BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022

Page created by Keith Taylor
BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
February 1-28, 2022
Each year in February, Canadians
celebrate Black History Month, an
opportunity to further understand
Black histories, going beyond stories of
racism and slavery to spotlight Black

The theme of this year’s Black History
Month is February and Forever:
Celebrating Black History today and
every day. It is a reminder that Black
contributions to Canadian life are
ongoing and should be recognized
throughout the year.

TD Centre is pleased to take part in this
celebration by sharing a variety of mostly
Canadian books, entertainment and
information that authentically reflect
and celebrate the rich history and
cultures of Black Canadians.

BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
B       L      A      C       K           H      I        S    T     O                    R                    Y                                   M                     O                 N                    T    H

Jorian Charlton:
Out of Many
AGO December 18, 2021
– April 18, 2022
In 2017, Toronto-based
photographer Jorian
Charlton received a
collection of 35mm slides
from her father for safe-
keeping: photographs from         Fragments of Epic
Jamaica, New York and             Memory
Toronto from the late 1970s       AGO September 1, 2021
to the late ‘80s. Charlton’s      – February 21, 2022
own portraits are paired          (multiple artists)
with her father’s slides,         The first exhibition from the
creating a visual dialogue        AGO’s new Department
across generations.               of Arts of Global Africa
                                  and the Diaspora presents
                                  more than 200 Caribbean
                                  photographs alongside            DID YOU KNOW?
                                  paintings, sculptures, and
                                  video works by modern                                                                                                             In 2004, TD Centre’s
                                  and contemporary                                                                                                                  Courtyard was officially
                                  Caribbean artists.                                                                                                                named Oscar Peterson
                                                                                                                                                                    Place, in honour of the
                                  Find the works of Black
                                  and other artists near you                                                                                                        Canadian Jazz legend.
                                  through ArtworxTO.
                                                                                                                                         photo by Matt Micucci

    Get outside and find the works of these Black artists on Toronto’s streets.
                                                                                                                                                          St. E.

    1   Within the Folds (Dialogue I) Thomas J Price.

                                                                                                         St. W

        AGO, Dundas and McCaul (outdoors) (British artist)                                       Bloor
                                                                                                                                       Bay S

                                                                                                                                                                                           t. E.

                                                                                                                                                                                      ley S



        Untitled, by portrait photographer Jorian Charlton
                                                                                                                                  n’s P

                                                                                                                                                                                         n St.
        330 Bay Street                                                      t.                                                                                                    Carlto
                                                                       ord S
                                                                                                    St. G


                                                                                                                                   rk Cr.

                                                                                                                                                                                            rd St.


    3   Generally Speaking by Nina Chanel Abney

        29 Bellair Street / Yorkville (American artist)                                                                                                                                            as St.
                                                                              ge St.                                                                                                       Dund


                                                                                                                          ll St.

                                                                                                               rley S


        Untitled by Elicser (Jabari Elliot)
                                                                                                  ina A

                                                                                                                                                                                                   n St.


                                                                                                                                                          Bay S

                                                                                                                                                                                                             t. E.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      ond S

                                                                    rst St.


                                                                                                                                                                                              Ric h
        277 Queen Street West                                                                                                                                                                               St. E.

                                                                                            W.                                                                                                            e
                                                                                   as St.                                                                                                      Adela

                                                                                                                                                                                                        St. E.

        Several outdoor pieces throughout Toronto                                                                                                                                                King
                                                                                                                                                                                                           St. E.
                                                                                                                                t. W.                                                              Fro t
                                                                                                                                                                                                       n                                                                     n St.
                                                                                                                           ond S
                                                                                                                                                             St. W
                                                                                       Quee                                                          King
BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
B     L        A    C      K              H       I     S     T      O       R        Y         M      O      N        T    H

by Black Authors

What Storm, What Thunder                      Disorientation: Being Black
Myriam J A Chancy                             in the World                                DID YOU KNOW?
Follows the inner lives of several            Ian Williams
characters after a 7.0 magnitude              Bestselling Scotiabank Giller Award         American historian Carter G.
earthquake shakes the capital of              winner Ian Williams examines race           Woodson started what became
Haiti, Port-au-Prince.                        and racism in startling, illuminating       Black History Month in 1926 with a
                                              essays that grow out of his own             week that focused on celebrating
                                              experience as a Black man moving            the accomplishments of African
KNew Me: 10 Men•10 Stories                                                                Americans. Woodson chose
                                              through the world.
of Perseverance                                                                           February because it includes the
Multiple Authors                                                                          birthdays of Frederick Douglass and
Ten inspiring stories by men who got          As We Rise: Photography                     Abraham Lincoln who were both
knocked down but didn’t stay down.            from the Black Atlantic:                    key figures in the emancipation of
The authors come from different               Selections from the Wedge                   enslaved Blacks.
backgrounds with important stories            Collection
to help men and boys break through            Dr. Kenneth Montague (Wedge
barriers and step into their greatness.       Collection), Teju Cole, Dr. Mark Sealy,     WE RECOMMEND…
                                              Liz Ikiriko
Black Food                                                                                A Different Booklist
                                              An exciting compilation of more than
Bryant Terry                                  one hundred works by Black artists          Bookstore
                                              from Canada and the global African
Named one of the best cookbooks
of 2021 by multiple reviewers, this           diaspora, as well as artists on the         A Canadian, independent,
ground-breaking cookbook explores             African continent. This book provides       multicultural bookstore specializing
Black food within America and                 a timely exploration of Black identity      in books from the African Caribbean
around the world.                             on both sides of the Atlantic.              Diaspora and the Global South.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
B      L     A      C       K              H       I     S      T        O         R        Y          M        O     N      T     H

for Little Readers

Meet Viola Desmond
(AGES 6-10)
Elizabeth Macleod
Introduce your children to the woman
on Canada’s 10 dollar bill in this story
of the Nova Scotian businesswoman
who stood up for her right to be in
the Whites-only section of a New
Glasgow movie theatre

