February 2019 - Kubatana.net

Page created by Marcus Freeman
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
February 2019
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation

    Zimbabwe’s Dark Moment Celebrated as ‘Dawn of a
                      new era’

   Zimbabweans were unaware it was the dawn of a new error when they marched in support of the military coup in November 2017

Two phrases, “The people have spoken”     Following the November 2017 coup, the among government workers.
and “The voice of the people is the voice of
                                          military consolidated its power and con-
                                                                                    Zimbabweans resorted to street protests
God” , were frequently used by the ZANU   trol of both government and the ruling
                                                                                    and the government responded with brute
PF leadership to sanitise the November    ZANU PF party.
                                                                                    force by deploying armed soldiers who
2017 military coup that resulted in Presi-
                                          The military’s ugly hand in the much dis- shot 12 civilians while about 80 were left
dent Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ascendency
                                          puted 2018 elections was quite apparent nursing gunshot injuries.
to power and the ultimate ouster of former
                                          and this was evidenced by the shooting of
President, Robert Mugabe.                                                           Over a 1 000 civilians were arrested with
                                          7 civilians during protests against elec-
                                                                                    the government giving the courts a di-
As Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) we toral fraud on August 1, 2018 in Harare.
                                                                                    rective to fast track the trials of the arrest-
maintained that the army was intervening As if that was not enough, the army was
                                                                                    ed persons. This resulted in lawyers tak-
in order to deal with ZANU PF factional to be deployed in high density suburbs of
                                                                                    ing to the streets in protest against the

                                                                                         capture of the judiciary.
fights Irather than national issues) and Harare where they terrorised residents.
that their actions would further escalte                                                 Despite international condemnation, re-
                                            This was coming at a time the nation and
the constitutional crisis in the country.                                                ports of rape, torture and abductions be-
                                            the international community had been
                                                                                         ing perpetrated by the army continue to
Our position was in contrast to the beliefs made to believe that Zimbabwe was in a
                                                                                         be recorded.
and sentiments among ordinary citizens new dispensation.
that the removal of Mugabe would end                                                     Regardless of the video evidence and pic-
                                            Following the much discredited 2018 elec-
decades of repression.                                                                   tures of police and army harassing and
                                            tions, Zimbabwe’s constitutional crisis
                                                                                         beating up citizens, both the army and
Little did Zimbabweans know of what was worsened by the legitimacy crisis on
                                                                                         police continue to deny the involvement of
awaited them after the ouster of Mugabe the part of President Mnangagwa and this
                                                                                         their members in these acts of brutality.
through a military coup which they cele- inevitably came with negative implications
brated as independence.                     on democracy and economic development.       This publication seeks to reveal how
                                                                                         Mnangagwa’s administration, which came
The ascendency of President Mnangagwa          As the economy continued on a downward
                                                                                         in through a military coup, has further
to power actually escalated the Zim-           trend under Mnangagwa’s rule and with
                                                                                         worsened the human rights situation in
bawean crisis and saw the increased mili-      the government abdicating on its social
                                                                                         the country through increased militarisa-
tarisation of the Zimbabwean state with        protection role, there was unrest among
                                                                                         tion of the State.
the cinstitution virtually suspended.          the generality of Zimbabweans including
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation

Will the Shootings Ever End: A Time Line of Military’s
          Involvement in Zimbabwe’s Politics
That the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) has
been and continues to be involved in Zimba-
bwe’s politics and in disregard of the country’s
constitution is quite crystal.

Any attempts to refute this is nothing but cheap

History has it on record that the Zimbabwe
National Army would fight in ZANU PF’s corner
whenever the party was at its weakest.

Between 1983 and 1987, the Zimbabwe National
Army engineered what today is known as Guku-
rahundi following contestations of power and
control between ZANU and ZAPU. The Guku-
rahundi was a series of massacres of Ndebele
civilians carried out by the Zimbabwe National
Army. A compromised unity accord was signed
between ZANU and ZAPU which led to the for-
mation of ZANU PF.

