Noah Planavsky
                                                                           Rob Knight               Aydogan Ozcan
                          Valentino Tosatti       Christopher Chang                                                         Chia Wei (Wade) Hsu   Lu Wei                                             Gary J. Patti            Stanley Qi
                                                                           Nevan Krogan             Oliver Rando
2009                                              Howard Chang                                                              Wilhelm Palm                                 REGIONAL WINNERS            Ryan A. Shenvi           Mikhail G. Shapiro
                                                                           Hakho Lee                Antonina Roll-Mecak
FACULTY WINNERS           POSTDOCTORAL            Peng Chen                                                                 Eunyong Park          REGIONAL FINALISTS     Laura Duvall                Emily A. Weiss           Sara Skrabalak
                                                                           Hening Lin               Pardis Sabeti
Paul Chirik               FINALISTS               Yi Cui                                                                    Ataman Sendoel        Samuel Bakhoum         Netta Engelhardt            Nieng Yan                Peter Turnbaugh
                                                                           Yueh-Lin Loo             Beth Shapiro
Carmala Garzione          Roberto Bonasio         Ruben Gonzalez                                                            Douglas Stanford      Niankai Fu             Juntao Ye                   Joel Yuen-Zhou           Kilian Weinberger
                                                                           Harmit Malik             Amit Singer
Rebecca Oppenheimer       Mary Kay Lobo           Ali Hajimiri                                                                                    Lucia Gualtieri                                                             Ahmet Yildiz
                                                                           Luciano Marraffini       Edward Valeev
Shai Shaham               Shaun Olsen             Patrick Hopkins                                                           2018                  Peter Schauss          REGIONAL FINALISTS          REGIONAL WINNERS         Andrea F. Young
                                                                           Aydogan Ozcan            Anastasia Volovich
                          Ruth Van De Water       Ali Javey                                                                 ISRAEL LAUREATES      Priyanka Sharma        Derya Akkaynak              Antonio Fernández-Ruiz   Guihua Yu   
                                                                           Abhay Pasupathy          Leor Weinberger
FACULTY FINALISTS                                 Jonathan Kagan                                                            Charles Diesendruck   Zhe Zhang              Igor Dikiy                  Ning Jia                 Wenjun Zhang
                          2012                                             Michael Rape             Feng Zhang
Tamas Horvath                                     Ali Khademhosseini                                                        Anat Levin                                   Carla Nasca                 Adrian Price-Whelan
                          FACULTY WINNERS                                  Jared Rutter
Lam Hui                                           Rob Knight                                                                Oded Rechavi          2019                   Liling Wan
                                                                           Melanie Sanford          REGIONAL WINNERS
Daniel Sigman             Andrei Bernevig                                                                                                         ISRAEL LAUREATES       Matthew Yankowitz           REGIONAL FINALISTS
                                                  Harmit Malik             Michael Strano           William Anderegg
Denis Zorin               Jason Fridley                                                                                     UNITED KINGDOM        Moran Bercovici        Yaping Zang                 Zahra Abdollahnejad
                                                  Sarkis Mazmanian         Alice Ting               Jian Li
                          Alison Galvani                                                                                    LAUREATES             Erez Berg                                          Amelia Escolano
                                                  Teri Odom                Ashvin Vishwanath        Tomoyasu Mani
                          Assaf Naor                                                                                        M. Madan Babu         Michal Rivlin                                      Xianwen Mao

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
BLAVATNIK AWARDS For Young Scientists - THE - The New York ...
Blavatnik Science Scholars                                                                                                                    Blavatnik Science Scholars
In the News                                                                                                                            Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic
Oded Rechavi pieces together fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls by testing the DNA of                                                     In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Blavatnik Scholars are rising to the challenge as
the animal hide scrolls.                                                                                                                society calls on scientists to help tackle this virus, from predicting and detecting disease
CNN | June 2, 2020                                                                                                                         spread to identifying effective treatments and researching new vaccine technologies.
Ruslan Medzhitov reveals allergies may be caused by immune systems being overwhelmed                                                  Pardis Sabeti uses genetic sequencing to track the spread of COVID-19 and develops
by the many artificial chemicals common in modern life.                                                                                              models to predict the most sensitive and accurate detection methods.
The Washington Post | January 23, 2021                                                                                                                                                          MIT News | April 29, 2020
Claudia de Rham helps break down the science of Christopher Nolan’s latest film, “Tenet.”                                                                                          The Washington Post | October 13, 2020
Los Angeles Times | September 4, 2020                                                                                                                              Feng Zhang develops an app to track hotspots and creates
William R. Dichtel develops techniques to recycle the plastic foam in mattresses and                                                                                              the first CRISPR-based test for COVID-19.
cushions that usually go to landfills.                                                                                                                                                                 CNBC | April 8, 2020
Anthropocene | May 21, 2020                                                                                                                                                               The New York Times | May 5, 2020