My Hair is Beautiful
(AGES 0-3)
Shauntay Grant
Natural, knotty, fluffy, frizzy,               A is for Activist                                Malaika’s Winter Carnival
twisted, tangled, pony, puffed! A              (AGES 0-3+)                                      (AGES 3-7)
celebration of natural hair, from              Innosanto Nagara                                 Irene Luxbacher and Nadia L. Hohn
afros to cornrows and everything in            Great for toddlers and preschoolers,             Malaika is happy to be reunited with
between, My Hair is Beautiful is a             this alphabet board book teaches                 her mother, but it means moving to
joyful board book with a powerful              readers about ways to take action,               cold Québec City, where no one
message of self-love.                          ask questions and stand up for                   understands when she speaks and
                                               everyone in the community.                       Carnival is nothing like the Caribbean
The Kids Book of Black                                                                          celebration Malaika knows. Will she
Canadian History                               Oscar Lives Next Door                            be able to adjust to her new family
(AGES 8-12)                                    (AGES 4-8)                                       and environment?
Rosemary Sadlier                               Bonnie Farmer
This award-winning book helps                  Inspired by Oscar Peterson’s                     Let’s Talk About Race
give children insight into what Black          childhood, this book imagines what               (AGES 4-8)
Canadians have experienced and                 the multi-instrumental musician’s                Julius Lester
how they have helped shape this                young life was like through the eyes of          This book takes children through
country.                                       a fictional friend and neighbour, Millie.        a journey to understand that there
                                                                                                is more to people than their race.
                                                                                                While it’s important to understand
DID YOU KNOW?                                                                                   that people have many different
                                                                                                skin tones, it’s also essential to
TD Centre’s architect Mies van
                                                                                                understand our similarities and push
der Rohe also designed the Martin
                                                                                                past biases and stereotypes.
Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in
Washington, DC.
                                                                 photo by Masaki Matsubayashi
BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
B      L     A      C      K           H      I       S        T        O   R      Y           M       O      N      T        H

MUST-WATCH TV                                                               Also on the
This Month                                                                  SMALL SCREEN
This month, two Black-led Canadian
productions will premiere:                                                      National Champions – In this feature
                                                                            film, LeMarcus James (Stephan James) is a
    BLK: An Origin Story is a four-part docuseries                          college football star who ignites a players’ strike
that airs on HISTORY on February 26, examining the deep                     three days before the national championship
historic impact of Black presence in Canada dating back                     game with a demand that all student-athletes
to 1608.                                                                    be fairly compensated. Available on-demand on
                                                                            various streaming platforms.
    The Porter premieres on February 21 on CBC and
CBC Gem. It follows the lives of railway workers in post-first                 Learn to Swim debuted at the 2021
World War Canada and the United States as they give rise                    Toronto International Film Festival. This movie
to the world’s first Black union.                                           charts the stormy romance between two very
                                                                            different contemporary jazz musicians.

                                                                               Subjects of Desire is a documentary
                                                                            that explores popular beauty narratives
                                                                            regarding Black women, their impact and how
                                                                            to support change.

                                            photo by CBC Media Centre

                                                                                        D I D YO U K N OW ?
                                                                                        In the history of Canada, only four
                                                                                        TV drama series made by and
                                                                                        about Black Canadians have made
                                                                                        it to air. The newly created Black
                                                                                        Screen Office is working to increase
                                                                                        authentic Black representation on
                                                                                        Canadian screens.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
B     L      A      C      K          H       I    S      T     O      R         Y         M      O     N     T     H


    THE DRIP with Kurtis                     BLACK TEA with Dalton                     CODE SWITCH
    Vermont and Patience                     Higgins and Melayna                     Explores with humour and empathy
    Adamu                                    Williams                                how race affects every part of
A weekly podcast about the Black          Discusses pop culture, politics, and       society.
millennial experience, covering pop       the Black experience in a funny and
culture, newsworthy stories and           informative way.
Canadian politics during a racial
                                                                                     DID YOU KNOW?
                                             with Coco + Friends
                                          Become a part of the wild
DID YOU KNOW?                             conversations—from business to
                                          dating to fertility—that women have
                                          with their friends.

                                             THE SECRET LIFE OF
                                          Leah-Simone Bowen and Falen                William Peyton Hubbard, the son
                                          Johnson talk about a variety of            of refugee American slaves, co-
                                          noteworthy Canadians, places, and          founded the first publicly-owned
 In 1953, Violet King became              historical moments that you never —        hydroelectric company with Adam
 the first Black female lawyer in         but definitely should have — heard         Beck. That company is now known
 Canadian history.                        about in school.                           as Hydro One.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022 BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022 BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022 BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 1-28, 2022
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