Fast forward to the formation of the main oppo-
sition, the Movement for Democratic Change,          Retired army General and Vice President of Zimbabwe referring to the national constitution
senior military personnel are always on record
                                                     responsible for political violence in rural areas  January 2018- Zanu (PF) Political Commissar,
that they will not allow the ascendancy of oppo-
                                                     and revealed that the army was supplying arms      Rt Lt General Engelbert Rugeje laid bare the
sition members to the Presidency.
                                                     and trucks to paramilitary groups aligned to       army’s involvement in elections in a warning to
                                                     Zanu (PF)                                          Gutu villagers. He narrated his involvement in
Prior to the 2002 Presidential elections, Zimba-
                                                                                                        politics while he was still a member of the Zim-
bwe’s Military Chief, the late Vitalis Zvinavashe
                                                     On the eve of the bloody June 2008 run-off         babwe National Army and said, “We are getting
publicly announced that they will not allow
                                                     election, Lieutenant General Rugeje who was        towards important elections this year. I came
opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai to run the
                                                     deployed in Masvingo said the army will drive      here in 2008 when things were bad. I don’t
country even if he wins elections.
                                                     people to polling stations to ensure they vote for know where Masvingo had got this spirit and I
                                                     President Mugabe, “We are soldiers. We do not      came and sorted things out. I came back again
Zvinavashe was supported by service chiefs who
                                                     ask for things but we force things. On Friday, we in 2013 and led the campaign team and I moved
included Army Commander and now Vice Presi-
                                                     are going to make sure that you go and vote, not around the province addressing rallies and the
dent, Constantine Chiwenga, Air Force Chief
                                                     for any person of your choice but for President    results were impressive.”
and now Minister of Lands and Agriculture,
                                                     Mugabe. I am not asking you to do so but will
Perrence Shiri and the then Police Commis-
                                                     force you to go and vote.”                         December 2016- Masvingo Minister of State,
sioner General, Augustine Chihuri.
                                                                                                        Josiah Hungwe threatened to deploy the army if
                                                     2009- Defence Forces Commander, Constan-           Zanu (PF) loses the 2018 elections. He said, “Yes
The Crisis Team tracks the record of the army
                                                     tine Chiwenga said they will not allow the MDC we can go to war. We can hire our army. Our
as well as police involvement in politics;
                                                     -T to take over-even if they win elections- be-    soldiers can come in to help us. Don’t forget
                                                     cause the party was foreign driven.                what Rugeje (then Lieutenant General) did in
January 2002- Defence Forces Chief, Vitalis
                                                                                                        Masvingo in 2008. We can call him again in
Zvinavashe warned journalists against report-
                                                      February 2011- A report by the Zimbabwe           2018.”
ing on the army’s actions including their in-
                                                     Peace Project (ZPP) revealed that the military
volvement in politics and elections
                                                     and war veterans were leading a violent crusade     December 2017- Presidential Advisor, Chris
                                                     against opposition party supporters in rural        Mutsvangwa said, “We are going to campaign for
August 2007- Prisons Boss, Paradzai Zimhon-
                                                     areas. The report announced that Douglas Nyi-       Zanu (PF) along with our army which is the best
di said he would take up arms and fight if Mu-
gabe loses the 2008 elections                        kayaramba, who was Brigadier General by then,       in the world and also traditional leaders”
March 2008- The then police Commissioner             had warned chiefs that they will have a case to
General, Augustine Chihuri in a statement            answer if President Mugabe loses the 2013 elec-     Recent reports of the army campaigning for
aimed at the late MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvang-       tions.                                              Zanu (PF) in rural areas as well as the continued
irai and Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn leader Simba                                                                militarization of the Zimbabwe Electoral Com-
Makoni said, “This must serve as warning to          January 2012- Major General Douglas Nyi-            mission (ZEC) are disturbing and certainly take
puppets. We will not allow any puppets to take       kayaramba described MDC-T leader and then           away prospects of free, fair and credible polls.
charge.”                                             Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai as a national
                                                     security threat and suggested that the military
                                                                                                         In August 2018-The army was deployed in
                                                     should step in and deal with him
March 2008- Defence Forces Commander, Con-           December 2013- The then Police Commissioner         Harare Metropolitan province to ‘assist’ the
stantine Chiwenga threatened to overthrow the                                                            Zimbabwe Republic Police in controlling citizens
                                                     General, Augustine Chihuri said himself and
constitutional order if President Mugabe lost the                                                        who were demonstrating peacefully following
2008 elections.                                      the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) were not
                                                     apologetic for supporting the ruling party, Zanu    revelations that the Zimbabwe Electoral Com-
He said, “Elections are coming up and the army
                                                     (PF) and implored police officers to ensure Zanu    mission was attempting to rig elections in favour
will not support or salute sell-outs and agents of
the West before, during and after the Presiden-      (PF’s) continued stay in power                      of the ruling ZANU PF party. Six innocent people
tial elections. We will not support any one other                                                        were killed by the army.
than President Mugabe who has sacrificed a lot
                                                     March 2014- Air Force of Zimbabwe Boss, Per-
for the country.                                                                                         In January 2019-The army was deployed to
                                                     rence Shiri celebrated Zanu (PF’s) victory and
When asked about the role of the army in de-                                                             deal with citizens who protested against in-
mocracy, Chiwenga said, “Are you mad? What is        announced that the MDC-T (which he labeled as
                                                     a party of puppets) was sliding into extinction.    crease in the cost of living. It is reported that the
wrong about the army supporting the President
against the election of sell-outs?”                  Shiri was speaking at the burial of the late Wing   army is still leading operations in most commu-
April 2008- A report by Human Rights Watch           Commander Brian Muchenje                            nities. Cases of women abuse and human rights
accused the Zimbabwean Military of being                                                                 are reportedly increasing.
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
  The gun blocking democracy, economic development
                     in Zimbabwe