Janelle Ayres discovers that infections in the gut can impact maternal instincts in mice.                                                     Nevan Krogan discovers existing drugs that could be used to treat COVID-19.
The Irish Times | February 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                  The New York Times | March 22, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                  San Francisco Chronicle | April 30, 2020
Liangbing Hu creates a transparent wood-based bioplastic that is stronger and lighter
than glass.                                                                                                                          Alison Galvani identifies the most effective public health measures, including testing,
New Scientist | January 27, 2021                                                                                                                           isolation, and vaccination, for stopping the spread of COVID-19.
SciTechDaily | March 26, 2021                                                                                                                                                                 Medical Xpress | April 6, 2020
Plastics Today | March 29, 2021                                                                                                                                                    The New York Times | November 5, 2020

Ian Chapman takes the first steps to achieve a nuclear fusion facility in the United Kingdom.                                        Philipp Kukura develops mass photometry technology that is now being used to study
BBC News | October 29, 2020                                                                     ABOVE: Blavatnik Regional
                                                                                                                                    interactions between the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the ACE2 receptor.
New Scientist | December 2, 2020                                                                     Awards Winner Alison
                                                                                                      Galvani and Blavatnik          Rob Knight and Eugene Yeo build a platform for citizen scientists to collect COVID-19
Netta Engelhardt uncovers new clues as to how gravity works at a subatomic level,
                                                                                                   National Awards Finalist                                    samples to rapidly understand the virus’ spread and risk.
                                                                                                   Pardis Sabeti have been
potentially upsetting Stephen Hawking’s theories of black holes.                                        constant resources
                                                                                                                                                                                        UC San Diego News | April 9, 2020
Symmetry Magazine | March 23, 2021                                                               throughout the COVID-19                                                                      ScienceDaily | March 2, 2021
                                                                                                   pandemic. Galvani (top)
Kirsty Penkman develops methods to more accurately date archaeological samples using
                                                                                                     participates in a public   Yi Cui identifies methods for disinfecting N95 facial masks without reducing their effectiveness.
                                                                                                     health roundtable with
amino acid racemization.                                                                              2020 US presidential
                                                                                                                                                                                           The Stanford Daily | March 31, 2020
Chemistry World | March 5, 2020                                                                   candidate Senator Bernie                                                       Chemical & Engineering News | June 24, 2020
                                                                                                   Sanders (Photographer:
Current World Archaeology | May 27, 2020                                                          Erin Kirkland/Bloomberg          Moran Bercovici develops a microfluidic technique to sift particles of different sizes that
                                                                                                     via Getty Images) and
Shirley Meng creates a new sodium-ion conductor for high-performance batteries.                 Sabeti (bottom) tracks dis-
                                                                                                                                       could create a test for COVID-19 that is faster and more accurate than PCR testing.
SciTechDaily | February 23, 2021                                                                 ease spread us­ing genetic                                                               The Jerusalem Post | May 7, 2020
                                                                                                 sequencing to identify the
Paul Chirik designs and synthesizes a new plastic that can be more easily recycled than
                                                                                                   most effective detection              Julius Lucks tracks viral content in sewage to rapidly identify COVID-19 hotspots.
                                                                                                   and treatment methods.
conventional plastics.                                                                                                                                                                 Chicago Tribune | November 17, 2020
SciTechDaily | January 26, 2021                                                                                                                                                     Scientific American | December 1, 2020
Plastics Today | February 10, 2021

                                                  “If it works, it really does offer a path to much more compact
                                                  fusion power plants, in a much more cost-competitive way to
                                                                                   delivering fusion here on Earth.”
                                                                                                 IAN CHAPMAN
                                                   2020 BLAVATNIK AWARDS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM FINALIST ON
                                                    THE IMPACT OF HIS TEAM’S EXPERIMENTAL FUSION GENERATOR
                                                                     SPEAKING TO BBC NEWS | OCTOBER 29, 2020
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
       The Blavatnik Family Foundation is an active supporter of world-renowned educational,
        scientific, cultural and charitable institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom,
         Israel, Russia and other countries throughout the world. The foundation is headed by
         Len Blavatnik, a global industrialist and philanthropist and the founder and chairman
           of Access Industries, a privately held industrial group based in the U.S. with global
       strategic interests. Visit or

                                  NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
         The New York of Academy of Sciences is an independent, not-for-profit organization
          that since 1817 has been committed to advancing science for the benefit of society.
        With more than 20,000 Members in 100 countries, the Academy advances scientific
         and technical knowledge, addresses global challenges with science-based solutions,
        and sponsors a wide variety of educational initiatives at all levels for STEM and STEM
           related fields. The Academy hosts programs and publishes content in the life and
       physical sciences, the social sciences, nutrition, artificial intelligence, computer science,
        and sustainability. The Academy also provides professional and educational resources
                            for researchers across all phases of their careers.
           Please visit us online at and follow us on Twitter @NYASciences.

             The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities is the preeminent scientific
           institution in Israel. It was established by law in 1961 and acts as a national focal
              point for Israeli scholarship in all branches of the sciences, social sciences,
              and humanities. The Academy comprises 132 of Israel’s most distinguished
           scientists and scholars who operate in two divisions—the Sciences Division and
           the Humanities Division. It is tasked with promoting Israeli scientific excellence,
             advising the government on scientific matters of national interest, publishing
              scholarly research of lasting merit, and maintaining active contact with the
                        broader international scientific and scholarly community.
       Please visit us online at and follow us on Twitter @IsraelAcademy.

FAMILY FOUNDATION                  @BlavatnikAwards      
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