Following the November          2019 deployed heavily armed    pointed out in November          Extract from the Monthlante Commission
2017 military coup which        soldiers against protestors    2017, a serious threat to        Recommendations ...pg 50
ousted former leader, Robert    who were demonstrating         constitutionalism and de-
Mugabe, Zimbabwe was            against the increased cost of  mocracy and the continued        Enforcement of Law and Order
plunged into a constitutional   living in the country.         militarization of the Zimba-
crisis and the situation was                                   bwean state has clearly          1.    The Commission recommends that
worsened by the increased       The soldiers fired live ammu- stood in the way of democra-            Parliament should give consideration
militarization of the State.    nition at the protestors and   cy ad economic development.            to aligning the POSA with the provi-
                                12 lives were lost while                                              sions of the Constitution on the de-
.What followed was a disput- about 78 people were left         We reiterate that the army             ployment of the Military internally.
ed election held on July 30,    nursing gunshot injuries.      must go to the barracks
2018 and the army’s hand in                                    where they belong for the        2.    Police should be equipped with the
the much discredited elec-      The  soldiers  went on a ram-  sake of democracy and eco-             necessary skills and capacity for deal-
tion was very much appar-       page abducting and tortur-     nomic development.                     ing with rioters.
ent.                            ing civilians in various sub-
                                urbs around the country.       We note with concern that        3.    Whilst the use of the Military to assist
t has to be noted that prior                                   current efforts at peace ad            the Police for the control of public
to the elections, the ruling    The gruesome activities by     national dialogue are being            order, is recognised worldwide, this
party, Zanu PF, had openly      the military also resulted in  blocked by the army who                should only be resorted to as a last
declared that they would        the rape of women especially continue to terrorize civilians          measure in extraordinary situations
campaign with the assis-        in Harare.   Cases of masked   despite a pledge by President    4.    The Commission recommends in the
tance of the army while sen- and armed soldiers having         Mnangagwa to investigate               interests of national cohesion and the
ior Zanu PF officials openly    unprotected sex with the       the so called rogue soldiers.
                                victims have been recorded.                                           protection of all citizens, that the Po-
boasted that Zimbabwean                                                                               lice should be further trained to be
soldiers were ready to shoot                                   In the same vein, we implore
                                We are concerned that the      President Mnangagwa to                 professional and non-partisan.
for President Emmerson          government has been trying
Mnangagwa and block oppo- to play cheap propaganda             walk the talk on his ledge for   5.    he Military should conduct an imme-
sition ascendancy to power.                                    peace and national dialogue.           diate and full audit of its standing
                                saying that the gruesome
                                acts  were  committed  by      Current actions by the mili-           orders and procedures for engagement
And when Zimbabweans                                                                                  in law and order enforcement opera-
took to the streets to protest ‘rogue soldiers’.               tary serve as the biggest
                                                                                                      tions, including riot control, in order
against electoral fraud on                                     deterrent to foreign invest-
                                The stance by the govern-      ments and will further alien-          to identify in an appropriate public
August 1, 2018, armed sol-      ment adds salt to the inju-                                           report the lessons learnt and the tai-
diers responded with brute                                     ate the country from the
                                ries of Zimbabweans who        international community yet            lored safeguards and targeted training
force and this resulted in the have been and continue to                                              to be undertaken to prevent any ill-
murder of 7 civilians while                                    the government would want
                                be affected by the army bru- to blame civic society organi-           discipline that could lead to loss of life
several others sustained        tality.                                                               and injury in the future on the part of
gunshot wounds.                                                zations for ‘inviting sanc-
                                                               tions’.                                its forces in highly politicised, tense,
                                The Zimbabwe National Ar-                                             and stressful situations of crowd con-
The army was later to be        my has a long history of
deployed in the country’s                                      We also need to put it on              trol. This would include the firing of
                                defying the constitution and record that the Zimbabwe                 warning shots not in accordance with
high density suburbs where      openly engaging in politics in National Army has become
they terrorized civilians and                                                                         its standing operational procedures.
                                support of Zanu PF.            the biggest threat to the
also persecuted opposition                                                                      6.    The Military, in conjunction with the
and civic society activists     It has to be noted that senior security of the Zimbabwean             Police, should consider and adopt
who had to flee for safety.     army officials are on record   citizenry and ultimately na-
                                                               tional stability.                      contingency policies and plans for
                                threatening to unleash war                                            emergency situations when the exi-
The Monthalnte Commis-          in the event that Zanu PF’s
sion, which was instituted to hold on power is threatened. Below is a link to a Crisis in             gencies of time do not permit detailed
investigate the August 1                                       Zimbabwe Coalition detailing           consultations so that there are no
killings, condemned the         The army, since the military the army’s involvement in                gaps in the applicable procedure or
heavy-handed approach by        coup of November 2017, has the politics of the country                any uncertainties or ambiguities, and
the soldiers.                   emerged as the biggest viola- against the dictates of the             that a workable operational plan at all
                                tors of the country’s consti-  country’s supreme law                  levels is prepared in advance of any
Despite the recommenda-         tution and so much has                                                future possible disturbances. The
tions by the Monthlante         been their brutality that they                                        important point is that corporate fail-
Cmmission to the effect that have failed to respect the                                               ings must be prevented in the future.
the government should de-       right to life.
sist from deploying armed                                                                       7.    The use of live ammunition as warning
soldiers against civilians, the The military coup of Novem-                                           shots should be discouraged and
government on January 14,       ber 2017 was, as we rightly                                           should only be used in limited circum-
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
CiZC calls for an all inclusive national dialogue
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC)                 rape and other forms of brutali-        aimed at achieving inclusive
welcomes calls for national dialogue as             ty by the army continue to be           sustainable economic growth
a way of resolving the multi faceted                recorded.                               and development.
crisis bedeviling the country.
                                              The     government has apparently         The Government of Zimbabwe must
It is CiZC’s long held view that following
                                                    failed to uphold fundamental            uphold and guarantee citizens’
the disputed July 30, 2018 elections, a
national dialogue was critical in resolv-           human rights including the              rights as enshrined in the Zim-
ing the Zimbabwean crisis.                          right to life as evidenced by its       babwean Constitution and oth-
                                                    continued deployment of armed           er regional and international
We reiterate that a national dialogue, in           soldiers agaunst civilians              human rights treaties and stat-
its nature, should be inclusive and not                                                     utes. Full implementation of
necessarily be a political dialogue           The media, particularly the state -           the country’s constitution is
among political parties.                          controlled media continues to             equally imporatant in promot-
In this briefing, we highlight our con-           be partial while perpetuating             ing democracy in Zimbabwe.
cerns over the Zimbabwean issue as                divisions in society and brazen-
well as our expectations from the na-             ly attacking civil society as plot-   The Government of Zimbabwe must
tional dialogue process;                          ting to subvert Zimbabwe’s con-           respect the fundamental right
                                                  stitutional democracy. We are             of access to information, free-
CiZC concerns                                     concerned that the government,            dom of expression as well as
   Zimbabwe has not fully implement-              through the State media, con-             freedom of association.
       ed the 2013 Constitution. The              tinues to criminalize the work of
                                                  civic society.                        There is need to immediately opera-
       implementation of the constitu-
                                                                                            tionalise a comprehensive pro-
       tion has been slow and there is
                                              At a time there is national outcry            gramme on national healing,
       limited movement in repealing
                                                  over the deteriorating economic           reconciliation and nation
       repressive legislation which is
                                                  situation in the country, there           building that will depolarise
       in conflict with the constitution.
                                                  is an apparent attempt by the             society and entrench the re-
       Society continues to call for
                                                  State to silence dissenting voic-         spect for diversity, inclusion
       security sector and media re-
                                                  es through arbitrary arrests,             and tolerance in all facets of
       forms and there are concerns
                                                  beatings, abductions and                  life.
       over the non-implementation of
                                                  threatening civil society leaders
       recommendations by the SADC                                                      The army must desist from parti-
                                                  and trade unionists. At the
       Election Observer Mission to                                                         san politics and confide them-
                                                  same time, the government has
       facilitate for diaspora voting.                                                      selves to the barracks. There is
                                                  apparently failed to walk the
                                                  talk in as far as eradicating             an imperative need to de-
   There is a perpetual economic melt-
                                                  corruption is concerned.                  militarise the Zimbabwean
        down (resulting from the cur-
        rent political crisis) which has
                                          Way forward
        resulted in high levels of infla-                                               There is need for non-interference
        tion and an increase in domes-       It is our conviction that the nation-          into the work of institutions
        tic debt which has compro-                 al dialogue process must in-             that support democracy. This
        mised the government’s capaci-             volve all stakeholders and a             again calls for full implementa-
        ty for the provision of social             national visioning process that          tion and respect of the coun-
        services and social protection             has civil society, government,           try’s constitution. Also, govern-
        for ordinary citizens. The unrest          political parties, business, reli-       ment must not be seen to be
        within the civil service has also          gious groups and labour un-              criminalising the work of civic
        impacted negatively on ordinary            ions among other critical                society orgaisations.
        citizens and has the potential of          stakeholders. The dialogue
        fuelling more conflicts in Zim-            process should produce a             CiZC holds the firm view that im-
        babwe.                                     clearly timed roadmap to the             plementation of electoral re-
                                                   demilitarisation of civilian po-         forms is critical as a way of
   The Zimbabwean society is heavily               litical processes and the resto-         doing away with disputed elec-
        divided and polarised and there            ration of normalcy by focusing           tions that often resukt in a
        is huge trust deficit character-           on key political, economic and           legitimacy crisis which comes
        ised by a perpetuation of politi-          social reforms. In this regard,          with negative impacts on de-
        cal polarisation in post-election          we call for FULL CONSULTA-               mocracy and economic devel-
        period.                                    TION of civic society rather             opment
                                                   than cosmetic processes.
   Military involvement in civilian pro-
        cesses - The events of August        It is imperative to arrest the eco-
        01, 2018 and 14 – 16 January               nomic downturn in Zimbabwe
        2019 which resulted in the                 based on a clear reform
        shooting of 12 unarmed civil-              roadmap and implementation
        ians in the full glare of both             of pro-poor and inclusive eco-
        regional and international me-             nomic policies. Efforts at eco-
        dia is evidence of the above. We           nomic transformation, stabili-
        note with concern that cases of            sation and growth should be
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
 Zimbabwean communication blackout flouts the law
MISA Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights’ filed an urgent court application challenging the use of the Inter-
ception of Communications Act to wholly suspend communications has been set. The application was heard on Monday 21 Janu-
ary 2019 at 14.30 before Justice Owen Tagu who ruled in favour of the applicant.

Zimbabwe experienced an Internet shutdown that lasted from the early hours of Tuesday 15 January 2019. Government in terms
of the Interception of Communications Act initiated this prolonged shutdown. MISA Zimbabwe submits that this is an abuse of the
snooping law that was passed in 2007 in preparation for the contested 2008 elections.

In their application, MISA Zimbabwe and the ZLHR sought an order revoking the warrant of interception that was issues and used
to justify this four-day Internet shutdown.

The Constitutional Guarantee of Free-         through a telecommunication, postal or any   “directives” ordering them to shut down
dom of Expression                             other related service or system in Zimba-    services, which suggests that the Govern-
                                              bwe; to provide for the establishment of a   ment relied on section 6(2) to close down
Section 61 of the Constitution guarantees
                                              monitoring centre; and to provide for any    the Internet. If the Government did so, it
the right to freedom of expression which,
                                              other matters connected with or incidental   was wrong. The section cannot be con-
it says, includes:
                                              to the foregoing.’’                          strued as impliedly giving the Minister
“freedom to seek, receive and communicate                                                  such a drastic power, a power far exceed-
                                              The Act allows a Minister to issue war-
ideas and other information”.                                                              ing those the Act expressly gives him un-
                                              rants authorising the interception of com-
                                                                                           der a warrant – a power moreover which is
It is one of the most precious of all human   munications and, instead of warrants, to
                                                                                           not even hinted at in the long title of the
rights because, together with freedom of      issue directives. The scope of these war-
association, it forms the bedrock of de-      rants and directives are as follows:
mocracy.                                                                                  What section 6(2) obviously means is that
                                              Interception Warrants
                                                                                          if the Minister is asked for a warrant au-
International Law
                                            Section 5 of the Act allows officials respon- thorising the authorities to intercept
The Constitution must be interpreted in     sible for state security and crime investi-   someone’s communications, the Minister
the light of international law. Freedom of  gation  to apply  for warrants authorising    can instead issue a directive authorising a
expression is recognised internationally as the “interception” of communications, and different, less intrusive, type of eavesdrop-
a fundamental human right, protected by section 6(1) goes on to empower a Minister ping: for example, a directive ordering an
both the International Covenant on Civil    to issue a warrant in response to such an ISP to disclose who the person has been
and Political Rights (article 19) and the   application. Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Act communicating with, how often, and
Universal Declaration of Human Rights       make it clear that a warrant can only au-     when.
(article 19).                               thorise the interception of communica-
                                                                                          Who is the Minister responsible for the
                                            tions, and “intercept” is defined in section
In 2018 the United Nations Human Rights                                                   Interception of Communications Act?
                                            2 of the Act as meaning listening to, re-
Council passed a resolution:
                                            cording or copying electronic communica- The Act was originally assigned to the
·    affirming that the same rights people  tions, or reading or copying communica-       Minister of Transport and Communica-
have offline must also be protected online, tions sent by post.                           tions, but the President has power under
in particular freedom of expression, and                                                  section 104(1) of the Constitution to as-
                                            Interception does not therefore extend to
                                                                                          sign it to some other Minister or even to
·    condemning unequivocally measures      stopping communications from being sent,
                                                                                          reserve its administration to himself. In SI
in violation of international human rights  or shutting down communication sys-
                                                                                          212 of 2018 the President chose to reserve
law that prevent or disrupt an individual’s tems. Warrants, in other words, permit        the administration of the Act to him-
ability to seek, receive or impart infor-   the Government to snoop but not to stop.
                                                                                          self. Hence the word “Minister” must be
mation online, and calling upon all States Directives                                     read as “President” wherever it appears in
to refrain from and cease such measures.                                                  the Act.
                                            Section 6(2) of the Act states that where
The Interception of Communications                                                        Whatever else the Minister of State Securi-
                                            the Minister receives an application for a
Act                                                                                       ty may be, he is not the President – or
                                            warrant, he may instead issue “any di-
“An Act to provide for the lawful intercep- rective …  not  involving any interception or wasn’t at the time of writing, at least – and
tion and monitoring of certain communi-     monitoring   of communications”.              does not have authority to issue warrants
cations in the course of their transmission                                               and directives under the Act.
                                            Notices issued by some ISPs referred to
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
                                    Relieving August 1 Shootings

Gavin Dean Charlesaged 45, of Number 7 St.Kitts, Arcadia, Harare. His        Silvia Maphosaaged 53,of 619 Southway Prospect, Waterfalls, employed
body was discovered at corner George Silunduka and Simon Muzenda             by the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA),Harare. Her body was
Street. An autopsy was done at Parirenyatwa Hospital which revealed          discovered at the corner of Inez Terrace and Kenneth Kaunda Avenue. The
that death was due to hypovolemic shock following gunshot injuries. He       body was ferried to Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary by the police. An
was single and is survived by a 13 year old daughter.                        autopsy revealed that death was due to hypovolemic shock following gun-
                                                                             shot injuries. She is survived by her husband and adult children. Evi-
                                                                             dence from the family of the deceased was given by her young sister, Mrs.
                                                                             Marian Chidamba and her husband Mr. Thokozani RobertMaphosa.The
                                                                             witnesses indicated that the deceased was not a political activist but a
                                                                             Christian who was caught in the cross fire on her way home from work.

In picture, Ishmael’s Kumire’s wife pays her last respect to her late
husband. Ishmael Kumire aged 41, of number 3 Courtney Street, Bal-
lantyne Park Borrowdale. He was shot at corner Jason Moyo Street and
Cameron Street. His brother-in -law Mr. Ignatius Neshava took him to
Parirenyatwa Hospital where it was pronounced that he had died. An
autopsy revealed that death was due to hypovolemic shock following
gunshot injuries. Ishmael Kumire’s family was represented by Mr. Igna-
                                                                                  In Picture, Mr. Maxwell Tauro, father to Challenge Tauro presenting
tious Neshava, his brother in-law who indicated that he was in the com-
                                                                                  his evidence at the Commission of Inquiry.
pany of the deceased when tragedy struck. It was his evidence that the
deceased was not participating in the riot but was guarding his fruit             Challenge Tauro aged 20, of Chitamba Farm, Mazowe. He was taken
stall from the rioters. He is survived by his wife and four minor children        to Harare Central Hospital on the 1st of August 2018 by unknown
                                                                                  persons. Harare Central Hospital staff transferred him to Parirenyat-
                                  Jealous Chikandira aged 21, residing
                                                                                  wa Hospitalon the same day, where he later died on the 2nd of Au-
                                  at 610 Muzinda New Stands, Hatcliffe.
                                                                                  gust 2018. An autopsy revealed that death was due to hypovolemic
                                  He passed away at the Avenues Clinic
                                                                                  shock following gunshot injuries. Challenge was self employed and
                                  and his body was transferred to
                                                                                  worked from Gulf Complex, popularly known as Market Square.
                                  Parirenyatwa Hospital Mortuary,
                                  where an autopsy revealed that his                                           Brian Zhuwawoaged 26, of 1675 Overspill,
                                  death was due to hypovolemic shock                                           Epworth, Harare. The deceased’s body was
                                  following gunshot injuries. The de-                                          taken by unknown persons to Parirenyatwa
                                  ceased’s family was represented by                                           Hospital Mortuary. An autopsy revealed that
                                  Mr. Simbarashe Chikandira who                                                death was due to hypovolemic shock following
                                  indicated that he was an uncle to the                                        gunshot injuries.Mr. Tineyi Zhuwawo (Pictured
                                  deceased who according to him was a                                          -in blue round neck T-Shirt) represented the
                                  driver and was off duty on the day in                                        deceased’s family. IHe indicated that the
                                  question. He also indicated that the                                         deceased was married and had one minor
                                  deceased was single with no children                                         child who was not yet school going. He ap-
                                                                                                               pealed for support for the surviving spouse
                                                                                                               and the minor child.
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation

Protesters march in the streets of Harare

Angry protesters barricade the main route to Zimbabwe's capital Harare
from Epworth township on January 14 2019 after announced a more than       Protesters sing during a demonstration of Zimbabwean citizens outside
hundred percent hike in fuel prices. Angry protesters barricaded roads     the Zimbabwean Embassy in Pretoria on January 16, 2019, following the
with burning tyres and rocks in Zimbabwe on January 14 after the gov-      announcement of a petrol price hike and the shut down of mobile phone
ernment more than doubled the price of fuel in a bid to improve supplies   and internet networks.
as the country battles its worst gasoline shortages in a decade. Jekesai
NJIKIZANA / AFP (Source: https://www.thesouthafrican.com/

                                                                           Protestors gather on the streets during demonstrations over the hike in
                                                                           fuel prices in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Monday, Jan. 14, 2019. Protesters
                                                                           have blocked roads in some parts in Zimbabwe's second capital after the
                                                                           government more than doubled the price of gasoline.

Angry protesters block the main route to Zimbabwe's capital Harare from
Epworth township on 14 January 2019. Picture: AFP

                                                                           Dozens of chanting, singing Zimbabwe diaspora blocked the entrance of
                                                                           Zimbabwe embassy in London on - Wednesday 23 January 2019 - caus-
Protesters holds placards during a demonstration of Zimbabwean citizens
                                                                           ing the embassy staff to close the doors. Chanting "Stop the violence," the
outside the Zimbabwean Embassy in Windhoek, Namibia on Jan. 21,
                                                                           demonstrators demanded an audience with the ambassador Mr Christian
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
    ‘Learnt Nothing and Forgot Nothing’ from the Monthlante
        Commission of Inquiry: A Look into 2019 Killings
Zimbabwe was further plunged into a humanitarian crisis after protests over economic crisis erupted in most parts of the
country on 14 January 2019. The state responded violently with arms of the security sector unleashing live ammunition
on protestors, followed by dragnet attacks on civilians as well as reports of alleged rape on women. The table is a summary
of the cases that were attended to by a network of humanitarian doctors by 25 January 2019.

To date, a total of 16 people have been reported dead.

                                                                                                               Zimbabwe Youth Alliance
                                                                                                               Director Kumbirai Magorim-
                                                                                                               bo after he was butchered
                                                                                                               by state security agents
                                                                                                               following his abduction.

Tinashe Choto (22), a budding Chitungwiza City foot-           Noah Sahombe (29) was beaten so badly on Sunday 20 January 2019 in Muta-
baller was gunned down by soldiers at the height of            re. He was referred to Mutare General Hospital. However, his condition contin-
                                                               ued to deteriorate and he was transferred to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals
violent protests that rocked the country recently. He is
                                                               where he passed on. He is survived by a 24-year-old wife and two children aged
survived by his wife Varaidzo Chiyanike and a seven
                                                               5 and 3. His death was confirmed by Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Hu-
month old daughter Janel.                                      man Rights acting spokesperson Norman Matara who wrote on social media.

                                              Civilians assist a    22 year old
                                              woman who was
                                              reportedly shot
                                                                    Rixon died at the
                                              during recent pro-
                                              tests over increas-   hands of armed
                                              ing cost of living    soldiers who
                                                                    abducted him in
                                                                    Harare 's Central
                                                                    business district
                                                                    and later tor-
                                                                    tured him lead-
                                                                    ing to his death.
February 2019 - Kubatana.net
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
      Persecution of Civil Society Leaders and Human Rights Defenders

It is regrettable that the government, instead of addressing the deepening economic crisis that has trig-
gered the social unrest, it has resorted to blame shifting and unjustified attacks on civil society leaders
whom it accuses of the chaos. Reports have been received of surveillance of civil society premises, homes
of civil society members, attacks in the media and threats of de-registration by government. The Forum
asserts that the work of civil society particularly human rights defenders is legitimate and must be pro-
tected (Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum)

                                                                           Evan Mawarire (Pictured above) is
                                                                           a Zimbabwean pastor and demo-
                                                                           cratic activist. Mawarire, the found-
                                                                           er of the #ThisFlag social media
                                                                           movement largely credited for or-
                                                                           ganising the 2016 National Shut-
                                                                           down. The state is accusing him of
                                                                           having a hand behind the 2019
                                                                           protests. He was arrested, detained
                                                                           and currently out on bail awaiting

Below are links to media articles on persecution of civil society leaders and human rights defenders.



Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
Zimbabwe's Human Rights Commission says government forces instigated systematic torture of
residents following violent protests over fuel price hike. Although he is yet to implement recom-
mendations by the Monthlante commission, President Emmerson Mnangagwa says necessary
steps will be taken after investigations..

An unidentified men wrestles for his life at Harare health facility after an   An injured man is helped at a private hospital after an alleged assault by a
alleged assault by the military.                                               group of uniformed soldiers in Harare, Zimbabwe. (AP)

An arrested injured man is seen at a hospital following protests in Ha-          A teenager was heavily assaulted by unidentifiable soldiers in Hara-
rare, Zimbabwe, January 16, 2019. (Reuters)                                      re following their deployment in communities.

Following the protests and national shutdown, Zimbabweans found themselves at the mercy of the army which went on a rampage
harassing citizens, abusing and raping women, stealing valuables and beating everyone who comes in contact with them.
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
Following the November 2017 military coup which ousted Robert Mugabe, Zimba-
bwe has been turned into a fully fledged military state with armed soldiers using
brute force against civilians.
Disturbing reports of armed security personnel breaking into private homes of cit-
izens, indiscriminately torturing occupants including children as young as 9 years
old. Residents also reported that in the process, the armed security personnel
looted groceries and money from their victims. These incidencies were rampant
in areas such as Mabvuku, Glen Norah, Highfields, Kuwadzana, Chitungwiza,
Hatcliff, Domboshava, Budiriro, Warren Park and Chinhoyi. The Forum is con-
cerned that the police are working in common purpose with the army and ZANU
PF youth militia in perpetrating these violations (Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum)

Government deploys military to deal with citizens protesting against increasing cost of living. The Security services have been making use
of brutal force against citizens in many parts of the country.

Soldiers take charge of a roadblock as they take over basic police       Soldiers in Harare beat innocent protestors on August 2018 follow-
duties in highly militarised Zimbabwe.                                   ing protests against electoral fraud. The army operation resulted in
                                                                         the death of 6 civilians and more than 400 getting injured.

                                                   Both the army and
                                                   police spokesper-
                                                   sons have surpris-
                                                   ingly rejected evi-
                                                   dence that the
                                                   police and army are
                                                   responsible for
                                                   brutal attacks on
                                                   citizens. They
                                                   blame deserters
                                                   within their ranks.
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
Arbitrary Arrests, Detentions and the Right to Fair Trial

At least 466 people were arrested in unlawful dragnet arrests. Of concern is the denial of access to law-
yers, access to medical treatment, denial of bail, the fast tracking of trials without providing the arrested
an opportunity to adequately prepare for their defence. The Forum condemns the incidences of incom-
municado detentions at military establishments and other illegal places of detention

Some of the first batch of protesters arrive in various courts throughout the country. Most of them were slapped with three years imprison-

Zimbabwe lawyers took to the streets of Harare in protest against militarised judiciary system. The judiciary, under instruction from ZANU PF fast
tracked cases that saw several protesters being sentenced to at 3 years in prison.

                                                          Some of the                                                         Part of the more than
                                                          woman acused of                                                     600 protesters arrested
                                                          looting arrive at                                                   throughout the country
                                                          Harare Magis-                                                       arrive in court.
                                                          trates court for
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
      Cases of Rape and Abuse of Women
Darkness at Noon: Inside Mnangagwa’s New Dispensation
Towards Resolution of the Zimbabwe Crisis
  There is a national consensus across the board                   rather than cosmetic processes.
  that Zimbabwe urgently needs a broad-based in-
  clusive national dialogue. To create a conducive          On the Economy:
  environment and as part of confidence and trust
                                                                   2) It is imperative to arrest the economic
  building in the national dialogue, the Government
                                                                   downturn in Zimbabwe based on a clear
  of Zimbabwe must immediately meet the following
                                                                   reform roadmap and implementation of pro
                                                                   -poor and inclusive economic policies. Ef-
                                                                   forts at economic transformation, stabiliza-
                                                                   tion and growth should be aimed at
          a.       End torture, abductions and en-                 achieving inclusive sustainable economic
          forced disappearances, murder, rape and
                                                                   growth and development.
          maiming civilians by the military, state
          security agents and ruling party vigilante        On Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, Human Rights
          groups                                            and Human Security:
          b.    Decriminalize the work of civic socie-             3) The Government of Zimbabwe must up-
          ty and end the continued persecution and                 hold and guarantee citizens’ rights as en-
          arbitrary arrests of civic society leaders               shrined in the Zimbabwean Constitution
          c.     Ensure that peace and human secu-                 and other regional and international hu-
          rity prevails to allow for all stakeholder to            man rights treaties and statutes. Full im-
          freely express their views on the national               plementation of the country’s constitution
          dialogue process                                         is equally important in promoting democ-
                                                                   racy in Zimbabwe.
          d.    Release of all political prisoners and
          return Zimbabwe to the rule of law                       4) The Government of Zimbabwe must re-
                                                                   spect the fundamental right of access to
          e.       The attack on Chapter 12 institu-               information, freedom of expression as well
          tions must seize and independent constitu-               as freedom of association.
          tional bodies allowed to discharge their
          mandate without undue interference from                  5) There is need to immediately operation-
          the state and other conflicted parties                   alize a comprehensive programme on na-
                                                                   tional healing, reconciliation and nation
          f.      Promote fair media coverage for all
                                                                   building that will depolarize society and
          stakeholders and allow divergent views to
                                                                   entrench the respect for diversity, inclu-
          be shared on all media platforms. Toler-
          ance to divergence is the hallmark of en-                sion and tolerance in all facets of life.
          riching the national dialogue process                    6) The army must desist from partisan pol-
                                                                   itics and confide themselves to the bar-
                                                                   racks. There is an imperative need to de-
  Addressing the Zimbabwean crisis implies address-                militarize the Zimbabwean state.
  ing the concerns of the ordinary citizens who have
  had to bear the brutal effects of an economic melt-              7) There is need for non-interference into
  down stemming from a constitutional and legitima-                the work of institutions that support de-
  cy crisis.                                                       mocracy. This again calls for full imple-
                                                                   mentation and respect of the country’s
                                                                   constitution. Also, government must not be
  National Dialogue should consider focusing but                   seen to be criminalizing the work of civic
  not limited to the following:                                    society organizations.

                                                                   8) CiZC holds the firm view that implemen-
                                                                   tation of electoral reforms is critical as a
  On the process:                                                  way of doing away with disputed elections
                                                                   that often result in a legitimacy crisis
                                                                   which comes with negative impacts on de-
          1) It is our conviction that the national dia-           mocracy and economic development
          logue process must involve all stakeholders
          and should be hinged on a national vision-
          ing process that has civil society, govern-
          ment, political parties, business, religious
          groups and labour unions among other
          critical stakeholders. The dialogue process
          should produce a clearly timed roadmap to
          the demilitarisation of civilian political pro-
          cesses and the restoration of normalcy by
          focusing on key political, economic and
          social reforms. In this regard, we call for
          FULL CONSULTATION of all stakeholders
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